Vol. 22, No. 4 November 2012
Kateri Tekakwitha Native Americans Now Have a Saint to Call Their Own
INSIDE: Eucharist: A Sacrament of Thanksgiving Diocese and Fuller Center Build Home for Family November 2012 1
from the editor
Publisher Bishop Michael G. Duca Editor Jessica Rinaudo Contributors Marie Rinaudo Brian Burgess Sr. Martinette Rivers Bishop Michael Duca Rosalba Quiroz Lee Jeter Andrew Sciba Kim Long Katie Sciba Fr. Matthew Long Mike Van Vranken Lucy Medvec Marc Vereen Theresa Mormino John VIning Kevin Nolten John Mark Willcox Fr. Rothell Price Jessica Rinaudo Editorial Board Cathy Cobb Rev. Charles Glorioso Kim Long Kelly Phelan Powell Dianne Rachal Christine Rivers John Mark Willcox Mission Statement The Catholic Connection is a monthly publication funded by your Diocesan Service Appeal; mailed to every known Catholic household in the Diocese of Shreveport. Our Mission is to advance knowledge and understanding of our Catholic Faith among the faithful. We seek to foster the application of Christ’s teachings and our Church’s mission in our daily lives and to encourage our sense of Catholic identity within our family, parish, and diocesan faith community. Subscriptions & Address Changes Contact: Jessica Rinaudo, Editor Email: jrinaudo@dioshpt.org Write: Catholic Connection 3500 Fairfield Avenue Shreveport, LA 71104 Call: 318-868-4441 Fax: 318-868-4609 Website: www.thecatholicconnection.org
The Catholic Connection is a member of the Catholic Press Association.
The Diocese of Shreveport complies with Virtus’s Protecting God’s Children program. Classes are offered every second Wednesday of the month at the Catholic Center in Shreveport. To report child sexual abuse by a cleric or church worker in the Diocese of Shreveport, call Glennda Lawson. Hotline is 318-294-1031 and your local law enforcement agency.
2 Catholic Connection
by Jessica Rinaudo
ach November we make a point of setting aside time to be thankful for the things we have and those we love. There’s no better time of year to be especially thankful for God, Christ and our faith. In this issue we take a look at the Eucharist as the ultimate source of Thanksgiving and the importance of attending Mass. In the spirit of the first Thanksgiving and in celebration of All Saints Day, our feature this month takes a look at the newly canonized Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American saint, and how the impact of her canonization has affected Native Americans who reside in the Southern Deanery of our diocese. As we continue to celebrate the Year of Faith, you will find Bishop Michael Duca’s Pastoral Letter for the year, both in English and Spanish, as well as information on the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. You may also notice that we’re publishing a Photo of the Month on the
back cover of each issue now. We hope you will consider submitting a Catholic-related photo for this spot, as we love to highlight the faithful all over the Diocese of Shreveport. We continue to welcome our new subscribers to our publication. Thank you to all our churches and parishioners for filling out subscription cards and sharing them with family and friends. And finally, I hope you’ll take a moment to find us online, both via Facebook and Twitter. There you’ll see photos of events going on around the diocese that we don’t have room to publish here, be the first to know about upcoming events and even see this magazine before it arrives in your mailbox. Visit us at www.facebook.com/ pages/Diocese-of-Shreveport OR twitter.com/cathconnection. I hope you enjoy your November and have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving.
bishop’s november calendar NOVEMBER 1 All Saints Day of Reflection; Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans; 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 3 Mass; St. Patrick Church, Lake Providence; 6:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 4 Mass; St. Patrick Church, Lake Providence; 8:30 a.m. Mass, Sacred Heart Church, Oak Grove; 10:30 a.m. NOVEMBER 6 Priests Retirement Committee meeting; Catholic Center; 11:00 a.m. NOVEMBER 9-16 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting; Baltimore, MD NOVEMBER 17 Mass; St. Margaret Church, Homer; 5:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 18 Mass; Blessed Sacrament Church, Ringgold; 8:30 a.m.
Mass; St. Paul Church, Minden; 11:00 a.m. NOVEMBER 20 Annual Clergy Meeting followed by Thanksgiving Luncheon; Catholic Center; 9:00 a.m. NOVEMBER 27 Dalton Trust Board meeting; St. Frederick High School, Monroe; 11:00 a.m. NOVEMBER 28 Bishop-Elect Joseph E. Strickland’s Episcopal Ordination and Installation Ceremony; Diocese of Tyler, TX; 2:00 p.m.
november 2012
Pastoral Letter by Bishop Michael G. Duca..............................................................4-5 Aging Wisdom: Aging in Thanksgiving by Sr. Martinette Rivers.............................6 Second Collections: Catholic Campaign for Human Development by Fr. Rothell Price .....................................................................................................6
Appeal Ministries: Supporting Lay Leadership by John Mark Willcox...................7 Moveable Feast: Soul Food for All Souls Day by Kim Long...................................7
Documents of Vatican II: Gaudium et Spes by Mike Van Vranken .....................8 The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
Year of Faith Saint: St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, MSC by USCCB............................8 Domestic Church: The Very First Cause for Thanksgiving by Katie Sciba...........................9 Why Go to Mass? by Katie Sciba ..............................................................................9 Vatican News & Notes by Catholic News Service.......................................................10 Catholic Travels: A Priest’s Visit to the Holy Land by Fr. Matthew Long...................10 Navigating the Faith: Eucharist: Sacrament of Thanksgiving by Marie Rinaudo.....11
features Saint Kateri Tekakwitha by John Mark Willcox........................................................ 12-13 Native Americans Now Have a Saint to Call Their Own
news Catholic Charities: Miracles in Medicine, Evening in Rome by Theresa Mormino.....14 Youth Volleyball by John Vining..........................................................................................14 Hispanic Corner by Rosalba Quiroz....................................................................................15 Serving the Poor by Brian Burgess and Jessica Rinaudo...........................................16 Putting the “Catholic” in Catholic Education by Kevin Nolten.............................. 16
17 on the cover
New Home for Family by Lee Jeter and Jessica Rinaudo........................................17 Students Honored In D.C. by Lucy Medvec...........................................................17 Heroic Vocations by Andrew Sciba.........................................................................18 Across the Globe by Catholic News Service...........................................................19
Catholic leaders: Nobel Prize for Medicine a triumph for ethics; Pope presents Vatican II messages for laypeople; Pope authorizes granting of indulgences for Year of Faith
Around the Diocese ...............................................................................................20 School News ...........................................................................................................21 Upcoming Events....................................................................................................22 From the YouCat.....................................................................................................22 November Calendar .............................................................................................23 Picture of the Month...............................................................................................24
This statue of St. Kateri Tekakwitha stands in the prayer garden of St. Joseph Church in Zwolle, LA. It was a gift provided by Mr. and Mrs. Doug Laroux and Virginia Malmay. (Photo by Jessica Rinaudo).
