DECEMBER 13, 2015, Vol 65, No 25

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MCI (P) 009/08/2015

PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)

Archbishop’s message IRU <HDU RI 0HUF\ :KDW WKH ZRUOG QHHGV PRVW WR- needs the doctor, not the healthy. GD\ PRUH WKDQ DW DQ\ WLPH LQ Hence, we need to be more comKLVWRU\ LV PHUF\ In the world of passionate and understanding toscience and technology, there is no wards those who are struggling to place for mercy. This lack of mercy live up to the ideals of the gospel. Holiness is a gift from the Lord. is evident in the violent destruction of human life and habitat. Ironical- Without His grace, we too would O\ VXFK DFWV DUH RIWHQ MXVWL¿HG LQ have fallen. So instead of boasting the name of justice. Many of these about our strength, we must boast acts of terrorism are committed in about the mercy of God. ,Q WKH OLJKW RI WKH -XELOHH the name of God and love. In the guise of mercy, we advo- \HDU RI PHUF\ OHW XV MRLQ 3RSH cate the abortion of babies so that )UDQFLV LQ UHLWHUDWLQJ WKH FHQthey will not be without parental WUDOLW\ RI WKH JRVSHO RI PHUF\ love; euthanasia is encouraged so UHÀHFWHG LQ WKH 2OG 7HVWDPHQW that the elderly need not suffer and particularly in the New Testaloneliness or meaningless pain in ment. The heart of Jesus’ ministry their illness. The truth is that such is one of mercy and compassion. St Paul gives the doctrine of actions are contrary to our profession of love and mercy, for where MXVWL¿FDWLRQ E\ IDLWK WKDW LV WUXVW LQ God’s mercy and there is love and as the compassion, we :H QHHG WR ¿QG D forgiveness starting point of a will truly care for the helpless babies SDVWRUDO DSSURDFK right relationship with the Lord. What and the elderly. WR KHOS SHRSOH the Lord is asking 7KLV ODFN RI OLYH XS WR WKH of us is not sacriPHUF\ LV DOVR DS¿FH EXW PHUF\ :H SDUHQW LQ D ZRUOG LGHDOV RI SHUIHFW are called to radiate ZKHUH SHRSOH DUH ORYH DQG WR VKRZ the image of the FaYDOXHG LQ WHUPV RI WKHLU XWLOLW\ FRPSDVVLRQ ZKHQ ther of mercy in our daily life, whether We make use of WKH\ IDOO VKRUW in almsgiving, in people for our amworks of mercy ELWLRQ DQG WR IXO¿O our needs. People are not loved and compassion or in forgiveness and accepted for who they are but of those who have hurt us, and seek reconciliation with them, reaching what they can do for us. 7KLV ODFN RI PHUF\ LV DOVR UH- out to sinners and those rejected by YHDOHG LQ WKH ZD\ ZH UHJDUG VLQ- society and the world. :KDW SUHYHQWV XV IURP KDYQHUV DQG WKRVH ZKR KDYH KXUW XV Indeed, many Catholics are wound- LQJ D KHDUW RI PHUF\" ,I PHUF\ ed because they feel judged, con- LV ZDQWLQJ LW LV EHFDXVH RI WKH demned and rejected by the com- VLQ RI SULGH WKDW OHDGV XV WR VHOI munity for being unable to live out ULJKWHRXVQHVV We become dogtheir lives according to the laws. As matic in the way we look at life. We a consequence, they conclude that measure people against doctrines. Whilst doctrines are important to God does not love them as well. The Church, as the mercy of show us the truth of love, yet, we Christ, must reach out to such QHHG WR ¿QG D SDVWRUDO DSSURDFK WR people and show them compas- help people to live up to the idesion and understanding. Like Je- als of perfect love and to show sus, we need to let them know that we care because it is the sick that „ &RQWLQXHG RQ 3DJH

VOL 65

NO. 25

INSIDE HOME Mass for Paris attack victims Locals and French Catholics gather in solidarity „ Page 2

Agape Village RIÀFLDOO\ RSHQV Social services hub to serve more than 50,000 people „ Page 3

Christ@Work &RQIHUHQFH Catholic business leaders share their experiences „ Page 6

WORLD Blessed Teresa could be FDQRQLVHG LQ Vatican awaiting assessment of possible miracle „ 3DJH



0DVV WR RSHQ -XELOHH <HDU RI 0HUF\ A Mass will be held at the Church of Divine Mercy on Dec 8 at 7.30 pm.

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