SEPTEMBER 06, 2015, Vol 65, No 18

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MCI (P) 009/08/2015

PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)

VOL 65

NO. 18


„ Page 5

By Jared Ng The Church in Singapore is called to chart a way forward for herself and in her service to society in the next 50 years. This was a message that Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, had for the 500-strong congregation gathered at St Joseph’s Church, Victoria St, on Aug 16. “While much has been achieved over the span of 50 \HDUV WKH ZRUN LV QHYHU ÂżQLVKHG ´ KH VDLG DGGLQJ WKDW ÂłWKH WRUFK´ would have to be “passed on to WKH QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ RI FLWL]HQV´ Cardinal Parolin, considered WKH KLJKHVW 9DWLFDQ RIÂżFLDO XQGHU the pope, was in Singapore for an RIÂżFLDO YLVLW IURP $XJ ,W ZDV WKH ÂżUVW VXFK YLVLW IURP D 9DWLcan Secretary of State since Singapore established diplomatic relations with the Holy See in 1981. ,Q KLV KRPLO\ IRU WKH )HDVW RI the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he noted how on July 4, the Church here rejoiced in prayers and festivity during its SG50 celebration at the Singapore ,QGRRU 6WDGLXP Âł, MRLQ LQ \RXU JODGQHVV DQG congratulate you, wishing peace and prosperity for your beloved FRXQWU\ ´ KH VDLG Noting that the Catholic Church has been present in Singapore for almost 200 years, he invited the community to “look with some urgency at new and creative ways of carrying forward the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation in a changing society. “This includes addressing the new challenges that emerge in a globalised and more connected world; offering practical assistance to an emerging reality in QHHG RI JXLGDQFH ´ The cardinal said he was glad to note that the Church here serves

Nativity Church prays for the nation

S’pore team assists Cambodian girl Helps her get heart condition treated here „ Page 7

ASIA Tianjin disaster Catholics evacuate residents, render aid „ Page 11

WORLD Healing for Gaza kids Cardinal Pietro Parolin greets local Catholics after celebrating Mass at St Joseph’s Church, Victoria St, on Aug 16. Photo: DOMINIC WONG

QRW RQO\ LQ WKH ÂżHOGV RI HGXFDWLRQ and health but also cares for the poor, the elderly, those marginalised by sickness, and offenders. “We should not, however, simply allow these initiatives, good though they undoubtedly are, to obscure the personal obligation, incumbent on each one of us, to be a disciple of Jesus Christ in reaching out to the lost, the last and the OHDVW ´ KH VDLG As Singapore continues to progress in its contribution to the


international community, he said it is important for the Church to be in partnership with all people of good will “in recognising the place of religious faiths, virtue and morality as essential foundaWLRQV RI D VRFLHW\ DQG QDWLRQ´ Prior to the Mass, in the presence of Archbishop William Goh, apostolic nuncio Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli and other Church RIÂżFLDOV KH EOHVVHG FRPPHPRUDWLYH SODTXHV IRU ÂżYH FKXUFKHV most of which have been recently

I join in your gladness and congratulate you, wishing peace and prosperity for your beloved country.


– Cardinal Pietro Parolin

renovated, undergoing renovation, or being built. These were: Church of the 7UDQV¿JXUDWLRQ &DWKHGUDO RI WKH Good Shepherd, Novena Church, Church of Sts Peter and Paul and St Joseph’s Church, Victoria St. Later in the afternoon, Cardinal Parolin visited Church institutions such as St Patrick’s School, Mount Alvernia Hospital, Assisi Hospice, St Theresa’s Home, St )UDQFLV ;DYLHU 0DMRU 6HPLQDU\ and the Carmelite Monastery. 2Q $XJ KH PHW ZLWK JRYernment leaders and congratulated them on the nation’s golden jubilee. Additional reporting: CHRISTOPHER KHOO „ See photos on Page 2

Church agencies use art therapy, puppets „ Page 15

POPE FRANCIS The ‘best parties’ are family parties Pope on the importance of celebrations „ Page 16

OPINION Using adult stem cells for treatment Proven and effective „ Page 20

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