Mission Today issue 13

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The Newsletter of Catholic Mission

Registered by Australia Post NAR 3547 5/93 Volume 13 No4


to all as we celebrate together this most important time of prayer, reflection and cooperation between the Churches, young and old, throughout the whole world! We give witness to Christ when, taking Christ as our model, the simplicity of our lives is a sign of God and of the eternal life already within us that is most intimately experienced when we receive the Body and Blood of Christ. And we also give witness to Christ when our concern for persons leads us to work for justice, peace, human rights, and integral human development. Recently, I had the chance to visit the mission area that is closest to us – Papua New Guinea – still a developing country but one that is growing and maturing in faith. It was a marvellous experience of Church “Alive in Christ”. I was able to participate in the concluding days of their General Assembly – Bishops, people, priests, and religious meeting together to

listen to the representatives from their nineteen dioceses as they moved towards the formulation of their Vision and Mission Statements and set the priorities for the whole Church in PNG for the next five years. Those efforts are very much in line with our theme for World Mission Day – “Life for All”. They are concerned about growth in holiness and the spread of the Gospel – they will promote Family Life, deal with the needs of Youth, seek Justice and Peace and the integrity of creation, and provide for Health, the prevention of and care for HIV-AIDS victims, and Education. Their dreaming is our dreaming and our focus for this year’s World Mission Day, Sunday 24th October. continued overleaf

Dreaming of Life for All in South Africa Abel Gabuza grew up in the black township of Alexandra on the outskirts of Johannesburg in South Africa during the worst of the Apartheid regime. As a child, he attended a school funded through Catholic Mission’s work for children. Entering the seminary in 1977, his studies were supported by Catholic Mission’s work in fostering local church leadership. It was during this time that the seminary was desegregated by

Catholic Mission catholicmission.org.au 1800 257 296

the Bishop’s Conference, contrary to educational practices of the time. There was great questioning at the time: How can we be gospel people by dividing people through colour? Today, as Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Pretoria, Fr Abel is an outstanding leader, ever conscience of the people he serves, their hardships and triumphs. Working in the parish of Monavoni and its outstation in the informal settlement of Diepsloot, he says: continued overleaf

Catholic Mission National Office: Level 5, 47 Neridah St Chatswood NSW 2067

Greeting continued Catholic Mission also has been working on a Vision and Mission Statement. It is printed in this issue of “Mission Today”. Priorities also are being set so that together we may further the mission of the Church to proclaim Christ to the ends of the earth who brings life in abundance for all. While most of our Propagation of the Faith funds - partnering local Churches and communities - are sent to Papua New Guinea, it is but one of the many countries that are in need and are funded by the monies raised through the Propagation of the Faith Appeals and the World Mission Day Appeal which is held throughout the world. We will have the presence of Cardinal Wamala, Archbishop of Kampala, with us this year for World Mission Day.

His being among us will ensure that we do not lose sight of the big picture and the immense size of the problems that face the Church and the world. At the conclusion of each Mass, we are sent forth to live what we have listened to and digested in Word and Sacrament. May this celebration of World Mission Day and Mission Month encourage us to be active witnesses to Christ and to be agents for change that will bring about “Life for All”.

Father Terence Bell National Director Right: Fr Terry with students from St John Vianney’s, Vanimo, preparing the evening meal.

Dreaming of Life for All in South Africa continued “For me the biggest challenge has been to share with people the gospel values. To share with them the fact that God is with them and they should not lose hope. It’s actually up to us as a people to change our situation…When we begin to educate ourselves, empower ourselves, we then can change the structures in which we find ourselves in. It is important people see themselves as a family, a community… “One of the things I always emphasise is that no one is inferior, no one is ugly. Even the most uneducated person has been

created in the image and likeness of God and for them to believe that…It is very depressing though to come into that township (Diepsloot) to see how things are, but then the positive things are also there. People wanting to be better people, to become Christians, followers of Jesus. “I believe the Church has got the responsibility to work with the government to transform the structures of injustice to make them structures of justice; structures that have created a sense of hopelessness in many people to create in them a sense of hope.

I think the government cannot do this on its own, we as a Church have got a responsibility to help the government, but also to bring other values because the government brings different values but the Church brings gospel values to help make the people Christ-like and people become Christ in themselves…It will be something that every single person in Diepsloot will say, one day. “In South Africa the Church is a wonderful presence, an affirming and powerful presence, bringing to people a sense of hope, a sense of accepting themselves.”

