In Loving Memory of Sister Martinette Rivers, OLS John Mark Willcox Our entire diocesan faith community mourns the passing of Sr. Martinette Rivers, OLS who departed this earth for the realm of the Lord on September 1, 2020. Sr. Martinette was a main fixture in so many Catholic events throughout our diocese and always did a fine job of representing the Church in all she did. Sr. Martinette had several passions in the world of ministry and one was reaching out to Senior Catholics. Her many Catholic Connection articles dealing with how to involve the aged of our faith community were uplifting to all of us. Her energy, her zeal for her faith was so evident in everything she did. Another special vocation for Sr. Martinette was her involvement with World Religion Day held each year in Shreveport. She dutifully served each year as the Catholic representative in the event and claimed several conversions to our faith through her volunteerism in this program. 32 THE CATHOLIC CONNECTION
Finally it was her energy. Sr. Martinette had boundless reservoirs of energy and it was truly inspiring to spend time with her on any subject of God’s creation. Our Vicar General Fr. Matthew Long summed her up best, “Sr. Martinette loved the Lord, loved her religious life and loved her congregation’s foundress, blessed Elisabetta Renzi. I believe she would echo Elisabetta’s words to us who are saddend by her passing, ‘We will see each other up there is heaven…from up there I will tell you again to be grateful to the Lord.’”