November 2012 3
LA REFLEXIÓN del obispo
por Obispo Michael G. Duca
Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, oy, 11 de Octubre del 2012, en conmemoración del 50 Aniversario de la instauración del Concilio Vaticano y del 20 aniversario de la publicación del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, nuestro Santo Padre Benedicto XVI ha anunciado el comienzo de un Año de Fe por la Iglesia universal. En unidad con el Santo Padre, exhorto a la Diócesis de Shreveport a unirse con todos los Católicos de todo el mundo en hacer este año un tiempo para despertar en nuestros corazones el deseo de profundizar nuestra fe en Jesus, la Luz del Mundo para que podamos estar orgullosos de esta fe con una convicción renovada, confiada y de esperanza. Les pido que como diócesis nos comprometamos a hacer un esfuerzo espiritual de buscar renovar nuestra fe a través de la oración, el estudio y un compromiso renovado en la misión de la Iglesia de ser testimonios de la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo por medio de nuestras palabras y acciones. Sabemos que el primer acto para llegar a la fe es posible solo por gracia de Dios. Con frecuencia en momentos personales de profunda oración es que somos tocados por la gracia de Dios, el corazón se transforma y decidimos confiar plenamente en Dios. La oración entonces debe estar en el centro de nuestro Año de la Fe. Primera y principalmente nuestra renovación
4 Catholic Connection
en la oración debe comenzar con una participación mas intencional en la celebración de la Eucaristía, que es la fuente de gracia para la Iglesia y el origen de la unidad en Cristo. Hagamos el compromiso este año de atender fielmente a la Misa Dominical poniendo en nuestra vida primeramente fe en Dios. Este año debemos también renovar la práctica regular de la celebración del Sacramento de la Reconciliación. Si han visto con negligencia este sacramento sanador en su vida, durante el Año de la Fe hagan una buena confesión. Una apreciación renovada del Sacramento de Reconciliación será fundamental en nuestra transformación en Cristo. Finalmente, busquen el tiempo para la oración personal en su vida y aprovechen las oportunidades de oración en comunidad que ofrecen la diócesis y su propia parroquia. Si la oración es el primer fundamento de este Año de la Fe, entonces el segundo es luchar para incrementar nuestro conocimiento y entendimiento sobre las Escrituras y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. En este año el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica servirá como un instrumento importante y como un recurso valioso para aprender acerca de nuestra fe Católica. También habrá oportunidades educacionales ofrecidas por las parroquias y por la diócesis. Busquen recursos de Iglesia confiables y competentes para responder a sus preguntas de fe y que
su compromiso sea más profundo en las enseñanzas de Jesus y Su Iglesia. En la carta de Nuestro Santo Padre, Porta Fidei, en la que llamó a este Año de la Fe, nos da una guía sobre el tercer enfoque para nuestra renovación espiritual este año. El papa Benedicto cita este verso de San Pablo, “El hombre cree con su corazón y así es justificado, y confiesa con sus labios y así es salvado.” (Rom 10:10) Nuestro Santo Padre nos recuerda que “al confesar con los labios” indica que la fe implica testimonio público. Un cristiano no debe pensar en creer solo como un acto privado. Así que nuestra meta final en este Año de Fe, con corazones renovados por nuestra apertura a la gracia de Dios en oración y enriquecida a través de nuestro estudio, nos dará fuerza para ser testimonios de nuestra fe en nuestras vidas diarias y concretamente actuar para construir el Reino de Dios en nuestras familias, nuestras parroquias, nuestra comunidad, nuestro país y en nuestro mundo. También quiero anunciar que durante este Año de la Fe voy a visitar cada parroquia para pasar una tarde de oración para orar juntos por el crecimiento de la fe, para pedir la guía de Dios en mi quinto año como su Obispo y para ver como podemos dar un mejor testimonio de nuestra fe en Jesucristo en la diócesis. Espero que estas reuniones de oración en cada parroquia ayudarán a hacer más firme nuestra relación con Cristo el Señor, ya que solo en Él hay certeza de ver hacia el futuro y la garantía de un amor auténtico y duradero. Pido que nuestra fe este año sea renovada en oración, estudio y testimonio. Confiemos este tiempo de gracia a la Madre de Dios, proclamada “santísima porque ella creyó” (Lc. 1:45). Sinceramente de ustedes en Cristo,
+Michael G. Duca Obispo de Shreveport
bishop’s reflection
by Bishop Michael G. Duca
PASTORAL LETTER From Bishop Michael G. Duca
“I ask that as a diocese we commit ourselves to an international spiritual effort to seek a renewal of our faith through prayer...” - Bishop Michael Duca
our renewal in prayer should begin with Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, ctober 11, 2012, commemorates a more intentional participation in the celebration of the Eucharist, which is the the 50th Anniversary of the fountain of grace for the Church opening of the Second and the source of our unity in Vatican Council and the 20th Christ. Let us recommit ourselves anniversary of the publication this year to faithful attendance at of the Catechism of the Catholic Sunday Mass, putting our faith in Church. Our Holy Father God first in our lives. Benedict XVI has announced This year we should also the beginning of a Year of Faith renew the practice of the regular for the universal Church. In Bishop Duca celebration of the Sacrament of unity with the Holy Father, I call the Diocese of Shreveport to join Catholics Reconciliation. If you have neglected this healing sacrament in your life, during this throughout the world in making this year Year of Faith make a good confession. A a time to arouse in our hearts the desire to renewed appreciation of the Sacrament of deepen our faith in Jesus, the Light of the Reconciliation will deepen our personal World, so we can embrace this faith with transformation in Christ. Finally make renewed conviction, confidence and hope. time for personal prayer in your life and I ask that as a diocese we commit take advantage of the opportunities of ourselves to an intentional spiritual effort communal prayer offered by the diocese to seek a renewal of our faith through prayer, study and a renewed commitment and your own parish. If prayer is the first foundation for this to the Church’s mission to witness the Year of Faith, then the second is to strive Good News of Jesus Christ through our to increase our knowledge and prayerful words and actions. understanding of the Scriptures and the We know the first act by which one teachings of the Church. In this year comes to faith is possible only with God’s the Catechism of the Catholic Church will grace. Often it is in deeply personal serve as an important tool in providing moments of prayer that we are moved by a valuable resource for learning about God’s grace, our hearts are transformed our Catholic faith. There will also be and we choose to entrust ourselves fully to educational opportunities offered by the God. parish or the diocese. Seek trusted and Prayer therefore must be at the center competent Church resources to answer of our Year of Faith. First and foremost
your questions of faith and to deepen your commitment to the teachings of Jesus and His Church. In our Holy Father’s letter, Porta Fidei, in which he called for this Year of Faith, he gives us direction on the third focus for our spiritual renewal this year. Pope Benedict cites this verse from St. Paul, “Man believes with his heart and so is justified, and he confesses with his lips and so is saved.” (Rom 10:10) Our Holy Father reminds us “confessing with the lips” indicates that faith implies public testimony. A Christian may never think of belief as only a private act. So our final goal in this Year of Faith is that with hearts renewed by our opening to God’s grace in prayer and enriched through our study, we will be strengthened to witness our faith in our daily lives and concretely act to build up the Kingdom of God in our families, our parishes, our community, our country and in the world. I also want to announce that during this Year of Faith I will visit each parish for an evening of prayer so we can pray together for an increase of faith, to ask God’s guidance in my fifth year as your Bishop and to consider how we might better witness our faith in Jesus Christ within the diocese. I hope these gatherings of prayer in each church will make our relationship with Christ the Lord increasingly firm, since only in him is there the certitude for looking to the future and the guarantee of an authentic and lasting love. I pray that our faith this year will be renewed in prayer, study and witness. Let us entrust this time of grace to the Mother of God, proclaimed “blessed because she believed” (Lk 1:45). Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Michael G. Duca Bishop of Shreveport November 2012 5
aging wisdom by Sr. Martinette Rivers
second collection
by Fr. Rothell Price
Thanksgiving in aging second collections Remember to lead a grateful life this autumn
Sr. Martinette Rivers, OLS, shares the joy of aging with her fellow sisters.
here are productive attitudes to growing older and celebrating Thanksgiving. Gratefulness is a beautiful aging component. We should go public with our gratitude and continue, as we grow older, to “strike while the iron is hot.” Older people like us play a very important part in society and serve as role models for others. What kind of models of gratitude are we? As the season unfolds, let us refresh our souls, stop rushing around in our busy world, allow God to speak to our hearts, take charge again of our attitude of gratitude, which we may have lost along the way. Remember, an enthusiast lives longer and reaps the blessings of age. How many amazing people like us have become icons of aging and dare to live every new moment? Remember the past with gratitude and look forward to the future with enthusiasm and confidence. God is looking for our grateful hearts this season. Count your blessings, with or without turkey and all its trimmings, as there is a more profound spiritual meaning given to us by the pilgrims: gratefulness to the Lord. As I think about the picture of George Washington praying on his knees and his proclamation to give God a Day of Thanks in 1789, I am humbled before my God. It moves me deeply as I get down on my knees to give thanks again this year. If we cannot pray from gratitude, we can certainly pray to experience gratitude. Thomas Merton says, “To live our innermost truth with integrity is gratefulness; it is the full response to what is gratuitously given - namely, everything.” The paradoxical aspect of gratitude is, the more grateful we are, the more reasons we have to be grateful. Perhaps we should take more time to reflect upon our blessings. Remember all the past Thanksgiving Days and how things have changed. I can truthfully say my best Thanksgivings took place in the U.S. There have been times I cried on Thanksgiving Day when I was abroad because no one understood me. I prayed on those dreary days that God would change my dreariness into beauty, light and hope. Christ can so change us that beauty and wonder take over and transform us on these days. “No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:7 Thanksgiving is is a day with a different state of mind, one of grace because we have been daily graced by God. Thanks for life Lord, and for all our years. God, you are great and I am grateful. Sr. Martinette Rivers is a Sister of Our Lady of Sorrows and a spiritual gerontologist. She currently resides in Rimini, Italy. 6 Catholic Connection
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Collection Dates: November 10 & 11 Announcement Dates: October 28 & November 4 he door to the “Year of Faith” has swung open! Our Holy Father Benedict XVI and his brother bishops opened these 14 months of renewing our faith on October 11. Through union with Jesus in prayer, study of the Bible and teachings of the Lord and His Church, renewed participation in the Sacraments and publicly witnessing to our faith in Jesus Christ, this year will prove powerfully beneficial to each Christian person and the world. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development provides us with a profound opportunity to connect more intentionally with the Lord Jesus, advance his mission to show forth the Father, join our generosity and sacrifice to his, and give joyful witness to our love for him in the least of his brothers and sisters. Recall the saying, “If you want to feed a person for a day, give them a fish. If you want to feed that person for life, teach them to fish.” The mission, nature and purpose of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is to develop each person so they will be equipped to provide their own necessities for life and contribute to the overall health of our society. “For over 40 years, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has funded organizations that work to end poverty and defend human dignity in neighborhoods throughout the United States. With your generous support to the CCHD Collection, we are able to use your gifts of treasure for efforts that help end poverty.” (USCCB) Fight poverty in America and defend human dignity by supporting this work of the bishops in their mandate to present Jesus Christ to our fellow Americans in those endeavors that go beyond the short term to the joy of ending it. “For over 43.6 million Americans, there is a thin line: between eviction and home, between hunger and health, between unemployment and work, between anxiety and stability. This line is the Poverty Line. For a family of four, that line is $21,834 a year. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by funding community programs that encourage independence. You are essential to its success. Your generous donation will give those in poverty the support they need to make lasting changes” (USCCB). Jesus Christ forever changed and redeemed a wounded world; so can you. Our diocese receives large grants from this campaign. I ask for your generous participation in the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Fr. Rothell Price, Vicar General, is the Director of Special Collections.
