VOL. 21, NO.4 NOVEMBER 2011
Third Edition of the
Roman Missal
November 2011
Publisher Bishop Michael G. Duca Editor Jessica Rinaudo Regular Contributors Bishop Michael Duca Christine Rivers Kim Long Katie Sciba Fr. Rothell Price Roxie Tabor Rosalba Quiroz Mike Van Vranken Dianne Rachal John Mark Willcox
7 p.
Featured Contributors Jean Dresley Peter Finney, Jr. Martha H. Fitzgerald Sr. Martinette Rivers
Jane Snyder John Vining Linda Webster
Editorial Board Dianne Rachal Cathy Cobb Christine Rivers Rev. Charles Glorioso John Mark Willcox Kim Long Kelly Phelan Powell The Catholic Connection is a monthly publication funded by your Diocesan Service Appeal; mailed to every known Catholic household in the Diocese of Shreveport. Our Mission is to advance knowledge and understanding of our Catholic Faith among the faithful. We seek to foster the application of Christ’s teachings and our Church’s mission in our daily lives and to encourage our sense of Catholic identity within our family, parish, and diocesan faith community.
For a free subscription, address changes or article submissions: EMAIL: jrinaudo@dioshpt.org WRITE: C atholic Connection The Catholic Center 3500 Fairfield Avenue Shreveport, LA 71104 CALL: 318-868-4441 OR 800-256-1542 FAX: 318-868-4609 WEBSITE: www.thecatholicconnection.org The Catholic Connection is a member of the Catholic Press Association.
Political Activity and Our Catholic Churches .....................................................3 All Souls Commemoration and Annual Blessing of the Cemeteries by Fr. Rothell Price.......................................................................................3 Bishop Michael Duca’s November 2011 Schedule.............................................3 Bishop’s Reflection by Most Reverend Michael G. Duca....................................4-5 The Fork in the Road by Mike Van Vranken.........................................................6 Domestic Church: Hold Your Tongue! by Katie Sciba.........................................6 Let Thankfulness Rule Your Heart by Sr. Martinette Rivers.................................... 7 Small Church Profile: Sacred Heart Church, Springhill by Linda Webster..........8 Second Collection: Catholic Campaign for Human Development by Fr. Rothell Price.......................................................................................9 New Hire and Conference Attendance for Catholic Charities by Jean Dresley...10 Meet the Department: Hispanic Ministries..........................................................10 School News.......................................................................................................11 Third Edition of the Roman Missal by Dianne Rachal ........................................12-13 Mass Prayers and Responses from the Third Edition of the Roman Missal......... 14 “And With Your Spirit” by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops...... 15 Saint John Neumann: Faith Falters in Homeland by Martha H. Fitzgerald............ 15 Growing Youth Ministry in the Parish, Pt. 3 by John Vining...................................... 16 Archbishop Hannan, Paratroop Chaplain and Kennedy Counselor, Dies at 98 by Peter Finney, Jr............................................................................................ 17 Hispanic Corner by Rosalba Quiroz....................................................................18 News Briefs by Catholic News Service.................................................................. 19 Around the Diocese.............................................................................................20-21 Fr. Joseph Puthuppally Celebrates 45 Years of Priesthood...................................... 21 Upcoming Events ...............................................................................................22
The Diocese of Shreveport complies with Virtus’s Protecting God’s Children program. Classes are offered every second Wednesday of the month at the Catholic Center in Shreveport. To report child sexual abuse by a cleric or church worker in the Diocese of Shreveport, call Glennda Lawson. Hotline is 318-294-1031 and your local law enforcement agency.
Mission Marketplace at St. Joseph Church, Shreveport by Jane Snyder................ 22 November 2011 Calendar...................................................................................23 Respect Life Month Was Celebrated During the Month of October by Roxie Tabor................................................................................................. 24 On the cover: The third edition of the Roman Missal photographed at the Catholic Center Chapel. The new missal will be implemented the First Sunday of Advent this year. (Photo by Jessica Rinaudo).
Bishop Michael Duca’s November Schedule NOVEMBER 1 All Saints Day Mass; Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport; 12:05 p.m. Blessing and Grand Opening of Northwest Louisiana Interfaith Pharmacy; Shreveport; 5:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 2 All Souls’ Day Mass; Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport; 6:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 4 Men of Manresa Mass; Holy Trinity Church, Shreveport; 7:25 a.m. NOVEMBER 6 Diocese of Baton Rouge’s 50th Anniversary Celebration; Baton Rouge River Center, Baton Rouge; 3:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 12 Taste of Shreveport (benefiting Holy Angels Residential Facility); Fox Creek Farms, Shreveport; 4:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 14-16 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) General Meeting; Baltimore, MD NOVEMBER 22 Annual Clergy/ Business Meeting; Catholic Center; 9:00 AM – 12:30 p.m. / Clergy Annual Thanksgiving Meal; Catholic Center; 12:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 26 Mass; Cathedral of St. John Berchmans; Shreveport; 4:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 28 Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass and Dinner; Bossier Council #4873, Knights of Columbus Hall, Bossier City; 6:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 30 Dalton Trust Board of Directors’ Meeting; St. Frederick High School, Monroe; 12:00 p.m.
Political Activity and Our Catholic Churches
dos and don’ts for parishes • DO address the moral and human dimensions of public issues. • DO share Church teaching on human life, human rights, and justice and peace. • DO apply Catholic values to legislation and public issues. • DO encourage parishioners to learn about issues and register to vote. • DO NOT endorse or oppose candidates for political office. • DO NOT distribute partisan campaign literature or voter guides under Church sponsorship. • DO NOT make Church facilities, assets or other property available for partisan use. • DO NOT invite only selected candidates to address your Church-sponsored group. The Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops (LCCB) issued the Policy on the Distribution of Printed Materials and Electioneering in the Province of New Orleans in February 2007. The Policy states: All materials handed out on church property or distributed through church offices must have originated from one of three sources (1) the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, (2) the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops, or (3) the local bishop. The U.S. Catholic Bishops have offered helpful documents to assist in determining which activities are permitted during election campaigns and which are prohibited. These materials may be viewed on the web site of the United States Catholic Bishops www.faithfulcitizenship.org.
All Souls Commemoration and Annual Blessing of the Cemeteries | by Fr. Rothell Price, Vicar General
he Church seeks to help the faithful departed by earnest prayer to God, and in particular, by remembrance of them on All Souls Day and throughout the month of November. In the communion of the saints, the communion of Christ’s members with one another, the Church obtains spiritual help for those who have preceded us in faith. This spiritual communion brings the consolation of hope to us who remember with gratitude, love and devotion those who have gone before us in faith. It is in this spirit that we commemorate our faithful departed on All Souls Day and bless their graves. We entrust them once again to the purifying and life giving love of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our priests and deacons will offer prayers at our local cemeteries on the weekend closest to All Souls Day, our annual commemoration of the faithful departed on the following dates:
Saturday, October 29, 2011 • St. Joseph Cemetery, Shreveport, 2:00 pm, Rev. Msgr. Earl V. Provenza, VF • Centuries Memorial Cemetery, Shreveport, 2:00 pm, Rev. Francis Kamau, FMH • Forest Park Cemetery East, Shreveport, 2:00 pm, Deacon John Basco • Forest Park Cemetery West, Shreveport, 3:00 pm, Deacon Thomas Latiolais
• Lincoln Park Cemetery, Shreveport, 2:00 pm, Very Rev. Rothell Price • Rose-Neath Cemetery, Bossier City, 2:00 pm, Deacon Freeman Ligon • Round Grove Cemetery, Shreveport, 2:00 pm, Rev. Andre McGrath, OFM Sunday, October 30, 2011 • Hillcrest Cemetery, Haughton, 2:00 pm, Deacon Mike Straub
La Reflexión del Obispo por Obispo Michael G. Duca
ste mes, el primer Domingo de Adviento, por fin se hará el cambio a la nueva traducción del Misal Romano. Desde el año pasado hemos publicado artículos en esta revista diocesana con referencia a los cambios a las respuestas de la gente durante la Misa. También han escuchado hablar del tema en el púlpito, y tal vez ustedes mismos hayan leído acerca de estos cambios por medio del internet. Pero, como en la mayoría de casos con grandes cambios en nuestras vidas, aun con toda preparación no podemos prepararnos por completo para el momento del cambio. En esta edición de Catholic Connection tenemos un artículo completo sobre los cambios en la Liturgia que verán el Primer Domingo de Adviento (27 de Noviembre, 2011). Páginas 12-14. También pueden ver más en la página de internet de la Conferencia Episcopal de Estados Unidos www.usccb. org (bajo el tema “Oración y Alabanza” bajo el título “Misal Romano”). Este sitio dará respuestas a la mayoría de sus preguntas. Por mi parte quiero animarlos a que enfrenten este cambio con actitud positiva. Cada uno de nosotros toma el cambio de diferentes maneras. Este cambio será muy personal para cada quien, inclusive para mí, especialmente porque afecta la manera en que oramos juntos durante la Misa. Es personal para mí porque después de 33 años de celebrar la Misa, sé muchas de las oraciones “de corazón” digo “de corazón” porque no solo las he memorizado, sino que resuenan en mi corazón de una manera que las hace aun más personales. La traducción que tenemos ahora es el lenguaje de mi primera Misa y todas las experiencias de la vida de la Iglesia que he tenido durante mi vida sacerdotal. Así que he tenido que aprender a sentir también los cambios de la traducción y les puedo asegurar que sus
4 5 Catholic Connection November 2011
sacerdotes tienen una experiencia similar a la mía. Pero al practicar las oraciones recién traducidas, me di cuenta que estaba poniendo mucha más atención a lo que estaba orando. Me di cuenta de como “automáticamente” puedo decir las palabras de la Misa, sin mi completa atención porque me he familiarizado tanto con las oraciones. Este no es el motivo por el cual la Iglesia está haciendo los cambios, sino me doy cuenta que este momento crea una oportunidad para ustedes y para mí de comprometernos a una oración más consciente en la Misa. Espero que esto sea de inspiración para ustedes también por el hecho de que necesitarán leer las nuevas oraciones de la Misa en una tarjeta o misal por primera vez tal vez en mucho tiempo. Las partes de la gente en la Misa no han cambiado mucho, pero si han cambiado lo suficiente como para necesitar leerlas por un tiempo. En vez de estar frustrados, les sugiero que veamos esto como una oportunidad de orar más profundamente la oración que estemos rezando y permitir que los pocos cambios iluminen la imaginación espiritual para reconsiderar el misterio del amor de Dios en su vida. Como seres humanos nos distraemos fácilmente por la controversia que con frecuencia terminamos discutiendo mientras que ignoramos las cosas mayores. Es mi esperanza que pronto apreciaremos la nueva traducción con un espíritu positivo y estaremos atentos al misterio de amor de Dios que celebramos en la Misa. Lo que también me gusta de la nueva traducción es obviamente lo sutil en mantener las oraciones fieles al
fundamento de la Sagrada Escritura. Se ha hecho un verdadero intento por recuperar una conexión fiel con las Escrituras. Esto es mas obvio en la respuesta antes de la comunión. Mientras que el sacerdote sostiene la custodia frente a nosotros, antes rezábamos, “Señor, yo no soy digo de recibirte, pero solo di la palabra y seré sanado.” Esta oración es sacada del evangelio de San Mateo 8:8. Es la historia del Centurión que le pide a Jesús que sane a su sirviente, pero cuando Jesús ofrece ir a su casa para curar al sirviente, el Centurión se siente indigno y se expresa con las palabras de las Escrituras: “Señor, yo no soy digno que entres en mi casa, solo di la palabra y mi sirviente será sanado”. La nueva traducción de la oración, que debe sonar familiar para todos los que han vivido lo suficiente es: “Señor, no soy digno de que entres en mi casa, pero solo di la palabra y mi alma será sanada.” Esta frase se acerca más a la traducción de las palabras del Centurión y nos llama a recordar no solo lo indigno que somos sino que también la historia del Centurión así como habla de nuestra fe. La oración no es solo una oración para ese momento durante la Misa, sino que nos llama a tener en cuenta la riqueza del significado y a un entendimiento de las Escrituras. Con frecuencia se nos critica de no ser una Iglesia basada en las Escrituras, pero nuestro uso de las Escrituras esta siempre entreverado en la Misa igual que el aire que respiramos. Estamos rodeados de ellas en la Liturgia. La nueva traducción considera esta conexión con más cuidado. Cada uno de nosotros debe aceptar este cambio con su propia inspiración, estos son dos de los míos. Quiero animarlos una vez más a que los tomen como un reto espiritual. Uno de los más grandes peligros para un creyente es llegar a estar tan cómodo que deja de buscar el crecer en el entendimiento de nuestra fe. Yo veo esta aceptación de cambio como una oportunidad para orar en la Misa con más intensidad y profundidad. Si hacemos eso seremos tanto renovados como transformados.
