This image: A mother and her child leave Sunday Mass at the Cathedral in Meki, Ethiopia. Cover image: Yesh and her younger sister Birtukam on the farm near their home in Hawassa, Ethiopia (see page 8). All photographs contained within are property of Catholic Mission.
Feedback: Catholic Mission welcomes feedback about our organisation. To provide feedback or to lodge a complaint, call 1800 257 296 toll free, write to PO Box 1668, North Sydney NSW 2059 or email Published July 2018 by Catholic Mission. Š Copyright Catholic Mission 2018 ABN 52 945 927 066
Catholic Mission acknowledges that we live and work on the land of Australia’s First Peoples. We pay our respect to the ever-present spirituality of Elders past and present.
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CONTENTS We are Mission: Our People
page 4
Immersions Report
page 14
National Director’s Report
page 5
Programs Report
page 15
Catholic Mission’s Work with Communities
page 6
Fundraising and Donor Services Report
page 16
Catholic Mission’s Work with Children
page 8
Communications Report
page 17
Catholic Mission’s Work with Church Leaders
page 10
Financial Report
page 18
Mission Formation and Education Report
page 12
We are Mission People, Organisation, Culture Who are we?
Catholic Mission is the international mission agency of the Catholic Church in Australia. Compelled by the message, life and love of Jesus Christ, Catholic Mission forms Australians for mission and raises funds for mission—in Australia and around the world.
Our Mission
Locally and globally, we answer the call to love God and to love our neighbour, and work to establish the Reign of God through building communities of missionary disciples who share their faith by proclaiming the Word, serving people in need, acting for justice and creation, and adopting child-focused, community-based development programs.
Our Values
• Be Prophetic
• Be Respectful
• Be Theologically Grounded
• Be Affirming
• Be Missionary
• Be Accountable
• Be Collaborative
• Celebrate!
Our People
Peter Gates
Anna Jimenez
Carol Leahy
Deputy National Director, 28 years at Catholic Mission
Diocesan Director – Cairns, eight years at Catholic Mission
Donor Services Assistant – Melbourne, 52 years at Catholic Mission
“I delight in and feel privileged to experience those special ‘God moments’ with the people we serve, here in Australia and all around the world.”
“My work with Catholic Mission gives me the opportunity to be like Jesus — to live in simplicity and to love through the love of God — for others.”
“The respect I have for Catholic Mission’s donors means donations cannot be wasted. My key priority is making sure donations reach the poor and oppressed. Faith and a sense of service keep me inspired.”
15 years
Michael Deasy - Diocesan Director
Bathurst and Wilcannia Forbes
10 years
Jaswinder Kaur - Donor Services
National Office
10 years
Roza Vukovich - Diocesan Support
Sydney, Broken Bay & Parramatta
10 years
Gigi Par-Adriano - Accountant
National Office
10 years
David McGovern - Diocesan Director
Significant Anniversaries in 2018
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
National Director’s Report At the 2018 General Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies, the international mission organisation of which Catholic Mission is the Australian arm, Pope Francis spoke to the gathering of national directors from around the world. Although it is a common feature of every annual general assembly, it has always been a great honour to meet and listen to Pope Francis, who is known worldwide and across religious divides as a leader who possesses not only great wisdom, but a very progressive, forward thinking mind. This is evident in his very active social media presence—the @Pontifex account, which was in fact created under the watch of Francis’ predecessor, Pope Benedict XI, today has a following of over 17 million people. True to form, Pope Francis used his address this year to urge us towards missionary conversion, which has been somewhat of a theme for this Pope since he issued his first apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel. The headline in Vatican News read ‘Pope Francis urges evangelical renewal of Church’s missionary commitment’. In our unique position as the Pope’s own mission aid organisation in the world, this is at the very core of what we aim to do. Pope Francis’ message to us came more than a year out from one of the most significant times for our organisation this century— the 2019 Extraordinary Month of Mission, which will take place in October next year and is seen as an opportunity for the Church to renew its missionary commitment and move forward into a new era.
