SUNDAY MAY 1, 2016
MCI (P) 009/08/2015
PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)
Share truth of family with mercy and patience Marriage and sexuality among the main takeaways from pope’s apostolic exhortation on the family VATICAN CITY – The same mercy and patience that are essential for building a strong family must be shown to those whose families are in trouble or have broken up, Pope Francis said in his highly anticipated postsynodal apostolic exhortation. The document, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), on love in the family, released on April 8, contains no new rules or norms. However, it encourages careful review of everything related to family ministry and, particularly, much greater attention to the language and attitude used when explaining Church teaching and ministering to those who do not fully live Church teaching. “No family drops down from heaven perfectly formed; families need constantly to grow and mature in the ability to love,â€? Pope Francis wrote. People grow in holiness, and the Church must be there to give them a helping hand rather than turn them away because they have not attained some degree of perfection. The exhortation was Pope FranFLVÂś UHĂ€HFWLRQ RQ WKH GLVFXVVLRQ debate and suggestions raised during the 2014 and 2015 meetings of the Synod of Bishops on the family. Like synod members did, the pope insisted that God’s plan for the family is that it be built on the lifelong union of one man and one woman open to having children. Synod members, including priests, Religious and laypeople serving as experts and observers, talked about everything from varied cultural forms of courtship to marriage preparation and from the impact of migration on families to care for elderly parents.
Sexuality Pope Francis’ document touches on all the issues raised at the syn-
VOL 66
NO. 09
INSIDE HOME Priesthood is ‘mother of all vocations’ Says archbishop at Vocations Day Mass „ Page 4
COMMENTARY Church’s stand on reproductive technology More S’pore couples turning to in vitro fertilisation „ Page 5
ASIA Drought affects Philippine farmers Church prepares special prayer A family prays the rosary. Pope Francis, in his apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), says that the Church must be present to help broken families instead of turning them away.
ods and gives practical advice on raising children, urges a revision of sex-education programmes and decries the many ways the “disposDEOH FXOWXUH´ KDV LQÂżOWUDWHG IDPLO\ life and sexuality to the point that many people feel free to use and then walk away from others. “Everyone uses and throws away, takes and breaks, exploits and squeezes to the last drop. Then, goodbye,â€? he wrote. The synod issues that garnered the most headlines revolved around the question of communion for the divorced and civilly remarried, as well as Catholic attitudes toward homosexuality.
“In no way must the Church desist from proposing the full ideal of marriage, God’s plan in all its grandeur,� Pope Francis said. He repeated his and the synod’s insistence that the Church cannot consider same-sex unions to be a marriage, but also insisted that “every person, regardless of sexual orientation, ought to be respected in his or her dignity.�
Divorced and civilly remarried On the question of families exSHULHQFLQJ GLIÂżFXOWLHV VHSDUDWLRQ or even divorce and remarriage,
Pope Francis said responses to the questionnaires sent around the world before the synod “showed WKDW PRVW SHRSOH LQ GLIÂżFXOW RU critical situations do not seek pastoral assistance, since they do not ÂżQG LW V\PSDWKHWLF UHDOLVWLF RU concerned for individual cases.â€? The responses, he wrote, call on the Church “to try to approach marriage crises with greater sensitivity to their burden of hurt and anxiety.â€? Particularly in ministry to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, Pope Francis said, pastors must help each couple look at their actions and circumstances, recognise their share of responsibility for the breakup of their marriage, acknowledge Church teaching that marriage is indissoluble and prayerfully discern what God is calling them to. „ Continued on Page 15
„ Page 7
WORLD Will ‘right to die’ become ‘duty to die’? Canadian assisted-suicide decision sparks concern „ Page 10
Abandon ‘just war’ teaching Say attendees of Vaticanhosted conference „ Page 12
FAMFARE! Family commission’s section dedicated to love, marriage and families „ Pages 18-19
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
PM Lee pays tribute to Montfortians at celebration By Christopher Khoo Montfortians – principals, teachers, students and ex-students – KDYH H[HPSOLÂżHG ZKDW LW PHDQV WR be a “man for othersâ€?. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made this observation during the launch of the Montfort 100 Fund on April 9. Alumni, current students, teachers, principals and Gabrielite BrothHUV ZHUH DPRQJ WKRVH ZKR DWWHQGHG the centennial fundraising dinner for the junior and secondary schools, held at the Four Seasons Hotel. The event aimed to raise funds IRU HQKDQFHG VFKRRO IDFLOLWLHV Âżnancial assistance for needy stuGHQWV DV ZHOO DV VFKRODUVKLSV DQG bursaries to further develop students and sportsmen. Mr Lee, the guest-of-honour, paid tribute to various MontforWLDQV +H QRWHG KRZ WKH ODWH 0U Teo Kah Leng, returned to his alma mater to serve as teacher as ZHOO DV SULQFLSDO RI WKH SULPDU\ section for almost 40 years. He even continued to coach his former students after they JUDGXDWHG ZKHQ WKH\ VRXJKW KLV help to improve their English for ZRUN VDLG 0U /HH Many Montfort alumni have
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong poses with Montfort students before a dinner to launch the Montfort 100 Fund.
also gone on to become leaders. 7KH VFKRROV KDYH SURGXFHG WZR government ministers – Mr Lim Boon Heng and Dr Lee Boon Yang ¹ DQG WZR 0HPEHUV RI 3DUOLDPHQW Yang – Mr Ng Kah Ting and Dr Augustine Tan, said Mr Lee.
Other alumni have also “done YHU\ ZHOO´ LQ WKHLU FKRVHQ ÂżHOGV VXFK DV 3URI 4XHN 7RQJ %RRQ WKH Defence Ministry’s chief defence scientist, Mr Lee noted. Prof 4XHN ZDV LQYROYHG LQ 6LQJDSRUHÂśV ÂżUVW FRPPHUFLDO HDUWK REVHUYDWLRQ VDWHOOLWH WKDW ZDV ODXQFKHG ODVW \HDU DQG ZKLFK LV ÂłZRUNLQJ ZHOO in outer spaceâ€?. National badminton player 'HUHN :RQJ D 0RQWIRUWLDQ ZRQ a silver in the men’s single at the &RPPRQZHDOWK *DPHV DQG more than a dozen alumni have also joined the priesthood, includLQJ $UFKELVKRS :LOOLDP *RK 0U Lee added. +H QRWHG KRZ WKH 0RQWIRUW Schools focus on values-driven education and character development. For example, the schools SDUWQHUHG ZLWK WKH &KLOGUHQÂśV Cancer Foundation in the Hair for +RSH HYHQW ODVW \HDU GXULQJ ZKLFK students and members of the public shaved their hair to raise funds for the foundation. The project raised close to $40,000 and helped students “empaWKLVH ZLWK \RXQJ FDQFHU SDWLHQWV DQG build compassionâ€?, said Mr Lee. He also singled out Pri 5 student Princeton Toh, as an example RI KRZ 0RQWIRUW VWXGHQWV GHPRQ-
Mr Lee highlighted the initiative of student Princeton Toh (left) in leading a project to show appreciation for non-teaching school staff such as cleaners, canteen vendors and administrators. strate exemplary behaviour and leadership even at a young age. Toh, a prefect, recently led his peers in a project called Friends RI 6LQJD LQ ZKLFK WKH\ VKRZHG appreciation to non-teaching staff such as cleaners, canteen vendors and administrators. He encouraged KLV IHOORZ VWXGHQWV WR ZULWH DSSUHFLDWLRQ QRWHV DQG PDNH WKHP LQWR posters to present to these staff. In his speech, Mr Lim Boon Heng, patron of the Montfort Alumni and advisor to the Montfort Centennial Celebrations Organising Committee, shared that WKH GLQQHU ZDV WR UDLVH PLOOLRQ to improve theatrette and media production facilities, bursaries and
VFKRODUVKLSV DQG SURYLGH ÂżQDQFLDO assistance for needy students. So far $840,000 have been raised as of April 9 morning, he said. 0U /LP ZKR VWXGLHG DW 0RQWfort from 1955-1966, from Pri 1 to Pre-U 2, said, “The [Gabrielite] Brothers and my teachers taught me values that guided me through P\ OLIH ´ 6RPH RI KLV UHĂ€HFWLRQV RQ WKLV H[SHULHQFH ZLOO EH SXEOLVKHG LQ D ERRN LQ 1RYHPEHU KH VDLG 7KH GLQQHU DOVR VDZ 0U /HH presenting mementoes to the schools’ major donors, and musical performances by students. „
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
Empowering ministries in their service of families, marriages “We have all been called to be the alternative voice; the counter-culture. We need to bring God’s healing love to hurting marriages and families,� said Ms Cyrine Gregory, Marriage Encounter co-ordinator. She was commenting on the Archdiocesan Commission for the Family (ACF) Family Partners’ Empowerment event at the Catholic Spirituality Centre on April 16. The event, attend by 300 Family Partner leaders, was a follow up of an ACF networking session on March 19 that aimed to synergise outreach efforts to families. During the April 16 event, Fr Terence Pereira, Episcopal Vicar of the New Evangelisation, shared the importance of an intimate encounter with Christ as the basis of the ministries’ mission to empower families.
This encounter had to be nurtured through prayer, scripture and the Eucharist. Otherwise, they will not only lose the focus of their mission, EXW DOVR ÂżQG WKHPVHOYHV ODFNLQJ WKH motivation and strength to serve. Fr Terence also cited the burning bush in Exodus and explained that although the bush was burning, it wasn’t burnt. He then asked the chuckling audience if they were “burningâ€?, or “burntâ€?. Although the mood was lighthearted, Fr Terence did not mince his words when he spoke about the sobering rate of divorces in Singa-
Participants at the Archdiocesan Commission for the Family (ACF) Family Partners’ Empowerment event.
Fr Terence Pereira speaking during the April 16 event.
our call to continue the work we do,â€? she added. Ms Agatha Cho shared how she came to the realisation that LQ VSLWH RI WKH GLIÂżFXOWLHV HQFRXQtered in ministry, it should be taken as “an enduring journey that leads to Heaven.â€? She also shared that after a long time in ministry, people tend to fall into the dryness that makes them question if God really is present. But it is precisely then that they must remain faithful and WUXVW ÂżUPO\ LQ +LP The series of events for ACF’s Family Partners will culminate with another event on May 21. Titled Love Matters, it will be held at the Church of the Blessed
Sacrament starting from noon. Jointly organised by ACF and Marriage Encounter (ME), and supported by other Family Partners, it will see married couples celebrating their milestone wedding anniversaries and priests celebrating their milestone priestly anniversaries. Participants will come together to thank God for their vocations in a thanksgiving Mass. Msgr Ambrose Vaz, who is celebrating his 35th priestly anniversary this year, will be the main celebrant. The Mass will be followed by a reception. 7R ¿QG RXW PRUH RU VLJQ XS IRU WKH HYHQW YLVLW KWWS FDWKROLFIDPLO\ RUJ VJ ORYHPDWWHUV „
pore. According to him, there are about 21,000 marriages and 7,000 divorces each year, a ratio of one divorce for every three marriages. Participants shared that they felt renewed after the event. Ms Ramona Olsen said that “there is a tendency to rely on our own strength and that is how we grow tired and weary, forgetting that God is in control and that He is always there for us.� “After Fr Terence’s talk, we feel encouraged and renewed in
feel encouraged and renewed in ‘ourWecall to continue the work we do.’
– Ms Ramona Olsen
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
Kindergarten kids bring Easter joy to the elderly Cheery, exuberant children stole the hearts of St Joseph’s Home residents recently as they sang, danced and gave away special handmade gifts to their appreciative audience. The 70 kids from the Canossian-run Magdalene’s Kindergarten sang hymns and Easter songs, and danced to popular songs from the 1960s to the 1980s at the home located at Mandai Estate on April 19. Their handcrafted gifts included an Easter cross, a tealight holder that proclaimed that Jesus had risen, and a card that said “Jesus Loves Youâ€?. “I enjoyed making the gifts for the grandmas and grandpas,â€? said six-year-old Jing Yuan. “I want to make them feel happy so that they know Jesus loves WKHP ´ VDLG ÂżYH \HDU ROG &HGUR
According to the kindergarten, this Easter visit was to engage the children in projects that were meaningful and which instilled compassion. The visit also allowed the children to exemplify the Canossian foundress St Magdalene of Canossa’s mission to make Jesus known and loved. The kindergarten, located at Sallim Road, also got parents involved by asking them to contribute items and donate money for red packets for the elderly. “It was a pleasant exposure for the staff and children and it was a good way to make Easter memorable,� said Ms Imelda Anthony, principal of the kindergarten. The school’s programme includes daily prayers, meditation and a weekly hour of faith formation. „
A resident of St Joseph’s Home admires a handcrafted gift from students of Magdalene’s Kindergarten during their recent visit.
Pray for the ‘mother of all vocations’ Photo: CHURCH OF ST IGNATIUS
By Christopher Khoo The priesthood is the “mother of all vocations� because the priesthood generates other vocations for the Church, said Archbishop William Goh. “Without the priest, who is going to give you the bread of life? Without the priest, who is going to heal you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and empower you?� he asked during a Mass to mark the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Speaking to Religious, seminarians and laypeople gathered at the Church of St Ignatius on April 16, he urged Catholics to pray for more priestly and Religious vocations, “otherwise the future of the next generation will be compromised�. Archbishop Goh expressed his worry at the dwindling number of priestly vocations in the archdio-
Seminarians (left, in white cassocks), priests and laypeople attend the Mass for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations at the Church of St Ignatius.
cese, adding that the next bishop “is going to suffer� because of a
19 Apri1 2016
CHN/BNN/20 16/003
BANNS OF ORDINATION The following Deacon Rev. Cornelius Ching Tze Choon will be called to the Order of the Presbyterate on 9 August 2016 at Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by His Grace, Archbishop William Goh DD. 7KH SXEOLFDWLRQ RI WKHVH EDQQV IXO¿O WKH FDQRQLFDO UHTXLUHPHQW can. 1051 2°. Catholics are obliged to reveal any impediments or circumstances that would prevent Bro. Cornelius from receiving Sacred Orders and should contact the Parish Priest or the Archbishop with such information as soon as possible.