Bishop’s Reflection by Bishop Michael G. Duca
his month, on the First Sunday of Advent, we will finally make the change to the New Translation of the Roman Missal. For the past year we have published articles in this diocesan because I have become so familiar with the the host before us we use to pray, “Lord, magazine concerning the changes to the prayers. This is not the Church’s reason for I am not worthy to receive you, but only people’s responses at Mass. You have also changing the translation, but I realize that say the word and I shall be healed.” This heard something about this from the prayer comes from the gospel of Matthew pulpit, and you may have even done some this moment creates an opportunity for you and me to commit ourselves to a more 8:8. It is the story of the Centurion who reading about the changes on the Internet. conscious praying of the Mass. I hope asks Jesus to heal his servant, but when But, as in most cases of big changes in this will be an inspiration for you as well Jesus offers to come to his house to cure our lives, all the preparation cannot fully because the fact is you will need to read the servant the Centurion expresses his prepare us for the first day of change. the new prayers of the Mass from a card unworthiness with the word in Scripture: In this edition of the Catholic or missalette for maybe the first time in a “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter Connection we have articles on the changes long time. The people’s parts of the Mass under my roof, only say the word and in the Liturgy that you will encounter on have not been changed extensively, but my servant will be healed”. The new the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, enough for us to need to read them for a translation of the prayer, which should 2011 (see pages 12-15). You can also learn while. Rather than be frustrated, I suggest be familiar to those who have lived long more from the United States Conference we see this as an opportunity to pray enough is: “Lord, I am not worthy that you of Catholic Bishops website, www. should enter under my roof, but only usccb.org/romanmissal. This site say the word and my soul shall be will give you answers to most of This change will be personal healed.” This is a closer translation your questions. of the words of the Centurion to each of us, even for me, For my part I want to encourage and it calls to mind not only our you to approach this change with a especially because it affects the unworthiness, but also the story of positive attitude. Each of us handles way we pray together at Mass. the Centurion as it speaks of our change in different ways. This faith. The prayer is not only a prayer change will be personal to each of for that moment in the Mass, but it us, even for me, especially because calls to mind the wealth of meaning it affects the way we pray together more deeply the prayer you are praying and understanding of the Scriptures. at Mass. It is personal to me because, after and to allow the few changes to spark We are often accused of not being a 33 years of celebrating Mass, I know many your spiritual imagination to reconsider scriptural Church, but our use of Scripture of the prayers of the Mass “by heart.” I say the mystery of God’s love in your life. As is always present, woven into the Mass like “by heart” because it is not just that I have human beings we are so easily distracted the air we breathe. It is all around us in the memorized them, but some of the prayers by controversy that we often end up Liturgy. The new translation considers this resonate in my heart in a way that makes arguing while the most important things connection more carefully. them even more personal. The translation are ignored. It is my hope we will move Each of us must approach this change we now have is the language of my first quickly to embrace the new translation with our own inspiration; these are two Mass and of all the experiences of Church with a positive spirit so we can be attentive of mine. I want to encourage you again to life I have had during my priestly life. So to the mystery of God’s love we celebrate take this up as a spiritual challenge. One I have had to grow in my appreciation of in the Mass. of the great dangers for a believer is to the changes in the translation and you can The other thing I appreciate in the become so comfortable we stop trying to be sure your pastors have had a similar new translation is the obvious and subtle grow in the understanding of our faith. I experience as well. attention to keeping the prayers faithful see this as an occasion for us to accept the But as I practiced the newly translated to their Scriptural source. There has new translation as an opportunity to pray prayers, I became aware that I was paying been a real attempt to recover a faithful the Mass more intentionally and deeply. a lot more attention to what I was praying. connection with the scriptures. This If we will do that then we will be renewed I realize how “automatic” I can say the is most obvious in the response right and changed as well. words of Mass, without my full attention before communion. As the priest holds 5 4
The Fork in the Road
Domestic Church: Hold Your Tongue!
by Mike Van Vranken, Greco Instructor
hen you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Yogi Berra offered the above advice when giving directions to his house in Montclair, NJ. There was only one “fork in the road” in his home town, and choosing either direction would allow one to arrive at the same destination: Yogi’s house. If only making the decisions of life were so easy. The hard truth is, sometimes we find ourselves in situations that require serious thought and choices. Heading in one direction may allow us to be in a better position than we are today. However, making the decision to take the “other fork” might lead us to despair and even death. Where should we go for advice to find the preferred road map that will give our lives direction to peace, joy, health and happiness? Psalms 119:105 gives us a very clear answer. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.” This scripture is advising us to read the Bible. But, a closer look will give us some deeper insight as to WHY reading the Bible is a good choice. The same Almighty God who created the heavens and earth with His words also offers His words to us to be a light - a guide if you will. God’s Word is a lamp or candle to our feet. The Hebrew word for feet in this psalm can mean that physical part of our body. It also means “foot of God,” our “pace” of walking, to “follow” with our feet (as in following God), and our “journey” (as in our journey with God). Likewise, the word light used here in Hebrew can mean the “light of day,” Heavenly luminaries (sun, moon, stars), “dawn,” “light of life,” or “light of prosperity,” or “light of instruction,” or “Jehovah as Israel’s light.” Can you imagine the Israelites joy when they read this psalm? God’s Word (the same Word that created the world) is a lamp or a candle of their own feet but also leads them to the foot of God. It gives them the pace of their journey as they follow God. And furthermore, it is as bright as the light of day, and gives them light even in the dark days (as the moon and stars do at night). As dawn is the never-ending reality of a new day, so is God’s Word. His Word is the light of life, the light of our prosperity, the light of our instructions from God and, in essence, the light is God Himself. As we face those daily “forks in the road,” filling our eyes, our ears and our hearts with the Word of God can simplify our decision making process. It will shine God’s light on our feet and on our path - a path to a life that is the exact plan God created for each of us. 6 7 Catholic Connection November 2011
by Katie Sciba hich muscle in YOUR body do you think is the most powerful? Depending on your physique, you might take pride in your biceps, calves, or even abdomen if you’re really buff. I’m willing to bet, though, that despite variations among people’s physical make-up, we are all strongest in the same small muscle – the tongue. It’s amazing, isn’t it, how impressively powerful the tongue is? Such a little part of the body can build and destroy any friendship or relationship and can bring a soul closer to or further from Christ. Easily influenced and influential in itself, the tongue can be a harmful weapon in a mouth prone to negativity. St. James writes that it can be “set on fire by hell,” and that “with it we bless the Lord and…curse men, who are made in the likeness of God” (James 3:9) Curses come from all sorts of violations – profanity, picking on others, telling stories about others’ mistakes or flaws, discouragement, and insincerity are all damaging to self and to their recipients. Take a second to examine your own speech – how often do you criticize your spouse? Mutter a ‘bad word’ under your breath? Insult fellow drivers? Express irritability or anger toward your children? Laugh at another’s expense? Do you fuel these bad habits in anyone else? Like most violations of speech, all of these might seem pretty harmless in the moment and people usually try to justify them; but ultimately they’ll do damage to your soul and possibly someone else’s feelings. Think about this though: Of all of the vices that fall under this kind of destruction, do any of them seem reasonable? Upon consideration, these verbal sins are pretty ridiculous. What’s the point? Why criticize? Why make fun or pick on others? If you catch yourself entertaining any of these vices, examine your true motive. Verbal violations are often committed out of jealousy or insecurity, but I wonder if people would feel either if they devoted more time to Christ, prayer and practicing praising others. Jesus said “From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Mt. 12:34); whatever it is that occupies your soul will reveal itself in some shape or form. The closer you are to Christ, the more joyful and sincere your speech will be. The closer you are to Christ, the more often you’ll praise, compliment and delight in others. You’ll watch your mouth when someone cuts you off and you’ll be more willing to compliment a colleague’s success. You won’t be able to help yourself from spreading happiness! People notice how you speak, and your positivity will be contagious. The tongue is the soul’s principle steering implement and so your course is up to you. It’s true, however, that turning your tongue around for the long haul isn’t a quick and easy task. And sometimes the best way to steer a ship in another direction is to stop its motion entirely before setting it to move again. You can increase how often you praise, compliment or delight in others; but, to get into this habit, you have to get out of the habit of being sarcastic, joking at others’ expenses, and tearing people down. How can anyone take your positivity as honest when you’re still taking verbal jabs? Remember that what goes on in your soul will come out of your mouth. The best solution, as always, is to immerse yourself in Christ by attending Mass frequently, reading Scripture and praying the Rosary. In doing these things, you allow God’s grace to flow through you to more souls, and your encounters with others will certainly be happier.
