Nov. 9, 2012

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November 9, 2012 S E RV I N G C H R I ST A N D C O N N EC T I N G C AT H O L I C S I N W E ST E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A

Open house planned to show off future IHM school, 14

What’s old is new again Youth use digital media to promote the Latin Mass,


INDEX Contact us.......................... 4 Events calendar................. 4 Our Parishes.................. 4-11 Year of Faith.................... 2-3 Schools......................... 14-15 Scripture readings............ 2 TV & Movies.......................16 U.S. news...................... 18-19 Viewpoints...................22-24 World news.................. 20-21

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PRAYING FOR HELP After Hurricane Sandy, Catholic Charities official says: People ‘can make contributions and, above all, they can pray. There’s a lot of need.’


CNS | Shannon Stapleton, Reuters

A statue of Mary stands amid the remains of homes destroyed by fire and the effects of Hurricane Sandy in the Breezy Point section of the New York borough of Queens Oct. 30. More than 80 homes were destroyed in the tiny beachfront neighborhood.

FUNDED by the parishioners of the diocese of charlotte THANK YOU!


The legacies of Vatican II Pope John XXIII wanted the Church to engage the world in a positive way

Celebrating 40 years!

Diocese of Charlotte

The second chancellor, and the return of deacons

Pope Benedict: Vatican II’s call for renewal did not break with tradition

Diocese’s second chancellor describes ‘a tremendous experience’

Summary of Vatican II’s documents

History of the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Charlotte

Online resources to explore, download, 2-3

‘Original’ Deacon Andy Cilone Diocese of Charlotte reminisces on 30 years of service, 12-13 Celebrating 40 years!

Year of faith | November 9, 2012 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD


Online resources for your Year of Faith The official Vatican site for the Year of Faith, this is a must-see for your own journey. Here you’ll find:

Pope Benedict XVI

– the full text of “Porta Fidei,” Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter announcing the Year of Faith

Don’t be satisfied with achievements

– the full text of all the Vatican II documents, including the four constitutions: “Dei Verbum,” “Lumen Gentium,” “Sacrosanctum Concilium” and “Gaudium et Spes”


eople should never be satisfied with their earthly achievements because true happiness entails seeking out the greater good, Pope Benedict XVI said. People should “not be discouraged by fatigue or by obstacles born of our sins,” because striving for the greater good is demanding and cannot be built or provided by mere human effort. During his general audience talk Square Nov. 7, the pope spoke about “the mysterious desire for God,” which lies deep in every human heart. Despite rampant secularization and people’s claims of being indifferent to God, an innate yearning for God “has not completely disappeared and still today, in many ways, appears in the heart of mankind.” People always strive for happiness and a well-being that is “often far from spiritual,” and yet they are also aware there still remains a deeper yearning for something that could truly satisfy their “restless heart,” he said. “Every wish that arises in the human heart is echoed by a fundamental desire that is never fully satisfied.” True love pushes people to think beyond themselves, to be at the service of the other up to the point of self-sacrifice. The Church should create a “pedagogy of desire” for people of faith and for those who do not believe in God and as a way to open them up to the transcendent. This “pedagogy” would teach or remind people to enjoy “the authentic joys of life,” such as family, friendship, helping others, solidarity with those in need and the love for learning, art and the beauty of nature. Not all pleasures are equal; some things eventually leave behind disappointment, bitterness, dissatisfaction or emptiness, he said. People should appreciate those things that leave behind “a positive mark, ease the soul and make us more active and generous.” Such authentic enjoyments also create “effective antibodies against the trivialization and banality so present today.”

– catechetical talks by Pope Benedict on the Apostles and saints, the Church Fathers, leading Catholic women, medieval theologians, and prayer

CNS | Giancarlo Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo

A bishop speaks with two lay women during a meeting of the Second Vatican Council in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican in 1962.

Pope: Vatican II’s call for renewal did not break with tradition Carol Glatz Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY — The Second Vatican Council’s call for “renewal” did not mark a break with tradition or a watering down of the faith, but reflected Christianity’s lasting vitality and God’s eternal presence, Pope Benedict XVI said. Christianity is always young and in “perpetual bloom,” he said during an audience Oct. 12 with 15 bishops who participated in Vatican II between 1962 and 1965. The private audience also included the patriarchs and archbishops of the Eastern Catholic churches and presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences, who were attending the Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization. Pope Benedict fondly recalled the council, saying it was a time that was “so vivacious, rich and fruitful.” He praised Blessed John XXIII’s usage of the term “aggiornamento” or “renewal” for the Church, even though, he said, it’s still a topic of heated and endless debate. “But I am convinced that the insight Blessed John XXIII epitomized with this word was and still is accurate,” he said. “Christianity must never be seen as something from the past, nor lived with one’s gaze always looking back, because Jesus is yesterday, today and for all eternity,” Pope Benedict said. “This ‘renewal’ does not mean a break with tradition, rather it expresses a lasting vitality,” he said. Renewal doesn’t mean watering down the faith, lowering it to fit modern fads or trends, or fashioning it to fit public opinion or one’s own desires, “rather, it’s the contrary,” he said. “Exactly as the council fathers did, we have to make the times in which we live fit the Christian event; we have to bring the ‘today’ of our time into the ‘today’ of God,” which is eternal, he said. RENEWAL, SEE page 21

Your daily Scripture readings Scripture readings for the week of Nov. 11-17

Sunday: 1 Kings 17:10-16, Hebrews 9:24-28, Mark 12:38-44; Monday (St. Josaphat): Titus 1:1-9, Luke 17:1-6; Tuesday (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini): Titus 2:1-8, 11-14, Luke 17:7-10; Wednesday: Titus 3:1-7, Luke 17:11-19; Thursday: Philemon 7-20, Luke 17:20-25; Friday: 2 John 4-9, Luke 17:26-37; Saturday (St. Elizabeth of Hungary): 3 John 5-8, Luke 18:1-8


Sunday: Daniel 12:1-3, Hebrews 10:11-14,18, Mark 13:24-32; Monday: Revelation 1:1-4;2:15, Luke 18:35-43; Tuesday: Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22, Luke 19:1-10; Wednesday: Revelation 4:1-11, Luke 19:11-28; Thursday (St. Cecilia): Revelation 5:1-10, Luke 19:41-44; Friday (St. Clement and St. Columban): Revelation 10:8-11, Luke 19:45-48; Saturday (St. Andrew DungLac and companions): Revelation 11:4-12, Luke 20:27-40


Sunday: Daniel 7:13-14, Revelation 1:5-8, John 18:33-37; Monday: Revelation 14:1-5, Luke 21:14; Tuesday: Revelation 14:14-19, Luke 21:5-11; Wednesday: Revelation 15:1-4, Luke 21:12-19; Thursday: Revelation 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3,9, Luke 21:20-28; Friday (St. Andrew): Romans 10:9-18, Matthew 4:18-22; Saturday: Revelation 22:1-7, Luke 21:34-36

At the U.S. bishops’ website, check out a video series on the Year of Faith, download Catholic prayers and catechetical resources for free, search the Catechism of the Catholic Church, get games for kids, check out resources for families, and more.

‘My Year of Faith’ app An app with daily content updates to help you to a deeper understanding of Catholicism, an increased prayer life, and reflections and thoughts from nationally known Catholic bloggers, writers and speakers – including blogger Lisa Hendey of Produced by the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, the app is available for iOS (iPhones, iPads) and Android (smartphones, Kindle Fire) for 99 cents. Don’t have a smartphone? Follow the companion blog at A new website featuring “Video Catechism for Teens,” produced by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston in association with Outside da Box. Besides the video series on the Nicene Creed, check out free resources geared toward youths and young adults. In the weekly video series “C4: Ignite Your Catholic Faith,” Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Auxiliary Bishop Donald J. Hying talks about a “hunger of the human heart.” (The “C4” represents “Christ and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.”) Posted every Friday, the two-minute videos explaining the Catechism are aimed at Catholics in their 20s and 30s. A general website geared for people who have left their Catholic faith behind for various reasons. Produced by the Franciscan Friars of St. John the Baptist Province in Cincinnati, Ohio. It offers resources and FAQs on Church teaching, reconnects people with local communities, and features online forums.

Year of Faith indulgence offered Catholics who participate in events connected with the Year of Faith can receive a plenary, or full, indulgence, Pope Benedict XVI has announced. An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment a person is due for sins that have been forgiven. At Details on obtaining the indulgence.

November 9, 2012 | catholic news heraldI


CNS | Giancarlo Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo

Pope John XXIII leads the opening session of the Second Vatican Council in patriarchs, archbishops and bishops from around the world attended the St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Oct. 11, 1962. A total of 2,540 cardinals, opening session. Catholics count only 21 such councils in the 2,000-year

history of the Church, and the most recent council before Vatican II had been held in 1870.

Vatican II: Pope John XXIII wanted the Church to engage the world in a positive way Edward P. Hahnenberg Catholic News Service

On Jan. 25, 1959, before a small group of cardinals gathered in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, the newly elected Pope John XXIII announced his intention to call an ecumenical council. The announcement caught everyone by surprise. First of all, an ecumenical (or “worldwide”) council – a meeting of the world’s bishops with the pope to discuss serious matters pertaining to the Church – is a rare event. Catholics count only 21 such councils in the Church’s 2,000-year history. Only the pope can call a council, in the tradition of the Apostles: The book of Acts recounts how, about the year 50, the surviving apostles along with St. Paul met to decide whether Christianity should go to gentiles as well as Jews. Since the Protestant Reformation 400 years ago, there have been only two such councils, and the latest one had been in 1870. An announcement like Pope John’s did not come along every day. Another cause for surprise had to do with the reason for a new council. Previous councils were all called to respond to some threat facing the Church. The First Council of

Nicaea, for example, was convoked in 325 to quell the Arian heresy that was tearing the Church apart, creating the word “consubstantial” – now familiar to all Catholics – to describe the relation of the Father and the Son in the Trinity. Similarly, the Council of Trent (1545-1563) was an attempt to answer the challenge of the Reformation. When Pope John made his announcement only a few months after assuming the papacy, no such threat loomed on the horizon. No obvious enemy mobilized Vatican II. Instead, Pope John said that the idea for what would become the Second Vatican Council came to him as a divine inspiration, “like a flash of heavenly light.” In his announcement, he chose not to identify problems. Rather, he named two positive goals: first, to promote “the enlightenment, edification and joy” of the entire Church; and second, to reach out to other Christians in a spirit of reconciliation. The reason for the council was proactive, not reactive. Pope John framed its purpose in the positive terms of hope and opportunity, rather than the negative terms of danger and threat. This basic posture gave Vatican II the freedom to consider a wide array of concerns. More bishops were present at Vatican II than at any

The documents of Vatican II The Second Vatican Council produced 16 documents – four constitutions, which as the primary conciliar documents describe official teachings of the Church; and three declarations and nine decrees, which delve into more practical issues facing the Church. In order of promulgation, they are: n Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (“Sacrosanctum Concilium”), Dec. 4, 1963:

It ordered an extensive revision of worship so that people would have a clearer sense of their own involvement in the Mass and other rites. It emphasized that the liturgy should build the full, conscious and active participation of the faithful, because it “is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed, (and) at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows.” Two major liturgical changes following the council included permitting Mass to be said in the vernacular (although the council said Latin was to be retained as the universal language of the Church, it was generally abandoned), and the orientation of the priest facing the people rather than the altar. People could also sing, respond and pray more actively during the Mass.

of the 20 previous councils – 2,860 bishops, referred to as council fathers, participated in one or more of the sessions – and they came from more countries, more cultures, more languages than the Church had ever experienced. And of those who took part in the council’s opening session, four have become popes: Cardinal Giovanni Battista VATICAN II, SEE page 21

Follow the news from Vatican II as if you were there 50 years ago At Step back in time with the blog “Vatican II: 50 years ago today” to read the daily news reports from Vatican II by the predecessor of the Catholic News Service. This news coverage was some of the most comprehensive English-language coverage of the council’s four sessions from 1962 to 1965, and it is being republished each day just as it was reported on the corresponding day at the council 50 years ago.

n Decree on the Instruments of Social Communication (“Inter Mirifica”), Dec. 4, 1963: It called on members of the Church, especially the laity, to instill “a human and Christian spirit” into traditional and new media. n Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (“Lumen Gentium”), Nov. 21, 1964: The Church is a mystery, a communion of baptized believers, the people of God, the body of Christ and a pilgrim moving toward fulfillment in heaven but marked on earth with “a sanctity that is real, although imperfect.” Vatican II was the first to specifically address the laity and its place in the life of the Church.

Before it, laity were mostly passive spectators in the liturgy and in Catholic education, although they were involved in charitable groups such as the Knights of Columbus or parish work such as altar societies. One goal of the council was to restore a broader and richer participation of the laity in the apostolic life of the Church as reflected in the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles, particularly with advocacy on behalf of the oppressed and the unborn. Probably the biggest change in the council’s aftermath was an explosion of lay participation in Catholic education, evangelization and catechesis. DOCUMENTS, SEE page 21

4 | November 9, 2012 OUR PARISHES

Diocesan calendar of events ARDEN St. Barnabas Church, 109 Crescent Hill Road

Bishop Peter J. Jugis Bishop Peter J. Jugis will participate in the following events over the next two weeks: Nov. 9 – 7 p.m. Sacrament of Confirmation St. Vincent de Paul Church, Charlotte

— Natural Family Planning Introduction and Full Course: Nov. 10, 1-5 p.m. Learn the effectiveness of modern NFP methods; the health risks of popular contraceptives; the health, relational and spiritual benefits of NFP; what the Church teaches about responsible parenting; and how to use Natural Family Planning. RSVP to Batrice Adcock, MSN, RN, at or 704-370-3230. — Women’s Advent Reflection, “The Incarnation of Christ: A Better Understanding of the Word Made Flesh”: Saturday, Dec. 8, with 9 a.m. Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception followed by brunch and a presentation by Father Adrian Porras, pastor. All women, including high school age, are welcome. RSVP by Dec. 4 to Marcia Torres at 828-6971235 or

Nov. 11-16 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Meeting Baltimore, MD. Nov. 17 – 2 P.M. Sacrament of Confirmation St. matthew Church, Charlotte

ST. EUGENE CHURCH, 72 cULVERN ST. — Reflection on the book “Jesus Christu” by Romano Guardini: Join a discussion group facilitated by Sister Marianne Ruggeri, RSCJ. Meets once a month starting Monday, Nov. 12, 1:30-3 p.m. For details, contact or 828-254-5193. — Respect Life Rosary Committee: Meets Mondays: Nov. 19, and Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. in the church. All are welcome.

CHARLOTTE St. Ann church, 3335 Park Road

ST. MATTHEW church, 8015 BALLANTYNE COMMONS Pkwy. — Healing prayer service is the first Monday of the month: 7:30 p.m. In the Daily Mass Chapel. — “Protecting God’s Children” workshop: Thursday Nov. 15, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. In the New Life Banquet Room. Must register to attend at ST. PATRICK CHURCH, 1621 dILWORTH ROAD EAST

November 9, 2012

— Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every Wednesday. Eucharistic Adoration is a time of prayer to worship and adore Jesus Christ. All are welcome. St. Peter Church, 507 South tryon st.