Through Catholic Mission’s work in partnering local church communities this World Mission Day the dream of Fr Abel and the people of Diepsloot of having a multi-purpose centre will be realised. Below left: The Church Choir of Diepsloot. Below right: The informal settlement of Diepsloot.

Empowering Women

In 1987, the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions were invited to work with an indigenous tribe, the Dulangan Manobo, who live in a remote valley and the surrounding hills of the Kulaman Valley in the Philippines. From small beginnings the work has grown, and at present there are three main projects being run by the Sisters: An integrated women’s program This program is run each day especially for women. The program offers ongoing literacy and numeracy classes, workshops on self esteem and related issues as well as operating a handicraft and sewing centre where women learn various skills. The program is designed to lead to greater selfdetermination for women.

Girls dormitory Girls living in the village have to walk up to 6 hours to the town in order to receive an education, as their village is without a school. The Sisters began a dormitory, which allows the girls to stay in town during the week and return to their families on the weekend. These are the first of the Dulangan Manobo girls to be offered formal education.

Health training program A basic health training and healthcare program is offered to enhance the health and life of the people. This includes the training of health leaders and women’s health teams in the areas of antenatal care, family health and hygiene, village sanitation, safe water supplies, medical help and advice.

This education will open new opportunities for these girls and assist them in the process of selfdetermination and empowerment, both for themselves and their people. With the help of Catholic Mission, the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions are able to continue in this extremely important work for the indigenous people in remote Kulaman Valley.

children first! St James Primary School, Kotara South NSW, recently held a Mission Day to raise funds for children first! Barry Urwin and Richard Cootes from Catholic Mission in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, visited the school and shared their stories and songs. The students organised many fun activities like face painting, stomping on balloons, a treasure hunt and a talent quest. They also had a coin collection. As pictured, the coins spelt ‘Life for All’. The whole day raised in excess of $1000 for children first! Thank you! Funds raised for children first! by Australian school children are used for projects especially for children in need around the world.

Seminarian Supporter’s Program

Last year, after many requests, Catholic Mission began the Seminarian Supporter’s Program. We have been overwhelmed and encouraged by the positive response and commitment of so many! Supporters journey with the seminarians through prayer, correspondence and financial commitment. Today through this program Catholic Mission has been able to assist the seminaries of Holy Spirit Bomana and Sacred Heart Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. Right: Student, now deacon, from Holy Spirit Seminary, Bomana.

Children’s Mission Partners Mrs June Burns, of Wisemans Creek, writes: “I enclose a cheque from my Jams, Pickles and Relish sold on a stall on the road. It’s a help yourself and leave the money in an honest box…We are on a farm feeding cattle and ewes and lambs each day, we need rain as badly as everyone else.” Mr and Mrs Burns are Children’s Mission Partners and generously share what they have with the millions of children around the world who are assisted through the Children’s Mission Partners program. This is an opportunity for Australians to be in a partnership of hope and the change that it brings!

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‘Life for All’ Adult Education

This is a public display that we are committing ourselves to actively promoting fullness of life for all. We invite you to wear a ‘Life for All’ sticker on Wednesday 27th October. This action will involve schools, parishes and the wider community.

Catholic Mission is introducing a two-week adult education resource to stimulate discussion, reflection and action. The reflection, of two components, is a series of study sessions supported by a documentary, produced especially for the occasion, ‘Celebrate Life – In the Streets of Brazil’ and a snapshot of the vision and mission of Catholic Mission through film.

The aim is to display people power for life, affirm the sanctity of life and to inspire others. It is a powerful act of solidarity. Please organise to wear a sticker with family, friends, parishioners and colleagues.

The study guide has been distributed to all parishes, but if you would like to organise your own study group and would like a copy, please contact us.

‘Celebrate Life – In the Streets of Brazil’ documentary

The new face of Catholic Mission on the web!

This 10 minute documentary, focusing on a health project in the slums of Brazil, explores how a group of volunteers inspired by the Gospel and touched by the urgency of life and death in their neighbourhood organise themselves to dramatically improve the quality of life for many thousands of people. Their work has grown and is now a collaboration between Church and Government and has three times been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Catholic Mission launches its new website on 15 September 2004. The new website is more user-friendly and captures Catholic Mission’s vision of Life for All.

Copies of ‘Celebrate Life - In the Streets of Brazil’ (video or DVD) are available free of charge.