Let Thankfulness Rule Your Heart by Sr. Martinette Rivers, ols
aying “thank you” should become the language of the heart as well as gratitude in action. Both make it easier to communicate with God and others who come into our lives. In fact, you will have less time to complain or worry and more time to pass on your blessings to others. It’s no casual shift of attitude, it’s the creation of a ‘new me’ and a better generation. As Blessed John Paul II said, “Be not afraid, launch out into the deep.” The greatest thing a person can do for their Creator is to be thankful. “In everything give thanks.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Of course gratitude is your choice. Gratitude from the heart consists of two words, “thank you,” because when the heart is full, words are few. Now is the time to exhibit your gratitude and say a sincere “thank you” to someone. Our nation celebrates many historic occasions every year, including Thanksgiving. Each of us has our own agenda before the Thanksgiving holidays, but as we make pumpkin pies and stuff our turkeys, we can stir in a healthy helping of gratitude. It’s the best spice on your spice rack. Fr. William Byron, SJ, says that if we were pressed to reduce the entire meaning of religion to one word, that word would be ‘gratitude,’ and I might add that we could use the word love for gratitude. Love and gratitude in action can stretch our minds to go to greater lengths to show we are truly grateful to God and to others for everything. The pilgrims and early New England colonists were accustomed to celebrating ‘thanksgiving days of prayer’ long before George Washington or Abraham Lincoln thought of the idea. It was a part of their lives to prayerfully thank God for all His blessings. So the pilgrims, setting aside all their differences with their American Indian neighbors, had a great festival after a bountiful harvest each year. It became a special time for them thoughout the year to pause and sanctify the moment with their gratitude. I am grateful that our presidents made Thanksgiving a legal holiday in keeping with their beautiful tradition. “It is good to thank God.” Psalm 92:2. As I write about Thanksgiving from Italy each year, new thoughts about gratitude pop into my mind. This time of year we are reminded how much we need each other in our families, workplaces, parishes, communities, in a nursing home or hospital. Imitating the Jews, we hold up each other when we say ‘thank you’ and draw our strength from living our lives in a state of thanks. We do not focus on what we lack, but on what we have. We just want to be here among the many blessings. I want to be the blessing even though I am far away from home and no one here celebrates Thanksgiving like we do in America. I shall think of you eating your turkey and cornbread dressing. My prayer for you as you celebrate is that you accept the gift of gratitude from God and put it to good use. You will gain a far-reaching perspective about gratitude in your lives and will make history in your families. Let us be the first ones to say thank you. Count your blessings and be thankful. Be thankful for the wonderful country you live in with all its opportunities. “I have not stopped giving thanks for you.” Ephesians 1:16. Don’t ever stop giving thanks, for that would make us
ungrateful people. Think long and hard about the things, people and spiritual blessings for which you have to give thanks. Let your heart well up and overflow with gratitude, joy and praise like St. Paul did. Don’t stop giving thanks. Perhaps we could keep a “gratitude journal,” because writing down what you are thankful for makes you healthier and more optimistic. We can remember Saint Paul. God did so much for him through his conversion, and then sent him among the people to preach the Gospel. He went on to give thanks and never stopped as he was so proud of the Church and how the people matured in their faith. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to look back and reflect like him, on the goodness of God in our lives. “Pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks.” Philippians 4: 6. If you think you have nothing, just look at the gifts God has given you and how you have used them. Perhaps you have taken them for granted and this is the time to be grateful because every gift has come from Him. Could we make this Thanksgiving season an extraordinary event? The day should not be an ‘ordinary’ one for us. Those of us who are in the ‘third age’ of our lives can’t age gracefully without gratefulness. We should recall our past with thanksgiving. Our grateful disposition did not come to us immediately as if by some sort of magic, but came by the grace of God. Thus, our ‘thank you’s’ should become endless. This I call ‘quality aging’ and something I must do myself. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” - Cicero. I grow deeply grateful when I think of all the people in my life who encouraged me, chided me and kept me on the right pathways during my lifetime. There is no such thing as a self-made person. We all have met many people who inspire us, love us the way we are, and helped us become happy and better people. Our appreciation can still be shown. Show your appreciation and gratitude to others by your tone of voice, simple gestures, your generosity of spirit and your thoughtfulness. When we are grateful, we are elegant and have a pleasing quality about us. It should make our spirits soar. Simply be grateful that your feet are still on the ground and can still dance. Soak it all in and be grateful. It’s as simple as that! God, may all the honor and glory be yours and we give you thanks and praise this Thanksgiving Day! Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! 7 6
SMALL CHURCH PROFILE: Sacred Heart Church, Springhill by Linda Webster, PhD During the 25th anniversary year of the Diocese of Shreveport we are profiling small churches around the diocese.
inger Blanton remembers the 1949 dedication ceremony at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Springhill. “Here I am,” she said, pointing to her image among a much larger group of parishioners positioned in front of a white brick structure that hangs on the back wall of the parish hall. “I’m standing with my mother and one of my aunts is on the other side of the group.” The women are wearing hats and dresses; most of the small Sacred Heart Church in Springhill, Louisiana. girls, including Ginger, are wearing light-colored summer frocks and have purses clutched in their hands. Men stand Thomas was the last pastor to occupy the long one-story rectory stiffly, hats held in hands clasped tightly in front of them, and the still standing on the north-east part of the church property, boys all have slicked-down hair. This was an important day for leaving in 1993. Catholics in Springhill. Don Cooper is a Springhill native whose father was the “Before International Paper opened their big plant here in principal of the high school. town, we went to Minden for Mass. When the managers came “We had fish on Friday at the school cafeteria because of the from up north, many of them were Catholic. Eventually there Catholic kids in town,” he said. “We also had religious education were enough families that we were able to build the church and classes at 8:15 here in the church.” become a mission church of St. Paul,” she added. Cooper and a handful of parishioners comprise the choir for The plaque centered on the frame dedicates the photo to the Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart with keyboard accompaniment by memory of the Whipple family. Jan Beavers, a member of the Springhill community. “There have been Whipples, my mother’s family, here at Leonard Blanton moved back to Springhill in the 1990s. He Sacred Heart all the way back. My aunt was the first person to be remembered that the population of Springhill in the late 1950s married in the new church and we were married there, too,” she was around 10,000; 40 years later, when he retired and returned noted. to the area, the population was around 5,000. Diocesan records show that Catholics began settling in “There used to be two high schools here in Springhill and they the Springhill area, the northern-most parish in the state of graduated several hundred students each year. Last year, the one Louisiana, around 1936. Reverend Robert DeVriendt began high school had 62 graduates. Most of the local jobs are gone traveling from Minden to care for the small community of and it’s becoming more of a retirement community.” Catholics and he was succeeded by Reverend Vernon Bordelon, Ginger is the only remaining Whipple in Springhill and she who said Mass in the local community center. With the and her husband Leonard are also among the few remaining appointment of the third pastor, Reverend M. L. Plauche and the Catholics worshipping at the whitewashed brick church. The support of Bishop Charles P. Greco, the church was built with the congregation is aging and the town is not attracting new, young assistance of the Extension Society and local businesses. families. Sacred Heart parishioners travel to St. Paul Church “I remember we had Mass in people’s homes for quite a while,” in Minden for Easter Mass and other major feasts along with said Ginger. “And I also remember going to City Hall for Mass parishioners from Ringgold and Homer because there simply at one point. It was aren’t enough hours in very difficult for us the day for the current to get to Minden and pastor, Reverend for the priest to get to Mark Franklin, to us because the roads have Masses in all four were very bad.” churches. By 1952, the “We’ve already had population was a meeting with the large enough for bishop,” she said. “It Sacred Heart to have wasn’t a meeting to a resident pastor. plan the closing of Reverend Francis O. the church, but we Couvillion lived in all know that Sacred the sacristy for some Heart cannot continue time as there was not as a mission unless we yet a rectory available. grow.” Father Mark Franklin and a parishioner outside the church on Palm Sunday. Reverend Pike Just before Easter
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Week of 2011, two of the original parishioners died within days of one another. Ginger, along with a small group of women, cooked for the reception after each funeral but it was a challenge. The receptions were held in the parish hall which is very seldom used. “We used to rent it out to other groups in town but we can’t afford the insurance anymore, so we only use the hall when we have an event that is directly related to a Liturgy,” she explained. “And these days, it’s usually a funeral.” The three buildings standing on the church property have changed little since they were built. The church has a new portico at the front entrance and the interior has been renovated several times. Fr. Franklin has done some beautiful woodworking to create an altar of repose and plinths for the statues in a very
1949 dedication of Sacred Heart Church.
different style than the work he has done for St. Margaret in Homer and Blessed Sacrament in Ringgold. The choir sings from a small space to the right of the sanctuary that used to be walled off for religious education. The wall was removed, opening up the area for access to the side door and creating additional seating. There are no children in the congregation, so there is no religious education. However, the Altar Society is still going strong and dues haven’t changed since the days when Blanton’s mother served as an officer. The original minutes are displayed in a shadow box on a wall in the parish hall showing the collection of 50 cents per month from 23 women, several with the surname of Whipple. “And the dues are still $6.00 a year,” she laughed.