Volume 21 • Number 27

1123 S. Church St. Charlotte, N.C. 28203-4003

704-370-3333 PUBLISHER: The Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, Bishop of Charlotte

— Annual diocesan “Remembering Our Children” Mass: 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, for parents who have lost a child at any age for any reason, such as miscarriage, accident or illness. Reception to follow. Sponsored by the Diocese of Charlotte Respect Life Program and the

EDITOR: Patricia L. Guilfoyle 704-370-3334, ADVERTISING MANAGER: Kevin Eagan 704-370-3332, SENIOR REPORTER: SueAnn Howell 704-370-3354, Online reporter: Kimberly Bender 704-808-7341, GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Tim Faragher 704-370-3331, COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT/CIRCULATION: Erika Robinson 704-370-3333,

n Friday, Nov. 9: Exhibition open: n Saturday, Nov. 10: Exhibition n Sunday, Nov. 11: Exhibition open: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; Mass, 7:30 open: 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Mass, 10 a.m.; 5-7 p.m.; Adoration: 1-7 p.m.; a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m. Talk, 11 a.m., “The Importance of Talk, 7 p.m., “The Eucharist and Perpetual Adoration”; Holy Hour: Vatican II”; Benediction 2-3 p.m.; Confessions: 3:30-5 p.m.; Mass, 5:30 p.m.

ST. PIUS X Church, 2210 North elm st. — Volare Women Mass: 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15. Reception to follow in the Kloster Center.

St. Thomas Aquinas church, 1400 Suther Road — All men invited to join Men of Veritas on the second and fourth Saturdays, at 8:30 a.m. Contact

— Day Retreat For Women, “Discovering the Unique Person God Created”: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at Haw River State Park, Browns Summit. Register at


— Seasons of Hope: Coping with Grief During the Holidays: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 11, in the Kloster Center. Call Marge Birge at 336-288-8779 to attend.

— Liturgical Ministers Day of Reflection: Saturday, Nov. 10. Mass will begin at 9 a.m.



HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, 4820 Kinnamon Road


— Charismatic Prayer Group: 7:15 p.m. Mondays

— Advent Evening Reflection: Charlotte Catholic Women’s Group invites everyone to this Advent reflection Wednesday, Nov. 28. Holy Hour at 5 p.m. and Mass at 6 p.m., followed by a light dinner and the reflection “Mary, Model of True Feminism” by Father Timothy Reid, pastor. Reservations requested: contact Victoria Borin at or go to

The Oct. 26 Catholic News Service story “Pope proclaims seven new saints” incorrectly listed St. Marianne Cope as a Sister of St. Joseph. She was a Sister of St. Francis. We regret the error.

St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte will host the Vatican Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition Nov. 9-11 in Aquinas Hall. Founder and president of Ignatius Productions, Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa will share his knowledge of Scripture and the Church. Learn about the 126 miracles associated with the Holy Eucharist. Admission is free. For details, go to or call the parish office at 704-549-1607. The event schedule is:

Diocese of Charleston-Family Life Office. For details, contact Maggi Nadol at 704-370-3229 or mnadol@



Vatican Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition

GREENSBORO Our Lady of Grace church, 2205 West market ST. — Traditional Latin Mass: Offered each Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Missa Cantatas will be offered on Nov. 18; Dec. 2 and 16; and Dec. 25 at 1 p.m. — “For Greater Glory”: Free screening of the true story of the Cristero war for religious freedom in 1920s Mexico, Friday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Knights clubhouse, 2780 Horse Pen Creek Road. Presented by the Knights of Columbus Piedmont Council 939. For details, call 336-315-8761. — Para honrar a la Virgen María, rezamos el Santo Rosario: Todos los Domingos a las 5:30 p.m. st. PAUL THE APOSTLE CHURCH, 2715 HORSE PENN CREEK ROAD — The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians welcomes all women who are practicing Roman Catholics, and who are Irish by birth descent, who are the wife of a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, or the mother of a junior member. Meetings are first Thursdays. Contact:

NEWS: The Catholic News Herald welcomes your news and photos. Please e-mail information, attaching photos in JPG format with a recommended resolution of 150 dpi or higher, to All submitted items become the property of the Catholic News Herald and are subject to reuse, in whole or in part, in print, electronic formats and archives. ADVERTISING: Reach 165,000 Catholics across western North Carolina! For advertising rates and information,

MOORESVILLE St. THÉRÈSE CHURCH, 217 Brawley school road — Annual Ecumenical Prayer Service: 7 p.m. Nov. 15, at First Presbyterian Church, 217 McLelland Ave., Mooresville.


St. mary Church, 812 duke st.

The Catholic News Herald is published by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte 28 times a year.

— LLegará a Inmaculado Corazón de Maria, “Carrera Antorcha Guadalupana”: El Martes Nov. 27 a las 6 p.m. Misa a las 7 p.m. Para más información llamar a Diácono al 336-273-2343.

— “The 50th Anniversary of Vatican II”: Join the discussion, 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Nov. 17, at the St. Luke Parish Family Center.

WINSTON-SALEM ST. LEO CHURCH, 335 SPRINGDALE AVE. — Mass celebrating the patron feast day for St. Leo the Great: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10.

contact Advertising Manager Kevin Eagan at 704-370-3332 or The Catholic News Herald reserves the right to reject or cancel advertising for any reason, and does not recommend or guarantee any product, service or benefit claimed by our advertisers. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15 per year for all registered parishioners of the Diocese of Charlotte and $23 per year for all others. POSTMASTER: Periodicals class postage (USPC 007-393) paid at Charlotte, N.C. Send address corrections to the Catholic News Herald, 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203. catholic news HERALD Diocese of Charlotte

Our parishes

November 9, 2012 | catholic news heraldI


For the latest news 24/7:

In Brief

SueAnn Howell | Catholic News Herald

(Above) Johnnette Benkovic delivers the keynote address at the 18th Annual Room at the Inn Banquet on Oct. 25.

Charlotte seminarians installed as reader, acolytes COLUMBUS, Ohio — Diocese of Charlotte seminarians Cory Catron, Casey Coleman and Brian Kaup took the next step forward in their formation for the priesthood Nov. 4, when they were instituted as lectors or acolytes. The Institution of Lectors and Acolytes took place at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, during Mass celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Broglio, Archbishop of the Military Services. Catron was installed as a lector, also called a reader. First-year theology seminarians installed as readers are commissioned to proclaim the Word of God in the liturgical assembly and to catechize the faithful. Coleman and Kaup were installed as acolytes. Acolytes, traditionally second-year theologians, are entrusted with the duties of attending to the altar, assisting the deacon and priest at Mass, and distributing Holy Communion as an extraordinary minister. Pictured above (from left) are Casey Coleman, Monsignor Christopher Schreck (rector of the Pontifical College Josephinum), Archbishop Timothy Broglio (Archbishop of the Military Services), Brian Kaup and Cory Catron. — Carolyn A. Dinovo, Pontifical College Josephinum. Photo by seminarian Josh Altonji of the Diocese of Birmingham, Ala.

Pastoral Center staff walks for wellness CHARLOTTE — The Diocese of Charlotte’s wellness plan, “Wellness Works,” kicked off its “Take a Step for Life” program by sponsoring the Diocesan Pastoral Center walking team in the 5K Charlotte American Cancer Society event Oct. 20. Team members walked and offered prayers for family and friends who have battled cancer. — Karen Verney and Fortuna Verdree

(Right) Benkovic is presented with a statue of the Blessed Mother in appreciation for her service to the Church. Also pictured are Dr. William Thierfelder, president of Belmont Abbey College (center), and Jeannie Wray, executive director of Room at the Inn (right).

Benkovic lauds RATI supporters’ ‘heroic virtue’ Annual banquet in Charlotte draws more than 1,000 SueAnn Howell Senior reporter

CHARLOTTE — Catholic author and speaker Johnnette Benkovic took the stage with characteristic energy at Room at the Inn’s annual banquet Oct. 25, setting the room ablaze with her observations about the rising up of holy men and women to combat society’s ills. More than 1,000 people attended the 18th annual banquet benefitting the crisis pregnancy organization, held at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, including Bishop Peter J. Jugis, Bishop Emeritus William G. Curlin, Monsignor Mauricio W. West, and Abbot Placid Solari of Belmont Abbey. Benkovic, whose “Women of Grace” television program is broadcast on EWTN, is known for going to the heart of topics to reveal Catholic teaching and God’s moral truths with prayerful yet fiery aplomb. In her television and radio shows – as well as in her books and Bible study programs – Benkovic urges the faithful to call on God’s grace, as well as the intercession of Mary and the saints, in responding to the challenges presented by the rising tide of secularism and materialism in America today. In her keynote address at the banquet, Benkovic began by citing the writings of St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort, known for promoting a closer relationship to Jesus through devotion to Mary. “In the latter days the Most High and His holy Mother must form for themselves some of the greatest saints who have ever been,” Benkovic quoted from the saint’s writings. “Why? Why is it that the Most High and His holy Mother must form for themselves some of the greatest saints who have ever been?” she asked. “I think I have arrived at an answer for why it is that the latter days would require that kind of saint: because the times will

More online At Learn more about Room at the Inn and its new collegebased maternity center.

demand it. The times will require a heroic virtue – the likes of which perhaps the Church has never experienced before. They will be times when the capacity for evil to proliferate will be unprecedented, the time when evil can travel with the click of a mouse, (with) a media that will trumpet lies and falsehoods and call them truths. “And because the times will have a capacity for such evil, God will dispense unprecedented graces! Graces that will reign down from (heaven) with a torrent that has never been experienced in Church history before. And God will raise up holy men and women who will be willing to stand strong to fight the battles that come from the power of darkness. “I put before you this evening the notion that you are those men and women.” Benkovic then told everyone gathered that this is a time when God will ask the faithful to open their hearts so that they might be filled with grace, and that they might become ‘love in action’ – living the Gospel in our own day and time. “We see evidence of love in action everywhere we go. We see evidence of it this night, gathered here, over a thousand of you strong because you know that God has called you to stand for life in the midst of this day and time which has been enchanted by death,” Benkovic said. “We see it in the work that goes on in the work of Room at the Inn – a labor of love, whose only mission is to bring that love of God to those women who present themselves perhaps at a moment in time that could be their most devastating.” Room at the Inn assisted more than 426

mothers and their infants during the past year. Of those mothers, 22 had considered abortion. More than 12,450 pounds of food were distributed through Room at the Inn’s food pantry, and 35,000 diapers were given to families in need. Ten children of Room at the Inn mothers were baptized and became some of the newest members of the Church in the Diocese of Charlotte. Earlier this year, Room at the Inn also opened the nation’s first college-based maternity center. Located on the campus of Belmont Abbey College in Belmont, just 20 minutes west of Charlotte, the center will help young mothers in need who want to continue their college education while receiving support through their pregnancies. During the banquet, Room at the Inn leaders recognized people who contributed significantly to the organization’s mission. Award winners this year were Kristen Hinson, who received the Outstanding Service Award, and Alexandra Sikes, who was named a Hero for Life. Hinson, a nurse for more than 26 years, works directly with the mothers at Room at the Inn. Sikes, a high school junior, began an “Angels for Life” group at Holy Angels Church in Mt. Airy to help educate people about the evils of abortion. Several certificates of appreciation were also given to businesses and individuals who helped with establishing the maternity home in Belmont. In Benkovic’s address, she also affirmed the mission of the Room at the Inn staff, volunteers and supporters in their vital role of advocating for mothers and their unborn children in a world which is increasingly hostile to the sanctity of life. “You are those men. You are those women. In the midst of your fiat – your ‘yes’ to God – He is making saints out of you, and the world itself is desperate for you.”

6 | November 9, 2012 OUR PARISHES

You’re invited to Catherine’s House In our new blog, learn more about how the Sisters of Mercy help women, children in need

Megan Barnes Intern

New blog launched

BELMONT — Come along with me to experience the work of the Sisters of Mercy at Catherine’s House in Belmont. During the next several weeks, I will volunteer there and blog online about this special ministry at Catherine’s House was established in 1992 by the Sisters of Mercy on the grounds of the Sacred Heart campus in downtown Belmont. Following in the footsteps of their foundress, Sister Catherine McAuley, the Mercy sisters operate the house to provide transitional housing, shelter and individualized assistance for women and children in need. Through services such as counseling, babysitting and life skills classes, Catherine’s House provides the means for these women to grow as individuals capable of self-sufficient

Join Megan Barnes and learn about Catherine’s House at:

success in today’s society. “It is beautiful to see these women succeed and be able to move out on their own, once they are ready and able. We give them the tools and the means and the assistance. We help those who need help,” says Sister Carmelita Hagan, head of the volunteer program at Catherine’s House. I learned about Catherine’s House through my parish bulletin. Inspired to volunteer, I met with Sister Carmelita with the intention of turning my volunteer work into a blog, so that others can learn about this important ministry. Over the next several weeks I will be

volunteering, observing and meeting with some of these lovely women and children to obtain a deeper understanding of the good works done at Catherine’s House, which aims to follow the example of Sister Catherine McAuley. Several times a week, I will post online about my personal experiences with these wonderful people as well as some of their stories. (Of course, to maintain the integrity of Catherine’s House and privacy of its residents, names and personal information will be withheld.) Sister Catherine McAuley’s dream was to help women through their difficulties and put them on the path to self-sufficiency, dignity and success. She gave them the tools needed to make the best out of their particular situations and to see the silver lining in even the darkest cloud. Catherine’s House continues this mission, and I could not be more thrilled to be able to share it with you.

Getting into the spirit of Advent

Pray the Akathist, an ancient hymn to Mary, at St. Basil Eastern Catholic Mission Kevin Bezner Special to the Catholic News Herald

CHARLOTTE — “Rejoice, O Heavenly Ladder, by which God descended. Rejoice, O Bridge leading those from earth to heaven.” So goes part of an ancient hymn to Mary that celebrates the Annunciation and the Incarnation, composed more than 1,400 years ago and continued to be prayed by Eastern Catholics today. Its author is anonymous, but the “Akathist Hymn to Our Lady the Theotokos” remains one of the Church’s greatest and most beautiful Marian devotions. On Sunday, Nov. 4, St. Basil the Great Ukrainian Catholic Mission began praying the Akathist hymn at 1:45 p.m. each Sunday through Dec. 23, the Sunday before Christmas. Everyone is welcome to join in praying this beloved hymn and learning more about one of Catholicism’s most ancient traditions. “In Mary and the Fathers of the Church,” Father Luigi Gambero, a patristics scholar and specialist in Mariology, called the Akathist “the most beautiful, the most profound, and the most ancient Marian hymn in all Christian literature.” He also noted that Father Ermannio Toniolo, a well-regarded student of the Akathist, wrote that its anonymous author “was a great poet, an outstanding theologian, a consummate contemplative” who composed a hymn that “belongs to everyone, because it belongs to the Church.” In Greek the word “akathist” means “not seated,” and when reciting the hymn in a church setting, the faithful stand. The Akathist is also considered suitable for private, devotional reading, to honor the Theotokos (Mary, the Mother of God). While there are numerous Akathist hymns – both ancient and modern – prayed to Jesus Christ and a variety of saints, this hymn to Mary is so ancient and well-known that it is simply called the Akathist or the Akathistos. Composed in the mid-fifth or early sixth century, the Akathist stands beside the rosary and the Angelus, the two greatest Marian devotions of the Church. Yet unlike these devotions, which it historically precedes, the Akathist is little known today to Catholics outside the Eastern Church traditions. Blessed John Paul II worked to change this during his pontificate. He encouraged the singing of the Akathist and celebrated the hymn in December of 2000 on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, as one of the highlights of the Great Jubilee. Father Gambero wrote that the Akathist was introduced into the Byzantine liturgy in the eighth century by St. Germanus of Constantinople as a prayer of thanksgiving to Mary for helping save Constantinople from barbarians. Generally, the Akathist is prayed during Lent, but the Dec. 8, 2000, introduction to the Akathist on the Vatican’s website notes that it “is the ideal patristic and liturgical text for celebrating the Mother of God in the mystery of Christ and the Church as Christmas approaches.” The

More online At Read the full English text of the Akathist, also called the Akathistos. At Learn more about the history of the Akathist. At See a portion of the Akathist being prayed at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Also, at watch?v=J-ZTwSk1G8Q, check out a portion of the Akathist being prayed in Arabic, where it is known as the Madayeh. At View a documentary about the Akathist produced by the Greek Orthodox Church.

introduction also notes that a Latin translation of the hymn based on St. Germanus’ text was edited by Bishop Christopher of Venice about 800 and became influential during the medieval period.