Check out the new face of Catholic Mission on the web at www.catholicmission.org.au

‘Life for All’ E-chain

Cardinal Wamala

Email chain letters are now commonplace. Let’s use this recent custom for good.

Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala was ordained Bishop in 1981 and appointed Archbishop of Kampala in 1990 and Cardinal four years later. He is on the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples.

The e-chain enables people to create a very personal expression of promoting life and communicating that with others. It challenges us to take a stance and – be that an individual, group, or institution - to stand in solidarity with another. We invite you to promote life by sending a ‘Life for All’ e-chain to those who may in some way be ostracised, marginalised and isolated, and to those surviving with less than the minimum for a dignified life. Visit www.catholicmission.org.au

There is a special World Mission Day portal featuring a quickfinder menu for parishes, schools and community groups, with all the relevant resources easily able to be downloaded.


Cardinal Wamala will be in Australia in September-October to share the extraordinary stories of the people of Uganda and Africa over the years of enormous turmoil and change. At the heart of these stories is the good news of the Gospel – Life for All.

To order materials or find out more please: Freecall 1800 257 296 Email admin@catholicmission.org.au Online www.catholicmission.org.au Fax 02 9411 4622

Our Vision… Life for All “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”… (Jn 10:10b) Our vision is of a world in which all people, free from any discrimination and all barriers to life, can reach full happiness, allowing them to live their lives in full dignity, as the Creator God intends.

Our Mission … To achieve Life for All in the work of global mission Like Jesus our Mission is to bring good news to the poor, proclaim release to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, let the oppressed go free, and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour (Cf. Lk 4:18).

Our Work… Serving communities in over 160 countries for over 180 years, Catholic Mission is the Australian arm of the Church’s global mission aid agency, networking worldwide. • Educating about mission and justice… creating awareness and providing educational resources throughout Australia. • Engaging Australians in global mission… offering opportunities to participate in this work of mission and justice through prayer, action, giving and cross-cultural immersion. • Partnering local churches and communities with spiritual, pastoral care and building programs overseas and in remote Australia. • Fostering local church leadership by assisting the training of local religious, priests, catechists and lay leaders overseas. • Encouraging children and adults to care for children through education, healthcare, shelter, and personal development programs worldwide. Catholic Mission is known internationally as the Pontifical Mission Societies, a collective work of four societies: • Propagation of the Faith • St Peter Apostle • Children’s Mission • Missionary Union

Catholic Mission

Catholic Mission catholicmission.org.au 1800 257 296

Nordic Pole Walkers Complete the Journey In May this year, Michael Gates and his team of Nordic Pole Walkers completed their journey from Melbourne to Brisbane in just 22 days, raising money for children first! Catholic Mission’s action for children and CareFlight Australia. The team of four walkers arrived at St Stephen’s Cathedral in Brisbane on 31 May, 2004 and were welcomed by State MP Andrew Fraser and the National Director of Catholic Mission, Father Terence Bell, along with an excited crowd of primary school children.

Sharing Life for All in Uganda

“I’m a little bit sad it’s over, but also extremely satisfied that we achieved what we set out to do,” said Michael Gates. After 2000 kilometres, 22 towns and cities and over $14,000 raised for the two charities, Michael and his team deserve to feel satisfied.

Kerrie Iozzi is a community health and welfare worker from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. She is currently working in St Elizabeth Hospital, Magale, Uganda providing community based health care education and training.

“We are extremely grateful to Michael and his team of walkers for the money they raised for children first! in the Nordic Pole Walkabout,” said Father Terence. “Not only that but they have raised awareness of the work we do at Catholic Mission for children overseas who often are faced with a life of poverty, hunger and disease.”

Magale is a rural village 55 kilometres from town with a population of 200 000. St Elizabeth’s Hospital is the only hospital or clinic in the area with 36 clinical and support staff. There is only one doctor. The hospital treats 500 outpatients and up to 600 inpatients per month.

The Nordic Pole Walkabout team are planning another walk in 2005, this time from Cairns to Brisbane.

Kerrie organises and carries out training for health unit staff, health workers and community leaders. She also provides community based health care activities, supervision of home visits and other outreach services, including immunisation programs. Kerrie applies her counselling and educational skills to help carers of people with chronic diseases and those whom come into contact with and are at risk of acquiring diseases. Catholic Mission’s CommUnity Initiative, in conjunction with Palms Australia, is helping to cover Kerrie’s living expenses while she is carrying out this life giving work in Uganda. To find out more about CommUnity contact Adrian on 1800 257 296.

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