SECOND COLLECTION: Catholic Campaign for Human Development | by Fr. Rothell Price, Vicar General Announcement Dates: November 6 & 13 • Collection Dates: November 19 & 20
he Catholic Campaign for Human Development is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by funding community programs that encourage independence. You are essential to its success. Your generous donations will give those in poverty the support they need to make lasting changes. Lasting change is the work of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This is a “campaign,” not merely a collection. This is an ongoing commitment of the bishops to eradicate poverty in our country. This is not a temporary fix, but a campaign that builds sustainable structures that permanently lift individuals, families, communities and ultimately our nation out of poverty. We shoulder this mandate from Christ to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick and care for the imprisoned. The more we do in the name of Christ, out of love for our Savior, the less we have to call on our government to do. This campaign is the work of our U.S. bishops to end poverty in our nation. Our bishops know their success rests on the goodwill and sacrificial generosity of the flocks they shepherd. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the USCCB, urged priests across the country to preach about “the terrible toll the current economic turmoil is taking on families and communities.” He said in a letter dated Sept. 15, “I hope we can use our opportunities as pastors, teachers and leaders to focus public attention and priority on the scandal of so much poverty and so many without work in our society.” He went on to say, “Widespread unemployment, underemployment and pervasive poverty are diminishing human lives, undermining human dignity and
hurting children and families.” The U.S. Census Bureau released statistics in September 2011 showing that 46 million people, including 16 million children, were living in poverty in the United States in 2010. Here’s what we can do that will make a positive difference and help break the cycle of poverty: give generously to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development; pray for the poor and the work of the campaign; become involved by contacting your parish’s Social Concerns Committee or your diocesan CCHD director; learn more about the issues of poverty and injustice. This is what Jesus did: He gave, prayed, became involved and learned more. Philip and the other apostles were overwhelmed when Jesus told them to feed the hungry crowd themselves. The apostles pointed out to Jesus the sheer impossibility of making even a dent in these people’s need. He said to them, “what do you have? Bring it here.” Then he took the conspicuously insufficient five loaves and two fish, looked up to heaven, said the blessing, broke the loaves, gave them to the disciples, who gave them to the crowds. The end result of this act of faith in the Father on the part of Jesus was that “they all ate and were satisfied” and there was plenty left over (Matthew 15: 13-21). Jesus is still present and active today in the ministry of His bishops and the generous work of His flock. May we give and act with such faith in the Lord. We can do and affect far more positive and sustainable change than we realize. The Gospels plainly prove that our little is more than enough, and even a surplus in the hands of God. So we act and we give in faith, knowing that God can do infinitely more than we could ever hope or imagine. 9 8
New Hire and Conference Attendance for Catholic Charities | by Theresa Mormino, Catholic Charities
hat a busy and exciting September and early October we’ve been enjoying at Catholic Charities of Shreveport! We began with our trip to Ft. Worth, TX for the annual gathering of Catholic Charities USA’s “Poverty Summit.” Executive Director Jean Dresley and Development Director Theresa Mormino were thrilled to attend many of the sessions and workshops and, said Jean, “I was wishing I had a twin to send to some I couldn’t get to. There was such a Hausen is the new wealth of good information and such Guiel Family Support Practioner for vision.” Catholic Charities. Opening speaker was Father Larry Snyder, President of CCUSA, which is composed of more than 1,700 local agencies that provide help and create hope for more than 10.2 million people a year. Fr. Snyder oversees Catholic Charities U.S.A.’s focus on reducing poverty in America. This is a multi-year, multi-faceted initiative that has the ambitious goal of cutting poverty in half by 2020. Mark Shriver, son of Sargent Shriver, founder of the Peace Corps, Head Start, VISTA, Job Corps, Community Action, Upward Bound, Foster Grandparents and President Johnson’s head on the war on poverty, was key note speaker. Mr. Shriver, head of Save the Children’s U.S. operations shared a new plan and vision for a fair and just society, based on his father’s teachings and experiences of the 1960s. “One aspect of going to these conferences that I love,” said Jean, “is the power of having all the agencies in one place. This is not only energizing for me but gives me a wealth of things we can use here in our own diocese.” We are also proud to announce our newest employee, Guiel Hausen, our Family Support Practioner who joined us October 10. Guiel, born in La Paz, Bolivia has lived in the US for 12 years and for 10 of those in Shreveport. When asked why she wanted to work with us at Catholic Charities of Shreveport, her quick response was, “This work means a lot to me. I’ve always had a heart for people and wanted to do work that meant something, that makes you feel good when you go home at night. As a single mother with no family to call on for help, I strongly relate to our Latin neighbors in Shreveport.” Guiel summed it up perfectly when she said, “This work helps people to walk from a place where there was darkness into one of hope. People need to know that with a helping hand, things can get better.” As a side note, Executive Director, Jean Dresley, offered the position to Guiel on her birthday, prompting Guiel to say, “It was an answer to prayer. That was the best birthday gift I’ve ever gotten!” Her work locally includes helping to raise scholarship money for Latino children through Lacima and the Cinco de Mayo Festival. In addition, she has been a volunteer at LaVita Latina magazine, the popular local Latin magazine that has a goal of uniting all Latin people in our area, helping them to assimilate and share helpful information. We ask you to join us in welcoming our newest staff member!
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MEET THE DEPARTMENT: Hispanic Ministries During the 25th anniversary year of the Diocese of Shreveport we are profiling those who work in each department for the diocese. We hope this helps you get to know the people who work for you.
Left to right: Rosalba Quiroz, Director of Hispanic Ministries and Jeanne Brown, Administrative Assistant for Hispanic Ministries.
ispanic Ministries and Immigration Services works to enable persons from Spanish-speaking cultures to participate fully in the life of the Church in this diocese and facilitates development of active Hispanic faith communities through leadership training and faith formation. Rosalba Quiroz: I am the Director of the Hispanic Ministries. I was born in Mexico. My husband is Manuel Quiroz, a proud veteran of the U.S. Air Force and the reason why I moved to the Shreveport/Bossier area over 10 years ago. We have two beautiful sons, Anthony and Oscar, and are members of the Christ the King Church in Bossier City. I have worked for the diocese for over seven years and I would work 70 more, if God allowed it. The goal of the Hispanic Ministry Office is to extend the mission of the diocese to the Hispanics in our area. We also serve as a bridge between Hispanics and the rest of the departments, parishes and other service agencies. The biggest satisfaction this job brings me is to know that through us, our priests and volunteers, many people know that the Catholic Church is here to walk with them in both good and not so good times. If you know of Hispanic Catholics new to the area or who are still looking for a parish, please send them our way. Jeanne Brown: I am the Administrative Assistant for the Hispanic Ministry Office. I am married to Shawn. We have one daughter, Adriana. We attend Christ the King Church in Bossier City. I have served at the Catholic Center since August of 2010. My favorite part of my Hispanic Ministry service is interacting with the Hispanic community and helping them achieve their personal and religious goals. If you have questions about Hispanic Ministry services, please call me.
School News
St. John Berchmans School has had a productive and fun-filled month of activities. Construction on our new elevator is expected to be complete by Thanksgiving. Fundraising continues as we still need $30,000 for this important addition to our building. Grades 4 through 8 have completed the Responsible Use Classes for Internet and computer use at school. Students are now encouraged to use the school’s iPads or their own iPads for academics at school and home. iPads are part of classroom centers in our lower grades as well. Thanks to beautiful weather and many hours of work by parent volunteers, we had another successful year at the Red River Revel. Our middle school classes also participated in their annual retreats. The month will end with our Monster Mash on October 28th. The highly-awaited event, sponsored by Home School Association, features a Haunted House designed by our 8th graders.
St. Joseph School students volunteered a total of 175 hours at the 2011 Red River Revel. The students (grades 5th through 8th) were from the SJS 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cheerleader
5 squads, SJS Student Council, the National Junior Honor Society and from the Carpenter Club (St. Joseph School’s middle school volunteer service group). All student volunteers worked in the Children’s Activity area of the Revel, assisting with face painting, sand art, the creation station, mock dig and the Brookshire’s display.
Wednesday, October 5th, Our Lady of Fatima students celebrated the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. Students brought their stuffed animals and pictures of their pets to be blessed. Ms. Humphreys conducted the prayer service.
New members have been inducted into the Loyola College Prep’s Flyer Alumni Association’s Hall of Honor in ceremonies in October. James Bustillo (pictured left) and W.L. “Lamar” Hodges (right) were honored at a banquet at East Ridge Country Club and the induction ceremony took place at halftime of Loyola’s football game against Parkway at Messmer Stadium. The criteria for Hall of Honor are based on service to school, religion and community. Selection is done by the Alumni Association and previous Hall of Honor inductees.
The three Pre-K3 classes at Jesus the Good Shepherd School enjoyed a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch St. Frederick High School at the First United Methodist Church Students “tie” it up to fight breast in Monroe. They all enjoyed watching cancer! Each Wednesday during the school a pumpkin be transformed into a Jackyear St. Frederick students, faculty, staff o’-lantern, running through a pumpkin and families attend Mass in the school maze and hearing a Halloween story. chapel. The following students wore pink They even got to take their own pumpkins ties to Mass on October 5 in honor of home to decorate. This field trip was also breast cancer awareness month. Back Row: a learning experience. The students have Payton La Pietra, Judge Shepard, Will been learning about the Fall season and Daniels; Front Row: James Babin, Matthew the changes that take place during this Smith, Zander Kelly and Alec Shell. time of year.
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he Diocese of Shreveport has been preparing for this special event in the liturgical life of the Church for over three years, and now we are less than four weeks away! On November 27, the First Sunday of Advent, the Roman Missal, Third Edition, the ritual text containing the prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass, will be implemented in the United States of America.
Why does the Church change the Liturgy? The Liturgy always celebrates and makes present the Paschal Sacrifice of Christ—his saving Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension. However, over time, it may become necessary to make certain changes, such as adding prayers for recently canonized saints and adding texts that reflect the needs that the People of God wish to bring to God in prayer. The third edition of the Roman Missal makes such additions and provides a fresh translation of the Latin texts of the existing content of the Missal. In its Liturgy, the Church always attempts to follow the “norm of the holy Fathers.” This effort “requires not only the preservation of what our immediate forebears have handed on to us, but also an understanding and a more profound pondering of the Church’s entire past . . . this broader view allows us to see how the Holy Spirit endows the People of God with a marvelous fidelity in preserving the unalterable deposit of faith, even though there is a very great variety of prayers and rites” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no. 9).
What is the process of changing the Liturgy?
Third Edition of the
Roman Missal by Dianne Rachal Director of Worship
12 13 Catholic Connection November 2011
Pope John Paul II approved the promulgation of the third edition of the Missale Romanum, the Latin text, on April 20, 2000. The final Latin edition of the revised text was published in March 2002. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDWDS), the Vatican office charged with overseeing all matters related to the Liturgy and the sacraments, was responsible for preparing the text. Any changes in the words of the sacramental formulas—the essential words in the celebration of each of the sacraments (either in Latin or in vernacular translations)—must be approved by the Holy Father personally. In addition, church law also gives to conferences of bishops (such as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops— USCCB) as well as individual bishops certain responsibilities with regard to the Liturgy. The International Commission on English in the Liturgy, ICEL, prepared the translation of the text from Latin into English. The USCCB debated, amended, and approved the English translation prior to sending it to the CDWDS. Approval, recognitio, was granted in April 2010. In August of 2010 the USCCB announced the implementation date for the U.S.: November 27, 2011, the First Sunday of Advent. This implementation date is appropriate because the First Sunday of Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year. From this date forward, no other edition of the Roman Missal may be used in the dioceses of the United States. This year and a half between the approval and implementation is time for: 1) the new missals to be published, 2) new music settings to be created, and 3) catechesis of the faithful to prepare them for the new Mass texts.