Some have credited St. Germanus with composing the Akathist, because his name was on the Latin translation. Others have proposed George of Pisidia. Some believe the most likely author is St. Romanos the Melodist, a deacon at a Marian shrine in Constantinople who is thought to have written 1,000 hymns. The subject of his best known hymn is the Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross. As a hymn of praise, the Akathist follows a simple structure based on the events depicted in Scripture. Consisting of a series of short prayers and a coda, the Akathist opens with a prayer of thanksgiving before moving through familiar Gospel scenes such as the Annunciation, Mary’s virginity, the Incarnation, the conception by the Holy Spirit, the visit with Elizabeth, Joseph’s righteousness, the announcement of the shepherds, the visit of the Magi and the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt. The hymn builds to prayers that focus on the new creation brought forth through Christ and the opening of heaven. Prayers also focus on Jesus as God, Shepherd, King and Redeemer, and Mary as “our holy protection,” “the lamp of the living light” and “the living temple.” The concluding prayer of the Akathist praises Mary as the chosen Mother of God and asks for her intercession on our behalf and her protection throughout life. Archbishop Joseph M. Raya, a Melkite Greek Catholic and one of the great writers on Byzantine spirituality, wrote in “Byzantine Daily Worship” that the Akathist is the greatest devotion in the Eastern churches in honor of Mary. In praising Mary, he wrote, the Akathist glorifies God’s infinite goodness and wisdom because it exalts both the Incarnation and the miracle of Mary’s motherhood and perpetual virginity. In 1746, Pope Benedict XIV granted an indulgence to the faithful who pray the hymn. In 1991, Blessed John Paul II granted the same indulgence as that for praying the rosary to the faithful who pray the Akathist. As a result, those who pray the Akathist at St. Basil Mission can gain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions. St. Basil the Great Ukrainian Catholic Mission meets at the Charlotte Catholic High School chapel, located at 7702 Pineville-Matthews Road, Charlotte. The Akathist will start at 1:45 p.m. followed at 2 p.m. with the Sunday Liturgy – either Divine Liturgy (Mass) or Typica Service (Communion service). Fellowship will follow immediately afterwards. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is in full communion with the pope, and attending Divine Liturgy (Mass) at St. Basil Mission fulfills one’s Sunday obligation. All services are in English. For more information, contact Father Deacon Matthew Hanes at or visit www.stbasil. Kevin Bezner is a member of St. Basil the Great Ukrainian Catholic Mission in Charlotte.

November 9, 2012 |



Te Deum Foundation celebrates outdoor Mass MOORESBORO — Supporters of the Te Deum Foundation gathered Oct. 13 for Mass celebrated on land that the foundation hopes will become the location for a seminary in the South. They commemorated the Fatima Miracle of the Sun, which occurred on Oct. 13, 1917. After Mass, they hosted a rosary and boxed picnic lunch on the property which was purchased less than a year ago. Supporter Danny Briggs volunteered his time and talents to erect a beautiful wooden cross on the site, marking a peaceful place of prayer. Father John. T. Putnam, judicial vicar for the Diocese of Charlotte and pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Salisbury, solemnly blessed the Cross and invited those present to venerate it. “This was a special moment for all of us as we offered our ‘ex voto’ for the gift of the property given to us by Our Lord,” said Billie Mobley, president of the Te Deum Foundation. “The presence of our friends made it a memorable day and now it becomes part of our history as we move forward on this wonderful journey.” The Te Deum Foundation hopes to host future events and give more people the chance to see the land and pray at this

peaceful place. The foundation supports seminarian education. Learn more online at www. — Wilhelmina Silva Mobley

Renowned journalist, author to share insights on ‘The Future Church’ St. Matthew Church hosts John Allen Nov. 12 SueAnn Howell Senior reporter

CHARLOTTE — St. Matthew Church is poised to welcome the Catholic journalist whom the late Father Richard John Neuhaus hailed as being responsible for “possibly the best source of information on the Vatican published in the United States.” St. Matthew Church in south Charlotte will host National Catholic Reporter senior correspondent John Allen on Nov. 12, from 7-9:30 p.m. He will offer a lecture on his latest book, “The Future Church: Current Trends That Will Revolutionize the Church.” Allen Allen is also prize-winning senior Vatican analyst for CNN. He has authored seven best-selling books on the Vatican and Catholic affairs. His weekly blog “All Things Catholic” is widely read as a source of unbiased insight on the global Church. The Catholic News Herald recently asked Allen some questions in advance of his trip to Charlotte: CNH: Can you give our readers a bit of insight on your journey as a Catholic from a small town in Kansas to a well-known journalist covering the Vatican in Rome? ALLEN: I’d love to tell you there was a master plan, but it’s really been dumb luck. I went into journalism as a way to pay bills during graduate school, got hooked up with a Catholic newspaper, and before I knew it I was shipped off to Rome. Once there, I discovered that relatively few reporters working in English were actually covering the place on a full-time basis. One problem with a lot of journalistic commentary on the Vatican, in fact, is that it’s produced by people who haven’t spent much time there learning its culture. In that context, carving out a name for myself wasn’t as complicated as you might think. I’m a perfect example of that old wisdom – 80 percent of success in life is just showing up! I will say that the education I got in a Capuchin high school out on the plains of western Kansas has stood me in good stead. Pretty much every skill I draw on in my professional life was acquired there, which is one reason why nobody will ever need to convince me that Catholic

schools are worth supporting. CNH: What has it been like to work for the National Catholic Reporter for the past 12 years? ALLEN: The trick to covering religion is to be close enough to the story to get it right, but far enough away to remain objective. The National Catholic Reporter may not always strike that balance perfectly – no media outlet ever does – but it’s one of the few places that’s even trying, and I’m profoundly grateful for the opportunities they’ve given me. Nothing else I’ve done, whether it’s my TV work with CNN or the books I’ve written for Random House, would have been possible with my foundations at NCR. CNH: How has your Catholic faith been impacted by your work as a journalist covering the Vatican? ALLEN: People often assume that prolonged exposure to Rome is spiritually hazardous, because you see too much of the humanity of the Church. (There’s an old joke that Rome is such a spiritual city because so many people have lost their faith there!) In my case, the effect has been the opposite. First of all, I’ve discovered that most people who work in the Vatican do so for precious little by way of fame or material gain, motivated by a genuine desire to serve the Church. You can debate some of their choices, but I’ve been impressed by the idealism and intelligence I’ve encountered. Secondly, Rome is also the crossroads of the Catholic world, and it’s given me an education in the global realities of the faith. I’ve met dynamic young Catholics from Africa, for instance, and courageous pastors from neighborhoods where being Catholic isn’t easy, such as the Middle East, not to mention fascinating thinkers and activists from all over the map. It’s brought home to me that there’s great life and hope in the Church, despite all our well-known sources of heartache. Bottom line: In my experience, telling the Catholic story “warts and all” – but the whole story, not just bits and pieces of it – has strengthened my faith. CNH: How have you been able to maintain your objectivity? ALLEN: For me, the cardinal virtue of journalism is curiosity. You have to be curious about what’s really happening, how other people see things, and what the aspects of a situation may be that you don’t yet know or understand. If you go into a story already thinking

you know who’s right and who’s wrong, or what all the answers are, you’ll never see the whole picture. Because I’m a curious guy, trying to stay neutral comes fairly naturally. I’d also say that the longer I cover the Church, the more I appreciate how complicated most of the issues that come up truly are. The more shades of gray you learn to detect, the less inclined you are to think the answers are obvious, and therefore you tend to be more willing to suspend your own judgment and listen to the perspectives of others. CNH: Who have you met in the course of your reporting that has made a lasting impact on you professionally and spiritually? ALLEN: Aside from the two popes I’ve covered, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, I’d say the list of inspiring people I’ve met over the years is pretty long. Jean Vanier, for instance, the founder of the L’Arche movement, is an amazing soul. Meeting Sister Maria Rosa Leggol, a feisty octogenarian nun in Honduras who’s generally described as the “Mother Teresa of Central America,” left quite an impression. But beyond those sorts of well-known personalities, I’ve also met ordinary folk who touched me in some way. For instance, in 2005 I visited the Nyumbani Children of God Relief Institute in Nairobi, Kenya, which provides a home for almost 100 HIV/AIDS orphans. I met John Mwangi, an articulate 14-year-old who had recently been selected to represent Nairobi at a national conference on child and drug abuse. He described the questions he put to government ministers at the conference with the practiced eloquence of a courtroom attorney. He told me he dreams of going into politics, and I could easily imagine him president of Kenya someday. Smiling and joking with him, one could almost forget that without Nyumbani, this promising young man would almost certainly be dead. If there’s one thing my years of covering the Church has taught me, it’s this: There’s always someone inspiring out there, for those with eyes to see! CNH: Is there anyone on your “wish list” you would still like to interview and haven’t had the opportunity to sit down with yet? ALLEN: Well, I’d love to get a one-on-one with Benedict XVI as pope. I interviewed him several times before his election, but since becoming pope he’s done sit-downs only with Vatican Radio and with the German journalist Peter Seewald. allen, SEE page 17

8 | November 9, 2012 OUR PARISHES






Center for Spirituality

434 Charlotte Avenue, P.O. Box 11586 Rock Hill, SC 29731-1586

(803) 327-2097

I am a Gift to be Given ‌ An Advent Creative Workshop Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB Come away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday preparations to spend a few hours reflecting on your beautiful inner world.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 6:45pm – 9:00pm Cost: $15

A look at the Infancy Narratives Dr. Peter Judge We will examine the stories of Jesus’ birth and early years as found in Matthew & Luke and how they speak to us today.

Saturday, December 8, 2012 9:00 – 11:00am -ORWednesday, December 12, 2012 7:00 – 9:00pm Same program offered both days.

Cost: $15 (Resources will be available for purchase)

CCHD funds textile cooperative in Morganton Joseph Purello Special to the Catholic News Herald

MORGANTON — The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) distributes grants to address the root causes of poverty in America through the funding of community and economic development initiatives guided by self-help principles, in which people with low incomes and limited assets play a prominent role. Opportunity Threads, a worker-owned cut-and-sew company based in Morganton, received a $70,000 economic development grant from CCHD this year. As a worker-owned business, or cooperative, Opportunity Threads’ employees become shared owners of the business, building economic assets for their families. Over time, workers not only grow their share in ownership of the business but also develop the skills and capacity to run a business – perhaps one day even being able to venture off on their own and start new businesses. According to Molly Hemstreet, Opportunity Threads’ general manager, being a worker-owner is much more than just having a job. It requires a large amount of responsibility, time, sacrifice, long-term vision and a deep commitment to cooperation. “At Opportunity Threads,� Hemstreet said, “we provide cut-and-sew services to entrepreneurs and growing companies from across the United States. We sew apparel, bags, head wear and many other unique items. We can accommodate lower minimum orders and work to help clients get their ideas to the marketplace, and also to grow with them as they need more volume. Our vision is to continue to grow our clientele and also add workers to create jobs for our communities in Burke County.� What does CCHD’s support mean for Opportunity Threads? Hemstreet said, “We hope to add as many as 15 positions in the coming two to three years for a workforce of 25 to 30 workers providing high-quality, unique production lines. Since many of our workers were unemployed or underemployed (prior to coming to Opportunity Threads), we must find resources for training and capacity building. CCHD support will aid in this process.� Since Opportunity Threads was founded in 2008, parishioners at nearby St. Charles Borromeo Church have had a close relationship with its worker-owners. Hemstreet said she sees this faith community as a lifeline to the cultural life of Opportunity Threads workers, especially those from the immigrant community. Besides the strong connection of its workers to the parish, several members of the parish serve on Opportunity Threads’ advisory board, a group of regional professionals who provide assistance with accounting, strategic planning and business development. “We rely on the day-to-day support of the parish to enrich and faithfully grow Opportunity Threads,� Hemstreet noted. Deacon Edward Konarski of St. Charles Borromeo Church supported Opportunity Threads’ application for a CCHD grant. Deacon Konarski noted, “This company clearly proclaims Catholic social teaching in the way they run their operation.� “The workers share in the rewards and responsibilities of the company,� he said, and “the focus is on the dignity of the

Photo provided by Joseph Purello

Help reduce poverty in the U.S. Parishes across the Diocese of Charlotte will have a second collection Nov. 17-18 for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). More than 46 million Americans lived at or below the poverty line in 2010, an increase of more than 2 million since 2009. With many families living one paycheck away from financial instability, there is little hope that more Americans won’t face poverty in the years to come. For more than 40 years, CCHD has provided funding to groups that empower Americans to break the cycle of poverty. CCHD funds programs in communities across the U.S. where people living in poverty join together to identify problems, make decisions, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. The collection benefits projects across the nation and locally in the Diocese of Charlotte funding such local anti-poverty projects such as Opportunity Threads in Morganton. — USCCB

people, not only the profits.� In identifying itself an “eco-textile� plant, Opportunity Threads seeks to be environmentally friendly – using mostly organic cotton, recycled machinery and materials (80 percent of its cut scraps are reused), and energy-efficient heating and lighting. Opportunity Threads can produce a product that is almost completely domestically produced, using organic American-grown cotton rather than imported cotton, relying on local supply chains to achieve further environmental COLLECTION, SEE page 11

November 9, 2012 |



Refugee children get special attention and aid from CSS Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing series of articles showcasing how the faithful of the Diocese of Charlotte welcome and support refugees through Catholic Social Services’ Refugee Resettlement Office, which has helped nearly 11,000 refugees from 27 different nationalities since 1975. Tracy Winsor Special to the Catholic News Herald

CHARLOTTE — “Refugee children face real challenges during resettlement,” observes Sandy Buck, Catholic Social Services’ volunteer coordinator for the Charlotte area. Refugee children come to Charlotte from crisis situations, where many have lived in refugee resettlement camps most if not all of their young lives. They flee parts of the world where political unrest and even ethnic violence are prevalent, and they face immediate cultural and language challenges upon their arrival here. For

How can you help? More information about the needs of the diocesan refugee office and opportunities for volunteering is at the Catholic Social Services’ website: From September through June, CSS aids refugee children with their homework and English skills, and takes them on field trips. Volunteers are welcome to help with tutoring, mentoring and chaperoning. You can also send monetary donations to Catholic Social Services Refugee Office, 1123 S. Church St, Charlotte 28203. For inquiries, contact Sandy Buck at 704-3703283 or

many of them, this is the first real safe place they live, where they can relax and have the childhood that many Americans take for granted. Susan Jassan, who is facilitator of the School Impact Program at the CSS Refugee Resettlement Office (RRO), sees their challenges first hand, particularly when the children are enrolled in school. “The struggle to acquire basic English skills impacts everything including homework completion and their ability to navigate the American school system,” Jassan says. “In addition, both parents and children must adjust to American educational norms and expectations, which can be particularly challenging.” As a response to the needs of these refugee children and to encourage their success at school, the RRO offers summer programming to help them catch up on learning, work on their reading and study skills, and help them with their English speaking and writing ability. “We target those kids who have been here less than three years and who are not eligible for summer school,” explains Jassan. “We offer a Summer Cultural Orientation Program, a Newcomers English as a Second Language (ESL) Class, and a traditional summer camp. Kids attending our summer programming this year were from Bhutan, Iraq, Sudan, Nepal, Burma and Vietnam.” Ten children and their parents recently attended the RRO’s Summer Cultural Orientation Program. Designed to provide newly-arrived families with information about the American school system, participants gathered once a week. The program provided information about American laws, safety, school rules, social skills, money management, emotional health and family responsibilities. Targeting youth who arrived between January and June of this year, a recent RRO Newcomers ESL Class was designed to strengthen the basic English skills of participants by reviewing grammar, the alphabet, numbers, colors, foods, classroom

Pictured are two recent refugees from Bhutan being assisted by the Refugee Resettlement Office, during a trip last summer to the zoo. Kewal (left) is 9, and Rajesh (right) is 8.