Fr John-Paul Tan, OFM, JCL, Chancellor Chancery of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore #07-01 Catholic Centre, 55 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187954 Email:
lack of priests to manage parishes. “You need to pray for vocations for the sake of your children,� he said. In his opening remarks, Archbishop Goh said that the Mass, which also marked Good Shepherd Sunday, was not only for priestly and Religious vocations. “It is for everyone because everyone is called to serve God,� he said. “Be faithful to your vocation regardless of what vocation the Lord has appointed for you.�
In his homily, Archbishop Goh stressed that “all of us are leaders whether in the political world, religious world, or in societyâ€?. Whether one is a teacher, parent, catechist or CEO, “a good OHDGHU ÂżUVW DQG IRUHPRVW PXVW EH courageousâ€? to “stand up for the right thingâ€? and not just be politically correct, he said. A good leader is also willing to make sacrifices for the greater good, and realises that he is only a steward of those
Without the priest, ‘ who is going to give you the bread of life? Without the priest, who is going to heal you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
– Archbishop William Goh
under his care, he added. Seminarian Andre Tan, 32, who attended the event, told CatholicNews he felt the archbishop “spoke from his heartâ€?. “There will always be a shortage of vocations in this world,â€? said Br Andre, one of 11 diocesan seminarians. “What the bishop wants is for all Catholics to seriously discern their vocations, to take courage to say ‘yes’ to the call.â€? Malaysian Br Vincent ThomDV D ÂżQDO \HDU VHPLQDULDQ shared that “we need people to pray for us ... in our struggles, in our darkest momentsâ€? such as for their studies, and family and personal issues. When they know that someone is praying for them, “it strengthens our callâ€?, he said. „
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
Begotten, not made: A Catholic view of reproductive technology More Singapore couples are apparently turning to in vitro fertilisation and other assisted reproductive technologies to conceive. A look at the Church’s stand on these methods By Melissa Dragon Children are wonderful gifts. Each child is God’s intended result of His design: the product of the self-giving sexual union between man and woman, joined in love through marriage. This unLRQ IXO¿OV WKH ³, GR´ RI WKH VDFUHG marriage vows. While many married couples anticipate the arrival of children, infertility seems to be a growing problem – more evidently in the developed world. Unsurprisingly, there has been a corresponding JURZWK LQ WKH ³UHSURGXFWLYH WHFKQRORJLHV LQGXVWU\´ WR SURYLGH D solution to this problem. On March 22, the Health section of The Straits Times featured an article entitled More Singapore Couples Getting Help To Conceive, which reported that more couples here are turning to in vitro IHUWLOLVDWLRQ ,9) DQG RWKHU DVsisted reproductive technologies $57 WR FRQFHLYH FKLOGUHQ There is nothing wrong with searching for ways to overcome WKH SUREOHP RI LQIHUWLOLW\ ,Q IDFW it is good to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of children being conceived and born. This being said, the Bible does tell us that there are limits to what is deemed acceptable methods for conceiving a child. Take, for example, the story of Noah’s unmarried daughters who wanted to have children. They actually resorted to getting their father drunk so that they might have children by him! Obviously, we cannot simply consider any means to be acceptable when trying to achieve pregnancy.
Moral implications The Catholic Church deems certain fertility methods immoral as these techniques have profound PRUDO LPSOLFDWLRQV ,Q D GRFXPHQW HQWLWOHG 'RQXP 9LWDH 7KH *LIW RI /LIH LVVXHG E\ WKH Congregation for the Doctrine of WKH )DLWK VWDWHG WKDW ZKLOH VRPH methods of reproductive technology are moral, others are not because they violate the dignity of the human person and the procreative role of marriage. ,W VWDWHV WKDW D PHWKRG LV deemed moral if it helps or assists the marriage to achieve pregnancy, but it is immoral if it replaces the marriage act to bring forth life. One reproductive technology that the Church deems to be LPPRUDO LV ,9) 6DGO\ DV VRPH Catholics are unaware of this, WKH\ KDYH XVHG ,9) WR DFKLHYH SUHJQDQF\ ,I D FRXSOH LV XQDZDUH
imise her chances of pregnancy. These are viable options which have brought hope and successful pregnancy to many supposedly infertile couples around the world – both Catholics and non-Catholics – without risking the health of mother or child.
A study
The microinjection of sperm into an egg cell at an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) clinic in Leipzig, Germany. IVF procedures often involve the deliberate discarding of embryos that show little promise of surviving to term. These procedures are deemed unacceptable by the Church. &16 ÂżOH SKRWR
of the Church’s stand on this issue, they are not subjectively guilty of sin. Children who have been conceived through this procedure, like all children, are children of God, and are therefore equally deserving of dignity, love and respect.
Unacceptable 7KH &KXUFK GRHV QRW DFFHSW ,9) as a fertility method as it involves practices that not only undermine the sanctity of life, but also replace the sacred procreative marriage act in the bringing forth of life. ,Q ,9) HJJV DUH H[WUDFWHG from the woman’s ovary after she consumes a drug which causes the concurrent maturation of a few eggs. The man’s semen is also extracted, usually through masturbation – which is in itself a sinful act. The egg and sperm come together in a glass dish. Here, conception occurs and new life develops for several days before the embryos are placed into the mother’s womb. Meanwhile, it is hoped that one of the embryos survives to term.
,9) SURFHGXUHV RIWHQ LQYROYH the deliberate discarding of embryos that show little promise of surviving to term. This means that human life is potentially treated as a mere defective commodity at its earliest developmental stages, and terminated. ,W LV DOVR FOHDU WKDW ,9) UHSODFHV the marriage act with a laboratory procedure to engender life. The husband and wife merely provide WKH ³UDZ PDWHULDOV´ ¹ WKH HJJV DQG VSHUP :RUVH VWLOO LI ³GRQRU´ eggs or sperm are used, the child is subsequently unaware of his or her lineage, which could result in them lacking knowledge of possible inherited health problems, or even the potential for siblings to unknowingly commit incest.
Natural Family Planning 6LPSO\ SXW ,9) QRW RQO\ GHKXmanises the sacred life of the person who bears the image and likeness of God, but also damages the sanctity of marriage in less obvious, but real ways. Meanwhile, the Church does
In 1987, a document entitled Donum Vitae (The Gift of Life), issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, stated that while some methods of reproductive technology are moral, others are not because they violate the dignity of the human person and the procreative role of marriage.
DVFULEH WR 1DWXUDO )DPLO\ 3ODQQLQJ 1)3 DV D IHUWLOLW\ PHWKRG Locally, the Billings Ovulation 0HWKRG %20 LV WDXJKW WR FRXSOHV DW WKH 1)3 FHQWUHV LQ RXU SDULVKHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ 1D3UR7HFKQRORJ\ 137 LV DQRWKHU RSWLRQ IRU couples looking for natural treatment methods. These methods do not involve the mishandling or termination of life, nor serve to replace the procreative marriage act. They essentially involve the woman’s monitoring of her own natural fertility signals, such as the condition of mucus discharge, in order to max-
,Q D $XVWUDOLDQ VWXG\ on the BOM for couples who had been trying for a pregnancy IRU PRUH WKDQ PRQWKV SHUFHQW RI WKH ZRPHQ DFKLHYHG a pregnancy successfully. MeanZKLOH LQ D &DQDGLDQ VWXG\ SHUFHQW RI WKH ZRPHQ achieved pregnancy and live birth ZLWK WKH 137 WUHDWPHQWV DQG VXUgery within two years. Recently, a Singaporean Catholic couple, Derek and Gladys Ng, who had been trying to conceive a child for over two years, took an interest in BOM. Gladys had been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome which was associated with hormonal imbalance and low fertility. After receiving treatment that helped to regulate her menstrual cycle, Gladys was able to chart her fertility. The couple successfully achieved pregnancy after two months of adopting BOM and welcomed a beautiful baby girl this January. „ Contributed by NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING SERVICE SINGAPORE
&RXSOHV DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR ¿QG RXW more about Natural Family Planning at http://naturalfamilyplanning. sg. Natural Family Planning Service Singapore is an activity of the Catholic Medical Guild, Catholic Nurses’ Guild and the Family Life Society.
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
Church gives aid to those injured in temple explosion THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA – Church-run hospitals are provid-
ing medical aid to people injured E\ D ÂżUHZRUNV H[SORVLRQ DW D +LQdu temple in the southern Indian state of Kerala. The April 10 accident occurred at the Puttingal Devi temple near Kollam district during D IHVWLYDO DIWHU D VWUD\ VSDUN OLW D ODUJH DPRXQW RI ÂżUHZRUNV EHLQJ NHSW LQ D FRQFUHWH VWRUHURRP 7KH UHVXOWLQJ H[SORVLRQ EOHZ XS WKH VWRUHURRP DQG NLOOHG PRUH than 100 people and injured about 400. Fr George Rebeiro of Quilon Diocese said around 100 injured SHRSOH ZHUH EHLQJ WUHDWHG DW WKH diocese-operated Bishop Benziger +RVSLWDO DQG DW WKH +RO\ &URVV +RVSLWDO RQ WKH WRZQÂśV RXWVNLUWV +H VDLG &DWKROLFV LQ WKH DUHD are upset as such accidents often occur in Kerala because local ofÂżFLDOV IDLO WR HIIHFWLYHO\ FDUU\ RXW their duties. “The Church is anguished beFDXVH WKLV ZDV DQ DYRLGDEOH WUDJedy. The death and suffering came invited by human carelessness,â€? Fr Rebeiro said. “There are rules against stor-
LQJ VXFK KXJH TXDQWLWLHV RI H[plosives but unfortunately there VHHPV WR EH D OD[LW\ LQ HQIRUFLQJ the rules,� he said. 2YHU WKH ODVW ¿YH GHFDGHV Kerala has had over 400 templerelated accidents, both small and ODUJH ZKHUH PRUH WKDQ SHRSOH KDYH GLHG UHSRUWV QHZV SRUWDO One India. 7KH &DWKROLF %LVKRSVœ &RQIHUHQFH RI ,QGLD H[SUHVVHG ³VKRFN DQG JULHI´ RYHU WKH H[SORVLRQ DQG VDLG WKH\ VKDUH ³WKH VRUURZ RI WKH bereaved families�. The bishops urged dioceses, church-run hospitals and church social service centres near the accident to offer all possible assistance to those injured and affected E\ WKH H[SORVLRQ Pope Francis also conveyed his sadness over the disaster and offered his condolences to the relatives of the deceased and injured. The pope is praying for all those affected by the tragedy DQG LQYRNHG XSRQ WKH QDWLRQ WKH divine blessings of strength and peace, said a message signed by papal secretary of state Cardinal Pietro Parolin. „ UCANEWS.COM
People stand next to debris after an explosion at the Puttingal Devi temple in Paravoor, India. CNS photo
ÂżUHZRUNV H[SORVLRQ &DWKROLF SDUishes in the region are considering EDQQLQJ ÂżUHZRUNV GXULQJ WKHLU festivals. )U *HRUJH 5HEHLUR VSRNHVPDQ IRU 4XLORQ GLRFHVH ZKLFK covers the disaster area, said the tragedy has prompted a discussion RQ WKH PHULWV RI KDYLQJ ÂżUHZRUNV during celebrations. +H VDLG WKH VWDWH KDV UXOHV DERXW ÂżUHZRUNV VWRUDJH WUDQVSRUtation and use but unfortunately implementation is poor. “Catholics in general are discussing to instead use the money VSHQW RQ ÂżUHZRUNV WR GR VRPHthing useful for the people, especially the poor,â€? Fr Rebeiro said ZKLOH DFNQRZOHGJLQJ WKDW VHYHUDO SDULVKHV WUDGLWLRQDOO\ KROG ÂżUHZRUNV DV SDUW RI WKHLU IHDVWV “This could surely be a discusVLRQ SRLQW LQ WKH QH[W PHHWLQJ RI the priests as the diocese has not
LVVXHG DQ\ IRUPDO EDQ RQ ¿UHZRUNV ´ KH DGGHG &KULVWLDQV DQG +LQGXV ZKR WRJHWKHU PDNH XS SHUFHQW RI the 34 million people in the state, UHJXODUO\ KDYH ¿UHZRUNV DV SDUW RI festivities in temples and parishHV RIWHQ ZLWKRXW DGHTXDWH VDIHW\ measures. Bishop Joseph Kariyil of Kochi, the commercial capital of the state, has also appealed to ZHDOWK\ &DWKROLFV LQ WKH GLRFHVHV ZKR ZDQW WR XVH ¿UHZRUNV DV SDUW of marriage ceremonies to instead use the money to help the needy. ³)LUHZRUN GLVSOD\V DUH D PRPHQWDU\ WKULOO DQG WKH\ FDQ NLOO people. We should avoid it,� he said. 7ZR GD\V DIWHU WKH H[SORVLRQV WKH 2UWKRGR[ 6\ULDQ &KXUFK LQ .HUDOD DQQRXQFHG D EDQ RQ ¿UHZRUN GLVSOD\V DV SDUW RI DQ\ 2UWKRGR[ &KXUFK IHVWLYLW\ „ CNS
Mercy should not wait for guidelines, Filipino bishops say MANILA – ³0HUF\ FDQQRW ZDLW
0HUF\ VKRXOG QRW ZDLW ´ VDLG WKH Philippine Catholic bishops in UHVSRQVH WR WKH SDSDO H[KRUWDtion Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), released by the Vatican on April 8. In their pastoral letter issued on April 10, the bishops said that even before they can come up ZLWK FRQFUHWH JXLGHOLQHV RQ WKH implementation of the apostolic H[KRUWDWLRQ HYHU\ERG\ ÂłPXVW RSHQ ZHOFRPLQJ DUPV WR WKRVH ZKR KDYH NHSW WKHPVHOYHV RXW RI the Churchâ€?. “When our brothers and sisWHUV ZKR EHFDXVH RI EURNHQ UHODWLRQV EURNHQ IDPLOLHV DQG EURNHQ OLYHV VWDQG WLPLGO\ DW the doors of our churches – and RI RXU OLYHV Âą XQVXUH ZKHWKHU WKH\ DUH ZHOFRPH RU QRW OHW XV go out to meet them,â€? said the bishops. 3RSH )UDQFLVÂś QHZ GRFXPHQW on love in the family is the conclusion of the 2014-2015 synod at the Vatican that discussed the beauty and challenges of family life. The Philippine bishops ZDUQHG DERXW WKH ÂłEHJXLOLQJ´ treatment of the document by the secular media that tends to IRFXV RQ ÂłGLIÂżFXOW VLWXDWLRQV´ GLVFXVVHG E\ $PRULV /DHWLWLD OLNH divorce and irregular unions. “It should be made clear that WKH +RO\ )DWKHU GRHV QRW LQ DQ\ ZD\ GHSDUW IURP WKH WHDFKLQJ RI the Church as contained in the creeds, the conciliar documents and in the Catechism of the CathROLF &KXUFK ´ UHDG WKH ELVKRSVÂś letter. “Understandably then, the H[KRUWDWLRQ LV ZULWWHQ ZLWK DQ DZDUHQHVV RI WKH PDQ\ FKDOOHQJHV GLIÂżFXOWLHV HYHQ WKUHDWV
Philippine bishops have urged an ‘openness’ of heart and spirit to others in the wake of the release of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), seen above. CNS photo
our brothers and sisters who, because ‘When of broken relations, broken families and broken lives, stand timidly at the doors of our churches ... let us go out to meet them.
