April 21, 2000

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April 21, 2000

The Catholic News & Herald 1

Inside Special Feature

Springtime rain does not dampen seniors’ spirit

“A Mosaic of Seminary Life” introduces the lives of seminarians at St. Vincent’s

Living the Faith

Chrism Mass celebrated at St. Patrick Cathedral

...Center section

...Page 5

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Catholic A p r i l 2 1, 2000


Volume 9


Number 33





Se r v i n g C a t h o l i c s in Western North Carolina in the Diocese of Charlotte

The Risen Christ T

A Living Presence

hirty years ago I joined friends in serving dinner on Easter Sunday to the senior members in our community. Many of our guests were alone in this world without family or friends. While dessert was being served, one of our guests rose to express her appreciation. I will never forget her words: “Don’t go looking for Jesus in a tomb. He ain’t there. He is right here with us in this room.” One does not have to be a Christian to admire Jesus. Many non-Christians believe Him to be a hero. They often quote His words to support the cause they champion, especially His teaching concerning peace and justice. But, they do not accept His claim to be the Son of God. For them, Jesus, like many great leaders in this world, is dead, while His words live on. Unfortunately, some Christians also look for Him among the dead. They fail to understand that He lives and can be found in those around us. We will discover Jesus if we seek Him with “eyes of faith,” for He appears in many disguises. Jesus is that homeless man or woman on the street corner. He is the elderly person next door who lacks

the strength to walk to the grocery store or visit the doctor. He is the single parent who feels very much alone in trying to be both mother and father to his or her child. He lives in those whom society brands a social outcast. He can be found in every hospital and nursing home. He is husband and wife, son and daughter in every home. He is everywhere love needs to be! During the forty days of Lent, we walked beside Jesus on His journey towards Calvary. Holy Week invites us to be with Jesus in the upper room where He gives us Himself in the Eucharist as a lasting memorial of love. Good Friday bids us to celebrate that price He paid for our sins. Easter rings with joy in His triumph over death. We cannot allow these days of special grace to end. Jesus has asked us to be witnesses to His triumph over the death. Again, if we look for Him among the living “with eyes of faith,” we will find Him. May this Easter discover us sharing His gifts of love and peace, especially with those most in need of these gifts. God grant you and your loved ones a Blessed Easter!

Prayerfully in the Risen Lord,

The Most Reverend William G. Curlin, Bishop of Charlotte Photo Illustration by Julie Radcliffe

2 The Catholic News & Herald a April 17 Vatican statement. The May 14-20 meeting at the Queen of Apostles Renewal Center in Mississauga will be led by Anglican Archbishop George Carey of Canterbury, primate of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. U.S. bishops oppose giving China permanent normal trade relations WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. bishops are urging members of the House of Representatives to vote against granting China permanent normal trade relations because of China’s human rights violations, especially in the area of religious freedom. Boston Cardinal Bernard F. Law, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on International Policy, stated the bishops’ position in an April 12 letter to House members. Under a historic U.S.-China trade deal announced last November, the United States agreed to support China’s long-sought membership in the World Trade Organization. Vatican asked to declare Chinese patriotic church in schism VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In a letter to top Vatican officials, the nephew of the late Chinese Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pin-mei asked the Vatican to declare the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association schismatic. “The CPA is not and cannot be Catholic because it continues to deny the ... supreme authority of the successor of Peter,” said Joseph Kung, president of the U.S.-based Cardinal Kung Foundation. Kung sent the letter March 28. The Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association was founded by and continues to be directed by China’s communist government. It elects its own bishops and spurns all ties with the Vatican. The Vatican press office would not comment on Kung’s letter April 14. Vatican diplomat presses for law against kids enlisting VATICAN CITY (CNS) — While applauding an international effort to raise the minimum draft age to 18, a Vatican diplomat pressed for a broader law prohibiting children under 18 from even voluntarily enlisting in the armed

CNS photo by Martin Lueders

Refurbished Notre Dame Cathedral Gargoyles high up on Notre Dame Cathedral peer over the city of Paris. The facade and roof of the gothic cathedral have undergone a five-year restoration project revealing cleaner, brighter sculptures on the centuriesold church. Vatican to publish new general instruction on liturgy in June VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Vatican plans to publish updated instructions for celebrating the Mass when it releases the third Latin edition of the Roman Missal in early June. Archbishop Francesco Tamburrino, secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, said the revised “General Instruction of the Roman Missal” will be released around Pentecost, June 11. The archbishop said the instruction will be dated April 20, Holy Thursday, which marks the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Anglican, Catholic bishops to meet in Canada in May VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Thirty Anglican and Roman Catholic bishops will meet near Toronto in May to review the progress in their 30 years of ecumenical dialogue. “This high-level meeting is happening at a time when Anglicans and Roman Catholics around the world are exploring the possibilities for further steps toward visible unity,” said

Episcopal April 21, 2000 Volume 9 • Number 33

Publisher: Most Reverend William G. Curlin Editor: Joann S. Keane Associate Editor: Jimmy Rostar Staff Writer: Alesha M. Price Production Associate: Julie Radcliffe Advertising Representative: Cindi Feerick Secretary: Jane Glodowski 1123 South Church St., Charlotte, NC 28203 Mail: P.O. Box 37267, Charlotte, NC 28237 Phone: (704) 370-3333 FAX: (704) 370-3382 E-mail: catholicnews@charlottediocese.org The Catholic News & Herald, USPC 007-393, is published by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, 1123 South Church St., Charlotte, NC 28203, 44 times a year, weekly except for Christmas week and Easter week and every two weeks during June, July and August for $15 per year for enrollees in parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte and $18 per year for all other subscribers. Second-class postage paid at Charlotte NC and other cities. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to The Catholic News & Herald, P.O. Box 37267, Charlotte, NC 28237.

April 21, 2000

The World in

c a l e n-

Bishop William G. Curlin will take part in the following events: April 30 — 11 am Confirmation Holy Spirit, Denver May 1 — 7 pm Confirmation St. Joseph, Newton May 3 - 10 Annual pilgrimage with Knights of Malta to Lourdes May 12 — 7 pm Confirmation St. Aloysius, Hickory May 13 — 11 am Diocesan Lay Ministry Graduation Mass St. Gabriel, Charlotte 5 pm Confirmation, St. Piux X and blessing of Pro-life monument

services. “In many cases, it is difficult to recognize a truly voluntary and free decision,” said Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello, the Vatican’s permanent observer to the United Nations in Geneva. The papal diplomat spoke April 12 in Geneva during a meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Commission, which discussed new rules to prevent child soldiers and the sexual exploitation of children. Pope likely to travel to Oceania in 2001, say regional prelates VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope John Paul II is likely to travel to Noumea, New Caledonia, in the weeks following Easter 2001 to present a major document on church life in Oceania, prelates from the region said. A draft, prepared in the wake of the 1998 Synod of Bishops for Oceania, was virtually complete, said Cardinal Thomas Williams of Wellington, New Zealand. Members of the post-synodal council, made up of Vatican officials and seven prelates from Oceania, met in Rome April 4-6 to add last amendments to the draft before it went to the


plan -

Encounter Weekend happening this weekend at the Catholic Conference Center, 1551 Trinity Lane. This serves as a time for couples to enrich their marriages and to enhance communication and spirituality within their marriages. For information, contact Kevin and Theresa Williams at (704) 374-0973, and for registration, call Tom and Emilie Sandin at (336) 274-4424. 6 CHARLOTTE — Room at the Inn, a Catholic-sponsored home for unwed mothers providing a structured and supportive environment for pregnant women, is holding its annual “Walk for Life” this morning from 10 a.m.12 noon at Charlotte Catholic High School, 7702 Pineville-Matthews Rd. If interested in participating in the walk solo or with a group, contact Christine Lively at (704) 521-2774. WINSTON-SALEM — The Bishop McGuinness High School, 1730 Link

pope. Indian archbishop calls attacks on Catholics an ‘opportunity’ AGRA, India (CNS) — The Agra Archdiocese in northern India witnessed attacks on missionaries that its archbishop considers a challenge for dialogue. Three of the four attacks reported March 31-April 11 were on priests and nuns associated with schools. They were manhandled, verbally abused and threatened, reported UCA News, an Asian church news agency based in Thailand. Archbishop Vincent Concessao of Agra told UCA News April 11 that the attacks posed “an opportunity for us to come out and tell what we are doing and why.” He said he wrote a letter to federal and state officials, including Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, seeking “immediate action” to provide security to Christian schools. Vatican to hold Easter vigil outdoors to accommodate crowds VATICAN CITY (CNS) — So many pilgrims want to celebrate Easter with Pope John Paul II that the Vatican has decided to hold the April 22 evening Easter vigil Mass in St. Peter’s Square. The Mass, which will begin at 8 p.m. with the blessing of fire and a procession with the Easter candle, usually is held inside St. Peter’s Basilica. St. Peter’s Basilica holds about 8,000 people seated. The piazza, when filled with chairs, can accommodate five times as many. Peruvian bishops urge calm amid post-election tensions LIMA, Peru (CNS) — Peruvian bishops renewed their call to avoid violence amid tensions following the country’s presidential election. “This is the moment for serenity, respect and confidence in the law,” said Archbishop Juan Cipriani Thorne of Lima. The president of the Peruvian bishops’ conference, Archbishop Luis Bambaren Gastelumendi, said the Peruvian population showed a “great level of civility and respect for the democratic system.” “This respect must be kept,” Archbishop Bambaren added.

Rd., annual fund-raiser, sponsored by the home school association, is taking place tonight at 6:30 p.m. The theme is “Celebrating 40 Years of Catholic High School Education,” and the event features a silent auction, food, a live auction and a cash raffle. For details, call Eddie Mitchell at (336) 725-4248 or Jamie McAleer at (336) 777-0217. 7 CHARLOTTE — St. Vincent de Paul Church, 6828 Old Reid Rd., is having its 48th Semi-Annual International Family Rosary Day at 3 p.m. this afternoon, with Legionaries of Christ Father Peter Devereux from Atlanta, Ga., as the speaker for the event. The day includes a procession, a homily, the rosary, hymns and Benediction. For more information, call Kathleen Potter at (704) 366-5127 or the church office at (704) 554-7088. Please submit notices of events for the Diocesan Planner at least 10 days prior to publication date.

April 21, 2000

Around the Di-

Catholic mayor, marchers want end to debate over Confederate

federate dead and demand that it stay By Jordan McMorrough where it is. The New Catholic Miscellany Mayor Riley started the walk COLUMBIA, S.C. (CNS) — The April 2 with about 600 people. Marchvast majority of South Carolinians ers braved rain, rough roads, blisters, support moving the Confederate flag and groups of protesters along the from atop South Carolina’s Statehouse, way. About 2,000 people walked the yet the Legislature has failed to act, final leg, including Charleston Bishop Charleston’s Catholic mayor told a Robert J. Baker. rally in Columbia April 6. “It is time to reconcile and to find A throng of people converged a solution that represents the sentiat the Statehouse for the rally, which ments of the parties marked the concluthat disagree about sion of a five-day, the meaning of the 120-mile trek led by “There are those who flag over the state Mayor Joseph P. Rivalue the flag for its Capitol,” the bishop ley to call for action historical and cultural said in a statement. on the issue. “There are those The effort was a heritage, and there are who value the flag “grass-roots initiathose who feel the flag for its historical and tive to let the South Carolina Legislature does not represent them,” cultural heritage, and there are those who know that the citihe added. “Now is the feel the flag does not zens of South Carotime for a solution, not represent them,” he lina want an immediate end to the Con- tomorrow — in this session added. “Now is the time for a solution, federate flag debate,” of the Legislature, and not tomorrow — in according to march this session of the organizers. not the next.” Legislature, and not In his remarks, the next.” Riley, a parishioner at — Bishop Robert J. Baker, “Get in Step” ofthe Cathedral of St. Bishop of Charleston ficials noted the event John the Baptist in drew thousands of Charleston, shared a participants along the way — some for threatening letter he received prior to a few minutes and others for an entire the event, which necessitated the wearday. Church groups came by the busing of a bulletproof vest throughout loads, as did school groups. the march as well as a beefed-up secuOne morning found four of South rity presence for marchers. Carolina’s top university athletic The anonymous letter writer told coaches joining Riley at the front the mayor that if he marched with of the line — University of South blacks through Calhoun County south Carolina football coach Lou Holtz and of Columbia, “I will put you in my gun basketball coach Eddie Fogler, along sights.” with Clemson football coach Tommy “Ladies and gentlemen,” Riley Bowden and basketball coach Larry said, “that is not his heritage, that is Shyatt. his hate.” Others who joined in the final leg Opponents of the flag see it as a included Msgr. Leigh Lehocky, pastor vestige of hatred and slavery and want in Columbia, and Msgr. Christopher it removed from the Statehouse dome. Supporters see the banner as a symbol See CONFEDERATE FLAG, page 9 of Southern heritage that honors Conthe program, being held in Madonna Hall, is “Stepping into the New Millennium.” Call the church office at (704) 694-5183 or (910) 582-0207 for further details. May 3 CHARLOTTE — The support group for those living with cancer and their caretakers is having its monthly meeting tonight at St. Gabriel Church, 3016 Providence Rd., after the Wednesday night dinner. The group is gathering in the ministry center on the third floor. For more information, call Bob Poffenberger at (704) 553-7000 or Eileen Correll at (704) 362-5047, Ext. 27. 4 CHARLOTTE — The St. Vincent de Paul Church Women’s Guild is having a spring card party tonight from 7:3010:30 p.m. in the church activity center at 6828 Old Reid Rd. Refreshments, door prizes and a raffle are on hand for attendants. For reservations, call Doris Reinhardt at (704) 552-2026 or Anne Kenney at (704) 552-0376. 5 HICKORY — There is a Marriage

