Catholic Connection January 2014

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Vol. 23, No. 6 January 2014

The Church at Home


Open to


January 2014 1

Calling Catholics Home Publisher Bishop Michael G. Duca Editor Jessica Rinaudo Contributors Brandy Boudreau Bishop Michael Duca Kim Long Fr. Matthew Long Theresa Mormino Fr. Rothell Price Dianne Rachal

Jessica Rinaudo Rosalba Quiroz Katie Sciba Sr. Carol Shively Randy Tiller Mike Van Vranken John Mark Willcox

Editorial Board Kim Long Fr. Matthew Long Kelly Phelan Powell Dianne Rachal Christine Rivers Mike Whitehead John Mark Willcox Mission Statement The Catholic Connection is a monthly publication funded by your Diocesan Service Appeal; mailed to every known Catholic household in the Diocese of Shreveport. Our Mission is to advance knowledge and understanding of our Catholic Faith among the faithful. We seek to foster the application of Christ’s teachings and our Church’s mission in our daily lives and to encourage our sense of Catholic identity within our family, parish, and diocesan faith community. Subscriptions & Address Changes Contact: Jessica Rinaudo, Editor Email: Write: Catholic Connection 3500 Fairfield Avenue Shreveport, LA 71104 Call: 318-868-4441 Fax: 318-868-4609 Website:

The Catholic Connection is a member of the Catholic Press Association.

The Diocese of Shreveport complies with Virtus’s Protecting God’s Children program. Classes are offered every second Wednesday of the month at the Catholic Center in Shreveport. To report child sexual abuse by a cleric or church worker in the Diocese of Shreveport, call Glennda Lawson. Hotline is 318-294-1031 and your local law enforcement agency.

2 Catholic Connection


uring the 2014 Lenten season, parishes throughout the diocese are taking the opportunity to welcome back those who were “once Catholic” through the program “Calling Catholics Home.” If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church for a while, this invitation is for you. Our faith community misses you and is incomplete without you. No matter how long you have been away, and for whatever reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church. Please join us for informal sessions and an update of the Catholic faith. The sessions are conducted in a support-group format with speakers including local lay people, priests, deacons and Bishop Michael Duca. Everyone is welcome. Please keep this program in mind while visiting with friends and family who might be fallen away Catholics. This six week program will take place at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans Parish Hall, located at 939 Jordan Street in Shreveport, on Wednesdays, February 26 - April 2, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. For more information, contact Jane at St. Joseph Church in Shreveport at 318-865-3581, or go to

bishop’s january calendar JAN 1 Mass; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Shreveport; 9:30 a.m. JAN 4 Annual Mardi Gras Mass; St. Pius X Church, Shreveport; 9:00 a.m.

JAN 23 Loyola College Prep Board of Trustees meeting; Loyola College Prep, Shreveport; 5:00 p.m.

JAN 5-9 Region V Bishops’ Retreat, Christian Life Center at St. Joseph Abbey, St. Benedict, Louisiana

JAN 25 Marriage & Family Life Conference; Catholic Center, Shreveport; 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

JAN 11 Diaconate Ordination: Keith Garvin; Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport; 10:00 a.m.

Louisiana Right to Life March; ShreveportBossier City Mass; Catholic Center Chapel, Shreveport; 5:30 p.m.

JAN 13 Presbyteral Council Meeting; Catholic Center, Shreveport; 1:00 p.m.

JAN 26 Confirmation; Little Flower of Jesus Church, Monroe; 9:00 a.m.

JAN 16 Dallas Vocation Guild Mass; St. Monica Catholic Church, Dallas; 11:30 a.m.

Deacon Formation Session; St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Ruston; 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

JAN 20 Seminarian Tea; Home of Dr. William C. & Allison Cook, Shreveport; 2:00 p.m.

JAN 27 All Schools Mass; St. Frederick High School, Monroe; 9:00 a.m.

JAN 21 Catholic Charities Founding Members Cocktail Party; Home of Dr. Anil & Laura Nanda, Shreveport; 5:30 p.m. JAN 22 Investment Committee meeting; Catholic Center; 10:00 a.m. St. Frederick High School Council meeting; St. Frederick High School, Monroe; 6:00 p.m.

JAN 28 Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops’ meeting; Baton Rouge; 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. JAN 29 Episcopal Ordination & Installation Mass of Bishop Elect Michael Olsen; Fort Worth Convention Center, Dallas; 2:00 p.m.


january 2014

columns Strive for Perfect Goals This New Year by Bishop Michael G. Duca........................................................................................... 4-5 Mike’s Meditations: I Need More Hours in the Day by Mike Van Vranken..........6 Second Collections: Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools by Fr. Rothell Price .....................................................................................................6 Domestic Church: I Finally "Get" Joy in Suffering by Katie Sciba............................ 7 The Saints on Suffering by Katie Sciba ....................................................................7 Pro-Life News: Louisiana Life March .....................................................................8


Moveable Feast: A Family Tradition by Kim Long..................................................8 Navigating the Faith: Intercessory Prayer by Dianne Rachal................................9 Catholic Schools Week by Sr. Carol Shively.............................................................10 School News ...........................................................................................................11

features The Church at Home: Forever Open to Life by Katie Sciba .......................................................................................................... 12-13


news St. Frederick High School Football Headed to the Dome by Fr. Matthew Long..................................................................................................14 Catholic Charities' Volunteers Essential to Programs

by Theresa Mormino...................................................................................................14

Seminarians Accepted as Candidates for Holy Orders by Fr. Matthew Long....15 Golf or God? Diocese Welcomes New Seminarian by Fr. Matthew Long & Jessica Rinaudo.....................................................................15 The Fourth Annual Bishop's Pro-Life Banquet by Christine Rivers .........................16


Two Dedicated Priests Received Papal Blessing by Randy Tiller .........................16 Hispanic Corner by Rosalba Quiroz ........................................................................17 Signed. Sealed. Delivered: Youth Attend NCYC by Brandy Boudreau................18 Across the Globe by USCCB....................................................................................19 U.S. Bishops' Justice and Peace Committees Join Pope Francis' Global Anti-Hunger Campaign; Kurtz Applauds Pope's Decision to Establish Commission for Protection of Minors

Vatican News and Notes by Vatican Information Services ....................................19 Around the Diocese ...............................................................................................20 Greco Institute for Adult Faith Formation Spring Offerings ................................21 Upcoming Events....................................................................................................22


January Calendar ..................................................................................................23 Picture of the Month by Manuel Quiroz..................................................................24 January 2014 3

LA REFLEXIÓN del obispo

por Obispo Michael G. Duca

Esforzarse Por Alcanzar Metas Perfectas Este Nuevo Año


uando reciban este volumen de la revista Catholic Connection, supongo que ya estarán practicando sus resoluciones de Año Nuevo. Hacer cambios es algo difícil porque con frecuencia comenzamos muy bien, pero al final nos damos por vencidos porque nos damos cuenta de que tan difícil es hacer cambio en nuestras vidas. Regresamos a los hábitos viejos porque no fuimos fuertes en nuestra resolución. Y aun así los mensajes del Evangelio nos llaman a la conversión y al cambio como una manera de regresar a dar forma a nuestras vidas para que al final podamos ser imagen y semejanza de Jesucristo. Intentamos continuamente, y debemos tratar de alinear nuestras vidas con la enseñanza de la Iglesia ya que ella nos enseña lo que significa amar y ser un discípulo de Jesucristo. Si no hacemos esta lucha de cambio una parte central de nuestra fe Cristiana, ¿Cómo podremos tener éxito en formar nuestras vidas como San Pablo nos dice, para que podamos “tener la mentalidad de Cristo?” Les propongo unas sugerencias basadas en algunos pasajes de las Escrituras que pueden ayudarnos a guiar nuestras decisiones. En el Evangelio escuchamos, “Sean ustedes perfectos como su Padre celestial es perfecto.” (Mateo 5:48) aunque este pasaje pueda parecer que pone la barra muy alta, bueno más bien, imposiblemente alta, es un buen lugar para empezar. La verdad es, y lo sabemos en el fondo del corazón, que nunca seremos perfectos como Dios es perfecto. Eso no significa que la meta perfecta sea equivocada o que no deberíamos tener nuestra esperanza en alto. La meta que guía nuestro cambio es tan importante como el 4 Catholic Connection

mal hábito o acción que queremos cambiar. De hecho, esta meta debería ser lo que consideramos primero porque en nuestro esfuerzo por un ideal en particular debemos formar primero la meta sobre la persona que queremos llegar a ser. Si nuestro deseo de perder peso es más bien por vanidad, por ejemplo, entre más nos esforcemos para alcanzar nuestra meta, más en vano será nuestro esfuerzo. Deberíamos siempre buscar una meta más alta que refleje el ideal perfecto que Dios nos ha dado en el ejemplo de Jesús, el cual descubrimos en nuestra vida espiritual por medio de reflexión, de oración en el testimonio de Jesucristo, de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia y del entendimiento que tenemos de las Sagradas Escrituras. Esos ideales nos guían y, aunque nunca seremos perfectos, nos ayudan a continuar buscando la perfección porque esos son los valores que darán forma a nuestras vidas de una manera correcta. Deberíamos entender que nos seremos virtuosos no alcanzando la meta perfectamente, sino buscando la santidad. Las palabras de Santiago van un poco más profundo en este misterio de la conversión: “procuren que esa fortaleza los lleve a la perfección, a la madurez plena, sin que les falte nada.” Santiago 1:4. San Pablo lo dice de un punto de vista diferente: “He peleado la buena batalla, he llegado al término de la carrera, me he mantenido fiel.” (2 Timoteo 4:7) Ya teniendo el ideal espiritual que nos guiará, es importante continuar tratando de alcanzar nuestra meta. Primero, siendo honestos. Para hacer un verdadero cambio no necesitamos decir que vamos a llegar a nuestra meta rápido. Para llegar a un cambio