– Philippine Catholic bishops’ pastoral letter in response to the pope’s apostolic exhortation
to families, and the different reaVRQV ZK\ WKH\ VRPHWLPHV VDGO\ are dysfunctional,â€? it added. The letter, signed by Archbishop Socrates Villegas of Lingayen-Dagupan, president of WKH ELVKRSVÂś FRQIHUHQFH VDLG WKH document is a challenge to pastors and their communities “to ZRUN IRU WKH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ RI families into seats of mercyâ€?. 7KH ELVKRSV VDLG WKH\ ZLOO LVsue “concrete guidelinesâ€? on the implementation of Amoris Laetitia, but emphasised that “an openness of heart and of spirit ...
QHHGV QR ODZ DZDLWV QR JXLGHlineâ€?. “It can and should happen immediately,â€? said the bishops. They also urged parishes and dioceses to be “schools of true &KULVWLDQ ORYH´ ZKHUH DOO VKRXOG EH DWWHQGHG WR ÂłZLWK FDUH DQG ZLWK GHYRWLRQ´ Âł:KHQ IDPLOLHV IDLO ZH PXVW DOO VWULNH RXU EUHDVWV LQ FRQWULWLRQ for every Catholic community, every parish, for every diocese KDV D VWDNH LQ WKH FRKHVLRQ ORYH and constancy of a family,â€? they added. „ UCANEWS.COM
Respite centre for clergy to be established in Vietnam HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM – A
UHWUHDW FHQWUH ZLOO EH HVWDEOLVKHG in Vietnam to provide spiritual DQG SK\VLFDO FDUH IRU FOHUJ\ H[SHriencing personal and vocational GLIÂżFXOWLHV An initiative of the Episcopal Commission on Clergy and SemiQDULDQV RI WKH &DWKROLF %LVKRSVÂś Conference of Vietnam, the cenWUH ZDV DSSURYHG E\ WKH ELVKRSV during their national meeting held DW 7KDL %LQK %LVKRSÂśV +RXVH LQ northern Vietnam from April 4-8. “The centre aims to provide WKRURXJK NQRZOHGJH RI VSLULWXDOLW\ DQG SV\FKRORJ\ DQG ZD\V WR strengthen prayer life for priests
so that they can recognise social factors affecting their lives and remain in control of themselves,� Fr -RVHSK 'R 0DQK +XQJ WKH FRPPLVVLRQœV VHFUHWDU\ WROG XFDQHZV com. )U +XQJ VDLG WKH FHQWUH DOVR RIfers intensive treatment for moral introspection and convalescent faFLOLWLHV WR SULHVWV ZKR VXIIHU IURP SK\VLFDO DQG PHQWDO H[KDXVWLRQ and issues such as alcohol addiction, Internet abuse and emotional problems. ([SHUWV LQ SV\FKRORJ\ VSLULWXDOLW\ DQG JUDFH DUH H[SHFWHG WR ZRUN ZLWK SULHVWV DW WKH FHQWUH 7KH SULHVW VDLG WKDW LW ZLOO EH WKH
¿UVW FHQWUH SURYLGLQJ SURIHVVLRQDO retreat facilities for priests in the country. )U +XQJ VDLG WKH &RQJUHJDWLRQ of the Servants of the Paraclete, ZKLFK LV GHGLFDWHG WR VSLULWXDO UHQHZDO LQ WKH OLYHV RI SULHVWV DQG Religious Brothers, have agreed to serve at the centre. 7KH FHQWUH ZLOO EH EDVHG LQ %DR /RF FLW\ ZKLFK KDV D WHPSHUDWH FOLmate suitable for convalescence. The Catholic Church in Vietnam has 6,000 priests and VHPLQDULDQV VHUYLQJ PLOlion Catholics among the counWU\œV SRSXODWLRQ RI PLOOLRQ „ UCANEWS.COM
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
Drought-stricken farmers told to have faith in prayer MANILA – “There will be rain,�
Filipino bishops assured farmers who have been suffering from an ongoing dry spell that has affected thousands of farmlands across the country. “Have faith in the power of prayer,â€? said Archbishop Socrates Villegas of Lingayen-Dagupan, president of the bishops’ conference. The prelate said the Church is already preparing an oratio imperata, or obligatory prayer, that will be recited in all churches. Philippine Catholic bishops usually issue a “prayer for deliverance from calamitiesâ€? when the country faces an impending natural or man-made disaster. “By issuing it, we recognise that man’s capacity may not be enough to avert such problems, hence we invoke the one whose power far surpasses that of man,â€? said Fr Jerome Secillano of the ELVKRSVÂś SXEOLF DIIDLUV RIÂżFH He said that while one cannot control the wrath of nature “we believe that God has power over all creation.â€? The Philippine Atmospheric,
Philippine Catholic bishops usually issue a ‘prayer for deliverance from calamities’ when the country faces an impending natural or man-made disaster.
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration reported that rainfall in 23 of the 27 provinces in the southern region of Mindanao over the past few months have been
South Korean Catholics warned to avoid cults SUWON, SOUTH KOREA – The Youth Department of Suwon diocese in South Korea has cautioned Catholics not to be dazzled by the popularity of newly risen cults on college campuses. The department recently released a warning notice to parishes instructing Catholics to avoid involvement in cults that have been gaining popularity on South Korean college campuses recently. In the notice, the diocese said that college-aged students are often vulnerable to the lure of cults, who target the young and uninformed. Cult involvement often results in “serious problems� for follow-
ers, including loss of studies and jobs, struggling with parents and running away from home. Cult members recruit new members through club or volunteer activities, the statement said. Âł7KH ÂżQDO JRDO RI WKH QHZO\ risen cults is to recruit people to their Bible classes. So one should avoid such classes if they are not authentically conducted by the Catholic Church [or] immediately drop out from the class.â€? The statement added, “Once people get involved in such cults, it is hard to escape them. As prevention is the best, families and the church communities should cooperate to prevent and countermeasure such cults.â€? „ UCANEWS.COM
Victims of ferry tragedy remembered SUWON, SOUTH KOREA – In commemoration of the second anniversary of the sinking of the Sewol ferry, Suwon diocese organised a special concert on April 7. The concert, held at the auditorium of the Ansan Life Center, was aimed at remembering the tragedy that killed more than 300 people and healing the pain of the bereaved families. With the theme The Second Spring without Them, Korean contemporary Christian musician Kim Jung-shik performed for two hours. After his performance, a choir
performed songs titled We Will Not Forget and We Should Take Hands. The Choir, called the 416 Choir, is composed of parents who lost children in the Sewol sinking on April 16, 2014. Ms Vivianna Lee Ji-yeon said, “Two years ago, when the cherry blossoms were blooming like in these days, our sons and daughters died. “For us bereaved families to be WUXO\ KHDOHG WKH IDFW ÂżQGLQJ ZRUN should be done and we should create a society where principles work and truth is alive.â€? „ UCANEWS.COM
way below the normal amount. At least 12 other provinces in the central and northern part of the country are also suffering from the dry spell.
On April 11, the World Bank warned that the effect of El Nino on Philippine economic growth FRXOG EH VLJQLÂżFDQW LI IRRG LPports are inadequate.
“While the peak of El Nino has passed, the country is still expected to feel its effects through the second quarter of 2016 and the indirect impact on prices and consumption growth can be high if food supply is not managed well,� said the World Bank.. It warned that high food prices could lead to an increase in poverty as the poor are susceptible to food price shocks. The International Rice Research Institute reported that the current El Nino phenomenon has already resulted in lower harvests and irregular planting across several rice-producing countries. „ UCANEWS.COM
Sunday May 1, 2016 CatholicNews
Bishops pray, urge help for quake victims
A baby is carried away by rescue workers after being rescued from her collapsed home caused by an April 14 earthquake in Japan. Another earthquake struck Japan on April 16. CNS photos
People search for victims in the rubble of a destroyed building in Manta, Ecuador, after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the region. At least 413 people have died.
The bishops of Japan and Ecuador cese of Chanthaburi, told CNA have offered their prayers and ap- that his community “expresses its pealed for assistance for the victims heartfelt condolences following of the earthquakes that struck their the devastating earthquake and countries. stands united in prayer with the A 6.4-magnitude quake hit affected people of Japan.” Japan on April 14 and was folOver in Ecuador, Catholic Relowed by a 7.3-magnitude quake lief Services (CRS), the US bishon April 16. ops’ relief and development agenAt least 41 people were killed, cy, are partnering with local relief and thousands wounded. organisations to determine how “We thought the damage was best to respond in the communities contained in the small area of Ma- most affected by the earthquake. shiki town,” Bishop Tarcisio Isao “Some of the poorest provincKikuchi of Niigata told CNA on es are located near the coast and April 16, “but the quake caused we expect thousands of people to damage in a much wider area, need immediate help,” Mr Tom including the neighbouring Ohita Hollywood, CRS representative prefecture.” for South America Bishop Kikuchi said in a statement. We ask your is head of Caritas A 7.8-magniprayers for the Japan, the national tude earthquake bishops’ social achit the country on victim[s] and tion arm, which is April 17. At least people in these assisting in rescue 413 people were and relief efforts on areas for them to killed. Kyushu. He conSome of the have comfort and hardest-hit veyed the prayers comand solidarity of all munities in the enough strength the Japanese bishzone, to go through this earthquake ops and stated their including in Essituation. appreciation for meraldas and the prayers and aid Manabi provinces, – Bishop Dominic Ryoji sent from around were inundated Miyahara of Fukuoka the world. with rain and CNA also reported that on ÀRRGLQJ LQ WKH GD\V EHIRUH WKH GLVApril 16, Bishop Dominic Ryoji aster, making them prone to potenMiyahara of Fukuoka called for tial landslides and complicating an emergency meeting of dioc- the relief effort, CRS said. HVDQ RI¿FLDOV WR GLVFXVV KRZ WR The Ecuadorean bishops’ conmobilise relief efforts for the ference offered prayers for the vicearthquake’s victims. tims in an April 17 statement sent “I’m praying for those who to the Vatican’s Fides news agency. suffer great damage from this “Our thoughts go especially earthquake and we, [the] Diocese to our brothers and sisters in the of Fukuoka are with you in your provinces of Manabi and Esmerpains and sorrows. We ask your aldas, who seem so far to be the prayers for the victim[s] and peo- most affected, and we invite eveple in these areas for them to have ryone to participate in the national comfort and enough strength to go collection for the victims in orthrough this situation and for them der to help in their most urgent to have quick recovery from this needs,” the statement said. damage,” Bishop Miyahara said. Pope Francis also sent condoCatholics in Thailand also ex- lences to Ecuador and Japan after pressed their prayers. praying the Regina Coeli with pilFr Joseph Thammarat Ru- grims gathered in St Peter’s Square anngam, chancellor of the Dio- on April 17. CNA/EWTN, CNS
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
bishops called on the government to hasten its efforts to free 219 schoolgirls who were abducted by LQVXUJHQWV WZR \HDUV DJR Bishops Matthew Audu of /DÂżD DQG *HRUJH 'RGR RI =DULD XUJHG RIÂżFLDOV WR ERRVW LQWHOOLgence gathering efforts and muster WKH SROLWLFDO ZLOO WR ÂżQG WKH JLUOV who were taken from their dormitories by Boko Haram forces during a middle-of-the-night raid at a school in Chibok in northeastern 1LJHULD RQ $SULO The bishops told Catholic News Service it is unlikely that all of the girls will be found because the media has reported that some had been killed or sold off WR EH PDUULHG E\ WKH LQVXUJHQWV They urged the country to pray for the abductors so that they have a change of heart and consider reOHDVLQJ WKH VWXGHQWV New video images recently obtained by CNN and apparently ÂżOPHG RQ &KULVWPDV 'D\ VKRZHG some of the girls dressed in black robes pleading with the Nigerian government to cooperate with the PLOLWDQWV RQ WKHLU UHOHDVH 7KH\ said they were being treated well but wanted to be with their famiOLHV Family members and friends LGHQWLÂżHG VRPH RI WKH \RXQJ people as students from the VFKRRO The Catholic News Agency for Africa reported that relatives of the girls marched in the capital, Abuja, on the anniversary, calling IRU JRYHUQPHQW DFWLRQ Âł2QO\ *RG NQRZV ZKDW WKHLU abductors might have done to them, where they would be by QRZ ,W PLJKW EH WUXH WKDW VRPH might have been killed, some molested and some married out by their abductors,â€? Bishop Audu VDLG Âł7KDW ZH FDQ VWLOO UHFRYHU DOO WKRVH DEGXFWHG LV QRW FHUWDLQ ´ “That they are still within the custody of their abductors after two years does no credibility to
Nigerians attend a Bring Back Our Girls protest on April 14 outside the presidential villa in Abuja. Two Nigerian bishops are calling on the government to hasten efforts to free more than 200 schoolgirls abducted by insurgents in 2014. CNS photo
Only God knows ‘ what their abductors might have done to them, where they would be by now.