appeal ministries by John Mark Willcox
Supporting LAY Leadership
moveable feast
by Kim Long
Soul Food for All Souls
Providing financial assistance to lay faith and leadership formation
Appeal funding supports programs like the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
ince its inception, your Annual Diocesan Stewardship Appeal has provided thousands of people throughout our diocese with high quality programs designed to prepare this local Church for a challenging future. It is comforting to know our Appeal continues to look forward to providing best practice techniques to those ministering in the fields of minority outreach, catechesis, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, parish business management, marriage preparation and pastoral care. All of these ministries depend on our diocese as an important source of funding, education and training. Additionally, laity who provide their personal stewardship through service in leadership positions as members of parish finance and pastoral councils benefit from a variety of offerings designed to enhance their gift of time and talent for the good of the Church. Preparing and educating those among the faithful who give of themselves to minister within our diocese is just one more way your Appeal provides for the people of our region. Mark your calendar now for next year’s Appeal Sunday which will take place on February 10, 2013. Make your plans now to participate with a yearly pledge to this worthy cause. John Mark Willcox is the Director of Stewardship & Development. To give to the annual Diocesan Stewardship Appeal that supports ministries like these, visit www. dioshpt.org/stewardship/stewardship.html.
s I sit in my office typing this article, the sky is gray and the air autumnally cool. There are leaves turning gold, red, and falling to the ground. This is one of my favorite times of the year and just the feel of the day alone takes me back to Ash Street where I grew up. On a day like this my mother would play stacks of records, all spoken word recordings and the great Welsh poet Dylan Thomas warned us with his husky BBC tones to “not go gentle into that good night.” As Dylan intoned my mother baked gingerbread, knowing, I am certain, that little else reminds us that life is for the living than hunger. We were comforted with warm cake and it seemed as if nothing could ever touch us except love. As an adult I realize the genius of alleviating sorrow with food, with something warm and fragrant to sustain our bodies and comfort our souls. Catholicism has the tradition of All Souls Day, which falls on November 2, and is traditionally a day to remember all the faithful departed with prayer, family and food. Soul cakes and other breads reserved for this day are an ancient tradition, and “souling” customs vary from country to country. There is even an old song about soul cakes, “a soul, a soul, a soul cake, please good missus a soul cake, one for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all.” I have been making soul cakes for our parish for the better part of 11 years. Each November we celebrate a Mass of Remembrance with a small reception afterward. Everyone leaves with a soul cake, a little something just sweet enough
to temper the bitterness of loss. Any soul breads can be made at home and show up at dessert time. Light a candle, offer a prayer and serve up some soul food! For soul cakes you can use a box of hot roll mix and add a little allspice and sugar to the dough if you are pressed for time. However if you want to bake the “real deal” here is a recipe from Shropshire that is really good and well worth the effort.
Soul Cakes Cakes: • 3 pounds of plain flour • 8 ounces softened butter • 1 ounce yeast (4 packages equal 1 ounce) • 2 eggs • 3/4 cup sugar • 1 tsp. allspice • Enough milk to make soft dough Glaze: • 2 cups powdered sugar • 1/2 tsp. almond extract • A little milk Sift the flour and work in the slightly softened butter. Sprinkle the yeast over a small amount of warm water and then sprinkle some sugar over the yeast. Mix flour with eggs, yeast, and enough milk to make a light, soft dough. Leave to rise, covered, in a warm place for about thirty minutes. Then work in the sugar and spice and form into balls. Let rise for fifteen minutes, and bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Mix the powdered sugar and the almond extact. Slowly add the milk until desired consistency. After cooling, glaze the soul cakes. * Recipe originally from Festivals, Family and Food by Diana Carey and Judy Large.
November 2012 7
Vatican II Documents of
Gaudium et Spes
The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
by Mike Van Vranken
s Pope John XXIII announced his decision to convene the Second Vatican Council, he used phrases such as: “quest for unity,” “fostering the good of souls” and “the spiritual needs of the present day.” It was indeed his desire, as well as the vision of his successor, Pope Paul VI, to bring the Church into the modern world as an evangelizer and relevant servant for all mankind. In this short article, we will discuss one of the Council’s 16 major documents: The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, and specifically underline our role as evangelizers and servants in today’s society. Gaudium et Spes, literally: The Joy and Hope, as this document is affectionately called, attempts to discover the many signs of our times and point all of us towards building a solidarity between the Church and the entire human family. But very simply, when the Council talked about the “Church in the Modern World,” it was referring to you and me and how we bring Jesus into the world around us. We are the Church. We are guided by a human leadership we call the Magisterium. But, make no mistake, this document outlines our Christian, Catholic responsibilities to bring Jesus into our present environment. While the document is lengthy, it attempts to touch on the totality of
“Nevertheless brotherly dialogue among men does not reach its perfection on the level of technical progress, but on the deeper level of interpersonal relationships. These demand a mutual respect for the full spiritual dignity of the person.” - Gaudium et Spes 23 8 Catholic Connection
humanity, our relationship with God and each other, and the Church’s desire to foster a dialogue that requires us to daily respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. In it, we find discussions around the human vocation, humanity as a community, humanity’s history of trying to succeed on its own more than with God, how the Church affects the human role within society, urgent problems that are evident by the signs of the current times, cultural differences that will stifle and paralyze our work when we try it alone, world economics, politics, war and peace. And yet, throughout the entire treatise, the authors paint a picture of warmth, of joy and hope as they specifically address the role of individual Christians and of the local churches. Some have questioned how a group of theologians can adequately approach topics such as economics, politics and the current moral issues of a complex society. But, in my opinion, that is exactly what makes Gaudium et Spes so wonderful. These students of God brought a servant Church into the humble position of requesting a dialogue with the world; but that dialogue is to be accomplished by a community of lay Christians working together, in their own place on the planet with the universal Church. In short, those theologians warmly focused our attention on the needs of our current society and encouraged us to bring Christ-like solutions to a complex and diverse myriad of issues. To be sure, the message is nothing more than a reminder of our mission commissioned by Jesus himself – “Go, make disciples of all nations . . .” Matthew 28:19 I encourage each of us to spend every day in the month of November studying the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. A real understanding of its message will change your life. www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/ documents/vat-ii_const_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en.html
Year of Faith Saint: November 2012
rances Xavier Cabrini was born into a family of 13 children. Due to health reasons, her first request to join a religious community was refused, but she was finally able to take her vows in 1877. Soon after being named prioress of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, she was urged by Pope Leo XIII to become a missionary in the United States. However, the house that had been promised to her for an orphanage was unavailable when she reached New York City, and the archbishop advised her to return to Italy. Frances departed from the archbishop’s residence all the more determined to stay and establish that orphanage. And she did. In 35 years, Frances Xavier Cabrini founded six institutions for the poor, the abandoned, the uneducated and the sick, and organized schools and adult education classes for formation in the Catholic Faith. She died of malaria in her own Columbus Hospital in Chicago in 1917. She was the first United States citizen to be canonized, and she is known as the patron saint of immigrants. by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