serio en nuestras vidas, hablamos más bien como de un maratón que por lo regular toma mucho tiempo. Como el apóstol Santiago nos dice, nuestra “perseverancia debe ser perfecta.” Debemos poner nuestro énfasis no en ser perfectos, sino en la gracia de Dios. Para que al examinar cada día cómo estamos, debemos aceptar que no se trata de que tan perfectos somos en alcanzar nuestras metas, sino en que tan perfectamente continuamos comenzando una y otra vez buscando la mente y el corazón de Cristo en nuestras vidas y pedimos que nos ayude la gracia de Dios. Después de todo se trata más de fidelidad que de perfección. Por eso, si ya comenzaron su resolución de Año Nuevo y ya la rompieron –como fumar un cigarro, tomar de mas, echar a perder su dieta– la respuesta no es darse por vencidos y decir “bueno, ya fallé este año, así que ya no tengo que empezar otra vez hasta el próximo año,” más bien digan simplemente, “fallé ayer, pero hoy comienzo otra vez.” Lo que nos lleva a crecer en virtud es la fiel decisión de levantar nuestra cruz cada día y seguir a Jesucristo. Mi humilde y último consejo es que deberíamos comenzar por hacer los cambios pequeños, excepto cuando hay pecado serio. Si alguna de nuestras necesidades espirituales es cambiar nuestra manera de ser y evitar pecados serios, debemos hacer una pausa no importa que tan grande sea el compromiso y depender de la misericordia y amor de Dios que nos dará lo que necesitamos. En otras áreas de nuestras vidas deberíamos realmente tomar pasos pequeños. Una de las cosas que con frecuencia intentamos hacer es cambiar toda nuestra vida en un solo paso. Cambiar nuestra vida significa cambiar más de un acto pequeño de comportamiento. Un compromiso pequeño hecho fielmente tendrá el efecto de hacer grandes cambios en nuestras vidas y nos llevará a una revelación espiritual más profunda. Es mi oración que este Nuevo Año será un tiempo de conversión y de cambio santo en sus vidas. Que podamos decir que este fue un buen año, un año de gracia y conversión.

bishop’s reflection

by Bishop Michael G. Duca

Strive for Perfect Goals This New Year


s you receive this Catholic Connection, I suppose we are all well into our New Year’s resolutions. Changes are tricky things because we often have a strong beginning, but in the end give up because we realize how hard it is to change. We give in to the old ways because we were not perfect in our resolve. And yet the Gospel messages call us to conversion Bishop Duca and change as a means of reshaping of our lives ultimately in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. We are continually trying, and should be trying, to conform our lives with the teaching of the Church as it reflects what it means to love and to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. So if this is so central to our Christian faith, how can we be more successful in shaping our lives, as St. Paul says, so that we might “take on the mind of Christ?” I have a few suggestions that might guide our decisions based on a few passages of scripture. In the Gospel we hear, “so be perfect just as your heavenly father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) While this passage may seem to put the achievement bar fairly high, okay, impossibly high, it is a good place to start. The truth is, and we know this deep in our hearts, that we will never be perfect as God is perfect. But that doesn’t mean that the perfect goal is wrong or that we should not set our hopes high. The goal that guides our change is as important as the bad habit or action we want to change. In fact, this goal should be the first consideration because in our striving for a particular ideal we are shaping the person we are becoming. If our desire to lose weight is really about vanity, for example, the more we strive to reach our goal the more vain we will become. We should always seek a higher goal

that reflects the perfect ideal that God has given us in the example of Jesus, which we discover in our spiritual lives through prayerful reflection on the witness of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Church and the understanding we have of the scriptures. Those ideals guide us and, even though we will never be perfect, we keep striving for perfection because these are the values that will rightly shape our lives. We should understand that we become virtuous not in achieving the goal perfectly, but in the striving for holiness. The words of St. James take us a little deeper into this mystery of conversion: “and let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and completely lacking in nothing.” James 1:4 Saint Paul says from a different point of view: “I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) Once we have the spiritual ideal that will guide us, it is important to keep trying to reach our goal. First, be honest. To make a real change we are not talking about a sprint to the finish as in a quick race. We are talking more like a marathon because it will usually take a long time to affect a serious change in our lives. As St. James says, our “perseverance should be perfect.” We must put our emphasis not on being perfect, but on the grace of God. So each day as we examine how we are doing, we should accept that each day it is not about how perfect we are in achieving our goals, but how perfectly we continue to begin over and over again to seek the mind and the heart of Christ in our lives and call upon the grace of God to help us.

In the end it is more about faithfulness than perfection. And so if you have begun your New Year’s resolution and you have already blown it – smoked a cigarette, had too much drink or cheated on your diet – the answer is not to give up and say, “well, I blew it this year, so I won’t have to start again until next year,” but rather to simply say, “I blew it yesterday, but today I begin again.” It is that faithful decision each day to pick up our cross and to follow Christ which causes us to grow in virtue. My last humble insight is that we should take small changes except where serious sin is involved. If our spiritual need is to change our behavior and avoid serious sin, then we must make a complete break no matter how big the commitment is and depend on the mercy and love of God who will provide what we need. In other areas of our lives we should take

really small steps. One of the things we often try to do is change our whole life at once. To change our life means to change more than one little behavior. A small commitment done faithfully will often have the effect of making big changes in our lives and lead us to deep spiritual insights. It is my prayer that this New Year will be a time of conversion and holy change in your life. May we say next year that this was a good year, a year of grace and conversion. January 2014 5

mike’s meditations

by Mike Van Vranken

second collection

I Need More Hours In The Day second collections

What does Jesus want us to do with our day? Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools


recently caught myself verbalizing the excuse: “I don’t have enough time.” I had surmised there were not enough hours to complete a certain project. I immediately heard from the Holy Spirit within me. God put the thought in my heart that He created the 24-hour cycle we call a day to give us the perfect amount of time to eat, sleep, develop relationships and complete any task He would give us for any particular day. In other words, humans would not be able to handle any more than those 24 hours each day. So, why are we always asking for more? There is an entire industry that offers solutions for “time management.” And, while some of those strategies and tools may be helpful, they are absolutely useless unless Jesus is at the center of our decision making process. Every time we are faced with a new opportunity to add something to our schedule, rather than using an online tool to assist us, we would be more blessed to ask Jesus if this is something he wants us to pursue. If it is, we should be obedient and do it. If not, we should decline. It sounds simple, and it really is. You see if our daily agenda is created based on our own ability to make decisions, we will make many mistakes. If we accept new responsibilities and obligations based only on the blank spots on our calendar, we will eventually allow time to become a false god. The illusion of “free time” will become our guide. But, if we go to the Savior for every decision, and listen to his advice, we will find there is plenty of time each day to do what he asks. Consider this as a New Year’s Resolution: Every evening of this year, let’s spend time with Jesus asking what he wants us to do the next day. Then, be submissive to his will and do only what he tells you. We will experience less stress as we turn all our decisions over to him. “Cast all your cares on him, for he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) After a few weeks, we will determine who is Lord over our calendars. Will it be Father God, or will it be Father Time? Mike has a teaching ministry (www.mikevanvrankenministries. org) and serves as an adjunct professor for the Diocese of Shreveport’s Greco Institute. 6 Catholic Connection

Collection Dates: January 25th & 26th Announcement Dates: January 12th & 19th


e begin this year doing for our eternal God what He has consistently done for us: be charitable, generous and gracious. The first special collection of the new calendar year is for our diocesan Catholic schools. Our Catholic schools bring to mind the holy home and school of Nazareth. The Blessed Virgin Mary and the saintly Joseph were the first teachers of their child, Jesus, in the ways of faith. They proved themselves to be the BEST of teachers as evidenced by the faith, ministry and saving passion of our Lord. Parents, teachers and other caring adults, like Mary and Joseph, welcome children, youth and young adults as gifts from God the Father. Our participation in the Diocesan Catholic Schools Collection allows us to begin our acts of divinely inspired charity within our own ecclesiastical house. This collection makes possible what would be very difficult or impossible for a great many children and their parents. Our Christ-like generosity is a great gift and witness to our love for the Lord Jesus and our children, whether we have children or not, whether they are minors or have reached adulthood. Our Catholic educators embrace them in the great work of Catholic education and Catholic Schools. Catholic educators and school support staff are like the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph – they too give love, guidance, inspiration and purpose to those entrusted to their care. These memorable men and women hand on our Catholic faith. They nurture and fan into flame our children’s love of the Lord Jesus, reverence for the House of God, and service to others in the name of our charitable God. Catholic education is directed toward our children’s eternal salvation, and secondly toward their success on earth. The order is important: salvation first, knowledge second. I invite you to be exceptionally generous to our Second Collection for the Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools the weekend of January 25 and 26. In the spirit of our Louisiana culture and heritage, I invite you to bring forth some “lagniappe.” Please remember our Catholic educators, support staff and children during Catholic Schools Week, January 26th – 31st. In addition to your participation in this special collection, do a “little something extra” for them that expresses your gratitude to our educators and your love for our children. A thank you card or other token of gratitude and love means a lot. Thank you for ALL you do throughout the year to financially support this apostolic work of the Church at home and abroad. Fr. Rothell Price, Vicar General, is the Director of Special Collections.