– Bishops Matthew Audu RI /D¿D RQ WKH SOLJKW RI WKH abducted school girls
the corporate image of Nigeria as D QDWLRQ ´ KH DGGHG Bishop Audu, whose diocese is in central Nigeria, called for a concerted effort by world leaders, starting from Nigeria’s neighERXUV LQ :HVW $IULFD WR ¿JKW WHUrorism by contributing forces and weapons to a multinational joint task force assembled to root out WKH LQVXUJHQWV ³:RUOG OHDGHUV PXVW ¿QG ZD\V to block the sources of funding of the insurgents and those supplying them those arms and ammunition which they use to attack legitimate governments and innoFHQW SHRSOH ´ KH VDLG
%LVKRS 'RGR ZKRVH GLRFHVH is in northern Nigeria, said that he was praying that the missing girls ZRXOG EH GLVFRYHUHG Âł, DP QRW sure that we will be able to rescue all of them after two years of WKHLU DEGXFWLRQ ,I LW ZH DUH IRUtunate, we may get some of them EDFN EXW QRW SHUFHQW ´ KH VDLG +H DOVR H[SUHVVHG FRQFHUQ IRU thousands of other internally displaced persons living in various refugee camps who cannot return WR WKHLU KRPHV “The federal government must also look into the plights of other Nigerian workers being owed several months of unpaid salaries by WKHLU VWDWH JRYHUQPHQWV ´ KH VDLG “Many do not have money to UHSRUW IRU GXWLHV DW WKHLU RIÂżFHV the federal government should bail out the state governments ZLWK ÂżQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH IRU WKHP WR IXOÂżO WKHLU REOLJDWLRQV WR WKHLU ZRUNHUV DQG FLWL]HQV ´ „ CNS
Syrian families who à HG WR (XURSH EHJLQ WR UHWXUQ KRPH VATICAN CITY – Hundreds of
against the civilian population, Christian families are return- FRQÂżUPHG E\ WKH GLVFRYHU\ RI ing to Sadad, Syria, more than a mass grave with at least 30 two years after their city was GHDG ERGLHV ´ overrun by terrorists, a local Sadad was also attacked by RIÂżFLDO VDLG Islamic State militants in NoMr Suleiman al Khalil, vember 2015 in an attempt to the mayor of Sadad, told Rus- FRQTXHU WKH FLW\ sian media on April 6 of the Mr Khalil said the return LQĂ€X[ RI &KULVof Christian tians returning families to SadAt least to the city after ad can be attribRussian forces uted to success100 defeated the al ful operations Christians 1XVUD )URQW conducted by the “Christians Russian military have who had left followed by a returned to Syria for Europe FHDVHÂżUH DJUHHthe city and are beginning to ment, reported return to Sadad )LGHV another 200 and also to other The partial are expected cities,â€? he said, FHDVHÂżUH DJUHHaccording to ment, signed in to follow. Fides, the news Munich on Feb agency of the 12, allowed for Congregation for the Evange- humanitarian aid to be delivOLVDWLRQ RI 3HRSOHV HUHG WR DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ The news agency reportThe mayor of Sadad added ed that terrorists of al Nursa that at least 100 Christians Front, also known as Al- have returned to the city and Qaeda in Syria, took hold of DQRWKHU DUH H[SHFWHG WR the city in October 2013, and follow, Fides reported in early “massacres were carried out $SULO „ CNS
Sunday May 1, 2016 „ CatholicNews
Will a ‘right to die’ become a ‘duty to die’? Concerns over Canadian court decision to allow doctor-assisted suicide under certain conditions EDMONTON, ALBERTA – The spec-
legal for some time, people were tre of assisted suicide is leading age- asked why they would seek it; ing people to “fear an institution that they answered with avoidance of should be the last thing they should pain and suffering near the bottom ever fear – a hospital,â€? said Edmon- of the list of reasons, while not ton Archbishop Richard Smith. wanting to be a burden was at the “But the strong feeling is, ‘If I top, said Archbishop Smith. can’t speak for myself, if I’m alone “How does that even creep with no family members, are they into people’s heads?â€? he asked. going to kill me?’â€? he said on April Ms Alicja Chandra, a volun5 at a talk at Edmonton’s Corpus teer at the Edmonton Pregnancy Christi Church. Crisis Centre, said “The strong It is a question it was easy to see WKDW ³ÀRZV QDWXUDOO\´ that people were feeling is, from the January Suconcerned about as‘If I can’t speak sisted suicide. preme Court decision allowing doctor-asShe said she is for myself, if I’m sisted suicide under also concerned about alone with no certain conditions, young people: how the archbishop said. family members, families can be torn “This decision turns apart by the presare they going inside out the relasure the legislation tionship between paputs on people to to kill me?’â€? tient and doctor, pa“not be a burdenâ€? on – Edmonton Archbishop tient and hospital; it their children, or the Richard Smith undermines the trust temptation of young that must be there.â€? people envisioning A series of talks across Ed- coming into an early inheritance. monton archdiocese has drawn “It may come to this: ‘I don’t large crowds and raised poignant need my parent anymore. If he or questions on euthanasia and phy- she goes, then I’ll inherit,’â€? Ms sician-assisted suicide. Chandra said. The other “elephant in the As she nears the last stage of roomâ€? is what the court decision her own life, Ms Chandra said she has to say about family life, said has been proactive in preparing the archbishop. her will and making sure her famEarlier, in a session with a group ily will defend not only her views, of seniors, he heard how the elderly but her pro-life values. are feeling pressure to not be a bur“They’re clear on those isden on their children and on society. sues,â€? she said, although she does “That’s where the so-called not wish her life to be prolonged right-to-die slips into a duty-to- unnecessarily. “If there’s no hope die,â€? he said. for me physically, why not let God In jurisdictions where phy- intervene whenever he wants to sician-assisted suicide has been take me?â€? she asked. „ CNS
Church leaders slam Austrian govtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s barriers against refugees WARSAW, POLAND â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Austrian
Church leaders criticised their government for rebuilding border controls in a bid to keep out refugees. Construction began on April 13 on road barriers and a registration hall at the Brenner Pass, the main route to Austria from Italy. It is expected to be completed by late May. Âł:H FHUWDLQO\ IDFH D VLJQLÂżcant challenge, but the answer cannot lie in saying goodbye to human rights,â&#x20AC;? said Bishop Benno Elbs of Feldkirch, who heads the Austrian Churchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Caritas agency. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Concerns and fears among parts of our population must be taken seriously and met with objective information. But people should fear the polarisation of society, not the refugees.â&#x20AC;? The bishop said on April 14 that it was essential that Austrians not stop â&#x20AC;&#x153;extending helping handsâ&#x20AC;?, adding that Pope Francisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; planned April 16 visit to a refugee camp on the Greek island of Les-
bos would â&#x20AC;&#x153;clearly signal solidarity with people seeking protectionâ&#x20AC;?. A spokesman for Austriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ecumenical Council, which includes the Catholic Church, said the frontier barriers risked becoming â&#x20AC;&#x153;a new symbol of divisionâ&#x20AC;? in Europe. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Refugees arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enemies, but needy people seeking safety,â&#x20AC;? the
we tackle â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;thisEither challenge as a
community or we are doomed to fail.
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Italian Bishop Ivo Muser
spokesman, Mr Erich Leitenberger, told Austriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kathpress news agency on April 13. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t acceptable to leave the European Unionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s southern member-states, especially Greece and Italy, carrying this burden alone. The European project will fail if we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cooperate.â&#x20AC;? Ms Natasha Bertaud, spokes-
woman for the EUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s governing FRPPLVVLRQ VDLG RIÂżFLDOV ZHUH â&#x20AC;&#x153;very concernedâ&#x20AC;? about the new controls, adding that the Brenner Pass was â&#x20AC;&#x153;essential to freedom of movementâ&#x20AC;? in Europe. Church leaders on the Italian side of the pass also criticised the barriers. Archbishop Francesco Moraglia of Venice, Italy, told Italyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s La Repubblica daily on April 8 that he regretted â&#x20AC;&#x153;the elites are manifestly unable to act togetherâ&#x20AC;? in protecting refugees. Bishop Ivo Muser of BolzanoBressanone, whose Italian diocese borders Austria, warned the UHIXJHH LQĂ&#x20AC;X[ ZRXOG ODVW ÂłQRW D few months, but yearsâ&#x20AC;? and said a new assertion of national interests risked â&#x20AC;&#x153;building fences in heads and heartsâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When individual countries pull back, leaving the common responsibility to just a few, these few cannot cope,â&#x20AC;? he added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Either we tackle this challenge as a community or we are doomed to fail.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x201E; CNS
Sunday May 1, 2016 CatholicNews
Miracles From Heaven: a view on the mystery of suffering By John Mulderig
easygoing veterinarian husband, Kevin (Martin Henderson), are NEW YORK – The fact-based dradedicated churchgoers, Christy’s ma Miracles From Heaven tells a faith crumbles in the face of Anremarkable story. nabel’s current torment and imThough director Patricia SHQGLQJ GHPLVH 6KH ¿QGV KHUVHOI Riggen’s screen version of Christy unable to pray. She’s also deeply Beam’s 2015 memoir is clearly angered by the misguided notions designed for believers – and some- of some fellow parishioners who times feels padded – even dedicat- seem to entertain a pre-Christian ed sceptics may have trouble dis- understanding of the connection missing its underlying narrative. between sin and misfortune. A wife and the mother of three Yet a startling, almost inexplicadaughters, Christy (Jennifer Gar- ble, turnaround awaits Christy – one ner) is going about her everyday which is certainly providential if not life in the Fort Worth area of Texas indeed miraculous. when tragedy strikes without warnThough it may be aimed at a ing: Her 10-year-old self-selecting aumiddle daughter dience of the alThe script Annabel (Kylie ready convinced, minimises neither Rogers) develops screenwriter Randy its protagonist’s an unexplained but Brown’s script seemingly unshakcrisis of doubt minimises neither able illness. its protagonist’s crinor the larger Alarmed, Christy of doubt nor the mystery of innocent sis refuses to accept the larger mystery of suffering. series of more or less innocent suffering. casually delivered The dialogue misdiagnoses from unfocused doc- also takes a wide view of what tors with which she’s presented. counts as a divinely inspired marAnd eventually, the grim truth vel, highlighting the above-andemerges. Annabel’s symptoms are beyond kindness shown to Christy LGHQWL¿HG DV VWHPPLQJ IURP SDHGL- and her clan by an ensemble of secatric chronic intestinal pseudo-ob- ondary characters. The most sigstruction, or CIPO, a rare, painful QL¿FDQW RI WKHVH LV $QJHOD 4XHHQ and incurable condition that pre- Latifah), a gregarious waitress who vents the body from digesting food. takes an instant – and cheering – Persistent Christy now fo- shine to Annabel. cuses on obtaining the care of one 7KH ¿OP FRQWDLQV PDWXUH of the few specialists in CIPO, Dr themes as well as potentially upSamuel Nurko (Eugenio Derbez). setting incidents and medical proHowever, although kindly and cedures. CNS caring, Dr Nurko proves powerMulderig is a staff member of less to combat the disease – and Catholic News Service. Miracles Annabel’s death sentence stands. From Heaven is now showing in SinAlthough Christy and her gapore and has a PG rating.
A scene from the movie Miracles From Heaven. From left: Jennifer Garner, Queen Latifah and Kylie Rogers. CNS photo
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
an April 11-13 conference hosted by the Vatican have called for the Catholic Church to renounce its â&#x20AC;&#x153;just warâ&#x20AC;? doctrine and for Pope Francis to write an encyclical on non-violence and â&#x20AC;&#x153;just peaceâ&#x20AC;?. In a closing statement, attendees at the conference, which was sponsored by the Vaticanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s MXVWLFH DQG SHDFH RIÂżFH DQG 3D[ Christi International, the Catholic peace movement, said that too often the doctrine had been used to justify and endorse military action rather than prevent it. Church teaching has long allowed for â&#x20AC;&#x153;just warsâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the use of force to stop an unjust aggression â&#x20AC;&#x201C; as long as certain conditions are met. These include having exhausted other peaceful means, that the force is appropriate and would not produce worse effects, and that there is a reasonable chance of success. But the participants called for the Church to no longer use or teach â&#x20AC;&#x153;just warâ&#x20AC;? theory, but instead develop a new peacemaking framework â&#x20AC;&#x153;consistent with Gospel non-violence,â&#x20AC;? and for the pope to articulate it all in a new encyclical. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The time has come for our
Smoke rises over the Syrian town of Kobani after an international-coalition airstrike in 2014 to drive out the Islamic State. Conference participants say the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;just warâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; doctrine had often been used to justify and endorse military action rather than prevent it. &16 ÂżOH SKRWR
Church to be a living witness and to invest far greater human and ÂżQDQFLDO UHVRXUFHV LQ SURPRWLQJ a spirituality and practice of active non-violence and in forming and training our Catholic communities in effective non-
violent practices,â&#x20AC;? the statement said. Pope Francis has echoed his predecessors in condemning wars and promoting peace. He hosted a marathon prayer vigil to stave off threatened military action
in Syria, brought the Israeli and Palestinian presidents together for a peace summit, and issues near-weekly appeals for peaceIXO HQGV WR FRQĂ&#x20AC;LFWV DURXQG WKH globe. But he has also appeared to
endorse military action to stave off the Islamic State group advance in Iraq and Syria, where Christian minorities have been slaughtered by Islamic extremists. In comments to reporters in 2014, he said it was â&#x20AC;&#x153;licit to stop the unjust aggressor,â&#x20AC;? but said such military action must be endorsed by the international community and that the type of force must be evaluated. The pope issued an opening greeting to the Vatican conference. He did not mention the â&#x20AC;&#x153;just warâ&#x20AC;? theory, but said the â&#x20AC;&#x153;ultimate and most deeply worthy goal of human beings and of the human community is the abolition of warâ&#x20AC;?. Â&#x201E; CATHOLIC HERALD
Pope tells new priests to Nuncio to UN stresses â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;collective SUDFWLVH ZKDW WKH\ SUHDFK LQWHUQDWLRQDO UHVSRQVH¡ WR Ă&#x20AC;JKW WHUURU VATICAN CITY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; What you say and how you live always go hand in hand, building up the Church and the people of God, Pope Francis told new priests. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Therefore, may your doctrine be nourishment to the people of God, joy and supporting those faithful to Christ [be] the fragrance of your life, because the word and example go together,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Word and example edify the house of God, which is the Church,â&#x20AC;? he said in his homily on April 17, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Celebrating Mass in St Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Basilica, Pope Francis ordained 11 new priests; nine were ordained for the Diocese of Rome and two of the new priests â&#x20AC;&#x201C; including one born in Baghdad, Iraq â&#x20AC;&#x201C; belong to the Rogationist Religious order. In his homily, the pope urged WKH PHQ WR UHDG UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW RQ DQG teach the word of God and to be a living example of what they preach. He asked that they imitate Jesus in their lives, including â&#x20AC;&#x153;carrying Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deathâ&#x20AC;? inside of them and walking with him in new life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Without the cross you will never
Pope Francis ordains one of 11 priests on April 17. &16 SKRWR
ÂżQG WKH WUXH -HVXV $QG D FURVV without Christ has no meaning.â&#x20AC;? In administering the sacraments, especially the sacrament of penance, show mercy, he told them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Please, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord, and in the name of the Church, I asked you to be merciful, very merciful.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x201E; CNS