Photo provided by Sandy Buck

objects and more. Eleven children attended this seven-week class. Fourteen children attended the RRO Summer Camp, which met four days a week for four hours each day. The aim of this camp was simply to let the children have a little fun. Attendees enjoyed science activities, field trips, outdoor and indoor games, and arts and crafts – experiences they may have never had before in the various refugee camps where they grew up. “We had several great field trips,” says Jassan. “The children visited the UNC Botanical Gardens, Ray’s Splash Planet, and the Asheboro Zoo.” Buck adds, “We also had great volunteers, and that makes programming like this possible. Ten individuals volunteered at these programs as well as a family who plugged in with activities as needed, and two youth groups.” “The one family that volunteered,” says Jassan, “taught our refugee kids magic tricks. The kids were giddy trying them out. And days later they were still coming up to me to show off the magic tricks they’d learned. It was great.” Sarah Suttoni, a junior at Charlotte

Catholic High School, was one of the dedicated volunteers who worked at the RRO Summer Camp this year. “I had never worked with refugees before, but I was interested in working with the children and I enjoyed playing soccer and board games with them and making bracelets. I also helped some of the kids with their English writing and reading skills,” Suttoni says. “I learned something, too,” she adds. “One afternoon, someone donated some fresh fruits and vegetables for the kids and their families. I passed out the fruits and vegetables at the end of the day, and I will never forget how happy and excited the kids were. I don’t think that I’ve ever had a smile from ear to ear over a tomato like they did, and it really made me realize how many things I take for granted in my life. I’m going to continue volunteering with the RRO.” “We’re thrilled to have Sarah as a youth ambassador,” says Buck. “She’ll work to encourage other students at Charlotte Catholic to become more aware of the needs of refugees and, hopefully, to volunteer. We are always in need of volunteers in our ongoing afterschool programming.”

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A Gift for the Ages Our daughter’s baptism. Her first Ccommunion and confirmation. Last week she was married. We are grateful that we were able to establish a charitable gift annuity with the Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte to benefit our Catholic school. To receive the free brochure, “A Simple Guide to Gift Planning” contact Judy Smith, Director of Planned Giving at 704-370-3320 or jmsmith@

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10 | November 9, 2012 OUR PARISHES

For the latest news 24/7:

In Brief

Director of Faith Formation St. James the Greater Catholic Church St. James the Greater Catholic Church in Concord, NC is seeking a fulltime Director of Faith Formation, managing all religious education for PreK – 5th grade including Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (PreK-6 yrs old), traditional Faith Formation, Reconciliation/First Holy Communion Sacramental Preparation, overseeing Adult Education and Protecting God’s Children. Requirements: practicing Catholic, possess excellent oral and written communication skills, a Bachelor Degree in Catechetics with a minor degree in Theology is preferred. Experience – through internship, summer programs relating to degree or life experience will be considered. Interested candidates please email your resume and cover letter to Patti Andruzzi at or send to 139 Manor Avenue SW, Concord, NC 28025.

SJN emphasizes Eucharistic Adoration

Take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land for Lent

CHARLOTTE — Congregation of the Priests of Mercy Father Joseph Antoya was the guest homilist during the recent 40 Hours Devotion at St. John Neumann Church in Charlotte. Each evening, using the theme, “The Necessary Encounter: Eucharistic Amazement,” Father Antoya encouraged those in attendance to explore their faith more deeply and to fall more in love with our Eucharistic Lord. The 40 Hours Devotion helped to launch the start of weekly Eucharistic Adoration at St. John Neumann Church. Since Nov. 2, Adoration is being held for 24 hours every Friday.

CHARLOTTE — Join Father Christopher Roux, pastor and rector of St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte, and Father Lucas Rossi, pastor of St. Benedict the Moor Church in Winston-Salem, for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land March 1-9, 2013. Reservations by Nov. 22 are recommended to secure current pricing. For details, go online to Father Adrian Porras, pastor of St. Barnabas Church in Arden, is also taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land March 4-11, 2013. For details, contact Mary Webb at 1-828-628-1918.

— Al Tinson

St. John Neumann Presents

St. John the Baptist parishioners walk in procession

“Christmas in New York.” Franc D’Ambrosio

Best known as the "Phantom" in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Tony award-winning Musical, “The Phantom Of The Opera”, Franc D’Ambrosio will appear at St. John Neumann on Sunday, November 25th. Broadway’s longest running “Phantom” celebrates the sounds of the season with the beloved holiday standards that evoke wonderful memories of Christmas past.

Featuring Holiday Standards from the American Songbook such as: Silver Bells White Christmas Silent Night Ave Maria Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas What Child Is This? And many more Tickets are just $20 and seating is First Come, First Served. Limited reserve seating available for $25. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Concert starts at 7:00 PM Call St. John Neumann Faith Formation office @ 704-535-4197 or email: for more information or to purchase concert tickets Intermission: Concessions & Refreshments available Babysitting will be available-$5 suggested donation per child. All proceeds will benefit the High School Youth Ministry program.

the Mask,” he was awarded the distinction as the “World’s Longest-Running Phantom.” This accomplishment was immortalized in a cemented hand ceremony and D’Ambrosio retained this title for more than a decade. D’Ambrosio’s résumé also includes an Academy Award-nominated film, an Emmy Award-nominated TV show, a four-time Tonynominated Broadway show, two Grammy considerations, and a National Theatre Award nomination. The concert will benefit the St. John Neumann Youth Ministry Program. Babysitting will be provided with a $5 suggested donation per child. For details or to purchase tickets, contact 704-535-4197. D’Ambrosio will perform the same concert at St. Eugene Church in Asheville at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 26. To buy tickets, call the St. Eugene parish office at 828-254-5193. — Meredith Paul

Albemarle parish hosts blood drive ALBEMARLE — Father Peter Fitzgibbons, pastor of Our Lady of the Annunciation Church in Albemarle, was the first in line for a blood drive held at the parish’s family life center Oct. 28. Pictured next in line is parishioner Lucas Butkiewicz being attended to by Michael Schulman, a technician with Community Blood Center of the Carolinas. More than 20 parishioners participated in the blood drive, organized jointly by the Knights of Columbus and CBCC. The parish also held its ninth-annual indoor yard sale Oct. 20-21, organized by the Daughters of Mary and assisted by the Knights of Columbus. — Done Espina

Broadway star to perform Christmas musical at SJN, St. Eugene parishes CHARLOTTE — “Christmas in New York,” a benefit concert featuring Broadway star Franc D’Ambrosio, will be performed at 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 25, at St. John Neumann Church. D’Ambrosio is best known as the “Phantom” in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Tony Awardwinning musical “The Phantom of the Opera.” Affectionately known as “The Iron Man of

TRYON — Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Church in Tryon participated in the church’s second-annual Eucharistic Procession through downtown Tryon Sept. 7, as part of the parish’s celebration of its 101st anniversary. The procession was led by pastor Father John Eckert. The celebration also featured an Italian Feast on Sept. 8, with food, games, music and dancing. — Caroline Skellie and Theresa Fitch

Lay ministry graduates CHARLOTTE — A Mass for Spanish lay ministry graduates was celebrated by Father Fidel Melo, vicar of the Diocese of Charlotte Hispanic Ministry, at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte Sept. 16. The 20 new lay ministry graduates, who received two additional years of leadership training beyond their lay ministry education through the diocesan Hispanic Ministry office, will focus on pastoral care to Spanish-speaking Catholics at various parishes within the diocese. — Jorge Gomiz

November 9, 2012 |


More online At Find out more about this worker-owned cooperative in Morganton, its services and its vision.


sustainability. Such a product is more costly than one which uses imported cotton, but some customers desire a product that can be certified as being almost 100 percent locally made. “We see Opportunity Threads offering many positive things: creating jobs, honing worker skills, promoting fair labor and sustainable environmental practices, building assets among employees, and reusing abandoned manufacturing space,� Hemstreet said. She is proud of the fact that at Opportunity Threads workers are at the center of all these positive outcomes, offering their talents, their ideas, and their energy to make high-quality textile products. “Our clients know the story behind the high-quality products they obtain from Opportunity Threads, and this in turn helps them to market and sell the finished product to their customers.� Through the support of Catholic parishioners in the CCHD national

At Learn more about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and how this money is distributed.

collection each November, funds are available to support job-creating efforts such as Opportunity Threads in North Carolina and across the U.S. With CCHD funds, Opportunity Threads will increase its infrastructure, expand capacity to handle higher-volume contracts, and pilot its own “all North Carolina� supply chain. “We are grateful for CCHD,� Hemstreet said, “and all the donations to CCHD that have helped make our grant possible.� Joseph Purello is director of the Office of Justice and Peace for the Diocese of Charlotte’s Catholic Social Services.


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iiiNovember 9, 2012 |


Celebrating 40 years!

Diocese of Charlotte

Diocese’s second chancellor describes ‘a tremendous experience’ SueAnn Howell Senior reporter

HIGH POINT — Monsignor Joseph Kerin has certainly earned his retirement. Back in 1972, he was one of the first priests of the newly-formed Diocese of Charlotte dispatched by Raleigh Bishop Vincent Waters to serve Catholics in western North Carolina. Father Kerin, as he was known then, was a native of Scarsdale, N.Y., who moved to North Carolina after finishing college. He discerned a call to the priesthood and approached Bishop Waters, who sent him to seminary in 1957. He recalls meeting a young priest named Father Michael Begley, who was assigned to an orphanage in Raleigh where his brother lived at the time. The two priests’ friendship blossomed and eventually brought Monsignor Kerin to his assignment as second chancellor for the Diocese of Charlotte when his longtime friend became Charlotte’s first bishop in 1972. Monsignor Kerin recently granted Catholic News Herald an interview about his experiences in the diocese and reminisced about his role as chancellor and his relationship with both Bishop Begley and Bishop John Donoghue, Photos provided by Diocese of Charlotte Archives who succeeded Bishop Begley in Monsignor Joseph Kerin and Bishop John F. Donoghue shortly after land for a new St. 1984. Matthew Parish was purchased in what was then a sparsely populated part of Mecklenburg “The diocese started back in 1972 County in the 1980s. and at that time most of us were parish priests,” Monsignor Kerin recalled. “Monsignor Showfety was the first chancellor when the diocese was established and after about seven years, he was given a position back in a parish and I was appointed (chancellor) by Bishop Begley in 1979. “Monsignor (Showfety) had the responsibility of setting up the organization, and it was my job as chancellor to be the executive 1972-1979 Monsignor Joseph Showfety officer of the diocese (after him) to handle the routine running of 1979-1986 Monsignor Joseph Kerin the diocese while the bishop was concerned with more spiritual 1986-1994 Monsignor John McSweeney matters. 1994- Monsignor Mauricio West “It was a tremendous experience because it gave me an overview of the diocese that you don’t get as a pastor of an individual parish.” Monsignor Kerin said he found being chancellor was an interesting job and considered his role primarily to help pastors do This date in history their jobs. “It was a most pleasant time for me,” he said. “The diocese At was growing. We started out as a relatively large diocese ministries-a-departments/archives: (geographically), and I was able to see the continuing development Check out more historical news and of it.” photos from the Diocese of Charlotte “In those days we lived with the bishop,” he noted, in the Archives’ blog. Recent posts include: bishop’s residence in Charlotte. “With Bishop Begley, I would n On Nov. 1, 1936, the original St. Mary answer the phone as kind of a buffer. But with Bishop Donoghue, Church in Greensboro was dedicated by he would keep his office door open (in the chancery) and many N.C. Bishop William Hafey. times answer the phone himself (at home and at the office).” This kind of “open door” policy created some challenging n Catholic education in Waynesville: N.C. situations for Monsignor Kerin, he recalls, especially when Bishop Bishop Vincent Waters dedicated a new Donoghue would allow people to walk in unannounced, sometimes school building for St. John’s Catholic seeking financial donations. High School and Grade School on Oct. “There was one day when he wanted to give a donation to an 30, 1956. order of religious sisters. He walked in the office with one of the sisters and asked me to write the check (right then). I told him not n St. Joan of Arc School in Asheville to do that to me anymore – to give me more notice. officially opened on Sept. 19, 1927. “He said, ‘A cardinal did that to me for 20 years, so I am going to do that to you!’ We had a big laugh over that.”

Chancellors of the Diocese of Charlotte

As chancellor, Monsignor Kerin didn’t have the staff back then that the chancery and diocese have now. “I was responsible for the operation of the diocese that included all the finances. In those days we could handle it with just a fulltime bookkeeper and me.” As the diocese grew, though, they had to hire more staff to take on those responsibilities. Now, the diocesan Pastoral Center has 115 full-time employees that engage in vocation, education, social services, housing and multicultural ministries. Monsignor Kerin has many stories about his time serving as chancellor for the diocese’s first two bishops. He remembers meeting then Monsignor Donoghue for the first time when the bishop-elect travelled to the diocese before his ordination as its second bishop. “It was a little bit of pressure on me meeting a new man (who would be installed as the new bishop). When he came down from Washington, D.C., he came to Charlotte with the retired Cardinal (Patrick) O’Boyle, who was about 90 years old, whom Bishop Donoghue had worked for for many years, and he also lived with him and took care of him in his retirement. “We met them at the airport. I was driving my car, and I locked the keys in the car. So the retired cardinal of Washington comes down with another bishop and my own (soon to be ordained) bishop. I didn’t know him very well yet. He said, ‘Keep them talking,’ (to the others I was with) so I could call someone at the bishop’s residence to have them bring my second set of keys.” He confesses at the time the situation was a bit embarrassing, but after a while he was able to see the humor in it. “It was an interesting way to meet the new bishop.” Monsignor Kerin was the second chancellor Monsignor Kerin of the diocese. remained as chancellor under Bishop John Donoghue until 1986. “After about two years (serving under Bishop Donoghue), I asked him if I could return to parish life.” Monsignor Kerin went on to pastor and help build St. Matthew Church in south Charlotte, now one of the largest Catholic churches in the country with more than 28,000 parishioners, and St. Mark Church in Huntersville, which is the second largest Catholic church in the diocese. Monsignor Kerin officially retired as pastor of St. Mark Church in 2003. The parish activity center there is named in his honor. St. Barnabas Church in Arden was rededicated during his tenure, when about 66,200 Catholics called the Diocese of Charlotte home. Monsignor Kerin celebrated 55 years of priesthood this year and marvels at how his retirement is the first time in his adult life where he has been without responsibilities. As a closing thought, he shared an observation he read by a fellow priest who also witnessed the changes in the Church since Vatican II: “‘How it’s changed: when I was ordained I said Mass and people heard Mass. Then I celebrated Mass and the people participated in it. Now, people celebrate the Mass and I preside.’ That tells it quite nicely, I think.”


