A publication of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2018
MCI (P) 076/06/2018
PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)
VOL 68
NO. 18
INSIDE If only your faith is the size of a mustard seed…
Singapore Catholic Deaf Community members at their 40th anniversary Mass.
Archbishop Goh explains the need to keep one’s hope and faith strong
Photo: VITA Images
n Pages 6-7
Let your light shine on me... Churches glow in the glory of God n Page 2
Caritas gets new Executive Director Former SOS director takes over the reins n Page 4
Amazing Race… Catholic style Young Catholics bond over special games
heir hearing may be impaired or they may be totally deaf but that doesn’t deter them from their desire to search for God. They have a strong faith and through their Catholic community, they have come to know and grow in that faith, said Archbishop William Goh. Speaking at the 40th anniversary Mass of the Singapore Catholic Deaf Community (SCDC) held at the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, he also urged more support and care for the marginalised in society. Fr Adrian Yeo, the community’s spiritual director, and Franciscan Friar Rowland Yeo, who is also deaf, concelebrated the Mass. A lunch and other activities were held after the Mass includ-
ing the cutting of the anniversary cake, a lucky draw as well as certificates of appreciation to the community members for serving at the signed liturgy every Sunday at the 11.15 am Mass. The SCDC is an independent lay organisation established on Aug 9, 1978. It was first founded by Canossian Sisters Angela Garavaglia and Helen Fernandez. Until November 1992, the ministry was known as Ephphatha, meaning “be opened”, the word used by Jesus when He was healing the deaf man (Mark 7:34). Over the years, it has grown to include both the deaf and others with normal hearing with the objective of advocating awareness and developing programmes for the Catholic deaf community. n
n Page 5
Giving every child another chance in life A look at Boys’ Town’s service to the community n Pages 12-13
Mother Mary shows us the way Cutting the anniversary cake. From left: Father Adrian Yeo, the community’s spiritual director; Mr Nathanael Thomas Oswald, community president; Archbishop William Goh and Franciscan Friar Rowland Yeo.
Fr Paul Pang talks about Mary’s role n Page 14