You can be sure that at Catholic Mission, we are already looking ahead to this exciting time and thinking about how best we can connect you, our friends and supporters, to the opportunities for evangelical renewal available not only at this very special time, but right throughout the year. Annual reports, though retrospective in nature, are just as much about looking forward. This annual report celebrates the many wonderful achievements of 2017-18; the achievements of my team of hardworking staff and volunteers, of the dedicated missionaries with whom we partner, who work tirelessly to bring about the Kingdom of God in developing countries around the world; and of course, the achievements of you, our supporters and stakeholders who contribute your time, energy, commitment and funds to support our mission in the world. Whether it is forming the next generation of missionary disciples at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival, challenging the status quo and asking the big questions at our biennial ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference, bringing mission in Uganda, Ethiopia and Myanmar into classrooms in 360-degree virtual reality, or developing and nurturing the strongest partnerships with our friends in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and other regions, these are achievements of which we should all be exceptionally proud. Please enjoy the stories and reports within, and as always, I welcome your feedback at any time. Yours in Christ,
“I thank you for your zeal and missionary commitment as manifested by the different activities of missionary animation and formation that have been organised and carried out in the spirit of universality of the Pontifical Mission Societies. I also thank all the Catholic Faithful of your countries for their generosity in contributing to the Universal Solidarity Fund and for their continual spiritual support to the work of evangelisation.”
Fr Brian Lucas National Director
+ Giampietro Dal Toso President, Pontifical Mission Societies
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Catholic Mission’s Work with Communities
Catholic Mission works with communities around the world to bring fullness of life to all people through a range of crucial projects. From catechism training to water and sanitation facilities, the initiatives we support address needs identified at the grassroots level. Local church leaders serve their communities by planning and implementing these projects; at Catholic Mission, we provide the funding and program support to ensure their long-term sustainability.
distributed to our work with communities.
dioceses supported with maintenance costs.
The Church Appeal in 2017 raised funds for this vital service and others in church communities all around the world. Sister Mary visited Australia to meet health professionals and talk with supporters, students and parishioners about her work in Uganda. Short on human, structural and equipment resources, Sister Mary and her small staff face significant challenges each day. One of the most pressing was the need for an ambulance to serve the vast, remote community. Australians heard the call, and thanks to their generosity in raising over $2 million, Catholic Mission ensured Sister Mary and the St Luke’s team could purchase their vital ambulance, which was delivered in early 2018.
In October of each year, World Mission Month celebrates mission in communities worldwide. In 2017, we focused on Vietnam, one of the most challenging work environments for Catholic missionaries, local and foreign alike. In Nha Trang, a coastal diocese which includes the city of the same name, as well as the inland mountains and valleys, the Sisters of the
catechists received formation.
We profiled this work in two major campaigns in 2017. Our annual Church Appeal focused on Uganda and the work of a local congregation of sisters, the Daughters of Mary. Based in Bujuni, a village three hours west of the capital Kampala, Sister Mary Goretti runs a small but busy health centre in the main parish precinct. Crucially, St Luke Health Centre offers the only affordable maternity service for local women in the Bujuni parish. Resultingly, scores of women come through the doors for antenatal education, pregnancy check-ups, birthing and post-natal care.
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
“Australians heard the call, and thanks to their generosity, Catholic Mission ensured Sister Mary and the St Luke’s team could purchase their vital ambulance, which was delivered in early 2018.” Immaculate Heart of Mary are working within tight confines to bring education, nutrition, clean water, and health and wellbeing to rural farming communities. Catholic Mission supports their multi-faceted program, which includes school scholarships, a kindergarten, feeding programs, medicine dispensary and access to clean water for the entire community. Our appeal in World Mission Month raised funds to support the construction of a large-scale clean water pump for the community, and this goal is currently on track. These two major appeals showed the geographic scope of Catholic Mission’s work with communities. Throughout Africa, Asia, the Pacific, South America, and the Middle East, there are hundreds of programs run by dedicated missionaries and supported by Catholic Mission, thanks to the generosity of our Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
donors. In many instances these programs are life-saving, but in others they simply aim to ensure that faith communities can have life to the full.
Watch: Sister Mary Goretti thanks Australia for the new ambulance at St Luke’s
Catholic Mission’s Work with Children
A core part of the work of Catholic Mission is the development and sustenance of children in some of the poorest communities around the world. Ensuring fullness of life for all of God’s children requires, at a minimum, shelter, food and education. In many communities in which we work, such as Bushulo in Ethiopia, our programs entail a combination of these critical pillars.
distributed to our work with children.
children’s projects directly supported by Catholic Mission.