November 9, 2012 | catholicnewsherald.comiii

The Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Charlotte Think deacons have always been part of your parish? Think again. The diaconate is a relatively recent revival of the ancient ministry the Apostles established when they ordained Stephen and six other worthy men to assist them in caring for the needy in the early Church in Jerusalem. The word “deacon” comes from the Greek “diakonia,” which means “service.” Over the centuries the diaconate developed as a seminarian’s step towards the priesthood rather than as an ordained ministry unto itself (one of three types of holy orders: deacon, priest and bishop). During the Second Vatican Council, however, the Church encouraged restoring the diaconate to its unique and ancient sacramental role. “Permanent” deacons – so named to differentiate them from “transitional” deacons, who are on the path to becoming priests – serve as ministers of the Word, the altar and charity. They can proclaim the Gospel, assist the priest at the altar and give homilies during Mass; they can witness at weddings and officiate at burials, administer the sacrament of baptism and assist in distributing Communion; and they engage in works of charity for their parish and the diocese. As the Church in western North Carolina has grown over the past 40 years, the 91 deacons presently serving in the diocese have become invaluable help in our 92 parishes and missions. But it wasn’t always this way. The diocese’s first deacons were ordained in 1983 – less than 30 years ago. In 1968, Pope Paul VI approved the U.S. bishops’ request to revive the permanent diaconate in this country. The first deacons in the U.S. were ordained in 1971. In Charlotte, work got underway in the spring of 1978, when the diocese’s Presbyteral Council appointed a planning committee to study the potential for a Permanent Diaconate program. Bishop Michael Begley appointed Father Richard Burton, Father Thomas Walsh, Father Frank O’Rourke, Deacon Ted Krizman and his wife Crystal Krizman to the committee. Father Joseph Kerin served as chairperson. After the committee met for the first time on April 11, 1978, Bishop Begley expressed his wish to establish the permanent diaconate here. Like many other dioceses, Charlotte had a lot to learn about the restored ministry and how best to set up a program, select and train candidates, and define the duties and role of deacons in the diocese. Diocesan clergy and laity worked on these issues over the next two years. In 1980 the Permanent Diaconate program was officially established by Bishop Begley. He appointed Monsignor Anthony Kovacic, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Salisbury, as its first director. Twenty-two men were accepted into the inaugural class. Classes began in September 1980, with the first session being held at the now-closed Sacred Heart College in Belmont. On May 29, 1983, 19 men were ordained to the permanent diaconate at Ovens Auditorium in Charlotte – marking the culmination of three years of intense preparation. Jim Collins and Kurt Fohn, the other two candidates, were ordained later, and they went on to be ordained as priests for the diocese. These 22 men were the diocese’s first “ministers of service” – mature men of faith who, ordained by the laying on of hands, gave a permanent visible witness of their “yes” to God, who called them to share in the sacramental ministry of Jesus Christ by serving His Church. Said Monsignor Kovacic in his address to the candidates at their ordination, “We look confidently to the future … Deacons, you have your pastors and above all, with our generosity, your spirit of service and initiative you will always have abundant grace to which you are entitled by the sacrament you received.” — SueAnn Howell and Patricia L. Guilfoyle


‘Original’ Deacon Andy Cilone reminisces on 30 years of service SueAnn Howell Senior reporter

FOREST CITY — In the late 1970s, Andy Cilone took a job promotion in the plastics industry and moved to North Carolina from the Northeast with his wife JoAnn and their five children, all of whom were younger than 14. They settled at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City, where they have helped to build up the Church in many ways – most notably with him becoming one of the diocese’s first permanent deacons. A cradle Catholic who was always active in his parish, Deacon Cilone remembers the challenging transition from a highly Catholic area to the “Bible Belt” in which Catholics were a minority. He wanted to know more about his faith

so he could better articulate it to all the non-Catholics he encountered. The Cilones quickly became active in parish life. When Deacon Cilone lost his job in 1979, he leaned on his faith to get him through and found another job to provide for his family within a month. “I was so thankful,” he said. “I started with a plastics company in Shelby. There was a great feeling of thanksgiving.” That same year, Father John Murray, pastor of Immaculate Conception Church, approached him and asked him to consider applying for the inaugural class of permanent diaconate candidates that was being formed. “He said, ‘Don’t worry, Andy, you can do it!’ I thought it would be a great way to enhance the knowledge of my faith, to learn more about it. Also, I was pretty involved in the Church anyway, so I went ahead and put my application in.” And the rest, as they say, is history. He was accepted along with 20 other candidates. For the next three years they received intense formation and training, and on May 29, 1983 –

Trinity Sunday – they were ordained as the diocese’s first permanent deacons. Deacon Cilone describes what it was like to be one of the “original” deacons ordained that day nearly 30 years ago. “It was quite a celebration. It was like a wedding,” he said. “With the large class we had, it was in Ovens Auditorium (in Charlotte). It was a great day. All my family came in from all parts of the country. They surprised me with my baptismal godmother from my hometown.” The first class was ordained by Bishop Michael Begley, the diocese’s first bishop; also in attendance was Monsignor Anthony Kovacic, who helped launched the permanent diaconate; and Mercy Sister Mary Thomas Burke, who served as the director of deacons’ wives. Reflecting on nearly 30 years as a deacon for the diocese, Deacon Cilone said, “It has been a constant growing, learning more. You develop your ministries as you go along.” You can see what he means by all the ministries he serves in at his parish of 37 years. He cantors at Mass. He also serves as the director of religious education, works in prison ministry, makes visits to the hospital and to the homebound and brings Holy Communion to Catholics in the community who cannot attend Mass because of illness or infirmity. He also serves as the diocese as the vicar of the Hickory Region for the permanent diaconate. He assists 21 deacons and four deacon candidates in that region, assisting in the formation of the permanent diaconate candidates. In addition to those responsibilities, he and his wife JoAnn enjoy spending time with their 10 grandchildren. “My wife is just as active as I am!” he added. Deacon Cilone has advice for men who may be considering the diaconate: “If their desire or goal is to grow in the faith and to serve the Church, it’s a great way to do it. What I tell most people about what is special about the permanent deacons is that the greatest thing you do is to

‘At this time I feel that, for the good of souls, the order of permanent deacon should be established in our Diocese of Charlotte.’ — Bishop Michael F. Begley in his Feb. 3, 1980, letter to the faithful announcing the revival of the diaconate

make a commitment to do various things in ministry…that’s the difference. “You make a commitment to serve the Church. Commitment is one of the greatest attributes needed in pursuing the permanent diaconate.”

Learn more For more information about the permanent diaconate, contact Deacon Ron Steinkamp, director, at rfsteinkamp@ or 704-370-3344.

Our schools 14 | November 9, 2012 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Open house planned to show off future IHM school, parish center

For the latest news 24/7:

In Brief

Kathy Roach Correspondent

Mind-boggling Math Night held at St. Michael School GASTONIA — Betsy Pruitt, second-grade teacher at St. Michael School, and volunteers hosted a spaghetti dinner and “Math Night” for more than 50 students, families and friends Oct. 23. After eating their fill, everyone participated in a variety of math games involving estimating, counting, addition, subtraction, measuring, and more. In all, the students participated in more than 30 games and projects. This is the 14th year that Pruitt has organized the second-grade Math Night at the school. — Pat Burr

OLG book fair brings in UNC-G athletes GREENSBORO — With the theme of “All-Stars,” organizers of this year’s book fair and family night at Our Lady of Grace School went all out to make the Oct. 12 event special for all who attended. Athletes from UNC-Greensboro attended and played ball with OLG students in the school gym, and raffles were held to give away tickets for various sporting events and sports equipment. Above, OLG kindergartners Nicholas and Patrick Graves pose with UNC-G women’s basketball assistant coach LaToya Carter. — Karen Hornfeck

OLM’s golf marathon a success WINSTON-SALEM — A group of dedicated golfers helped Our Lady of Mercy School raise more than $20,000 at its second annual Golf Marathon Sept. 28. Eighteen adults and six student golfers played the course at Bermuda Run Country Club in Winston-Salem to help fund tuition assistance and curriculum upgrades for the school. Though the event was interrupted by an intense thunderstorm in the late afternoon, five golfers finished all 100 holes. The top fund raiser was Joe McConnell; second place was Scott Saffer; and third place was Travis Temples. — Lara Davenport

HIGH POINT — Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and School will open a new, larger parish life center and school this fall, and community members and prospective parents are invited to an informational open house next week at the church to get a sneak peak at the $10 million project currently under construction. The informational open house will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13, in the gathering space of the church at 4145 Johnson St., for the community and parents of prospective fall 2013 students. A video will be shown of IHM’s pastor, Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Father Vincent Smith, walking through the building. Application packets for the school and promotional materials will be available, and light refreshments will be served. A representative from the architectural firm Wasmer Keeling will also speak about the building’s top-notch environmentally friendly features, which will qualify it as High Point’s first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)certified elementary school. LEED certification means that a building meets strict specifications on design, materials, finishes, furnishings, water and energy use, waste management, and indoor air quality – all geared toward creating a healthier, more comfortable working environment for students and staff, noted IHM Principal Wanda Garrett. For example, larger windows will let in more natural light, causing less fatigue and encouraging better student achievement, Garrett said, and a robust ventilation system will allow for better air quality, reducing cases of asthma and sickness. The new school will be part of the parish’s new 72,000-square-foot Parish Life and Education Center. Each floor of the two-story classroom wing will have 16,000 square feet, with the second floor completed as enrollment rises from the current 242 students to as many as 480. There will be two classrooms for each level, pre-kindergarten to eighth grade, instead of one, with small breakout areas between classes, plus an extra classroom on each of the two floors. These spaces can be used for additional teaching in core subjects, either for students needing more help or for those wanting more challenging work. Said Garrett, “Something we do well is differentiating our instruction. I believe in inclusive education and it’s going to be right there in that space.” Other improvements include a larger 8,700-square-foot gymnasium for the school. The current gymnasium must be used for physical education classes, sporting events and school lunches, and it can get crowded. The new building will also have a fellowship hall that can be divided into three dining areas to accommodate up to 500 people, so students can use one part as a cafeteria space while the other spaces could be used for parish events. For events when tables are not needed, the hall will be able to seat up to 800 people. The school will also have improved areas for art, music and computer classes. According to Garrett, the current facility is cramped with 15 students sharing space for

art and music. The new building will accommodate up to 25 students in each class. She also said she hopes the new storage area for musical instruments will enable the school to start a band. The 2,000-square-foot media center will have 19-foot-high ceilings with floor-to-ceiling windows on two sides to let in lots of natural light. The floor of the media center will also have electrical outlets so students may charge their laptops more conveniently, instead of using long extension cords running across the room. Students will also be able to enjoy natural outdoor areas instead of being limited to the blacktop courtyard they use now. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students will

have a fenced-in yard area for outdoor playtime. Having a larger Parish and Life Education Center means joint parish and school activities, such as faith formation and youth ministry, can be held in one location instead of being divided between the parish on Johnson Street and the current school property on Montlieu Avenue. ”We are excited. It’s so nice to be all together again after being on a dual campus since 2001,” Garrett said. “It’s about meeting the needs of students, and we’ll be better able to do that.” Construction of the $10 million project is scheduled for completion in May or June of 2013, with the move from the Montlieu Avenue location occurring over the summer in preparation for classes next fall.

Want to go? What: IHM School open house for the community and parents of prospective fall 2013 students When: 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13 Where: 4145 Johnson St., High Point

November 9, 2012 | catholic news heraldI


In Brief Grand Knight, Captain Bill Cobb, and Ashley Motyka represented the Knights and presented certificates and awards to the winners. — Donna Birkel

CCHS students named to Honor Band CHARLOTTE — Eleven members of the Charlotte Catholic High School band were selected to participate in the 2012 N.C. Association of Independent Schools All-State Band, held Nov. 1-2 at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem. They also performed in a concert at Wake Forest’s Scales Fine Arts Center, with Dr. C. Kevin Bowen, director of bands at Wake Forest University, serving as guest conductor. Musicians representing CCHS were: Kevin Aiken, Avery Faucette, Ann Harouny, Faith Kressner, Nicholas Larsen, Will Larsen, Lily Morgan, John Newbanks, Alex Rouse, Hayley Russell and Lindsay Russell.

Almon named to March of Dimes youth council CHARLOTTE — Kathryn Grace “KG� Almon of Charlotte Catholic High School was recently appointed to the March of Dimes North Carolina Youth Council for the 2012-2013 school year. This is Almon’s second term serving on the council, which is comprised of students committed to promoting, supporting and implementing youth leadership development initiatives for the March of Dimes. Forty-six students from across North Carolina were appointed to this year’s council.

— Barbara Russell

— Jennifer B. Johnson

Students celebrate fire safety

Poster contest winners named WINSTON-SALEM — Eighth-grader Celeste Curti was the overall winner of the Knights of Columbus Council 2829’s Drug Abuse Poster Contest, held recently at St. Leo School in Winston-Salem. Barry Schline,

SALISBURY — Sacred Heart’s prekindergarten, kindergarten, first-grade and second-grade classes recently learned about fire safety during a visit by firefighters from the Salisbury Fire Department. They learned about calling 911 in an emergency and practicing fire drills at home with their parents, and they toured a fire truck. — Robin Fisher



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CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC SCHOOL Atlanta, Georgia Christ the King Catholic School (, which has provided quality Catholic


education in the Buckhead area of Atlanta for 75 years, seeks a dynamic and visionary Principal

The Archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia, seeks an Associate Superintendent of

to lead this K-8 community in the areas of academics, faith, and child development. A 2007 U. S.

Schools for the 2013-2014 school year. The successful candidate will be a

Department of Education Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, Christ the King, with a dedicated professional staff, enrolls over 560 students. It enjoys dual accreditation by the Southern

practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church and hold a Master’s

Association of Independent Schools and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. To

Degree in Educational Administration. Other qualifications include: a minimum

access the school’s profile, please visit

of 5 years of teaching experience and a minimum of 3-5 years as an

2012/117169. The successful candidate will be an experienced Catholic elementary school instructional leader and possess superior communication and collaboration skills. An applicant

administrator in Catholic schools; be aware of current documents on and

must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church. Applicants must possess a

trends in Catholic education including accreditation standards; knowledge of

Master’s Degree in an education field and demonstrate a minimum of five years of successful

resources and materials related to curriculum development and improvement;

leadership in a Catholic school. A collaborative leadership style, focusing on uniting school, family, and faith, along with a knowledge of current pedagogy and best practices are prerequisites

proficiency in the application of educational theory to the methodology of

for the successful candidate.

teaching; ability to coordinate archdiocesan principal formation program; Position is available July 1, 2013. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Qualified candidates should submit electronically (1) letter of introduction; (2) resume;

excellent written and verbal skills; and, the desire to operate in a team environment.

and, (3) names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email

Interested and qualified candidates are asked to

addresses of three professional references to: Diane

submit a letter of interest, resume and 3 references

Starkovich, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Archdiocese of

to: Diane Starkovich, Ph.,D., Superintendent of

Atlanta, 2401 Lake Park Drive S.E., Smyrna, GA 30080-8862 – preferred delivery via Review of applications begins immediately and will close December 7, 2012.

