August 10, 2007
The Catholic News & Herald 1
Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte
Perspectives Effie Caldarola reveals Harry Potter’s real magic; Father Dietzen clarifies Christian symbolism
Established Jan. 12, 1972 by Pope Paul VI august 10, 2007
N.C. House OKs rules for stemcell research
| Pages 14-15 Serving Catholics in Western North Carolina in the Diocese of Charlotte
Called together to ‘change the world’ Imitation of Christ will better our world, priest says at annual revival
Bishop Jugis “deeply saddened” by vote
CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter J. Jugis recently expressed deep sadness over the N.C. House’s passage of House Bill 1837. The bill calls for the use of available funds by the Health and Wellness Trust Fund Commission to set up a committee to establish ethical guidelines for embryonic stemcell research. The guidelines would permit research on embryonic stem cells left over from frozen embryos in in-vitro fertilization clinics that (in the words of HB 1837) “would otherwise be discarded.” The House passed the bill, the Stem Cell Research Health and Wellness Act, by a narrow vote of 60-55 July 28. The bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Health
CHARLOTTE — Once again Our Lady of Consolation Church in Charlotte was filled with the sounds of praise and worship from the annual Revival of the Spirit. Father Edward Branch was the revivalist for the threeday event, this year themed “Tough Talk for Tough Times,” held Aug. 3-5. The annual revival is sponsored by the diocesan African American Affairs Ministry. The revival is designed to be reminiscent of the early days of outdoor preaching and is an opportunity to worship publicly in the spirit
Capuchin Father Jude Duffy, pastor of Our Lady of Consolation Church in Charlotte, watches a boy makes the sign of the cross with holy water on his mother’s forehead during the Revival of the Spirit at the church Aug. 3.
Strengthening families in North Carolina
See REVIVAL, page 9
Celebrating faith, culture
N.C. Catholics attend National Black Catholic Congress
Local CSS program wins Catholic Charities award MURPHY — The diocesan Office of Economic Opportunity in Murphy was recently named an award winner by Catholic Charities USA. A program of Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Charlotte, the Office of Economic Opportunity won Catholic Charities USA’s 2007 Family Strengthening Award and will receive $25,000.
KAREN A. EVANS staff writer
Photo by Karen A. Evans
See BILL, page 13
no. 36
Established in 1999 by Catholic Social Service’s Office of Justice and Peace, the OEO serves the far western North Carolina counties of Cherokee, Clay, Graham and Swain. Its creation was inspired by “Of One Heart and One Mind,” the 1997 pastoral letter See OEO, page 5
Photo by Ann Kilkelly
Judy Young (second from left), a client of the diocesan Office of Economic Opportunity in Murphy, meets with members of her ecumenical faith team — (from left) Sharon Hotchkiss, Esther and Edwin Manchester — to discuss steps needed to achieve her goal of home ownership. The OEO recently has won Catholic Charities USA’s 2007 Family Strengthening Award.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Fortynine parishioners from the Diocese of Charlotte were among the 2,000 black Catholics from nearly 100 U.S. dioceses who spent four days praying, celebrating and learning to overcome See CONGRESS, page 8
Around the Diocese
Bringing the message
Culture Watch
Holy Sepulcher’s Scroll Mass; young adults help others
Sister Laurel discusses emotions, chastity
Harry Potter’s moral values; Bishop Jugis on UNC-C TV
| Page 4
| Page 6
| Pages 10-11
August 10, 2007
2 The Catholic News & Herald
Current and upcoming topics from around the world to your own backyard
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Catholic organizations have joined with a variety of medical, civic, labor and other religious groups in calling on Congress to increase funding for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, despite a threatened veto by President George W. Bush. Representatives of nearly three dozen organizations participated in a July 25 Capitol Hill news conference organized by the Catholic Health Association, which also released a new public opinion poll that showed Americans overwhelmingly support the program known as SCHIP. “We stand united because we believe Congress and the president should do the right thing for our children and our nation — reauthorize a critically important program that is supported by the vast majority of voters,” said Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity who is CHA president and CEO. Others at the news conference represented the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities
Tears after the tragedy
CNS photo by Joshua Lott, Reuters
Molly Shelton (center) wipes tears from her eyes during an Aug. 2 prayer service at St. Olaf Catholic Church in Minneapolis for victims of the Interstate 35W bridge collapse. Prayer services for people of all faiths were held at St. Olaf and the Catholic cathedral in St. Paul the day following the rush-hour tragedy.
St. Paul-Minneapolis Catholic community responds to bridge collapse WASHINGTON (CNS) — Upon hearing of the collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, priests from the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis traveled to the scene, as well as to nearby hospitals and medical centers, to see how they could help victims of the tragedy and their families. Although travel in the city has been difficult since the disaster, the archdiocese held two noon prayer services Aug. 2 — one in St. Paul at the Cathedral of St. Paul and the other at St. Olaf Church in Minneapolis. Coadjutor Archbishop John C. Nienstedt presided over the ceremony at the cathedral, and Father Kevin McDonough, vicar general, celebrated the prayer service as well as the daily Mass at St. Olaf Church. Archbishop Harry J. Flynn said both churches had a “great number of people who came together to offer their consolation and their prayers for those who died, for those who are injured, and for their families.” Archbishop Flynn prayed for the victims as he offered Mass in the morning Aug. 2, and he planned to address the crisis in a statement within the next few days. “Something like this shatters us,” he told Catholic News Service. “But as one woman said to me, ‘I don’t know what we’d do without faith.’ It’s the only thing ... to get through something like this.”
Catholics, others urge increased funding for children’s health care
Father Mark Pavlik, pastor of St. Olaf Church, was one of the priests who responded to the crisis. He and another priest traveled to Hennepin Medical Center on one side of the river in the early evening. Chaplains from other faiths were also present “in full force.” He said other priests traveled to hospitals on the other side of the bridge to see if they were needed for counseling, but most of the people involved weren’t ready to talk. Father Pavlik said the bridge collapse had “taken the whole city by storm, overtaken the whole city in every aspect of everything.” People who make the daily commute across the I-35W bridge have mostly been in silent shock, realizing how close they were to becoming victims themselves, he said. Some have sought refuge at St. Olaf Church, and at noon Aug. 2 those who regularly attend the parish’s daily Mass joined with those present for the prayer service. “Our parish is right in the heart of Minneapolis, so people come here to pray all day long,” he said. “I’m used to that, but today has been just a tremendous outpouring of people who just want to stop in and pray. Not much talking yet.” On Aug. 3, officials confirmed that six people were dead, and at least 60 were injured. Also, they said the number of those still missing was eight, down from as many as 20 reported earlier.
Diocesan planner BOONE VICARIATE SPRUCE PINE — A Rosary of Intercession for Priests is recited each Friday at St. Lucien Church, 695 Summit St., before the 9 a.m. Mass. Prayers are offered for bishops, priests and deacons, and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood. For more information, call the church office at (828) 765-2224. SPARTA — St. Frances of Rome Church, Hendrix and Highlands Rds., sponsors the Oratory of Divine Love Prayer Group in the parish house the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 1 p.m. Call (336) 372-8846 for more information.