domestic church

by Katie Sciba

I Finally "Get" Joy in Suffering Finding the light when the world is crashing down around you Originally published on October 4, 2012.


he idea of joy in suffering is hard to swallow and I�ve wrestled with it for years. It�s a challenge that goes beyond emotions and requires a huge effort of the will; it calls for understanding that we can imitate Christ in a more specific way, humbly offering our crosses to God to glorify Him. To be straightforward, the view from my family�s window is gray these days. Though life contains typical stresses, the most prominent are that my husband Andrew�s grandmother recently passed and my dad has terminal cancer that is quickly advancing. Both of these things really hit hard early last week; and it�s been emotionally draining to the point that I have to remind myself to keep functioning, keep doing laundry, keep cooking. Honestly though, I wish the world would pause so we could all catch our breath and regain strength. Suffering is undeniably present and we�re trying to keep our heads above water. I had a doctor�s appointment yesterday to see how our unborn baby is doing. No ultrasound planned, but my doctor used a monitor to feel for the baby and catch the heartbeat. I heard the soft, quick rhythm and, I confess, a few seconds was good enough for me. I was ready to get on with planning my next visit; but holding the monitor to my bump, my doctor lingered for a while, almost forcing me to relish in my baby�s life. For those 30 seconds I checked out of the gray and felt a lovely brightness and hope. It really was neat being silently encouraged to treasure

the sound and the moment. When we wrapped up our visit he asked if we want to know what we�re having and I assumed we�d find out in a month. “Nah,” he smiled, “Let�s find out next week! Let�s see who�s in there.” My breath caught in my chest and an immediate sense of giddiness overwhelmed me. YAY! NEXT WEEK. God�s plan is perfect and our baby�s life came at just the right time. I want this little one to know that from the very start, he or she was wanted, loved and excitedly anticipated; that the novelty of pregnancy and having kids in our family doesn�t wear off. Today I realized that in the midst of sorrow and trial, God has given us a source of great joy and I want to magnify it as much as possible. Joy in suffering does involve drawing oneself closer to Christ in His Passion and Death. It involves hoping in God�s will, knowing that He allows all suffering ultimately for some particular good. It is joyfully accepting that His Plan is hands-down, the best for us and though there are thorns, the roses are abundant and full. What are even the littlest bits of happiness or peace amid your suffering? It�s so easy to identify and focus on trials and write off the joys as being lesser; but I encourage you to identify the blooms on your own thorny path and grasp that they are signs of God�s upholding grace. “Oh, I fear nothing; if God sends such great suffering to a soul. He upholds it with an even greater grace, although we are not aware of it.” -St. Faustina Katie Sciba is the author of She lives in Shreveport with her husband, Andrew, and three sons, Liam,Thomas & Peter.

The Saints on Suffering When looking for support in trials, look to the saints - that heavenly gathering of ordinary people with extraordinary love for Christ. Sinners like everyone else, they had their own sufferings, but by embracing God’s call they WON and now behold the face of God. Use their wisdom as inspiration while you’re walking the straight and narrow.

St. Ignatius Loyola If God gives you an abundant harvest of trials, it is a sign of great holiness which He desires you to attain.

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

He who wishes to love God does not truly love Him if he has not an ardent and constant desire to suffer for His sake.

St. Thomas Aquinas

If you seek patience, you will find no better example than the cross.

St. Faustina

Oh, I fear nothing; if God sends such great suffering to a soul. He upholds it with an even greater grace, although we are not aware of it.

St. Vincent de Paul

If we only knew the precious treasure hidden in infirmities, we would receive them with the same joy with which we receive the greatest benefits.

January 2014 7

pro-life news

moveable feast

Louisiana Life March

A Family Tradition


hat is the Louisiana Life March (LLM) North? The LLM North is a chance for the citizens of Shreveport, Bossier City, Ruston, Monroe, Natchioches and all of North Louisiana to stand together for an abortion-free Louisiana. The event will be on January 25 and consist of a historic march from Bossier City�s “Louisiana Boardwalk” across the Texas Street Bridge to a gathering in Shreveport�s Festival Plaza. At Festival Plaza, nationally-known speakers and local music groups will lead prayer and presentation. After the gathering, a “Life Ministry Mobilization” area will plug you into all the pro-life efforts in your communities. Why “4,003 Lives Too Many”? In 2012, 4,003 abortions were performed at the two abortion facilities in Caddo and Bossier parishes, making the combination of Shreveport and Bossier City the “abortion capital” of Louisiana. In 2012, 9,225 abortions were performed in Louisiana. The LLM North is the beginning of an effort to save these lives by motivating the faith community to reach out in service and education. Event Details / Answers to FAQ Gather by 9:45 a.m. at the North Lot of the Bossier City Boardwalk. The March will commence at 10:00 a.m. after opening prayer, music and remarks, head across the Texas Street Bridge, and end at the Festival Plaza where the program will continue. The march from the Boardwalk to Festival Plaza is 1.2 miles. For those who cannot make the march, please gather at Festival Plaza. Limited transportation will be available to return people from Festival Plaza to the north lot of the Boardwalk. For more information, call the Shreveport office at 318-300-3533. You can also request promotional materials to be sent to your church or group. 8 Catholic Connection

by Kim Long


e follow many kinds of instructions in our daily lives: taking notes from sacred scripture or inspirational readings and stories of great people or the wise counsel of a trusted friend, all the way down to our GPS systems. But have you ever considered that we are also taking instruction when we follow a recipe? Many Christmases ago I received a blank spiral bound book whose cover announced to me that here in my hands rested my own “Family Cookbook.” In other words, I was to write my own. I still have it and was given a second volume not long ago by a different relative. Both are nearly full. They, not Martha Stewart or Nigella Lawson, are often my first choices when rummaging for something a bit different. My mother, grandmother and my beloved aunt are my mentors at this time of year when the Thanksgiving/Advent/Christmas holiday cooking marathon is behind me. And while it�s true that Mardi Gras is leading us toward Lent, we can take, if not quite a break from the kitchen, then a respite from the heavy turkey/ham/roast beef meals of previous weeks. We cast our eye toward something different, sustaining and easy on our budget. In the cases when we use a family recipe, we are choosing to follow someone else�s experience and wisdom in our kitchens, in our menu planning, in how we choose to spend our grocery budgets. We are employing the wisdom and success of those who have gone before us. I am fascinated by family recipes and if I am thumbing through cookbooks and a dog eared sheet of paper in my mother�s handwriting falls out, I won�t lie, I take it as a sign that perhaps on this particular day, at this particular moment, there is some wisdom here for me in this set of instructions we call a recipe. And so it was this past weekend, which was really hectic, by the way, that I found “out of nowhere” a piece of paper as I was straightening. A smile lit my face when I saw Harriet�s Special Pancake. I thought I had lost this forever and here it was coming to me when I needed to feel the presence of my mother. I have never met Harriet, but this recipe had been used when my mother was living on a very tight budget. She made it often in the cold winter months. Simple, basic fare, but in the right company and with the opening of our hearts even the

most humble offering can make us feel loved and cherished. So, Harriet, whoever you are, wherever you are thank you. This month as we celebrate and honor family life I happily share a piece of our family with this simple but delicious recipe. Another morsel I�d like to offer under the umbrella of kitchen wisdom is the word ‘cherish� which means to lovingly protect and care for someone, which is exactly what my mother did when she cooked for us. It�s what we do for one another and our extended family and friends. Cooking is a practical task, we gotta eat – not every meal will be a success or something to write home about, but on a deeper level cooking is one of the most commonly employed methods by which we show the people in our lives that we love them, that we cherish them. In that first blank cookbook which is of course blank no longer, I wrote a proverb ‘eggs of an hour, bread of a day, wine of a year and friends of a lifetime� and so may it be with you.

Harriet's Special Pancake Ingredients: • 1/4 cup of butter • 2 eggs • ½ cup milk • ½ cup self-rising flour Directions: Melt butter in a black iron skillet. In a blender or food processor combine the eggs, milk and flour. Pour into the skillet with the butter. Bake at 400 (yes 400) degrees until golden brown. This is really only a few minutes and since all ovens are their own person, just keep an eye on it. And here I will give you my mother's advice which was written on the bottom of the recipe, “Good any time with sausage or bacon and lots of maple syrup. Doesn't need to be buttered.”

