JULY 26, 2015, Vol 65, No 15

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SUNDAY JULY 26, 2015


MCI (P) 005/08/2014

PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)

VOL 65

NO. 15

INSIDE HOME Prisons Week Mass Photos: DOMINIC WONG

“I’m very proud to be a Catholic!” This was the sentiment expressed by participants after the Joy SG50 Thanksgiving celebration on July 4. About 10,000 people, including about 1,800 volunteers, packed the Singapore Indoor Stadium to give thanks for the nation’s 50 \HDUV RI H[LVWHQFH 'XULQJ WKH ¿YH and-a-half hour event, they listened to stirring speeches from guest-ofhonour, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and Archbishop William Goh, as well as a special message from Pope Francis himself. However, for many, it was the sight of priests, Religious and laity performing song-and-dance items together after the Mass that made a deep impression on them. As Mr Nicholas Lim, who watched the celebration via “live” Internet streaming, put it: “Even from home, we could feel the powerful display of collaboration between the clergy, Religious and laity, and what came out quite clearly was the message of joy and hope for the future Church.” 7DNLQJ WR WKH VWDJH DV WKH ¿UVW speaker for the event, Redemptorist Fr Simon Pereira threw several questions at the crowd. “Will the Church in Singapore be packed 50 years from today?” he asked. “Yes!” was the resounding response. “Will the young people still pack the churches?” he asked. “Yes!” shouted back the young people in the audience. The “tiny seed”, which was the Catholic Church in Singapore 50 years ago, “has grown into a mighty oak tree,” said Fr Simon. “We owe a deep gratitude to all Religious, priests and laypeople who are continuing to build up the Church.” However, he also noted some “hard truths” for the Church here. Singapore’s population now stands at 5.47 million of which

‘Don’t let prejudice prevent us from reaching out’ Page 4

ASIA MERS in Korea Catholic medical team lauded for service Page 10

WORLD Greece’s ÀQDQFLDO FULVLV Church badly affected Page 11

Seminarian Nicholas Lye was among the energetic dancers and singers at the Joy SG50 Thanksgiving celebration.

3.47 million are residents. The Catholic population stands at 350,000 including permanent residents and immigrants. The “huge challenges for the Church” in the future, he said, include a low birth rate, rising singlehood, late marriages, married couples having few children and younger people leaving for other cities. However, on the positive side, “the new immigrants are

packing the church”, he said. He predicted that though the Church may encounter turbulent events in the future, “more people will be drawn to God and religion”. A time of praise and worship followed, led by young people. Archbishop Goh, in his opening address, noted that the celebration was to pay “special tribute” to the local Church’s “missionary and pioneering priests and Religious, who have giv‘Will the en their lives to the service Church in of the people Singapore and nation”. Speaking be packed to the audience, 50 years which included Prime Minister from Lee and Deputy Prime Mintoday?’ ister Teo Chee – Redemptorist Hean, both of Fr Simon Pereira whom studied

Interfaith action in US

in Catholic schools, Archbishop Goh said that over the years, the Catholic Church has contributed much to the growth of Singapore “not only in education and healthcare but most of all to the moral and social development of our peoples”. “Indeed, the Church has always stood out as a voice for the poor, the helpless and the marginalised in society, for these are the people closest to the heart of God,” he said. “Today she continues in her mission to recognise the new ‘poor’ in our midst who are vulnerable to … secularisation, moral relativism, individualism, materialism, consumerism and the negative impact of the internet and social media. “Particularly at risk are our youths and families which form the basic building blocks of society. As stewards of creation, we

Catholics, Buddhists strive for social justice

Continued on Pages 2 and 3

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POPE FRANCIS (FXPHQLFDO Charismatic gathering ‘Blood of martyrs’ unites us: pope Page 13

FOCUS SG50 video, YLUWXDO H[KLELWLRQ How these came about

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