Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) is transforming quality, inclusive education for students with a disability by:
▶ Building staff capacity across the region to meet the needs of students with disability in mainstream classrooms.
▶ Continuing to establish a network of Eileen O’Connor Support Classes across the region in existing CSBB Primary and Secondary schools.
▶ Building a K-12 Eileen O’Connor Base School using land located within St Peter’s Tuggerah - in the Central Coast region of the Diocese of Broken Bay.
Eileen O’Connor Catholic School will provide quality Catholic education for students with a disability from Kindergarten to Year 12. Collaborating in the Mission, focusing on human flourishing, using Christ’s example to serve, we believe that every child is a unique individual created by God and valued as an individual learner with strengths, gifts, and talents.
Our flexible and responsive model of education for students with disability is delivered through the structure of a base school and the continuation of building networks of support classes in local parish schools. Catholic Schools Broken Bay has already begun fulfilling part of the vision by the initiation of Eileen O’Connor Support Classes for students with a disability.
Situating support classes within existing school sites promotes interaction and inclusion of students in school events and activities such as sport, carnivals, excursions and concerts.
Transition between the base school and support classes, or support classes and mainstream classrooms will be facilitated.

60,000 more children will be in NSW schools over the next decade.
1 in 12 school-aged children have a disability.

A concept design and fly-through for Eileen O’Connor Base School has been created by Stanton Dahl Architects and includes:
▶ Capacity for 200 students.
▶ Small adult : student ratios (specialist teacher and teaching assistant teams).
▶ 20 General Learning Areas catering for students Kindergarten – Year 12.
▶ Flexible workspaces for Hospitality, TAS, STEM and Creative Arts.
▶ State of the art library.
▶ Sensory indoor and outdoor play spaces.
▶ Learning spaces designed to support collaboration with allied health professionals for tailored interventions and in-class support.
▶ Amenities, storerooms and staffroom.
▶ Co-located on CSBB owned land alongside St Peter’s Catholic College, Tuggerah.

Demand for disability support is growing at four times the rate of enrolment.
1. Why is CSBB developing a K-12 school for students with a disability on this site?
Catholic Schools Broken Bay is a system of schools committed to providing an inclusive model of education for students with disability. Our inclusive model of education focuses on strengths to promote engagement, enable learning growth and flourishing. We know raising a child with disability can have a significant impact on many aspects of family life. There are limited education options on the Central Coast with many students and families travelling to the Sydney Metropolitan area on a daily basis. CSBB is committed to providing these services to local families.
2. Why is the school designed with a car park entry and perimeter walled areas rather than an open entry with visual connections into the school?
The school has been designed to meet the needs of students. This requires safe, easy, level access for student/carer drop-offs and pick-ups. The design of the school responds to the unique needs of the student group requiring a wide range of environmental supports including quiet and low stimulation areas. There are also design elements to reduce noise impacts on the adjacent neighbours.
3. What is the planning approval pathway?
Due to the size, location and capital investment the project is considered to be a State Significant Development (SSD).
Further information on the SSD process can be found on the Major Projects website: https://www.planning. nsw.gov.au/assess-and-regulate/state-significantprojects
4. How long will the planning process take?
There will be a period of public exhibition for the project with the assessment process taking six to nine months.
5. When will construction start?
The estimated timing for works to commence on-site is 2026.
6. When will the school be operational?
The school is already operational with students receiving tuition in other CSBB schools. Once the school facility is built additional students will receive their education at the site with day one operations planned to commence early 2028.
7. How can I enrol my child?
Enrolments are accepted through the CSBB or Eileen O’Connor Catholic School website.
8. How much traffic will be generated once the school is operational?
We are working with traffic consultants to determine the level of traffic the school will generate. The design of the school accommodates the drop off and pick-up of students by parents/carers in a safe manner.
CSBB will consult with Council and Transport NSW on traffic solutions for the school
9. How will the school and local community be kept up to date with project developments?
We’ll continue to keep you informed through the existing project and school channels. As works advance, we’ll share information through project updates, works notifications, information sessions, newsletters, email and phone.
All major project communications will be shared on CSBB’s dedicated project webpage. While the school will also share updates intended for the school community on its own webpage.
for any further enquires or to provide feedback, scan the QR code