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School News

The Flyer of the Year award is the highest achievement a student can receive at Loyola. The Flyer of the Year is chosen by the faculty and given to the student who best shows the qualities that reflect Loyola’s mission and is a man or woman for others in every sense. The 2022 Flyer of the Year is Declan Chmielewski. Declan was recently named Student of the Year and went on to compete at the state level competition. He was recognized for academic excellence on the National Spanish Exam and received regional recognition at the Louisiana Literary Rally. In addition to his academic achievements, he was also involved in Student Government all four years and was in National Honors Society for the last two years. Declan is passionate about giving back to the community and has been a part of the Catholic Youth and Catholic Rosary Groups, was a hurricane relief coordinator with Catholic Charities, a Blood Drive Coordinator, and a Eucharist Minister of Holy Communion and Lector. Declan does it all -- even athletics. He served as captain on the Flyer soccer team and ran cross country. “Since day one when I came to Loyola, I knew I was entering into a family. And every day since then, I am always reminded that the people here are not only my friends, but my brothers and sisters. Every day at Loyola is something to look forward to,” he said. As a part of the Loyola tradition, the Flyer of the Year always receives the first yearbook. JORDAN HARRIS is the Director of Communications at Loyola College Prep in Shreveport.

SJS sees 8 students enter the Catholic Church
The Easter Vigil is always a beautiful Mass, but this year’s Paschal Candle seemed a little bit brighter as eight of our students entered the Catholic Church with their families: Peyton and Arrie McCrea; Parker and Amelia Suckle, Greenlee and Jackson Rodgers, Christopher Randle, and Sophie Ximenez. We are so happy to welcome you to our faith family! Other notable events this month included the annual Marian Procession/May Crowning/Mothers’ Day Mass on Thursday, May 5th. We processed into the church singing “Immaculate Mary,” led by our special choir for the occasion, and banners displaying colored images of various Marian devotions were carried in by students in grades K3-8th. In just minutes, the church was filled with the students’ red and white roses, as well as countless mothers, grandmothers and mother figures. Afterwards, students and faculty were recognized for their example in living the Virtue of the Month for April: Loyalty. alumni of our school, and our beloved Parochial Vicar, Fr. Kevin, will have begun his new assignment in Ruston. Thankfully, our 8th grade class had the chance to enjoy lunch with him and with Fr. Long before these farewells took place. On Thursday, May 5th, they dined on a catered meal in the Family Life Center and Fr. Long and Fr. Kevin had one more chance to share a meal and visit with them. Perhaps the best part was the ending: as we took this picture beneath the balloon arch backdrop that had been used for our Teacher Appreciation Luncheon a day earlier, the students asked if they could “dismantle” it, and Fr. Long gave his permission. The laughter that ensued was only outdone by the sound of seemingly countless balloons being popped for the next several minutes (my apologies to the church staff!). But it was a memory they will not soon forget from their time with our clergy at SJS.
Third grade learns how great a “Taste of Louisiana” really is
8th grade class treated to lunch with our priests
It’s hard to believe, but by the time readers pick up this copy of The Catholic Connection, our 8th grade class will be official
In late April, our third graders demonstrated in many different ways some of the things that make Louisiana great. The students researched the various parishes of our state, then in the last week of April, presented their parish posters and floats throughout the week and ended it with “A Taste of Louisiana!” These kids worked so hard on their projects,

and we could not be more proud of them! Louisiana sure is a wonderful place to live! Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Fifth graders soar at Starbase
SJS has for many years enjoyed taking our fifth graders to Starbase at Barksdale Air Force Base for its outstanding programs that “allow fifth grade students to explore the worlds of science, technology, engineering, and math.” This year was just as impressive as ever, as this year’s fifth graders were involved in rocket launches, robotics, and exploring Newton’s Law of Motion. The program chooses one student from each participating class as the “STARBASE Shining Star” and this year’s award went to Justin Copeland! Way to go, Justin! Don’t lose that enthusiasm!
It’s not “good bye,” just “See you later”
The month of May provided many opportunities for reflection, especially for those graduating, receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, and those moving onto new chapters in their lives when summer begins. Our 8th grade class has been a joy to teach and to watch as they have grown in their years with us at SJS, and on Thursday, May 19, we saw them “turn the tassel” and make the transition from SJS student to alum. A week earlier, 21 of them became fully initiated into the Church as they received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The departure of Fr. Kevin from our campus is one that saddened us all, but the memories and lessons he gave us will stay with us always. We hope our “farewell gifts” conveyed our love and our hopes for him as he continues in his vocation. We know we will see you again, Fr. Kevin - once a Falcon, always a Falcon!

Class of 2018 Alums Return to Celebrate LCP Graduation
A new tradition was begun this year at SJS: our Class of 2018 came back to campus to celebrate their upcoming graduation from Loyola College Prep! They were treated to applause as they walked through past our current student body, followed by a reception at the Family Life Center, where some of their former teachers (and principals!) were anxious to get hugs from our former students. It was a great day for them, and for us! May God bless you all as you start this next chapter in your lives.
POLLY MACIULSKI is the middle school religion teacher at St. Joseph School in Shreveport.

Brother Mike Ward, Campus Minister
Every year, the Association of Catholic Tech Students (ACTS) celebrates one of the tenets of its mission statement: Joy, Evangelization, Sacraments, Unity, and Service. The first letter of each of these tenets spells out “Jesus.” This year, the students centered themselves on “Service”. All three of the retreats used this as a point of reference on which to reflect and act. Most prominently, the students organized a local mission experience called “Reaching Ruston +” serving the local community and Monroe. Members of ACTS also participated in the annual university outreach day, “The Big Event” and helped take care of the grounds of St. Thomas Church and Student Center. Additionally, the students participated in a mission trip to “A Simple House” in Kansas City over spring break and visit the Valley of the Angels Orphanage in Guatemala each August. ACTS also prides itself on the fact that for the “Student Masses” on Sundays and Wednesdays, all of the liturgical ministers are college students.
Jaila Leaven named the first female basketball head coach in the school’s history
Jordan Harris, Loyola College Prep Director of Communications
Loyola girls basketball will enter into a new season next year with a new head coach - Jaila Leaven. After 12 years as head coach following nine years as assistant coach, Kyle Tanner is stepping down from his role as the Lady Flyers head basketball coach. Leaven will take the reins as head coach for the 2022-23 season. She joined Loyola as a physical education teacher and assistant basketball coach in 2020, and will be the first female basketball coach in the school’s history. “It’s a great feeling to be the first female basketball coach at Loyola,” she said. “We need more women to take on leadership roles to show young girls that they can do it too. There is a long history of great coaches here at Loyola, especially in basketball, and I am grateful to be among them.” Prior to joining Loyola, Leaven was a student basketball coach at East Texas Baptist University and has coached basketball for Thrive 360, a nonprofit organization that helps at-risk teens. She also played college basketball at LeTourneau University. “Basketball may be just a game for some people, but to me it is a lifestyle,” Leaven said. “The game teaches you so many valuable life lessons that will help you excel at life off the court. My goals for our girls is for each of them to gain confidence, love themselves for who they are, and fear nothing for anyone but God. I want them to trust and love each other unconditionally, and be the best versions of themselves. If they achieve this, I know we will do great things on the court.”


to our 2022 Mr. & Ms. Saint Frederick
James Mayronne & Rosemary Manning

1st place in the long jump with a jump of 22 feet and 6 1/2 inches The St. Frederick High School Discipleship Team refurbished the cross in front of the school on their last day of school!

1st place in the 1600 Meter Run ALYSSA DISMUKE State Champion

1st place in the discus and set a new discus record