April 24 CHARLOTTE — The Alzheimer/ dementia group held at St. Gabriel Church, 3016 Providence Rd., is not meeting today but will meet on May 22 from 2-3:30 p.m. Call Suzanne Bach at (704) 376-4135 with any questions or concerns. 27 ASHEVILLE — All are invited to attend a healing Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church, 919 Haywood Rd., tonight at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served after the Mass. Call the church office at (828) 252-3151 for details. CHARLOTTE — Our Lady of Assumption Church, 4207 Shamrock Dr., is sponsoring a presentation on the death penalty and how it works within our legal system by James P. Cooney III, a local attorney. A question and answer period and light refreshments will follow the presentation, beginning at 7:30 p.m. tonight. For more information or for babysitting arrangements, call Betty Leone at (704) 334-6553. 28 HIGH POINT — To benefit the

The Catholic News & Herald 3

St. Philip’s parishioner earns Morehead By ELLEN NEERINCX SIGMON Correspondent TROUTMAN — Dan Folliard, a high school senior at South Iredell High School and a member of St. Philip the Apostle Church in Statesville, had a problem that many high school seniors would like to have. Should he accept an appointment to West Point, an appointment to the Naval Academy or a Morehead Scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill? He chose to go to UNC. “It was really a tough decision, but I think I made the right one,” he said. “I’m so lucky. All my friends are filling out scholarship applications to see what they can get. I’m so happy I don’t have to worry about that stuff anymore.” One thing that factored into Folliard’s decision was the fact that his brother is currently a junior at UNC. He also mentioned the atmosphere of the campus when he went there for final interviews last fall, just when the leaves were starting to change colors and fall off the trees. “The scenery was breathtaking,” he said. “They really spoiled us in the finals weekend.” His room and food at the Carolina Inn were paid for by the Morehead Foundation. He was able to visit his brother’s dorm room and play video games before his interviews. “That helped me relax,” he said. “All my interviews went smoothly. Nothing went wrong.” This year was the first time that the Morehead competition did not include local interviews, Folliard said. Instead, nominees wrote essays and listed their extracurricular activities and sent that directly to the screening committee in Chapel Hill. Folliard then had his regional interview in Greensboro before the finals in Chapel Hill. Folliard doesn’t plan to play too residents of Maryfield Nursing Home, the Volunteers of Maryfield are having their annual yard sale today and tomorrow April 29 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at Providence Place, 1701 Westchester Dr., in the old Westchester Mall in the Lerner Shop. Donations are being accepted until April 26, and tax deduction acknowledgements are being given. For more information, call Dot Hockett at (336) 886-2444 or (336) 869-8186 or Sarah Shelton at (336) 886-2444 or (336) 454-2864. 29 BOONE — The third annual “Swing into Spring” golf tournament, sponsored by the Pi Sigma Epsilon service club from Appalachian State University, is taking place today at the Boone Golf Club, 433 Fairway Dr. The round, breakfast, lunch and a gift are included in the package, and the proceeds will benefit the Ivette Rubio Fund, a 19-year-old St. Elizabeth Church parishioner suffering from leukemia. For time and details, call Karen James at (828) 297-4084. 30 CHARLOTTE — A Polish lan-

Dan Folliard many video games once he arrives at UNC. “I’m not one to stay in my room and study or play games too much,” he said. He is considering a major in international affairs or foreign relations. He also talked about volunteering at the Newman Catholic Student Center in Chapel Hill, where his brother just received an internship for next year to work as program director. He plans to get involved in other ways as well. He had thought he might try out for the wrestling team, but he injured his knee during high school wrestling this year and wasn’t able to finish the season, and he thinks that the injury may prevent him from participating in the future. Tina Swaney, youth minister at St. Philip the Apostle, said that Folliard is not the type to let injuries get him down. “He’s a real neat kid,” she said. “He’s the type that can take just about anything and deal with it and make the best of it. He has a positive attitude.”

See MOREHEAD, page 4 guage Mass is being offered tonight at 6 p.m. at St. Ann Church, 3635 Park Rd. Father Roch Drozdzik is hearing confessions after Mass, and there is a reception in the activity center also after Mass. Call the church office for more information at (704) 523-4641. SWANNANOA — St. Margaret Mary Church, 102 Andrew Place, is celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday today at 2 p.m. Everyone is invited to participate in Mass, the rosary and chaplet, followed by refreshments. For more information, call the church office at (828) 686-3243. WADESBORO — Sacred Heart Church, 205 Rutherford St., is having an “afternoon of song, praise and fellowship” today at 4 p.m., featuring Theodore Carr, mayor of Morven, the Cason Trio from Charlotte, the Voices of Harmony from Lilesville, the Notes of Praise, St. James Church Choir and Sacred Heart Church’s children’s choir and Father Mauricio West, vicar general and chancellor. The theme for

4 The Catholic News & Herald

April 21, 2000

Around the Di-

Program sends fresh air through the minds of afflicted that the group does something spiriBy Alesha M. Price tual every day from Bible readings to Staff Writer Stations of the Cross and sing-a-longs, CHARLOTTE — Suzanne Bach’s which adds an element on which other learned to respect and cherish the such programs do not focus, explained elderly from her childhood in a small Bach. German Catholic community made up “We are lucky as Catholics because of her older family members and other we have so many rote prayers and song elderly people who were a part of her committed to memory, and we can relife. She carried this respect with her cite those prayers and songs learned throughout her life as she served as the as children,” said Bach, in reference to former diocesan director of CRISM or someone in the group Elder Ministry and who remembered now, with her work the words to several with the memory“With something as songs though sufimpaired. fering from memory difficult as Alzheimer’s, Bach is spearloss. heading an informany feel embarrassed To help with the mation session on because their loved one Shining Stars proMay 6 for caregivers and family members is not the same anymore. gram, Bach went in search of funding and suffering from AlThe Church is a good received a positive zheimer’s Disease or location because of the response from Unitdementia, featuring ed Way. The grant local panelists, Dr. certain level of trust will also help with Fred Allen, a neurolpeople feel for it.” the newly established ogist, Bill Claytor, an — Suzanne Bach program in place at attorney specializing Providence United in the legal ramificaMethodist Church, tions after a diagnosis the host site for the May 6 informaof Alzheimer’s, Henry Bostick, the tion day. Associate Pastor Rev. Mr. newest director of the Alzheimer’s AsBill Jeffries, one of the ministers at St. sociation in Charlotte, and Bach herGabriel’s neighbor church, had taken self, the director of the Shining Stars a notice to the program and thought Adult Day Respite, held weekly at St. that it would work well with several Gabriel Church in Charlotte. in his congregation dealing with AlThe Alzheimer’s Information Day zheimer’s and dementia. is being held at Providence United “It is hard for families to deal with, Methodist Church, across from St. but underneath all that confusion, Gabriel Church, from 9:30 a.m.-12:15 these people do shine,” Bach said of the p.m. and will be a time for caretakers to name of the program. “I see them as a learn the latest information about the

Courtesy photo

Suzanne Bach, director of Shining Stars Adult Day Respite, far right, stands with Nancy Groover, program director, back center, and several people involved with the program, designed for those suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia. Left to right are Juni Bannin, Helene Russell, Rosa Coiro and Lena Gabriel. blessing.”


For more information about Shining Stars Adult Day Respite, the monthly support group and the upcoming Alzheimer’s Information Day, contact Suzanne Bach at (704) 376-4135. Contact Staff Writer Alesha M. Price by calling (704) 370-3354 or e-mail amprice@charlottediocese.org.

St. Phillip parishioner earns Morehead Scholarship, from page 3

Swaney also talked about Folliard’s involvement at the church. “He’s always been an active part of our youth group,” she said. “He’s always been a leader, mainly by example,” she said. In addition to being involved with the youth group, Folliard teaches the first-grade faith formation class at St. Philip the Apostle, along with Katie Swaney, her daughter. “They do a great job,” said Swaney. “There are not a lot

of kids who will get up every Sunday morning to teach faith formation.” Swaney said that there were about 20 children in the class, and that the class continued to grow. She also said that the class recently took its turn leading a Sunday Mass at the church, doing the readings, the responsorial, the petitions, the ushering and the bringing in of the gifts. “Several people made a point to tell me what a great job they did,” she said.

Folliard is involved in many ways at school as well. He was captain of the football and wrestling teams this year, as well as the senior class president, an executive officer of the Marine Corps Junior ROTC, a member of the Beta Club and the Junior Jaycees. Folliard said that Father Peter Fitzgibbons, pastor at St. Philip the Apostle and a former army chaplain, wanted him to go to West Point. All the same, Father Fitzgibbons wishes

disease and for those with Alzheimer’s to experience a little of what takes place at the Shining Stars Adult Day Respite sessions. Shining Stars grew out of the support group, held on the fourth Monday of the month from 2:00-3:30 p.m., also at St. Gabriel Church, for those who are faced with the day-to-day task of caring for those family members or friends whose memories are slipping away. “With something as difficult as Alzheimer’s, many feel embarrassed because their loved one is not the same anymore,” explained Bach. “The Church is a good location because of the certain level of trust people feel for it.” The adult day respite, a state-regulated program, serves as a place for the memory-impaired to go to participate in activities and for the caregivers to have some time for themselves, said Bach. “The day respite is a little jewel because it helps the care receiver to get out of the home and interact in a safe social setting with people who are trained to work with them,” continued Bach, who has a master’s of human development and learning in counseling.. The people who participate in the activities can still take care of most of their functions because the caregivers can drop them off for the day’s activities from 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., which include reminiscing activities, physical chair exercises, arts and crafts and occasional work with the pre-kindergarten children from Cradle, St. Gabriel’s early childhood program. Bach added

Folliard well. “Dan’s a great kid,” he said. “He’s very devoted and energetic. He has a great sense of humor. He’s just a real all-around good kid.” t

April 21, 2000

Around the Di-

The Catholic News & Herald 5

Springtime rain does not dampen seniors’ and reconnect with their inner child,” By Alesha M. Price said Sandra Breakfield, director of ElStaff Writer der Ministry. “They come together on HICKORY — Hundreds of years common ground to renew their faith of living were represented through and get reacquainted with friends.” smiles that shone through the rainy, Breakfield enlisted the help of blustery day during the Spring Fling several elderly men and women from for seniors March 13 at the Catholic around the diocese to serve as this Conference Center. Many seniors from year’s Spring Fling team. This was all points of the western half of North Helen and Tom GasCarolina braved the sen’s first time on weather and travthe committee. “This eled on charter and “This gives me a good is critical for seniors school buses and in outlook on life, and as an because of fellowcars to join together for a day of games, older person, you have to ship and simply getout and moving demonstrations and enjoy life now because you ting around,” said Mrs. an all-around pleasdon’t know how many more Gassen, who teaches ant time. tai chi in her spare “It is nice to get years you have. This also time. “This can bring out and see other makes you appreciate some people to life, Catholics from my and we need more parish and other paryour religion more.” activities for senior ishes,” said Marie Iscitizens.” ley from St. Mary — Marie Isley After the mornChurch in Greensing group presentaboro. “This gives me tion from Mika Maga good outlook on ic, a magician, the seniors had their life, and as an older person, you have pick of several afternoon activities to enjoy life now because you don’t including: blood pressure and pulse know how many more years you have. checks, arts and crafts, where attenThis also makes you appreciate your dants made miniature cloth angels, religion more.” bingo, professional massages in the Nearly 300 elderly men and wom“chairway to heaven,” line dancing en from approximately 30 parishes from J.N. and Company, and a preattended the annual event, sponsored sentation about edible flowers from by Catholic Social Services Elder Rachel Sigmon. Ministry. “Spring Fling is a day filled Lisa Bruen, a licensed massage with fun and activities and is a time for therapist from Carolina Myotherapy elders to step out of the normal role Clinic, talked about the importance of massage therapy especially for seniors. “For elderly people that do not receive touch or one-on-one contact anymore, massage brings them comfort and helps with bodily and emotional systems and lets them know they are not forgotten,” explained Bruen, who, A Spring Fling participant happily and bravely struggles with the Electric Slide during the line dancing portion, taught by J.N. and Company.