domestic church
by Katie Sciba
THE VERY FIRST CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION & THANKSGIVING Remembering Passover, Manna and the Holy Eucharist
raise the Lord when the Israelites that Fall has were freed from officially arrived. hundreds of years The calendar can say of slavery in Egypt. all it wants about The parallels between when it begins, but the ancient Passover meals tell-tale signs around and Christ’s Last here are pumpkin spice Supper and Death creamer and keeping signify a “new Exodus” the space heater according to Dr. Brant blowing in 70 degree Pitre. It was in ancient weather. I’m four Egypt that the Israelites years into southern celebrated freedom living and despite from an oppressor the geographical gap and though we are between here and certainly not slaves Omaha, the one in the sense that they (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz) sign of Fall I can were, Christ’s Passion always count on is and Death liberate us Thanksgiving. Wonderful Thanksgiving with from the spiritual oppression of Satan. God its smorgasbord of turkey, sweet potatoes, freed the Israelites from Egypt sending them and...macaroni and cheese? The food is to the Promised Land. Knowing the way plentiful along with family members and would be hard, He provided food for the most importantly, the spirit of gratitude for journey by showering bread (manna) from God’s blessings. Heaven, which the Israelites gathered and What occurred to me recently, though consumed. God’s provision is not limited to not the first time, is the annual celebration ancient times but is much more abundant of Thanksgiving involves more than just now; instead of showering manna, He offers present-day festivities; it’s a hearkening back the Bread of Life in Mass. This is certainly to the very first cause for celebration - a a gift, but it’s not enough for a gift to be good harvest and friendship between the given – it has to be received in order to fully colonists and Native Americans. President participate in it; just like on Thanksgiving, George Washington declared Thanksgiving it’s not enough for the food to be cooked a national holiday, calling it “a day of public and prepped, you have to eat and enjoy to thanksgiving and prayer to be observed relish in the holiday! by acknowledging with grateful hearts the It’s important to think of the Holy many…favors of Almighty God.” It’s on Eucharist in this way during the month every Thanksgiving that we’re to recall these of Thanksgiving as well as the Year of events and participate in them. Faith. Attending Mass and receiving Holy Similarly, but on a much more sacred Communion are vital to our souls because scale, attending Mass is not only a presentday celebration of the Last Supper, Passion, life on earth isn’t easy and we need spiritual nourishment for the way. Receiving and and Death of Christ from 2,000 years cherishing a gift are the highest gestures of ago; rather all Eucharistic celebrations (which are held within Mass) bring us back gratitude a person can offer. Considering sacramentally to the events themselves. The God’s gift of the Holy Eucharist, let us give thanks to the Lord, our God. It is right and term Eucharist means “thanksgiving,” and just. it was instituted on the night of the Last Katie Sciba is the author of thecatholicwife. Supper when Christ celebrated Passover net. She lives in Shreveport with her husband, with his disciples. The traditional Passover Andrew, and two sons, Liam and Thomas. meal is also a celebration of thanksgiving
Why Go to Mass? It’s a Commandment
The 3rd Commandment compels us to “keep holy the sabbath.” Simply put, it means attending Mass and avoiding work that would keep us from doing so.
It Originated from Christ
Christ Himself said “Do this in memory of me,” instituting the Eucharist for the Church.
The Church Calls for It
The Vatican II document Lumen Gentium calls the Mass “the source and summit of the Christian life.” How can we keep fueling the fire of faith without receiving the physical presence of Christ? Communion with God is every life’s ultimate goal.
For the Kids
If you sing, they’ll sing. If you respond, they’ll respond. If you’re prayerful, they will be too. Keep the Eucharist at the center of your life and so will they.
Sharing in Faith Together
Being a Christian isn’t an exclusively private thing. Christianity is a communal religion, as is our primary form of worship in the Mass. We are called to be Christians together.
November 2012 9
catholic travels
by Fr. Matthew Long
FINDING FAITH abroad Catholic News Service
A pictorial view of a priest’s visit to the Holy Land < The Mount of Temptation where Jesus went after His Baptism in the Jordan and was tempted by Satan. An Orthodox Monastery has been built on the side of the Mountain. It was here that Christ reminded us to remain faithful to God and not to be attached to the things of this world.
VAtICAN news & notes • A new liturgical memorial -Oct. 22 -- has been approved for Blessed John Paul II by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. The U.S. Conference for Catholic Bishops announced Oct. 19 that the congregation had approved the “optional memorial” for the late pope in the calendar for U.S. dioceses. The U.S. bishops last November approved the date for the memorial, which is the anniversary of his inauguration as pope in 1978. • On the second day of the world Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization, five U.S. bishops addressed the spiritual conditions and the practical means of reaching out to baptized Catholics who have drifted away from the faith. “Globalization presents us with a providential moment for advancing the church’s mission of transforming humanity into one family of God,” said Archbishop Jose H. Gomez. • Pope Benedict added a 16th-century Spanish priest and a 12th-century German abbess to the roster of doctors of the universal church. The pope proclaimed the new doctors, St. John of Avila and St. Hildegard of Bingen, at Mass Oct. 7 in St. Peter’s Square, where the thousands in attendance included pilgrims waving Spanish flags, and German nuns in traditional habits. 10 Catholic Connection
^ Looking across the Sea of Galilee from the shore where Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James and John.
^ An ancient Olive Tree in the Garden of Gethsemane.
^ The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
^ The Interior of the Tomb of Christ. This is where Jesus rose from the dead and it is here that we were privileged to celebrate Mass.
Navigating the Faith
Eucharist: Sacrament of Thanksgiving by Marie Rinaudo
ecently I came across an announcement for a seminar that listed several churches in the community, each identified by a key practice or doctrine. I was impressed that the Eucharist was listed as the distinguishing mark of Roman Catholicism. At the same time, however, I considered the challenges that this profound sacrament presents. How to understand the Mystery? How to share this understanding with others? During the next 12 months, the Church is offering us a way to tackle the tough questions. This Year of Faith invites us to study our teachings, to share our beliefs, and “to turn towards Jesus Christ, encounter him in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist” (USCCB). As Catholics we have a wealth of information on the Eucharist; theologians, scholars, and doctors of the church guide us in grasping the Mystery of the Eucharist. The explanations given in The Catechism and in the Vatican II document on the Sacred Liturgy thoroughly present the complexity of the sacrament: a sacrifice, a communal meal, a memorial, and an act of thanksgiving. While the Catechism addresses all of the terms, it gives distinction to the sacrament as a liturgy of thanksgiving: “The Eucharist is a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father, a blessing by which the Church expresses her gratitude to God for his benefits, for all that he has accomplished through creation, redemption, and sanctification. Eucharist means first of all ‘thanksgiving’ ” (CCC, 1360). In other writings, we also learn that the liturgy as thanksgiving may have its roots in ancient history. It has been suggested that the Jewish todah, a sacrificial meal in which the Israelites voiced their gratitude to God for his many blessings, may be “the ‘liturgical’ ancestor of the Mass” (Hahn, 32). A later work, The Didache, which contains the teachings of the apostles, has been described as providing prayers of gratitude “that led up to the Eucharist.” (Loret, 31). While these reminders that the Eucharist is a prayer of thanksgiving for a freely given gift are enlightening, perhaps nowhere are we better able to appreciate this sacred mystery than in the liturgy itself. As we follow the words and actions of the Eucharistic prayer,
we go beyond philosophy and history, and through our active participation, experience an encounter with Jesus that is deep and intimate. Beginning with the dialogue that introduces the Eucharistic prayer, we approach the celebration in a spirit of praise and gratitude: The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord. It is right and just.