children directly benefited from Catholic Mission programs. 8
At Christmas time each year, Catholic Mission runs an appeal for our work with children, with a focus community impacted by a particular issue. A common theme in these appeals for the past three years has been malnutrition. Many of our project partners working on the ground in remote communities are seeing malnutrition as the most pressing issue for children in their area. The funds contributed by Australian supporters through appeals, regular giving, and other gifts ensure our partners can provide the best nourishment for these precious children. In 2017, our Christmas Appeal for children told the story of a young family living in a remote part of Ethiopia. The area is gifted with natural food resources, but many families were not trained or skilled in farming and agriculture. As a result, children were missing vital nutritious meals. The Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, who partner with Catholic Mission, are working with the local community in Bushulo to implement positive change. They began a community garden, optimising the rich natural resources and equipping local families with the skills and training to ensure they are properly nourished. Yennesh, a young mother from the hills area of Hawassa, in southern Ethiopia, is one who benefits greatly from this project. More accurately, her son Girma and daughter Yesh are the ones who benefit. Just seven years ago, Yennesh would walk three hours in the scorching heat to the Bushulo Health Centre, clutching her two young children and praying they could receive urgent treatment for acute malnutrition. With little money to pay, Yennesh was regularly turned away from other medical Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18 2017/18
“The Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary ... began a community garden, optimising the rich natural resources and equipping local families with the skills and training to ensure they are properly nourished.” clinics, but the Bushulo Health Centre, run by the Franciscan Sisters, welcomed her and provided what treatment they could. Short-term solutions saved the lives of Girma and Yesh at critical moments, but frequently trekking three hours each way to the health centre was not sustainable for Yennesh. The Sisters knew that this family was not alone in their struggle. Many others in the community were suffering from malnutrition due to a lack of access to healthy eating. They established the community gardening project, providing valuable education, and with the added support of Catholic Mission, in the years since they have seen astonishing improvement. Observing local custom, the women are brought together to support each other, and taught how to till the land to grow leafy green vegetables, beetroots, carrots and cabbages. To date, forty families (eighty parents), including Yennesh and her husband Markos, have successfully participated in the project. The results have been astoundingly positive. Of the forty families who have completed the training, only one family still requires Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18 2017/18
ongoing medical support for their child. ‘Looking back,’ says Yennesh, ‘I can see now that God has answered my prayers. Sister Anna and the Sisters have given me and my children so much practical support and love.’ Our Children’s Mission Partners regular giving program allows Catholic Mission supporters to take ownership of our work with children around the world. By making a monthly contribution, this special group of supporters helps Catholic Mission to maximise the impact of the support we can provide. With a consistent commitment of funding to children’s projects around the world, we can together help to fulfil Christ’s promise of a full life for all, particularly God’s most vulnerable children.
Watch: Learn more about community gardening in Ethiopia
Catholic Mission’s Work with Church Leaders
Catholic Mission’s work with church leaders is all about equipping young men and women in developing countries with the skills and knowledge to lead their local faith communities towards peace and prosperity. At a crucial time for the global Church’s leadership, there are few more important steps than the formation of seminarians and novices. In places of high tension and conflict, such as Pakistan, church leaders play an important role in bringing about peace through dialogue and strong leadership.
840 k
distributed to our work with church leaders.
seminarians directly supported by Catholic Mission.
4,220 novices supported around the world.
In 2018, Catholic Mission’s Seminarian Appeal, which is held annually prior to Lent, shared the personal story told to our National Director Father Brian Lucas by two seminarians— Amoon Nathaniel and Adil Albert (pictured top left)—who are studying in Rome. Father Lucas had visited the seminary in Pakistan prior to his stop in Rome, and with these experiences forming the basis of the letter, our supporters were given an exclusive personal insight. Amoon and Adil are two of Pakistan’s brightest seminarians who have gained a scholarship to study at Collegio Urbano in Rome thanks to the Society of St Peter the Apostle. They come from different parts of Pakistan and from different backgrounds. Amoon’s retelling of watching on as a child as his local parish church burned to the ground was a powerful story, and he is just one example of the many young men in troubled environments around the world who have felt their calling during or after a particularly dramatic, sometimes tragic event. Watching the inferno—the work of arsonists—from the safety of his rooftop, 15-year-old Amoon felt compelled, then and there, to change the world he knew, where religiously motivated violence and contempt ruled. ‘I want to see a developed Pakistan where above all religions, humanity should be respected,’ he told Father Lucas. Adil, meanwhile, understood from an even earlier age that he was called to the priesthood. From a small town, he was inspired by his parish priest’s role as a community leader and a conduit between people of different faiths. 'I saw that the priest’s job was difficult, not only being a support for the people, but also being Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
“I saw that the priest’s job was difficult, not only being a support for the people, but also being a spokesperson to the government and other religious groups. I was determined to become a priest.” a spokesperson to the government and other religious groups. I was determined to become a priest,’ he says. Today, they are preparing to return to Pakistan, not just as priests, but as community leaders. Beyond their pastoral duties in their parishes, Amoon and Adil will be eager to educate and guide their flocks toward peaceful coexistence as opposed to the disunity they have come to know.