CHARLOTTE VICARIATE CHARLOTTE — All Cursillistas, their families and friends are invited to a Family Ultreya Aug. 19, 12-2 p.m. in the Family Room at St. Matthew Church, 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. We will have an inspirational witness talk, grouping and a potluck lunch. For more information, call Tom and Heather Martin at (704) 544-7011. If you need babysitting, call Vicki Torres at (704) 543-7677, ext 1011. CHARLOTTE — St. Basil the Great Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church will have a Ukrainian Mass in English in the chapel of Charlotte Catholic High School, 7702 Pineville-Matthews Rd., the third Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. The Mass is open to anyone who would like to attend. For more information, please contact Father Mark Shuey at or call (919) 779-7246. CHARLOTTE — Pathfinders, a peer-led
USA and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, as well as Protestant, Jewish and Islamic organizations. “We may not see eye to eye on many of the issues facing this nation, but we all agree that our children must be able to receive the health care they need to learn, to participate in school and to build their futures on a healthy foundation,” Sister Keehan added. The Senate Finance Committee recently approved the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act, which would provide an additional $35 billion to SCHIP over the next five years to maintain the current coverage levels and provide health insurance for 3.2 million children now without coverage. The increases would be funded by a 61-cent-per-pack rise in the federal tax on cigarettes. Bush said July 18 that he would veto the bill. Instead he supports revisions in the tax code that would provide deductions to help more people to afford health insurance. support group for separated and divorced adults, offers education, support and fellowship through the divorce process. The group meets Tuesdays, 7:30-9 p.m., in St. Gabriel Church’s Ministry Building, 3016 Providence Rd. For more information, call Nancy at (704) 752-0318. CHARLOTTE — TGIF on Wednesday is a support group for separated or divorced women and men. All are welcome to join us for encouragement and discussion with others making similar journeys at St. Matthew Church, 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy., Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Center, Room 114. If you have any questions, call Bonnie Motuz at (704) 543-8998. HUNTERSVILLE — Elizabeth Ministry is a peer ministry comprised of St. Mark Church parishioners who have lost babies before of shortly after birth. Confidential peer ministry, information and spiritual materials are offered at no cost or obligation to anyone who has experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a newborn. For details, call Sandy Buck at (704) 948-4587.
GASTON VICARIATE DENVER — The Blanketeers of Holy Spirit Church hold periodic workshops to make security blankets for seriously ill and traumatized children through Project Linus, a nonprofit organization. For more information, call the church office at (704) 483-6448 or visit
GREENSBORO VICARIATE GREENSBORO — The Men’s Bible Study Group at St. Paul the Apostle Church, 2715 Horse Pen Creek Rd., meets Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m. in the Parish Life Center, room 4. The group will discuss the Books of Acts, through Sept. 18. Bring your own Bible. For more information, contact Gus Magrinat
AUGUST 10, 2007 Volume 16 • Number 36
Publisher: Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis Editor: Kevin E. Murray Staff Writer: Karen A. Evans Graphic DESIGNER: Tim Faragher Advertising MANAGER: Cindi Feerick Secretary: Deborah Hiles 1123 South Church St., Charlotte, NC 28203 Mail: P.O. Box 37267, Charlotte, NC 28237 Phone: (704) 370-3333 FAX: (704) 370-3382 E-MAIL:
The Catholic News & Herald, USPC 007-393, is published by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, 1123 South Church St., Charlotte, NC 28203, 44 times a year, weekly except for Christmas week and Easter week and every two weeks during June, July and August for $15 per year for enrollees in parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte and $23 per year for all other subscribers. The Catholic News & Herald reserves the right to reject or cancel advertising for any reason deemed appropriate. We do not recommend or guarantee any product, service or benefit claimed by our advertisers. Second-class postage paid at Charlotte NC and other cities. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to The Catholic News & Herald, P.O. Box 37267, Charlotte, NC 28237.
August 10, 2007
The Catholic News & Herald 3
Vatican office supports British prime minister’s push to cut poverty VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace supports British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s project to rally leaders of government, business and faith-based organizations in pushing to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. “The time for simple promises has passed,” said an Aug. 1 statement from the Vatican office, welcoming Brown’s July 31 call at the United Nations for an international summit in 2008 to pressure governments to meet their commitments for reducing poverty and promoting development. When most nations of the world signed on to the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, “it was believed that 15 years would give governments sufficient time to mobilize efforts” to meet the goals, it said. “Some progress has been made in some areas, which should be applauded. However, even with limited progress, governments must continue striving for more.”
The goals focused on eradicating hunger and poverty, achieving universal primary education, promoting equality, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, combating AIDS and malaria, protecting the environment and developing a global partnership for development. The Vatican statement said governments repeatedly have pledged to dedicate the equivalent of 0.7 percent of their gross national product to development assistance. “If that pledged target amount was achieved, a total of U.S. $192 billion would be made available annually” instead of “the U.S. $78.6 billion presently being made available,” it said. “A new starting point, built upon renewed political will, the mobilization of efforts and resources and the shaping of a true, recognizable and viable global partnership for development should be welcomed and fostered by everyone,” the Vatican statement said.
at or John Malmfelt at (336) 665-6450 or GREENSBORO — If you have a special need for prayers, or would like to offer your time in prayer for others’ needs, please call the Prayer Chain at Our Lady of Grace Church. The Prayer Chain is a sizable group committed to praying for your needs and the needs of your family and friends on a daily basis. To request a prayer or to participate in the Prayer Chain, call the church office at (336) 274-6520, ext. 10 and leave your name, address and phone number.
meets the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Family Life Center. The meetings feature guest speakers and special events periodically. For more information, call Claire Barnable at (828) 369-1565.
SALISBURY VICARIATE MOORESVILLE —St. Therese Church Senior Fun & Games meets the second Saturday of every month at 6:30 p.m. for those 50 and older. A potluck supper is followed by board and card games. Call Barbara Daigler at (704) 662-9572 for more information. SALISBURY — Elizabeth Ministry is a peer ministry comprised of Sacred Heart Church parishioners who have lost babies before or shortly after birth. Confidential peer ministry, information and spiritual materials are offered at no cost or obligation to anyone who has experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a newborn. For details, call Renee Washington at (704) 637-0472 or Sharon Burges at (704) 633-0591.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN VICARIATE MAGGIE VALLEY — There will be a Day of Prayer based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius at Living Waters Reflection Center Sept. 8. For more information, call David and Cathie Tilly at (828) 479-9278 WAYNESVILLE — The Catholic Women’s Circle of St. John the Evangelist Church, 234 Church St., meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the church hall. For more information, call the church office at (828) 456-6707. FRANKLIN — The Women’s Guild of St. Francis of Assisi Church, 299 Maple St.,
Pope says too much wealth, greed could compromise one’s salvation CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) — Too much wealth and greed could “seriously compromise” one’s salvation, Pope Benedict XVI said, adding that the real treasure humanity should strive for is Christ. It is a thing of “wisdom and virtue to not set one’s heart on the things of this world, because everything passes, everything can suddenly come to an end,” he said before reciting the Angelus prayer Aug. 5. While one’s earthly possessions and material wealth can be a necessity that are good in and of themselves, they are “not to be considered an absolute good,” he told those gathered in the courtyard of the papal summer residence south of Rome. Wealth “does not ensure salvation, rather it could even seriously compromise it,” he said. Christ, the pope said, warned people to guard against greed and becoming attached to earthly possessions. “The true treasure we Christians
have to tirelessly seek out lies in ‘what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God,’” he said, quoting a Bible passage from Paul’s Letter to the Colossians. He invited people to pray to Mary for help in living with moderation so that “we are not dominated by avarice and egoism,” but are constantly looking for what is good and valuable in the eyes of God. After the Angelus prayer, the pope praised the ecumenical contributions of the recently deceased leader of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Teoctist, who died July 30, was a “noble pastor who loved his church and made a positive contribution to relations between Catholics and Orthodox,” Pope Benedict said. He said he warmly remembered the patriarch “with esteem and affection” and recalled that his landmark visits with Pope John Paul II also reflected the patriarch’s “clear witness to his commitment” to Christian unity.
Prayers for the miners
WINSTON-SALEM — A course on Natural Family Planning will begin Aug. 19, 1:303:30 p.m. at St. Leo the Great Church, 335 Springdale Ave. Class dates are Aug. 19, Sept. 16, Oct. 21 and Nov. 18. The Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP is safe and medically proven 99.9% effective. Couples with marginal fertility will also benefit from working with their natural mutual fertility instead of against it. Call Todd and Stephanie Brown at (336) 765-2909 for more information. CLEMMONS — A Charismatic Prayer Group meets Mondays at 7:15 p.m. in the eucharistic chapel of Holy Family Church, 4820 Kinnamon Rd. Join us for praise music, witness, teaching, prayers and petition. For more details, call Jim Passero at (336) 998-7503. CLEMMONS — The Knitting Ministry of Holy Family Church, 4820 Kinnamon Rd., meets Monday evenings, 6:30-8 p.m., to pray, learn to knit, reflect on life’s lessons and reach out to others in our community. Opportunities exist for the beginner to the experienced as we knit and purl Prayer Shawls, Preemie Blankets or Squares for Survivors. Please contact Rosemary at (336) 766-2315 or Carmel at (336) 766-0650 for more information.
