Something unexpected that frequently occupies one’s thoughts.
We all have that one thing which lives rent-free in our minds—an unexpected thought, a newfound revelation or even a sudden obsession over a funny meme. This is, according to social media parlance, one’s “Roman Empire”. This phenomenon is named after the “What is your Roman Empire?” meme which went viral on TikTok. I’m sure many of you have moments stuck in your head which have become your respective “Roman Empires”. It could be the conversations you had at the school canteen, the times you spent struggling with schoolwork, or some of the college events that took place this year. We hope this issue will capture some of the signifcant college events and experiences that all of us hold dear to our hearts.
Some of the key events we have covered in this issue include the annual Leadership Training Camp (LTC), National Day and Teachers Day. We have incorporated fun elements into these articles like a quiz and a creative reimagining of the Merlion as a Gen Z teenager (slay!). We also interviewed three CJC alumni for an insider scoop on university life and included articles about the books, films and concerts that we cannot stop obsessing over.
This year, we collaborated with the Film, Sound and Video Society CCA to organise a Kampong Glam trip where we uncovered numerous places that we think you should visit! The historical buildings, vibrant murals and cosy cafes in the area are the reason why Kampong Glam is one of our favourite places in Singapore. A big shoutout to the FSV CCA for providing us with beautiful photos!
Teacher Editors
Mr Lester Tan
As you read the articles in this issue, I want you to mull over this important question: What is your Roman Empire? Obsession can serve as an important motivational force to keep us going when we feel worn out by the daily grind. While regrettably, this issue does not cover any of the great conquests of Rome, I am confdent that our articles will at least remind you of all the awesome experiences you have had in CJC.
With that, I wish everyone happy reading!
Liew Enxi (1T01) President of the Editorial Club
Ms Diana Long
President Liew Enxi (1T01)
Vice President
Gemma Lim (1T06)
EXCO (Secretary)
Saw Keedoh Marcus (1T06)
Eng Jin Swen (1T03)
Zoe Loi (1T03)
Ryan Chong (1T05)
Alaena Poh (1T06)
Jolene Tian (1T06)
Trisha Chan (1T06)
Jonah Ong (1T08)
Isobel Tan (1T18)
Heng Xin (1T22)
Isabella Yang (1T24)
Low Wan Xuan (1T24)
Koh Jia Ying (1T26)
Athirah Binte Mohammad Harris (1T29)
Imogen Siu (1T29)
Photography Credit
Film, Sound and Video Society
“Sand, sand and more sand.” This was a common refrain among the student leaders who attended this year’s annual Leadership Training Camp (LTC). For me, dealing with the sand served as a testament to the challenges we faced, from which we emerged stronger as leaders.
This year’s LTC was held in Sentosa, but a unique challenge arose just days before we were due to set up camp—the oil spill where more than 400 tonnes of oil spilled into Singapore waters after a dredging boat hit a bunker vessel. With the beach no longer a viable option, the camp leaders got creative, proposing the nearby Siloso Resorts pool as an alternative venue for our water activity. Although we were disappointed that we did not get the opportunity to soak in the sea waters that surrounded the sandy shores of Sentosa, this change allowed us to capture many beautiful moments and create wonderful memories. It was truly an odyssey through sand and waves.
The camp, a short 2-day, 1-night event, featured activities such as rafting, outdoor cooking, as well as “wars” between groups. However, just as the students were about to wind down for the night, any hope of spending a night under the stars was swiftly dashed by the impending storm, forcing us to “camp” in a pavilion. During this “stakeout”, the student “soldiers” learnt to persevere through adversity, “marching on” in an experience that tested their resilience. The camp fnally rounded off with a campfre ceremony where students wrote down their commitments to the school and placed their notes into the fames, symbolising the end of any “enmity” and marking a new chapter. Yet another batch of student leaders would now take on the responsibilities shouldered by those who came before them.
By Eng Jin Swen (1T03), Ryan Chong (1T05), Isobel Tan (1T18), Heng Xin (1T22) and Koh Jia Ying (1T26)
Guess who the following teachers are based on their baby photos!
Teacher A
As a student, this teacher was very studious, often striving to do her very best in her studies. Her teachers praised her for being a reliable student with good character. Though she found Chinese more challenging than other subjects, she learnt to be resilient and persevere. She has a passion for music, and you might recognise her for her “banging” performance in Rockafella!
Teacher B
As a 17-year-old, this teacher was captivated by Geography, fnding joy in studying maps and landforms. Her student years were a whirlwind of enthusiasm and discovery, and she still fondly remembers the thrill of uncovering new places and concepts. Now, as a Geography teacher, she shares that same excitement with her students every day!
Teacher C
As a JC student, this teacher was all work and no play, and she wished she had found a better balance. Although she struggled with some subjects at the start, she learnt how to better manage her time and adopted different study techniques. She made two lifelong friends and ultimately gained a lot from her JC experience. She is best known for her iconic athleisure looks!
Teacher D
This teacher was passionate about bodybuilding and karate during his teenage years. He has a deep love for the sun, sand, and sea and is a good swimmer. Though his childhood aspiration was to become a farmer, his passion for teaching Chemistry is evident. Perhaps there isn’t such a big difference between teaching and farming after all! His go-to catchphrase is ‘Amazing!’
Teacher E
As a primary school student, this teacher loved reading storybooks which she borrowed from the library and which her mother, who was also a teacher, bought for her. She enjoyed Chinese calligraphy, a hobby she continued to pursue in secondary school. One of her fondest childhood memories is performing with her classmates at her school’s annual concert as she loved singing with them.
