MCI (P) 009/08/2015
PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)
Nothing can justify terrorist attacks: pope Pontiff asks Virgin Mary to protect world in wake of Paris tragedy
VOL 65
NO. 24
INSIDE ASIA Will pope and Chinese leader meet? Catholic scholars give their views „ Page 7
Myanmar’s elections Christians to help choose new president „ Page 8
WORLD Attacks an ‘unspeakable affront’ to human dignity, says the pope.
Escape from Islamic State
VATICAN CITY – Using God’s
Syrian priest tells his story
name to try to justify violence and murder is “blasphemy�, Pope Francis said on Nov 15, speaking about the terrorist attacks on Paris. “Such barbarity leaves us dismayed, and we ask ourselves how the human heart can plan and carry out such horrible events,� the pope said after reciting the Angelus prayer with visitors in St Peter’s Square. The attacks in Paris on Nov 13 caused the deaths of at least 129 people and left more than 350 injured, many of them critically. The attacks, Pope Francis said, were an “unspeakable affront to the dignity of the human person�. “The path of violence and hatred cannot resolve the problems of humanity, and using the name of God to justify this path is blasphemy,� he said. He asked the thousands of people who gathered at St Peter’s for the Sunday midday prayer to observe a moment of silence and to join him in reciting a Hail Mary. “May the Virgin Mary, mother of mercy, give rise in the hearts of everyone thoughts of wisdom and proposals for peace,� he said. “We
„ Page 10
POPE FRANCIS Pope on workers’ rights: People observe a moment of silence at noon in Republique square in Paris on Nov 16 in memory of victims of the terrorist attacks. CNS photos
ask her to protect and watch over WKH GHDU )UHQFK QDWLRQ WKH ÂżUVW daughter of the Church, over Europe and the whole world.â€? “Let us entrust to the mercy of God the innocent victims of this tragedy,â€? the pope said.
Speaking on Nov 14, the day after the terrorist attacks, Pope Francis told the television station of the Italian bishops’ conference, “I am shaken and pained.â€? “I don’t understand, but these WKLQJV DUH GLIÂżFXOW WR XQGHUVWDQG
STATEMENT FROM ARCHBISHOP’S OFFICE The Catholic Church in Singapore deplores all violence, which is an affront to humanity. All true religions work for peace and harmony, and mutual respect for the individual. Terrorism can never be MXVWL¿HG XQGHU DQ\ FLUFXPVWDQFHV Our hearts go out to all innocent
victims of the carnage. We pray for them and their loved ones as they come to terms with this hate crime, for their healing and for forgiveness of their enemies. We pray also for the perpetrators of this crime against humanity, that God will enlighten them in the truth. „
how human beings can do this,â€? the pope said. “That is why I am shaken, pained and am praying.â€? The director of the television station recalled how the pope has spoken many times about a “third world war being fought in pieces.â€? “This is a piece,â€? the pope reVSRQGHG Âł7KHUH DUH QR MXVWLÂżFDtions for these things.â€? Islamic State militants claimed responsibility on social media, but Pope Francis insisted there can be no “religious or humanâ€? excuse for killing innocent people and sowing terror. “This is not human.â€? „ Continued on Page 9
Rest, maternity, UHWLUHPHQW EHQH¿WV „ Page 12
FEATURE Pontiff interviewed by homeless man Shares how childhood experiences shaped him „ Page 17
ADVENT FEATURE Learning to wait Following Mary’s example „ Page 19