What is not changing? The Mass will still be celebrated as it is now. The structure and rite of the Mass itself is not changing, so the Mass will look and feel the same. The four parts of the Mass remain the same: Introductory Rite, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Concluding Rite. The postures and gestures, the Lectionary, receiving Communion, and many of the prayers, including the Sign of the Cross, the Kyrie, the Lord’s Prayer, the Lamb of God, the Prayer of the Faithful, and hymns remain unchanged. Only some of the words of the faithful and more of the words of the priest are changing.
What is changing? The prayer texts of the Mass have been translated to more closely reflect the original Latin texts. In some cases, new options for prayers may be available as with the new dismissal texts, and some old options may no longer be present, i.e., the Memorial Acclamation “Christ has died . . .” Some prayers now recited by memory will need to be aided with a pew card or missal until they are relearned and become part of our individual and corporate memory. In preparing the new translation, the translators were asked to make the English texts conform more closely to the Latin originals and to retain traditional theological vocabulary that communicates important concepts of the faith. The language that the faithful will hear and pray is more formal and somewhat more complex than the language of ordinary conversation. It conveys rich theological concepts and retains biblical language and images.
What has the diocese done to prepare? 1. The past three Diocesan Liturgical Conferences have been on the Mass and the new translation with Dr. Nathan Mitchell, Msgr. Kevin Irwin and Msgr. James P. Moroney. a. Rev. Michael Driscoll will speak on “The Eucharist as the Embodiment of Love” on November 10, 2011. b. Msgr. Michael Clay will speak about the Eucharistic Prayer at next year’s DLC conference on January 14, 2012. 2. Greco courses on the new Roman Missal were taught in the western and eastern deaneries. 3. “Come Let Us Worship,” a series of articles on the new Roman Missal was published in the Catholic Connection, as well as a series on proper decorum at Mass and on Sing to the Lord. 4. One and two-day workshops were held for priests with Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth and Rev. Paul Turner of ICEL. 5. The interactive DVD from ICEL, Become One Body One Spirit in Christ, and the LTP Parish Implementation booklet were distributed to all parishes, and WLP’s CD,
How Can You Prepare for the Change? There are many ways in which you can prepare for the changes in the Mass: • Make a conscious effort to participate more fully in the Mass each Sunday and holy day. • Take advantage of any special catechetical sessions offered by your parish or diocese. • Study the new texts and to learn more about the changes (See page 14). • Read the new texts of the people’s parts at Mass. Begin to study them so that you will be able to pray them well when the new Roman Missal is implemented • Pray for a renewal of love for the Liturgy in your parish and in the Church.
Eucharistic Prayers I, II, III & IV, was given to all priests. 6. Thirty-five presentations on the new Roman Missal were presented to parishes and organizations around the diocese. 7. Members of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission attended the FDLC National Meeting in Alexandria, LA in October 2010. Several priests form the diocese attended the BCDW/FDLC Workshop for Priests and Diocesan Leaders in Alexandria, LA in October 2010. 8. A Music Workshop on music settings for the new translation was held in March 2011 with representatives from WLP, GIA, OCP and CMAA presenting. 9. Bishop Michael Duca granted permission for parishes to begin introducing new music settings on September 1, 2011 to allow congregations time to learn them. This applies to the Gloria, the Holy, Holy, Holy, and the Memorial Acclamations. 10. Articles and PowerPoint presentations on the new Roman Missal are posted on the Office of Worship website: http://www.dioshpt.org/worship/worship.html. The Diocese of Shreveport is well positioned to implement the new Roman Missal on the First Sunday of Advent. Times of change are always a challenge. But from this challenge can come a deeper appreciation of who we are as the Body of Christ, gathering to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of the Lord. Based upon Roman Missal Formational Materials provided by the Secretariat for the Liturgy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2010. 13 12
Mass Prayers & Responses from the third edition of the roman missal
*Changes to the text are bolded.
Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit.
Penitential act, form A (Confiteor):
I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and Sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
Penitential act, form B:
Priest: Have mercy on us, O Lord People: For we have sinned against you. Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. People: And grant us your salvation.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory. Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
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Nicene Creed:
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Apostles’ Creed:
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Suscipiat Dominus:
May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church.
Preface Dialogue:
Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit. Priest: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up to the Lord. Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right and just.
Mystery of Faith (formerly the Memorial Acclamation):
Priest: The mystery of faith. People, A: We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again. or B: When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again. or C: Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Ressurection you have set us free.
Sign of Peace:
Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you always. People: And with your spirit.
Ecce Agnus Dei:
Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb. People: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Concluding Rites:
Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit.
“And With Your Spirit”
St. John Neumann: Faith Falters in Homeland | by Martha H. Fitzgerald
by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2010 ince it is clear that the change to “and with your spirit” is a significant and wide ranging change in a longstanding liturgical practice, the following questions are provided to clarify the reasons for the change and the meaning of the dialogue itself. Why has the response et cum spiritu tuo been translated as “and with your spirit?” The retranslation was necessary because it is a more correct rendering of et cum spiritu tuo. Recent scholarship has recognized the need for a more precise translation capable of expressing the full meaning of the Latin text. What about the other major languages? Do they have to change their translations? No. English is the only major language of the Roman Rite which did not translate the word spiritu. Where does this dialogue come from? The response et cum spiritu tuo is found in the Liturgies of both East and West, from the earliest days of the Church. One of the first instances of its use is found in the Traditio Apostolica of Saint Hippolytus, composed in Greek around AD 215. How is this dialogue used in the Liturgy? The dialogue is only used between the priest and the people, or exceptionally, between the deacon and the people. The greeting is never used in the Roman Liturgy between a non-ordained person and the gathered assembly. What does the priest mean when he says “The Lord be with you”? By greeting the people with the words “The Lord be with you,” the priest expresses his desire that the dynamic activity of God’s spirit be given to the people of God, enabling them to do the work of transforming the world that God has entrusted to them. What do the people mean when they respond “and with your spirit”? The expression et cum spiritu tuo is only addressed to an ordained minister. Some scholars have suggested that spiritu refers to the gift of the spirit he received at ordination. In their response, the people assure the priest of the same divine assistance of God’s spirit and, more specifically, help for the priest to use the charismatic gifts given to him in ordination and in so doing to fulfill his prophetic function in the Church.
RACHATICE, Czech Republic— Arriving at this 14th century town south of Prague, birthplace of St. John Neumann, our band of pilgrims from five U.S. states could not escape a profound sense of irony. We had come to honor the bicentennial of Neumann’s birth in what was then the Austrian empire. Neumann finished seminary training in 1836 in the heavily Catholic region of Bohemia but was not ordained because the diocese had too many priests. Poster advertising bicentennial celebration of He traveled to New York City, there St. John Neumann’s birth at his home church in received Holy Orders, and eagerly Prachatice, Czech Republic accepted assignment to the rugged who Neumann was and why he was being frontier region of Niagara. Neumann honored. joined the Congregation of the Most Holy This year the town is fully embracing him Redeemer (Redemptorists) in 1842 and did missionary work in Maryland, Pennsylvania, as their native son. There’s a special St. John Neumann exhibit at the city museum with New York, Ohio and western Virginia. clothing, relics and other artifacts. There’s He heard confessions in seven languages, a plaque at his birthplace, which is now a including Gaelic. Neumann became the fourth bishop of Philadelphia in 1852. Those hospice, and a mural at his parents’ grave on the hill overlooking town. The Neumann of us who attended parochial schools have Bishop Neumann to thank, as he established chapel at St. James Church, where we had a private Mass, features the font where he was the first Catholic school system in the baptized. country. At the nation’s official bicentennial Today, however, Neumann’s homeland, observance, held June 18, some 6,000 people the Czech Republic, has one of the highest participated in a liturgical procession from percentages of atheists in the world. Church attendance plummeted here during the Soviet the town square to the church. Among occupation and has not appreciably recovered them were two cardinals and bishops from five countries. “The voice of this humble in the two decades since. missionary bishop, your fellow countryman I find the situation particularly heartbreaking because Bohemia is my father’s … reaches you strong and loving,” said the homilist and papal legate, Cardinal Justin ancestral homeland. Three generations of Czech children have Rigali of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. grown up without a faith tradition. Bohemia, “He exhorts you to live the fullness of the the main province of Czech Republic, stands Christian life according to the great traditions in far greater need of missionary work today of holiness in your land, and he pleads with you to share with others the great treasure of than does the United States, Neumann’s your faith …” adopted homeland. Neumann, the first American male Those 20th century Czechs who stayed and the only U.S. bishop to be canonized, faithful during the communist era—some organized the first diocesan schedule of the of my distant cousins among them—did so Forty Hours’ Devotion in America. He was at great risk to their livelihoods and their also the first professed Redemptorist in the children’s future. Ordained clergy were sent United States. The public may visit his tomb to labor camps or forced to take secular in the National Shrine of St. John Neumann, jobs. Catholicism went underground, with St. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia (http://www. sacraments celebrated sporadically and stjohnneumann.org). clandestinely. In his name, may we never forget how Our city guide in Prachatice recalled the 1977 service in St. James Church celebrating precious is our right to freedom of worship. And may we pray always for the children Neumann’s canonization. Secret police were born under the yoke of oppression. in the pews. Many of the older residents Martha Fitzgerald’s pilgrimage blog may be found at attended in spite of the intimidation. Many of http://www.redemptorists.net/news-detail.cfm?id=313. the younger residents, however, had no idea
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Growing Youth Ministry in the Parish, Pt. 3 by John Vining, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry The previous two installments offered to assist parishes in identifying the importance of a good leader for our youth and identifying characteristics that can both work for and against youth ministries. Part 3 presents some practical tips you may want to implement in your discernment process for a youth minister.