Navigating the Faith Intercessory Prayer by Dianne Rachal, Director of the Office of Worship


atholics are often asked why we pray to Mary and the saints. While prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God and the requesting of good things from Him, intercessory prayer concerns the needs and hopes of others. Jesus Christ, our High Priest, always intercedes for us before the Father, and he calls us to intercede for others as well. The saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary continue this prayer of intercession in heaven. As Mother of the Church, Mary continues to pray with a mother’s care for the Body of her Son on earth. At Cana, Mary interceded with Jesus on behalf of the couple who had run out of wine. Jesus heard her prayer and turned water into wine. Mary’s last words in Scripture are spoken to us: “Do whatever he [Jesus] tells you” (Jn 2:5). Our holy Mother always brings us to Jesus. In our culture, there can be discomfort with praying for Mary’s intercession on our behalf. This seems to be a mediating role that crosses a line set out in the First Letter to Timothy: “For there is one God. There is also one mediator between God and the human race, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as a ransom for all” (1 Tm 2:5). So Jesus Christ is the one and only mediator. Jesus alone is the Savior. But this does not deny the possibility that Christ would permit others to share in his mediating role. Here on earth we routinely ask others for prayers. Instinctively, we turn to holy people for their prayers because they seem nearer to God. Why would we stop asking saints for their prayers after they die? If we believe they are in heaven, would not their prayers be even more effective? From the earliest times, Christians have sought Mary’s prayers and help. There has been the basic sense on the part of the Church that Mary continues in heaven to be concerned for the growth of all members of the Church into holiness and an intimate relationship with her Son. “Because of Mary’s singular cooperation with the action of the Holy Spirit, the Church loves to pray in communion with

the Virgin Mary, to magnify with her the great things the Lord has done for her, and to entrust supplications and praises to her” (CCC, no. 2682). This twofold movement of joining Mary in praising God for His gifts to her and seeking her intercession has found a privileged expression in the Hail Mary. Along with the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary is one of the most widely used prayers in the Catholic Church. While the first half of the Hail Mary comes from Luke’s Gospel account of the annunciation, the second half of this prayer is an intercessory prayer: Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Church, with a special love, venerates Mary, the Mother of God, and also offers for the devotion of the faithful the memory of the martyrs and other saints. Throughout Church history, saints have left a heritage of prayer “by the example of their lives, the transmission of their writings,” and their continued prayers in heaven on our behalf. We rely on Mary and the saints for their intercession when we present our needs to God in prayer. Forms of popular devotion include the use of icons, holy pictures, stained glass windows and statues as supports for prayer. Religious art has always been an important part of our Catholic tradition. The veneration of icons—religious images of Christ, Mary, the angels, and the saints— was upheld by the seventh Ecumenical Council at Nicea (AD 787). The fact that, in the Incarnation, Christ took on human nature provided the foundation for the Church’s tradition that artistic images such as icons can portray mysteries of salvation. Whoever venerates a holy image venerates the person portrayed. The faithful do not worship pictures and statues. In images of Mary and the saints we venerate the persons represented. This veneration of Mary and the saints—and images of them—differs from the adoration that belongs to God alone. The veneration of Mary and the saints ultimately leads to

God. We do not pray to Mary and the saints in the same way we pray to God. In praying to Mary and the saints, we invoke their intercession on behalf of our needs, whereas when we pray to God we ask Him directly for gifts and favors. Devotional prayers to Mary and the saints include the rosary, novenas and prayers to individual saints. The Litany of the Saints is a special invocation of the Blessed Mother and of the saints chanted at baptisms and ordinations. We honor the Blessed Virgin Mary with a number of feasts in the liturgical year. The feasts and memorials of the martyrs and saints are occasions to praise God for what He has accomplished in them and to imitate their virtues. The saints are examples to us of love for God and others, of heroic courage in practicing faith, and of concern for the needs of others. We rely on their intercession when we present our needs to God in prayer. In communion with those whose memory we venerate, especially the glorious ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ, and blessed Joseph, her Spouse, your blessed Apostles and Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, and all your Saints; we ask that through their merits and prayers, in all things we may be defended by your protecting help. (Eucharistic Prayer I) From United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C., 2006.

January 2014 9

Catholic Schools Week 2014 Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service


his coming year marks the 40th anniversary of National Catholic Schools Week (NCSW) (January 26 – February 1, 2014). The theme is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service” and it will remain in place for at least three years. The joint sponsors of the week, the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), believe that this will give schools longer-term opportunities to brand National Catholic Schools Week and their ongoing marketing activities with repeated mentions and use of a consistent logo. Catholic Schools Week is celebrated across the nation to bring attention to and recognize the unique learning opportunites Catholic Schools afford their students. Since arriving in the Diocese of Shreveport in 1999, I’ve been asked many times, “How do I know the Catholic schools are Catholic”? I offer the following to parents as a guide when choosing a Catholic school in north Louisiana. Our Catholic identity in our schools: Centered in the person of Jesus Christ Contribute to the evangelizing mission of the Church Distinguished by excellence in education Committed to educate the whole child Steeped in a Catholic world view Sustained by Gospel witness Shaped by communion and community Accessible to all students Established by the expressed authority of the bishop These clearly defined characteristics are the backdrop for all we do as 10 Catholic Connection

Catholic educators, and what parents who choose Catholic schools expect. Everyone who believes in Catholic schooling should talk to those who do not know about these defining characteristics which make our schools different. In their 2005 document “Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools,” the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops again affirmed their statement from the 1973 document “To Teach As Jesus Did,” “We are convinced that Catholic schools continue to be ‘the most effective means available to the church for the education of children and young people,’ who are the future of the church.” The Catholic Schools celebration will begin in Monroe on Monday, January 27, at St. Frederick High School. Bishop Michael Duca will serve as the presider at the Liturgy. He will be joined by all the pastors and deacons in the Eastern Deanery to celebrate Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service. The Shreveport Catholic Schools communities will celebrate on Wednesday, January 29, at Loyola College Prep. The pastors and deacons of the Shreveport area are invited to join our community celebration. Thursday, January 30, St. John Berchmans Cathedral School will host their annual Religion Scholars Bowl. Students from each of the elementary schools and St. Frederick Junior High will gather for this friendly competition. The schools will be hosting many other events at their school sites. See the sidebar on the right for a list of some events, or contact the schools for a complete schedule. by Sr. Carol Shively, Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Some events happening during Catholic Schools Week: Monroe All Schools Mass St. Frederick High School January 27 • 9:00 a.m. "Visions of the Virgin" performed by Festival String Quartet St. John Berchmans School January 27 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Loyola College Prep January 27 Guest Speaker Brian Butler Loyola College Prep January 28 Living Rosary in the Gym St. Frederick High School January 28 School Expo: A Celebration of Learning for Friends & Family Our Lady of Fatima School January 28 • 6:00p.m. Shreveport All Schools Mass Loyola College Prep January 29 • 11:30 a.m. Catholic School Jeopardy Jesus the Good Shepherd School January 29 Sock Hop in the Gym Our Lady of Fatima School January 29 • 2:00 p.m. Religion Scholars Bowl St. John Berchmans School January 30 • 9:00 a.m. Student / Teacher Volleyball Tournament St. Frederick High School January 30 Amazing Race - Answering Religious Questions for Prizes Our Lady of Fatima School January 31 Wounded Warrior Service Project Jesus the Good Shepherd School January 31

school NEWS < Flyers Aiding the Hungry (FAiTH) is a student-inspired and organized effort at Loyola College Prep that works to provide a holiday meal for more than 600 disadvantaged families in the Shreveport-Bossier area. The 24th annual FAiTH Day was held on Monday, December 9 in the Loyola gym. Supported through fundraisers, donations and basket sales, chairmen and officers join the majority of the Loyola students in distributing baskets of food for families and a toy for each child who accompanied their parents on this special distribution day.

^ Students at Jesus the Good Shepherd School participated in the KTVE-KARD Christmas Cheer Food Drive for the Northeast Louisiana Food Bank. The students collected 16.8 lbs per child of canned goods and enjoyed the feeling of participating in an event that helped others. The school won second place in the Elementary Division and will donate their prize money to the Society of St.Vincent de Paul.

^ St. Joseph School 5th Graders qualified for the State Robotics Competition in New Orleans. This competition matched 60 teams up from around the state to chase the ultimate recognition in robotics. In their first year, our Falcons received the “Rising Star Award.”