UNITED NATIONS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Only a â&#x20AC;&#x153;collective international responseâ&#x20AC;? can thwart the spectre of terrorism that crosses borders, said the Vaticanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s permanent observer mission to the United Nations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This response must also address the root causes upon which international terrorism feeds,â&#x20AC;? said Archbishop Bernardito Auza on April 14 during a UN Security Council debate titled Threats to International Peace and Security by Terrorist Acts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The present terrorist challenge has a strong sociocultural component,â&#x20AC;? he added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Young people travelling abroad to join the ranks of terrorist organisations are disillusioned by what they experience as a situation of exclusion and by the lack of integration and values in certain societies.â&#x20AC;? Archbishop Auza urged the international community to stop Islamic Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s international reach. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Their access to cyberspace must be denied. Their access to funding must be cut off. No country, no company and no individual must be permitted to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;do
French soldiers patrol near the Eiffel Tower in Paris in the wake of terrorist attacks earlier this year. The Vaticanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s permanent observer to the UN said that no country must be permitted to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;do businessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with terror groups. &16 ÂżOH SKRWR
businessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with terror groups, in particular in arms and ammunitions,â&#x20AC;? the UN nuncio said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Collaboration with terror JURXSV ZKHWKHU IRU SURÂżW RU IRU ideological complicity, must be outlawed. Member states that abet violent extremism or shelter terror groups must be rigorously challenged by this council,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Violations against international humanitarian law and all crimes against humanity commit-
ted by terror groups must be vigorously pursued.â&#x20AC;? Archbishop Auza blasted â&#x20AC;&#x153;the mendacity and blasphemy of terrorist groups who claim to kill and oppress in the name of religionâ&#x20AC;?, saying they â&#x20AC;&#x153;must be openly denounced in the strongest possible terms. Religious leaders, in particular, have a grave responsibility to condemn co-believers who seek to instrumentalise their reliJLRQ DV D MXVWLÂżFDWLRQ IRU YLROHQFH Â&#x201E; CNS
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
Pope prays for refugees, brings 12 Syrians back to Rome GREECE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pope )UDQFLVÂś ÂżYH KRXU YLVLW WR *UHHFH ended with him offering safe passage to Italy to 12 Syrian Muslim refugees, half of them under the age of 18. The Vatican had kept secret the popeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plan to invite the members RI WKUHH 6\ULDQ IDPLOLHV WR Ă&#x20AC;\ EDFN to Rome with him on April 16. Rumours began swirling in the Greek media a couple of hours before WKH Ă&#x20AC;LJKW WRRN RII EXW LW ZDV FRQÂżUPHG E\ WKH 9DWLFDQ RQO\ DV WKH 12 were boarding the papal plane. The Vatican Secretariat of State made formal arrangements with the Italy and the Greek governments to obtain the legal permits needed for the refugees to live in Italy, a Vatican statement said. 7KH 9DWLFDQ ZLOO DVVXPH ÂżQDQFLDO responsibility for the families, who will be assisted by the Romebased Community of Santâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Egidio. All 12 in the group, the Vatican added, had arrived in Greece prior to March 20, the date a European Union agreement with Turkey went into effect for returning most asylum seekers to Turkey. After spending the morning with desperate refugees interned in a camp in Greece, Pope Francis
and Orthodox leaders turned their attention and prayers to the sea, WKH ÂżQDO EXULDO SODFH RI KXQGUHGV who died trying to get to Europe. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Though many of their graves bear no name, to you each one is known, loved and cherished,â&#x20AC;? Pope Francis prayed on April 16 in Mytilene, a city on Lesbos, the island on which more than half the refugees have landed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wake us from the slumber of indifference,â&#x20AC;? the pope prayed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;open our eyes to their suffering and free us from the insensitivity born of world comfort and selfcentredness.â&#x20AC;? In his prayer, Pope Francis insisted â&#x20AC;&#x153;we are all migrants, journeying in hopeâ&#x20AC;? towards God in heaven. Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Orthodox Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and all Greece stood alongside Pope Francis on the waterfront at the Mytilene harbour on the bright spring day. They, too, offered prayers for those who died making the crossing and joined the pope in blessing laurel wreaths that were tossed into the sea. Recognising the generosity and VDFULÂżFH RI WKH *UHHN JRYHUQPHQW
At Ciampino airport in Rome on April 16, Pope Francis greets Syrian refugees he brought to Rome from the Greek island of Lesbos. CNS photo
and Greek people, who had tried to assist hundreds of thousands of refugees despite an ongoing ecoQRPLF FULVLV WKH SRSH WROG WKHP â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are guardians of humanity for you care with tenderness for the body of Christ, who suffers in the least of His brothers and sisters, the hungry and the stranger, whom you have welcomed.â&#x20AC;? With hundreds of thousands of SHRSOH Ă&#x20AC;HHLQJ YLROHQFH LQ 6\ULD DQG ,UDT DQG Ă&#x20AC;HHLQJ H[WUHPH SRY-
We are all migrants, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;journeying in hope.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pope Francis
erty and persecution elsewhere, Pope Francis acknowledged that Europeans and their governments naturally could feel overwhelmed. The fact that the newcomers speak different languages and have different religions and cultures adds to the challenge. But the migrants â&#x20AC;&#x153;are living in trying conditions, in an atmosphere of anxiety and fear, at times even of despair, due to material hardship and uncertainty for the future,â&#x20AC;? the pope said. While the concerns of governments are â&#x20AC;&#x153;understandable and legitimate,â&#x20AC;? he said, one must never forget that â&#x20AC;&#x153;migrants, rather than VLPSO\ EHLQJ D VWDWLVWLF DUH ÂżUVW RI
all persons who have faces, names and individual stories.â&#x20AC;? Greece, and to a lesser extent Italy, are on the frontlines of the refXJHH LQĂ&#x20AC;X[ DQG DUH IRUFHG WR EHDU much of the burden for welcoming, housing and screening them as other European countries close their ERUGHUV RU PDNH HQWU\ GLIÂżFXOW Pope Francis praised the people of Lesbos for showing that â&#x20AC;&#x153;in these lands, the cradle of civilisation, the heart of humanity continues to beat; a humanity that before all else recognises others as brothers and sisters, a humanity that wants to build bridges and recoils from the idea of putting up walls to make us feel safer.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x201E; CNS
Help refugees, religious leaders urge â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;It makes you weep,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; pope says of refugeesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; stories
MYTILENE, GREECE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pope Fran-
cis, Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Orthodox Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and all Greece spent more time on April 16 greeting the refugees individually than they did giving speeches. The children received a pat on the head and the men a handshake. In respect for the Muslim faith of most of the women, the leaders put their hands over their hearts and bowed in greeting them. An Iraqi woman asked for the assistance of the pope and patriDUFK LQ ÂżQGLQJ PHGLFDO FDUH IRU KHU daughter with bone cancer. Another woman kept saying, in English, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are very tired here.â&#x20AC;? A man told the pope that he had a brother and sister in Canada and was trying to join them. Another man pleaded with Pope Francis, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Please, Father, bless me. Father, please, bless me.â&#x20AC;? Archbishop Ieronymos, speaking at the refugee camp, said he hoped to never again â&#x20AC;&#x153;see children washing up on the shores of the Aegean.â&#x20AC;? The Orthodox archbishop spoke with pride of the Greek people who have opened their hearts and even their homes to the refugees, despite years of serious economic trouble
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Pope Francis meet children at the Moria refugee camp on the island of Lesbos, Greece. CNS photo
and a government almost crippled by austerity measures. For Patriarch Bartholomew, the visit to the camp was summarised as solidarity in tears. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have wept as we watched the Mediterranean Sea becoming a burial ground for your loved ones,â&#x20AC;? he told the refugees. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have wept as we witnessed the sympathy and sensitivity of the people of Lesbos and other islands.â&#x20AC;? Pope Francis told those interned at the camp that he wanted to join the patriarch and archbishop RQ /HVERV ÂżUVW RI DOO ÂłVLPSO\ WR EH with you and to hear your stories.â&#x20AC;? However, he also said they wanted to call the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attention
to the refugee crisis in the hopes â&#x20AC;&#x153;that the world will heed these scenes of tragic and indeed desperate need, and respond in a way worthy of our common humanity.â&#x20AC;? The three leaders signed a joint declaration at the refugee camp insisting the world â&#x20AC;&#x153;cannot ignore the colossal humanitarian crisis created by the spread of violence DQG DUPHG FRQĂ&#x20AC;LFW WKH SHUVHFXWLRQ and displacement of religious and ethnic minorities and the uprooting of families from their homes.â&#x20AC;? The Churchesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; concern for refugees, they said in the declaration, is not a political position but part RI IXOÂżOOLQJ WKH &KULVWLDQ PLVVLRQ of service to the world. Â&#x201E; CNS
ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM GREECE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Spending about
half an hour answering reportersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; questions, Pope Francis insisted his visit to Greece with Orthodox leaders was not about criticising a recent agreement between the European Union and Turkey to return to Turkey those entering EU territory without legal permission. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What I saw today and what you saw in that refugee camp â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it makes you weep,â&#x20AC;? the pope told reporters aboard the papal plane back to Rome. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Look what I brought to show you,â&#x20AC;? the pope told them. He held up some of the drawings the children in the camp had given him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Look at this,â&#x20AC;? he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;this one saw a child drown.â&#x20AC;? $VNHG VSHFLÂżFDOO\ DERXW LPmigration to the US and how it relates to what he had called a â&#x20AC;&#x153;catastrophe,â&#x20AC;? Pope Francis insisted â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a global problemâ&#x20AC;? and that &HQWUDO $PHULFDQV Ă&#x20AC;HHLQJ SRYerty and violence also deserve the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s concern and assistance. On other questions during the LQĂ&#x20AC;LJKW QHZV FRQIHUHQFH 3RSH )UDQFLV FRQÂżUPHG KH had met US Senator Bernie Sand-
ers that morning as the pope was leaving his residence. Mr Sanders and other participants at a Vatican conference were staying in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where the pope lives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was politeâ&#x20AC;? for Mr Sanders, who knew when the pope was leaving, to go downstairs to greet him, the pope said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If someone thinks greeting someone is to get involved in politics, I recommend he see a psychiatrist.â&#x20AC;? The pope was asked to settle debate about his post-synodal apostolic exhortation on the family and whether the document opened new possibilities for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion under some circumstances. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I could say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Yes. Period,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; but that would be too short a response,â&#x20AC;? the pope said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I recommend everyone read the presentation made by Cardinal [Christoph] Schonbornâ&#x20AC;? at the Vatican news conference presenting the document. The cardinal, archbishop of Vienna, had said the document represented â&#x20AC;&#x153;true innovations, but no breakâ&#x20AC;? with Church tradition. Â&#x201E; CNS
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
Catholics, Methodists can learn from one another, says pope CNS photo
VATICAN CITY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Catholics and
Methodists can still learn from one another how holiness is lived and understood, Pope Francis said. Religious leaders must also ensure that members of both congregations â&#x20AC;&#x153;meet regularly, come to know one another and encourage one another to seek the Lord DQG KLV JUDFH´ KH VDLG $SULO The pope met at the Vatican with members of the World Methodist Council, the Methodist Council of Europe and the Methodist Church in Britain who attended the opening of the new Methodist (FXPHQLFDO 2IÂżFH LQ 5RPH The centre, the pope said, is a VLJQ RI D ÂłJURZLQJ FORVHQHVV´ EHtween the two Churches and the desire to â&#x20AC;&#x153;overcome all that stands LQ WKH ZD\ RI RXU IXOO FRPPXQLRQ´ â&#x20AC;&#x153;May the Lord bless the work RI WKH RIÂżFH DQG PDNH LW D SODFH where Catholics and Methodists can encounter one another and grow in appreciation of one anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s faith, whether they be groups of pilgrims, those training for ministry, or those who guide WKHLU FRPPXQLWLHV ´ WKH SRSH VDLG While differences remain, the pope said that continued dialogue
Members of the Clayton First United Methodist Church praying during a service in Lakemont, Georgia, USA. Pope Francis told Methodists recently that they and Catholics are bound to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;give concrete witness to the love of Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
ÂłEDVHG RQ UHVSHFW DQG IUDWHUQLW\´ continues to enrich both communities. Citing the words of John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism, the pope said members of both communities must help one another ÂłLQ ZKDWHYHU OHDGV WR WKH NLQJGRP´ Although Catholics and Methodists cannot â&#x20AC;&#x153;yet think alike in all things, at least we may love DOLNH´ KH DGGHG
â&#x20AC;&#x153;None of these differences constitutes such an obstacle as to prevent us from loving in the same way and offering a common ZLWQHVV WR WKH ZRUOG ´ KH VDLG â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our lives of holiness must always include a loving service to the world; Catholics and Methodists together are bound to work in different ways in order to give concrete witness to the love of &KULVW ´ Â&#x201E; CNS
Pope urges release of kidnapped priest VATICAN CITY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pope Francis has appealed for the release of all people being held captive in the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s battle zones, including Salesian Fr Thomas Uzhunnalil, who was abducted in Yemen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I renew my appeal for the liberation of all people kidnapped LQ DUHDV RI DUPHG FRQĂ&#x20AC;LFW ´ WKH pope said after praying the Regina Coeli with pilgrims gathered in St Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Square on April 10. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In particular, I want to remember Salesian Fr Tom Uzhunnalil, abducted in Aden in Yemen RQ 0DUFK ´ WKH SRSH VDLG Fr Uzhunnalil was kidnapped from a home for the aged and disabled run by the Missionaries of Charity in Aden. Four Missionaries of Charity and 12 others were murdered in the attack. Born in Kerala, India, the 56-year-old priest had been serving in Yemen for the past four years as a chaplain to the Sisters. Fr Francesco Cereda, a topUDQNLQJ 6DOHVLDQ RIÂżFLDO VDLG WKH Holy See, the Indian government, Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Salesian community were all working to secure the priestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s release. Â&#x201E; CNS
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Discernmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; required when tending to divorced or civilly remarried Â&#x201E; From Page 1
Pope Francis said it would be a â&#x20AC;&#x153;grave dangerâ&#x20AC;? to give people the impression that â&#x20AC;&#x153;any priest can quickly grant â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;exceptionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; or that some people can obtain sacramental privileges in exchange for favours.â&#x20AC;? At the same time, he insisted, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the way of the Church is not to condemn anyone forever; it is to pour out the balm of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mercy on all those who ask for it with a sincere heart.â&#x20AC;? Divorced and civilly remarried couples, especially those with children, must be welcomed in Catholic parishes and supported in efforts to raise their children in the faith.