n a practical side, what should a parish do about spiritual leadership? Prayerfully select those who you feel have a heart for ministry- a passion to better the world by reaching out to others. Select those who are willing to meet at least once a week with your teenagers and provide at least one activity a month. In an ideal situation, each parish should have its own full time youth director. The reality is that many of our parishes cannot afford to hire even part time. Still, for the volunteer there needs to be some standards and accountability. It is important to keep in mind that your candidate needs to support not only the local parish, but the diocese as a whole. Youth ministry is a team effort and the diocese can provide events for teens that some parishes can not due to financial constraints. They should be required to attend as many diocesan level meetings as possible. I recommend your parish use 1 Tim 3:1-11 and Titus 1:7-9 as templates for the kind of person you need to have working with your teens. It almost goes without saying that they must have completed the Protecting God’s Children. You will be protecting your parish and your diocese when you are in full compliance with this. When a candidate is found, it is productive to have a teaching series available for them right away. St. Mary’s Press is an excellent place to start. Much of their material is approved by the USCCB. These youth series will often have creative stories to share, games that build relationships and moral lessons to share through the lens of the Church. They are excellent formation tools and I am betting that your teens will enjoy it too. Make sure your youth ministry will be a contact ministry. There must be routine contact with the teens, a letter, a phone call, an e-mail, etc. Some kind of outreach
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Diocese of Shreveport youth leaders and volunteers at NCYC in 2009.
must take place when forming your group. It is not necessary to keep hounding those who do not want to participate. In fact, it just makes them angry and they tell their friends, which makes it harder on your parish to reach people. In my past experience on a church level, we would reach out to those whom God was leading us to. When a teen repeatedly tells you that he or she will not come to youth group, you need to move on. Pray that the Lord leads you to other teens that might accept an invitation. It does no good to waste your time and energy on those who will not listen. Christ told His apostles to shake the dust off their feet of those that wouldn’t receive them. Your goal should be to move into where God is working. That’s the joy, that’s the satisfaction, and that’s where you will be changed in the process. We should never close the door on a teen that has told us no, but we shouldn’t spin our wheels without purpose either. In summary: 1. Prayerfully select those you feel have a heart for ministry. 2. Select those according to the criteria mentioned in the 1 Timothy and Titus. 3. Select those who are willing to meet at least once a week with teenagers. 4. Select those who will at least have one activity a month with the teens, even if it’s simple. 5. Select those willing to support the diocese. 6. Avoid those you feel are prideful, quick to anger, overly cynical and extremely sensitive. 7. Support your leader with adequate materials and resources. 8. Make sure you don’t overburden your leader with too many or impossible tasks. Discerning a leader to work with your parish is not an easy endeavor. To focus on the positive aspects it is good to consider an individual of good moral character, work ethic and a propensity to lift others up. You want to select someone you feel would be a good fit for the parish’s ministry. How well does this person seem to handle conflict? Would you describe this individual as a
devout Catholic? Do they seem to have administrative skills? Do teens respond positively to him or her? Is this a person who would work well with the priest? These things have to be discerned through prayer and through asking the right questions. It is also a good idea to have a potential candidate meet with your teens. If your candidate will be serving multiple parishes, it will be important for him or her to meet with all interested parties. Communication is a must in this type of situation. The priests and parishioners must be of one mind and spirit. A central office needs to be determined as well as a meeting site that is beneficial to all. It must be clearly defined to whom your leader will be accountable. By doing this you will avoid factions and petty territorial disputes. Finally, when one is trying to spiritually discern a candidate for any ministry in the parish it is important to have those who care for spiritual things make spiritual decisions. If you are asking to play a part in God’s ministry, shouldn’t you make every effort to be clean and holy before Him? These are some practical tips I hope you will consider implementing into your youth ministries. The goal is always to strengthen each other in Christ. I firmly believe we can and are doing this in our diocese. I’ve met many faithful servants who are inspiring here in north Louisiana. It is a privilege and honor to labor with you toward our common goal of reaching others deeply and personally for Christ. I humbly submit these suggestions to you in hopes that it will strengthen your local ministry.
Follow Diocesan Youth on Twitter at NCYC The Diocese of Shreveport youth are headed to Indianapolis for the National Catholic Youth Conference, “Called to Glory.” Follow local youth member Jeb Key during his trip to Indianapolis and experience at the National Catholic Youth Conference beginning November 16. To follow Jeb, you can go to http://twitter.com/#!/ncycshreveport Jeb is 17 and a senior at Many High School. He attends St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Many and he serves as a lector and eucharistic minister.
Archbishop Hannan, Paratroop Chaplain and Kennedy Counselor, Dies at 98 by Peter Finney, Jr., Clarion Herald, New Orleans
Retired Bishop of Shreveport William B. Friend with Retired Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans at Monroe’s Red Mass in 2006.
EW ORLEANS (CNS) -- Retired Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans, a World War II paratroop chaplain who befriended and secretly counseled John F. Kennedy during and after his historic run for the White House as the first U.S. Catholic president, died Sept. 29 at age 98. “Archbishop Hannan in every way was a good shepherd of the church who was modeled after Christ, not just for Catholics of New Orleans but for the whole community,” Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond of New Orleans said in a statement. Archbishop Hannan had become increasingly frail in recent months because of a series of strokes and other health problems. “From the time Archbishop Hannan came here right after Hurricane Betsy in 1965, he truly made New Orleans his home,” Archbishop Aymond added. “This was his parish and his archdiocese, and it had no boundaries. He was there for anyone and everyone. That was his goal in life. He always quoted St. Paul, and he truly believed that his mission and ministry was to preach the Gospel untiringly both in actions and in words.” Archbishop Hannan was the last surviving U.S. bishop to have attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council (196265) as a bishop. A staunch defender of civil rights and the unborn as well as a fierce proponent during Vatican II of the morality of nuclear deterrence, Archbishop Hannan burnished his reputation for fearlessness in 2005 by riding out Hurricane Katrina alone at age 92 in the fortresslike studios of Focus Worldwide, an offshoot of the television network he created in the 1980s. Although the building’s backup generator failed, the veteran 82nd Airborne chaplain had a ready supply of water, peanut butter and crackers -- as well as a trusty 3-wood to ward off potential looters. Five days later, he talked his way through police barricades and drove across the 24-mile causeway bridge over Lake Pontchartrain to give emotional pep talks to weary first responders. He was ordained auxiliary bishop of Washington in 1956 and was attending the final session of Vatican II -- with the responsibility, because of his background as a Catholic newspaper editor, of coordinating the daily press briefings for Englishspeaking reporters -- when Pope Paul VI appointed him as the 11th archbishop of New Orleans Sept. 29, 1965. The appointment came 20 days after Hurricane Betsy had flooded and damaged large swaths of New Orleans.
As archbishop, he endeared himself to a Catholic populace that could be wary of outsiders through his plain talk against abortion -- which drew the ire of Catholic politicians who supported keeping abortion legal -- and through his outreach to the poor, the elderly and those of other faiths. He was a dynamo in building affordable apartments for the poor and elderly, navigating government channels to finance many of the projects. The result was Christopher Homes, the housing arm of the archdiocese that now provides thousands of affordable apartments. In 2010, Archbishop Hannan published his memoirs, The Archbishop Wore Combat Boots, which documented his career as a seminarian in Rome in the 1930s during the buildup to World War II, his service as a paratroop chaplain for the 82nd Airborne and his confidential relationship with Kennedy when he was an auxiliary bishop of Washington. Archbishop Hannan and Kennedy were so close that first lady Jacqueline Kennedy asked him to deliver the eulogy at the assassinated president’s funeral Mass on Nov. 25, 1963, at St. Matthew Cathedral in Washington. In 1968, Archbishop Hannan returned to Washington from New Orleans to deliver the graveside eulogy at the funeral of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. In 1994, he offered graveside prayers at the interment of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in Arlington National Cemetery. Archbishop Hannan retired one year after the historic 1987 visit of Pope John Paul II to New Orleans, an event he often called the highlight of his life as a priest. Archbishop Hannan started educational television station WLAE in the 1980s and was still filing television reports as late as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Ordained in Rome Dec. 8, 1939, by Bishop Ralph Hayes, then rector of the North American College, Fr. Hannan remained in Rome until the following summer, when all American seminarians were ordered by the U.S. to leave to ensure their personal safety. In 1942, he volunteered as a wartime paratroop chaplain and served with the 505th Parachute Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division. After cursory instructions on the ground, he took five practice jumps to earn his official status as a Pictured in 1945, then-Father Philip paratroop chaplain. M. Hannan, a paratroop chaplain with the 82nd Airborne during World War II, After his first jump, he helps liberate a concentration camp at was appointed “jump Wobbelin, Germany, close to the Elbe master” to a small crew River. (CNS photo/Archbishop Hannan) of greenhorn jumpers and he affectionately became known as “The Jumping Padre.” In 1945, as the horrors of Nazi prisoner-of-war camps became widely known, Chaplain Hannan liberated a German camp of emaciated prisoners at Wobbelin. After the war, Fr. Hannan
Contiinued on page 19.
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Hispanic Corner | por Rosalba Quiroz La Sanación de los Diez Leprosos
os dice el evangelio de San Lucas que un día Jesús de camino hacia Jerusalén, atravesaba Galilea y Samaria. Al entrar al pueblo le salieron al encuentro diez hombres enfermos de lepra, los cuales se quedaron lejos de él gritando: ¡Jesús, Maestro, ten compasión de nosotros! Cuando Jesús los vio, les dijo: Vayan a presentarse a los sacerdotes y mientras iban, quedaron limpios de su enfermedad. Uno de ellos, al verse limpio, regresó alabando a Dios a grandes voces, y se arrodilló delante de Jesús, inclinándose hasta el suelo para darle las gracias. Este hombre era de Samaria. Jesús dijo: ¿Acaso no eran diez los que quedaron limpios de su enfermedad? ¿Dónde están los otros (CNS photo/Mike Crupi, Catholic Courier) nueve? ¿Únicamente este extranjero ha vuelto para alabar a Dios? Y le dijo al felizmente la sanación que Él nos da. hombre: Levántate y vete; por tu fe has En primer lugar, pidámosle que nos sido sanado. (Lucas 17, 12-19) sane de nuestras heridas del pasado; en Este evangelio nos habla del extranjero segundo, lugar, agradezcámosle siempre agradecido; dice el Evangelio que por su continua compasión, perdón y la eran diez los que fueron sanados. Sin sanación y por último, levantémonos a embargo, uno solo regresó gritando – alabarle a Él(Jesús), al Padre y al Espíritu igual o posiblemente más eufóricamente Santo, las tres personas en un solo Dios que antes de ser sanado- para agradecer que nos sostienen, nos llenan de su gracia a Jesús por su sanación. A su vez, Jesús y Jesús con su ejemplo nos muestra el le interroga de donde quedaron los camino, la verdad y la vida porque Él es otros nueve. Jesús ya sabe que ellos no el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. van a regresar a darle las gracias pero Seamos pues, agradecidos con nuestro para reconfortar al sanado agradecido Señor por todo lo que somos, lo que le pregunta por ellos, luego con todo tenemos y lo que podemos llegar a ser amor le dice “levántate y vete tu fe te ha con su ayuda. Especialmente nosotros salvado”. Jesús nos pide ser agradecidos que somos extranjeros en este país, no porque el necesite que le demos las agradezcamos la oportunidad de buscar gracias sino porque al hacerlo nosotros una mejor vida y alabémosle agradecidos nos sentimos engrandecidos y alabamos pues por nuestra fe, Él nos ha salvado.
