March 15, 2013

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March 15, 2013 S E RV I N G C H R I ST A N D C O N N EC T I N G C AT H O L I C S I N W E ST E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A


Maronite Catholics welcome their bishop,


5 INDEX Contact us.......................... 4 Events calendar................. 4 Our Parishes....... 3-13, 16-17 Schools......................... 18-19 Scripture readings............ 2 TV & Movies..................20-21 U.S. & World news....... 22-25 Viewpoints.................. 26-28 Year of Faith.................... 2-3

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FUNDED by the parishioners of the diocese of charlotte THANK YOU!

INSIDE: 22-25 n Pope Francis’ installation Mass set for Feast of St. Joseph, March 19 n His biography and his first days as pope

Welcomed into the Church RCIA candidates prepare and await the Easter Vigil, while Charlotte family enters Church en masse,


n Bishop Jugis: ‘God has given us the man He wants us to have’ n Jesuits, locals react with joy, enthusiasm

Pilgrims in the Holy Land

A humbling, personal journey,


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