> The St. John Berchmans School Robotics team placed third in a recent RARC competition hosted by the Cyber Innovation Center’s National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center (NICERC). The 5th graders on the team are Brandan Bowers, Xander Kihlken, Isabella Bozeman, Katie Ogden, Jack Cryblyskey and Meredith Townley and are coached by Shannon Back. The RARC is a series of three STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) competitions for students in grades 4-12. The competitions build upon one another and allow students to work together in teams and compete against other students within their division in STEM and liberal arts challenges. SJB will compete in two more tournaments in 2014. January 2014 11

The Church at Home


Open to



Katie Sciba


t’s time to evaluate the domestic church, the family, the most basic unit of society. It’s time to take an honest look at how open to life we are to the ones at home. The Catholic colloquialism "open to life” is more often used in reference to Natural Family Planning (NFP) and efforts against abortion; and though it’s certainly relevant, the idea has a broader umbrella involving family life as a whole. Openness to life goes widely unconsidered when it comes to the domestic church, but it’s both fundamental and paramount for a family to thrive. When society prominently participates in what Blessed John Paul II called the Culture of Death, we have to remain firm in our Catholic conviction that a culture of LIFE is the way to imitate Christ and welcome Him into our homes. 12 Catholic Connection

The roots of any family grow from deep within marriage. It seems uncharted to apply the idea of being open to life here, but being receptive to each other and seeking to love as Christ loves will do nothing but cultivate lasting peace and joy at home. More easily said than done, right? In any normal situation, being open to life in marriage means seeking to understand before being understood; it means helping your spouse reach goals and dreams; but we know marriage isn�t always wedded bliss. It might take a concerted effort to maintain a welcoming spirit to our spouses, In any normal situation, but who should be being open to life more welcome in our in marriage means lives than the people seeking to understand we married? Welcome your spouse�s opinion, before being understood; insight, and decisions... it means helping your especially when it spouse reach goals comes to disagreeing. and dreams; but we My husband and I learned (and re-learn) know marriage isn’t always that in an argument, wedded bliss. our focus shouldn�t be him vs. me, it should be finding common ground together. It takes patience to validate each others� feelings and sacrifice our desires to be heard. Ultimately though, it�s better to support the two of us as a team instead of trying to “win” an argument alone; and for us it�s a demonstration of acceptance if we�re feeling defensive or vulnerable. In every Catholic wedding, a couple makes vows to be faithful, total, exclusive and fruitful. That�s right – Catholics make a sacred vow that they�ll accept children from God in their union; and while there are certainly just reasons to postpone pregnancy in marriage, we�re encouraged to welcome little souls into our families apart from society�s message that kids are a messy inconvenience (CCC 2367-2368). To commit to the vows on your wedding day is to accept the whole personhood of your spouse and to give your entire self in return. For this reason, the Catholic Church teaches that contraception is wrong because it places a condition on the covenant made with God and your spouse; a condition that says, I accept all of you, except your fertility. I accept God�s plan for us, except if He wants to bless us with children (CCC 2370). Don�t worry, this doesn�t mean we need mindlessly have baby after baby after baby; God gifted us with reason to prayerfully discern the growth of our families and we are free to employ Natural Family Planning for the achievement or deferral of pregnancy (CCC 2370). At this point, it�s obvious that remaining open to more children is not some rosy ideal for affluent, peaceful families - this is a hardcore

challenge not for the faint of soul. It takes courageous faith in often are we open to hearing our children out? Do we welcome God�s providence and grace because, let�s be real, parenting isn�t their opinions, imperfections, and mistakes with loving guidance the most comfortable job out there and I can think of a hundred and correction? The child of a parent who�s open to life will walk vacations I�d like to take, a nicer car to drive, or more hours to confident in his or her own value and be more inclined to receive sleep at night. For Andrew and me, wrangling small children tests others. our mettle hour by hour with tantrums from toddlers and infant Openness to life among family – husbands, wives, and children insomnia; and truly, the thought of starting over with another alike – is of paramount importance to the thriving of the domestic new baby some day is exhausting. But we ask for the grace to be church and the Catholic Church as a whole; but none of it is open, always open, to what God will ask of our family, knowing possible unless we�re open to the Author of Life Himself. The keys the value of one life is incomparable to anything else. to accepting spouses and children are recognizing God�s profound And speaking of kids, it takes a conscious effort to be receptive love for them, and investing our time and attention without to them because we get used to them, or maybe a little annoyed counting the cost. So it is in a relationship with God; invest yourself with them; and there are no family members who can drain in Him with reckless abandon by making time for personal prayer, parents so much as their own kids. As a mother of three little pray for and with your spouse, and pray for yourself. Demonstrate a boys, I get how much our sons need us and to be honest, it�s humble example by praying with your children no matter what age. exhausting. But I notice that the exhaustion is cut in half, Marriage and family life demand much from any person; to succeed surprisingly, the more I invest in them, the more I listen to we need active relationships with God and opportunities to sharpen them, and the more I set aside what I�m doing for the sake of ourselves, making us equal to the task by God�s grace. being with them. My two older sons are 3 ½ and 2 years old, but In the Diocese of Shreveport, we�re blessed with a special even as little ones they zeal for life, the fruit Catholics make a sacred vow that they'll have concerns, ideas, of which being two and activities they want accept children from God in their union; and while extraordinary events to do. I�m amazed at happening within just there are certainly just reasons to postpone pregnancy how much happier and a few weeks. For the in marriage, we're encouraged to welcome little souls more energetic they are first time in diocesan when I�m more of a Yes history, we�re hosting into our families apart from society’s message that Mom. Yes, I�ll look you our very own marriage kids are a messy inconvenience in the eyes when you�re conference on Saturday, speaking. Yes, your January 25th. The concerns are my concerns. conference will cover We can�t color right topics like fighting now, but yes we can after fair, Natural Family your nap. I�ve heard that Planning, second parenting becomes more marriages, and more. challenging as children Additionally, Bishop get older, but I have a Duca�s 4th Annual Prohunch that if our boys Life Banquet, Living By know they can come to Faith, is February 20th; us now, they�ll come to a perfect chance to learn us later. Being open to more about being prolife as a parent means life and to support the being open to the life growing cause here at you helped create, the life home. Find registration playing in the room down and more information the hall and sitting at the for both events on www. table next to you. How

Upcoming Family Life Events Diocesan Marriage & Family Life Conference

Fourth Annual Bishop's Pro-Life Banquet

at the Catholic Center in Shreveport on Saturday, January 25. Benefit from fantastic presenters and breakout sessions for couples of all ages. Topics include "Fighting Fair," "Natural Family Planning," "Second Marriages" and a Spanish track! Contact 318-868-4441 for more information, or visit

Each year the Diocese of Shreveport hosts a pro-life banquet to bring awareness to life issues and raise money to support life ministries within the diocese. The next banquet will take place on Thursday, February 20, 2014 at the Bossier Civic Center at 6:00 p.m. Call Bernadette Boyd for more info at 318-458-5252.

January 2014 13


St. Frederick High Football Team Heads to the Dome

Catholic Charities' Volunteers Essential to Programs


n enormous sense of job satisfaction and achievement. Also an awareness that you don’t need to be someone in power to make a difference.” – Volunteer Centre Ireland If you ask any of the dedicated group of volunteers who give so selflessly every week to keep Catholic Charities of Shreveport moving forward, they would say the same. When we tell our volunteers that we could not do this work without them, it is the reality for us. With four programs of assistance, it takes a large group with a wide range of skills to keep things going. Our volunteers have logged hundreds of hard working hours of service this year. Imagine if Catholic Charities had to pay for all that labor, not to mention the personal hours many of our volunteers spend on things like purchasing items for Gabriel’s Closet, picking up donations or making phone calls. This year we’ve seen tremendous growth in the number of requests for assistance and that has stretched us past our capacity for handling the work load at times. Gabriel’s Closet is currently open on Mondays and Thursdays from 1:00 - 4:00, but we would love to open the shop for low-income moms and their babies as well as the classes we offer in child safety and development at least one morning a week. Many of the young women we help work shifts and simply can’t be here in the afternoon. Right now, the group of caring women who manage the shop, interview and complete applications, counsel and care for these mothers are stretched to the max. They just don’t have any more hours they can give. Have you been thinking about the possibility of giving your time and your heart to something important? To work that fills the soul? There’s a place for you at Catholic Charities and we can promise that you’ll be surprised at what volunteering will do for you. Just ask De Allen, one of the co-managers of Gabriel’s Closet, “I’ve received more blessings than I have given to Gabriel’s Closet.” There are many other opportunities to consider for men and women who want to be of service in our community and make life-changing differences for the poor and vulnerable. If you have computer skills, we can use your help. What about data entry? That’s always a need, especially for those who are bi-lingual in English and Spanish. Would you consider speaking on the phone or in person to clients? Our immigration and emergency assistance departments always need help. That is the heart of Catholic Charities: clients who need to be heard and helped. Perhaps you could become a financial coach for those who’ve completed financial education. Please prayerfully consider the possibilities to make a lifechanging difference for yourself and most especially, for the poor. by Theresa Mormino, Catholic Charities of Shreveport “


ne of the questions I am most often asked about being a priest is, “What do you like best about it?” My answer is always the same, that I get to celebrate the Eucharist. The second thing I like best about it is that Bishop Duca assigned me to be Chaplain of St. Frederick Catholic High School in Monroe. From the first day I stepped foot on that campus, I fell in love with the school and most particularly with the students. They helped me to understand spiritual fatherhood, and by being a part of the grand tradition I became dedicated to supporting them spiritually, academically and athletically. In my first days there I began attending all their athletic events. The Jr. High football team was truly impressive as Coach Huey Parker formed them into a force to be reckoned with. I enjoyed their games, and at times it was almost comical to see those scrawny boys wearing their helmets and shoulder pads that never seemed to fit. I can still see them there sitting around the cafeteria table so earnest and proud of their success. I told them that if they stuck it out and continued to play together that by their senior year they would be playing in the “Dome.” State Championship games are not unknown to St. Frederick. One need only look in the trophy cases to see their athletic success on the tennis and basketball courts, but one has always seemed elusive: football. It seemed like no matter how well they were coached or how superior they were as athletes, after a couple of rounds in the playoffs our season would come to an abrupt end. This season was different however; those scrawny boys have stuck it out and continued to play together. There is nothing comical about their appearance any longer. Their shoulder pads and helmets fit exactly right and I no longer look down at them with hope but look up at them with pride. Their record under Coach Jeff Tannehill’s leadership has been amazing as they finished the regular season with six wins and four losses. From each of those games, win or lose, they learned something valuable. Just how valuable has shone clearly in the playoffs as they soundly defeated False River, Highland Baptist, Country Day and Southern Lab. Now because of the wise decisions of the coaches, the hard work of the players and the untiring support of the Warrior faithful they went to the “Dome” for the first time in the School’s history. There they met Vermillion Catholic, and although they didn�t win, second place wasn�t that bad. After all, it�s better than everyone except one other team. by Fr. Matthew Long 14 Catholic Connection