Calendario Mes de Noviembre 1 Día de Todos los Santos – Centro Católico cerrado 2 Reunión de Directores con el obispo, Centro Católico 10 Taller: Eucaristía, Sacramento de Amor, Centro Católico, 7:00 p.m. (Inglés) 20 Fiesta de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo el Rey. Último Domingo del Año Litúrgico. 24 Día de Acción de Gracias. 27 Primer Domingo de Adviento y Comienzo del Año Litúrgico.
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Bossier City: Christ the King Church 425 McCormick St. Bossier City Sábado 7:00 p.m. Domingo 3:00 p.m. Lunes 7:00 p.m. Confesiones 45 minutos antes de Misa Marilú Rodriguez Tel: 318-286-1492 Farmerville: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 600 E. Water Street Farmerville Sábado 7:00 p.m. Rev. Al Jost Tel: 318-243-0115 Mansfield: St. Joseph Church 305 Jefferson Street Mansfield 2do Domingo 2:00 p.m. y 3er Martes 6:30 p.m. Juanita Ibarra Tel: 318-872-5390 Minden: St. Paul Church 410 Fincher Road Minden 2do y 4to Viernes 7:00 p.m. Margarita Bratton Tel: 318-377-9684 Oak Grove: Sacred Heart Church 201 Purvis St Oak Grove Domingo 5:00 p.m. Feliciano y Rosa Alviso Martinez Tel: 318-428-2137 Ruston: St. Thomas Aquinas Church 810 Carey Ave. Ruston 2do y 4to Domingo 2:30 p.m. Soledad Broyles Tel: 318-243-1958 Shreveport: St. Mary of the Pines Church 1050 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop Shreveport Domingo 1:00 p.m. Carmen Bradford Tel: 318-455-2300 West Monroe: St. Paschal Church 711 N 7th Street West Monroe Domingo 2:30 p.m. Lorena Chaparro Tel: 318-651-9136
Rosalba Quiroz, Directora del Ministerio Hispano 318-219-7265 Jeanne Brown 318-219-7257
News Briefs
by Catholic News Service
New Orleans Catholic Charities Gets $15 million for Oil Spill Victims
EW ORLEANS (CNS) -- Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of New Orleans has received the largest single grant in its history -- $15 million from the Baton Rouge Area Foundation -- to oversee a collaborative of nonprofit organizations that will provide direct assistance, counseling and job force training to coastal Louisiana fishing families affected by the 2010 BP oil spill. The grant, announced Sept. 7, was part of the original $100 million in funding that BP gave to the Baton Rouge Area Foundation in 2010 to establish a fund targeted to help oil rig workers and oil rig supply companies affected by the spill. But because the demand for that funding was far less than anticipated, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation transferred $75 million to establish a “Future of the Gulf Fund,” which will fund the efforts of local nonprofits to help people, wildlife and the environment in the Gulf Coast area, said John Davies, president and CEO of the foundation. Altogether, Davies announced $18 million in grants Sept. 7, with Catholic Charities receiving the lion’s share for an 18-month program that will allow the continuation and expansion of its Spirit of Hope Collaborative. The $15 million is dedicated for specific purposes, said Gordon Wadge, president and chief executive officer. Spirit of Hope will help oil spill families gain access to mental health and career counseling; offer direct assistance for food, utilities, housing and transportation; and provide job training for fishermen who might want to begin other careers. The grant will allow Catholic Charities to branch out into the dioceses of Houma-Thibodaux and Lafayette to help people affected by the spill, Wadge said. Case managers will be able to determine what people need and react quickly to help them. “Really, it’s journeying with somebody in life, whether it’s educational opportunities that they need or if it’s job opportunities or counseling or crisis assistance,” Wadge said.
Evidence that Priests are Happy, Research Finds
ASHINGTON (CNS) -- Msgr. Stephen Rossetti is out to correct the myth that the typical Catholic priest is “a lonely, dispirited figure living an unhealthy life that breeds sexual deviation,” as a writer for the Hartford Courant once put it. And he’s got the data to prove it. The research is “consistent, replicated many times and now incontrovertible” that priests as a group are happy, Msgr. Rossetti told a daylong symposium on the priesthood Oct. 5 at The Catholic University of America in Washington. The symposium was built around “Why Priests Are Happy: A Study of the Psychological and Spiritual Health of Priests,” a new book by Msgr. Rossetti. A priest of the Diocese of Syracuse, NY, he is a clinical associate professor of pastoral studies at the university and former president and CEO of St. Luke This is the cover of "Why Priests Are Institute in Silver Spring, MD, a treatment facility Happy: A Study of the Psychological and Spiritual Health of Priests" by for Catholic clergy and religious. The book’s conclusions are based on a survey of 2,482 priests Msgr. Stephen Rossetti. (CNS) from 23 U.S. dioceses in 2009, supplemented by a 2004 survey of 1,242 priests from 16 dioceses and other studies. The research found, among other things, that priests are “no more and no less depressed than anyone else in the world,” “a little bit better than the laity,” the priest said. More than 90 percent of priests said they receive the emotional support they need, 83 percent said they are able to share problems and feelings and only 22 percent said they are lonely. The vast majority of priests cited lay friends as one of their major supports. “That’s what priests do -- make relationships,” Msgr. Rossetti said.
Archbishop Hannan, continued from page 17.
was assistant pastor at St. Mary’s Church in Washington. In 1948 he was appointed vice chancellor of the newly established Archdiocese of Washington. In 1951 he helped organize the Catholic Standard, the archdiocesan newspaper, and was its editor-inchief for the next 14 years. Named a bishop by Pope Pius XII, he was ordained Aug. 28, 1956, in St. Matthew Cathedral. In 1962 Bishop Hannan went to Rome for the first session of Vatican II. In New Orleans, one area in which Archbishop Hannan had the greatest impact on the community was social work. Shortly after his arrival, he walked the streets of a housing development and immediately determined the church needed to institute a social action program. Beginning in the summer of 1966, with only 25 volunteers, the archdiocesan Social Apostolate program developed into a year-round activity at nearly a dozen centers, focusing on educational, recreational, cultural and social activities. When the city’s public swimming pools developed mysterious problems -- meaning they could not be opened for blacks and whites to swim together -- the archbishop decided to make the swimming pool at Notre Dame Seminary available to the children who attended his Summer Witness camps. The archbishop was successful in bringing to New Orleans the Second Harvest Food Bank program, and the Elderly Supplemental Food Program. Following the fall of South Vietnam in 1975, the Archdiocese of New Orleans, through Catholic Charities, was one of the leaders in the nation assisting in the resettlement of thousands of Vietnamese refugees. In the conclusion of his autobiography, Archbishop Hannan wrote: “The road to heaven begins -- and ends -- with faith in God from whom all blessings, wisdom, tolerance, joy and forgiveness have always -- and will ever -- flow. Consequently, I have come to believe that only when we actually get to heaven will we truly understand what we accomplished here on earth -- especially when it concerns the priesthood.” “From my perspective as a priest -- I will accomplish in death what I could not in life because as priests we are most fully alive when we die,” he wrote. “If we don’t feel that way, we certainly have not served the cause of Christ as we were meant to. In the final spiritual analysis, to fulfill the will of God, a priest must die in life as did his own Son. And when that times comes, with the grace of God, I am ready.” 19 18
Around the Diocese
On Sunday, October 2, Fr. Van Dinh blessed 17 dogs and two cats in honor of St. Francis of Assisi outside Holy Family Chapel on Barksdale Air Force Base grounds. It was a delightful ceremony with our beloved pets. The dogs and cats were given animal friendly treats, while the visitors had light refreshments.
St. Paschal Church in West Monroe had the largest number of team members at the annual Northeast Louisiana Race for the Cure held to join the battle against breast cancer. About 150 people donned t-shirts which read “St. Paschal’s Prayer for the Cure” and walked the three-mile (or one mile) route.
The themes of unity and celebration were on view at St. Jude’s Feast Day 2011, sponsored and organized by the St. Jude Ladies Guild. Volunteers made the occasion a resounding success. The glorious day of sun and breezes provided the perfect backdrop, which began with about 500 parishioners gathered on the front ellipse for Mass on the grounds. Among highlights was the “entrance procession” by dozens of our Musicmaker children, drawing the assembly into joy by their processional banners accompanied by Fr. Bosco’s haunting African chant of praise to God. Other highlights were the traditional, delicious Vita’s Spaghetti, sale/auction of hundreds of food and non-food items, children’s games provided by St. Jude Greenfield Pre-School members, the Bocce Ball provided by the Sons of Italy, and the raffle drawing for the jet ski donated to the New Church-New Site-New Life drive.
In September, 40 of St. Joseph Church’s EDGE, Middle School Youth prepared, delivered and served meals for the visitors at Hope House, an organization in Shreveport whose mission is simple: to provide meals to the homeless community of Shreveport. The youth volunteered to prepare, assemble and deliver 70 meals to the those men, women and children assembling around the block of the Hope House. Fr. Thomas accompanied them, blessed the food, the homeless and the volunteers.
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The Catholic Youth Organization from St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Ruston focused their attention, prayer, and service to some of the most vulnerable in society: the unborn. This year’s Life Teen’s project was to stock the shelves of the local pregnancy resource center with baby items and other essentials. During September 21, 2011 CYO collected over 135 baby items for the Life Choices pregnancy resource center in Ruston, LA.
Fr. Joseph Puthuppally Celebrates 45 Years of Priesthood | Submitted by St. Matthew Church
The Arthur Teague Parkway in Bossier City served as one of the locations of the 4th annual Friends of the Poor® Walk on September 24. The Walk, conducted by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP), is a nationwide event intended to raise national awareness of the challenges faced by the nation’s poor and to raise funds for use in direct service to the poor. Multiple SVdP conferences from churches in Shreveport/Bossier participated in the local event which served to raise much needed funds for each conference. All funds raised locally will be used locally within each Conference.
