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Socktober kicks new goals in disrupted year

Matthew Poynting

National Community Engagement Officer – Socktober

The challenge of a global pandemic in 2021-22 proved bitter-sweet for the staff of Socktober, Catholic Mission’s schools and community engagement program.

On the one hand, the Socktober team experienced the frustration of lengthy lockdowns and lack of face-to-face interaction with school communities. On the other hand, the Socktober campaign’s agility over two difficult years attracted a national award nomination.

The irony was not lost on the staff who gathered for the Awards Ceremony of the Fundraising Institute of Australia: the announcement of winner of the Best Pivot Campaign or Initiative had been delayed for four months due to COVID concerns. By the time the announcement was made, there was enough evidence to suggest that Socktober, a finalist in the category, was much more than an also-ran.

In 2021, despite harsher restrictions in many areas, Socktober nearly doubled the income generated by schools using the peer-to-peer platform for a second straight year. The fundraising reported through the Socktober online environment totaled $221,320, a 90 percent increase on 2020. The number of registered schools remained steady at 363, with two in every five of those schools converted to active fundraising—a credit to the persistence of Catholic Mission staff around the country to introduce what is still a relatively new form of fundraising in schools.

Most importantly, the program had impact. With the continued enhancement of themed Mission Packs and the development of a renowned suite of education and formation resources, students across Australia had their heads, hearts and hands deeply engaged in the story of Kusa and Samorn*, a family who benefits from the unwavering support of the Good Shepherd Sisters’ Kindergarten in Bangkok. So, while Catholic Mission may not have celebrated a win for the Best Pivot Campaign (that honour went to Wayside Chapel’s outstanding Long Walk Home event), our committed staff around Australia driving Socktober’s growth and success in Catholic schools can be justifiably proud of their efforts. Our focus for Socktober 2022 turns to Ethiopia. With a refined strategy for reaching teachers, students and parents, including the call to simply “Kick Goals for Good”, Catholic Mission is expecting its biggest year yet.

*Names altered to protect identity

Learn more about Socktober

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