Discernment over rules and guidelines Generally, without an annulment of their sacramental marriage, such a couple would not be able to receive communion or absolution of their sins unless they promised to live as â&#x20AC;&#x153;brother and sister.â&#x20AC;? But every situation is different, the pope said, which is why the Church does not need new rules, but a new commitment on the part of pastors to provide spiritual guidance and assistance with discernment. The diversity of situations â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for example, that of a spouse who was abandoned versus being the one who left â&#x20AC;&#x201C; makes it unwise to issue â&#x20AC;&#x153;a new set of general rules, canonical in nature and applicable to all cases,â&#x20AC;? the pope wrote. Quoting St John Paul II, he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;since the degree of responsibility is not equal in all cases,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; the consequences or effects of a rule need not necessarily always be the same.â&#x20AC;? Pope Francis used the documentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s footnotes to specify that the consequences include whether or not the couple might eventually be able to receive communion: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is also the case with regard to sacramental discipline, since discernment can recognise that in a particular situation no grave fault exists,â&#x20AC;? he wrote. Those who are in a state of serious sin are not to receive communion.
A newly married couple hold rosaries. Pope Francis said divorced and civilly remarried couples must be welcomed in Catholic parishes. &16 ÂżOH SKRWR
Another footnote commented on the Churchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s request that remarried couples who had not received an annulment and who want to receive the sacraments forgo sexual relations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In such situations, many people, knowing and accepting the possibility of living â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;as brothers and sistersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; which the Church offers them, point out that if certain
7KH &KXUFK GRHV QRW QHHG QHZ UXOHV EXW D QHZ FRPPLWPHQW WR SURYLGH VSLULWXDO JXLGDQFH DQG DVVLVWDQFH ZLWK GLVFHUQPHQW VDLG 3RSH )UDQFLV expressions of intimacy are lacking, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;it often happens that faithfulness is endangered and the good of the children suffers,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? he wrote. Pope Francis wrote that he understood those â&#x20AC;&#x153;who prefer a more rigorous pastoral care which leaves no room for confusion. But I sincerely believe that Jesus wants a Church attentive to the goodness which the Holy Spirit sows in the
Pope Francis poses with children at the Vatican. He noted that having children â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;must be seen as gift from God that enriches the relationship of the spousesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. &16 SKRWR
midst of human weakness, a mother who, while clearly expressing her objective teaching, always does what good she can, even if in the process, her shoes get soiled by the mud of the street.â&#x20AC;?
6LJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQFH of marriage life Turning to those who believe allowing divorced and remarried Catholics to receive communion waters down Church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage, the pope said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We put so many conditions on mercy that we empty it of its concrete meaning and real VLJQLÂżFDQFH 7KDW LV WKH ZRUVW ZD\ of watering down the Gospel.â&#x20AC;? In many respects, Pope Francis wrote, Church members themselves have presented and promoted such a dreary picture of married life that many people want nothing to do with it even though they dream of a love that will last a lifetime and be faithful. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have long thought that simply by stressing doctrinal, bioethical and moral issues, without encouraging openness to grace,
ZH ZHUH SURYLGLQJ VXIÂżFLHQW VXSport to families, strengthening the marriage bond and giving meaning to marital life,â&#x20AC;? he wrote. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We ÂżQG LW GLIÂżFXOW WR SUHVHQW PDUULDJH more as a dynamic path to perVRQDO GHYHORSPHQW DQG IXOÂżOPHQW than as a lifelong burden. Âł:H DOVR ÂżQG LW KDUG WR PDNH room for the consciences of the faithful, who very often respond as best they can to the Gospel amid their limitations, and are capable of carrying out their own discernment in complex situations,â&#x20AC;? the pope wrote. Yet, â&#x20AC;&#x153;we have been called to form consciences, not to replace them.â&#x20AC;?
Building a family The role of an individualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s conscience made frequent appearances in the document, not only regarding the situation of those who may determine how their new union is best for their family, but also regarding decisions over how many children to have. Pope Francis praised Blessed Paul VIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s encyclical Humanae Vitae, which insisted every sexual
act in a marriage must be open to the possibility of pregnancy, and included a large section reiterating what has become known as St John Paul IIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Theology of the Body. 7KH VDLQWO\ SRSH GHÂżQLWLYHO\ opposed an old idea that considered â&#x20AC;&#x153;the erotic dimension of love simply as a permissible evil or a burden to be tolerated for the good of the family,â&#x20AC;? Pope Francis said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rather, it must be seen as gift from God that enriches the relationship of the spouses.â&#x20AC;? Pope Francis called for Church leaders to ensure more married couples are involved as leaders in designing and carrying out pastoral programmes for families. Their witness is key, he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Marital love is not defended primarily by presenting indissolubility as a duty, or by repeating doctrine, but by helping it to grow ever stronger under the impulse of grace,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A love that fails to grow is at risk. Growth can only occur if we respond to Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace through constant acts of love, acts of kindness that become ever more frequent, intense, generous, tender and cheerful.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x201E; CNS
Document on family develops doctrine, doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t change it VATICAN CITY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pope Francisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; GRFXPHQW RQ WKH IDPLO\ UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWV DQ â&#x20AC;&#x153;organic developmentâ&#x20AC;? of Church teaching and doctrine, said Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, theologian and participant in both synods that dealt with the topic. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are true innovations, but no breakâ&#x20AC;? in tradition, the cardinal told reporters during a news conference at the Vatican on April 8, presenting the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love). The document emphasises WKH QHHG IRU JUHDWHU UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQ and discernment by pastors and Catholic couples in so-called â&#x20AC;&#x153;irregularâ&#x20AC;? situations as they look
Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schonborn speaks during a news conference for the release of Pope Francisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), at the Vatican on April 8.
for ways they can participate more deeply in Church life, he said. Proper discernment is nothing new, the cardinal told another reporter. It has always been
the serious duty of the lay faithful and their pastors or confessors. Everyone is responsible, he said, because â&#x20AC;&#x153;you cannot play with the sacraments, you cannot
play with the conscience.â&#x20AC;? Those in a broken marriage must honestly examine their conscience before God, he said, and reĂ&#x20AC;HFW RQ WKHLU UROH LQ WKH PDUULDJHÂśV breakdown or whether it was caQRQLFDOO\ YDOLG LQ WKH ÂżUVW SODFH At the news conference, a married couple, both philosophy professors, spoke about their impressions of the exhortation. Ms Giuseppina De Simone said the popeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tone and style made it feel like he was taking people â&#x20AC;&#x153;by the hand to discover the beauty of our families â&#x20AC;&#x201C; imperfect, fragile, but extraordinary because they are supported in their
daily journey by the love of the Lord who never tires, doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t renege, and makes everything new.â&#x20AC;? She said the text is an invitation for people to step away from the noise, confusion and discouragements in the world, and to look, listen and truly appreciate â&#x20AC;&#x153;the treasure we have in our hands, the great good there is in the normalcy of our lives.â&#x20AC;? So many problems and crises in families, she said, grow out of an inability to make time for the other and look at others with mercy and respect. Families and love are a â&#x20AC;&#x153;dynamic processâ&#x20AC;? that require â&#x20AC;&#x153;struggle and rebirth,â&#x20AC;? she said. Â&#x201E; CNS
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
Fortnightly newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore
2 Highland Road, #01-03 Singapore 549102. Telephone: 6858 3055. Fax: 6858 2055. Website: Facebook: MANAGING EDITOR: Father Richards Ambrose:
IN MEMORIAM: Racquel Castanares: SUBSCRIPTIONS: Richard Paul:
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The views or positions presented in articles in CatholicNews do not necessarily represent the views of the Church. Advertisements that appear in CatholicNews are not necessarily endorsed by the Church.
Why is Good Friday not Day of Obligation? Q: We have celebrated Good Fri-
day and it brought up a question I had been wanting to ask for a long time. Why is Good Friday not a Holy 'D\ RI 2EOLJDWLRQ" 6XUHO\ WKH IXOÂżOment of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work on redemption was an epic event in history worthy of the glory, as the Ascension was. Anthony Oei Singapore 575146
: 7KH &KXUFK JLYHV XV D OLVW RI days and feasts which are liturgically the most important in terms of ranking, and this is found in the Table of Liturgical Days in the GenHUDO 5RPDQ &DOHQGDU ,W OLVWV WKH (DVWHU 7ULGXXP DV WKH ÂżUVW DQG PRVW important in terms of eminence. In an article on the Spirituality of the Seasons, Franciscan priest and liturgist Fr Thomas Richstatter wrote on the need to understand the essential difference between a list of obligations and a list of what is most important. This appeared in an article printed in the St Anthonyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Messenger, April 1995. In it, Fr Richstatter rightly explained that just because the days of the Triduum are not made obligatory does not mean that they are not important days. They are, and they are eminently important enough to rank at the top of the table of Liturgical Days. The solemnity of Easter, he says, has same kind of preeminence that Sundays have. When it is understood this way, it is akin to saying that it is a given that these days are so fun-
Just because the days of the Triduum are not made obligatory does not mean that they are not important days. damental that one does not need to be reminded of the need to observe these days with a special attentiveness and love. To give a crude example, it would be akin to the birthday of the patriarch in any household. It is a given that his birthday should automatically be accorded the due reverence he deserves and there should be no need to send a memo to every member of the family that his birthday is to be celebrated with some degree of auspiciousness, and this should be done out of great love for him.
We need to apply this to the celebration of the Triduum. All the days of the Triduum are just as important, not just Good Friday in isolation. I am wont to believe that the diocese could do with a greater emphasis on liturgical catechesis highlighting their grave importance. When a matter is understood to have an importance of preeminence, no law is needed. When understanding is lacking, laws, no matter how VWULFW ZLOO RIWHQ EH Ă&#x20AC;RXWHG Â&#x201E; Fr Luke Fong
Do you have a burning question on the faith? Questions on the Faith is a new column for you to have your questions answered by authorities on various topics. Just email your question to, and
include your full name, address and contact number. All decisions on submissions rest with those answering the questions. Published submissions will be edited.
Power of prayer and ritual inside our helplessness IN THE movie based upon Jane Austenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s classic novel, Sense and Sensibility, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a very poignant scene where one of her young heroines, suffering from acute pneumonia, is lying in bed hovering between life and death. A young man, very much in love with her, is pacing back and forth, highly agitated, frustrated by his helplessness to do anything of use, and literally jumping out of his skin. Unable to contain his agitation any longer, he goes to the girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother and asks what he might do to be helpful. She replies that thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing he can do, the situation is beyond them. Unable to live with that response he says to her: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Give me some task to do, or I shall go mad!â&#x20AC;? Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve all had the feeling at times when in the face of a dire situation we need to do something, but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing we can do, no magic wand we can wave to make things better. But there is something we can do. I recall an event in my own life several years ago: I was teaching summer school in Belgium when, late one evening, just as I was getting ready for bed, I received an email that a two friends of mine, a man and a woman recently engaged, had been involved that day in a fatal car accident. He was killed instantly and she was in serious condition in hospital. I was living by myself in a university dorm, thousands of miles from where this all happened, and thousands of miles from anyone with whom I could share this sorrow. Alone, agitated, panicked, and desperately needing to do something but being absolutely helpless to do anything, I was literally driven to my knees. Not being able to do anything else, I picked up the prayer-book that FRQWDLQV WKH 2IÂżFH RI WKH &KXUFK DQG SUD\HG E\ P\VHOI WKH 9HVSHUV SUD\HU IRU WKH GHDG :KHQ ,ÂśG ÂżQLVKHG P\ VRUURZ KDGQÂśW JRQH DZD\ my friend was still dead, but my panic had subsided, as had my desperate need to do something (when there was nothing I could do). My prayer that night gave me some sense that the young man whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d died that day was alright, safe somewhere in a place beyond us, and it also relieved me of the agitation and panicked pressure of needing to do something in the face of agitated helplessness. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d done the only thing I could do, the thing thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been done in the face of helplessness and death since the beginning of time; Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d given myself over to prayer and to the rituals of the community and the faith of the community. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s these, prayer and ritual, which we have at our disposal at those times when, like the man in Sense and Sensibility, we need to do something or we will go mad. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not only true for heavy, sorrowful times when loved ones are sick or dying or killed in accidents and we need to do something but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing we can do. We also need ritual to help us celebrate happy times properly. What should we do when our own children are getting married? Among other things, we need to celebrate the ritual of marriage because no wedding planner in the world can do for us what the ritual, especially WKH &KXUFK ULWXDO RI PDUULDJH FDQ GR :HGGLQJV MXVW OLNH IXQHUDOV are a prime example of where we need ritual to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Sadly, today, we are a culture that for the most part is ritually tone-deaf. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand ritual and therefore mostly donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what to do when we need to be doing something. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fault, a painful poverty, in our understanding. The Trappist monks who were martyred in Algeria in 1996 were ÂżUVW YLVLWHG E\ WKH ,VODPLF H[WUHPLVWV ZKR ZRXOG ODWHU NLGQDS DQG NLOO WKHP RQ &KULVWPDV (YH MXVW DV WKH\ ZHUH SUHSDULQJ WR FHOHEUDWH &KULVWPDV PDVV $IWHU VRPH LQLWLDO WKUHDWV WKHLU HYHQWXDO PXUGHUers left. The monks were badly shaken. They huddled together as a group for a time to digest what had just happened. Then, not knowing what else to do in the face of this threat and their fear, they sang WKH &KULVWPDV PDVV ,Q WKH ZRUGV RI WKHLU $EERWW Âł,WÂśV ZKDW ZH KDG to do. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all we could do! It was the right thing.â&#x20AC;? He shared too, as did a number of the other monks (in their diaries) that they found this, celebrating the ritual of Mass in the face of their fear and panic, something that calmed their fear and brought some steadiness and regularity back into their lives. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lesson to be learned here, one that can bring steadiness and calm into our lives at those times when we desperately need to do something, but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing to do. Ritual: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what we have to do. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all we can do! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the right thing. Â&#x201E;
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
Learning to listen during the Year of Mercy How truly listening can be a way of showing love and mercy Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Under renovation/restoration.
