SUNDAY MAY 15, 2016
MCI (P) 009/08/2015
PPS 201/04/2013 (022940)
Internet can build a world ‘healthy and open to sharing’ Pope’s message for World Communications Day, May 8 &16 ÂżOH SKRWR
VATICAN CITY – Use the power of
communication to build bridges and heal wounds, not generate hatred or misunderstanding, Pope Francis said. The Catholic Church, too, must proclaim the truth and denounce injustice without alienating everyone in need of God’s help, he said in his message for World Communications Day. “We can and we must judge situations of sin – such as violence, corruption and exploitation – but we may not judge individuals, since only God can see into the depths of their hearts,� he said To coincide with the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis dedicated this year’s message to the theme, Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter. Most dioceses mark World Communications Day on May 8, the Sunday before Pentecost. In his message, the pope said that what people say, how they say it and what actions they take must all “express God’s compassion, tenderness and forgiveness for all.� Only by giving witness to and preaching with Jesus’ warmth and mercy can the words of faith come alive to touch people’s hearts and sustain them on the journey toward fullness of life, he said. The Church and her ministers need to communicate in a way that never implies “a prideful and triumphant superiority over an enemy, or demean those whom the world considers lost and easily discarded.� “May our way of communicating help to overcome the mindset that neatly separates sinners from the righteous,� he said, since mercy is what helps alleviate “life’s troubles and offer warmth to those who have known only the coldness of judgment.� “How beautiful it is when people select their words and ac-
VOL 66
NO. 10
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Pope Francis says that digital platforms and social networks ought to be a place of positive encouragement.
tions with care, in the effort to expressions of hatred. The words avoid misunderstandings, to heal of Christians ought to be a conwounded memories and to build stant encouragement to communpeace and harmony,â€? he said. ion and, even in those cases where Pope Francis said merciful WKH\ PXVW ÂżUPO\ FRQGHPQ HYLO communication applies also to they should never try to rupture reall digital platforms lationships and comand social networks, he said. How beautiful munication,â€? which are pubThe pope made it is when lic meeting places special mention of “where we can eipeople engaged in people select ther encourage or politics and those their words demean one another, who help form pubengage in a meanlic opinion, saying and actions ingful discussion or they must be espewith care. unfair attacks.â€? cially careful about “The Internet can “the way they speak – Pope Francis help us to be better of those who think citizensâ€? and can build a world that or act differently or those who is “healthy and open to sharing.â€? may have made mistakes.â€? Words and actions should “help “It is easy to yield to the us all escape the vicious circles temptation to exploit such situof condemnation and vengeance DWLRQV WR VWRNH WKH Ă€DPHV RI which continue to ensnare indi- mistrust, fear and hatred,â€? he said. viduals and nations, encouraging Msgr Dario Vigano, prefect of
the Secretariat for Communications, said that the pope’s message again underlines the importance of the Church living Gospel truths in words and deeds as a key part of the way it communicates. “The Church we are called to be can only live according to Jesus’ words, which proclaim a mercy that surpasses every law, and can only mirror Jesus’ approach by taking on His feelings, attitude and conduct� so that the Church can reveal “the merciful face of God in Christ,� he said in a written address on the pope’s message. „ CNS The text of the pope’s World Communications Day message in English is available online at: http://w2.vatican. va/content/francesco/en/messages/ communications/documents/papafrancesco_20160124_messaggio-comunicazioni-sociali.html
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