Teacher E: Mdm Wee Siew Ling
Teacher D: Mr Ong Kian Beng
Teacher C: Ms Jodi Ng
Teacher B: Ms Suriani Amran
Teacher A: Mrs Angela Tie
University Life according to our Seniors
Odelia i CJC Class of 2023
Currently majoring in Communication Studies at Nanyang Technological University
Isabel Cardoso
CJC Class of 2023
Currently majoring in English Literature at Nanyang Technological University
1. What are some differences between your life as a junior college student and your current life as a NUS undergraduate?
Odelia: The culture is very different. The people you meet come from very diverse backgrounds. There’s even someone in my cohort who was born in 1997. The people here are also very open-minded.
id yo nd a ing he an i ion o a nio college to a university challenging?
Isabel: Not really. People are open and easy to talk to. Also, I did English Literature when I was a JC student so there is not much difference. However, we do have to study medieval English which is like a whole new language.
Odelia: Everyone starts in university on a new slate, and many come here without any friends. When you go to uni, everyone tends to do what they want instead of following the crowd, which is very different from a JC. Uni is so much different because nobody knows anyone and everyone wants to make new friends, so it is unlikely that you would be left out or ostracised.
3. How did you end up choosing your majors?
Isabel: I picked my major based on interest. I did Literature in JC and secondary school, and I really like it. I also came to NTU to take English, and all the different modules offered interested me such as King Arthur which I found interesting.
Odelia: I’m doing Communications because I wanted to do something more practical. In Wee Kim Wee, we can learn photography and journalism, and you also get to learn a lot of technical stuff. Right now, I’m still unsure
of what I want to do, but there are a lot of pathways for me to choose from in Year 2 and 3 which is quite comforting.
4. What do you guys enjoy the most about your courses?
Isabel: In English, it’s like everyone is on the same wavelength. Everyone has the same humour, and it is easy to click with people. The people are one of the biggest contributors to whether I enjoy a course or not, and I really like the modules offered by my degree program which include Shakespeare and creative writing.
Odelia: I chose Comms because of the modules. We learn law, the history of communications, and even psychology, so it’s practically everything related to communications. Originally, I was debating between psychology, law and comms, but comms offers me everything.
Your Name is a fantasy romance that follows the story of two teenagers, Mitsuha and Taki, who have to learn how to navigate their lives after discovering that they are swapping bodies with each other. Directed by Makoto Shinkai, this movie captivates viewers with its stunning animation and immaculate attention to details. Paired with its beautifully emotional soundtrack by Japanese rock band Radwimps, this movie excels in creating an enchanting atmosphere that draws viewers in, giving viewers an incredibly immersive experience. Your Name begins with a nostalgic and light-hearted depiction of a high-school romance, but soon swerves into something more mystical and enchanting, leaving me on the edge of my seat throughout the second half of the movie. The humorous depiction of the relationship between the main characters makes for solid entertainment. Your Name is like a story straight from a dream. It will leave you spellbound.
“I feel like I’m always searching for someone, or something.”
In Arrival, twelve alien spacecraft land at various locations around the world, sparking global confusion and tension. The U.S. government recruits linguist Dr. Louise Banks (Amy Adams) and physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) to decode the aliens’ complex language and understand their intentions. As Dr. Banks and Donnelly work to decipher the enigmatic symbols used by the extraterrestrials, Dr. Banks begins to experience vivid visions of her future. The flm explores themes of communication, time, and human connection. The flm’s emotional depth and intelligent narrative make it a standout entry in the science fction genre.
“We’re so bounded by time, by its order. But now I am not so sure I believe in beginnings and endings. There are days that defne your story beyond your life. Like the day they arrived.”
This flm takes place in the 1950s against the backdrop of racism and segregation in America. The flm depicts the relationship between Dr Don Shirley, a famous African-American pianist, and his White bouncer and driver Tony Lip. Both characters develop an unlikely bond. As Tony Lip learns about the struggles of his client, he slowly learns to accept their differences. The most memorable scene in the flm to me is the scene where Dr Don looks out of a car window to observe a group of slaves working. The haunted look on his face conveys both empathy and also the realisation that he is unfairly privileged. Although Green Book is a historical flm, it still rings true today because systemic racism has yet to be eradicated.
“Being genius is not enough, it takes courage to change people’s hearts.”
Liew Enxi (1T01), Eng Jin Swen (1T03), Zoe Loi (1T03), Alaena Poh (1T06), Saw Keedoh Marcus (1T06), Gemma Lim (1T06), Jolene Tian (1T06) and Athirah Binte Mohammad Harris (1T29)
Photography: Film, Sound and Video Society
With its mix of cozy cafes, unique restaurants, and stunning murals, Kampong Glam is the perfect place to visit with your friends—especially for those of you who are in dire need of a breather after all the sleepless nights spent studying for your Promotional Examinations and the A-levels. In collaboration with the Film, Sound and Video Society CCA, we bring to you a list of popular hotspots in the area.
The mural—a colourful representation of the Malay Muslim community—vividly brings to life scenes from the past such as Wayang Kulit, streetside satay, and communal living.
The Italian bakery mural features an intricately painted indigenous person amongst colorful illustrations. It is done by the multidisciplinary artist, Idris Johor, whose purpose behind this piece is to spread happiness and joy. The mural, with its eclectic motifs and bold fonts, is a visual feast.
This mural is arguably the most famous mural in the area. The wall, intricately painted by Didier Jaba Mathieu, depicts the Aztecs— the indigenous people dominant in Mexico before the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. You may fnd many works of his around the streets of Kampong Glam.