developing countries, are equipped with adequate formation, from the textbooks they reference to the vestments they wear in Mass. Through our Leaders for Life program, supporters can make an ongoing commitment to this mission and sustain young men and women around the world who are journeying on the path to religious life. We are grateful to all supporters of our work with church leaders in 2017-18.
'Amoon and Adil are young men full of hope and encouragement, who, like other seminarians in Pakistan, want to make a difference and help their local community to build a more peaceful and accepting society,' said Father Lucas. In addition to the Seminarian Appeal each year, regular contributions from supporters are especially important in ensuring that the world’s future church leaders, especially in Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Mission Formation and Education Report Jenny Collins-White, Mission Formation Manager
The Mission Formation team works to transform hearts and minds to live the joy of the Gospel and lead mission. We facilitate opportunities to encounter God in the world through an immersive, interactive pedagogy of dialogue, encounter and experience which engages the whole person.
Our formation and education programs and resources have local and global perspective and include: International and Indigenous immersions for students and adults Engaging workshops and international guest speakers on mission for school students World Mission Month resources for students, teachers and catechists Advocacy for children and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Professional development and learning programs of contextual mission for adults and leaders working in Catholic organisations, institutions and agencies across sectors of health, social services, education and diocesan local church
Leading into the 2018 Year of Youth, the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Sydney provided the ideal opportunity to launch #ShoeStories, a social media platform designed to engage young people in the work of global mission. ‘We’re aiming for ShoeStories to be an online, interactive library of young voices, each with their own unique perspective based on their encounter with mission,’ says Roza Vukovich, who pioneered the program. ‘We want young people to inspire other young people.’
Adult Formation and Professional Development The formation work with adults has continued to be a critical part of the service we offer at Catholic Mission. The synergy between the goals of the National Catholic Education Commission framework and the programs offered by Catholic Mission has enabled us to work with education systems to achieve deep learning and provide transformative experiences to school communities. We are privileged to continue our long-term strategic partnerships with the Catholic Education Office of Wollongong and the Catholic Schools Office of Wagga Wagga. We also continue to be engaged in ‘one-off’ formation programs such as staff spirituality days, formation days for leadership or retreats for boards across Catholic sector agencies including Social Services, Health, Aged Care and Education. In 2017, the biennial conference organised by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia was held. The ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference was attended by over 450 registrants with 88 per cent of evaluation respondents scoring the conference in the top category of ‘excellent’. The key themes of the conference were reconciliation, mercy, leadership for mission, diversity and Indigenous spirituality. Headline speakers such as Father Frank Brennan, Dr Cathy Ross and Evelyn Enid Parkin delivered profound messages around mission and leadership. Planning is well underway for the 2019 conference. A new development at the end of 2017 was the secondment of the Co-Leader of Mission Formation, Lana Turvey-Collins to the role of Plenary Council Facilitator for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference for a three-year term. Lana is assisted by a Catholic Mission team, including Deputy National Director Peter Gates, and Father Noel Connolly, who are being contracted by the Plenary Council to undertake specific work.
Check out ShoeStories by using the QR code, or visit
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
days of formation facilitated for 20+ organisations around Australia.
300,000 Australians heard a mission speaker in parishes.
