JUNE 14, 2015, Vol 65, No 12

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SUNDAY JUNE 14, 2015


MCI (P) 005/08/2014

PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)

Archbishop Romero beatiÀed in San Salvador

VOL 65

NO. 12

INSIDE HOME Archdiocese warns against ‘Charlie Charlie’ Spiritual bondage could result „ Page 8

ASIA Rohingya crisis Myanmar cardinal urges compassion from nation „ Page 9

POPE FRANCIS Mercy and the New Evangelisation Seminarians carry the blood-stained shirt of Archbishop Oscar Romero dXrinJ his beatiÂżcation 0ass CNS photos

Pope on how the two are linked

SAN SALVADOR – Some thought this day would never arrive. Others hoped, and some always knew it would. On May 23, the Catholic Church, beatiÂżed $rchbishop Oscar $rnulfo Romero y *aldame], of El Salvador, who was assassinated in 1980 while celebrating Mass, just a day after pleading and ordering soldiers to stop killing innocent civilians. “Blessed Romero is another brilliant star that belongs to the sanctity of the Church of the $mericas,´ said Cardinal $ngelo $mato, head of the 9atican’s Congregation for Saints’ Causes, during the ceremony in San Salvador. “$nd thanks be to *od, there are many.´ While those who persecuted him have died or are in obscurity, “the memory of Romero continues to live in the poor and the marginalised´, Cardinal $mato said. His homilies often pleaded for better conditions for the poor, for a stop to the escalating violence in the country and for brotherhood

„ Page 15


“Parents, be involved in your kids’ livesâ€? Resume your educational roles, pope urges 3ilJrims Jather for the beatiÂżcation 0ass in the 'iYine SaYioXr of the :orld sTXare

„ Page 17

COMMENTARY among those whose divisions ultimately led to a 12-year conĂ€ict. He is not a symbol of division but one of peace, Cardinal $mato said. In a message sent on the occasion of the beatiÂżcation, Pope )rancis said that $rchbishop Romero “built the peace with the power of love, gave testimony of the faith with his life´. Proof of that is the shirt he died in, soaked in blood, after an assassin’s single bullet took his life. Eight deacons carried the blood-stained shirt, now a relic,

to the altar in a glass case. Others decorated it with Ă€owers and candles during the Saturday ceremony. Several priests reached out to touch the case and later made the sign of the cross. In a time of difÂżculty in El Salvador, $rchbishop Romero knew “how to guide, defend and protect his Ă€ock, remaining faithful to the *ospel and in communion with the whole Church´, the pope said in his message. “His ministry was distinguished by a particular attention to the most poor and marginalised. $nd in the moment of his death,

while he celebrated the holy sacriÂżce of love and reconciliation, he received the grace to identify himself fully with He who gave His life for His sheep.´ The event was held at the square of the Divine Saviour of the World in the capital city of San Salvador. Pope Francis in February signed the decree recognising $rchbishop Romero as a martyr, a person killed “in hatred of the faith´. In general two miracles are needed for sainthood – one for beatiÂżcation and the second for canonisation. „ CNS

Sharing the joy of the Gospel Church needs to be able to speak to people’s hearts „ Page 18

FEATURE Serving Nepal quake victims S’pore Catholic doctor on his experience „ Page 20

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