Photos by Alesha M. Price

Joanne Grabinski, one of the Spring Fling event committee members from Holy Spirit Church in Denver, assists Daisy Hinton from St. Benedict the Moor Church in Winston-Salem with her miniature cloth angel during the arts and crafts session at the Spring Fling for seniors on April 13 at the Catholic Conference Center in Hickory. along with Arc Drumheller, helped to relax the eager people standing in line for the rare treat of personal massage. “I became involved with herbs and edible flowers a few years before my retirement in 1985,” said Sigmon, who presented one of the more popular events among men and women. “If you don’t stay active as you grow older, you tend to lose something vital and important in your life,” she continued. Some of the participants decided to forgo the scheduled events and used the time to catch-up with friends, visit the center’s chapel or sit on the sofas and read. Edward O’Brien and a large group of fellow parishioners from Our Lady of Mercy Church in WinstonSalem sat around smiling while joking and talking the day away. “It is delightful to get together with friends who feel the same way I do about things. There isn’t much for us old-timers to do except watch TV, and this is a way for us to have a nice,

casual time,” said O’Brien. After the closing liturgy of the day, celebrated by Bishop Curlin, he and the audience were surprised by a large cake with candles in honor of his sixth anniversary as bishop of the Diocese of Charlotte. “It was a good ending to a nice day of activities and fellowship, in spite of the rain,” said one participant. James Thompson traveled to the Catholic Center from St. Mary Church in Shelby and noted, “Events like this help keep me motivated and young, and a little change always helps. I meet people who can help me, and I can help someone else. You never get too old to learn.” t Contact Staff Writer Alesha M. Price by calling (704) 370-3354 or e-mail amprice@charlottediocese.org.

6 The Catholic News & Herald Extend religious workers visas, cardinal asks Congress WASHINGTON (CNS) — A bill to permanently extend a visa program for religious workers is critical to many pastoral ministries, Detroit Cardinal Adam J. Maida told a Senate subcommittee. “The work of the Catholic Church in the United States would suffer dramatically without the assistance of nonminister religious workers,” said Cardinal Maida in April 13 testimony to the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration. The 5,000 visas approved annually for nonminister foreign church workers benefit more than half the U.S. dioceses, he said. The nuns, religious brothers and others given the visas work in health care, parish ministry, teaching, nursing and counseling. Chicago Archdiocese takes part in ‘No Sweatshop’ campaign CHICAGO (CNS) — Chicago’s cardinal said his archdiocese has joined a national anti-sweatshop campaign because the church is called in a jubilee year to proclaim “‘liberty to captives,’ including those ‘enslaved to undignified working conditions.”’ In a statement April 12, Cardinal Francis E. George said the archdiocese is working to make sure that school uniforms are made “sweat-labor free.” He noted that similar campaigns are under way in the Archdioceses of Philadelphia and Newark, N.J. He said the U.S. Labor Department has been asked by the archdiocese to review a list of 19 uniform vendors known to be used by Catholic school personnel “in an effort to identify the source of manufacturers of school and sports uniforms.” Project Rachel ad campaign not for proselytizing, official says WASHINGTON (CNS) — The national advertising program for Project Rachel, the Catholic Church’s post-abortion reconciliation ministry, is not aimed at “returning Catholics to the faith nor proselytizing,” a spokes-

April 21, 2000

People in the

CNS photo from Reuters

Palm Sunday in El Salvador Children carry palms in a street procession through Panchimalco, El Salvador, April 16. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant return to Jerusalem at the beginning of the last week of his life on earth. opposition, he said. Protestants honor Catholics for defense of Christians in India NEW YORK (CNS) — Protestant evangelicals honored a Catholic archbishop and layman from India April 11 for leadership in defending India’s Christian community against attacks by Hindu fundamentalists. The International Council of Evangelical Churches and the Global Center for Indian Christians, both led by an Anglican minister, the Rev. Bernard Chand of Wilmington, Del., gave the Staines International Award for Religious Harmony to Archbishop Alan de Lastic of Delhi and John Dayal, a newspaper editor in Delhi and official of several organizations.

Ferdinand Cheri, who is black. In an interview with the Tennessee Register, newspaper of the Nashville Diocese, he recalled an assignment as a young priest at a New Orleans parish that had a mixture of black and white families. Parishioners celebrated St. Patrick’s Day for the Irish families and St. Joseph’s feast day for the Italian families, but when the black members wanted to celebrate a black saint, like St. Martin de Porres or St. Augustine, there was

woman for the U.S. bishops’ pro-life efforts said April 12. Helen Alvare, director of planning and information for the bishops’ Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, said in a statement that the purpose of the ad campaign and of Project Rachel “is to offer women and men suffering after abortion any help they need.” She said widespread interest across the United States and internationally had prompted stories that contained some “inaccuracies which should be corrected.” Way of Cross marks jubilee-year debt protests WASHINGTON (CNS) — About 100 praying, singing protesters marched from the U.S. Capitol to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund April 11, linking Jesus’ passion and death with the suffering of the world’s poor. The fifth annual Economic Way of the Cross brought an afternoon of prayerful reflection to a week of escalating protests in the nation’s capital against policies of the World Bank and IMF. Those institutions were to start their annual spring round of meetings in Washington April 16. Members of the Religious Working Group on the World Bank and IMF sponsored the outdoor prayer/protest. Black Catholics often feel invisible in U.S. church, says priest NASHVILLE, Tenn. (CNS) — African-American Catholics often feel invisible in the U.S. church, says a Nashville pastor. “They may not say it, but they feel it: This is not our church,” said Franciscan Father

April 21, 2000

From the

The Catholic News & Herald 7

Pope to beatify two visionaries in Fatima in By John Norton Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope John Paul II will travel to Fatima, Portugal, in May to beatify two shepherd children who had visions of Mary in 1917, a Vatican official confirmed. “The Holy Father accepted the invitation of the bishop of Fatima to hold the beatification ceremony of the shepherd children directly in Fatima,” Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary-general of the Vatican’s jubilee committee, told Vatican Radio March 21. The pope will leave for Portugal May 12 and celebrate the beatification Mass the following day — the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima — on the shrine’s esplanade, he said. The announcement marked the first Vatican confirmation that the pope would travel to Fatima to beatify Francisco and Jacinta Marto, two of the three children who had visions of Mary. The third child, Sister Lucia dos Santos, is a 93-year-old nun living in a

Portuguese convent. Portugal’s bishops, after visiting the Vatican in November, said that the pope had agreed to make the trip. Archbishop Sepe also announced that the Fatima statue of Mary would be brought to the Vatican in October for a special ceremony entrusting the third Christian millennium to Mary’s care. Archbishop Sepe said that at the end of Mass Oct. 8 during the Jubilee for Bishops, the pope will lead an “act of entrustment” to Mary. Pope John Paul has several times spoken of Our Lady of Fatima as a special protectress. He was shot and seriously wounded on her feast day in 1981, and a year later he paid a visit to the Fatima shrine to give thanks for his survival. On the 10th anniversary of the shooting, he placed a fragment of the bullet that wounded him in the crown atop the Fatima statue of Mary. t

CNS file photo by Leslie Kossoff

The Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima will be the site of the beatification of Fatima visionaries Francisco and Jacinta Marto in mid-May. Pope John Paul II will celebrate the beatification Mass at the Portugal shrine May 13.

8 The Catholic News & Herald

In the

Senate bill would award Congressional Gold Medal to pope WASHINGTON (CNS) — U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., has introduced legislation that would award the Congressional Gold Medal to Pope John Paul II. Sixty-six senators have co-sponsored the bill. “Though many people see the pope as an important statesman, diplomat and political figure, Pope John Paul II is much more than that,” Brownback said April 13 on the Senate floor. “As spiritual leader to the world’s 1 billion Catholics, the pope has commenced a great dialogue with modern culture, one that transcends the boundaries of political or economic ideology.” A House version of the bill was introduced in January. The pope “stands boldly as an ever-vigilant sign of contradiction to a culture that is darkened by the clouds of death,” Brownback said. “In the face of this mounting storm, he has tirelessly proclaimed the need for a culture of life.” Brownback added, “He is a crusader against the offenses against human dignity that have transpired in the 20th century. More than any other single person this century, Pope John Paul II has worked to protect the rights of each individual. As well, John Paul II has addressed almost every major question posed by the modern mind at the turn of the millennium.” A Brownback spokesman said the bill has been assigned to the Senate Banking Committee for consideration. Earlier this year, a Congressional Gold Medal was approved for Cardinal

The pope “stands boldly as an ever-vigilant sign of contradiction to a culture that is darkened by the clouds of death,” Brownback said. “In the face of this mounting storm, he has tirelessly proclaimed the need for a culture of life.” — Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan John J. O’Connor of New York. Last year, a medal was approved for Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh, the former president of the University of Notre Dame. In 1997, Congress approved a medal for Mother Teresa. Others under consideration for Congressional Gold Medals are the late “Peanuts” cartoonist Charles Schulz, the Apollo 11 astronauts, 1960 Olympics three-time gold medalwinner Wilma Rudolph, civil rights activists Rosa Parks and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford and their wives. t

April 21, 2000

The Catholic News & Herald 9

April 21, 2000


Vincent Archabbey and Seminary in Latrobe, Pa., with plans to meet with the largest coalition of seminarians studying at the same institution. In Pennsylvania, we found the mosaic — not a cookie-cutter mold of a priestly man, but nine distinctively unique personalities. Nine diverse men preparing to serve a diverse church, nine men, not unlike the rest of us, sharing some of the same challenges of daily life. Yet, one sacrament will someday separate them from the flock: The sacrament of ordination. We met a man who escaped the religious persecution of a communist regime, only to be captured, returned, imprisoned. His faith journey is one of near fatality. And while a second escape proved successful, his road to freedom was blighted with horrendous obstacles. He survived on faith. We met a man holding the world in his hands, or so he thought. The trappings of wealth and success, as it turns out, were but smoke and mirrors to his true calling. We met a man contemplating marriage and coming to grips with the whisper that grew louder: God has other plans. We met a man who always had an inkling he wanted to be a priest.