Is your parish sponsoring a free event open to the general public? Deadline for all submissions for the Diocesan Planner is 15 days prior to desired publication date. Submit in writing to or fax to (704) 370-3382.
Bishop Peter J. Jugis will participate in the following events:
Aug. 12 — 9 a.m. Couples for Christ Mass Westin Hotel, Charlotte
Aug. 19 — 10:30 a.m. Installation of Father Michael Kottar as pastor St. Mary Church, Shelby
Aug. 15 — 7:30 p.m. Installation of Father Timothy Reid as pastor St. Ann Church, Charlotte
Aug. 28 — 1:30 p.m. Building Commission meeting Pastoral Center, Charlotte
CNS photo by Ramin Rahimian, Reuters
People arrive for a special evening Mass at Mission San Rafael Catholic Church in Huntington, Utah, Aug. 7. The friends and family of three of the trapped miners attended the Mass. At press time, rescue efforts continue to save six coal miners trapped since Aug. 6 in the caved-in Crandall Canyon mine, owned by the Murray Energy Corp.
4 The Catholic News & Herald
August 10, 2007
around the diocese
Serving those in need
long-standing order
Youths, young adults from Diocese of Charlotte help feed homeless in Philly neighborhood
Courtesy Photo
Bishop Peter J. Jugis talks with Kathy Tronco and Ann Weidie, Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, after the Scroll Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte Aug. 5.
Knights, Ladies of Holy Sepulcher welcomed, honored during Scroll Mass CHARLOTTE — Scrolls were recently presented to members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem in the Diocese of Charlotte. The scrolls, significant in welcoming and honoring members in the longstanding lay order, were conferred during the order’s Scroll Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral Aug. 5. Bishop Peter J. Jugis, who celebrated the Mass and is a member of the order, and John Piunno of the order’s USA Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy presented the scrolls from Rome confirming admission and promotion. Invested into the order were Robert Eggleston Jr., Ann Weidie and Stuart Weidie. Promoted to the rank of commander were Gilbert Durkee, Elizabeth Durkee, Mary Lou Hildreth
and Wilhelmina Da Silva Mobley. Promoted to knight grand cross was James E. P. Turner. Three people are expected to be invested and eight promoted during the order’s annual meeting in November. Michael Balbirnie, the order ’s regional representative for the Diocese of Charlotte, said the growth is a positive sign for the order, which is dedicated to preserving Christ’s tomb in Jerusalem as well as supporting Catholic schools, hospitals, orphanages and churches in the Holy Land. “We try to raise awareness of Christians and Christian places in the Holy Land,” said Balbirnie. “We invite and encourage prayers and support from all the people of the diocese,” he said.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — Six youths and young adults from the Diocese of Charlotte recently took part in a mission trip to help those in need. The June 29-July 1 trip allowed the parishioners from Greensboro, Hendersonville, Shelby and WinstonSalem to assist the poor and needy at the St. Francis Inn, a Franciscan community in Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood. “Most of the participants did not know each other before our travel, but quickly became a community working side by side at the St. Francis Inn and lodging together at the inn’s volunteer house,” said Betti Longinotti, chairperson of the Brothers and Sisters of St. Francis Youth and Young Adult Commission, which sponsored the mission trip. The St. Francis Inn community is comprised of Sisters of St. Francis, Franciscan friars and Secular Franciscans, as well as Franciscan young adult volunteers. The community tries to meet the daily needs of the people it serves with food, clothing and hospitality. The inn’s dining room serves more than 300 meals a day, 365 days a year, with volunteers helping to cook, serve and clean. “In addition to preparing and serving the meals … we also had the opportunity to participate in Morning Prayer and daily and Sunday Mass held in the chapel,” said
Longinotti. “The style and approach to these liturgies acquainted the participants with the Franciscan spirituality.” The mission trip participants kept a group journal of their experiences. Mary Kate Ferry, 26, a parishioner of St. Paul the Apostle Church in Greensboro, entitled it “The Soup Kitchen Chronicles.” Matthew Hair, 18, a parishioner of Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville, wrote that helping make deliveries to the poor and disadvantaged was an overwhelming, eye-opening experience. Katie Longinotti, 21, a parishioner of Our Lady of Mercy Church in WinstonSalem, said working at the inn’s soup kitchen allowed her to personally interact with its guests and “befriend the friendless.” The Brothers and Sisters of St. Francis is a regional fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order serving local fraternities of the Southeast. Its Youth and Young Adult Commission provides opportunities for youths and young adults to nurture their faith and in the life of the Catholic Church. WANT MORE INFO? For more information on the commission, contact Betti Longinotti at
Walking for life
Courtesy Photo
Youths and young adults from the Diocese of Charlotte and elsewhere, who took part in a June 29July 1 Franciscan mission trip to St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia, are pictured in the inn’s chapel.
Photo by Kevin E. Murray
Seth Wright (right) of Dallas, Texas, and Stafford Long of Shreveport, La., accept donations after Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte Aug. 5. Wright and Long are among the more than 50 young adults walking on one of three 10-week, 3,200mile, coast-to-coast pilgrimages as part of the 13th annual Crossroads Pro-Life Walk Across America this summer. Walking an average of 17 miles a day, each Crossroads volunteer will cover more than 1,200 miles by Aug. 11, when all three groups of pro-life pilgrims arrive on Capitol Hill in Washington for a prayer service. Taking their pro-life message to an estimated 1 million people in dozens of cities, the walkers’ slogan is “saving lives one step at a time.”
August 10, 2007
from the cover
The Catholic News & Herald 5
Local CSS program wins Catholic Charities award OEO, from page 1
by Bishop Emeritus William G. Curlin of Charlotte and Bishop Emeritus F. Joseph Gossman of Raleigh, which sought to raise awareness of poverty within the state. Catholic Charities USA is a national association of more than 1,500 local Catholic Charities agencies and institutions that serve more than 7.4 million people a year. Its annual awards program, made possible by support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, aims to recognize and award exceptional programs in the Catholic Charities network that take a holistic approach to providing services by supporting healthy family relationships while working to improve a family’s overall financial situation and enhance the community where they live. “The Office of Economic Opportunity is one of the brightest stars in a constellation of outstanding Catholic Charities programs working to strengthen families,” said Father Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA. “By connecting low-income families to the supports and opportunities that they need to be economically stable, this wonderful program is making a critical
“The Office of Economic Opportunity is one of the brightest stars in a constellation of outstanding Catholic Charities programs,” — Father Larry Snyder difference in the lives of children and their families and, in turn, building a stronger community by helping to reduce poverty,” he said. The OEO’s goal “is to help families develop the skills needed to make better choices for building a more secure future,” said Claudie Burchfield, OEO director. “In the process, we collaborate with many local agencies, churches and community leaders,” she said. Eight Christian denominations contribute in various ways to the OEO’s Far West Families First program, said Burchfield, and pastors from five Christian faith communities serve on the advisory board. OEO created the Far West Families
Photo by Joseph Purello
The diocesan Office of Economic Opportunity in Murphy, a program of Catholic Social Service’s Office of Peace and Justice, has won Catholic Charities USA’s 2007 Family Strengthening Award and will receive $25,000. First program to help combat poverty in western North Carolina. The program matches struggling families with ecumenical faith teams who provide support and encouragement to help the families reach goals they set for themselves. Such goals might relate to debt reduction, credit building, health issues, housing concerns, education and employability. In a supportive relationship, the team helps the family understand and learn skills needed for successful problem solving and locate outside resources when needed. The OEO also provides families with counseling opportunities to help them work through challenges that impede family development and stability. Another program, the Assets Building Long-term Equity (ABLE) Financial Literacy program, addresses “financial illiteracy” within the community.
