TRANSFORMING THE APPROACH Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) is transforming quality, inclusive education for students with a disability by: ▶ Building staff capacity across the region to meet the needs of students with disability in mainstream classrooms. ▶ Establishing a network of Eileen O’Connor Support Classes across the region in existing CSBB Primary and Secondary schools. ▶ Building a K-12 Eileen O’Connor Base School using land located within St Peter’s Tuggerah - in the Central Coast region of the Diocese of Broken Bay.
Eileen O’Connor School will provide an inclusive model of education in action - in purpose-built facilities focusing on student strengths and high expectations for learning growth. Learning will be tailored to individual differences through systematic delivery of contemporary innovative curriculum to meet the needs of students with disability. The establishment of Eileen O’Connor Base School and Support Classes will broaden CSBB facilities and support for students with disability, affording parents with enrolment options tailored to the specific needs of their children. Creating a flexible and responsive model of education for students with disability.
60,000 more 1 in 12 children will be school-aged in NSW schools children over the next have a disability. decade.
Demand for disability support is growing at four times the rate of enrolment.
BUILDING THE NETWORK AND ENHANCING TEACHER CAPACITY Situating Support Classes within existing school sites promotes interaction and inclusion of students in school events and activities such as sport, carnivals, excursions and concerts. Transition between the Base School and Support Classes, or Support Classes and mainstream classrooms will be facilitated.
EILEEN O'CONNOR BASE SCHOOL A concept design and fly-through for Eileen O’Connor Base School has been created by Stanton Dahl Architects and includes: ▶ Capacity for 200 students. ▶ Small adult : student ratios (specialist teacher and teaching assistant teams). ▶ 20 General Learning Areas catering for 2 streams of Kindergarten – Year 6 and a single stream Years 7-12. ▶ Flexible workspaces for Kitchen, TAS/STEAM, Visual Arts. ▶ State of the art Library. ▶ Sensory indoor and outdoor play spaces. ▶ Complimentary learning spaces to support collaboration with allied health professionals for tailored interventions and in-class support.
EARLY YEARS EDUCATION POSSIBILITIES Early years education plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for a child’s overall development. CSBB is committed to reducing achievement gaps for all students by providing a suite of universal screeners alongside assessment data at regular intervals, to ensure those who require additional support or intervention are identified early. CSBB is also exploring expanding the registration and enrolment of the Eileen O’Connor School to include Early Intervention for students 4-5 years old in their pre-school years. This will provide specialised support and services for infants and young children with disability and/or developmental delay, and their families, to promote development, wellbeing, and community participation.
EILEEN O’CONNOR SCHOOL Learner diversity matters
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2023 Edition