School Formation Programs and World Mission Month An important development in 2017 was rolling out the use of Catholic Mission’s Mission in 360 virtual reality (VR) technology as part of our online World Mission Month resources. Uganda was the focus country in October 2017 and the 360-degree VR enabled students to walk through Ugandan villages and schools by viewing the scene on a smartphone inserted in specially designed cardboard goggles. The VR technology was successfully used in classrooms with students and teachers and featured as part of Catholic Mission’s interactive display at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in December 2017. The feedback regarding this technology has been overwhelmingly positive and will continue to be used as an integral part of Catholic Mission’s work with schools and young people. Catholic Mission’s ShoeStories website ( was also launched at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in December 2017. This website collects the stories of significant moments of learning and transformation and encourages others to upload their own stories, to create an ongoing conversation about how young people are acting for good in the world. Interactive classrooom workshops continued throughout the country and have also been made available online for independent use. An important development has been the establishment of a partnership agreement between Catholic Mission, Australian Young Christian Students (YCS) and Young Christian Workers (YCW). This will assist the sustainability and reach of the two youth organisations while enabling Catholic Mission to be more effective in our work with 13- to 30-year-olds. Advocacy for Children and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Catholic Mission is a founding member of the End Child Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Detention Coalition which was incorporated in 2017. This coalition consists of 26 organisational members who are pushing for legislative change to ensure children seeking asylum will not be detained in the future. This coalition is taking strategic action to dialogue across all political parties about this issue to win support for this legislative change. Catholic Mission is also engaging in Pope Francis’ initiative to encourage parishes and schools to Share the Journey of Migrants and Refugees, which encourages the hosting of community events to create moments of encounter. Advocacy with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is focused on the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) partnership, assisting with events and the development of a leadership formation program. The Mission Formation team is extremely grateful for all the support of our partners and stakeholders in the work of living mission to bring about the Reign of God here and now.
In 2017, Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia hosted the biennial ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference in Sydney, featuring some of the world’s leading minds in mission. ‘The conference focused on the key themes of reconciliation, mercy and leadership for mission with a view to building the church of which Pope Francis speaks, both for now and the future,’ said Lana Turvey-Collins, who co-emceed the event. Planning is underway for the 2019 installment of the conference, which will be held from 13-15 May 2019. For more information, visit
Immersions Report Patrick Fox, Education Manager – Immersion Program
‘I have been fortunate enough over the years to see some amazing work across the globe,’ says Daniel Kuzeff, Catholic Mission’s Immersions Officer. ‘What a wonderful view I had of humanity at the Welcome House of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Cebu, Philippines. I witnessed compassion and love given to others in need.’
In January 2018 , Catholic Mission’s Daniel Kuzeff, along with teachers from the Sydney Catholic Education Office, spent an afternoon with young Cebuano girls who had experienced unimaginable cruelty and inhumane treatment as children, and yet now are finding their voice and are participating again in society. The transformative dimension is key to the success of the Catholic Mission Immersions program. Catholic Mission has been supporting communities in the Philippines, TimorLeste, Cambodia, Zambia and remote Australia for years and it is through this network of relationships that we can offer participants such privileged face-to-face immersive experiences.
into the Arrernte’s deep spiritual connection to the land, their strength and resilience in dealing with colonisation, and some of the complexities of current issues,’ he says. In 2018-19, Catholic Mission will continue to offer immersions with a new destination to Sarawak, Malaysia, and expand options in both our Australian Indigenous program and the Philippines. Our hope is that many more will be inspired to build the Kingdom of God. As Daniel said of his experience in Cebu, ‘Everything about the rehabilitation work Sister Regina and her staff at the Welcome House are doing is awe-inspiring! I will be forever grateful for the privilege of spending those hours with their community.’
The past year has been a successful one for the Immersions team. We conducted 28 immersions in 2017-18, with over 360 participants coming from every corner of Australia. We had school and adult groups from Hobart, Melbourne, Mt Gambier, Perth, Rockhampton, Bathurst, Sydney, and others. The transformative benefit of the uniquely tailored immersion experience is the ultimate aim of the program. Eammon Pollard, Principal of Mary Mackillop Catholic College in Hobart, says of his students’ trip to Timor-Leste, ‘We hope our students flourish and become their true, radiant, confident selves and that they also use their gifts and abilities in service to the world. The immersion experience awakens and draws out of students their compassionate orientation to the world and achieves in ten days what we hope to achieve over four years.’ The Indigenous immersions to Alice Springs, Kununurra, Warralong, Palm Island and Lombadina, were equally popular. ‘I will take away from this immersion experience what I learnt about Aboriginal spirituality and culture in Alice Springs … and the way in which my mind has opened to learning more about this culture,’ said one student. Luke Tobin, Catholic Mission’s Formation Educator, says the immersion experience in Alice Springs, the place of the Arrernte People, is unlike any other. ‘The immersion offers an insight
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Programs Report Lawrence Gigliotti, Programs Manager
Catholic Mission has continued to journey forward in 2017-18, serving the needs of the Church and communities around the globe.