In addition to credit counseling, the ABLE program provides workshops, lectures and special presentations on pertinent financial literacy topics, including maximizing food stamp dollars, budgeting and attaining affordable housing. The OEO also serves as a host site for Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Asheville. The OEO was one of four programs Catholic Charities USA picked for the 2007 Family Strengthening Award, chosen from submissions from local Catholic Charities agencies across the country. All four will be honored at Catholic Charities USA’s annual gathering in Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 16. WANT MORE INFO? To learn more about the diocesan Office of Economic Opportunity, go online to
6 The Catholic News & Herald
Bringing the message
around the diocese
August 10, 2007
Speaker explores emotions, chastity at talks in Charlotte by
KATHY SCHMUGGE correspondent
CHARLOTTE — Love, suffering, parenthood and human sexuality were just a few of the topics tackled by Dominican Sister Jane Dominic Laurel during her talks in the Diocese of Charlotte. Sister Laurel, a member of the St. Cecilia Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Nashville, Tenn., spoke at St. Gabriel Church and St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte in July. Laura Lindsley, a recent high school graduate, enjoyed Sister Laurel’s message on chastity to approximately 100 teenagers at St. Gabriel Church July 19. Laurel described it as one of the strongest and best-presented chastity talks she had ever heard. “Sister Jane Dominic shed muchneeded light on the type of people we should strive to be and the type of love we should give ourselves to, and be tender people who love selflessly and without condition,” said Lindsley, a parishioner of St. Vincent de Paul Church. Word travels fast when it comes to the insights of Sister Laurel. Her talks at St. Matthew Church in Charlotte in May created such a buzz that she was quickly invited to speak at St. Gabriel and St. Vincent de Paul churches. She was also asked to give private talks at homes in Charlotte and Rock Hill, S.C., and will return for more engagements in South Carolina in September. Why all the excitement? According to Margaret Kennedy, a parishioner at St. Vincent de Paul Church who organized the Charlotte talks, Sister Laurel touches a person’s heart. “She has a different effect on each person and I think that is a gift. God knows what we need spiritually and I think he allows us to see and hear what we need,” said Kennedy.
“True eros shows us that we need each other. It draws us out of ourselves.” — Dominican Sister Jane Dominic Laurel Sister Laurel teaches theology at Aquinas College in Nashville and this coming year she will pursue doctoral studies in theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, also known as the Angelicum, in Rome, Italy. She is a frequent guest speaker and lecturer on topics related to religious life and theology. Sister Laurel’s July 20 talk at St. Vincent de Paul Church on the role of emotions in the spiritual life gave insight into how emotions, when in cooperation with the intellect, can aid a person in choosing God’s will. She also noted the importance of developing a “sacramental imagination” fed by the sacraments, as opposed to having only a secular imagination fed by television and magazines, because the imagination influences the emotions. Sister Laurel also spoke on Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical, “God is Love.” “Sister Jane reminded us that love should cost you something,” said Heather Martin, a parishioner of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte. “Love it is not ‘all about me,’ but it is about sacrifice, and in loving rightly we are transformed. It makes us into the person God has called us to be,” said Martin. Sister Laurel distinguished between true and false eros, which the pope said “denotes the love of one who desires to possess what he or she lacks and yearns for union with the beloved.” Paraphrasing from Pope Benedict,
Courtesy Photo
Dominican Sister Jane Dominic Laurel is pictured during her talk on chastity to teenagers at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte July 19. she drew the parallel between the false ethos (distinguishing character) of today seen in the media with that of the early Greeks, who promoted a false eros as an intoxication “being overpowered by a divine madness.” This false eros is really lust that results in using or objectifying oneself and others, she said. “It is impure and undisciplined. It can not lead to happiness because it is warped and destructive,” said Sister Laurel. Real eros, she explained, is good
and beautiful and it supposed to bring pleasure, and that pleasure brings a person to beatitude. “True eros shows us the we need each other,” said Sister Laurel. “It draws us out of ourselves. We grow out of our selfishness and begin to seek the good of the beloved.” Kathy Schmugge is Family Life Coordinator for the Diocese of Charleston.
August 10, 2007
The Catholic News & Herald 7
around the diocese
Guiding the future of the church
Bridging the gap
Sister Spanier reflects on young adult ministry in diocese by
KAREN A. EVANS staff writer
Courtesy Photo
Representatives from the Diocese of Charlotte are pictured at “Eye on the Horizon,” an institute sponsored by the National Association of Diocesan Directors of Campus Ministry, in Washington, D.C., June 25-27. The institute focused on bridging the gap between youth groups and campus ministry. Many colleges students who were involved with their youth groups in high school do not take advantage of the opportunities offered by Catholic campus ministries. “Our ultimate goal is get young people involved in youth and campus ministries, because then they are more likely to be involved as adults,” said Mary Wright, director of diocesan campus ministry. Pictured left to right are Paul Jarzembowski, acting executive director of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association; Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart Sister Eileen Spanier, former director of diocesan young adult ministry; Wright; Gloria Schweizer, Catholic campus minister at Western Carolina University; Father Martin Moran, executive director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association; Paul Kotlowski, director of the diocesan youth ministry office; and Robert McCarty, executive director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry.
CHARLOTTE — Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart Sister Eileen Spanier hopes that the ministries she dedicated the past two years to will continue to thrive, even though she is no longer working in the Diocese of Charlotte. Sister Spanier served as director of the diocesan young adult ministry office and as Catholic campus minister for UNC-Charlotte from July 2005 until last month. Prior to these positions, she served as director of vocations for her congregation. “Working in the Diocese of Charlotte has given me many gifts, particularly in the relationships I’ve formed and what I’ve learned, which I’ll take with me to my next ministry,” she said. At the directive of her congregation, Sister Spanier moved to Queens, N.Y., in early August, where she will participate in a new ministry initiative, consisting of researching opportunities for corporate ministry. At the same time, she will be working full time at Our Lady of Fatima Church in Queens, primarily in the area of young adult ministry. Sister Spanier said she considered it to be her role as director of young adult ministry in the Diocese of Charlotte to provide support and encouragement to the young adult ministers in their work. “There wonderful young adult leaders in the Diocese of Charlotte; they have lots of energy and enthusiasm,” she said. According to Sister Spanier, the Diocese of Charlotte needs to continue to invest in young adult ministry, as young adults are future leaders of the church. “It’s important for young people to know the church cares about them and wants to reach out to them,” she said. “Pastors need to be passionate about the young adults in their parishes,” she said. “It’s a good investment that will pay off later.” Young adults have a lot of skills their older counterparts might not — computer savvy, for instance. Sister Spanier said that they need to be taught how to use
Photo by Kevin E. Murray
Gray Nun of the Sacred Hear t Sister Eileen Spanier speaks during a Theology on Tap session in Charlotte April 18, 2006. Sister Spanier, who served as director of diocesan young adult ministry since July 2005, was re-assigned by her congregation to New York in August. those skills for the church. “Young people today do want to participate in the church, but not necessarily in a traditional way,” said Sister Spanier. “The gifts they bring into the church will make it better.” Sister Spanier believes that an effective way to draw young people into active participation in the church is through programs such as Theology on Tap, where young adults gather at a restaurant to hear speakers and participate in discussions on topics such as ethics in the workplace, relationships and putting their faith into action. “We try to get young people to come together in small groups to share and grow in their faith experiences,” she said. What hopefully happens next, Sister Spanier said, is that those young people take their experiences back into their parishes and development small faithsharing groups of young adults. “At this crucial time in the history of the Catholic Church, our resources need to be directed at young adults, as the future of the church,” Sister Spanier said.