Just five miles south of the Jimmie Davis Highway on Barksdale Blvd. in Bossier City, a perfect picture of fall appeared to be painted on the front lawn of Mary, Queen of Peace Church. Pumpkins of every shape and size were placed to attract passersbys to stop for a spell and peruse the patch. There were pumpkins as large as square bales of hay and some almost as small as fluffy pancakes. Whatever the preference, there were pumpkins for all personalities. This was a fundraiser for our various youth programs. Parishioners packed the patch since the 9th of October to support our youth. Sales will conclude on the 31st of October. A carnival will culminate the activities of the patch on the 29th of October with a hay ride, face painting, pumpkin decorating, a dunking booth, jumpy castles, games and more! Our fearless pumpkin patch coordinator was our very own Deacon Michael Straub. Although our profits are pending, our parishioners are positively proud of our First Annual Pumpkin Patch!
Fr. Joseph Puthuppally at the Mass celebrating his 45th anniversary as a priest at St. Matthew Church in Monroe.
ather Joseph Puthuppally, pastor of St. Matthew Catholic Church in Monroe celebrated his 45th anniversary of ordination as a priest on Sunday, October 2, 2011. He was honored by a surprise visit by Bishop Michael Duca and an overwhelming attendance at Sunday’s 10:30 a.m. Mass, which was planned as a surprise to celebrate his 45 years of priesthood. The concelebrated Mass of thanksgiving was followed by a celebration in the St. Matthew Community Center with a welcome and congratulatory blessing from Bishop Duca. The Community Center was also decorated to reflect Father Joe’s love of gardening. To pay tribute to Father Joe there was music by St. Matthew’s Choir, special recognition by Scott Brandle and a special song by Jim Malson. Kind words were expressed by parishioners and friends and there was a presentation of gifts and a poster made by the children of St. Matthew Church. Father Joe was one of the first Indian missionary priest in the Monroe area. He was born in Kerala, India and did his priestly training in Pune, Papal Seminary. While in the Seminary, he earned his Licentiate in Philosophy and Theology. He was ordained as a priest on October 2, 1966. In 1969, he obtained his Master’s Degree in History. From 1972 to 1984 he was the Principal of St. John’s School in Varanasi, India. In 1986 his travels brought him to the United States and to New Jersey where he was assigned to the Holy Family Church in Union Beach. There he obtained his second Master’s degree in addictions. He has met Mother Theresa whom he holds in high esteem. He began working with her and stayed in contact with her until her death on September 5, 1997. When asked how he came to Monroe, he jokingly tells the story of how he saw there was an opening in LA and thought it was Los Angeles. Having friends there, he took the position and ended up in Monroe, Louisiana. He came to Monroe in 1992 and became the pastor of St. Matthew Church in 1997. As he continues his journey, despite his talks of retirement, he touches people every day. When you meet Fr. Joe, he still reaches out his hand and with a smile says, “may the peace and love of God be with you,” or just a short “God bless you.” 21 20
Upcoming Events OCTOBER 29: HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA AT MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH Join Mary, Queen of Peace Church for their annual Halloween Extravaganza. Activities will include: hay rides, face painting, pumpkin decorating, trunk-or-treating, games, dunking booth, food and more! Event begins at 5:00 p.m. Call the church office for more information, 318752-5971. NOVEMBER 1: SOLEMN HIGH MASS AT THE CATHEDRAL Part of the Cathedral’s new organ inaugural week, this Mass, Messe Solennelle, by Louis Vierne, highlights the celebration of All Saints Day. Mass begins at 6:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 5: MAGNIFICAT NOVEMBER PRAYER BRUNCH WITH MARTHA H. FITZGERALD The Magnificat, Nowela Chapter is sponsoring a prayer brunch on November 5 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Activities Center at St. Jude Catholic Church in Bossier City. The guest speaker will be Martha Fitzgerald from Shreveport, LA. Martha Holoubek Fitzgerald is an independent editor and publisher and former journalist. An award-winning editor and writer, she served The Times of Shreveport as associate editorial page editor, columnist, assistant managing editor, business editor, and features editor, among other roles. She is owner of Martha Fitzgerald Consulting (www.marthafitzgerald.com) and Little Dove Press (www.littledovepress.com). She edited and published Letters to Luke: From His Fellow Physician Joseph of Capernaum by Joe E. Holoubek M.D., winner of the Writers Digest Award for inspirational literature and the Independent Publisher Award for religious fiction. Come hear Shreveport writer Martha Fitzgerald, daughter of the late Drs. Joe and Alice Holoubek, speak about their faith journey and their legacy, the Biblebased novel “Letters to Luke.” Admittance is $12 and reservations should be made by calling either Barbara McAlister at (318) 7477029 or Helen Langley at (318) 746-6223. ONGOING UNTIL NOVEMBER 6 The international 40 Days for Life prayer vigil continues until November 6. Individuals and groups have prayed at the local abortion clinic in Shreveport daily. They have also prayed within their parishes and homes to
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form an enormous prayer network seeking the safety and protection of the unborn and the changing of the hearts of those actively involved in the abortion industry. A key component of the campaign is praying for support and strength for those in difficult situations and contemplating abortion and their families. If you are interested in joining in the last days of this year’s campaign please visit www.40DaysForLifeSB.com. NOVEMBER 10: HESBURGH LECTURE AT THE CATHOLIC CENTER As part of the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Diocese of Shreveport, Father Michael S. Driscoll, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, will speak on “The Eucharist as the Embodiment of Love” at the Catholic Center at 7:00 p.m. “Drawing on Sacramentum caritatis, the 2007 apostolic exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI, this lecture discusses the Eucharist as a mystery to be believed, a mystery to be celebrated, and a mystery to be lived.” This event is sponsored by the Diocese of Shreveport and the Notre Dame Club of Northern Louisiana. NOVEMBER 10: VOCATIONS DISCERNMENT GROUP A Vocations Discernment Group, held previously in Shreveport, will meet Thursday, November 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish Office, 2510 Emerson Street, Monroe. Mass will be at 5:30 p.m. for those who are able to attend, followed by a discussion from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. After the session, you may join us for supper. Contact Fr. David Richter, Vocation Director, 318-325-7549. NOVEMBER 27-29: ST. MARY OF THE PINES ADVENT MISSION Mr. Gene Giuliano will lead this parish Advent mission from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. each evening. As a faculty member of the University of Dallas School of Ministry, Gene Giuliano currently presents classes, seminars and missions at the the diocesan and parish levels. Giuliano teaches classes in the deacon formation programs of the Dallas, Tyler and Shreveport dioceses. He also teaches in the School of Ministry Adult Faith Formation program. Babysitting provided. There will be a small reception following the service each night. Everyone is welcome! Call (318) 687-5121 for information.
Mission Marketplace at St. Joseph Church, Shreveport by Jane Snyder, St. Joseph Church
n Saturday, November 5, 2011, four area churches will join forces to offer the Shreveport community an opportunity to purchase crafts and food items which will enable craftsmen and farmers in underdeveloped countries to earn a living wage. Broadmoor Presbyterian Church, the Cathedral of St John Berchmans, First Presbyterian Church and St. Joseph Catholic Church, have come together to present this unique opportunity to promote fair trade. The Marketplace will be held at St. Joseph Catholic Church in the Family Life Center, 211 Atlantic Avenue, Shreveport, from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on November 5. Soup from the Women’s Bean Project will be served for lunch with desserts from Holy Angels. Coffee, tea and cocoa will be available to enjoy and purchase. This Market Place connects us to disadvantaged artisans and farmers overseas. At the same time, producers improve their lives through the benefits of fair trade! Fair trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach which aims to help producers in developing countries obtain better trading conditions and promote sustainability. Fair trade helps merchants earn a living wage in the developing world as well as locally. Fair trade builds right relationships between buyers and sellers which are rooted in the principles of human dignity and promotion of the common good! Some of the sale items include handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate, dried soup mix, jewelry, children’s religious gifts and pottery. Please do join us to promote this worthy cause and also fulfill your Christmas shopping list!
USCCB Meeting Begins, Baltimore
2nd Collection: Catholic Campaign for Human Development
21 Presbyteral Council Meeting, Catholic Center, 1pm Schools Close for Thanksgiving Holidays The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
First Sunday of Advent Implementation of the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal
8 Priests Retirement Board Meeting, Catholic Center, 11am
Daylight Savings Time Ends
2 All Souls Day
All Saints Day Catholic Center Closed
Protecting Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Children, Catholic Center, 6pm
22 Saint Cecilia, virgin and martyr
Veteransâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Day
Catholic Connection Deadline The Dedication of the Vocations Lateran Basilica in Discernment Rome Group, Jesus the Good Shepherd Church, 6pm
National Catholic Youth Conference Begins, Indianapolis
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
St. Clement I, pope & martyr; St. Columbian, abbot; Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, priest & martyr
Saint Martin de Porres, religious
Saint Albert the Youth depart for Great, bishop and National Catholic doctor of the Church Youth Conference Saint Margaret of Scotland; Saint Gertrude, virgin
Annual Clergy Meeting, Catholic Center, 9am
St. Andrew, apostle
Shreveport, 4pm
Saint Josaphat, bishop and martyr
The Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome, apostles; Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin
THANKSGIVING Catholic Center Closed
Taste of
Saint Martin of Tours, Shreveport, Fox bishop Creek Farms,
Catholic Center Closed
19 2nd Collection: Catholic Campaign for Human Development
St. Catherine of Alexandria, virgin & St. Andrew DungLac, priest & martyr, martyr and his companions, martyrs
23 22
Shreveport, LA 71104
Respect Life Month Was Celebrated During the Month of October | by Roxie Tabor
ctober was Respect Life month. During the month, members of the Diocese of Shreveport participated in several local events to help raise awareness of Pro-Life. Right: Mikki and Matt Sciba spoke about the beauty of adoption at the 40 Days for Life kick off rally. Bottom, left to right: Karen Gesn, Roxie Tabor, Maria Berg and Sandra Smith participated in the October 6 Rosary for Life at St. Joseph Church in Shreveport. The rosary decades were dedicated to all aspects of pro-life from conception to natural death. Baby items including diapers, blankets, lotion, socks and wipes were collected; Gathered supporters of all ages at 40 Days for Life KickOff; Bishop Michael Duca (pictured) and Pastor Billy Sutton spoke encouraging words to the September 24th kick-off rally at Loyolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Messmer Stadium.
24 Catholic Connection November 2011