Photos by Joann S. Keane Photo illustration by Julie Radcliffe

Mosaic of seminary life

Special to The Catholic News & Herald • April 21, 2000 We set out for a glimpse of the future church. A couple months back, Editor Joann Keane and Associate Editor Jimmy Rostar met with Bishop Curlin, seeking counsel on how to best bring vocations to the pages of The Catholic News & Herald. With 22 seminarians in formation for the Diocese of Charlotte, what could be placed in print to develop a picture of who and what these men are all about? What we wish to share with you in this special section, is what Bishop Curlin calls, “a mosaic of seminary life.” As we prepare to celebrate new beginnings in Easter, let us intro-

By Joann S. Keane Editor LATROBE, Pa. — We set out as voyeurs of the future church. What we found comes as no surprise: We are in good hands. We were driven by the prospect of a historic number of priestly ordinations this coming June, when seven men will commit themselves in service to God and His people in the Diocese of Charlotte. But our story plans traveled well beyond our initial thoughts. As we

mulled over the editorial direction of this edition, it became more than just the seven. We wanted to introduce all of the 22 seminarians in formation for the Diocese of Charlotte. Moreover, we wanted to cut into a slice of daily life in seminary. As practicality set in, we realized the daunting task of 22 interviews, not to mention the logistical challenge posed by nearly half a dozen seminaries up and down the East Coast. Last month, Associate Editor Jimmy Rostar and I hit the road. Destination: St.

Though he joined the working class, he felt an emptiness. This void is filling now with the Holy Spirit. We met a man already immersed in faith. For the better part of a decade, he was a brother in a religious community. The fork in his faith journey brought him to the diocese to fulfill his desire to become a priest in service to Western North Carolina. The stories go on, poignant and honest, each unique. Every interview a new tile in this mosaic of faith. On the campus of St. Vincent Seminary, these men are learning more than homiletics. They are finding camaraderie in friendship and support that extends beyond the diocese in which they will serve. St. Vincent Seminary is the formative home for men from 16 dioceses. And while support comes from their brother seminarians, it is nurtured by a faculty and staff eager to assist with theological quandaries and the intricacies of faith formation. We met nine men in love with the church. And while diversity was evident in their stories, the cohesive bond of this mosaic is irrefutable: Jesus. t

2 Special to The Catholic News & Herald • April 21, 2000

Profiles found St. Aloysius in Hickory. More significantly, he discovered the peaceful prayerful manner of then-pastor Father Wilbur Thomas. “It gave me a new perspective on the Mass,” says Brzoska. “Going to church on Sunday was something I really started looking forward to.” While enjoying the success of his job, it was at the expense of stress and pressure, and little life outside the work environment. He became involved in parish ministries, and found relief and satisfaction in his volunteer efforts. The idea of priesthood and a future of service drifted through his mind. The thought of priesthood was dismissed about as quickly as it popped into his head. Dismissed, but not for-

gotten. Time passed and he broached Sharing the Faith: the idea with Father Thomas. Rev. Mr. Dave Brzoska “I had no clue about what would be ev. Mr. Dave Brzoska sees involved,” says Brzoska. Father Thomthe church as a place for as listened, encouraged his vocation people to share their faith, and connected him with then-Director find support and encounter a sense of Vocations, Father Frank O’Rourke. of life in their faith. It wasn’t all that “And the process went long ago when he, too, from there, and here I found himself looking am, six years later,” he for those very elements. says. Brzoska grew up In those intermeoutside Philadelphia, diary years, he felt at where, he says, Mass times as though he’d was much like a probeen plucked from his duction line. Move ‘em friends and family, and in, fill the parish, get went through a natural ready for another Mass. progression of ‘what am It was a delivery of the I doing here.’ But semisacraments, but there nary is discernment, and wasn’t much life to it. a time of learning more He drifted away. about yourself. It’s a When Brzoska’s job time of, “trying to come transferred him to Newto grips with yourself ton, a small hamlet near and recognizing gifts, Hickory a dozen years Rev. Mr. Dave Brzoska talents and weaknesses. back, he got reacquaintJune 2000 And learning to improve ed with his faith. He

them,” says Rev. Mr. Brzoska. Further, he says, “it is a time of becoming aware how God works in yourself and others.” This past year has been one of practical experience, with his assignment to assist a nearby parish on weekends. As a transitional deacon, Rev. Mr. Broska can celebrate sacraments such as matrimony and baptisms. In St. Bernard parish, he also preaches at a couple of the weekend Masses. It’s invaluable, he says, “Learning to preach and how to effectively express Scripture and the church’s teachings for the people to make it practical in their lives.” Today, Rev. Mr. Brzoska is much more comfortable with himself and the growth of his own spirituality. “More specifically, in relationships with others ... and taking an active role in bringing expression to God’s presence in those relationships.” It wasn’t all that long ago when he set out on a journey for those very elements. t

Humble servant: Leo Fowler here is a pleasantness on Leo Fowler’s face when he speaks of the things he is passionate about. He has vivid recollections of growing up in Louisiana and of family life in South Carolina. He wears a contented look when he discusses the spirituality of the saints. And when the subject of his upcoming life as a priest comes up, Leo Fowler’s happiness is unmistakable. “I’ve always felt the desire to be a priest, even as a kid,” said Fowler, 52. He recalls knocking on his pastor’s door in grade school, eager to be an altar server. He loved the Mass from his earliest memories. Even St. Nicholas himself got in on a plan that had yet to fully unfold itself. “By fifth or sixth grade, Santa Claus brought me a Mass kit, so I had my little altar and white vestments and alb, and I used to practice Mass,” he said with a chuckle. “That was sort of the beginning of my vocation, and it’s something that’s stayed with me all these years.”

Fowler’s discernment process took him to Belmont Abbey, where he spent nine years preparing for the Benedictine life. But, as is common in the faith journey, a new path unveiled itself. Fowler began studies for the diocesan priesthood last fall. “The experience of God and wanting to be in his service requires a great deal of taking second looks,” he said of his vocation. “You can’t take your prayer life for granted.” Fowler said his ambitions, shaped in profound ways by his faith, are simple. Again, that pleasantness returns to his face. “All I want,” he said with a humble smile, “is to be is a good priest.” t

Tien was temporarily paralyzed, unable to walk. All the while, thoughts of priesthood remained. Tien prayed and prayed. He could not walk, and asked, “God, why? Why me? You brought me safely to the free country, I want to be a priest, but how can I serve if I am paralyzed?” His epiphany came when he realized, it wasn’t God wanting him to be like this. “It’s just a challenge,” recalls Tien. “I just prayed and prayed.” He exercised and got himself back on his feet. Tien had hoped to reach America, and be able to sponsor his parents and nine siblings. Instead, his family would reach the United States first. Through resettlement by the United States Catholic Conference, the Duong family put down roots in Charlotte. The family sponsored Tien and his brother Duc, allowing them entry into the United States. The brothers entered seminary together, spending their first couple years in Lousiana

before transfering, Tien to St. Vincent, Duc to St. Mary Seminary in Washington, D.C. A younger brother is studying to become a Vincentian priest in New York. t


A lifelong dream to serve: Christopher Roux From the age of five, Christopher Roux sensed he wanted to be a priest. “That was sort of always there, through grammar school, high school, dating and everything else,” said Roux, now 36 and anticipating ordination by 2002. “I just somehow always knew.” To be an instrument in the eucharistic mystery is what Roux looks most forward to in priesthood. “The greatest miracle on earth is when that bread and wine is transformed into the body and blood of Christ,” he said. “To be used by God in that way is very awe-inspiring.” Like many of his brother seminarians, Roux entered the professional world after college, working as a youth ministry director, for a pediatric health project, and as an assistant director of human resources for a catering company. The calling to priesthood stayed strong, however, and Roux spent a year in college seminary. The youth ministry and health care experiences, he said, taught him much about evangelizing and helping people in need, while the human resource work fostered some of the management skills he’ll need in parish life. “I think I can handle hiring a parish staff a lot easier than some of the human resources work,” he said with a laugh. “They don’t have to tend bar.” A couple of chance meetings with Bishop William G. Curlin — in addition to having family in the Carolinas — influenced Roux to decide to pursue studies for the priesthood of the Diocese of Charlotte. He said support from his family, brother seminarians and the people he will someday serve as a priest has been invaluable while in formation. “I don’t think that can be underestimated,” he said. “It’s just nice to know that people are thinking of me and praying for me.” t

Is God calling you?

Are you answering his call? For information on vocations in the Diocese of Charlotte, call Father John Allen in the Office of Vocations, (704) 370-3353.

A Mosaic of Seminary Life

Surviving through Faith: Tien Duong Tien Hung Duong is alive by the grace of God. Eight years ago, Tien and his younger brother attempted a daring escape from oppression in Vietnam. They failed. The two Duong brothers were returned and jailed. A determined Tien escaped a second time with his older brother, making their way to a refugee camp in Indonesia. In Vietnam, Tien went to minor seminary, that is until the government closed the seminaries. “The more they forbid people to become priests,” says Duong, the more determined he became to someday be ordained. It would be two and a half years before Tien would leave the encampment. Malnutrition took its toll, and


April 21, 2000 • Special to The Catholic News & Herald

A Mosaic of Seminary Life Resolved in his calling: Rev. Mr. Luis Osorio ev. Mr. Luis Osorio is an early riser, but his calling to the priesthood didn’t exactly come at the sunrise of his vocational discernment. Now 42, Rev. Mr. Osorio experienced a variety of professional choices before answering that call to ordained ministry in the church. A native of Colombia, South America, he will be ordained in June as one of seven new priests to serve the Diocese of Charlotte. “My parents made the effort to pay for my studies, and after I graduated, I had nice jobs,” says Rev. Mr. Osorio, who worked in a government office and a sugar refinery in Colombia. “But I felt that I was missing something here,” he adds, pointing to his heart. “I was looking for something else.” It was during a trip to visit his sister in Statesville back in 1988 that Osorio’s path to the priesthood slowly began to unveil itself. Father Joe Waters, long known in the Charlotte Diocese for his work with Hispanics, was pastor at St. Philip the Apostle Church in Statesville at the time. Osorio felt an


Conversion of faith: Rico De Silva Perhaps nobody is more surprised by the priestly vocation of Rico De Silva than Rico himself. At 34 and now in his second year of studies, Rico describes his former self as a party-boy with a eye for the women, a taste for drinking and somewhat reckless living. “I was a fallen-away Catholic, even though I had gone to Catholic school all my life,” says De Silva. “I stopped practicing my faith right after graduating from high school.” Certainly a lifetime away from the Rico today, who rises before dawn for a personal holy hour to start his day. Panamanian-born De Silva came to the States in 1985, landing at Radford University in Virginia. Though he studied journalism, he found he had a nack for sales. He made his way to Charlotte, falling into a relationship that appeared to have him headed for the altar. His altar call took an abrupt tur n. He’d retur ned to the church on a casual basis, but something drew him closer. He found himself turning more and more to prayer. He questioned his relationship and was surprised to find himself pondering questions of the priesthood. “God had me in the palm of his hand,” says De Silva. Now in year two of formation, De Silva remains faithful to prayer and Eucharistic adoration as he continues his journey towards anticipated ordination in 2004. De Silva will bring much-needed bilingual skills to the diocese. His native Spanish will serve a diocese listed by the United States Catholic Conference as home for the largest Hispanic influx in the country. t

He said it was a life lesson on letinstant connection. ting God do the directing. “It was marvelous, because we He recalls a conversation with could relate in Spanish,” he says. “Since Father Frank O’Rourke, diocesan vocaI met him, his kindness, his friendship, tions director at the time Osorio entered the way that he relates with the people the seminary. “I asked him, ‘Father, why have been so special. He is a very holy did this happen to me so late?’” priest.” They laughed, and Father Osorio left Colombia in 1990, O’Rourke offered advice that stays relocating to Statesville and searchwith Osorio today: “‘It’s ing for a new career. Fanot your time. It’s God’s ther Waters asked him to time. God is a mystery, help with the immigrant and he works in mysteripopulation. Soon enough, ous ways.’” Father Waters brought With ordination just up the priesthood. weeks away, Rev. Mr. “Oh ... ,” says Osorio, Osorio is more resolved smiling at the memory. “I than ever in his calling. He said, ‘Father, why are you begins his mornings by 5 asking me that?’ I never with a holy hour, attends in my life thought of that. classes, enjoys a hike or a Never.” meal with friends, catches But in Father Waters, the evening news, spends Osorio found a mentor weekends in a parish pasand an example of faith. toral assignment, and He entered a four-year studies — a lot. period of prayer, during Rev. Mr. Luis Osorio June 2000 He says the opporwhich he felt the support tunity to serve a diocese of many. Finally, the call with such ethnic variety is appealing. he felt was strong enough to lead him “In our diocese, there is a big necessity to seminary life.

