Jan. 6, 2012

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January 6, 2012

catholicnewsherald.com charlottediocese.org S E RV I N G C H R I ST A N D C O N N EC T I N G C AT H O L I C S I N W E ST E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A


A new year begins


Bishop Peter Jugis looks forward to 2012 with opportunities to explain and live our Catholic faith,


Charlotte March for Life set for Friday, Jan. 13

INDEX Contact us...................................... 4 Events calendar......................... 4 Our Parishes.............................3-11 Our Faith........................................... 2 Scripture readings................... 2 TV & Movies............................12-13 U.S. news................................22-23 Viewpoints............................26-27 World news..........................24-25

INSIDE: Everything you need to know to get involved, including practical information and online resources to help you learn more, pray and work for an end to abortion.

704-370-3333 FUNDED by the parishioners of the diocese of charlotte




A year of Adoration, translation, prayer and protest,


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