Seminarians Accepted as Golf or God? of Shreveport welcomes new Candidates for Holy Orders Diocese seminarian Brandon Rice

David Keith Garvin


Jerry Daigle, Jr.

ormation for the priesthood is not for the faint of heart. It requires openness, humility, perseverance and prayer. For anyone desiring to discern formally in a seminary setting, it means leaving behind many things and going to a new place. This is not something that any man should undertake lightly. We are blessed in this diocese to now have nine men who are willing to follow where they feel God is leading them in a radical way. As men move through the process they know that if they go all the way that it will take either six years for those with a Bachelor’s degree, or eight years for those without one. This period of time sounds long and, yes, at times in formation it feels long as well. There are certain moments along the way that help to break up this period of time, however, that the Church in her wisdom has put into place. The first benchmark of seminarian formation is the installation as a lector, followed by acolyte, then the rite of admission to candidacy for holy orders, ordination to the transitional diaconate and finally the ordination to the priesthood. Each of these moments is important because they mark the progress of a man in formation culminating with the entry into the ordained priesthood of Jesus Christ. On December 22, 2013 at St. Matthew Church in Monroe, David Keith Garvin and Jerry Daigle, Jr. were accepted as candidates for Holy Orders. This was the first time Bishop Duca formally accepted men to candidacy who are studying to be priests for the diocese. In the past this has often been a ceremony that has taken place at the seminary. St. Matthew Church was not chosen for this important occasion because it is the Mother Church of the Eastern Deanery, but because it is the home parish of seminarian Jerry Daigle. The next step for both Keith and Jerry is the ordination to the Transitional Diaconate. Keith’s ordination to the Transitional Diaconate will be held on January 11 at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans. Jerry’s ordination to the Transitional Diaconate and Keith’s ordination to the Priesthood will be held on May 31, 2014 at the Cathedral. These are exciting days in the life of the Church and I hope many of you will be present to show your support. by Fr. Matthew Long, Director of Vocations


olf or God? That was the question that plagued Brandon Rice. God had graced him with a natural ability with golf. He took those natural talents and developed them for the last six years. He dreamed of one day being at the top of the PGA and being able to share his Catholic faith with others. This year he went pro, but he was not at peace as he began to accomplish his dreams. You see when Brandon was a student at St. John Berchmans School he began to hear God calling him to priesthood. Raised as an only child and cradle Catholic in Stonewall, Louisiana, Brandon encountered many inspiring priests throughout his life. The possibility of a priestly vocation was introduced by Fr. Curtis Woods always taking the time to visit with the students at St. John Berchmans School. When he moved to St. Joseph School and began serving at Mass, Fr. Peter Mangum inspired him. As he grew Fr. Karl Daigle continued to witness to him the role of the priest. Meeting Vocations Director Fr. Matthew Long at an ACTS retreat last September was another encouraging factor on his path to discerning the priesthood. From these great examples he realized that the most effective way to share the Catholic faith with others was through priesthood. And so Brandon has answered the question, “Golf or God?” He begins seminary at St. Joseph College in January of 2014. The Diocese of Shreveport is proud and excited to have Brandon join our growing number of seminarians, making for a total number of nine men in formation - a diocesan record! Brandon, who is 20-years-old, is very excited about beginning seminary. “I’m looking forward to the spiritual formation, the school and the brotherhood I’m going to be a part of,” said Brandon. Please add Brandon to your seminarian mailing list! Our seminarians love to hear from those who support them. You can reach him at 75376 River Road, P.O. Box 464, St. Benedict, Louisiana 70457. His birthday is November 17. by Fr. Matthew Long, Director of Vocations & Jessica Rinaudo, Editor January 2014 15


The Fourth Annual Bishop's Pro-Life Banquet

Two Dedicated Priests Received Papal Blessing

Speaker Shak Hill with his family.


he fourth annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Banquet will take place Thursday, February 20, 2014, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Bossier Civic Center, 620 Benton Road, Bossier City. The speaker is Shak Hill, a Bossier City native, graduate of Shreveport’s Loyola College Prep and pro-life advocate. He and his wife are parents of six children and have been foster parents to 46 children. They received the 2013 Volunteer of the Year Award for the State of Virginia. Please join the bishop for this important way to support pro-life ministry in the Diocese of Shreveport. Tickets are $50 per person.

Name: _____________________________________ Address:____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone number:______________________ Email:_________________________________ Amount enclosed: $___________ # of Reservations _________ # of Tables__________ List names of persons at table if applicable: 1 .__________________

2. _____________________

3. __________________

4. _____________________

5. __________________

6 ._____________________



Additional donation to underwrite the cost of the event $_________________________ Mail check and form to: Diocese of Shreveport, Pro Life Banquet, 939 Jordan Street, Shreveport, LA 71101 Reservations: 318-221-5296 Reservation Deadline: February 14, 2014 16 Catholic Connection


he Diocese of Shreveport is certainly blessed with a presbyterate who willingly and faithfully serves, and is especially fortunate in the many priests who have had the opportunity to retire upon reaching their 70th birthday, but throw retirement to the winds and continue to serve as Senior Actives. In some cases, although they may have retired from the day to day activities in ministry, they continue to assist across the diocese in various ancillary capacities. It is always exciting when any of “our” priests celebrate a milestone in concert with their years of service of priestly ordination. Most recently, two of our senior priests, Fr. Richard Lombard and Fr. Ken Williams, brought a combined 110 years of continued ministry since their ordinations with 60 years and 50 years respectively. To celebrate this momentous occasion, on November 26 Bishop Michael Duca, the priests and religious men of the Diocese of Shreveport, as well as some of the lay faithful, gathered at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans for Solemn Evening Prayer. This prayer gathering was in thanksgiving for the priestly service of all of our priests throughout the diocese. Special recognition was given to Fr. Lombard and Fr. Williams with a presentation by the bishop of a papal blessing from His Holiness Pope Francis. I had the pleasure of meeting and knowing both of these men in my parish at different times. Both of these priests served at St. Joseph Parish in Shreveport, as well as numerous other parishes around the Dioceses of Alexandria and Shreveport. Fr. Lombard, after his ordination on December 20, 1953, went to St. Joseph for his first assignment there (1957 to 1962) very early in his priestly service. Since 1993 he has served faithfully at St. Joseph Parish in Shreveport and still resides in the parish. Fr. Ken Williams was ordained May 25, 1963 as a priest of the Diocese of Alexandria. Fr. Ken, among many other assignments, also served at St. Joseph in the late 1960’s. He was assigned as an assistant to the pastor from June 1966 through November 1968. The gift that these two men have given to the generations of Catholics throughout the diocese has been one of pastoral care in the true biblical meaning of “shepherding their flock.” These two men ingratiated themselves in their parishes and to their parishioners by answering a higher calling to be servants of Christ. They are just two ordinary men being extraordinary priests. Their memories of times, events and mostly people’s names are phenomenal at the least and overwhelming at the most. How many marriages, baptisms, first reconciliations, first communions have they witnessed? A debt of gratitude goes out to both of these priests, content to do the work of Christ for 110 years. How blessed is the Diocese of Shreveport? by Randy G. Tiller, Director of Mission Effectiveness

HISPANIC corner Oración de Fin y Principio de año


eñor, Dios, dueño del tiempo y de la eternidad, tuyo es el hoy y el mañana, el pasado y el futuro. Al terminar este año te doy gracias por todo lo que recibí. Gracias por la vida, el amor, las flores, el aire y el sol, la alegría y el dolor, por cuanto fue posible y por lo que no pudo ser. Te ofrezco cuanto hice, el trabajo que pude realizar y las cosas que pude construir. Te presento las personas que a lo largo de estos meses amé, las amistades nuevas, mis seres queridos, cercanos y lejanos, los que me dieron su mano y aquellos a los que pude ayudar, con los que compartí la vida, el trabajo, el dolor y la alegría. Te pido perdón por el tiempo perdido, el dinero mal gastado, la palabra inútil y el amor desperdiciado. Por las obras vacías y el trabajo mal hecho, por mis olvidos, descuidos, silencios, falta de entusiasmo y por la oración que no te ofrecí. Al iniciar este año nuevo, detengo mi vida ante el nuevo calendario y te presento estos días que solo tú sabes si llegaré a vivir. Te pido para mí y para los míos la paz y la alegría, la fuerza y la prudencia, la claridad y Bossier City: Christ the King Church 425 McCormick St. Bossier City Sábado 7:00 p.m. Domingo 3:00 p.m. Lunes 7:00 p.m. antes de Misa Marilú Rodriguez Tel: 318-286-1492 Farmerville: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 600 E. Water Street, Farmerville Sábado 7:00 p.m. Rev. Al Jost Tel: 318-243-0115

por Rosalba Quiroz

Directora Ministerio Hispano 318-219-7288

la sabiduría. Quiero vivir cada día con optimismo y bondad llevando conmigo un corazón lleno de comprensión y paz. Cierra Tú mis oídos a toda falsedad y mis labios a palabras mentirosas, egoístas, mordaces o hirientes. Abre en cambio mi ser a todo lo que es bueno, que mi espíritu se llene solo de bendiciones y las derrame a mi paso. Te lo pido por nuestro Señor, tu Hijo

