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Seminarian Burses
Thanks to our Recent Donors:
(022) Mr. & Mrs. Ray T. Garza ($500) (035) Mrs. Rosemary C. Ward ($500) (037) Stacy Fleniken ($1000) (037) Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Miller ($1000) (030) Mr. & Mrs. Heinz H. Huester ($1000) (035) Mr. Richard W. Ward ($1000) (039) Knights of Columbus Council 9260 ($250) Completed Burses: (001) Fr. Mike Bakowski Memorial Burse #1 ($10000) (006) Msgr. J. Carson LaCaze Memorial Burse #1 ($10000) (010) Memory of Rita Scott from the John Scott Family Burse ($10000) (011) Rev. David Richter Memorial Burse #1 ($10000) (012) Jack E. Caplis, Jr., Memorial Burse ($10000) (013) Mary Evans Caplis Burse ($10000) (014) Bob & Peggy Semmes Memorial Burse ($10000) (019) Margaret Glenn Memorial Burse ($10000) (020) Dr. James V. Ward Memorial Burse ($10000) (026) Sheryl Seal Sweeney Memorial Burse ($10000) (027) Rev. Richard Lombard Memorial Burse ($10000) (027) Rev. Richard Lombard Memorial Burse #2 ($10000) (031) Pearl Heck & Leona Boudreaux Memorial Burse ($10000) (033) Beryl K. & Joseph D. Ozenne Memorial Burse ($10000) Incomplete Burses: (001) Fr. Mike Bakowski Memorial Burse #2 ($1350) (002) Joseph & Antoinette Bakowski Memorial Burse ($3150) (003) Sam R. Maranto Memorial Burse ($1650) (004) Kathryn Atherton Cook Memorial Burse ($350) (005) Cathedral of St. John Berchmans Burse ($1200) (006) Msgr. J. Carson LaCaze Memorial Burse #2 ($3832.12) (007) Dr. Carol Christopher Memorial Burse ($1200) (008) St. Jude Parish Burse ($6218) (009) St. John Berchmans Knights of Columbus Council 10728 Burse ($1550) (011) Rev. David Richter Memorial Burse #2 ($4029) (015) Bishop’s Seminarian Burse ($3410) (016) Elaine Malloy Frantz Memorial Burse ($1000) (017) Msgr. George Martinez Knights of Columbus Council 1337 Burse ($7521.57) (018) Knights of St. Peter Claver Council 144 Burse ($1180) (021) Rev. Edmund “Larry” Niehoff Memorial Burse ($2000) (022) Rev. Blane O’Neil, OFM Memorial Burse ($1200) (023) Msgr. Edmund J. Moore Memorial Burse ($1020) (024) Rev. Joseph Puthupally Memorial Burse ($1100) (025) Kathleen Hightower Memorial Burse ($400) (028) Friends-n-Faith Burse ($300) (029) Rev. Kenneth Williams Memorial Burse ($200) (030) Ottis and Anne Krupa Littlejohn Memorial Burse ($5000) (032) Madeline and Joe Tiller Memorial Burse ($1000) (034) Joseph B. and Lucille Provenza Cordaro Burse ($6000) (035) Dr. James V. & Rosemary C. Ward Burse ($4700) (036) Msgr. Earl Vincent Provenza Burse ($1000) (037) Manuel & Catherine Licciardi, and John & Beverly Miller Burse ($4000) (038) The Malone Family Burse ($250) (039) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Knights of Columbus Council 9260 Burse ($250)
The Diocesan Seminary Burse Program provides the faithful of North Louisiana the opportunity to invest in the education and formation of our seminarians into holy and effective priests to serve the Diocese of Shreveport.
Interested in contributing to or establishing a burse?
You can establish and name a burse with a donation of at least $250 or you can contribute any amount to a burse simply by designating its name when the contribution is made. Contributions may be mailed to the Office of Church Vocations, Diocese of Shreveport, 3500 Fairfield Avenue, Shreveport, LA 71104. Be sure to note the name of the burse in the memo line. Burses are completed at $10,000.
3500 Fairfield Ave. • Shreveport, LA 71104
Catholic Connection USPS 024-824 is published monthly except for July by the Diocese of Shreveport, 3500 Fairfield Ave., Shreveport, LA 71104. Periodicals Postage PAID at Shreveport, LA 71102. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Catholic Connection, 3500 Fairfield Ave, Shreveport, LA 71104.

PHOTO OF THE MONTH: JGS School, Daycare - 6th grade, gathered in the courtyard for a bubble and birthday celebration for our beloved Fr. Mike Thang’wa. The children blew bubbles, sang Happy Birthday, and celebrated with birthday cookies for everyone! It was a wonderful morning celebrating our good shepherd, Fr. Mike! 40 CATHOLIC CONNECTION