Schools, Archdiocese of Atlanta, 2401 Lake Park Drive SE., Smyrna, GA 30080. Application deadline is December 15, 2012.

Mix 16 | November 9, 2012 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

For the latest movie reviews:

On TV n Sunday, Nov. 11, 8-9 p.m. (PBS) “National Salute to Veterans.” This special, hosted by Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise, pays tribute to the service and sacrifice of 22 million American veterans.

In theaters

‘Chasing Mavericks’ Compelling fact-based portrait of Jay Moriarity (Jonny Weston), a gifted California surfer who, at the tender age of 15, took on the Mavericks, a famously formidable Golden State coastal spot where some of the largest waves in the world are found. Jay enlists his surfer-dude neighbor (Gerard Butler) as his trainer, while trying to help his alcoholic mother (Elisabeth Shue) rebuild her life, and working to win the heart of the prettiest girl (Leven Rambin) in his high school. The film, co-directed by Curtis Hansen and Michael Apted, offers viewers – particularly teens – a refreshingly positive role model in the person of a young man who, despite a mountain of obstacles, inspires others with his inherent sense of goodness, perseverance and self-discipline. Intense sports scenes and some emotionally challenging moments. CNS: A-II (adults and adolescents); MPAA: PG

‘Fun Size’ In this Halloween-themed comedy, directed by Josh Schwartz, a high school senior (Victoria Justice) is forced by her widowed mom (Chelsea Handler) to take her mischievous little brother (Jackson Nicoll) trick-ortreating, despite her plans to attend a big costume party being given by the boy of her dreams. When the siblings accidentally become separated, she turns to her best friend and two nerdy schoolmates to help find the missing tot. But their search soon descends into farce. Some enjoyable humor – especially from Thomas Middleditch in the role of a slacker store clerk – and a pleasingly innocent central romance are drowned out by discordant notes that bar endorsement for the targeted age group. CNS: A-III (adults); MPAA: PG-13

‘Flight’ Morally ambiguous drama about an airplane crash and the emotional impact it has on the survivors. Despite being an alcoholic and a cocaine addict, the pilot (Denzel Washington) of a doomed airliner becomes a hero after miraculously landing his craft with only a small loss of life. When the accident investigation reveals his impaired and illegal condition, however, he faces manslaughter charges and a prison sentence. Disdainful treatment of religious faith, intense disaster scenes, full nudity, a nonmarital situation, drug and abusive alcohol use, frequent profane and rough language. CNS: O (morally offensive); MPAA: R

Additional movies: n ‘Silent Hill: Revelation 3D’: CNS: O (morally offensive); MPAA: R n ‘The Man with the Iron Fists’: CNS: O (morally offensive); MPAA: R n ‘Wreck-It Ralph’: CNS: A-II (adults and adolescents); MPAA: PG

Anthony Perlas, | Catholic News Herald

Belmont Abbey College sophomore Joanna Ruedisueli prays during a recent Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St. Ann Church in Charlotte. Ruedisueli belongs to the college’s Latin Mass Society, which is working to promote the traditional form of the Mass among a new generation of Catholics.

What’s old is new again Youth use digital media to promote Latin Mass Kimberly Bender Online reporter

CHARLOTTE — Students at Belmont Abbey College are using new media to teach others about a traditional Catholic form of worship, the Mass in the Extraordinary Form. The MEF – also called the Latin Mass, Tridentine Mass or old Mass – dates from 1570 and for the next 400 years was the exclusive liturgy for Roman Catholics worldwide. With the liturgy reforms of the Second Vatican Council, parts of the Mass were changed and Latin was largely abandoned in favor of using the vernacular. But the Church allows both forms of worship – the “extraordinary form” in Latin using the pre-Vatican II 1962 Missal of Blessed John XXIII and the post-Vatican II “ordinary form” using the 2000 Missal of Blessed John Paul II. In his 2007 apostolic letter “Summorum Pontificum,” Pope Benedict XVI encouraged wider use of the MEF – saying that it “must be given due honor for its venerable and ancient usage” – and since then U.S. dioceses including Charlotte have seen an upsurge in interest.

In this diocese, at least five priests are now offering the MEF on a regular basis. And some of the most fervent supporters of the MEF are young people in their 20s and 30s – people who until a few years ago had never even experienced the ancient Latin liturgy. This new generation of Catholics is rediscovering the traditional form of worship from their grandparents’ era, and they are using digital media to promote its use. A member of the Latin Mass Society at Belmont Abbey College, Joanna Ruedisueli, 20, says she sees the Latin Mass growing in popularity on the Catholic campus as well as a revival of the traditional liturgy in retreats she’s attended across the U.S. “A lot of young people feel like the Catholics knew what we were doing back then,” said Ruedisueli, a vice president for the society. “I feel like we’re cultivating an appreciation for what we had back then… It’s curiosity and searching for more information about our faith. I feel like that’s a thing a lot of the kids of my generation could be looking for in their

n Monday, Nov. 12, 10:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (EWTN) USCCB Fall General Assembly: Day 1 – Morning.” Live coverage as bishops from around the country assemble for the annual meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore. Coverage continues Tuesday, Nov. 13, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and concludes Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2-5 p.m. n Monday, Nov. 12, 11 p.m. (EWTN) “For God and Country.” The documentary about Father Al Schmitt, the first Catholic chaplain killed in World War II. n Tuesday, Nov. 13, 6:30 p.m. (EWTN) “Lives of the Saints – St. Teresa of Avila.” This illuminating docudrama examines the life of the 16th century saint and mystic Teresa of Avila. n Friday, Nov. 16, 10 p.m. (EWTN) “Vision of Freedom.” The story of the persecuted Ukrainian Catholic Church and how appearances of Our Lady to Ukrainians encouraged the faithful there to persevere under oppression.

Stamp for Christmas features Holy Family fleeing to Egypt

n Saturday, Nov. 17, 2-3 p.m. (EWTN) “Napa Institute: Faith and Reason.” Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston College, addresses the topic “Faith and Reason” at the 2012 Napa Conference in Napa, Calif.

The U.S. Postal Service Oct. 10 released a Christmas stamp featuring an image of the Holy Family fleeing to Egypt. A ceremony to celebrate the first day of issue of the stamp took place at the Washington National Cathedral of the Episcopal Church. The portrayal of the Holy Family is a change from the traditional image of Madonna and child used almost every year since the first Christmas stamp was issued in 1962. Louis Guiliano, a member of postal service’s Board of Governors, took a moment at the ceremony to acknowledge the reason for the 50-year tradition of religious stamps. “The primary reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ,” he said. Since 1962, the religious stamp has been coupled with a secular one, featuring items such as tree ornaments, evergreens or nutcrackers. The religious stamps have been mostly classical works of art depicting Mary and the infant Jesus. This year, Giuliano said, the board decided to go with a different portrayal for the stamp, one he calls more contemporary. It is based on a passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew: “Out of Egypt I call my Son.” — Catholic News Service

n Sunday, Nov. 23, 10 p.m. (EWTN) “God Touches A Life.” In 1830 a French nun, Catherine Labouré, received a series of Marian apparitions that would change the world. This is the amazing story of her life, and how Our Lady used her to bring the Miraculous Medal to the world.

LATIN, SEE page 17

November 9, 2012 | catholic news heraldI





CNH: What are some of the insights you will share about “The Future Church” when you visit St. Matthew Church? ALLEN: We’ll talk about the rise of a World Church, the emergence of evangelical Catholicism, expanding lay roles in the Church, the implications of the biotech revolution for Catholicism, the promise and peril of Catholic/ Muslim relations, the rise of a new generation of Christian martyrs in our time, and other points, too. The idea is to offer a 360-degree overview of the state of things in the global Church in the early 21st century, with an eye towards broadening the conversation about “all things Catholic.” Allen’s evening lecture on Nov. 12 will take place in the church located at 8015 Ballantyne Commons Parkway. Admission is free and open to the public. No reservations are required. A separate lecture for all clergy, religious, diocesan and parish staff – including all faith formation, liturgy, music, youth ministry, pastoral care personnel and Catholic school teachers – will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 12. Reservations for the afternoon session are required. For details, contact Michael Burke at 704-541-8362, ext. 4, or email

search to make their faith their own.” The college’s Latin Mass Society was started two years ago by fellow student Rithi Demonteiro in hopes of bringing back the liturgy that pre-dates Vatican II, said 23-year-old society president Anthony Perlas. He was one of the “founding fathers” and recently took over leadership of the club. “There’s nothing like the Latin Mass,” Perlas said. “I wish I could have it every Sunday. “When I attend the Missa Cantata (sung High Mass), I feel the Holy Spirit dwell in my heart. It’s a unique experience. Once you attend one, it’s hard to go back. It’s a spiritually fulfilling experience.” Starting with fewer than a dozen members, the Latin Mass Society has grown to more than 70 participants, Perlas said. “You know that God is on your side when you have 22 college students attend a Missa Cantata on a Friday night,” he said. Social media efforts, short videos extolling the beauty of the MEF and explaining the specifics of the liturgy, plus other outreach efforts have attracted interest in the MEF in general and the society in particular, Perlas said. Ruedisueli, who coordinates the group’s outings and contributes to the society’s email newsletter, works on social media communication through Facebook, and even stars in some of the videos, first attended a Latin Mass with her family when she was 17. “I remember it being very intricate and very intimate. What struck me was where

More online At and www. Learn more about the Latin Mass Society At Find a local Latin Mass At Learn more about the Latin Mass

I could pick out things I was familiar with, that are still in the New Order of the Mass that we have today. “The historical language in the Mass, something I am unfamiliar with, drew me to it. The intensity and the traditions and history within the old Mass fascinated me. So I was curious. I wanted to learn more.” Perlas said he helped found the society because the newer generation is fascinated with the mystery of the old Mass. He said they’ve had a lot of support and comments on their work from local priests, too – especially Father Matthew Buettner at St. Dorothy Church in Lincolnton, as well as Father Timothy Reid at St. Ann Church and Father Matthew Kauth at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, both in Charlotte. Sid Cundiff, who runs a blog promoting the Latin Mass in North Carolina, has seen firsthand the growing interest across the diocese. On a weekly basis, at least five Latin Masses are held within the diocese. Two parishes – Our Lady of Grace in Greensboro and Our Lady of the Angels in Marion – celebrate the MEF every Sunday. Those Masses are attended regularly, with about 100-175 people on average attending


each week in Greensboro, Cundiff said. Monthly, the Latin Mass Society attends at least one Missa Cantata, usually at St. Ann Church in Charlotte. Afterwards, they have brunch or dinner where a speaker comes to enrich their knowledge of the traditional liturgy. The society also sings and chants the rosary in Latin each Tuesday on campus. Why should someone go to a Latin Mass? “If they’re a Catholic, it’s a part of the history of the Church. They should attend at least one – to learn, to experience it,” Ruedisueli said. “It’s a beautiful thing. And I don’t think they’d go away with disappointment. They go to experience God. The Latin Mass may not be a regular thing to do, but it’s something they should be experiencing.” Many of the people who attend a Latin Mass, Cundiff noted, are either old enough to remember the liturgy from before it fell into disuse in the late 1960s, or they were born after 1980 and are looking for a different spiritual experience than the “ordinary form” of worship most Catholics follow today. “The first time people come, they’re confused,” Cundiff said. “The second time they’re intrigued. And on the third time, they’re hooked. People need to come more than once.” While the members of the Latin Mass Society have an affection for the traditional liturgy, they aren’t abandoning the Mass they grew up with. If given the choice to make the MEF the Mass she attended regularly, Ruedisueli said she would still prefer to attend the ordinary form of Mass daily and keep the MEF for special occasions. “I love our current Mass, too,” she said. “They are a progression of each other, while being the same Mass.”

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Our nation 18 | November 9, 2012 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Volunteers remove water damaged items from the rectory basement at St. Ignatius Martyr Church in Long Beach, N.Y., Nov. 4. Long Beach, which remained without electricity Sunday, was one of the worst hit areas of Long Island when Hurricane Sandy swept through the Northeast Oct. 29.

CNS | Gregory A. Shemitz

After Sandy, ‘people need everything,’ says Catholic Charities official Catholic News Service

NEW YORK — Damage from the wind, rain and flooding wrought by Hurricane Sandy “is almost overwhelming,” said Monsignor Kevin Sullivan, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. Several Catholic agencies and religious communities have stepped forward to address the greatest needs of victims of the super storm, which had claimed the lives of at least 106 people along the East Coast, two in Canada and 67 in the Caribbean as of Nov. 5. Spearheading disaster relief efforts at the national level, Catholic Charities USA is working with state and local government disaster response agencies and charitable groups to meet emergency needs in communities that were devastated by the late October storm that hammered the East Coast and Midwest. The Diocese of Charlotte is one of several dioceses across the United States that is encouraging collections for emergency disaster relief in coordination with Catholic Charities. The diocesan collection is being encouraged at Mass this weekend, Nov. 10-11. At Hurricane Sandy’s peak, 8.5 million people across five states lost electricity, and 500,000 were evacuated to shelters. The storm generated crippling 90-mph winds, flooded public transportation networks and washed away roads and bridges, spawned fires that destroyed 100 homes in New York and New Jersey, and dumped 3 feet of snow in the mountains of West Virginia. Early damage estimates put Sandy’s cost in the range of $30 billion to $50 billion.

President Barack Obama declared major disasters for New York and New Jersey, making disaster assistance available to those in the heaviest-hit areas affected by the storm. He also authorized emergency declarations for New Hampshire, Virginia and West Virginia, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. “Reaching out to parishes and other communities and neighborhoods is imperative at this point,” Monsignor Sullivan said. “The response on the parish level has been tremendous. We’re also working very, very closely with several municipal, state and private agencies, including Red Cross, to figure out the best way to respond to this disaster.” When New York state and New York City were preparing for Sandy’s unprecedented onslaught, emergency responders had met with Monsignor Sullivan and Catholic Charities to plan how to best utilize its resources and personnel after the storm. “We’ve been in conversation with dozens of governmental agencies and made sure we put our staff in place. We have a lot of social work case managers who are trained to deal with emergencies like this,” he said. “They know how to get greater access to available services to those in need. “Many people suffering through disasters fall through the gaps. Our staff is in place to make sure that doesn’t happen. We found this is the best way to work with victims in this situation.”