Calendario del Mes de Enero 1 Solemnidad de María Madre de Dios, Centro Católico cerrado 6 Día de Reyes (Epifanía) 14 Reunión de Comité Ejecutivo Diocesano para el Ministerio Hispano Católico, 10am12p.m. 15 Reunión de Directores del Ministerio Hispano de Luisiana, Baton Rouge 18 Entrenamiento para Asesores de Pastoral Juvenil de 9am3pm 25 Conferencia para Matrimonios, Centro Católico 9am-3:30pm (Fecha límite para registro Ene 17)

amado. Amén. Doce recomendaciones para este año y para cada momento: 1. Agradece el pasado como don de Dios. 2. Vive el presente con esperanza y creatividad. 3. Di “Sí” al paso de Dios por tu vida. 4. Confía, Dios te encomienda cosas grandes. 5. Valora lo pequeño, llegarás a lo grande.

MISAS Mansfield: St. Joseph Church 305 Jefferson Street, Mansfield 2do y 4to. Domingo 3:00pm Juanita Ibarra Tel: 318-872-5390 Oak Grove: Sacred Heart Church 201 Purvis St., Oak Grove Domingo 5:00 p.m. Feliciano y Rosa Alviso Martinez Tel: 318-428-2137

6. Mira la vida con sencillez y amor. 7. Perdona y pide perdón. 8. Haz algo por el otro y serás feliz. 9. Atento, Dios te habla cada día. 10. Ama la vida. 11. Ama al mundo. 12. Ama a Dios. Editada de la página de internet: www.

Ruston: St. Thomas Aquinas Church 810 Carey Ave., Ruston 2do y 4to Domingo 2:30 p.m. Soledad Broyles Tel: 318-243-1958 Shreveport: St. Mary of the Pines Church 1050 Bert Kouns Indl Loop, Shreveport Domingo 11:30 a.m. Carmen Bradford Tel: 318-455-2300 West Monroe: St. Paschal Church 711 N 7th Street, West Monroe Domingo 2:30 p.m. Lorena Chaparro Tel: 318-651-9136

Oficina del Ministerio Católico Hispano: Rosalba Quiroz, Directora 318-219-7265 Marcos G. Villalba, Pastoral Juvenil 318-219-7288 • Jeanne Brown, Secretaria 318-219-7257 January 2014 17


Signed. Sealed. Delivered. Youth from across the diocese joined together to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference


he 2013 National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, IN is an energizing experience of all things Catholic from uplifting speakers, energetic concerts and quieted adoration to the celebration of the Mass. Over the course of three days, youth are welcome to attend talks by various speakers on multiple topics, as well as attend general sessions with the large group. This year over 23,000 teens participated in the event. They came from 44 states, including Alaska and Hawaii. Our diocese sent two buses loaded with 75 youth and 25 chaperones from 12 parishes. We also had eight students from Louisiana Tech and Grambling State University on the buses this year. The National Catholic Collegiate Conference offered a track for college age students which ran concurrently with NCYC. They attended the same opening and closing events, with separate workshops just for young adults. The 2015 National Catholic Youth Conference will be held in Indianapolis. This is an inspirational and faith building event for the youth of our diocese. It is a chance for them to connect with other young Catholics across the country who want to celebrate and share their faith while deepening their relationship with the Church. by Brandy Boudreau, Campus, Youth & Young Adult Ministry

NCYC wasn’t just a conference to go to and have fun. It was more than that. I felt like through NCYC I’ve learned more things about being a Catholic. Being a Catholic isn’t just about not eating meat on Fridays during Lent, going to Confession, or attending Mass. It is about coming closer to God. NCYC taught me that being Catholic isn’t all smooth sailing either. You have so many ups and downs but it is worth the journey to reach the eternal goal, Heaven! So I suggest going to NCYC for everyone. You will not be the only ‘Jesus Freak’ there! There are plenty of them and more. I’ve gone twice and have loved every minute of it. - Tatiana Pham, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Monroe

NCYC is such an amazing event for the youth to have the opportunity to experience. The focus on faith and how to live a Catholic Christian life is important to us all, but most especially to the youth of our Church. The speakers, the breakout sessions, the music – it all emphasizes the greatness of our Church. I feel so thankful to the Diocese of Shreveport for making this trip affordable for all the parishes to be able to attend. I truly believe lives are touched and changed for the better by experiencing NCYC. - Michelle Higdon, St. Ann Church, Stonewall

NCYC was an experience that opened my eyes to all the other Catholic youth in America. I had a great experience and have many great memories to hold on to. I’ve never seen priests taking selfies until NCYC! - Christopher Schmidt, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Monroe 18 Catholic Connection

across the

by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

U.S. Bishops’ Justice and Peace Committees Join Pope Francis’ Global Anti-Hunger Campaign


he committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops dealing with international and domestic justice issues have joined Pope Francis and Caritas Internationalis in a global campaign to combat hunger, which began December 10 and runs through May 2015. The committees moved to join the campaign during their joint meeting at the USCCB headquarters in Washington, December 9. The campaign, “One Human Family, Food for All,” began with a global wave of prayer, at noon in every time zone on Earth, December 10. This included a Mass offered by Bishop Richard E. Pates of Des Moines, IA, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, at the USCCB headquarters, and prayer services coordinated around the world by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) regional offices.

“The bishops of the United States stand with Pope Francis in his call to end world hunger,” said Bishop Pates and Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, on behalf of their committees. “Since his election, Pope Francis has challenged Catholics and all people to go beyond the boundaries of their own lives and encounter the poor and marginalized. As legislators in Washington deliberate how to allocate budget resources to the many people who are hungry, both in our country and around the world, this campaign gives all of us an opportunity to turn awareness into action.” Resources for the campaign are available in English and Spanish at: food-for-all/

Kurtz Applauds Pope’s Decision To Establish Commission for Protection of Minors


rchbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, welcomed the decision of Pope Francis to establish a commission on the protection of minors. The move was urged by the Council of Cardinals, an advisory group to the pope that met at the Vatican, December 3-5. Archbishop Kurtz praised the effort in a December 5 statement. The statement follows: The decision of Pope Francis to establish a commission for the protection of minors is a most welcome initiative. Abuse of minors is a sin and a crime, and every step must be taken to eradicate this blight. Such abuse is especially grave when committed by anyone in ministry in our Church. The problem of sexual abuse of minors exists throughout society and every effort must be made to protect children, particularly within the Church. The announcement of this initiative reflects a broad-based approach that

considers changes in Vatican procedures in dealing with clerics accused of abuse, seminary training for future priests, and other pastoral efforts to address this horrific problem. This international effort is particularly welcome as we have come to learn that this tragedy affects many, if not all, parts of the world. As president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, I promise full cooperation of the U.S. bishops with this commission and look forward to more information on its implementation. In the United States, we have learned of the importance of background checks, education of children and adults on child safety, the swift removal of offenders and the need for the Church and civil authorities to work together. While these efforts have resulted in a dramatic reduction in abuse cases, much work remains to be done. Our prayers are with Pope Francis and this commission, and we are grateful for this effort.

Vatican Information Services

VAtICAN news & notes • Sunday, December 8 was the first time that Pope Francis paid the traditional homage to Mary Immaculate in Rome's Piazza di Spagna. During his journey by jeep from the Vatican to the center of Rome, the Holy Father was warmly received by Roman faithful and greeted the thousands of people gathered in the streets near the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See, opposite the statue of the Virgin, to which the Pope offered a floral wreath on the day of the Immaculate Conception. • A message from Pope Francis, dated December 6, for the 22nd World Day of the Sick 2014 was published. The Day of the Sick will take place on February 11, 2014, the liturgical memory of the Blessed Virgin Maria of Lourdes, and will take the theme “Faith and Charity: we too must give our lives for the brethren.” •The Council of Cardinals instituted by Pope Francis to assist him in the governance of the universal Church and to draw up a plan for the revision of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor bonus on the Roman Curia, began its second round of meetings December 3-5. On December 3, the " began immediately on the examination of the Roman Curia and in particular on the dicastery of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; or rather, they entered fully into what, as has already been stated, will be an in-depth task, not limited to retouches or minor improvements. The revision of Pastor bonus is substantial, to the extent that it may be considered as a new constitution for the Curia.” The director of the Holy See Press Office specified that in this round the cardinals will not discuss matters regarding the economic and administrative sectors which, in his opinion, will be considered in the next meeting in February, shortly before the consistory for the creation of new cardinals, which will be followed by the meeting of the Synod council.