8 The Catholic News & Herald
black catholics
August 10, 2007
Education, social justice concerns covered at congress CONGRESS, from page 1
challenges at the 10th National Black Catholic Congress. The theme of the July 12-15 gathering in Buffalo, N.Y., was “Christ Is With Us: Celebrating the Gifts of the Sacraments.” “The Charlotte Diocese was proudly represented by those who journeyed to Buffalo,” said Sandy Murdock, director of the Diocese of Charlotte’s African American Affairs Ministry. “Representatives included teens, young adults, adults and senior citizens,” she said. The group included parishioners from the Basilica of St. Lawrence in Asheville, Holy Cross Church in Kernersville, Our Lady of Consolation Church in Charlotte, St. Benedict the Moor Church in Winston-Salem, St. Helen Mission in Spencer Mountain and St. Mary Church and St. Pius X Church in Greensboro. Youths from the diocese participated in the adoration service, served as altar servers during the closing Mass and sang in the choir. “The congress attendees heard wonderful keynote speakers and attended a variety of workshops supporting the congress’ theme,” said Murdock. Speakers touched on topics such as using cyberspace for evangelization, the symbolic nature of the seven sacraments and utilizing new styles of music at Mass. “If a church doesn’t do that (musical innovation), young Catholic men and women will be drawn to places where their songs are being sung and their stories are being told, for example, the megachurches,” said Kevin Johnson during his July 13 workshop. “Quality worship increases church attendance and membership,” said Johnson, chairman of the music department at Spelman College in Atlanta. “Churches that were once barely operating and on the verge of collapse are bustling churches where African-American worship is done well,” he said. Future foundations “Take what you have learned in
the workshops and share it with the people back at home ... and allow the Lord to use you,” said Father Raymond Harris, a priest of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, at the congress’s final session, “Foundations for the Future.” During the session, representatives from each of the congress’s eight leadership commissions told what the commissions had been doing about the organization’s eight core principles: Catholic education, Africa, HIV/AIDS, parish life, social justice, racism, spirituality, youths and young adults. In the five years since the last congress, the Catholic education leadership committee has been working hard, said Kathleen Merrit, director of the Office of Ethnic Ministries for the Diocese of Charleston, S.C. Commissioners have researched and published a book, titled “Sustaining Catholic Education in and for the Black Community,” as a resource for dioceses, individuals and organizations who are trying to develop successful strategies for sustaining Catholic education in their communities, Merrit said. They also are in the process of developing a National Support Initiative, which will provide financial assistance to Catholic schools in black communities, she said. Congress participants donated more than $1,000 in start-up funds for this initiative, she added. “The Africa principle commission established a vision to foster a unifying, healing mutual dialogue between the continent of Africa” and the U.S. black Catholic community, said Kim Mazyck. “We feel that uniting to build a strong relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ honors all of the sacraments.” The commission would like to develop a curriculum about Africa for parishes and schools and help communities host annual or biannual events celebrating Africa’s culture, she said. The leadership commission for the HIV/AIDS principle is dedicated to decreasing the prevalence of the disease in black Catholic communities by increasing awareness and education efforts, said Mary Leisring, director of the Office of Black Ministry for the Archdiocese of Denver. “Our goal was basically to ask all Catholics to respond to all people suffering as Jesus did, with love, care
CNS photo by Mike Crupi, Catholic Courier
The 10th National Black Catholic Congress choir says the Lord’s Prayer during the July 15 closing Mass in Buffalo, N.Y. Forty-nine people from the Diocese of Charlotte were among the congress’ 2,000 participants. and compassion. We’re called to respect the dignity of every human person and to bring strength and courage to those who suffer from this disease,” she said. Commissioners would like every parish to establish an HIV/AIDS ministry, whose participants would pray each day for those suffering from or touched by the disease. The ministries could eventually branch out and provide child care and respite to those people, Leisring said. The parish life leadership commission is committed to helping black parishes remain open and experience vibrancy and growth, said Sylvia Royster. Commissioners are trying to help parishes find new and effective ways of evangelizing and develop best practices and strategies for parishes, she said. The social justice commission hopes to help black Catholics understand the black experience through the lens of Catholic social teaching and raise awareness and understanding of economic poverty, both domestic and globals. Racism is a sin, but African-
Americans still deal with this sensitive issue, said Robert Ellis, development director for the Diocese of Grand Rapids, Mich. The goal of the leadership commission on racism is to eliminate the sin of racism by helping U.S. dioceses develop and implement plans to address and combat it, he said. The spirituality leadership commission has been working to help Catholics acknowledge the gifts of black spirituality and God’s call to ongoing evangelization, said Maria Jerkins, director of the Office of Black Ministry for the Archdiocese of Miami. John Phillips of the Archdiocese of Atlanta and Ayisha Morgan-Lee of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, who are both members of commission on youth and young adult leadership, called upon congress participants to support expanded ministerial and leadership roles for black Catholic youth ministers. Contributing to this article was Jennifer Burke, Amy Kotlarz and Sandy Murdock.
August 10, 2007
black catholics
The Catholic News & Herald 9
Catholics at revival called to ‘change the world’ REVIVAL, from page 1
of the black church. Father Branch is the Catholic chaplain for the Atlanta University Center, a cluster of historically AfricanAmerican colleges and universities. Father Branch preached to a congregation of about 200 people Aug. 3, basing his sermon on Luke 5:1-11, the parable of Jesus calling Simon the fisherman. Father Branch’s sermon was filled with stern words for his audience, telling them that following Jesus isn’t always easy, it doesn’t always make sense, but it works. “Luke goes out of his way to say that to us, not culture, not color, not monetary prosperity, will make our world better; only following Jesus will,” he said. “These are tough times, and we are a tough audience, but Jesus is calling us.” Father Branch told the congregation that God is merciful and generous; the Christian vocation is to be the same in order to show God’s mercy and generosity.
“These are tough times, and we are a tough audience, but Jesus is calling us.” — Father Edward Branch “No matter what our career is … our vocation is to work together to imitate Jesus and draw others to God,” he said. “This is what will change the world.” Conversion to Jesus doesn’t guarantee that all will go well with your families, Father Branch warned. But is does guarantee that all will go well with your relationship to Jesus. In return, the only things that we can give God that God does not have, unless we give it to him freely: our love and fidelity, he said. “That is why we have free will,
Photo by Karen A. Evans
A woman lights another’s candle before the congregation renewed their baptismal promises during the annual revival at Our Lady of Consolation Church in Charlotte Aug. 3. brothers and sisters — unless we have free will, we could not give God what he desperately wants — our love and fidelity,” he said. Following the sermon, the congregation lit candles and Father Branch led them in a renewal of their baptismal promises. The congregants then proceeded to the altar in pairs and blessed each other by dipping their fingers in holy water and making the sign of the cross on one another’s foreheads. The revival also included music performed by Joe Priester and the F.L.O.W. Liturgical Dance Ministry. A t S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g ’s s e r v i c e , Father Branch preached on “Mission Readiness,” addressing the need for accord in our community. At Sunday’s closing worship, Father Branch spoke about the third age of humanity, as recalled in the Gospel of Luke. “We are not a community for ourselves; we are a community for all,” said Father Branch. “We make of ourselves a community in order that we will attract others into the circle of God’s grace.” Contact Staff Writer Karen A. Evans by calling (704) 370-3354 or e-mail
Photo by Karen A. Evans
Father Edward Branch preaches about the parable of Jesus’ calling of Simon the fisherman. WANT MORE INFO? To learn more about the diocesan African American Affairs Ministry, call (704) 370-3267 or go online to
August 10, 2007
10 The Catholic News & Herald
Culture Watch
A roundup of Scripture, readings, films and more
‘Christian story’ in a ‘witchcraft tale’ Book views Harry Potter series through moral, spiritual lenses reviewed by
LORRAINE V. MURRAY catholic news service
Are the Harry Potter books safe for kids? This question has been bandied about for years, with some parents insisting the books encourage young children to see witchcraft and magic as ordinary parts of life, while others believe the books are harmless. Where does the truth lie? Nancy Carpentier Brown in “The Mystery of Harry Potter: A Catholic Family Guide” attempts to look at the series written by J.K. Rowling through a variety of lenses. Brown admits she went from being anti-Potter to becoming a supporter, after she took the time to read the books. Brown has some good advice. Above all, she believes the seven books are not for children of all ages. Thus, parents should read them first to decide if the plots would be too upsetting or inappropriate for their own children. She believes the Harry Potter books are moral tales depicting a struggle between good and evil, with emphasis placed on human free will. For her, the magic in the books is no more harmful than that found in many fairy tales. The books, she claims, emphasize the very Catholic belief in the importance of sacrificial love, so Rowling has “told a Christian story in the unexpected disguise of a witchcraft tale.” “Mystery” will be a good read for busy parents who want to explore more deeply the underlying messages of the Potter series. But at times the writing seems rushed and disjointed, and many topics are too general to be considered specifically pertinent to Catholic parents. It is true, as the author points out, that parents and friendships are shown to be important in the Potter books, and, yes, it is true that the books have no smoking, no drug use, no same-sex partners and “very little swearing.” Still, these points alone won’t assuage the fears of parents who believe the books are too dark and too deeply involved in magic and witchcraft. And Catholic parents especially will want to know what the Catechism of the Catholic Church — and the Bible — say about magic, and what church leaders have said about the books. Early on, Brown mentions that Pope Benedict XVI, when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, had expressed an opinion that the Potter books contained “subtle seductions.” His full statement was: “These are subtle seductions that are barely noticeable, and precisely because of that have a deep effect and corrupt the Christian faith in souls even before it could properly grow.”