A new path: Chapin Engler In a 1995 commencement address at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, singer-songwriter James Taylor had this to say about his craft: “I thank God for music, and I thank music for God.” Those words are ones Chapin Engler can relate to, for it is through music that his journey toward the priesthood was initially orchestrated. “I had a conversion experience, and the beginnings of it were while I was singing,” said Engler, who was a cantor at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte for eight years. “It’s quite an odyssey how God just basically tapped me on the shoulder. I finally turned, and it was like he said, ‘Hey, you! I’ve been trying to get your attention for a long time.’” Engler had been struggling with his appreciation of the liturgy for a number of years, and it wasn’t until


Profiles for bilingual priests,” he says. “Our population is multicultural, and we need to understand the language, the culture and the behavior of the people. The church is universal, and we have to include everybody in that family.” His life at seminary has been one of self-discovery, too. “I have looked at myself in the mirror and asked, “Who is Luis?’” he says. “‘What were the mistakes? What kinds of failures and doubts do I have?’ I came to understand that, and I forgave myself. Because I came to this place, I could do that.” “It’s something that moves your inner being,” he added. “If you know yourself, you can love yourself. And in that way, you can share that kind of love and understanding with others.” t

discernment process that would immerse him in a love of the church. That process would eventually take him away from a successful eight-year career as a stockbroker to St. Vincent Seminary, where Engler, now 37, prepares for the priesthood. Though he’d never have guessed it then, the faith struggles of his earlier years were lined with a heavenly plan. “There’s an incredible amount of peace that happens when you finally say, ‘Okay, Lord, I’ve made a mess of things. If you’ve got a better plan, I’ll do what you want me to do,’” he said. “When you get to that point, you never look back. “That’s a very unique and special place to be, and I think that is the peace of Christ. I want to communicate that message of God’s love to as many people as possible.” t

“It’s quite an odyssey how God just basically tapped me on the shoulder. I finally turned, and it was like he said, ‘Hey, you! I’ve been trying to get your attention for a long time.’” Unwavering Faith: Thomas Darcy homas Darcy wrestled with his calling for twenty years. That time frame just about covers his entire lifetime. At 31, Darcy is fulfilling his call to the priesthood as he studies at St. Vincent Seminary. “I felt the call for over 20 years,” said Darcy. “God is persistent.”


In the interim years, Darcy received a degree in Archaeology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He spent time in a wide variety of professions, from broadcast TV to mental health. His is a faith that follows the magisterium to the letter. If it is written, then so let it be done. It is through this faith he sees little need for concern for the future. “The church was

he had the chance to serve as cantor that he returned to weekly Mass. His struggle continued, and then one Sunday, as he was singing, the lyrics and the music moved him to tears. “I was right in the middle of this song, I just started breaking down,” he recalls. “I said, ‘Lord, I don’t know what’s up with this, but I need to figure it out.’” That experience began an intense founded by Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit,” said Darcy. Darcy describes himself as a gentle and loving man with many life experiences. “I believe [these experiences] will enable me to be empathetic towards most and sympathetic towards all. I desire to be a good and faithful servant.” t

142 Special The Catholic NewsCatholic & Herald News & Herald • April 21, 2000 to The

April 21, 2000

A Mosaic of Seminary Life

Seminary administrators see change, growth in future By JIMMY ROSTAR Associate Editor LATROBE, Pa. — Witnessing a seminarian grow in faith, confidence and fidelity to the church is a true joy of seminary administration, said key personnel involved in priestly formation at St. Vincent Seminary. Benedictine Father Thomas Acklin, who for 11 years has served as rector of the seminary, said to walk with a seminarian on his faith journey is a grace-filled opportunity. “The most important area is the spiritual,” he said of seminarians’ formation, a period of discernment, deepening of faith and intensive studies. “To see them grow in their prayer life and in their faith life, to see them go through the process of really coming to know the Lord better, has just been a beautiful thing.” Father Acklin serves as chief pasBenedictine Father Kurt Belsole tor and administrator of the 154-yearold St. Vincent Seminary, where nine of the Diocese of Charlotte’s 22 seminarians are in formation. “It’s Christ who forms the The rector’s responsibilities are many, but the person He has called for one Father Acklin holds most dear is the minisministry, but to be involved try of preparing othin seminary work is really ers for the priesthood. Through that work, he an experience of grace and of said, his own resolve as a the miraculous every single priest is renewed. While seminary recday.” tors work from what is called the external forum — the miraculous every single day.” meaning they do not hear semiLike Father Acklin, Mercy Sister narians’ confessions or serve as their Cecilia Murphy noted the spiritual spiritual directors — they do share a benefits in her administrative role. dynamic relationship with those in for“I often tell them that if I could give mation. They are models, teachers and them one gift, I would want to give the evaluators. They reach out as brothers gift of listening,” said Sister Cecilia, acain faith. demic dean for the seminary. “I think “It’s all grace,” said Father Acklin that would include listening to God, of seminary life. “It’s Christ who forms listening to the needs of others. the person He has called for ministry, “That dimension of other-cenbut to be involved in seminary work is teredness is so important for a minister really an experience of grace and of

Trading science for the church: Bill Clark Bill Clark’s vocation is a story of life changes, a process that began in a career of science, continued with a conversion experience and proceeds today in formation for the priesthood of the Diocese of Charlotte. Clark, 38, is a native of Lancaster, Pa. He earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in biochemistry from the University of Maryland, and he enjoyed a 10-year career at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., working as a molecular biologist. Still, he has said, something was missing in his life. He began attending Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral in Washington D.C.. Something moved him in a profound spiritual way, and entered the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil in 1992. It would be another four years or so before Clark truly felt a calling to priestly life. Clark, who has family ties to Ashe County and the Triad in North Carolina, visited the Charlotte Diocese at the invitation of Bishop William G. Curlin. For Clark, who had not been in the Tar Heel State since he was a youngster, the visit was fruitful — and one that would help him in his decision to enter seminary. “Once I came down and looked around in North Carolina,” he said, “I fell in love with the place and the people.” t

Photos by Joann S. Keane

Benedictine Father Thomas Acklin with Rev. Mr. David Brzoska

Mercy Sister Cecilia Murphy of the church.” Sister Cecilia, who is responsible for the seminary’s academic programs, curriculum and hiring of faculty, meets with the seminarians regularly for theological reflection sessions and other encounters, both academic and informal. She agreed that such gifts as service to others are natural results of the formation process, in which personal growth is so important. “It’s really a privilege,” she said, “to be in this kind work, to see them

learn to look at an experience they had in terms of what happened ‘then’ — but also, what the religious, social and cultural dimensions of that experience are.” Benedictine Father Kurt Belsole, assistant rector of the seminary, agreed that a seminarian’s growing self-awareness is essential in the formation process. That very personal process, he added, builds a future priest’s foundation of spiritual life. “We try to have them develop in fidelity, consistency and responsibility,” said Father Belsole, who has been at St. Vincent for 35 years as a student, a monk, a teacher and an administrator. He was named assistant rector last January. “Once they get out of the seminary, they have to have a strong enough relationship with Christ and a deep enough love for ... the church, that they’re able to get through the tough times,” he said. For those in formation, the rigors of the process are indeed daunting at times. “They are not without problems, and they won’t be priests without problems,” Father Belsole conceded. “God never promised that to the church, and we’ve never had a period in church history when that was the case. “But here we see that God is preparing outstanding priests for his church, and I have every confidence they are going to make great contributions.” Father Acklin and Sister Cecilia echoed similar sentiments, both noting that their greatest hope for seminarians is that they will be faithful men of God. “What do I want for the men?” Father Acklin reiterated. “I want them to become men who are on fire for the Lord.” t

Where to reach the seminarians for the Diocese of Charlotte: St. Vincent’s Seminary 300 Fraser Purchase Road, Latrobe, PA 15650-2690 Rev. Mr. David Brzoska, William Clark, Thomas Darcy, Ricardo De Silva, Tien Duong, J. Chapin Engler, Leo Fowler, Rev. Mr. Luis Osorio, Christopher Roux CUA Theological Seminary 401 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, D.C. 50017 Matthew Buettner, Duc Duong, Rev. Mr. Christopher Gober, Rev. Mr. Matthew Kauth, Rev. Mr. Frank Seabo Pope John XXIII National Seminary 558 South Avenue, Weston, MA 02193 Robert Ferris, Rev. Mr. Kurt Fohn St. Mary’s Seminary 5400 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210-1994 Michael Cabot Carney, Jonathan Hanic, Larry LoMonaco St. Meinrad Seminary St. Meinrad, IN 47577 Rev. Mr. Shawn O’Neal Parish Assignments Rev. Mr. Joseph Long Dinh — St. Gabriel Church Dennis Seavers — St. Michael Church

April 21, 2000

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In the

Confederate flag, from page 3

Happy Easter!

Lathem, pastor of a Summerville church, as well as such notables as Darius Rucker and other members of the rock group Hootie and the Blowfish; author Pat Conroy; and former Gov. David Beasley, who initially proposed relocation of the battle flag during his term in office. When he arrived at the Statehouse, Riley was greeted by Gov. Jim Hodges and Columbia Mayor Bob Coble. Riley presented Hodges with the official South Carolina state flag, emblazoned with the palmetto tree and the crescent moon. The Confederate battle flag has flown atop the Statehouse since 1962, when it was hoisted during the Civil War centennial celebration. South Carolina is the only state in the nation that continues to fly a Confederate flag over its Capitol. The current controversy erupted last year after the NAACP called for economic sanctions against the state until the flag is removed. “It’s Lent; it’s a new century, a new millennium, a new era,” said Bishop Baker in his statement. “Let’s lay down our hatchets and make a new initiative, all of us working together, all people of the great state of South Carolina!” The Rev. Joe Darby, senior pastor of Morris Brown A.M.E. Church in Charleston, delivered the prayer at the end of the April 6 ceremonies. “Since somebody will say that this was an insignificant event populated by outsiders, if you’re from South Carolina, say amen,” Rev. Darby said. “The crowd shouted back, “Amen.” Although about 300 pro-flag supporters were holding a concurrent rally on the north side of the Statehouse, there were no arrests or serious incidents. t

1 04 The Catholic News & Herald

Word to Life April 23, Easter Sunday, Cycle B Readings: 1) Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 16ab-17, 22-23 2) Colossians 3:1-4 3) Gospel: John 20:1-9 By Jean Denton Catholic News Service I will never forget that moment of clarity when I held the tiny, malnourished Haitian baby girl in my arms. She was so weak she could barely cry. Just as I began to wonder why she had to be so hungry, why she would probably only live a couple of years more and in such poverty, I felt a profound love and oneness with this child. As her little arms clung to me, I recognized that for that moment she was there for me — for me to know the embrace of Jesus. Since then I have experienced other instances in which someone else’s brave suffering and trust in the Lord have brought me into his presence and have drawn me close to him in love. I can think of more than one occasion in my life when I realized and felt, with every fiber of my being, the shame of a specific sin I committed, only to be blessed with the pure exhilaration of knowing God’s forgiveness and desire for me to be reconciled with him. Such were the ways that, after many years of a superficial understanding of the existence of God and a studied indifference to him, he

April 21, 2000


slowly and gently poured the gift of faith into my life. Somewhere in there I also became a Catholic. I know this is how God works in revealing himself to his people. But sometimes I do wonder what it’s all about. The first of the readings for Easter Sunday offers a very huge clue. Peter says that when God raised Jesus from death to life, he granted that this action would be witnessed by those who already knew him, who would eat and drink with the risen Lord. That’s us, we who have experienced the life-giving embrace and mercy of Jesus, and who are so blessed to come to his table every week as he fills our lives with his own — and we are called to bear witness to that same love and forgiveness. The second reading points out, “Your life is hidden now with Christ in God.” Easter is the ultimate eucharistic message in which we who are given life in Christ bear his life to others. We are called to go forth at his resurrection, forgiving, ministering, reconciling and embracing all those he sends our way. Questions: When was the first time you remember that the risen Lord was clearly revealed to you? What is one concrete way you can bear Christ to someone this Easter season?