We use the term ‘journey’ because one of the most important parts of our work at Catholic Mission is to walk hand-in-hand with our partners, providing not just financial assistance in projects but also capacity building, training sessions and accompaniment. We believe what sets us apart from other agencies and organisations is the time and importance we place on building relationships and connections. We see the benefits when it comes to project implementation and delivery of quality outcomes of the final project. This has enabled us to provide opportunities not only for those in the Church but for entire communities. This was demonstrated last year by Catholic Mission organising a delegation from Myanmar to travel to Cambodia for a knowledge exchange and to broaden their experience and vision for the future. The delegation returned to Myanmar inspired, and are now looking at the possibilities of better youth engagement, more inculturation of local customs in Church services, and wider stakeholder engagement. There are many more examples of our work bringing communities together to live out their faith in extraordinary ways:
In the remote Mindanao region of the Philippines, we continue to support the work of our local partners to empower the indigenous Lumad people in entrepreneurial and livelihood skills. Catholic Mission is continuing to journey together with these communities on a path to sustainability, providing them with technical and financial support so they are empowered to continue their good works. For example, we had a Catholic Mission representative attend the inaugural Ugandan Mission Conference as a keynote speaker and present on project sustainability to a national gathering of bishops, priests, sisters and lay Church leaders. Over the coming year, we will be working closely in partnership with the Catholic Church in Myanmar, launching new projects that we hope will enable an education revolution. We are expanding our works through Asia and Africa, specifically in Ghana, and look forward to continuing to develop the capacity of those we are working with as they push for progress.
In Cambodia, Catholic Mission’s largest single project continues to go from strength to strength, with St Francois Agricultural and Technical High School moving to its new campus (pictured right) and accepting a new batch of students. In Uganda, Sister Mary Goretti, who featured heavily in our Church Appeal last year, has received her life-saving ambulance. Construction and rehabilitation of the buildings at the St Luke Health Centre is well underway and they are continuing to serve the local community. In Ethiopia, despite local political upheaval, the Meki Pastoral Women’s Centre (pictured top) continues to train young women in hospitality, catering and tailoring, with 100% employment of the graduates reported last year. Many of these women have returned from Middle Eastern countries where they were victims of human trafficking. Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Fundraising and Donor Services Report Sonja Krivacic, Senior Fundraising Officer / Aynsley Stanger, Fundraising Officer
Sharing of resources brings us closer to God’s plan for the world – a world free from poverty and oppression, where all children are cared for, where a full life for all is honoured, through the gift of education, the prospect of peace, safety and health.
As we listen to our supporters throughout Australia and share our stories of mission enriched by the Holy Spirit, we are honoured to together support the Church’s dedicated network of missionaries— priests, nuns and lay people—serving children and communities each day in some of the toughest situations worldwide. Our young seminarians and novices, supported by Australians, are grateful each day to have the necessary resources to complete their studies and serve faithfully in their own community and country. During this financial year, we were blessed to see an increase in our direct giving of over 4%. This sharing means that thousands of children, hundreds of communities and many more seminarians can aim to reach their full potential. Our major gift income increased by over $400,000, which allowed us to fund the construction of churches and schools, the renovation of classrooms, and to provide innovative vocational training and livelihood programs. Our 2017 Church Appeal focused on the work of Sister Mary Goretti at St Luke’s Health Centre in Bujuni, Uganda. Many of our supporters shared in the story of the work at the Centre and the realities faced by pregnant women, many of whom are unable to reach the centre in time for their impending labour. Australia responded with enormous generosity with over $1.8 million raised in parishes and almost $1 million raised in direct mail, to support Sister Mary and so many other missionaries like her throughout the world. Our schools engagement and fundraising is building momentum each year with our Socktober events throughout the country, as children continue to “sock to it poverty”. In 2017, school children were able to learn more about a typical day for year six student Harriett in Uganda through our interactive schools resources, including Mission in 360, Catholic Mission’s innovative virtual reality technology; and fundraise for their brothers and sisters in Uganda and throughout the world. The total raised by our generous schools throughout Australia was in excess of $500,000 – our thanks to so many dedicated RECs, principals, student leaders and all who continue to engage in mission activities.
Nha Trang, Vietnam who are passionate about bringing children out of poverty and provide medical services to some of the country’s most remote communities. The support was overwhelming with an increase of 18% on 2016. Our relationships with our supporters have continued to grow and provide us with the inspiration to pursue our work with hope. Our focus in 2018-19 is to continue to listen to our supporters, bringing our existing supporters closer to the work of the Church they love, and inspiring so many more people to continue on the journey as friends and partners in mission.