Brown dismisses his remarks as polite responses to Gabriel Kuby, a German author who had sent him a copy of her book, “Harry Potter: Good or Evil?” Brown notes that the pope has never read any of the Harry Potter books himself. At times, she mentions places in the Bible and the catechism that she feels are relevant to her defense of the books, but some of her claims are vague, such as her assertion that even the Bible has stories about magicians and about people lying. She also believes it is important for parents to guide their children through the books, and discuss concepts with them. As she points out, some moral situations in Harry Potter can be hard for young children to understand: “Although there is a clear delineation between the good and evil, there are many times when we must choose greater goods over lesser goods, and we must be able to weigh complex issues.” This comment alone shows why the books may be inappropriate for very young readers, who lack the wisdom to make such distinctions. Every chapter has dinner-table questions, which may be helpful for parents who want to discuss the books with their children. Also, there is a good chapter on the difference between the movies and the books, with the author noting that the movies are generally more upsetting and violent than the books, and parents should take movie ratings seriously. When all is said and done, one questions remains: Are the books safe for children? Even after reading this book, the jury is still out. Murray is the author of three books on spiritual issues and works in the Pitts Theology Library at Emory University in Atlanta. MORE COVERAGE Read Effie Caldarola’s column on the real magic of Harry Potter on page 14.
Sunday Scripture Readings: aUG. 19, 2007
Aug. 19, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C Readings: 1) Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Psalm 40:2-4, 18 2) Hebrews 12:1-4 3) Gospel: Luke 12:49-53
Faith, trust in God aids during trying times by JEAN DENTON catholic news service
Yves chose to emigrate to the United States from his impoverished homeland of Haiti eight years ago, not an easy decision. He had a wife, three children and another on the way. Their plan was for him to settle in the U.S. and immediately begin the process to bring the family to join him. He knew from the beginning it would involve a long separation, as he had waited nine years himself for a visa. Last month the family’s long wait ended after eight years and about $20,000. To save airfare, I drove Yves three hours to a big-city airport to pick up his family of five. On the way, I wondered aloud, “How many people would have endured all those years to get to this moment?” In Haiti Yves taught school. In the U.S. he works two or three minimum-
wage jobs at a time to support himself and his faraway family. He scrimped to make an occasional trip home. And at each step in the agonizingly slow visa application process he paid more fees. He battled depression brought on by loneliness, overwork and stress. As we approached the airport, he answered my wondering with a broad smile. “I knew it would be a long time, but it was not for me but for my children, so they will have a good life.” The family reunion at the terminal was breathtaking in its joy: the squeals, the hugs, the teary laughter. Yves and his 22-year-old son crammed nine large suitcases and all eight of us into the seven-passenger van. As I wheeled the journey-weary, happy family through the airport exit, there was a brief silence as the magnitude of the moment sank in. Then, Yves began to sing. Momentarily his wife Suzanne, sitting in his lap, joined in. Then, from the backseat came their son’s baritone, followed by the sweet voices of the little girls. They sang two verses of the song and faded gently to the end when Yves spoke the words of the refrain: “Mesi, Bondye,” Creole for “Thank you, Great God.” Thinking of Yves’ trust in the ultimate providence of God, I understand the faithful endurance of Jeremiah in this weekend’s readings and the psalm that described his deliverance: “The Lord heard my cry ... and he put a new song into my mouth, a hymn to our God. Many shall look in awe and trust in the Lord.”
WEEKLY SCRIPTURE Scripture for the week of Aug. 12-18 Sunday (Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time), Wisdom 18:6-9, Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19, Luke 12:32-48; Monday (Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus), Deuteronomy 10:12-22, Matthew 17:22-27; Tuesday (St. Maximilian Kolbe), Deuteronomy 31:1-8, Deuteronomy 32:3-4, 7-9, 12, Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14; Wednesday (The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6, 10, 1 Corinthians 15:20-27, Luke 1:39-56; Thursday (St. Stephen of Hungary), Joshua 3:7-11, 13-17, Matthew 18:21--19:1; Friday, Joshua 24:1-13, Matthew 19:3-12; Saturday, Joshua 24:14-29, Matthew 19:13-15. Scripture for the week of Aug. 19-25 Sunday (Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time), Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10, Hebrews 12:14, Luke 12:49-53; Monday (St. Bernard), Judges 2:11-19, Matthew 19:16-22; Tuesday (St. Pius X), Judges 6:11-24, Matthew 19: 23-30; Wednesday (Queenship of Mary), Judges 9:6-15, Matthew 20:1-16; Thursday (St. Rose of Lima), Judges 11:29-39, Matthew 22:1-14; Friday (St. Bartholomew), Revelation 21:9-14, John 1:45-51; Saturday (St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz), Ruth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17, Matthew 23:1-12.
The Catholic News & Herald 11
August 10, 2007
College days remembered
Photo by David Hains
Bishop Peter J. Jugis is interviewed by David Dunn, vice chancellor for university relations and community affairs and host of “UNC Charlotte Alumni Today,” during a taping of the program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte July 26. The program focuses on the current activities of alumni and how their education at the university impacts their lives today. Bishop Jugis graduated from UNC-Charlotte in 1978 before beginning seminary studies. The episode with Bishop Jugis will air in the Charlotte area on the UNCCharlotte’s cable channel at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., Aug. 13, 15, 17 and 19.
12 The Catholic News & Herald
August 10, 2007
youths in action
Church project makes Eagle Scout
Pope prays Scouting would go on to promote spiritual, civil formation VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Greeting an international group of Scouts on the 100th anniversary of Scouting, Pope Benedict XVI prayed that the movement would continue to promote “human, spiritual and civil formation in every country of the world.” The pope congratulated the young men and women at the end of his weekly general audience Aug. 1, just
a few hours after they joined Scouts from around the world in renewing their promises to serve God and others with generosity. Wading into the crowd to shake hands with and bless his visitors, Pope Benedict received a Scout’s scarf, which he tried to slip over his head. An aide took it from him, though, before he was able to readjust the knot.
Cub Scouts offer ‘Freedom from Hunger’ Courtesy Photo
Ryan Amos (center) of Boy Scout Troop 922 is pictured with Fran O’Rourke, a parishioner of Our Lady of Mercy Church in Winston-Salem, and Conventual Franciscan Father William Robinson, pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Church. Ryan, an altar server at the church, attained the rank of Eagle Scout June 17 by completing a landscaping service project at the church. Coordinating with O’Rourke on the project, Ryan installed an irrigation system and planted 85 plants behind the church. Fellow scouts and parishioners helped over two weekends to complete the project. Ryan has earned numerous Cub and Boy Scouts awards, has served in many leadership roles and in 2005 became a member of the Scouts’ Brotherhood of the Order of the Arrow.
Scouts receive Ad Altare Dei awards Courtesy Photo by Fred List
Members of Cub Scouts Pack 263 sit with items they collected during their second annual “Freedom from Hunger” food drive during the July 4 holiday. The boys collected around 625 food items and $580, which was donated to the food pantry at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Franklin. The pack is chartered by Knights of Columbus Council 8363. Pictured are (from left) Sasha List, Paul List, Logan Mossbarger, Ryan Karcher, Egor Walker, Buddy Murphy and Jacob Walker.
Courtesy Photo
Chris Bernash (right), Boy Scout liaison at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Monroe, is pictured with four Boy Scouts after they received their Ad Altare Dei awards at Our Lady of Lourdes Church June 17. Available to Catholic Boy Scouts, the Ad Altare Dei (to the altar of God) program is organized in chapters based on the seven sacraments. The scouts completed 17 classes and performed community service projects and a fundraiser to purchase a U.S. flag and papal flag, along with flag poles and stands, which they presented to Augustinian Father James Cassidy, pastor, in gratitude for use of the parish facilities for meetings. Pictured are (back row, from left) Michael Ryan of Troop 46 in Monroe, Justin Konopka of Troop 97 in Monroe; (front row, from left) Chris Sullivan and Trevor Sullivan of Troop 652 in Pageland, S.C., and Bernash.