“They killed him, finally, ... only to have God raise him up on the third day and grant that he be seen ... by us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead” — Acts 10:40-41

How-to book explains You know a lot about the Catholic Church, or maybe you are just learning, but there are things that confuse you — like what to do when you pray a novena, or how to “offer up” something, exactly what the Angelus is, or any of the dozens of other devotions that set “The How-To Book of Catholic Devotions: Everything You Need to Know but No One Ever Taught You” By Mike Aquilina and Regis Flaherty Catholics apart from other Christians. But help is here! “The How-To Book of Catholic Devotions” is the only book that not only provides the who, what, where, when, and why of the most timehonored traditions of the Church but also the how. About the Author Mike Aquilina is the editor of New Covenant magazine and has been widely published in the Catholic press. This is his sixth book for Our Sunday Visi-

Book Review

tor. Regis J. Flaherty was the executive director for the Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Cemeteries. He has written many articles for the Catholic press. This is his second book. Key Distinguishing Features • Offers step-by-step guidelines to all the devotional rites and rituals of the Catholic Faith • Provides a history of each devotion and a reflection on its importance in the prayer life of Catholics • Features succinct and salient quotes from saints and prominent members of the Church • Furnishes cautions, drawn from Scripture and Tradition, for potential temptations and distractions • Outlines the blessings and graces associated with the devotions • Just a few features include the Angelus, First Fridays and First Saturdays, Novenas, the Rosary, Mental Prayer, examination of conscience, and much more! To place an order, call 1-800-3482440. Reference 0-87973-415-9, paper, $12.95, 272 pp. (plus shipping)

Weekly Scripture Readings for the week of April 23 - 29, 2000 Easter Sunday, Acts 10:34, 37-43, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Mark 16:1-8; Easter Monday, Acts 2:14, 22-32, Matthew 28:8-15; Easter Tuesday, Acts 2:36-41, John 20:11-18; Easter Wednesday, Acts 3:1-10, Luke 24:13-35; Easter Thursday, Acts 3:11-26, Luke 24:35-48; Easter Friday, Acts 4:1-12, John 21:1-14; Easter Saturday, Acts 4:13-21, Mark 16:9-15 Readings for the week of April 30 - May 6, 2000 Second Sunday of Easter, Acts 4:32-35, 1 John 5:1-6, John 20:19-31; Monday (St. Joseph the Worker), Genesis 1:26-2:3, Matthew 13:54-58; Tuesday (St. Athanasius), Acts 4:32-37, John 3:7-15; Wednesday (Sts. Philip and James, Apostles), 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, John 14:6-14; Thursday, Acts 5:27-33, John 3:31-36; Friday, Acts 5:34-42, John 6:1-15; Saturday, Acts 6:1-7, John 6:16-21

April 21, 2000

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TV special showcases disastrous military campaign of Napoleon By Gerri Pare Catholic News Service NEW YORK (CNS) — A pivotal year in Napoleon Bonaparte’s extraordinary military career is examined in “Napoleon’s Obsession: Quest for Egypt,” airing Sunday, April 23, 1011 p.m. EDT on cable’s The Learning Channel. Lively Egyptologist Bob Brier chronicles what was actually a disastrous military campaign, but which the cunning Napoleon reported as a glorious French expansion of power. “Napoleon’s Obsession: Quest for Egypt” April 23, 10-11 p.m. EDT The Learning Channel

Determined to conquer Egypt as the gateway to Indian trade routes, and to foil the British, Napoleon’s fleet set sail in 1798. After easily capturing Alexandria, he ordered his wooluniformed men to make the grueling three-week march through the desert to Cairo, leaving his vulnerable fleet of ships behind. Although weakened by dysentery, the French did defeat the ferocious Mameluke army in Cairo in what Napoleon tagged “the Battle of the Pyramids” — despite its having been fought in a much less impressivesounding melon patch miles away. However, British Adm. Nelson soon attacked Napoleon’s fleet, slipping behind the ships so that the French cannons were aimed in wrong direction. The decisively won naval Battle of the Nile left Napoleon stranded in Egypt. The program goes on to describe

Napoleon’s foray to defeat the Turks in Syria in 1799, where French troops rape and massacre civilians and General Bonaparte orders the slaughter of 3,000 Turkish prisoners of war — by bayonets, to save on the use of bullets. But Napoleon is defeated when the British join Turkish forces and he returns to Cairo, then flees Egypt, claiming victory abroad, and within months he is the virtual ruler of France. As produced and directed by Peter Spry-Leverton, this lesser-known chapter in Napoleon’s life comes alive as a character study of a charismatic leader who could always inspire his men under miserable conditions. Yet his dark side included ruthless deceptions, mass killings and adultery with the wife of one of his lieutenants. During on-the-scene shooting in Egypt and Israel, Brier conveys a deep admiration of the general’s military boldness as he never stopped looking for new worlds to conquer. The legacy of his Egyptian adventure was the scientists and artists he left behind; their discoveries in the Valley of the Kings and of the Rosetta Stone led to the translation of hieroglyphics and immense European interest in ancient Egypt. The hour proves a quite interesting look at the future self-crowned emperor of France, who certainly knew how to turn the shame of defeat into a glorified portrait of triumph in the eyes of a public eager to embrace victory. t Pare is director of the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting.

“Where the Money Is” Paul Newman stars as bank robber Henry Manning in the movie “Where the Money Is.” The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-IV — adults, with reservations. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 — parents are strongly cautioned that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

CNS photo from Universal Films

New at the Box Office NEW YORK (CNS) — Following are recent capsule reviews issued by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. “American Psycho” Repelling tale of a late 1980s Wall-Street yuppie (Christian Bale) who despises his associates and is able to murder women, colleagues and cops with gleeful impunity. As directed by Mary Harron, attempts to satirize the greedy excesses of the me generation are overwhelmed by the remorseless main character’s killing sprees and the film’s core nihilism. Recurring violence with gore, including nudity and graphic sexual encounters, recreational drug abuse, some profanity and frequent rough language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is O — morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R — restricted. “East Is East” Droll British comedy-drama set in the early 1970s about a controlling Pakistani father who blindly tries to drag his seven British-born children back to traditional Muslim ways despite their resistance to saris, arranged marriages and religious instruction. Damien O’Donnell’s deft directorial debut is an absorbing look at cross-cultural familial relationships with a well-written, credible plot and lively characters. Brief marital sexual encounter, some domestic violence, homosexual innuendo, flash of nudity and recurrent rough language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III — adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R — restricted. “Set Me Free” Somewhat poignant coming-of-age story set in 1963 Montreal where a 13-year-old girl (Karine Vanasse) runs away from her selfish would-be poet dad (Miki Manojiovic) after her overworked mother (Pascale Bussieres) attempts suicide, but a caring teacher (Nancy Huston) guides the troubled teen away from life on the streets. Writer-director Lea Pool sluggishly explores a family torn by conflicts between the Jewish father and Catholic mother but is less insightful following the girl’s friendship with another girl who is physically drawn to her as well as to her older brother. Subtitles. Brief violence, sexual situations and an instance of profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III — adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America.

1 26 The TheCatholic CatholicNews News&&Herald Herald

April 21, 2000

Editorials & Col-

The Pope Speaks


Pope, at audience, says whole Trinity involved in salvation

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The essential role of the Trinity in bringing salvation to all men and women was revealed when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, Pope John Paul II said. The voice of God the Father proclaiming his love for Jesus and the descent of the Holy Spirit set the seal of authenticity on the mission of Jesus, the pope said April 12 at his weekly general audience. The mid-April audience marked the first time Italian police began using the 15 metal detectors they installed under the colonnade encircling St. Peter’s Square. With an estimated 30,000 people attending the audience, the screening appeared to go smoothly as visitors passed through the metal detectors and put their bags through X-ray machines. Continuing a series of audience talks about the Trinity, Pope John Paul said the reality and the glory of the Trinity were revealed when Jesus was baptized. The action of the Father and the Spirit as Jesus comes out of the Jordan were a clear sign that with Jesus “the history of salvation has entered its central and definitive phase,” he said. “He is the one who brings to completion the divine plan of salvation, humbly putting himself in solidarity with sinners,” the pope said. “Through baptism, we, too, enter into this mystery of salvation,” Pope John Paul said. “Being reborn in the baptismal waters, we begin our journey of Christian life and witness.”

Pope celebrates Palm Sunday Mass, urges youths to follow Christ

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope John Paul II opened Holy Week with a colorful Mass on Palm Sunday, leading a procession through St. Peter’s Square in front of 100,000 Holy Year pilgrims. Preceded by lay people, bishops and cardinals dressed in bright red vestments, the pope rode on a white jeep through the packed square April 16 as faithful from all over the world waved palm fronds and olive branches, in remembrance of Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem a week before his death. Among those at the head of the procession were groups of young people — including five from the United States — who squinted in the sunshine as the 79-year-old pontiff prayed at the start of the liturgy.

Shop till you turn green With the arrival of spring, much of nature again turns green. God calls forth renewed growth, and we recognize our interdependence in the web of life. Yet, a gruesome thought stalks us. We, the stewards of creation and the managers of the earth, have the power to pollute a river, destroy a mountain and ruin the countryside. No law of physics says we must, no formula from chemistry makes this inevitable. The marketplace, that marvelous device for allocating resources in the economy, harbors an inherent flaw that pushes it towards destructive behavior. The market simply undercounts the social and resource costs of producing goods and services. By not cleaning up fully after production, a company lowers its production costs by shifting part of that cleanup cost to the entire society as pollution. The quest for profit maximization encourages this. By pursuing the cheapest way of extracting resources, corporations can devastate mountains and countrysides, leaving communities without good water or a healthy economic base. Globalization pits one part of the world against another in a race for the least cost. For people of faith, the market represents a device, not a dogma. As a device, the market decides trillions of transactions daily without any problem. Yet, left to its own, it lacks a moral compass. There are limitations to the market’s abilities. A cheap price for a good, the result of competition for the consumer, does not differentiate between a greater efficiency of production from the exploitation of people and creation. As a result, many people of faith are intentionally supporting businesses with an environmental and social vision, enterprises called “green businesses.” These companies practice a responsibility toward the environment and the world community. The National Green Pages (www. greenpages.org), for example, lists over 10,000 products and services for ordinary consumers. The Cloth Bag Company (www.clothbag.com) is dedicated to ending society’s dependence on throw-away bags. The Fair Trade

Coming of Age CHRISTOPHER CARSTENS CNS Columnist ings, we have started getting calls about teens threatening rampage killings. Here again we’ve been able to get those kids into treatment. Mass murder is very, very rare. Who knows if we’ve really prevented anybody from marching into a high school with a loaded assault weapon? Far better, we believe, to talk to 100 kids who wouldn’t really have done it than to miss the one kid who would. Preventing teen violence — toward others and toward the self — depends on you. Teachers, counselors and psychologists simply don’t have access to the critical information. Confused, depressed and angry teens talk to their friends — not to grown-ups — and all those teachers, counselors and psychologists stand helplessly on the sidelines until somebody breaks the code of secrecy. Every teen-ager knows that you don’t tell on your friends. However, when a friend or acquaintance is talking about violence, that rule must be broken. It seems wrong. It makes you feel like a snitch. You’ll worry that your friend will be mad and may not ever talk to you again. “Probably,” you tell yourself, “nothing is going to happen, and I’ll be making trouble for nothing.” Still, imagine the possible consequences if you hear talk of suicide or threats of murder and do nothing.