In November 2017,17 Catholic Mission supporters participated in the Ride to Reach Out in Cambodia. These supporters, from seven different dioceses across Australia, were guided on an eleven-day adventure challenge from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, visiting cultural icons such as Angkor Wat, cycling from village to village, as well as visiting Catholic Mission projects and seeing the impact of their generous donations firsthand. In the lead up to the trip, each participant was encouraged to fundraise $3,500 towards the projects they would visit; in total they raised nearly $70,000, an outstanding team effort. We are proud to launch our next adventure challenge, the Trek to Reach Out: Myanmar 2019. If you are feeling inspired, please go to to learn more and download the info pack today!
In 2017, our World Mission Month appeal highlighted the work of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the coastal city of
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Communications Report Matthew Poynting, Senior Communications Officer / Simone Medri Digital & Online Manager
In communications, our job is to share the stories of the people and projects Catholic Mission supports thanks to the generosity of our Australian friends. In photographs, videos and words we capture from around the world, many of these stories can tell themselves. A challenge lies in doing justice to the amazing work carried out by missionaries and the communities in which they serve. In 2017-18, we continued to innovate in our storytelling, using new media and technology to spread the good news to a wider audience.
With Mission in 360, Catholic Mission remains ahead of the curve in digital storytelling. Using our specially designed 360° goggles, or simply navigating the video online, this platform enables our supporters to engage with global mission in a new and unique way. Captured on location in Myanmar, Ethiopia, Uganda, and India, Mission in 360 footage shows community life from every angle. In 2017-18 it was successfully rolled out in primary schools, while a slightly older audience found the goggles hard to put down at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in December. You can view the Mission in 360 videos on our website, or on our recently rebranded YouTube channel, Catholic Mission TV. In the past 12 months, in line with an increased attention to video storytelling, we have developed Catholic Mission’s YouTube channel to be a comprehensive interactive library of diverse resources for anyone wanting to share in our work of global mission. We again received positive coverage in Catholic and secular media throughout the year. In particular, the biennial
Experience Catholic Mission’s projects in 360 degrees!
‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference in May; the 2017 Church Appeal, focused on Uganda, and the visits of our Ugandan guests Father Philip Balikuddembe and Sister Mary Goretti; the launch of Mission in 360; our Ride to Reach Out fundraising initiative featuring Bishop of Wilcannia Forbes Columba Macbeth-Green; and our involvement in the ACYF with the launch of ShoeStories all received strong coverage in print, radio and online. As we progress in 2018-19, we will be unveiling a brand new Catholic Mission website. This will be the result of over a year of rigorous research and development conducted by the Catholic Mission communications office, in partnership with a Melbourne-based digital agency. With a new and improved programs section and a simplified user interface, the platform will better connect you to the work you support, here in Australia and overseas. As always, we thank you for your support this year and we look forward to sharing more with you in 2018-19 in new engaging and creative ways.
St John’s School
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
St Luke’s Health Centre
Financial Report
2017-18 Distributions from 2016-17 Income: AUD 3,324,916
AUD 3,786,719
Catholic Mission’s Work With Children
AUD 840,375
Catholic Mission’s Work With Church Leaders
Catholic Mission’s Work With Communities
Country Country
Albania Cambodia Ethiopia Haiti
22,801 1,135,183 172,505 19,312
Cambodia Ethiopia Fiji
1,197,022 371,153 29,804
India Kenya
49,722 101,663
Myanmar Papua New Guinea Philippines
776,345 223,368 73,394
Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Tanzania Timor-Leste
37,120 71,010 125,000 67,784
Thailand Uganda
59,270 361,774
Kenya Liberia
22,667 48,520
Kenya Kiribati Myanmar Papua New Guinea
173,973 83,002 324,929 238,334
Myanmar New Zealand
Philippines Tanzania
Uganda Vietnam
181,919 19,427
13,697 13,625 28,655
Papua New Guinea
26,324 642
Thailand Uganda
103,797 88,600
* Total includes distribution by Catholic Mission through Universal Solidarity Fund, Home Mission Fund, and direct funding partnerships.
