AUGUST 09, 2015, Vol 65, No 16

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MCI (P) 009/08/2015

PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)


Proud to be Catholic, proud to be S’porean My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Last month, we gathered as one Church to celebrate 50 years of the Catholic Church’s contribution to nation-building. It was an event like no other. There was little evidence of the traditional pomp and pageantry that one would normally associate with the Catholic Church; something which is often the cause of our pride. Still, everyone came away deeply inspired, enthralled and enthused, but above all, we left with such a swelling in the hearts it lodged a lump in the throat. Arising from this event, I hear Catholics across Singapore unashamedly proclaiming, “I am so proud to be Catholic!” and every day, more and more are adding to this voice. What brought about this sea change? What is the basis for this pride? Many have shared that they were moved to the core by the video exposition of the pure zeal, passion and dedication of our Church forefathers in the spread of the gospel. These were ordinary men and women with a mission. They lived and breathed that mission, risking life and limb to bring the light of Christ to the ends of the earth. They worked for and among the poorest of the poor; those living on the fringes of society, those shunned and denied a life of dignity in our land. They owed us nothing, yet they left home and family, abandoning all to live and to become one of us. Through their living and their dying, they sowed the seeds of faith so that we in turn can be a part of this great faith community; one that lives in love and

in hope. Surely, having such heroes and heroines in our spiritual parentage is a source of pride for us. More than that, we have reason to be proud that we belong to a community that exists to spread the gospel life of love and care for others; a love rooted in none other than the love of God the Father, encountered through the Son and renewed in the Spirit. That we are able to identify with that passion, because it has been made real to us, is the cause of our new-found pride. We take pride too that as a faith community, we have contributed signi¿cantly to maNing Singapore what it is today. Through education, healthcare and social services, we have improved

May God ‘continue to keep us ever in His sight, and bless our Church and our land for generations to come.

Archbishop Goh ... photo taken during the Joy SG50 celebration.

the lives of millions down the years, and imbued society with values that set others before self. These are eternal and universal values, rooted in the gospel; values such as justice, equality, honesty, integrity, compassion, forgiveness and the dignity of every human life. Only such values will ensure the survival of a people. Indeed, the growth of Singapore is so intrinsically interwoven with the mission of the Church so that any Catholic who claims that he or she is proud to be Catholic must also be equally proud to be Singaporean! No one can claim to be a good Christian if he or she is not at the same time a good citizen. Although as Catholics, our kingdom

is not here on earth, yet, we have a duty to be a good citizen on earth if we are to be admitted as citizens of heaven. What, then, must we do to Neep that Àame burning in our hearts and in our lives, in our community and in our land, not just for the next 50 years, but the next 1,000 years and more? Today, if any of us is living a life untouched and unmoved by the faith we profess, it is because we lack the conviction of a mission in life. In this world of individualism, everything is about me, not others. In this world of relativism, there are no values that can be called eternal or be held by all. In this world of materialism, life is reduced to sensual and material enjoyment. We have become a people who have gotten used to being served, and expect to be served, whether at work, at home, in school, at church or in community. We live our lives unconnected with the poverty of the world around us, unconcerned for the needs of our neighbours. We have grown accustomed to a life of privilege, and have come to see our privileges as our right. Our young cannot identify with the struggles of our forefathers. For them, yesterday is history. Tomorrow is another generation’s problem. It is a “me, here and now” generation. Yet, what maNes us truly human and truly a developed nation is when we become a people of compassion, united in love, have a deep respect for humanity; and the ability to sacri¿ce for others, Continued on Page 3

VOL 65

NO. 16

INSIDE HOME SJI masterplan unveiled Redevelopment includes 4 new buildings Page 3

ASIA South China Sea dispute Philippine bishops issue special prayer Page 7

Myanmar’s social, economic woes Cardinal slams politicians for not solving problems Page 8

WORLD Chicago archdiocese to go ‘green’ Buildings to be energy ef¿cient Page 12

FEATURES Pope’s overseas trips What they reveal of him Page 16

When your kids don’t share your values What do you do? Page 19

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