Following the dialogue is the consecration, “the heart and summit of the celebration” (CCC, 1352). As we offer the gifts, we recognize the “superabundance of this unique bread” (CCC, 1335) and are compelled to give thanks to God for sending His Son to pay for our redemption and for giving us the gifts of creation that make bread and wine possible: seeds, earth, water, and light. As the priest makes the offering, we recall events in Jesus’s ministry when he provided for those in need: the feeding of the multitudes with the loaves and the provision of the wine at Cana (CCC,1335). As it was right and just to give thanks then, so it still is today. We then pray for the Holy Spirit to unify all those present as well as those who have died, our friends and family, the saints and the martyrs. Transformed by the sacrament, we are able to see Christ in each other. We
who have offered the sacrifice now receive it. Contemporary theologians have focused on this act of giving and receiving. Kevin Irwin, in Models of the Eucharist, contends that the act of taking the Eucharist is always an act of giving and receiving (192). Robert Barron in Eucharist affirms that “The Mass is the richest possible expression of the loop of grace, God’s life possessed in the measure that it is given away. . . .(56). Coming forward to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, we assume a posture of Thanksgiving. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, writing in the fourth century, gave instructions for our approach: “Make your hand a throne for Christ as though you were receiving a king. Having hollowed your palm, receiving the Body of Christ, say over it, ‘Amen.’” In one word, we pronounce our gratitude and assent to this profound act. It is appropriate during this time of national thanksgiving that we reflect on the spirituality of gratitude. The Mass for Thanksgiving Day gives us the occasion to fully express gratefulness to our Father for our many blessings. In the Collect, we prepare for the sacred liturgy: Father, all-powerful. . . As we come before you on Thanksgiving Day with gratitude for your kindness, open our hearts to have concern for every man, woman and child. In the Prayer over the offerings, we say together: God our Father, from whose hand we have received generous gifts So that we might learn to share your blessings in gratitude, Accept these gifts of bread and wine. In the Communion prayers the sense of gratitude is intense: I thank you Lord with all my heart, For you have heard the words of my mouth. OR How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me? The chalice of salvation I will raise and I will call on the name of the Lord. The theme of thanksgiving thus continues throughout the Eucharistic prayer. By taking an active role in the Mass, we may arrive at a mature gratitude for Christ’s selfless act of love. Sources: Barron, Robert. Eucharist. New York: Orbis Books, 2008; Catechism of the Catholic Church; Hahn, Scott. The Lamb’s Supper. New York: Doubleday, 1999; Irwin, Kevin, W. Models of the Eucharist. New York: Paulist Press, 2005; Loret, Pierre, C.SS.R. The Story of the Mass: From the Last Supper to the Present Day. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers , 2002.
November 2012 11
Kateri Tekakwitha America’s Native Americans Now Have a Saint to Call Their Own
ltar offerings of beans, corn and squash, with pitched chants joining the sound of beating drums blending with the aroma of burning sage, “hair of mother earth,” are familiar rituals for the Native American Catholics who live within our diocese. Now, these American Indian Tribes among our faithful, who trace their Catholic ancestry back for hundreds of years, finally have a Patron of their own after Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome on Sunday, October 21, 2012. Like so many parables of the faith, the decision to welcome Kateri into sainthood helps bring the story of the Native American’s relationship to the Church full circle. Born in 1656, on the Southern bank of the Mohawk River, in what is now Auriesville, New York, Kateri entered this world a mere decade after four French Jesuits destined for sainthood were tortured and martyred by her tribe as the Church began to evangelize the new world. Kateri lost her Algonquin Christian mother and her warrior Mohawk father to smallpox prior to her fifth birthday, barely surviving the same epidemic herself but not without severe facial scarring and near blindness which earned her the Tekakwitha moniker “she who bumps into things.” As a teenager Kateri befriended the Catholic missionaries traveling the St. Lawrence River area and she entered the Church despite protests from her clan. After her baptism, Kateri fled to Canada and lived a simple life of service to the sick and
devotion through prayer before her death in 1680 at the age of 24. Led by the Jesuits, the Catholics of this new region of exploration saw almost immediate miraculous signs, as prayers for Kateri’s assistance were followed by unexplained healings and the miraculous legend of the “Lily of the Mohawks” begin to grow in influence and devotion. Now, over 300 years later, a fourth saint has emerged from the Mohawk Valley’s sometimes violent history and this particular servant of the Lord stands not for martyrdom, but for peace, understanding and a desire to participate in the symbolic dance of friendship among Catholic Christians. This canonization begins a refreshing chapter to the turbulent history of Church relations with our brothers and sisters who represent the original inhabitants of the Americas. Within our Diocese of Shreveport, the largest concentration of Native American Catholics occurs in our Southern Deanery within the civil parishes of Red River, Desoto and Sabine. Most, but not all of our regional tribes include Caddo, Coushatta, Adais/Brushwood, Cherokee, Choctaw/Apache, Tunica and Creeks. Within Sabine Parish along the southern border of our diocese, the Choctaw/Apache tribe has been active for decades, maintaining a tribal office near Zwolle and holding periodic gatherings and powwows. Members of this fascinating tribe are descended from the mission Indians of Texas, Apache slaves who
Life of Kateri Tekakwitha Born in 1656 on Southern Bank of Mohawk River
1660: Lost parents to smallpox, was scarred by the disease
12 Catholic Connection
Befriended Catholic missionaries and entered Church.
1677: 1676: Left for new Baptized, Indian incurred Christian hostility from colony in tribe. Canada
1680: Died at the age of 24.
were sold at auction in French and CLAIBORNE UNION MOREHOUSE Spanish colonial era Natchitoches, EAST BOSSIER and the hunting Choctaw tribe CAR which migrated to the area in the ROL LINCOLN CADDO WEBSTER late 1700’s and early 1800’s. OUACHITA Current Choctaw/Apache Chief RICHLAND John W. Procell is grateful to finally count a Native American among BIENVILLE JACKSON the family of saints within the Church. “There are many people within RED RIVER the Indian Nations who have DESOTO Regional Tribes worked so hard to see Blessed Caddo Kateri named as a saint. While I Coushatta believe it should have happened Adais/Brushwood earlier, this is such a welcome TEXAS Cherokee thing for our tribe and for Native Choctaw/Apache Americans everywhere and I Tunica pray this will bring much needed SABINE Creeks attention to our tribal communities in this nation. As Chief, I visit many regional tribal gatherings and dances, and everyone I speak with in the Native American community is so very excited about Kateri’s sainthood. We have between three about her cause and that we might actually John Procell is the Choctaw/ and four thousand people on our Apache chief in our diocese. see her finally named a saint, and now it has rolls, and the majority of those members are actually happened!” Catholic, so this is a really big deal to all of Below the Southern civil parishes of us and we truly feel that things will never be our diocese, within our mother Diocese of quite the same for us in a good way.” Alexandria, nine various Native American Before we parted ways with Chief Procell, tribes can be found and Bishop Ronald he presented me with a gift of sacred Herzog has announced that the Alexandria tobacco and the feather of a Blue Heron in Diocese will host the National Conference of thanksgiving for the Catholic Connection Native Peoples and Personnel in 2015. showing interest in the Native American “I serve on the Bishop’s Sub Committee Catholic community. for Native American St. John the Catholics,” Baptist parishioner [Canonizing Kateri] is commented Bishop Yvonne Busby Herzog, and I served as tribal such a welcome thing for Yvonne Busby served as thought bringing this secretary for Tribal secretary for many our tribe and for Native conference to central many years years. Louisiana would be a and remembers Americans everywhere great way to celebrate researching and I pray this will bring Saint Kateri and catechetical the various tribes material and much needed attention to of Catholic Native discovering the our tribal communities in Americans in this story of Kateri entire area.” Tekawitha. this nation. Despite the climatic “I had never event of Kateri’s canonization last month heard of her until that moment,” comments in Rome, area Catholics will have plenty to Mrs. Busby. “I found her story to be such a celebrate in the coming months as Native perfect fit with our Native American culture Americans will descend on central Louisiana where I grew up as a Sepulvado within St. in less than two years to gather, dance, pray Ann Church in Ebarb. After that discovery, and celebrate all the wonderful things that our we all really took Kateri to heart both within Indian sisters and brothers bring to our united The sign at the tribal offices my own family and our entire congregation. for the Ebarb, LA Choctaw faith community from the four winds and the When John Paul II beatified her in 1980, I and Apache tribes. four sacred corners of mother earth. thought that the Church was getting serious November 2012 13
Miracles in Medicine, Evening in Rome events help integrate Catholic Charities into community
Jean Dresley, Bishop Michael Duca, Dr. Michael Acurio, Shelley Acurio and Fr. Charles Glorioso at Miracles in Medicine.