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August 10, 2007
from the cover
N.C. House OKs rules for future stem-cell research BILL, from page 1
Care July 30. No action was taken on HB 1837 by the Senate prior to the adjournment of the
2007 General Assembly Aug. 2. HB 1837 will be eligible for consideration by the Senate in next year’s short session of the General Assembly, which convenes May 13, 2008. Prior to its passage by the House, a $10 million appropriation was removed from the bill that would have helped the
N.C. Health and Wellness Trust Fund distribute grants to nonprofit groups conducting stem-cell research in the 2007-2008 fiscal year. “While funding for the destruction of human embryos for medical research was removed from the bill, the idea still lingers that legislation can somehow establish ethical guidelines,” said Bishop Jugis in an Aug. 1 statement. “Ethical guidelines can never be established to kill innocent life. The bill makes no sense as the human embryo is alive,” he said. “I am deeply saddened that we
The Catholic News & Herald 13
“Ethical guidelines can never be established to kill innocent life. The bill makes no sense as the human embryo is alive.” — Bishop Peter J. Jugis were unsuccessful in convincing our legislators that one can never develop ethical guidelines for the destruction of unborn human life,” the bishop said. Earlier this year, Bishop Jugis and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Raleigh had called on all Catholics in North Carolina to learn the Catholic Church’s teachings on stem-cell research and to help oppose any N.C. legislation for embryonic stem-cell research using taxpayer dollars. In a June 23 letter to parishioners, Bishop Jugis had asked that they contact legislators to voice their opposition to House Bill 1837. “I would like to thank all who contacted their legislators during the legislative session. These efforts seemed to have helped in changing the bill’s earlier version, which would have … made public funds immediately available for this assault on innocent human life,” said the bishop. Bishop Jugis said the closeness of the House vote “indicates that we have been successful in raising awareness of the immoral and unethical aspects of embryonic stem-cell research.” “While our opposition to the use of embryos in stem-cell research remains, we will continue to do what we can to promote respect for all human life and research that doesn’t destroy one life to preserve another,” he said. “I pray that our efforts to generate grassroots support for human life will only become stronger and more successful over time,” said Bishop Jugis.
August 10, 2007
14 The Catholic News & Herald
A collection of columns, editorials and viewpoints
The real magic of Harry Potter Inspiring stories emphasize loyalty, integrity, righteousness
I love Harry Potter, but at midnight on the night the last installment, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” came out, I was tucked into bed. Not so my 16year-old daughter, who was standing in line with friends at the local bookstore. She was too old to wear a wizard’s cape or the round glasses or play any of the games — just the book, please, and because of intense competition, at the going rate of 40 percent off. At 3:30 a.m., I woke and went to her room to see how she was doing on her resolve to stay up all night and read. There she was, snuggled amid the blankets, nose buried in Chapter 8. “How is it?” I asked. “It’s great,” she said, emphasizing the last word contentedly. Everybody wanted to read it quickly because nobody wanted the plot ruined for them — which, incidentally, I would never do in this column even though I, too, finished the book. When my son was in fourth grade in our little parish school, he came home one day bursting to tell me about this wonderful book the librarian had previewed for them. Since Mike wasn’t exactly a book worm, I was surprised to see how thrilled he was to be in second place on the list to check it out. Everyone, he said, was vying to read it. The book? “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” I had never heard of it — no one had. But I imagine scenes like that playing out in homes and libraries simultaneously all over a world not yet aware that a phenomenon was at that moment bursting upon it. “Mom, there’s this great new book,” sang millions of little voices spontaneously. Now, if that’s not magic, what is? At first, I eschewed Harry Potter for myself. I read a few pages and closed the book. But finally, one lazy summer night I plunged into the first book, and scarcely was it finished when I was tearing through closets looking for the next one.
Collection a way to show appreciation I noticed in my church bulletin that the annual Priests’ Retirement and Benefits Collection will be taken in all parishes Sept. 8-9. Our diocese has been truly blessed with the recent ordinations of five new priests, not to mention the sacrificial contributions of our veteran and retired priests. The retirement and benefits collection gives us, the faithful, an opportunity to actively show our Christian love and charity for our
For the Journey EFFIE CALDAROLA cns columnist
I was hooked. On the night of the last Harry Potter release, that once-upon-a-time fourth grader was now a 19-year-old, home from college for a summer of working and doing whatever 19-year-olds do on weekends. Curling up in bed with a good book is rarely on that weekend to-do list, and so, although he plans to read “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” he’s taking his time. As each new book came out, there was always someone on the fringe who wanted to convince you Harry encompasses some diabolical plot. He’s a wizard, isn’t he? Doesn’t this embrace the occult? Where’s God in these books? But just recently, I read a Catholic writer who attempted to describe Harry as a Christ metaphor, suffering for the good of all. Whatever the deeper meaning J. K. Rowling had in mind, it’s obvious that the Harry Potter books present a gargantuan struggle between good and evil, between remaining true to oneself and one’s friends, and a corresponding descent to brutality and deathly violence. Each book took us a little deeper into that conflict, with Harry showing a whole generation what loyalty and integrity mean, and what their cost may be. One needn’t find an imprimatur in a work of literature to find God there and a truth that might reveal something of God’s work in our world. Maybe all those millions of singing kids figured that out before we did. Life will never be the same for Harry, who is not so much being redeemed at that moment but rather called, presented with his vocation.
Letters to the Editor current and retired priests. It is my hope that we all make a prayerful commitment of our financial resources to support this worthwhile effort. It is a small way in which we can show our gratitude and appreciation for the priests whose daily sacrifices are made for our benefit. — William J. Barker Charlotte
Protecting God’s creation Change in mentality, lifestyle needed to save planet There’s nothing like a trip to the Rocky Mountains to restore one’s sense of the beauty and magnificence of God’s creation. My wife, Denise, and I spent one glorious week in the spectacular Colorado Rockies to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Just west of Denver, these skyhigh cathedrals of nature give praise to the Almighty. Their steeplelike peaks seem to touch the very heavens. After experiencing these awe-inspiring mountains, how can anyone deny the existence of God? Without question, one of the most beautiful spots on earth is Rocky Mountain National Park. Winding and climbing through the park is Trail Ridge Road — the highest major road in North America. Driving this route was a thrill. Dense mountain forests, hairpin curves and alpine tundra greeted us. At more than 12,000 feet in elevation, there is less oxygen in the air due to a steep drop in the barometric pressure. This causes breathing to become more difficult, but makes the scenery literally breathtaking. At the crest of Trail Ridge Road, we sat in awe on a stone wall overlooking a particularly spectacular mountain dotted with snowfields and alpine lakes. The Rockies comprise some of the most spectacular scenery on earth, but natural beauty is present virtually everywhere. But without care, we quickly take the gift of God’s creation for granted. Obliviousness to our surroundings not only reduces our ability to appreciate the wonder of creation, it can cause us to overlook threats to its very existence. Planet Earth — our home — is in trouble. Dangerous man-made chemicals poured into our waterways, dumped onto our land and spewed into our air over decades have hurt humans, animals and plant life. Even worse, our carbon emissions are now increasing the earth’s temperature. Global warming is no longer a seriously
Catholic connections close to home Regarding the connection between President and Lady Bird Johnson and Catholics (“Catholic Connection,” July 27), there’s another connection — one close to home. Paulist Father Robert Scott of St. Austin Church in Austin, Texas — a friend of the Johnson family — was the first pastor of St. Paul the Apostle Church in Greensboro. Father Scott was well loved by his parishioners and wellrespected by our non-Catholic friends. The Johnson family was blessed to have him in their lives, too. — Carolyn C. Kingman Greensboro
Making a Difference TONY MAGLIANO cns columnist
debatable issue. It is real and threatens to devastate many of our natural treasures. Instead of using the earth responsibly, we have abused it. Our carelessness is bringing illness to our planet and thus to ourselves. Our selfishness may indeed bring catastrophe, if not to ourselves, to our children and grandchildren. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Va t i c a n ’s Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: “It is important that the international community draw up uniform rules that will allow states to exercise more effective control over the various activities that have negative effects on the environment and to protect ecosystems by preventing the risk of accidents.” But laws and international agreements to save the environment — important as they are — are simply not enough. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church further teaches that they “must be accompanied by a growing sense of responsibility as well as an effective change of mentality and lifestyle.” This means we need to start during some things differently. Driving less, recycling, planting trees, reducing water consumption, cutting back on lawn fertilizing, buying local produce, using energy-saving bulbs, turning the winter thermostat back a bit and summer air conditioning up a little are some of the ways each of us can help protect our global home. A healthy earth is not guaranteed. The survival of our planet depends on our willingness to be good stewards of God’s beautiful creation.