Economy of Faith FATHER JOHN S. RAUSCH Guest Columnist

Federation (www.fairtradefederation.com) promotes economic self-sufficiency in developing countries by eliminating the middleman and returning the best price to the farmer growing the coffee or the craftsperson making the jewelry. But, the most widely celebrated green business concerns the stock market. Socially responsible investing screens companies in regards to the environment, labor, human rights, diversity and many other topics. More than 150 socially screened mutual funds and hundreds of socially responsible financial advisors nationwide are supporting corporations with a social vision and keeping social and environmental issues on company agendas. The Social Investment Forum (www. socialinvest.org) offers practical advice and references for socially committed investors. Market theory says that competition delivers the cheapest price for products, and people invest where they receive the highest returns. Yet, people of faith add additional filters. Informed by their responsibility toward creation and global workers, they assess the impact of their economic decisions. Since every purchase registers a vote for a particular product or service, people of faith are questioning profit at-any-cost and changing mindless consumption into intentional shopping. Glenmary Father John S. Rausch writes, teaches and When the rule of teen secrecy must be broken Every teen-ager knows certain rules — they’re just assumed. One of the most basic is that you don’t tell your friend’s secrets. If a friend is doing something foolish or dangerous, you may hope that he gets caught early so that the worst doesn’t happen. But the rule is clear; you don’t tell. It simply isn’t done. Sometimes that rule is wrong. Recently, the New York Times published a study of multiple murders, looking at 100 “rampage killings” over the past 50 years. What did the staff of the Times learn about these crimes? One significant fact stands out clearly: While adult killers act alone and in secrecy, many of the teens involved in rampage killings told people what they were planning. Certain friends and acquaintances knew about the murderous thoughts and schemes. Mostly, people didn’t believe them. They couldn’t imagine that someone they knew — someone who went to their school — could ever do something so horrible. The same is true of violence directed inward — toward the self. While most adults who kill themselves act in secrecy, teen-agers usually give signals. They tell their friends how badly they feel and often talk about thoughts of suicide long before they act. Often people don’t believe them. “People who talk about it don’t do it,” they tell themselves. “She’s down, but it really isn’t that serious. She’ll snap out of it.” I work with a mental-health crisis service. Research shows that even one contact with a mentalhealth professional greatly reduces the chance that a teen-ager’s depressed thought — “I feel like I’d be better off dead” — turns into a tragic reality. Many times we have reached out to a teen because a friend told somebody — a parent or someone at school. In case after case, we have gotten the depressed teen the help that was needed. With so much recent publicity about mass kill-

April 21, 2000

Editorials & Col-

Light One Candle FATHER THOMAS J. McSWEENEY Guest Columnist He said, ‘What are you doing here? You have a job!’” Her response: “John, I am here for you.” Looking up at her, John said, “Rowe, I see two angels on either side of you.” And then came his radiant smile. “It was a smile that changed my life forever,” she said. He flat lined twice but was resuscitated. His legs were so gangrenous both had to be amputated. The gnarled stumps that were his hands made it impossible to fend for himself. With the help of Aunt Rowe, John eventually settled into a nursing home, and for the next 23 years she dedicated herself to caring for him. John Baker was a remarkable man. Through all the pain and loss, he created a new life for himself. The near-quadriplegic learned to dive and swim — when he was told he never could — and went on to win awards. His vitality and humor kept him going. Most of all, Rowe kept him going. One friend reported: “Rowe was with him 16 hours a day, seven days a week. He couldn’t scratch his nose; she did it. When he got angry, she absorbed it. When he was happy, she cheered him further. ...Rowe’s life was John.” This February, John died. Aunt Rowe misses him terribly. But she told me, “We will be soul mates forever. Remember, we were meant to meet and we will meet again.” I believe they will because unconditional love is stronger than death, stronger even than life. that has little connection with forgiveness, either your forgiveness of yourself or God’s forgiveness of you. Genuine forgiveness, which can occur gradually, and which will be part of your returning happiness, happens at another level than remembering. Forgiveness means letting go, especially of anger and resentment, and of the desire for revenge. For you, this means the anger and resentment, and perhaps even the need for punishment you feel toward yourself. You have done a serious wrong, we admit that. But it is past, part of history, and there’s nothing you, or even God, can do to change that. The important present concern of God is where you go from here. God knows you (as all of us) are a long way from perfect. You are not the first to make a big-time mistake, and you will not be the last. What is needed now is the humility to acknowledge that, and to calmly and peacefully go home to God’s love, and believe in his faith in you. I realize this is a big order, but with prayer and patience, and the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist — and insofar as possible working through it with a friend you can trust — it can happen more peacefully and gracefully than you think. Don’t be intimidated by how you feel at the moment. As the Bible says, God is bigger than our hearts; so don’t be afraid to move on. Good luck! Questions may be sent to Father John Dietzen Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651 or e-mail: jjdietzen@aol.com.

Unconditional love is eternal The older I get the more I understand that among all the ways we love, unconditional love is the noblest gift a human being can enjoy. Love that gives without measure is truly a gift of God. Surely you have your own personal example of someone who embodies such selfless love. A parent, a friend, a spouse whose love demands nothing in return. Recently I met the aunt of a friend of mine, and, for me, she has become the most striking example of what I am talking about. Her name — Rose Marie Bergna, or as she prefers, Aunt Rowe. As a young woman, Aunt Rowe went through a difficult marriage and then separation from her husband. Determined to remain loyal to her wedding vow, ‘til death do you part, this devout Catholic steadfastly refused to even consider marrying again. Then John Baker moved into town. He and Aunt Rowe met one snowy Christmas Eve. He promptly fell in love with her and proposed marriage. But try as he might to convince her otherwise, Aunt Rowe was determined as well. She recalls, “John became so discouraged that he quit his job as a business manager and moved as far away as he could from Mineola, Long Island — to Nogales, Arizona!” Still, Aunt Rowe knew intuitively that they were meant to meet again. As he said his goodbyes, she softly pledged, “John, if ever you need me, I will be there for you.” Two years later, John built a home in a new development, but a freak fire changed everything. He was burning construction debris when a dry desert wind coiled around him, swallowing him up in a whirlpool of flames and searing heat. 85 percent of his body was irreparably charred. Amazingly, he survived through swift emergency action and a helicopter ride to the hospital burn clinic in Tucson. Aunt Rowe was awakened in the middle of the night by a call from John’s niece. That morning she was on a plane hopscotching across the country. That evening she stood at his bedside. “His body was all wrapped up like a mummy when I got there, but his mind was alert.

Question Corner FATHER JOHN DIETZEN CNS Columnist

Coping with the guilt of an abortion Q. I hope you can help me. A close friend sent me one of your columns about excommunication because of an abortion. More than a year ago I too had an abortion, and I’ve never forgiven myself for it. Honestly, I don’t think I can. No one in my family knows, and my friends who do know have no idea what pain I feel every time I hear a baby cry. I haven’t gone to confession and sometimes don’t want to be forgiven because then I’ll forget, and I won’t let myself off that easily. I wanted more than anything to have the baby, but I knew my mother would kick me out, and the baby’s father would not be there physically or emotionally. I’m now in a new relationship with someone I believe truly cares for me, but I find myself holding back. Maybe it’s the anger I have toward myself. I know I want to be happy again, but I still want to remember that awful mistake I made. A. I’m very sorry for you. A lot of painful healing will be needed in your heart as you move, as you say, toward happiness again. It will be helpful, I believe, to reflect prayerfully on a few truths as you move in that direction. First, there is no way you will ever forget your experience, no matter what you do. It has had too great an impact on your feelings and memories. But

Catholic News & Herald TheThe Catholic News & Herald 17

Easter 2000 FATHER JOHN AURILIA, O.F.M. Cap Guest Columnist Easter 2000: An old and ever-new story Creation, death, and resurrection form the dynamic triangle of our existence. Let me explain this simple and profound truth with a story. A little boy made his way home from school one afternoon. As little boys do, he walked through alleys and vacant lots. Along the way he found a piece of wood. Not much more than a piece of a 2x4, but he took it home. Once home, he went into the garage. Using his father’s tools, he hammered and sawed and fashioned a little toy boat. Later that afternoon, he went to play with his little boat in the stream that ran near his house. For days, after he came home from school, he played with his boat in that creek. He greatly enjoyed those hours with his little toy. He loved his little boat, and even gave it a name. One afternoon, while pushing the boat about with a long stick, he accidentally let the boat slip away into a strong current. He ran along the creek trying to catch up with the little boat. Soon another creek spilled into the stream, and the current sped up carrying his boat faster than his little legs could keep up. Finally, he stopped running and watched his little craft sail out of sight. Tears came to his eyes as he realized that his boat was lost forever. For days, he mourned the loss of his wonderful toy. Months passed, school ended, and his family went on summer vacation to the ocean. One day as the little boy played along the beach, he stopped to admire the things displayed at a beachcomber’s shop. There were pieces of driftwood, fishing net floats, and old bottles. Then he saw it. He could hardly believe it. There on one of the shelves of ocean debris was his little boat. It was hanged up and its paint was scratched, but there was no doubt in his heart. “That’s my boat,” he told the shopkeeper. He begged him to hand it over. “Well,” said the man, “it may have been yours once, but now it’s mine, and if you want it, you’ll have to pay for it.” As fast as he could, he raced to his father and explained the situation. The boy and his father returned to the shop. A price was agreed upon, and the little boy received back his little boat. As he and his dad walked toward home, the little fellow looked down at the boat held in his arms. With tears in his eyes, he said, “Little boat, I love you. You are now really mine. You are mine twice. I made you. I bought you.” The parallels are obvious: Creation, death, and resurrection. Don’t despair if the currents of the world toss you around, you will eventually end up in the ocean of God’s love. I have created you, O Jacob, I have formed you, O Israel. I have called you by name, I have redeemed you. You are mine. — Isaiah 43:1 Capuchin Father John Aurilia is pastor at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville.

1 48 The TheCatholic CatholicNews News&&Herald Herald

April 21, 2000

In the

Cardinal George goes door-to-door in Chicago

CHICAGO (CNS) — The mission stamped on their T-shirts was to “make disciples of all the nations.” So Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago and St. Sabina’s pastor and parishioners started block by neighborhood block. Dressed in “Army of the Lord” beige and green mock military fatigues, hundreds of parishioners joined the cardinal and their pastor, Father Michael Pfleger, in taking the Gospel to the snow-covered streets of a Chicago neighborhood April 8. “As a church, outreach has always been a part of what we do, but it’s usually been through services like Catholic Charities, schools and hospitals. What we want to do is attach to that a clear invitation of evangelization,” said Cardinal George, wrapped in a black winter cap and scarf.

Retired Bishop O’Keefe of Davenport dead at 82

DAVENPORT, Iowa (CNS) — Retired Bishop Gerald F. O’Keefe died of a heart attack early April 12 in Davenport. He was 82. His funeral Mass was scheduled for 11 a.m. April 17 at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Davenport. His successor, Bishop William E. Franklin of Davenport, will be the principal celebrant. Bishop O’Keefe, a native of Wayzata, Minn., where he attended public schools, studied for the priesthood at St. Paul Seminary and was ordained for the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis on Jan. 29, 1944.

ClassiEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Administrative Assistant: St. Therese Catholic Church, Mooresville, NC is seeking a replacement vital to its ministry team in the role of Administrative Assistant to the Pastor. Our dynamic parish comprises 1100 families and continues to grow. Administrative Assistant is principally responsible for day-to-day administration of the parish and supervision of other staff. Applicant must have pastoral sensitivity and respect for a Catholic environment. Proficiency in Microsoft Office or comparable computer software systems is required. Prior experience in office management is desirable. We offer an attractive compensation package, including comprehensive benefits program. Interested applicants should submit their resumes with references and salary history to: Pastor, St. Therese Catholic Church, 217 Brawley School Rd., Mooresville, NC 28117. Director of Life Teen Ministry: Vibrant, 4,000-family parish seeks a full-time Director for one of the largest Life Teen programs in the country, serving 200-300 high school teens weekly. Director works in collaboration with two other full-time staff members devoted to youth ministry and manages a wonderful team of 25-30 adult volunteers. Responsibilities include liturgical preparation for the Teen Mass, directing the “Life Night” program that provides teens with creative faith formation, and Confirmation preparation. Preferred candidates have education in ministry or theology, experience in youth ministry, and a heart for sharing Christ’s love with young people. Contact Liz Riegel, St. Michael Catholic Church, 804 High House Road, Cary, NC 27513 (919) 4686134; Fax: (919)468-6130, lizreigel@hotmail.com. Director of Religious Education: St. Jude Parish, Radford, VA, is seeking a full-time director for its religious education program, involving development of catechetical programs Pre-K through 12, sacramental preparation, adult education, RCIA within both parish and campus, catechist formation, and other related areas. Qualifications include: committed Catholic lifestyle, master’s or certificate in Religious Education or equivalent background, with strong interest in liturgical development. Available July 1. Application deadline: May 1. Contact: Pastor, St. Jude Church, 1740 Tyler Road, Christiansburg, VA 24073; phone (540)639-5341; e-mail: Rjudgerad@aol.com

PRINCIPAL St. Pius X Catholic High School Atlanta, Georgia


he Archdiocese of Atlanta, Catholic Education of North Georgia, Inc., is seeking a highly motivated experienced instructional leader in Catholic secondary education. St. Pius X Catholic High School has approximately 1000 students in grades 9-12. St. Pius X enjoys an exceptional reputation due to it 42year history of providing a firm foundation for students in a college preparatory curriculum while fostering a strong Catholic emphasis. The school is located in Northeast Atlanta which is a vibrant and growing area with a wonderful climate and a comfortable standard of living. The principal must have strong interpersonal and communication skills, enthusiasm and commitment to the development and implementation of an educational program of religious formation, academic excellence, and parental involvement. The position is available starting with the 2000-2001 school year. The salary is competitive and commensurate with credentials and experience.