Catholic Youth from around the diocese gathered for a volleyball tournament in Bossier
Catholic Youth battled it out to become the diocesan volleyball champions at Mary, Queen of Peace Church in Bossier City.
he date was picked months ago... the nets were set. The atholic Charities of Shreveport enjoyed hosting two anticipation for the day was tremendous. Would there be rain? great events in September! The first was our Miracles and Early morning October 6 I went outside to check the ground. Medicine reception for the local medical community to No moisture, “this is going to be a good day,” I thought to myself. introduce Catholic Charities and learn how we can work together The weather was downright cold, the first cold snap of the season, for the good of our communities. but that wouldn’t stop the teams from coming. The Diocese was The evening began with comments from Bishop Michael Duca, having a volleyball tournament, to the victor belong the spoils! At Dr. John Valiulis, Fr. Charles Glorioso and Executive Director registration I saw the teams assembling. Roll call: Jean Dresley who all shared the Catholic Charities story, after Christ the King Church: Cristo Rey and Angeles Latinos which, all enjoyed a great evening of food and fellowship. Our St. Paschal Church: SPY 1 and SPY 2 desire was to learn from and collaborate with doctors to find the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church best ways the local medical community and Catholic Charities St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church: Beast Mode can impact those whose lifestyles lead to unhealthy behaviors that Mary, Queen of Peace Church: The Blue Army affect overall health and wellness. We want to offer those in need St. Ann Church: The Pew Warmers the knowledge and assistance to dramatically change those long We commenced with prayer. The music began to play and the standing habits and ideas that keep them in poor health. whistles were blown. There was a great amount of excitement and We ended the month with a memorable “Evening in Rome energy all over the place, only briefly stopping for a quick meal. The with Bishop Duca,” and what a great evening it was! Held at teams battled themselves into a fury with only two teams left at the Ristorante Giuseppe, the crowd enjoyed visiting with each other end of the day: Angeles Latinos and Our Lady of Perpetual Help. before Bishop Duca gave his blessing and the delicious meal Best of five and the action commenced. Our Lady of Perpetual Help began. Setting off the evening and transporting us to Rome jumped out ahead in game one. Angeles Latinos battled back in the were the beautiful renderings by the Shreveport Opera Xpress second game with an early lead, but soon lost. Game three went to singers. Arranged for by Board of Directors member Joe Kane, Our Lady. With great joy the parish in Farmerville took the day! they strolled among the tables throughout the evening. The The teenagers were uplifting and pleasant. It was the kind of combination of the beautiful ambience, incredible food, great day I’ll probably remember when I’m old and gray. I would like entertainment and convivial crowd made for an event that many to thank each and every team for coming out on a cold Saturday were already requesting we repeat next year. to enjoy great fellowship. Without the support of their priests While both events were great opportunities to share ideas and leaders, none of this would be possible. A special nod goes to and enjoy the company of like-minded, caring people, the most our host, Mary, Queen of Peace Church whose members helped important result was that our programs gained great financial support and, we are happy to say, Catholic Charities of Shreveport implement this event, and to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church for providing shirts for the winner and an extra volleyball net, and has been fortunate to make many new friends. That is always our to Fr. Ampatt and to the Knights of Columbus No. 4873 Bossier goal and focus and through these two enjoyable events we did just Council for providing the food, and last but never least, to the that! We are looking forward to renewing these events in 2013 youth leaders who organized their teams. Thank you from the and the great positive results we enjoyed. Thank you to all who bottom of my heart. attended these two special events. Maung) by John Vining, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries by Theresa Mormino, Catholic Charities of Shreveport (CNS photo/David 14 Catholic Connection
por Rosalba Quiroz
Directora Ministerio Hispano 318-219-7288
Calendario del Mes de Noviembre 9-11 Retiro Experiencia Cristo para jóvenes de 18 años en adelante, Scottsville TX. 17 Encuentro Provincial, New Orleans, LA
Diciembre 1 Estudio Bíblico, Antiguo Testamento; esta clase es una serie de cuatro en la que se cubrirá el estudio de la Biblia. De 9 a.m. a 6 p.m. en el Centro Católico.
n Espíritu del Año de la Fe que el Santo Papa Benedicto XVI ha proclamado este año, el Instituto Pastoral del Sureste proporcionará un estudio Bíblico de 4 sesiones. Para conocer más a nuestro Creador, separa y prepárate a estudiar la Biblia las siguientes fechas: 1º de Diciembre
MISAS Bossier City: Christ the King Church 425 McCormick St. Bossier City Sábado 7:00 p.m. Domingo 3:00 p.m. Lunes 7:00 p.m. Confesiones 45 minutos antes de Misa Marilú Rodriguez Tel: 318-286-1492 Farmerville: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 600 E. Water Street, Farmerville Sábado 7:00 p.m. Rev. Al Jost Tel: 318-243-0115
2 de Febrero 13 de Abril 1º de Junio Estas clases son en el Centro Católico, en sábado de 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. y tienen un costo $30.00 cada una que cubre materiales y comida.
Mansfield: St. Joseph Church 305 Jefferson Street, Mansfield 2do Domingo 2:00 p.m. y 3er Martes 6:30 p.m. Juanita Ibarra Tel: 318-872-5390 Minden: St. Paul Church 410 Fincher Road, Minden 2do y 4to Viernes 7:00 p.m. Margarita Bratton Tel: 318-377-9684 Oak Grove: Sacred Heart Church 201 Purvis St., Oak Grove Domingo 5:00 p.m. Feliciano y Rosa Alviso Martinez Tel: 318-428-2137
“¡Al Que Madruga Dios lo Ayuda!” Es su programa de radio del Ministerio Hispano Católico. Todos los Domingos a las 9:00 am y 9:00 pm por la Invasora 92.1 FM
Ruston: St. Thomas Aquinas Church 810 Carey Ave., Ruston 2do y 4to Domingo 2:30 p.m. Soledad Broyles Tel: 318-243-1958 Shreveport: St. Mary of the Pines Church 1050 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop Shreveport Domingo 1:00 p.m. Carmen Bradford Tel: 318-455-2300 West Monroe: St. Paschal Church 711 N 7th Street, West Monroe Domingo 2:30 p.m. Lorena Chaparro Tel: 318-651-9136
Oficina del Ministerio Católico Hispano: Rosalba Quiroz, Directora 318-219-7265 Marcos G. Villalba, Pastoral Juvenil 318-219-7288 • Jeanne Brown, Secretaria 318-219-7257 November 2012 15
SERVING the Poor
Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s annual walk & Sept. events raised funds to assist those in need
Walkers raised funds to assist local councils of SVdP.
embers and the Catholic community embraced September as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) month, spreading word about the works of the Society and raising funds to help their ongoing ministries to the poor. One of the most successful events of the month was the 5th annual Friends of the Poor® Walk on September 29. The Walk is a nationwide event intended to raise awareness of the challenges faced by the nation’s poor and to raise funds for use in direct service to the poor. Msgr. Earl Provenza was on hand to say a prayer at the start of the walk at the Arthur Teague Parkway
in Bossier City. Approximately 70 people joined in the Walk representing eight different SVdP Conferences from churches across Shreveport and Bossier City. Just over $5,000 was raised providing much needed funds for each conference. All funds raised will be used locally within each conference to help the poor pay for utilities, rent and to stock food pantries, among other services. This walk is an annual event. To get involved, talk to your church’s SVdP group. In addition to the walk, other events during the Month of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul were well attended. During the Mass in Ruston for society founder St. Frederic Ozanam, many members of the new deacon class attended. Bishop Michael Duca went to St. Catherine’s SVdP food pantry in Shreveport to assist the volunteers and received local media attention for the organization. The last weekend of the month was the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Day across the Diocese of Shreveport. “At St. Jude we talked before Mass and thanked people for their support and invited them to join us and we’ve already had responses for that,” said Brian Burgess, President of the diocesan SVdP Society. “The Cathedral had an invitation to service. Holy Trinity has had a couple of interested parties since then. I would say it was successful. We’ve had people step forward to ask about the Society and join us, so that was good.” One of the oldest and most successful charitable organizations in the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization of more than 690,000 men and women throughout the world who voluntarily join together to grow spiritually and offer person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in 142 countries on six continents. by Brian Burgess and Jessica Rinaudo
PUTTING the “Catholic” IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION Students participated in world wide Eucharistic Holy Hour
n October 5, students at St. Joseph Catholic School participated in the Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour. Students were invited to participate and unite in prayer with the children of the world for a Holy Hour which included the World Mission Rosary, prayers, songs, and times of prayerful silence. Each class had the opportunity, throughout the day to take a moment to come before the Blessed Sacrament and reflect on the value of the family. This one hour ceremony and time of adoration and benediction coincided with the 10th annual rememberence celebration at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. “Let the little children come to me” (Matthew 10:14). Allowing students the opportunity to experience Jesus in the real presence through prayer and adoration is one of the many blessings that enrich a child’s education and formation in Catholic Schools. Educating our children might be our job, but educating children in the Catholic faith is our calling. When opportunities arise to educate our children in the faith, we jump 16 Catholic Connection
St. Joseph School students took a moment to kneel before the Blessed Sacrament as they participated with children around the world in the Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour.
to do God’s work. The importance of living our faith inside the classroom and out is a focal point within the halls of Catholic Schools. by Kevin Nolten, Marketing and Development Director for St. Joseph Catholic School.
New Home for family Catholic sponsored home dedicated to family in need in Cedar Grove
students Honored in D.C. St. John Berchmans students among handful honored for work in science, travel to D.C.
Ms. Eura Dell Reliford cuts the ribbon to her new home, built by the Fuller Center of Northwest Louisiana while Lee Jeter and Bishop Duca assist.