Write a Letter to the Editor The Catholic News & Herald welcomes letters from readers. We ask that letters be originals of 250 words or less, pertain to recent newspaper content or Catholic issues, and be in good taste. To be considered for publication, each letter must include the name, address and daytime phone number of the writer for purpose of verification. Letters may be condensed due to space limitations and edited for clarity, style and factual accuracy. The Catholic News & Herald does not publish poetry, form letter or petitions. Items submitted to The Catholic News & Herald become the property of the newspaper and are subject to reuse, in whole or in part, in print, electronic formats and archives. Send letters to Letters to the Editor, The C a t h o l i c N e w s & H e r a l d , P. O . B o x 37267, Charlotte, N.C. 28237, or e-mail
August 10, 2007
The Catholic News & Herald 15
Our way to the future
Reinforcing youths’ revolutionary spirit is crucial “He mourns the loss of dialogue and skillfully ponders how we could have gotten to this point: a place in which there is no conversation, least of which is intelligent conversation; a place that has forgotten truth and accepts misinformation; a place in which this country has lost its way.” This commentary on Al Gore’s book “Assault on Reason” by columnist Michelle Kraus of contains a bombshell: Have we really lost our way? As a campus minister, one thing I learned is that young people hunger for ideals, truthfulness and intelligent dialogue. This is not to say all youth are this conscientious, but rather to contend there is a basic pristine honesty in them. In the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” a young senator, played by Jimmy Stewart, fights for honesty and justice. It touches us because we love the purity of intention of this young man. The senior world is quite different from that of a junior senator. It often involves walking a fine line between being honest and capitulating to half-truths. Frequently it consists of fighting the never-ending battle
of good versus evil. I don’t believe, as Gore does, that we have lost our way, but rather that we are in the age-old battle of trying to keep alive our youthful ideals. I do believe this battle can only be won by the revolution of our youth. Young people love stretching the muscles of their minds. As much as they are portrayed as amoral or immoral, more often than not, they also desire excellence in moral conduct. Gore gives us a good starting point for creating a youth revolution by questioning our ability to have intelligent conversation. Today’s youth must do what youth do best, intelligently question the status quo. For example, is the world of idealism they cherish being stolen from them by an adolescent world of entertainment that is an insult to the high standards they desire to live? Is the abbreviated, instant news they are viewing blunting their youthful, reflective powers? Studies on youth repeatedly demonstrate they are religious even though they may not always attend church services. In fact, some avoid
The Human Side FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK cns columnist
church because it is anything but filled with inspiring thoughts of God. Has the time come to revolt against those who are so politically correct that they want to eliminate God from public life? Has the time come to revolt against those who are stunting the beauty of the divine life of God by presenting God as less than God is? Is there a need to cry for more religious substance, the very basis upon which this country is founded? We have not lost our way! It is in our midst. All we need do is reinforce the idealism and revolutionary spirit of our youth.
The eye in Christian symbolism Q. I have a holy water font from my mother’s belongings, which I know is at least 100 years old. It has the image of an eye on the front of the bowl. What does that mean? I have seen the same image in Masonic buildings. Surely there isn’t any connection, is there? (Missouri) A. You have also seen “the eye” on our dollar bill, with words from the Roman poet Virgil, “He has favored our undertakings”; and “A New Order of the Ages.” The image, with the same words, is on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. From ancient times, sight has been considered the most important of the senses and is connected with light — physical and intellectual, as well as spiritual. As such, it is featured in the iconography of many spiritual traditions. The eye appears frequently in Christian symbolism, often on the wings of what are, in Christian lore, the supreme choir of angels — the cherubim and seraphim — to indicate their angelic wisdom. More often the eye appears alone, perhaps surrounded by sunbeams, or inside a triangle, as a sign of the Blessed Trinity and of God’s presence and providential care wherever we are. This would explain its meaning on your holy water font. In Freemasonry, the sense is somewhat the same. The sign appears over the master’s chair in Masonic lodges to remind members that “The Great Master Builder of All the Worlds” knows
Question Corner FATHER JAMES DIETZEN cns columnist
all hidden knowledge and secrets. It was President Franklin Roosevelt, one of several presidents who were Masons, who ordered the eye icon to be included on the dollar bill in 1938.
Receiving holy Communion Q. I always thought that Communion in the hand began after the second Vatican Council. Our pastor, however, said recently that the custom started centuries ago. Is that correct? (Ohio) A. Receiving holy Communion in our hand goes back to earliest Christian centuries. It was for centuries the only way Christians received the Eucharist. St. Cyril of Jerusalem (died 386 A.D.), for example, many of whose catechism instructions we still have, instructs newly baptized Christians to stretch out both hands, to make “the left
hand a throne for the right hand, which receives the King.” Only after about a thousand years, in fact, during the late middle ages, generally in the 10th and 11th centuries, was the change instituted to receive on the tongue. By this time, the practice of receiving Communion infrequently, perhaps once a year or less, had become well accepted. Communion by anyone but the priest was so rare that some missals of the period don’t even mention Communion for lay people. In response to certain related heresies of the time, the church gradually introduced several liturgical changes to emphasize the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Receiving Communion only on the tongue was one of them. (The elevation of the consecrated bread and wine after the consecration was another.) Our assumption that Communion in the hand is something new is an interesting illustration that we humans tend to think that what we have experienced in our lifetime is the way things “always” were. A lot of significant history happened before we came along. A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about receiving the hly Eucharist is available by sending a self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 3315, Peoria, IL 61612. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or e-mail:
Knowing God created them makes humans great, pope says The Pope Speaks POPE BENEDICT XVI
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Knowing they have been created by God and striving to live united with him make humans great, said Pope Benedict XVI. Returning briefly to the Vatican Aug. 8 for his weekly general audience, the pope dedicated his talk to the life and writings of St. Gregory Nazianzen, the fourth-century doctor of the church. Pope Benedict said that while people should learn from St. Gregory’s theological work, “let us also be moved by the love conveyed in his poetry.” For St. Gregory, the pope said, “theology was not a purely human reflection and even less only the fruit of complicated speculation, but derived from a life of prayer and holiness, from an assiduous dialogue with God.” Pope Benedict said St. Gregory wrote constantly of the primacy of God, a truth that helps human beings recognize their place and purpose in the world. “Without God, man loses his greatness,” he said. “Without God there is no true humanism. So, let us listen to his voice and try to know the face of God.” Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today I want to reflect with you on St. Gregory of Nazianzen, a great theologian, preacher and poet from fourth-century Cappadocia. A friend and admirer of St. Basil, Gregory was inspired to seek baptism and to enter monastic life, devoting himself to prayer, solitude and meditation. He loved to leave behind the things of this world and enter into intimate communion with God, so that the depths of his soul became like a mirror reflecting the divine light. Reluctantly, but in a spirit of obedience, he accepted priestly ordination. He was sent to Constantinople, where he preached his five Orations: beautifully reasoned presentations of the church’s teaching. Known as “the Theologian,” he stressed that theology is more than merely human reflection: it springs from a life of prayer and holiness, from wonder at the marvels of God’s revelation. Gregory was elected bishop of Constantinople and presided over the council that took place in 381, but he encountered so much hostility that he withdrew to lead a life of solitude. His spiritual autobiography from this final period includes some of his most beautiful poetry. As we admire the wisdom with which he defended the church’s doctrine, let us be moved by the love that is conveyed in his poetry.
August 10, 2007
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