Qualifications • A master’s degree in education administration and supervision (or equivalent) with adminstrative experience. • Experience in the areas of administration, curriculum development, supervision and evaluation of instruction. • Commitment to maintain the level of development of the Catholic faith within the school environment. • Active member of the Catholic Church.

Submit a letter of intent, resume, three letters of reference (including a letter from your pastor), philosophy of education and university credentials by May 8, 2000 to: The Search Committee, St. Pius X Catholic High School, 2674 Johnson Rd. N.E., Atlanta, GA 30345.

Elementary School Positions: All Saints Catholic School has the following openings for the 20002001 school year: classroom teachers, computer teacher, teaching assistants (part-time), and administrative assistant (starting 6/12/00). Teachers must be NC certifiable. Please send resume by 4/30 to: Principal, All Saints Catholic School, 7000 Endhaven Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277. In-home or Skilled Nursing Care: Henderson/ Transylvania/Polk Counties. All workers with Personal/Professional Liability and Worker’s Compensation Insurances and FBI checks. Licensed through Raleigh, NC. Please call (828) 6960946 - COMPASSIONATE COMPANIONS, INC. Maintenance/Custodial: St. Pius X Catholic School, Greensboro, NC seeks a full-time 2nd shift maintenance/custodial employee. Must work independently performing various custodial and maintenance duties. Salaried; hours 2 - 10pm. Retirees welcomed. Reply to C. Usischon, 2200 N. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27408 or Fax:(336) 273-0199. Principal, Elementary: St. Peter’s Catholic School, in southeastern NC university town near coast. The K-8 school is accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is fully enrolled with 530 students. Starting date: July 1, 2000. Ideal candidate must be a practicing Catholic with vision, proven leadership and administrative skills. Principal will work collaboratively and maintain educational excellence. Applicant must hold teaching certificate, hold or be eligible for NC Principal License, and have a minimum of five years administrative experience. Send resume with salary requirements, references and statement of educational philosophy to: Search Committee, St. Peter’s Catholic Church, 2700 East Fourth St., Greenville, NC 27858-1712 by April 30, 2000. Principal, Elementary: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School. PreK - 8th grade serving 200350 students in military/coastal/community of Jacksonville, NC. Competitive salary. Send resume by May 1 to: Search Committee, Infant of Prague Parish, 205 Chaney Ave., Jacksonville, NC 28540. mbpoole@hotmail.com Teacher, Middle School: St. Pius X Catholic School, Greensboro, NC seeks reading \language arts teacher; 8th-grade homeroom. Must be prac-

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Rates: $.50/word per issue ($10 minimum per issue) Deadline: 12 noon Wednesday, 9 days before publication date How to order: Ads may be faxed to (704) 370-3382 or mailed to: Cindi Feerick, The Catholic News & Herald, 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, NC 28203. Payment: Ads may be pre-paid or billed. For information, call (704) 370-3332.

ticing Catholic with NC certification in the field. Experience preferred. Benefit package included. Send resume to: C. Usischon, 2200 N. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27408 or Fax (336)273-0199. Teachers: Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School in Charlotte has openings beginning in August for a Pre-School Teacher and a Transitional Kindergarten Teacher. Part-time positions. NC teacher certification required. Call (704)531-0067. Teaching Assistants, Full-time: St. Pius Catholic School, Greensboro, NC. Middle school, technology, and grades 4 and 5. If interested in working in a faith-oriented environment, contact: School Office, 2200 N. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27408 or Fax (336)273-0199. Youth Minister: A half-time position as a Youth Minister is available at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in High Point, NC (1000 households). The parish has a Total Youth Ministry Program, which includes the Confirmation Program, for middle and high school youth. Applicants must be a practicing Catholic and a member of a Catholic parish. Experience in Youth Ministry and Religious Education is desirable. Send resume and references to Search Committee, IHM Church, 605 Barbee Ave., High Point, NC 27262. Fax (336)8841849. For more information call (336)884-5212. Youth/Young Adult Ministry Director: A tri-parish (including one Hispanic) Catholic community of 1800 families in a university setting is seeking a full-time Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry to implement comprehensive youth ministry as described in “Renewing the Vision.” Candidate should have prior ministry experience, and be able to work collaboratively with staff and members of parish community. Background in Theology, Christian Formation, and/or certification in youth ministry desired. Please contact Rev. Bernard Campbell, CSP, P.O. Box 112, Clemson, SC 29633 or (864)654-1757. Youth/Young Adult Minister: Prince of Peace, a growing community of 1800 families in beautiful Upstate SC, seeks practicing Catholic to develop: a middle school ministry (social and service); a comprehensive high school ministry of prayer, formation, and service; and a young adult program. Experience and/or related degree preferred. Position available July 1. Send resume and three references by May 5 to: Youth Ministry Search Committee, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 1209 Brushy Creek Road, Taylors, SC 29687. P(864)322-2233x216. Fax(864)322-2239.

April 21, 2000

In the

Catholic News & Herald TheThe Catholic News & Herald 19

Church officials to assess need in drought areas of

By Declan Walsh Catholic News Service ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (CNS) — A delegation of Catholic Church officials and aid workers was to travel to the drought-stricken Gode region of eastern Ethiopia to assess needs for a planned emergency aid program. “This famine is what we have been trying to avert for years, but now our aim is to reach the needy. I think that it can be contained if all parties come together,” said Abba Tsegaye Keneni, general secretary of the Ethiopian and Eritrean Episcopal Conference. Abba Tsegaye was to travel with representatives of the U.S., Irish, English and Welsh bishops’ international aid agencies and Caritas Internationalis, the church’s international aid umbrella organization. The delegation was to fly from the capital, Addis Ababa, to the eastern town of Dire Dawa, where they were to pick up local church representatives before continuing on to Gode, in the eastern Somali region. The United Nations estimates that 8 million Ethiopians risk starvation due to the current crisis, caused by lack of seasonal rains for the fourth successive year. An estimated 12 million people are at risk in the Horn of Africa region. Gode is the worst affected region in the current crisis. Tens of thousands of people have flooded into the main towns of Gode, Danan and Imi after losing their livestock to the

drought. More than 90 percent of all cattle have died. The displaced have settled in camps where there is little water, food or medicine. The most severe conditions are to be found at Danan, where more than 300 children died in March and the first two weeks of April. The Catholic relief effort in the area will be organized by the Apostolic Vicariate of Harar, Abba Tsegaye said. The vicariate will distribute food and medicine either directly or through the aid agencies already working on the ground. It is already supporting the emergency distribution of food in the neighboring Borena region, which is considered to be the next most serious after Gode. Abba Tsegaye said airlifting emergency supplies to the crisis-stricken area would be considered during discussions with partner agencies. The budget of the proposed intervention has not yet been approved pending the report from the assessment. Funding agencies such as Caritas are anxiously awaiting the delegation’s report, he said. U.N. World Food Program Executive Director Catherine Bertini visited Gode and warned at a news conference in Addis Ababa April 14 that the current requirement of 800,000 tons of food to avert a crisis could rise before the summer. Just over half of the current requirement has been pledged. The United States donated 400,000 tons

CNS photo from Reuters

An Ethiopian child stands next to decaying cattle carcasses south of the town of Danan in Ethiopia April 7. Relief agencies are struggling to get emergency food aid to the area where the threat of famine looms. of wheat while the European Union donated 50,000 tons. The Ethiopian government has been criticized for continuing its border war with neighboring Eritrea while millions of its own citizens risk starvation. While the government will not say how much it is spending on the war, it is estimated at $1 million per day. Abba Tsegaye said he did not think

that the war would have any impact on the delivery of aid to Gode and other regions. “There is no relationship between the two. One is due to the shortage of rainfall, and the other is a conflict between people, and they are in completely different regions.” t

12 60 The TheCatholic CatholicNews News&&Herald Herald

April 21, 2000

Living the

Attendants witness blessing of oil and priestly pledge at chrism By Alesha M. Price Staff Writer CHARLOTTE — The chrism Mass, held at St. Patrick Cathedral on April 18, drew a large, collective congregation from all parts of the diocese, and approximately 100 of their priests concelebrated the sacred Mass with Bishop William G. Curlin. In keeping with traditional Holy Week observances, the Mass’ purpose is to bless three different oils used in sacramental and liturgical practices for all of the faithful. Moreover, the attending priests re-dedicate themselves to their mission in life as spiritual advisors and leaders within their parishes and the diocese. During the renewal of commitment to priestly service, the bishop reminded the priests of their ordination vows and their pledge to serve their parishioners and lead them toward a deeper devotion to Jesus. He also asked the congregation to pray for their continued work as priests — their leaders in faith. “My brother priests, this is a time when we must say, ‘God, we would like to begin again,’” said Bishop Curlin.

“This is a new century, a new millennium, and this Mass serves as a new beginning for us, when we must strive to deepen our love for Christ and our people.” “I ask God to give me the grace to be more faithful, generous and loving, and I ask God’s forgiveness for all of my failings,” he added. In his homily, the bishop said, “this day we come to reclaim our love for Jesus Christ and to consecrate our lives to him. We ask that that God give us the grace to renew ourselves in faith and love.” During the Eucharistic prayer, the bishop first blessed the oil of the sick, used for the ill and dying. After Communion, the oil of catechumens for baptismal candidates was blessed next. Balsam, a naturally-derived aromatic essence, was mixed into the sacred chrism, or christ oil, and then consecrated. Fourteen-year-old Ross Shingledecker, a student at Our Lady of Grace School in Greensboro, traveled to the Mass with Danita McDonald, his eighth-grade teacher and school religion coordinator, Ruth Flemming, Our Lady of Grace Church youth minister, and his eighth-grade confirmation class on a religious field trip to witness the ceremonial traditions. “The whole experience of watching then bless the oil that we will be confirmed with adds to the whole experience of the sacrament,” he said. “It was really exciting to see that many priests up on the altar; it was the pinnacle of holiness for me.” Another student Jackie Assal, 13, added, “we are all making our confirmation this year, and we thought it would be special to see the chrism being blessed.” During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, all of the priests and deacons gathered on the altar with the bishop

Photos by Joann S. Keane

Rev. Mr. Nick Fadero looks on as Bishop William G. Curlin pours into the chrism oil the fragrant balsam, a naturally-derived aromatic essence, which was then consecrated. The oil of consecration is used during the sacraments of confirmation and baptism, the ordaining of priests and bishops and the blessing of churches and altars. and the vicars of the diocese. “As a priest, this is one of the most important Masses of the year because this being Holy Week, is a joyful time and the holiest of the year,” said Father Mark Lawlor, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Jefferson. “It a time when all of the priests are together and when we can recommit our lives to serve the Lord and the body of Christ,

At the chrism Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte, the attending priests re-dedicate themselves to their mission in life as spiritual advisors and leaders within their parishes and the diocese.

the Church.”


Contact Staff Writer Alesha M. Price by calling (704) 370-3354 or e-mail amprice@charlottediocee.org.

The next issue of The Catholic News & Herald will be May 5, 2000. There is no issue for April 28.

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