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.15am, 6.15pm & 8pm
St Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church (Victoria Street) May 4: 6.30pm, 8pm (Latin) May 5: 1.15pm, 6.30pm & 8pm
Church of St Francis Xavier May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 6.30pm & 8.30pm
Church of Sts Peter & Paul May 4: 5.30pm May 5: 7.20am, 5.30pm , 7.30pm (M*)
St Anneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 6.15pm & 8pm
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes May 4: 6.30pm May 5: 12.30pm, 6.30pm, 8pm (T*)
Church of St Vincent De Paul May 4: 8pm May 5: 7am, 6pm & 8pm
Church of the Sacred Heart May 4: 7pm May 5: 7am, 12pm, 7pm Church of St Teresa May 4: 8pm May 5: 12.30pm & 8pm Church of St Alphonsus (Novena Church) Under reconstruction (May 5: 12.15pm at Church of The Risen Christ) Church of St Bernadette May 4: 6pm May 5: 6.30am, 7pm Church of St Michael May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 8pm
WEST Church of St Ignatius May 4: 6pm May 5: 7am, 6pm & 8pm Blessed Sacrament Church May 4: 7.30pm May 5: 7am & 8.30am, 6pm & 8pm Church of St Mary of the Angels May 4: 7.30pm May 5: 6.55am, 1.15pm , 6.30pm & 8.15pm Church of St Francis of Assisi May 4: 7pm May 5: 6.30am, 7pm (M*), 8.15pm Church of the Holy Cross May 4: 6pm (M*), 7.30pm May 5: 6.15am, 6pm & 7.30pm
EAST Church of the Holy Family May 4: 7.30pm May 5: 6.15am, 1pm, 7.30pm Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace May 4: 6.30pm May 5: 6.30am, 7pm, 8.30pm (M*) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 12.30pm , 6pm & 8pm Church of St Stephen May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 8pm Church of the Holy Trinity May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 6pm & 8pm Church of Divine Mercy May 4: 7pm May 5: 6.30am, 1pm , 7pm & 8.30pm NORTH St Joseph Church (Bukit Timah) May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 8pm Church of St Anthony May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 8pm Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea May 4: 6.30pm May 5: 6.45am, 12.15pm , 6.30pm & 8pm
CATHOLIC PRAYER SOCIETY All Masses below are on Thursday May 5, 2016 CPS Orchard Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel (please refer to hotel signage) Time: 12.40pm & 1.20pm Contact: 9754-3672 / 9794-0963 CPS Outram Venue: The Medical Alumni Association Building, Level 2, 2 College Road, SGH Campus Time: 12.15pm Contact: 9823-3971 / 9878-2833 CPS Changi Business Park Venue: UE Convention Centre, Level 1 Auditorium Time: 12.15pm Contact: 9826-2246 / 8180-7089 CPS Shenton Venue: Singapore Conference Room Section Practice Room, Level 2 Time: 12.20pm & 1.20pm Contact: 9090-6032 / 9114-9240 CPS Suntec Venue: Suntec Singapore Convention + Exhibition Centre, Level 6 Meeting Room 606A+B Time: 12.15pm & 1.15pm Contact: 6408-7891
Church of the Holy Spirit May 4: 8 pm May 5: 6.30am, 6pm & 8pm
CPS Raffles Venue: The 3rd Space, China Square Central Time: 11.15am, 12.15pm & 1.15pm Contact: 9622-1775 / 9765-8832
Church of the Risen Christ May 4: 7pm May 5: 6.30am, 12.15pm, 6pm, 8pm
CPS Jurong East Please refer to CPS website Contact: 9889-3438 / 9376-9897
Church of Christ the King May 4: 8pm May 5: 6.30am, 1pm, 6.15pm & 8pm SERANGOON Church of the Nativity of the BVM May 4: 6.30pm, 8pm (M*) May 5: 6.30am, 6.30pm & 8pm
SCIENCE PARK Science Park Venue: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oasisâ&#x20AC;?, 87 Science Park Drive, S (118260) Time: 12.30pm Note: M*: Mandarin; T*: Tamil Please check with parishes for updates.
%\ (IÂżH &DOGDUROD I was sitting in a reconciliation room once, confessing my usual garden variety list of sins when I was suddenly aware that the priest was gazing out the window. %HLQJ UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLYH SHUKDSV" No, I was fairly sure he was daydreaming. I left my confession with the feeling that I was forgiven by God but ignored by my confessor. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve all been in situations where we know weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been talking and no oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been listening. Sometimes, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sure, when asked a question by our spouse that we had just answered 20 Parents listening to their daughter during dinner. A good way to elicit conminutes before, that our words versation would be to put everything else aside for a few minutes and listen. have drifted off unheard into the often murky cloud of marriage communication. It happens to the tening ear. Like most moms, my ionâ&#x20AC;? as theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re often called, you best of spouses. standard question when my kids know what good listening is. A But in this Year of Mercy, walked in the door from school good companion doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tell you perhaps one aspect of mercy ZDV RIWHQ Âł+RZ ZDV \RXU GD\"´ what you should be doing, showwe might focus on is our listen- Not a very creative way to elicit er you with advice or regale you ing skills. I know mine can use conversation, and depending on with personal experiences. He some real attention. And I know the age and the attitude of the listens and asks the right questhat truly listening to someone kid, that question might result tions to lead you to clarity of is a great gift that we can give LQ OHQJWK\ EDQWHU RU D PXIĂ&#x20AC;HG thinking. We should practise listenthem, a way of showing love and grunt. mercy in the midst of a very busy Better to stop what youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ing like that with our family and world. doing, look your child in the friends. In this Year of Mercy, we I recently had a conversation eye and ask some meatier ques- all need a trusted friend. Practise with a deacon tions, maybe over being that person. Â&#x201E; CNS whose ministry a quick snack. Put takes him to a everything else 2XU KRPHV DUH homeless shelter. aside for a few WKH ÂżUVW SODFH His work there minutes and lisinvolves listenten. WR SUDFWLVH ing, simply being Because of the OLVWHQLQJ present. Present constant noise of to people who our world â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the &HQWUH \RXUVHOI often are ignored Internet, social DQG IRFXV RQ by the world and media, news â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we have no one with RIWHQ ÂżQG RXUOLVWHQLQJ DQG whom to share selves listening QRW WDONLQJ their troubles, to two things at their history, their once. I used to grief. think multitasking Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a huge gift to them to have was a good thing, but I realise it someone (especially someone really means youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just doing a LGHQWLÂżHG ZLWK WKH &KXUFK ZKR couple of things very poorly inwill listen and provide what my stead of one thing well. friend the deacon called â&#x20AC;&#x153;nonThis is overwhelmingly true judgmental dialogue.â&#x20AC;? when it comes to listening to 2XU KRPHV DUH WKH ÂżUVW SODFH another. When my children or a to practise listening. First, listen friend phones, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m often at the to God by closing your eyes and computer or maybe watching the EORFNLQJ RXW GLVWUDFWLRQV &HQWUH news. It takes discipline to turn yourself and focus on listening away from screens and give undiand not talking. Tough to do, but vided attention for a few minutes JRRG SUDFWLFH HYHQ IRU ÂżYH PLQ- to the person on the other end of utes, and the God of love is there the line. Focus on them. Say a even if we have a tough time prayer. Listen. shutting up. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had a good spiritual Second, our kids need a lis- director, or â&#x20AC;&#x153;spiritual compan-
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
After Peter had a vision from God, the followers of Jesus started preaching the good news of the Lord not only to the Jews but also to the gentiles. The gentiles were non-Jews who believed in other gods. The Holy Spirit told the apostles that Paul and Barnabas were being called to do special work. The two men were blessed by their friends beIRUH WDNLQJ RII RQ WKHLU ÂżUVW PLVVLRQary journey to the cities where the gentiles lived. When they preached in Iconium, which is located in present-day Turkey, they converted many gentiles and even some Jews to Christianity. After a while, the Jews living in Iconium who did not believe in Jesus made people mad at 3DXO DQG %DUQDEDV 7KH WZR PHQ Ă&#x20AC;HG the city before they were killed.
Their next stop was Lystra, also in what is now present-day Turkey. There they met a man who was crippled since birth. He had never taken a step in his entire life. The man was in the crowd of people listening to Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s preaching. Paul noticed the man and saw that he had faith. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stand up straight on your feet,â&#x20AC;? Paul told him. The man jumped up and began to walk around. The other people who had gathered around Paul to hear him speak were amazed. But, since they believed in other gods, they did not understand the miracle Paul had performed was not through his own power, but through the power of God and Jesus. Instead, they thought Paul himself was a god. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The gods have come down to us in human form,â&#x20AC;? they shouted as the crowd went wild.
St Petronax St Petronax (d. 747) was from Brescia, Italy, and joined the Benedictines. In 717, he traveled to the ruins of an abbey at Monte Cassino. The hermits living in the ruins elected him as their superior. The saint rebuilt the abbey and it once again became very famous. Many people either joined the order or wanted to visit because it was such a friendly and holy place. We honour St Petronax on May 6. Â&#x201E;
Paul and Barnabas began to shout that they were not gods, only men. Just then, some of the Jews from Iconium came and made the crowd turn against Paul, who was stoned and dragged from the city. Paul survived, and he and Barnabas continued on their journey, travelling to many other gentile cities. The two men also strengthened the other followers of Jesus, telling them not to give up their preaching.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,â&#x20AC;? they said. Â&#x201E; Read more about it: Acts 14
Q&A 1. What miracle did Paul perform in Lystra? 2. Who did the people of Lystra think Paul was?
Wordsearch: Â&#x201E; WILD
Â&#x201E; MAD
Â&#x201E; FEET
Â&#x201E; FLED
Â&#x201E; NEWS
Â&#x201E; FALSE
Â&#x201E; JEWS
Â&#x201E; MEN
Â&#x201E; FAITH
Â&#x201E; WORKS Â&#x201E; GOOD
Â&#x201E; CITY
BIBLE TRIVIA: :KR ZDV WKH ÂżUVW of the original apostles to be martyred?
Bible Accent:
(Hint: Acts 12:1-2)
Answer to puzzle: We ought to stop troubling the gentiles who turn to God. Answer to Bible Trivia: James, the son of Zebedee
:KHQ WKH JHQWLOHV ZHUH ÂżUVW EHLQJ FRQYHUWHG D GHEDWH DURVH Should they also become Jews and follow the Mosaic law? In Acts 15, we read that Paul, Barnabas and some others went to Jerusalem to ask the apostles. The apostles and the presbyters, who also were Church leaders, discussed the question with help from the Holy Spirit. After much debate, Peter arose. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are well aware that from early days God made His choice among you that through my mouth the gentiles would hear the word of the Gospel and believe,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And God ... bore witness by granting them the Holy Spirit just as He did us. ... Why, then, are you now putting God to the test by placing on the shoulders of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear?â&#x20AC;? James also shared his thoughts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is my judgment, therefore, that we ought to stop troubling the gentiles who turn to God,â&#x20AC;? he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but tell them by letter to avoid pollution from idols, unlawful marriage, the meat of strangled animals and blood.â&#x20AC;? So Paul, Barnabas and some others delivered a letter to the gentiles, telling them they did not have to become Jews and follow the entire Mosaic law in order to follow Jesus, but to avoid the things that James had mentioned. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you keep free of these, you will be doing what is right,â&#x20AC;? they told the gentiles. Â&#x201E;
PUZZLE: Unscramble the following words to reveal a quotation from the Bible Accent. Hint: Acts 15:19 ew ugtho ot ptos gubtrlion het lgnitsee how ntru ot dgo __ _____ __ ____ _________ ___ ________ ___ ____ __ ___
Answer to Wordsearch
By Jennifer Ficcaglia
WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ON 21
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
EVENT SUBMISSIONS WHATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ON submissions now require the completion of a form from the Archdiocese before the event can be publicised. For events with foreign speakers, please submit the necessary documentation for approval to the Chancery. For more information and to download the form, visit announcement-advertisement-request/. Once forms have been submitted online, kindly send us details of your event for publication at www. at least one month ahead of the publication date. APRIL 28 MASS WITH PRAYERS FOR HEALING All are invited to come join us in this Mass to pray for healing. After Mass, prayer teams will be available to pray with you for healing. Please spread the word to your family and friends. Time: 7.45pm-9.30pm. Celebrant: Fr Tom &XUUDQ 9HQXH UG Ă&#x20AC;RRU &KDSHO DW &KXUFK of Sts Peter and Paul. For enquiries, E: APRIL 29 TO MAY 1 ART & SOUL: A WAY TO GOD THROUGH ART See how art, life and creativity can lead to ³¿QGLQJ *RG LQ DOO WKLQJV ´ 7KLV LV QRW DQ DUW ZRUNVKRS EXW D WLPH RI SUD\HU DQG UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQ Non-artists are most welcome. Time: Friday, 8pm to Sunday, 1pm. Organised by the Cenacle Sisters and Ms Joanna Tan. Venue: Montfort Centre, 642 Upper Bukit Timah Road. Register; T: 65652895; 97223148; E: APRIL 29 TO MAY 1 CHOICE WEEKEND APR 29 (7 PM) TO MAY 01 (6 PM) It takes that one weekend to inspire you for the rest of your life. Come away for a Choice Weekend â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it is by the choices we make WKDW ZH GHÂżQH ZKDW RXU OLIH LV DOO DERXW Register: htm T: Hillary (9790 0537) or T: Francesa (9710 9680) E: APRIL 30 AN AFTERNOON WITH THE DAUGHTERS OF ST PAUL /RRNLQJ IRU WKDW ÂłVRPHWKLQJ PRUH´ LQ your life? Come discover how others found Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purpose in their lives. Lunch with the Daughters of St Paul, followed E\ VKDULQJ UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQ DQG SUD\HU DW Jurong West St 42, S649368. Time: Noon-5pm. Open to single women, from ages 18-30. Register with Sr Karen at or 65608003 APRIL 30 TO MAY 2 CATECHISTSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; RETREAT 2016 Time: 3pm on Saturday to 5pm on Monday. Venue: Catholic Spirituality Centre (CSC), 1261 Upper Serangoon Road, S534796. Contribution for stay-in retreat: $90. Contribution for non stay-in retreat: $50. Register; W:; T: 68583011
APRIL 30 FINDING GOD IN WRITING Time: 10am-5pm. A full-day writing workshop designed to help you write your sacred story. Through writing exercises and other activities, you will explore and express your innermost thoughts and feelings and gain a deeper understanding of self and your relationship with others and God. No prior writing experience required. Organised by Kingsmead Centre. Contribution: $100 (including lunch). T: 64676072; E:
MAY 8 AUTHENTICITY @ WORK 7KH DOOXUH RI ³GRLQJ´ UDWKHU WKDQ ³EHLQJ´ is prevalent in the workplace, often leading to overwork, manic anxiety, and fear. Through contemplative practices, participants can develop intra-personal equanimity and a perspective of altruism, and be transformed into spiritual caregivers. Time: 10am-4pm. Organised by Kingsmead Centre. Contribution: $50 (with lunch). T: 64676072; E:
MAY 1 COTT MONTHLY MASS 7KH &KXUFK RI WKH 7UDQVÂżJXUDWLRQ (COTT) is holding its monthly Mass at Holy Innocentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; High School, 1191 Upper Serangoon Road S534786. Time: 3pm. We welcome all Punggol parishioners to celebrate Mass with Fr James Yeo. For PRUH GHWDLOV : ZZZ WUDQVÂżJXUDWLRQ VJ
MAY 20 WORKSHOP FOR MENTAL WELLNESS Clarity Singapore is running a short Mandarin workshop on how to improve your personal values. This workshop uses different activities and light-hearted sharing to help participants understand the importance of identifying their values and aligning their behaviours with their values to create better relationships. Time: 10am-11.30am at Blk 839, Yishun Street 81, #01-290 at Wellness Centre @ Nee Soon South. Fees: FOC. To register, call 67577990
MAY 2 DISCERNMENT RETREAT FOR WOMEN IN THEIR 20s WITH THE VERBUM DEI MISSIONARIES ([SORUH WKH MR\ RI DQVZHULQJ Âł<HV´ to Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s call. Organised by Verbum Dei Missionaries. Time: 9am-5pm. At 4 Sommerville Road S358228. Register; T: 62740251; E: MAY 6 RETURNING! â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A LANDINGS EVENT Come, rejoice! Listen to stories of Catholics who were away from Church but are now back. Be inspired by their experiences with mercy and how they now live a new life in faith. For Catholics now away but hearing the call to return, and those interested in this mission. Time: 7pm to 9.30pm Venue: Cana â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Catholic Centre, 55 Waterloo Street. Registration needed. T: 91811502 (Marcus) T: 90682961 (Lucy) E: returning@landings. W: MAY 7 CLARITYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING DEPRESSION WORKSHOP (2ND RUN) People with depression often describe feeling a sense of isolation and loneliness. -RLQ WKLV ZRUNVKRS WR ÂżQG RXW KRZ ZH FDQ support and accompany our loved ones on their journey with depression through various activities.Time: 10am-12pm. Venue: Agape Village 7A Lor 8 Toa Payoh S(319264). FOC. Register; T: 67577990; E: MAY 7 GODâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GIFT OF YEARS 1 What gifts do you bring as you transition to the next chapter of your life? This workshop, for women and men over 50 years, will help you discover ageing as *RGÂśV GHVLUH IRU IXOÂżOOPHQW LQ \RXU OLIH and your spiritual development. The workshop will consist of short inputs, group sharing and quiet time. Time: 10am4pm. Organised by Kingsmead Centre. Contribution: $50 (including lunch) T: 64676072; E:
MAY 21 LOVE MATTERS Time: 12pm-3.45pm. Organised in conjunction with Marriage Encounterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s anniversary celebrations by the Archdiocesan Commission for the Family and its Family Partners. To celebrate marriage, the priesthood and the milestone anniversaries of these vocations. If you would like to join us for this event, or are celebrating a milestone wedding anniversary this year, please register by May 7 at Venue: Church of the Blessed Sacrament MAY 28 TO MAY 29 CORPUS CHRISTI MASS AND VIGIL @ CSC Mass and healing Service: May 28, Time: 5:30pm-9:30pm. Followed by 24-hour prayer vigil, from May 28, 10pm to May 29, 10pm. Come and pray for Pope Francis, Archbishop William Goh, priests and Religious, the New Evangelisation, vocations, families, lapsed Catholics and critical issues facing the world. Venue: Catholic Spirituality Centre, 1261 Upper Serangoon Rd S(534796). T: 62887901; W: JUNE 2 TO JUNE 5 PRAYER EXPERIENCE RETREAT @ CSC A stay-in retreat to help individuals build up their prayer life and deepen their prayer experience. It is especially recommended for ex-Conversion Experience Retreat participants, following their conversion experience. The retreat aims to provide a prayer experience: a God encounter in prayer and to teach some methods of prayer. Venue: Catholic Spirituality Centre, 1261 Upper Serangoon Rd. For more information, T: 62887901; W:
RCIA/RCIY A journey for those seeking to know more about the Catholic faith. Baptised Catholics are also invited to journey as sponsors. FEB 17, 2016 TO JAN 18, 2017 RCIA @ CHURCH OF CHRIST THE KING Baptised Catholics are also invited to journey as sponsors. Time: 8pm-10pm. Venue: Church of Christ the King 2221 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8, RCIA Room 105. Register; T: 81884242 (Gwen Lim) E: APRIL 3, 2016 TO JUNE 4, 2017 RCIA @ OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR A new RCIA journey will begin in April this year and thereafter every Sunday at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Verbist hall (level 4). Time: 4pm-5.45pm. Please register your name or names of those who are interested in the Catholic faith. Registration forms are available at the secretariat or RCIA ministry. W:; T: 96718216 (Christina) APRIL 6, 2016 TO JUNE 4, 2017 RCIA @ CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Catholic, do invite your family and friends to be enquirers. We meet every Wednesday evening from 7.30pm-9.30pm. And from June, every Sunday 9am-10.30am as well. Venue: Church of the Holy Family. Register; E:; 7 SDULVK RIÂżFH 7 APRIL 29, 2016 TO APRIL 10, 2017 RCIA @ CHURCH OF ST TERESA Every Friday evening from 7.45pm9.45pm at the auditorium, (level 3) of
the parish house. Address: 510 Kampong Bahru Rd, S099446. Register; W: www. T: 62711184; E: MAY 5, 2016 TO JUNE 4, 2017 RCIA @ BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH Want to know how Jesus lived his life? .HHQ WR ÂżQG RXW ZKDW -HVXV ZDQWV WR VD\ to you? Embark on the RCIA journey to know more about the Catholic faith every Thursday. Time:7.30pm to 9pm. Venue: St James Room (Level 3). Register; E:; T: 64740582 MAY 8, 2016 TO MAY 2017 RCIY @ ST FRANCIS XAVIER FOR BAPTISM IN 2017 Youths between the ages of 13 to 23 who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or baptised youths who have QRW UHFHLYHG WKH 6DFUDPHQW RI &RQÂżUPDWLRQ are invited to join us. An introductory session will be held on Sunday, 8 May 2016 (10.15am to 12pm) in the Good Shepherd Room. Register: Enquiries: Mark at or Angela at MAY 11, 2016 TO APRIL 15, 2017 RCIA @ CHURCH OF THE RISEN CHRIST Every Wednesday from 7.30pm-9.45pm. Baptised Catholics are also welcome to journey as sponsors. Registration forms are available at the Church secretariat, Venue: 91 Toa Payoh Central, S310175. W: MAY 27, 2016 TO APRIL 15, 2017 RCIA @ CHURCH OF OUR LADY
QUEEN OF PEACE A new journey begins on May 27 in the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace, St Carlo room. Time: 7.45pm-10pm. We invite those who wish to know about WKH &DWKROLF IDLWK WR FRQWDFW WKH SDULVK RIÂżFH at 67442879; E: JUNE 7, 2016 TO MAY 30, 2017 RCIA @ CHURCH OF ST FRANCIS XAVIER Inviting all 24 years & above who are interested to learn more about the Catholic faith & baptised adults who have yet to UHFHLYH WKH 6DFUDPHQW RI &RQÂżUPDWLRQ to join us on a journey of faith discovery. Sessions will be conducted every Tuesday from 8pm-10pm. Registration forms are DYDLODEOH DW WKH SDULVK RIÂżFH )RU PRUH details, E: JUNE 14, 2016 TO MAY 9, 2017 RCIA @ HOLY TRINITY Who is Jesus? Want to know more? This is a journey of faith for those seeking to know more about the Catholic faith. Baptised Catholics are invited to journey as sponsors. Time: 7.45pm to 9.45pm. Please register with WKH SDULVK RIÂżFH RI +RO\ 7ULQLW\ ( UFLDKW#; T: 97378194 (Emily Tan). JUNE 16, 2016 TO JUNE 17, 2017 NEW RCIA JOURNEY @ CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Every Thursday from 8pm-10pm. If you are a non-Catholic inquiring about the Catholic faith, Jesus is inviting you to â&#x20AC;&#x153;come and VHH´ -RKQ ,I \RX DUH D EDSWLVHG DQG FRQÂżUPHG &DWKROLF EH D VSRQVRU WR accompany our inquirers in this journey. Register; W:; E:
JUNE 3 (10AM) TO JUNE 5 (5PM) AUTHENTIC CONVERSATIONS 11: DISCERNING MOMENTS For those who have attended part one. Nurturing authentic conversations on the level of the soul, a deepening engagement with God and neighbour. This retreat will help participants uncover and experience discerning moments when conversing at the level of the interior self. Organised by Kingsmead Centre. Contribution: $230 (non-aircon); $270 (aircon) (includes stipend). T: 64676072; E: JUNE 10 (7.30PM) TO JUNE 12 (5PM) AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE UNDERLYING UNFOLDING PROCESS OF THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES This retreat is for trained spiritual directors and those who have done or are undergoing the spiritual exercises, and those familiar with the dynamics of the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. Contribution: $200 (non aircon); $250 (aircon), including stipend. T: 64676072; E: JUNE 12 TO JUNE 18 CHARIS MISSION TRIP: SRI LANKA Join us in building toilets and water ÂżOWUDWLRQ V\VWHPV IRU YLOODJHUV LQ Hambantota and Deniyaya, Sri Lanka. SHU SD[ LQFOXVLYH RI Ă&#x20AC;LJKWV accommodation and food. Terms and FRQGLWLRQV DSSO\ /LPLWHG VSDFHV RQ D ÂżUVW FRPH ÂżUVW VHUYH EDVLV )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ contact Victoria at 63374119; E: JUNE 14 A TALK ON IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY AS A WAY OF LIVING FOR ALL In this evening talk, Fr Cecil invites us to discover certain elements of Ignatian spirituality that are vital and essential for any person who would like to work towards a fullness of life, which ultimately is life with and in God. Time: 8pm-10pm. Contribution: $30. T: 64676072; E:
JUNE 17 (7.30PM) TO JUNE 19 (5PM) WITH JESUS UNTO LIFE: A WEEKEND RETREAT FOR ALL This retreat will help participants through input sessions, prayer and spiritual guidance to come to an experiential level of some of the dynamics of spiritual exercises. Contribution : $270 (non aircon); $330 (aircon), inclusive of stipend. T: 64676072; E: JUNE 25 CLARITYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GOSPEL ART WORKSHOP We invite you to join us in this workshop facilitated by Sr Mel and Victoria Liu to create art work that is meaningful for yourself arising from Gospel passages. If you are drawn to Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Word and art creation, we invite you for a time of relaxation and UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQ 7LPH DP SP DW $JDSH Village. 7A Lorong 8 Toa Payoh #02-08 S(319264). FOC. Register; T: 68017466; E: JUNE 26 TO JUNE 29 DEDICATION OF THE CHURCH OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL-TRIDUUM MASS -XQH Âł5RFN RI )DLWK´ SP 0DVV celebrated by Fr John-Paul Tan, OFM. -XQH Âł.H\V RI +RSH´ SP 0DVV celebrated by Fr Edward Lim, OCD. -XQH Âł6ZRUG RI /RYH´ SP 0DVV celebrated by Msgr Philip Heng, SJ. June 29: 7pm dedication Mass celebrated by Archbishop William Goh. All are welcome! Visit upcoming-events for more information. JULY 10 TO OCT 21 A DVD STUDY OF CATECHISM OF CATHOLIC CHURCH - PILLAR 2 SACRAMENTS (12 WEEKS) Sunday July 10: 9.45am-10.45am at St Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Room at CAEC. Tuesday July 12: 8pm-9.30pm / Friday July 15: 9.30am-11am at St Philip Room in IHM Parish Centre (Level 2). 24 Highland Rd S(549115). In the 2nd part of the 4-part Pillar programme. Dr Sean Innerst continues to open up the treasures of CCC. FOC. Organised by BAT@IHM. T: 97303358 (Christina) / 90999493 (Laura) E:
Sunday May 1, 2016 Â&#x201E; CatholicNews
For astronauts, working in space doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean giving up the faith WASHINGTON â&#x20AC;&#x201C; On the Interna-
tional Space Station (ISS) thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a place where astronauts like to hang out. Called the Cupola, the small module has seven large bay windows that give crew members a panoramic view of Earth. 2Q KLV ÂżUVW Âą DQG WKXV IDU RQO\ Âą PLVVLRQ LQWR VSDFH LQ 6HSWHPber 2013, astronaut Mike HopNLQV ZDV HDJHU WR ÂżQG WKH &XSROD What he saw he found amazing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you see the Earth from that vantage point and see all the natural beauty that exists, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard not to sit there and realise there has to be a higher power that has made this,â&#x20AC;? said Mr Hopkins, who is Catholic. It was in the Cupola that he found himself praying and at times taking communion. Under a special arrangement with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the rookie astronaut carried a pyx with six consecrated hosts broken into four pieces. It was enough so that he could take Communion once a week for the 24 weeks he was aboard the ISS.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was extremely, extremely important to me,â&#x20AC;? said Mr Hopkins, now 47, who grew up on a farm. Mr Hopkins completed two spacewalks to change out a pump module with fellow spacefarer Rick Mastracchio. Before exiting the ISS, he took communion as well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those events can be stressful events,â&#x20AC;? he told Catholic News 6HUYLFH IURP KLV RIÂżFH LQ +RXston. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Knowing Jesus was with me when I stepped out the door into the vacuum of space was important to me.â&#x20AC;? Such practices of faith, especially among Catholics in the astronaut corps, is hardly unusual. Mr Frank Borman, aboard Apollo 8 orbiting the moon on Christmas Eve in 1968, read from the Book of Genesis in perhaps one of the most memorable broadcasts in US space history. On long-term missions to the ISS, schedules give astronauts blocks of private time daily, allowing them to pray, read the Bible or
other inspirational works, write in D MRXUQDO RU UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW RQ *RG Astronaut Mike Good, a member of St Paul the Apostle Parish in Nassau Bay, Texas, near NASAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
thought I had â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;is One that God must love us to give us such a beautiful home.
Johnson Space Center, a veteran RI WZR VSDFH Ă&#x20AC;LJKWV DQG UHWLUHG DVWURQDXW 0LNH 0DVVLPLQR told CNS that the opportunity to Ă&#x20AC;\ LQ VSDFH RIIHUHG WLPH WR UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW on creation as they gazed upon the spaceship called Earth. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One thought I had is that God must love us to give us such a beautiful home,â&#x20AC;? Mr Massimino said. Mr Good said he felt blessed to see the planet from high above. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Looking back at the Earth, I
canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really describe how beautiful it is from 300 miles up,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You realise how small it is and how fragile the planet is.â&#x20AC;? To keep astronautsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; spirits high, NASA arranges for occasional calls with celebrities on Ă&#x20AC;LJKWV DQG DVNV HDFK DVWURQDXW with whom they might like to talk. One such example was when Pope Benedict communicated with the crew aboard the ISS in May 2011 in a 20-minute conversation. Â&#x201E; CNS