Catherine and Marie Marcalus at the BISEC reception with Dan Marcalus, Ross Nodurft and Kathy Brandon, Executive Director of STARBASE LA.
n May 5, 2012 close to 100 volunteers began construction on a home to change lives in the Cedar Grove area. The new house, at 327 E. 72nd Street, continues the mission of building homes for working individuals living at or below the poverty level. The Fuller Center for Housing of Northwest Louisiana dedicated this home on October 6. As the family gathered on the front porch for the dedication, Fr. Matthew Long, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Shreveport, led the invocation; Jean Dresley, Director of Catholic Charities of Shreveport, gave the family a blanket made by the residents of Holy Angels; Jerry Rowe presented the family with a Bible signed by the volunteer team, and a Fuller Center volunteer gave the family the key to their new home. Bishop Michael G. Duca blessed the home and spoke to the family and the witnesses who gathered there that day. The family invited the community into their new house to admire the work the volunteers and Catholic Church have put into creating a safe and efficient home. This will be the first Fuller Center home in the Cedar Grove community in Shreveport and the first home sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Shreveport on land donated by the diocese and St. Catherine Community Center. “These partnerships transform communities. Everyone is working together to make these communities better and to give our citizens a hand up,” said Lee A. Jeter, Sr., Executive Director, Fuller Center for Housing of NWLA, Inc. Ms. Eura Dell Reliford, the recipient of the home, addressed everyone before cutting the ribbon saying, “I just want to thank you all so much. I’ll remember this day until I’m in my grave.” The Catholic Diocese of Shreveport and an anonymous partner sponsored this home. It is the beginning of replicating in the Cedar Grove community what Fuller Center has built in the Allendale community of Shreveport. Ms. Reliford’s mortgage for her new home will be less than $400 per month with no interest. This will be the 45th Fuller Center home in North Louisiana. by Lee Jeter, Fuller Center for Housing
ho says science isn’t fun? For St. John Berchmans School students and sisters Marie (8th grade) and Catherine (7th grade) Marcalus, their passion and outstanding abilities in science earned them the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. to be honored by the Business and Industries STEM Education Coalition (BISEC). Each year, BISEC honors young students from around the country at a reception during Aerospace Education Week. The reception highlights students “who are being inspired and encouraged to pursue careers in science, engineering and technology (STEM) through participation in experiential learning programs.” Marie and Catherine were nominated by Kathy Brandon, Executive Director of STARBASE Louisiana, to represent STARBASE and Science Olympiad based on their past achievements. The sisters joined 30 other students from various STEM extracurricular initiatives to discuss their participation in STEM activities; specifically for them, their experience with STARBASE Louisiana and their success at the national level of Science Olympiad. The sisters have competed on St. John Berchmans School’s state championship teams for Science Olympiad, and last year placed 15th overall in the forestry event at the National Tournament. Highlights of their trip included meeting Dr. John Fleming, U.S. Representative for Louisiana, along with a private Capitol tour. At the BISEC reception, they visited with Ross Nodurft, Senator Mary Landrieu’s Military Liaison Assistant, and were interviewed by the Entertainment Industries Council for future public service announcements and a documentary promoting STEM education. Their favorite part of the trip was touring the national monuments and visiting with students from other parts of the country. After their whirlwind trip to Washington D.C., it was back to the books for Catherine and Marie. Both are currently preparing for the 2012-13 Science Olympiad season and working with other St. John’s students to defend their state title as the four-time reigning Science Olympiad state champions. by Lucy Medvec, St. John Berchmans School
November 2012 17
Fr. Emil Kapaun (right) and medical officer Capt. Jerome A. Dolan(left), carry a GI off a battlefield during the Korean War.
This Veterans Day consider:
Are You Called To a
Heroic Vocation? Army chaplain from Wichita, KS, Fr. Emil J. Kapaun, armed during the Korean War only with the love of God, was described by those who served with him as the best and bravest foot soldier they ever knew. Fr. Kapaun was captured as he administered the Sacrament of Last Rites to a dying soldier. Fr. Kapaun’s unit, the 8th Cavalry, was overwhelmed on Nov. 2, 1950 and he was taken to a POW camp where he became a source of strength, encouragement and compassion for fellow prisoners. Even when they died, he did not abandon them. Fr. Kapaun would volunteer to bury fallen POWs. At the grave, he would utter for them the last great plea: ‘Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.’ After experiencing great illness due to the terrible conditions in the camp, Fr. Kapaun died in a prison at 35 in North Korea. “If I don’t come back, tell my Bishop that I died a happy death,” Fr. Kapaun told fellow prisoners as he was carried away to die.
Contact Director of Vocations:
Fr. Matthew Long mlong@dioshpt.org 318-868-4441, x. 261
or visit:
GoPriest.com designed by Andrew Sciba
18 Catholic Connection
across the
from Catholic News Service
Catholic leaders: Nobel Prize Pope presents Vatican II for medicine a triumph for messages for ethics laypeople ANCHESTER, England
(CNS) -- Catholic leaders in Europe hailed the decision to give a Nobel Prize to two pioneers of adult stem-cell research as a triumph for ethics. A statement from the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the Kyoto University Professor John Gurdon of Britain in Shinya Yamanaka of Japan London European Community, known as COMECE, said that awarding on the unethical destruction of human the Nobel Prize in physiology or embryos. The past attempts to clone human medicine to John B. Gurdon and Shinya embryos and the bizarre experiments to Yamanaka represented an “important create mixed human-nonhuman embryos milestone” in recognizing the superior have delivered nothing. In contrast, the potential of adult stem-cell research over transformation of adult cells into stem cells destructive experimentation on human is making great progress,” he continued. embryonic stem cells. The Anscombe “This is science at its best: both beautiful Bioethics Centre, an institute serving and ethical.” The Nobel committee said the Catholic Church in the United England’s Gurdon and Yamanaka of Japan Kingdom and Ireland, also described the had “revolutionized” science through their award as an “achievement of great ethical work. “These discoveries have also provided significance.” Said David Jones, director of new tools for scientists around the world the Anscombe center in Oxford, England: and led to remarkable progress in many “This technique offers hope of progress areas of medicine,” the committee said. in stem-cell research without relying
Pope authorizes granting of indulgences for Year of Faith
ATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Catholics who participate in events connected with the 2012-2013 Year of Faith can receive a special indulgence, the Vatican said. Pope Benedict XVI authorized the granting of a plenary, or full, indulgence in order to highlight the Year of Faith and encourage the “reading, or rather, the pious meditation on” the documents of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Sept. 14 Vatican decree said. The decree, which the Vatican released Oct. 5, was signed by Cardinal Manuel Monteiro de Castro, head of the Vatican tribunal that deals with indulgences and with matters related to the sacrament of penance. An indulgence is a remission of
the temporal punishment a person is due for sins that have been forgiven. Pope Benedict established the Year of Faith, “dedicated to the profession of the true faith and its correct interpretation,” to run from Oct. 11, 2012 to Nov. 24, 2013. It begins on the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II, which is also the 20th anniversary of the publication of the catechism. The plenary indulgence is being offered to pilgrims who visit sacred shrines, to Catholics who participate in local events connected to the Year of Faith, and to those who may be too ill or otherwise prevented from physical participation. It can be granted on behalf of the individual petitioner or on behalf of departed souls.
Pope Benedict XVI gives a message to Robert Prybyla (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
ATICAN CITY (CNS) -- At the end of the Mass in St. Peter’s Square marking the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II and the start of the Year of Faith, the pope gave out texts of the special messages that Pope Paul VI had composed for seven categories of the faithful; Pope Benedict chose contemporary representatives of those groups to receive the messages Oct. 11. The symbolic gesture was meant not just to recall and commemorate an event, but to “enter more deeply into the spiritual movement, which characterized Vatican II, to make it ours and to develop it according to its true meaning,” the pope said in his homily. The seven messages, initially presented by Pope Paul on Dec. 8, 1965, address the concerns and responsibilities of: political leaders, scientists and cultural figures, artists, women, workers, the poor, sick and suffering and young people. Pope Benedict gave the “Message to Politicians” to some members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, including ambassadors to the Vatican from each continent. The message said that the only thing the Church asks of politicians is freedom -- “the liberty to believe and to preach her faith, the freedom to love her God and serve him, the freedom to live and to bring to men her message of life. Do not fear her.” November 2012 19
around the DIOCESE
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SACRED HEART OF JESUS CHURCH held their first ever “Taste of Sacred Heart” on Sept. 22, in Gabriel Hall. Friends in Faith and Service Ministry members published a cookbook and selected 28 dishes from their cookbook to share for the event. Three members from the group designed kitchen items to be given away as door prizes. There were approximately 150 people in attendance for the fundraiser. Music, food and fellowship was enjoyed by all.