January 2014 19

around the DIOCESE

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The Cathedral of St. John Berchmans presented a teaching and exposition of Sacred Relics for its school students and parishioners in December. Fr. Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross spoke about his very special ministry to travel and teach about these holy objects. The exhibit included over 150 relics, some as old as 2000 years. Among the treasures were relics of St. Maria Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the “Little Flower"), St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Faustina Kowalska. Also present was a portion of the veil of Our Lady, as well as one of the largest remaining pieces of the True Cross in the world. Those in attendance were able to examine and venerate each relic.


The Hispanic Young Adults retreat “Experiencia Cristo #3” was held November 15-17 at Camp Harris in Minden, LA. This was a conversion retreat in Spanish for young adults hosted by the Hispanic Catholic Ministry of the Diocese of Shreveport.

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5 20 Catholic Connection

The first Hispanic Young Adults Group in our Diocese of Shreveport has been formed. The new young adults group is from Christ the King Church in Bossier City and they are called “OASIS.” You are invited to “OASIS” every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the youth room at Christ the King in Bossier City.

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A prayer service was held at noon on December 10 at the Catholic Center honoring Pope Francis’ request. Fr. Rothell Price led the prayer to end Global Hunger.

With the painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe so beautifully executed, members of the Cathedral parish decided on another project. With their very active and ever growing outreach ministries, including two chapters of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, “we commissioned Granda to paint an image of St. Vincent de Paul, to complement the image of Our Lady to be added to the sacred space already filled with much art and stained glass and statuary,” said Fr. Peter Mangum. There are similar sizes, shapes and types of flowers in both paintings. The St. Vincent de Paul painting has a frame identical to that of the Our Lady of Guadalupe image. It was blessed by Bishop Duca on December 8, with representatives of the diocesan chapters of the Society of SVdP and other outreach ministries present.

January 2014 21

upcoming EVENTS January 15: St. Frederick High School Open House St. Frederick High School is hosting an Open House for prospective parents and students on Wednesday, January 15, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. “The Open House allows parents to tour the school and meet our highly qualified faculty and staff in person,” said Principal Guy Farber. After a brief welcome and introduction, parents are encouraged to visit classrooms and meet the teachers. Our teachers have a chance to begin building relationships now with prospective parents and allow parents to ask questions about their students’ education. For more info, contact Melissa Shepard, Director of Admissions, at 318-323-9636. January 25: Diocesan Marriage and Family Life Conference Plan now to attend the first ever Marriage and Family Life Conference hosted by the Diocese of Shreveport at the Catholic Center in Shreveport on Saturday, January 25. Benefit from fantastic presenters and breakout sessions for couples of all ages. 25 de Enero del 2014: La Conferencia Diocesana para el Matrimonio y la Familia, en colaboración con la Diocesis de Shreveport planean tener la primera Conferencia de Matrimonios y Vida Familiar en el Centro Católico de Shreveport el Sábado 25 de enero del 2014. Aprovecha estos presentadores fantásticos y las sesiones para parejas de todas las edades. Esperamos tu participación a este evento maravilloso. January 25: Louisiana Life March The LLM North is a chance for the citizens of North Louisiana to stand together for an abortionfree Louisiana. The event will consist of a historic march from Bossier City's "Louisiana Boardwalk" across the Texas Street Bridge to a gathering in Shreveport's Festival Plaza. At Festival Plaza, nationally-known speakers and local music groups will lead prayer and presentation. After the gathering, a "Life Ministry Mobilization" area will plug you into all the pro-life efforts in your communities. Gather by 9:45 a.m. at the North Lot of the Bossier City Boardwalk. The March will commence at 10:00 a.m. after opening prayer, music and remarks, head across the Texas Street Bridge, and end at the Festival Plaza where the program will continue. The march from the Boardwalk to Festival Plaza is 1.2 miles. For those who cannot make the march, please gather at Festival Plaza. January 25: A Cantor Workshop The National Association of Pastoral Musicians Shreveport Chapter Presents: A Cantor Workshop at St. Joseph Church and Family Life Center in Shreveport. The event will last from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and cost $15. There will be an informational session on Guidelines for a Cantor followed by a Master Class Session.

22 Catholic Connection

W orld Marriage Day World Marriage Day will be celebrated throughout the world on February 9, 2014. Each parish in our diocese is invited to plan a World Marriage Day celebration honoring their married couples. In addition, special certificates signed by Bishop Duca will be presented to all married couples in the diocese celebrating decade and half decade anniversaries (5, 10, 15, etc.), and to all couples celebrating 50 years or more in 2014. This is a great way to honor married couples and their witness to the Sacrament of Marriage. Call your parish church office by December 11 in order to be included in this special recognition! Please bring a Psalm to share and questions to ask! Presenters include Loralee Culbert and Carole Moon. February 8: Magnificat Prayer Brunch The Magnificat, Nowela Chapter is sponsoring a prayer brunch on Saturday, February 8, 2014, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We will meet at St. Pius the X Catholic Church, 4300 North Market in Shreveport. Our Speaker will be Mary Chauvin of Shreveport, LA. Mary has been the DRE at Sacred Heart Church for 14 years. During her life and journey she has experienced several healings and spiritual events that continue to guide and inspire her to proclaim the goodness of the Lord. Admittance is $12 and reservations should be made prior to the brunch by calling Sandy Chapman (318) 222-0007. February 20: Diocese of Shreveport ProLife Banquet Each year the Diocese of Shreveport hosts a pro-life banquet to bring

awareness to life issues and raise money to support life ministries within the diocese. The next banquet will take place on Thursday, February 20, 2014 at the Bossier Civic Center at 6:00 p.m. This year the speaker will be Shak Hill, a pro-life advocate with a personal story of how he and his family live by faith. Shak is a Bossier City native and a 1983 Loyola College Prep Graduate. He currently lives with his family in Virginia, his wife Robin and six children. He and his wife have been foster parents to 46 children and received the 2013 Volunteer of the Year Award for the State of Virginia. Always a popular event in the diocese, many like to have advanced notice of when the event will be. Tickets are $50 a person, or $400 for a table of eight. Please consider sponsoring a student to attend the event for $50. For more information, contact Bernadette Boyd at 318-458- 5252.

From the YouCat

The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church Q. 368 – What place does the family have in God’s plan of creation? A man and a woman who are married to each other form, together with their children, a family. God wills that the love of the spouses, if possible, should produce children. These children, who are entrusted to the protection and care of their parents, have the same dignity as their parents. [2201-2206, 2249] God himself, in the depths of the

Trinity, is communion. In the human sphere, the family is the primordial image of communion. The family is the unique school of living in relationships. Nowhere do children grow up as well as in an intact family, in which they experience heartfelt affection, mutual respect, and responsibility for one another. Finally, faith grows in the family, too; the family is, the Church tells us, a miniature church, a “domestic church,” the radiance of which should invite others into this fellowship of faith, charity and hope.



january 2013



29 30 31 1 2 3 4 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

New Year's Eve

New Year's Day

Catholic Center Closed

Catholic Center Closed

St. Sylvester I, pope

The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord

St. Basil the great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops

The Most Holy Name of Jesus

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Epiphany/ Jan 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The Epiphany of the Lord

St. Andre Bessette, religious

Deadline for the February Catholic Connection

St. Raymond of Penyafort, priest

Keith Garvin Ordained to Transitional Diaconate, Cathedral 10am Eastern Deanery DRE / Catechetical Meeting, Jesus the Good Shepherd Church, 9:30am

Garvin Ordained to Diaconate / JAN 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The Baptism of the Lord

Presbyteral Council Meeting, Catholic Center, 1pm

St. Anthony, abbot

First Week in Ordinary Time St. Hilary, bishop & doctor of the Church

Family Life Conference / Jan 25

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 St. Fabian, pope & martyr; St. Sebastian, martyr

Western Deanery DRE / Catechetical Meeting, Catholic Center, 6:15pm

Southern Deanery DRE / Catechetical Meeting,St. Joseph Church, Zwolle, 9:30am

St. Agnes, virgin & martyr

Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

St. Vincent, deacon & martyr

St. Francis de Sales, bishop & doctor of the Church

Diocesan Marriage & Family Life Conference, Catholic Center, 9am 2nd Collection: Catholic Schools Louisiana Life March

26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Confirmation, Little Flower of Jesus Church, 9am

2nd Collection: Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools

Catholic Schools Week Begins

LCCB Meeting, Baton Rouge

Eastern Deanery All Schools Mass, St. Frederick High School, 9am

St. Thomas Aquinas, priest & doctor of the Church

St. Angela Merici, virgin & religious founder

Western Deanery All Schools Mass, Loyola College Prep, 11:30am

St. John Bosco, priest

Catholic Schools Week / JAN 27 January 2014 23



Shreveport, LA 71104


Photo of the month by Manuel Quiroz

St. Joseph Church in Mansfield celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Hispanic Ministry on December 8, 2013. Bishop Michael Duca led the celebration and Fr. Juan Garcia and Fr. Al Jost concelebrated the Spanish Mass. 24 Catholic Connection

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