Cleanup and repair in New York City were going forward after the storm, but only so much could be done with more than hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers living without electricity. “The power outages and lack of transportation are compounding the already bad situation,” Monsignor Sullivan said. “These people need everything – food, shelter, clothing, communications, medical care, legal assistance – every conceivable need. We’re doing our best.” A chief concern for Catholic Charities is making sure that services to the people it already serves on a daily basis continues unabated – especially its year-round services to the homeless, children, poor, elderly, infirm and disabled. “Those who needed it were evacuated to shelters to better care for them. Sometimes there were public facilities and sometimes our own in areas unaffected by Sandy,” Monsignor Sullivan said. “We are coordinating by parishes, but the Holy Spirit is doing most of the coordinating,” he added with a chuckle. Besides the assistance Catholic Charities is providing, he urged lay Catholics to “reach out to their neighbors on a one-to-one basis. We are grateful for all our parishioners who are reaching out to those in need, driving neighbors to shelters and just checking up on people.” “If they’re capable, they should volunteer at shelters. They can make contributions and, above all, they can pray. There’s a lot of need.”

Sandy disaster relief collection encouraged at parishes CHARLOTTE — The Diocese of Charlotte is responding to the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy along the East Coast by collecting funds on behalf of Catholic Charities USA Disaster Response, to be used for short-term and long-term recovery efforts. A special second collection is being encouraged at all parishes during Masses on Nov. 10-11, diocesan officials announced. “Hurricane Sandy has created a situation of human suffering that the victims cannot alleviate without assistance. Many people have died, many people have been injured, and tens of thousands of homes have been damaged and destroyed. The Northeast states of our nation have been particularly hard hit by this storm,” wrote Monsignor Mauricio W. West, vicar general and chancellor of the diocese, in a letter distributed to parishes Nov. 2. “Let us pray for all those impacted by this tragedy and for a generous response to those in need.” Please consider making a donation to support this effort, either through your parish collection, to the Diocese of Charlotte, or to Catholic Charities USA directly. Make checks payable to your parish, marked clearly for “Hurricane Sandy Relief.” Alternatively, donations may be sent to the Diocese of Charlotte, Attn: Hurricane Sandy Relief, 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203-4003. All contributions will be forwarded to Catholic Charities USA Disaster Response.

November 9, 2012 | catholic news heraldI

For the latest news 24/7:

In Brief Catholic company wins injunction against HHS mandate ANN ARBOR, Mich. — A federal district court judge in Ann Arbor granted a Michigan business, Weingartz Supply Co., a temporary injunction from the Health and Human Services’ contraceptive mandate. The judge Oct. 31 also dismissed a lawsuit filed by a nonprofit Catholic group, Legatus, because he said the religious organization qualified for the Obama administration’s temporary “safe harbor” from having to comply with the mandate. But he also stipulated the federal government must provide monthly updates on the status of the process for amending final regulations covered by the safe harbor period. Daniel Weingartz, president of the supply company, which sells outdoor power equipment and employs approximately 170 people, is a Catholic who says the mandate conflicted with his faith. In the ruling, Judge Robert Cleland of the Eastern District of Michigan, said the “loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.” The HHS mandate requires nearly all employers to cover the costs of contraceptives and sterilizations in employee health plans. It does not include a conscience clause for employers who object to such coverage on moral grounds.

Catholic spouses are missionaries, knight says VATICAN CITY — The sacrament of matrimony makes Catholic spouses and their families public signs of God’s love and thus missionaries, said the head of the Knights of Columbus. The missionary power of the Catholic family goes beyond any specific commitment they make to a particular project of evangelization or social or political reform, Carl A. Anderson, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, told the Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization. Anderson was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be an observer at the synod, which ended Oct. 28. “Love, which the family has the task of living and communicating, is the driving force of evangelization,” Anderson said. Catholic couples need to understand just how seriously the Church views the sacrament that binds them together, forming them into “an icon of God’s own communion” of love in the Holy Trinity, he said. Then Catholic families can be “a place of healing and of humanity for the men and women of our time.”

Survey: Catholics urge more focus on social justice WASHINGTON, D.C. — A large national study on faith and political views released Oct. 23 highlighted Catholics’ interest in having social justice take a bigger role in the Church’s policy priorities. The American Values Survey by Public Religion Research Institute queried a cross section of all Americans but zeroed in on the opinions of Catholics on topics including contraceptive coverage in insurance and the death penalty. In interviews during September, 60 percent of Catholics told pollsters they would prefer it if the Church would focus its public policy statements “more on social justice and the obligation to help the poor, even if it means focusing less on issues like abortion and the right to life.” Among Catholics who attend church at least weekly, 51 percent chose the social justice emphasis, while 65 percent of those who attend monthly or less often made that choice.


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Chaput: Catholic teaching trumps party loyalty on abortion VATICAN CITY — Church teaching against abortion “requires absolute adherence” on the part of Catholic voters, who must “stand united” in opposition to the practice regardless of party affiliation, said Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia. “(Abortion) really is a big issue today, and I think what it requires of Catholics is a loyalty to the Church prior to their political party,” Archbishop Chaput said Oct. 20. “We’re Catholics before we’re Democrats. We’re Catholics before we’re Republicans,” he said. “We’re even Catholics before we’re Americans, because we know that God has a demand on us prior to any government demand on us. And this has been the story of the martyrs through the centuries. That doesn’t mean we’re not being good citizens, because being good citizens means giving God His rights prior to the government making its claims upon us.” According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, abortion is “gravely contrary to the moral law” in all cases – a Church teaching that “has not changed and remains unchangeable.” “Formal cooperation” in abortion automatically incurs the penalty of excommunication. — Catholic News Service


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Our world 20 | November 9, 2012 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Pope to synod: Foster ‘missionary dynamism’ and ‘pastoral creativity’ Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY — Winning converts to the Church, ministering better to practicing Catholics and bringing lapsed members back into the fold are all parts of the multifaceted effort known as the “new evangelization,” Pope More online Benedict XVI told a group of bishops and At www.catholicnewsherald. other Church leaders com: Read more about from around the the discussions and world. recommendations of The pope made the Synod of Bishops his remarks Oct. 28 on the new evangelization during his homily at a Mass marking the end of the world Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization. The three-week gathering, which brought more than 260 bishops and religious superiors to the Vatican, along with dozens of official observers and experts, discussed how the Church can revive and spread the faith in increasingly secular societies. Pope Benedict underscored “three pastoral themes” that he said had emerged from the talks. “Ordinary pastoral ministry ... must be more animated by the fire of the Spirit, so as to inflame the hearts of the faithful,” he said, stressing the importance of the sacrament of confession, and the necessity of “appropriate

catechesis” in preparation for the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist. The pope also called for a “new missionary dynamism” to “proclaim the message of salvation to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ.” “There are still many regions in Africa, Asia and Oceania whose inhabitants await with lively expectation, sometimes without being fully aware of it, the first proclamation of the Gospel,” the pope said. And as a result of migration driven by globalization, he added, the “first proclamation is needed even in countries that were evangelized long ago.” Finally, the pope spoke of the need to persuade lapsed Catholics, “especially in the most secular countries,” to “encounter Jesus Christ anew, rediscover the joy of faith and return to religious practice in the community of the faithful.” This effort, in particular, calls for “pastoral creativity” and use of a “new language attuned to the different world cultures,” he said. As an example of such innovation, the pope mentioned the Vatican’s “Courtyard of the Gentiles” project, which promotes dialogue between religious believers and agnostics. Referring to the day’s reading from the Gospel of St. Mark, the pope invoked Bartimaeus – the blind man who miraculously received his sight back from Jesus and then joined Him as one of the disciples – as a model for Christians in countries “where the light of faith has grown dim.” “New evangelizers are like that,” Pope Benedict said, “people who have had the experience of being healed by God, through Jesus Christ.”

CNS | Paul Haring

Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the closing Mass of the Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Oct. 28. The day before the closing Mass, at the synod’s last working session Oct. 27, Pope Benedict thanked the participants for their work, including the final propositions that will eventually serve as the basis for a document of the pope’s own reflections on the new evangelization.

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November 9, 2012 | catholic news heraldI


Montini, who on succeeding Pope John XXIII took the name of Paul VI; Bishop Albino Luciani, the future Pope John Paul I; Bishop Karol Wojtyła, who became Pope John Paul II; and Father Joseph Ratzinger, present as a theological consultant, who became Pope Benedict XVI. As the council unfolded, the language of collaboration, cooperation and dialogue took center stage. In the end, the breadth of topics treated and the positive tone of its final documents set Vatican II apart from all previous ecumenical councils. When Vatican II began in October of 1962, the Church stood as a bulwark against the world. At the grass-roots level, the Catholic experience was marked by a rich devotional life, regular sacramental practice and consistent catechesis. Vocations climbed, religious life flourished. The postwar boom, particularly in the United States, brought a period of construction and institutional expansion as schools, hospitals, seminaries and parishes grew. If this grass-roots vitality fed the faith of thousands, it also kept Catholics somewhat on the margins, separated from the broader society within which they lived. At the upper levels of the Vatican, this separation took the form of a defensive and reactionary stance toward all things “modern.” Ever since the French Revolution, with its violent and anticlerical cast, the papacy had thrown up the defenses. Statements from the Vatican condemned new democratic movements, new scientific theories, new currents in art and culture. All of these developments were seen as


Vatican II taught the Church that it always must speak to the people “of today,” he said. However, there is no easy way to do it; it has to be done by people whose lives are firmly rooted in God and who live their faith “with purity,” he said. Remembering the past is important, he said, but the best way to honor Vatican II is to return to the living Gospel and bring Christ’s presence and love to today’s world, he said. During an evening candlelight vigil Oct. 11, reminiscent of one held exactly 50 years earlier, Pope Benedict warned of sin and imperfection within the Church. Recalling an event marking the opening of the Second Vatican Council, Catholic Action of Italy and the Diocese of Rome led a prayerful candlelight procession along the wide boulevard of Via della Conciliazione to St. Peter’s Square, where people holding large candles assembled to form the shape of a large cross lighting up the darkness. The event reenacted a similar gathering of faithful Oct. 11, 1962, after which Blessed John XXIII came to his studio window and gave his impromptu “Moonlight Speech” in which he reassured the world that “the pope is with us, especially in times of sadness and bitterness.” From his apartment window, Pope Benedict spoke off-the-cuff to the nearly 10,000 people gathered in the square and recalled how he had been at that candlelight procession 50 years earlier, looking up at the same window from where

an assault on the pope’s authority and a threat to the ancient truths of the tradition. Such a siege mentality continued well into the 20th century. In this context, Pope John’s vision came as a breath of fresh air. In his opening speech at the council, the pope publicly disagreed with those “prophets of gloom” around him who saw in modern times only “prevarication and ruin.” Instead, the pope believed, God was moving humanity to a new order of human relations. The Church needed “aggiornamento” – or “updating” – not because the Church felt threatened but because of its great desire to share Christ with others. John XXIII was no naïve optimist. As a papal diplomat in Bulgaria, Turkey and postwar France, he had seen the horrors of war. He became pope in the shadow of the Holocaust, amid the dismantling of colonialism, the rise of the Cold War and on the cusp of a technological transformation unlike anything the world had seen since the Industrial Revolution. What is remarkable is that Pope John – and by extension Vatican II – did not retreat from the challenges of the times. His experience taught him that the Church cannot escape the world or simply pronounce judgment on it. Instead, the Church must engage the world in a positive way, he said. He encouraged the council to use “the medicine of mercy rather than of severity.” We must demonstrate the truth of our teaching and not simply condemn those who disagree, he thought. In the end, the Church should “show herself to be the loving mother of all, benign, patient, full of mercy and goodness” toward all. Edward P. Hahnenberg teaches Catholic systematic theology at John Carroll University in Cleveland and is the author of “A Concise Guide to the Documents of Vatican II.”

he now stood. It was a time of great joy and enthusiasm, he said, because “we were sure that a new springtime of the Church, a new Pentecost” would come with a new emphasis on the liberating grace of the Gospel. “Even today we are happy,” but it’s a joy that’s more “restrained” and “humble,” he said. The past 50 years have shown that despite the joy and optimism for the future, “there are always weeds, too, in the field of the Lord. We have seen that you can find bad fish in Peter’s net,” he said. Original sin can be manifested everywhere, even in the very structures of the Church, he said.“We have seen that human fragility is also present in the Church, that the vessel of the Church is also navigating with strong headwinds, in storms that threaten the vessel and sometimes we have thought, ‘The Lord is asleep and has forgotten us,’” the pope said. However, that is only part of what the Church has experienced the past halfcentury, he said, underlining that there have been “new experiences of the Lord’s presence, of His goodness and strength.” “Even today, in His humble way, the Lord is present and warms our hearts, shows life, creates charisms of goodness and charity that light up the world and are, for us, a guarantee of God’s goodness,” Pope Benedict said. “We can be happy even today” because Christ is alive and well, and His goodness never dies. Pope Benedict repeated a phrase from Pope John’s “unforgettable” speech that night, saying, to applause and cheers, “Go home and give your children a kiss and say it’s from the pope.”


n Decree on Ecumenism (“Unitatis Redintegratio”), Nov. 21, 1964: Ecumenism should be everyone’s concern. n Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches (“Orientalium Ecclesiarum”), Nov. 21, 1964: Variety within the Church does not harm its unity, and Eastern Catholic churches should retain their own traditions. n Decree on the Bishops’ Pastoral Office in the Church (“Christus Dominus”), Oct. 28, 1965: Each bishop has full ordinary power in his own diocese and is expected to present Christian doctrine in ways adapted to the times. n Decree on Priestly Formation (“Optatam Totius”), Oct. 28, 1965: Seminaries should pay attention to the spiritual, intellectual and disciplinary formation necessary to prepare priesthood students to become good pastors. n Decree on the Appropriate Renewal of the Religious Life (“Perfectae Caritatis”), Oct. 28, 1965: It provided guidelines for the personal and institutional renewal of the lives of nuns, brothers and religious order priests. n Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (“Nostra Aetate”), Oct. 28, 1965: It said the Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in non-Christian religions, called for an end to anti-Semitism and said any discrimination based on race, color, religion or condition of life is foreign to the mind of Christ. Jews of the time of Christ, taken indiscriminately, and all Jews today are no more responsible for the death of Christ than Christians. n Declaration on Christian Education (“Gravissimum Educationis”), Oct. 28, 1965: It affirmed the right of parents to choose the type of education they want for their children, upheld the importance of Catholic schools and defended freedom of inquiry in Catholic colleges and universities. n Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (“Dei Verbum”), Nov. 18, 1965: The Church depends on Scripture and tradition as the one deposit of God’s Word, and the use of modern scientific scholarship in studying Scripture should be commended. All Christian faithful are encouraged to “put themselves in touch with the sacred text itself, whether it be through the liturgy ... or through


Online At hist_councils/ii_vatican_council: Read these texts in English and other languages. devotional reading or through instructions.” n Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (“Apostolicam Actuositatem”), Nov. 18, 1965: The laity should influence their surroundings by applying Christ’s teachings. n Declaration on Religious Freedom (“Dignitatis Humanae”), Dec. 7, 1965: Religious liberty is a right found in the dignity of each person, and no one should be forced to act contrary to his beliefs. Pope Paul VI characterized “Dignitatis Humanae” as “one of the greatest texts” of the council, and his successors including Blessed John Paul II called it one of the foundations of contemporary Church social teaching. n Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests (“Presbyterorum Ordinis”), Dec. 7, 1965: It said the primary duty of priests is to proclaim the Gospel to all, approved and encouraged celibacy as a gift and recommended fair salaries. n Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity (“Ad Gentes”), Dec. 7, 1965: Missionary activity should help the social and economic welfare of people and not force anyone to accept the faith. n Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (“Gaudium et Spes”), Dec. 7, 1965: Many council fathers believed “Gaudium et Spes” (“Joy and Hope”), the longest document of the council, was its crowning achievement. It was addressed not only to Catholics or even Christians, but, for the first time in conciliar history, to all men and women of good will. It describes authentic respect and concern for those outside the Church, and it signals solidarity with all humanity since it identifies its own hopes and joys with those of all people. Its key theme is respect for human dignity as the foundation of all politics, economics and culture. All human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, and it is only Jesus who reveals to us who we are as human beings: “Whoever follows after Christ, the perfect man, becomes himself more of a man.” Then it applies this Christ-centered principle to various areas of modern human life. When it comes to marriage and family, the gift of the self is at the heart of the marital covenant; this total and exclusive self-giving can never have recourse to abortion, infanticide or artificial contraception.

