SUNDAY JULY 24, 2016
MCI (P) 009/08/2015
PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)
Catholic Youth Day – an event filled with prayer, celebration
VOL 66
NO. 15
Spotlight on KXPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJ CJC students speak to former victims, hold exhibition Page 2
3DURFKLDO KRXVH gazetted Victoria St building recognised for its heritage Page 5
Joy and FHOHEUDWLRQ DIWHU UHQRYDWLRQV Sts Peter and Paul Church holds dedication Mass Page 6
%ULWDLQ·V QHZ SULPH PLQLVWHU Cardinal hails her as person of ‘integrity’ Page 16 An evening worship session at Catholic Youth Day led by young people from different communities. Photo: ALEXANDRIA NEOH
POPE FRANCIS By Matthew Ng It was a time of joy and praise as young Catholics of Singapore celebrated Catholic Youth Day. 2UJDQLVHG E\ WKH 2I¿FH IRU Young People (OYP), the July 2-3 event attracted about 2,000 participants. The theme, Once No People, Now God’s People, was chosen in hopes of promoting a deeper sense of belonging to one Church as well as to celebrate the Christian life and faith among young people. Archbishop William Goh celebrated Mass to open the evening event. He reminded participants
that as a pilgrim people, they must travel light because they are all on a journey to God. As a sign of solidarity, the congregation, together with Archbishop Goh prayed a blessing upon the pilgrims who will carry the mission and spirit of the Church of Singapore to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland in late July. Joy and celebration permeated the atmosphere as the young people from various communities led the evening programme, from praise and worship to performances of dance, sign language and the spoken word. Continued on Page 3
Pray for those who scorn you, he says Page 17
More people FRPLQJ ODWH IRU 0DVV Young people during the worship session at the celebration held from July 2-3. Photo: BENJAMIN LAI
Don’t treat them like VIPs, says reader Page 18