Australian Home Mission Fund Distributions Recipient diocese/agency
Amount distributed ($AUD)
Port Pirie
Wilcannia Forbes Total
90,000 1,515,000
To view our full 2017-18 Financial Report, or past annual reports, please visit our website at
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Gross Income by Diocese 2017-2018:
Distribution of 2017-18 Income:
Adelaide Armidale
317,349 111,888
Broken Bay
Cairns Canberra & Goulburn
129,558 403,124
Funds Distributable for Overseas Funds Distributable for Home Mission Fund
7,730,672 900,000
Community Education
Transferred to / (from) reserves Special Project Cost Net Operating Expenses Total
Work with Communities
223,553 166,056
Melbourne Parramatta
2,473,289 746,764
Port Pirie Rockhampton
73,021 218,236
4,581,702 17,088,392
2017-18 Global Distribution by Pontifical Mission Societies*:
Darwin Hobart Lismore
-195,308 1,263,566
Asia Americas
29,297,984 4,681,664
Oceania Europe
3,363,960 290,863
Work with Children Region Africa
$AUD 12,363,978
Wagga Wagga
Wilcannia Forbes Wollongong National Office Total
Funds Raised by Works in 2017-18: Work with Children Work with Church Leaders
Work with Church Leaders Region
Work with Communities
Africa Asia 8,311,452 7,595,707 942,068
Managed Funds
$AUD 20,474,986 5,094,170
* Figures are sourced from the annual reports of the Pontifical Mission Societies and have been converted from USD at a rate of 1 USD = 1.36 AUD.
We would especially like to thank those who have supported Catholic Mission through a gift in their will in 2017-18, ensuring a lasting legacy after departing this life. D. Battley - J.B. Bowen - N.F. Boyle - N.F. Bren - C.M. Brown - G.M. Coopman - B. Cordingley - R.M. Croall - M.F. Davis - N.L. Dean - I.T. Dobbie M. Donnelly - W.F.M. Fitzgerald - A. Gellel - J.M. Gois - N.E. Gyton-Brown - I.V. Hahn - R.C. Hord - J.J. Hyland - R.P. Jolly - E.M. Jones - Hansen and Kean H. Kitaszewski - D.H. Lucas - Fr T. Madden - M.G. Mangan - J.G. Mason - Y. Mayo - S.W. Moloney - K.T. Monaghan - G.H. Murphy - Fr L.J. O’Rourke D. Pace - L.M. Payne - R. Pomfret - E.A. Schulz - E.J. Scott - M.A. Smith - J.M. Symons - G.M.E. Thomas - M.L. Tutton - P. Tyler - E. Wallace - F.M. Ward J.D. Winter For more information about leaving a legacy in your will, please contact your local Catholic Mission Diocesan Director for a confidential discussion. Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017-18
Diocesan Directors Adelaide Rev Deacon Anthony Hill 08 8210 8199 Ballarat Ms Sue Searls 0409 401 329 Bathurst Mr Michael Deasy 0417 048 880 Brisbane Mr David McGovern 07 3324 3421 Broken Bay Mrs Kathryn Endicott-Allen 02 9919 7842 Broome 1800 257 296 Bunbury Ms Deborah Robertson 0474 928 765 Cairns Mrs Anna Jimenez 0450 213 042 Canberra & Goulburn Mrs Catherine Ransom 02 6201 9834
Chaldean Eparchy 1800 257 296 Darwin c/- Mr David McGovern 07 3324 3421 Geraldton Ms Rosemary Taylor 08 9964 2716 Hobart Mr Rafal Kozlowski 0427 048 953 Lismore Mrs Michelle Sullivan 02 6622 0407 Maitland-Newcastle Mr Mark Toohey 02 4979 1141 Maronite Eparchy 1800 257 296 Melbourne Mr Kevin Meese 03 9412 8410 Melkite Eparchy 1800 257 296
PO Box 1668 North Sydney NSW 2059
Parramatta Mrs Kathryn Endicott-Allen 02 9919 7842
Townsville c/- David McGovern 07 3324 3421
Perth Mr Francis Leong 08 9422 7933
Ukrainian Eparchy 1800 257 296 Wagga Wagga Mr John Goonan 02 6937 0013
Port Pirie Br Patrick Cronin 08 8632 0556
Wilcannia Forbes Mr Michael Deasy 0417 048 880
Rockhampton Mr Greg Clair 07 4887 3083
Wollongong Mr David Harrison 0449 716 363
Sale c/- Mr Kevin Meese 03 9412 8410
National Office Fr Brian Lucas National Director 1800 257 296
Sandhurst c/- Mr Kevin Meese 03 9412 8410 Sydney Mrs Kathryn Endicott-Allen 02 9919 7842 Syro-Malabar Eparchy 1800 257 296 Toowoomba c/- David McGovern 07 3324 3421
T: 02 9919 7800 E:
Freecall: 1800 257 296 ABN: 52 945 927 066
Catholic Mission - Annual Report 2017/18