MCI (P) 013/08/2016
PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)
A merciful and compassionate nation My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, This year we celebrate our 51st National Day. In the last 50 years, we, together with our leaders, have been focusing on building a progressive society with proper infrastructure and transparent governance. As a consequence, Singapore has grown economically, technologically and politically as a nation. There is equality, justice and harmony in our country. Indeed, we can be proud of our achievements. We have many things to thank God for our nation. The nation is what it is today because we have been blessed with strong leadership in our country, whether it is in the political, religious or economic arena. Good, competent, talented leaders with integrity and strong moral values are necessary for the growth of a nation and the continued sustenance of the development of its people. We must WKDQN *RG IRU D JRRG HIÂżFLHQW and responsible government that KDV WKH FRXUDJH WR PDNH GLIÂżFXOW decisions and do the right things for the good of the country. :H WKDQN *RG IRU DQ HIÂżcient civil service that ensures the smooth operation of the country. We thank God for responsible, level-headed and civic-minded religious leaders who ensure the harmony among all religions. We thank God for our economic and corporate leaders in creating jobs and growing our economy. Yet, we cannot truly call ourselves a successful, wise and great nation if we are not also known as a people of compassion and mercy. In our success, we must never forget the poorer
misery. They are often forgotten by society. Some elderly do not even have a place to call home. There are still many who cannot afford proper meals every day. Besides the poor and the sick, we must remember those who are disadvantaged in society because of disability due to stroke, accident or birth defects; those intellectually challenged, those suffering from mental illness and loss of memory. When we think of the sufferings that they have to bear, not just the hunger, the physical pain and discomfort but the emotional and psychological pain, our hearts go out to them. When we put ourselves in their situation and identify with them in their suffering, surely we cannot remain indifferent to their plight but lend a helping hand or share our resources with them, for many of us have more than what we need. Thanks to Caritas and WKH FKDULWDEOH DIÂżOLDWHV XQGHU the umbrella of Caritas, particularly Catholic Welfare Services and many others, the Church has shown herself to be the Church of mercy and compassion.
We cannot truly call ourselves a successful, wise and great nation if we are not also known as a people of compassion and mercy and disadvantaged peoples of our country and the world, especially those countries in Asia. In this year of mercy, we, as a Nation, are challenged to move out of ourselves to focus on others who need our help and assistance. 7KHUH DUH ÂżUVWO\ WKH SRRU and needy in our backyard. We must never think that poverty and
suffering have been eliminated from our society. Many still suffer from the lack of basic needs and the affordability of medical care. They suffer in pain without assistance. There are many elderly who have been abandoned by their children or are all alone with no one to assist them. Often they suffer in silence, in loneliness and
Poorer nations But we also need to extend mercy and charity beyond our peoples to those poorer nations around us. There are so many of them who are barely surviving on the essentials. Those of us who have gone on mercy trips to Asia and Africa will understand the stark lives of the impoverished peoples in the world, without a decent home to live in; poor hygiene, no clean water and electricity. „ Continued on Page 2
VOL 66
NO. 16
INSIDE FAMFARE! Dialogue on the Catholic family Will it still be relevant? „ Page 6
OUR PARISHES A look at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church Youth cafÊ, programme for elderly among its features „ Pages 8-9
ASIA South China Sea verdict Philippine Church reacts „ Page 12
WORLD Failed coup in Turkey No news of restrictions on Church „ Page 17
Helping the Church evangelise Marketer: tap digital tools, innovative outreach „ Page 18
OPINION Don’t judge latecomers at Mass They may have their reasons, says reader „ Page 22