Youth Director St. James the Greater Catholic Church St. James the Greater Catholic Church in Concord, NC is seeking a full-time director of Youth Ministry overseeing all religious education/youth ministry programs for middle/high school grades including traditional religious education, Edge and Life Teen along with overseeing the Sacrament of Confirmation and RCIA. Requirements: Candidates are required to be a practicing Catholic, have a Bachelor’s Degree (preferably in theology or catechesis) and youth ministry experience (preferably in Life Teen). Candidates must have strong written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills, excellent organizational and managerial skills and support the teachings of the Catholic Church. Applicants should send resume and cover letter to Kelli Olszewski, St. James the Greater, 139 Manor Avenue SW, Concord, NC 28025 or

ViewPoints 22 | November 9, 2012 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

By the numbers

Self-Identified Catholics in the U.S. Rico De Silva

Hungry? “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6)


hen I was a college student, I had the appetite of a man the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger, even though I weighed only about 165 pounds, at best, way back then. Always hungry and on a student’s budget, I would frequent one of those “all you can eat” pizza buffet places with one of my roommates. On the appointed days, we both would purposely skip breakfast and hit the pizza parlor for lunch. Needless to say, by the time we sank our teeth into those slices, we were famished and we got more than our money’s worth. A few years later, after I came back to the Church, I realized I needed to address my gluttonous inclinations. I read Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to accomplish His work” (John 4:34), and I resolved to become a “righteous” man by seeking to do the will of God in my life. Over time, I developed a few healthy spiritual habits to increase my appetite for the things of above that I feel are worth sharing. My logical starting point was, of course, the Mass. I took to heart Jesus’ promise, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst” (John 6:35). I’m convinced that for us to hunger and thirst for righteousness, we have to be hungry for Jesus in the Eucharist. There are four practical things we can do to approach the Table of the Lord better disposed to receive Him on Sundays. First, develop a daily prayer life. It doesn’t have to be complicated – simply get in the habit of conversing with God throughout each day. Tell Him all your problems, fears, anxieties and plans. But more importantly, listen to His voice as He responds to you. It could be in the form of something a family member says to you, something you hear on the radio, or something you read in a book. Look for patterns in how God communicates with you. He’s always speaking to us, but we seldom hear Him. Once you develop a craving for this daily conversation with God, going to Mass on Sundays is a lot more rewarding. I hear a lot of Catholics say they “don’t get anything out of the Mass.” Why? Perhaps it is that most of us bring too many things on our plates – pun intended – to Church. We have financial and family worries, health anxieties, career issues. Our minds are so full of stuff by the time we receive Communion, there’s little or no room for Jesus to fill our hearts with His grace. Daily prayer will help us practice a Sunday morning spiritual fast by surrendering to the Father everything that consumes our attention during the week. Second, clean up your spiritual house by going to confession. We say right before Communion, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” Forgiveness always precedes healing. Some of the most powerful words we can hear Jesus say to us are “I absolve you from your sins...” Since we are by nature quick to sin and slow to forgive, I think going to confession once a month is a happy medium. Think of it this way: How would your house look and smell if you cleaned it only once a year? Then ask yourself: What would you do to prepare if you knew Jesus was coming over for dinner? Third, prepare for the Banquet by reading the “menu” ahead of time. Read the Sunday Gospel on Saturday night. Read it slowly and let its message sink in. Look for any word or phrase that jumps out at you, then meditate on it. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. Then when the priest or deacon is preaching the Sunday homily, you will be better able to relate to the Gospel message and to let it hit home in your heart. Finally, don’t leave Church immediately after Communion. These few minutes before the conclusion of Mass are the most intimate you can spend with the Lord. He is “under your roof” and wants to visit with you. Take time to taste and see the goodness of the Lord, as the popular hymn says. Stay with Jesus and thank Him for allowing you to receive His Body and Blood. Ask Him to make you hungry for Him and His will in your life. He always honors a sincere prayer. The Wedding Feast of the Lamb contains all the graces you can receive, and it’s free. The question is: How hungry are we to partake of it? Rico De Silva is a member of St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.

People who self-indentify as Catholic have different levels of involvement in the Church.

Were Catholic at some point in life

97 million

Currently self-identify as Catholic


In a household registered with a parish

58.3 million

Attend Mass on Christmas and Easter


Attend Mass at least once a month


Are in a household that regularly contributes to parish offertory


Attend Mass every week

17.9 million

Are adults that are “very” involved in parish outside of Mass


Source: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate

CNS graphic ©2012 | EmilyCNS Lockley

Source: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate

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November 9, 2012 | catholic news heraldI

The Poor Clares

Peggy Bowes

How to save a soul in Purgatory


love visiting cemeteries. The stories that unfold as I wander the rows of gravestones are fascinating. I mourn the loss of a tiny infant who lived just 10 days, buried between her father and mother. A weathered Mother’s Day card rests against a granite marker, and I marvel that it is still there, months after the holiday has passed. I note a veteran’s plaque on a soldier’s grave and silently thank him for his service. My cemetery visits also provide an opportunity to pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Praying for the dead is one of the seven spiritual works of mercy. In fact, the Church dedicates the month of November to praying for the Poor Souls. “From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God.” (CCC 1032) Once in Purgatory, the souls cannot do anything themselves to shorten their stay as they undergo the purifying fire necessary for their entrance to heaven. However, our prayers and sacrifices, pleading for God’s mercy, can shorten their stay. According to Scripture: “It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from sin.” (2 Maccabees 12:46) I have taught my children to pray for the Poor Souls every time we pass a cemetery. We pray St. Gertrude’s Prayer, believed to release 1,000 souls from Purgatory: “Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, those in the universal Church, in my own home and within my family. Amen.” This month you can establish a family tradition of praying for the Poor Souls. Here are a few ideas: — Give up a small luxury such as a meal at a restaurant or a night at the movies and use the money saved for a Mass stipend for the Holy Souls. — Memorize the St. Gertrude Prayer above and pray it every day as a family throughout the month of November. — Visit a cemetery and show your children how to show respect for the dead and that cemeteries are not scary places. Buy a few flowers to place on a gravestone that doesn’t have any. — As you’re driving around doing errands, pray the rosary as a family for the Poor Souls. — Tell your children stories about some of your deceased relatives and pray for those family members by name. By month’s end, you’ll likely agree with St. Josemaria Escriva: “The Holy Souls in Purgatory are my good friends.” Peggy Bowes is a member of Holy Angels Church in Mount Airy and author of “The Rosary Workout” (


Deacon James H. Toner

Spiritual friendship: Help on our journey toward Heaven

oday, more than ever, the term “friendship” is casually thrown around, meaning just about anything and referring to many kinds of relationships. Some people use the word to tally up the followers of their Facebook page, even if they know very little about their cyberspace buddies. We confer the title “friends” to mere acquaintances, people we encounter occasionally at various social events. However, there is a group of people in life who truly deserve to be called friends: those with whom we share our very selves – our joys, sorrows, weaknesses and deepest secrets. One of the most excellent and consoling friendships is that of spiritual friendship. Praised both in Scripture and by the saints who have gone before us, the gift of spiritual friendship is held up as a priceless treasure. Yet this treasure is not one that we stumble upon haphazardly or that can be preserved without effort. Requiring grace, reciprocation that is not possessive, virtuous ideals and examples, as well as self-denial, spiritual friendship is a precious and powerful aid in our journey towards heaven and towards the soul’s ultimate friendship with God. Friendship is truly a grace, a gift from God. The book of Sirach teaches that “a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who has found one, has found a treasure. There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence. A faithful friend is an elixir of life; and those who fear the Lord will find him.” (Sirach 6:14-16). St. Francis de Sales explains even further in his book “Introduction to the Devout Life”: “It is the Spirit of God who is the author of the holy friendship which we have for each other.” Jesus Himself exemplified the beauty of friendship, as John the Evangelist highlighted: “Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” (John 11:5), and when Jesus wept over Lazarus’ death, those around Him exclaimed, “See how He loved him!” (John 11:36). Scripture, the saints and our Blessed Lord point to authentic holy friendships as part of the Christian journey towards Heaven. Both philosophers and saints of old agree that the nature of this gift of friendship includes particular conditions and qualities. Primarily, they recognize the existence of a voluntary preferential participation between two or more souls who,


Two ‘forgotten’ parts of the Mass


according to St. Francis de Sales, “participate in each other’s devotion and spiritual affections making them of one mind.” This communion of souls usually arises gently through small external elements, while setting deep roots interiorly. It’s the look in the eye that says, “I’m here for you,” or the laughter exchanged in joyous conversation, or the inflection in the voice that expresses genuine care. Above all, it is an awareness that each other’s presence kindles the desire to love God even more. Distinct from charity (which we owe to everyone without exception), this particular relationship is felt by both parties and the persons are mutually aware of their reciprocal affection. St. Gregory Nazianzen wrote beautifully of his friendship with St. Basil, “When, in the course of time, we acknowledged our friendship and recognized that our ambition was a life of true wisdom, we became everything to each other: we shared the same lodging, the same table, the same desires, the same goal. Our love for each other grew daily warmer and deeper.” Such an acknowledgment made by friends is the foundation for commitment and communication. Communication is the key element that maintains and deepens a friendship. With a friend we have the courage to be our true selves, to expose our weaknesses, to share our dearest secrets. Jesus brought His disciples into friendship with Himself through intimate communication. He said, “I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). While a friendship is preferential in nature, it is not exclusive. If it is holy and healthy, the joy and love springing from this relationship flows outward toward others. Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the papal household, pointed out in a homily at the Vatican that Jesus did not possessively refer to Lazarus as “my friend,” but said to His disciples, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep.” He could generously share His love for one with many others. Because spiritual friends are not possessive and self-centered, they are able to patiently bear with each other’s imperfections while not tolerating sin. St. Francis de Sales stated clearly, “As to sins, we must neither occasion them nor tolerate them in our friends. It is either a weak or a sinful friendship that watches

here are two parts of the Holy Mass you have seen or heard, I hope, hundreds of times but may never have truly observed: the purification and the dismissal. According to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (279), the “sacred vessels are purified by the priest, the deacon, or an instituted acolyte (GIRM 98, or see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 903) after Communion or after Mass, insofar as possible at the credence table.” When the priest and deacon purify the sacred vessels, we are not doing the dishes! We consume any of the Precious Blood left after Holy Communion, and we purify the ciborium and the chalices with water, and then consume the water, because we know that Jesus is present – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity (cf. CCC 1374) in every drop and fragment – so we ensure that the vessels are emptied and then wiped dry with a purificator in testimony to the Real Presence of Christ in the consecrated wheat and wine. The ciboria are then reposed in the tabernacle. Here is the beautiful prayer which the priest and deacon recite silently while purifying the sacred vessels: “What has passed our lips as food, O Lord, may we possess in purity of heart, that what has been given to us in time may be our healing for eternity.” Shortly after the purification comes the final blessing (we begin Mass with the sign of the cross, and we end Mass with the same sign). Then comes the dismissal, which is always given by the deacon if he is present. There is a choice to be made among the four dismissals: “Go in peace” or “Go forth; the Mass is ended” or “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord” or “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” Father Robert Barron, the author of the fine book “Catholicism,” says that, after the words of consecration, the dismissal contains the most sacred words of the entire Mass. Why? Well, Holy Mass should help us to grow like the mustard seed. We have heard the word of God, listened to the homily, offered sacrifice to the Father, and received the Body and Blood of the Lord. We should thereby be more properly formed and more ready to bring Christ to the world. Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said that the three (by tradition) kings or Magi who had found the infant Jesus were warned in a dream not to go back to King Herod, so they departed for their country by another way (Mt 2:12). Of course they did, said Bishop Sheen, “for no one comes to Christ and goes back the same way he came.” The liturgy, writes Father Barron, is the privileged communication with the Lord. It is the source and summit of the Christian life – it is our healing for eternity. And therefore those who participate in it never leave unchanged; they should never go back the same way they came. Before Cardinal Ratzinger entered the conclave which elected him as pope, he preached a homily based upon Ephesians 4:14, in which St. Paul calls us to maturity in Christ so that we will not be “tossed back and forth with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles” – a theme repeated in Colossians (see 2:8) and in the Letter to the Hebrews, in which we are warned not to be “led away by diverse and strange teachings” (13:9). Our Catholic goal is, by the grace of God, to lead lives worthy of our calling (cf. Eph 4:1 and 1 Thess 2:12) in baptism and confirmation. God’s grace, the Church teaches, is for our salvation, helping us to persevere in faith,


TONER, SEE page 24

24 | November 9, 2012 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

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to keep a good conscience, and to work in charity (see CCC 162; Gal 5:6). That is why the deacon can say, at the end of Mass: “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” We know that we reap what we sow (Gal 6:7); we know that we have the Christian duty of developing our talents and using them wisely and


our friend perish without helping him, that sees him die of an abscess and does not dare to save his life by opening it with the lance of correction.” Besides correcting faults, friends lift each other up towards the heights of holiness. In a 2010 address Pope Benedict XVI drew attention to St. Francis and St. Clare and said, “The friendship between these two saints is a beautiful and important element, for when two souls enflamed with the same love for God meet, from their mutual friendship they draw a powerful stimulus to follow the path of perfection. Friendship is one of the most noble and exalted human sentiments, which divine Grace purifies and transfigures.” Finally, the transfiguration that takes place in a spiritual friendship stems from the gift of self to another for the sake of Christ and the gift of self to Christ for the sake of others. Monsignor Robert

well; we know that, in an increasingly paganized society, we are called to be Christ’s witnesses (CCC 2044, 2472; 2 Cor 5:20). By the grace of God, let us all work and work and work at doing so. When next you witness the purification and hear the dismissal, remember that Christ gave Himself for us “to rescue us from all wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good” (Titus 2:14 GNB). Deacon James H. Toner serves at Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro.

Hugh Benson, a Catholic author from England, penned it poignantly: “It seeks to win nothing, to produce nothing – but to sacrifice all.” As religious, we deeply treasure our spiritual friendships with one another and with those of the household of the Catholic faith, as we encourage one another to give all for Christ and for souls. We were not made to live alone nor to seek Heaven alone. As social beings, we need companions who will encourage us in our struggles against sin, who will urge us on to practice heroic virtue, and who will pray with us and for us. These are the friends who will assist us toward our goal of union with God, who calls us to friendship with Himself. Sister Mary Raphael of the Divine Physician is professed with the Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration St. Joseph Monastery in Charlotte. Learn more about the Poor Clares at In the next edition, Father Joshua Voitus, parochial vicar of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte, will continue this meditation on spiritual friendship, in “True friendship: Model for our relationship with God.”

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