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ANDREW LUKACS, 15, of ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON’S Boy Scout Troop 10, has earned the distinguished rank of Eagle Scout. In its 100th year, the Eagle Scout medal is the highest award given by the Boy Scouts of America and is achieved by about 4 percent of Boy Scouts. Inspired to help an organization close to his family, Lukacs led 16 Troop 10 Scouts in building three raised gardens and six benches for the residents of Holy Angels to use in their expanding Horticultural Program. Lukacs’s aunt has lived at Holy Angels all of her adult life and is one of 184 residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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There is a thriving Hispanic community in Oak Grove, Louisiana. After the 5:00 p.m. Spanish liturgy with Fr. Mark Watson, the members of Sacred heart Church in Oak Grove’s Hispanic community shared a potluck dinner and enjoyed one another’s company. Judicial Vicar and Cathedral Rector the very rev. peter b. mangum was the guest homilist at the Diocese of Alexandria’s annual Red Mass held at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral on Friday, September 12, 2012. Local judges, attorneys and the presbyterate of the Alexandria Diocese joined with Bishop Ronald Herzog as he imparted a special blessing on the upcoming judicial year.
This September marked the 4th Annual Dragon Boat Festival sponsored by Shreveport Downtown Rotary Club to raise money for projects in education, social services and community development. Last year’s event raised over $23,000. Father Pike Thomas prayed the invocation at the 2011 event, and knew then he wanted us to be involved, rowing for a good cause. Team Captain David Dant assembled 23 rowers and raised $900 in donated funds to sponsor St. Jude Church’s first ever Dragon Boat Festival entry.
school NEWS < Jesus the Good Shepherd School Mrs. Embanato’s 5th and 6th grade history classes at Jesus Good Shepherd were chosen to participate in the “Broaden Horizons” program through the Louisiana Department of Tourism. Students were given an 8x10 stretched canvas with an outline of the state and were asked to give their interpretation of Louisiana. Students drew symbols synonymous with the state as well as used stickers and the JGS shield to decorate their state. The Department of Tourism sponsored this program state-wide as a part of the Louisiana Bicentennial Celebration.
^ Maddie Russo was crowned as Loyola College Prep’s Queen during Homecoming ceremonies on Oct. 5 during halftime of the Flyers’ game against Sam Houston. Also on the Homecoming Court were Hannah Russell and Kelly Brice (Senior Maids), Madie Vlahakis and Lauren Norton (Junior Maids), Caroline Garceau and Aubry Sikes (Sophomore Maids) and Fer Rincon and Isabel Sarcar (Freshman Maids).
^ St. John Berchmans School 7th and 8th grade students were recently spoken to by Caddo Parish District Judge Michael Pitman during history classes about the Bill of Rights and federal and state laws as part of Constitution Day 2012. Judge Michael Pitman is pictured here with Mrs. Long’s 7th grade United States History class.
^ Fr. Richard Norsworthy said Mass at St. Matthew’s Church in Monroe for St. Frederick High School students, faculty, parents, grandparents and alumni to celebrate homecoming. The Mass was part of the week long homecoming festivities that included the coronation of the Homecoming Court, alumni reception and the Warriors victory against the Tensas Panthers on September 28.
> St. Joseph School was visited by Louisiana State Superintendent John White, who talked about the adoption of Common Core Standards and introduced the COMPASS evaluation methods of teachers. Superintendent White said St. Joseph School is a phenomenal organization doing good work to educate our children for the future.
November 2012 21
upcoming EVENTS November: National Adoption Awareness Month The Department of Children and Family Services, in coordination with other local nonprofit organizations, is hosting an adoption awareness event with an orientation about how to become a foster/adoptive parent. For more information about the event date and locations or how to become a foster/adoptive parent please contact the Home Development Unit at 800-676-5048 or 318-676-7100. November 3: Mission Marketplace at St. Joseph Church, Shreveport Four local churches will come together Nov. 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Family Life Center of St Joseph’s Church, Shreveport to encourage Fair Trade and offer locals an opportunity to fill their Christmas shopping lists. November 5-7: Parish Mission at St. Paschal Church in West Monroe At 7:00 each evening during the mission, Fr. Bruce Nieli, CSP, will speak. Currently based in Memphis, TN, Fr. Bruce is a nationally known Paulist evangelist who will preach on responding to the Spirit in the soul, in the Church and in the world.
November 10: Magnificat NOWELA Chapter Lunch with Fr. Chad Partain The Magnificat-NOWELA Chapter is sponsoring a prayer brunch from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at St. Jude Church in Bossier City. The speaker is Fr. Chad Partain from Mansura, LA. Fr. Partain is a priest of the Diocese of Alexandria where he serves as the Pastor of St. Paul the Apostle Church and the Chancellor of the Diocese. His talk will be on the “Importance of Introducing True Devotion to the Blessed Mother to the Youth of Today - The Children of Mary Program and the Role of St. Philomena.” Women and men are invited. Admittance is $12 and reservations should be made by calling Barbara McAlister at (318) 747-7029. December 3-5: Advent Mission at St. Joseph Church, Shreveport Fr. Matthew Long will be giving the retreat at St. Joseph Church in Shreveport the first week in Advent. There will be presentations in the Family Life Center in the mornings at 9:00 a.m. and in the church in the evenings at 6:30 p.m. Fr. Long will also be speaking at all the Masses the preceding weekend.
From the YouCat
The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church Q. 497 – Why does it help to turn to the saints when we pray? Saints are people who are aflame with the Holy Spirit; they keep God’s fire burning in the Church. Even during their early life, the saints prayed ardently, in a way that was contagious. When we are close to them, it is easy to pray. Of course, we never worship saints; we are allowed, though, to call on them in heaven, so that they may present petitions for us at the throne of God. [2683, 2684]
Around the great saints developed particular schools of SPIRITUALITY, which like the colors of the spectrum all pin to the pure light of God. They all start with a fundamental element of faith, so as to lead – in each case by a different gate – to the center of the faith and devotion to God. Thus Franciscan spirituality starts with poverty of spirit, Benedictine spirituality with the praise of God, and Ignatian spirituality with discernment and vocation. A spirituality to which someone feels attracted, depending on his personal character, is always a school of prayer.
22 Catholic Connection
Advent Reconciliation Services Tuesday, December 4, St. Jude Church, Bossier City, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 5, Mary, Queen of Peace Church, Bossier City, 6:00 p.m. Monday, December 10, Holy Trinity Church, Shreveport, 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 11, Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 12, St. Pius X Church, Shreveport, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, December 13, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Shreveport, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, December 15, Christ the King Church, Bossier City, 10:00 a.m. Monday, December 17, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Shreveport, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 18, St. Mary of the Pines Church, Shreveport, LA 6:00 p.m. Thursday, December 20, St. Joseph Church, Shreveport, 6:30 p.m.
november 2012
Blessing of the Graves
All Saints Day
All Souls Day
Catholic Center Closed
St. Martin de Porres, religious
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Daylight Savings Time Ends
Election Day
Deadline for Dec. Catholic Connection
Priests Retirement Committee, Catholic Center, 11am
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
2nd Collection: Catholic Campaign for Human Development St. Leo the Great, pope & doctor of the Church
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Veterans Day 2nd Collection: Catholic Campaign for Human Development
St. Josaphat, bishop & martyr
St. Frances Xavier
Protecting God’s Children, Catholic Center, 6pm
St. Albert the Great, bishop & doctor of the Church
St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude, virgin
Hispanic Ministry Busqueda Reunion, Catholic Center, 10am St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Catholic Schools Closed until Nov. 26 for Thanksgiving Holidays
Annual Clergy The Presentation of the Blessed Meeting, Virgin Mary Catholic Center, 9am
Thanksgiving Day
Catholic Center Closed
Catholic Center Closed
St. Clement I, pope & martyr; St. Columban, abbot; Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, priest & martyr
St. Cecilia, virgin & martyr
St. Andrew Dung-Lac, priest & companions, martyrs
Annual clergy meeting / nov. 20
25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Bishop-Elect Joseph E. Strickland’s Episcopal Ordination and Installation Ceremony, Diocese of Tyler, TX, 2pm
St. Andrew, apostle
THANKSGIVING DAY / NOV. 22 November 2012 23
Shreveport, LA 71104
Photo of the month by Marc Vereen Bishop Michael Duca and Pilot Christopher O’Brien stand by an Air Evac helicopter before Blue Mass in Bastrop, Louisiana.
Want to submit a Photo of the Month? Email the Editor at jrinaudo@dioshpt.org. 24 Catholic Connection