The Eucharist
Annunciation Catholic Church & Ascension Mission 2022 STEWARDSHIP RENEWAL
The Eucharist
O U R LOV E A N D O U R L I F E The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. The other sacraments, and indeed all ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented towards it (paragraph 1324).” While many of us were already familiar with this description of the Eucharist as the “source and summit” of our Catholic faith, we have now experienced this truth for ourselves — on a deep and personal level. Because we have all recently gone through a season away from Mass due to the coronavirus, we have all felt the profound deprivation of life without the privilege of sacramental Communion. Perhaps we can now see that in this deprivation our all-loving God was offering us a precious, though painful gift, one that we are only beginning to unwrap — the profound realization that the Eucharist truly is the source and summit of our life. Yes, absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. Don’t our hearts now burn with new love and longing for this Sacrament of Love? Don’t we realize now, as never before, what a treasure we have in all the sacraments of the Church, in the fellowship of our parish family, in the simple acts of service we can offer to each other? We know now because we have experienced it for ourselves, that the Eucharist truly is Our Love and Our Life. At Annunciation Church and Ascension Mission, we have embraced stewardship as a way of life for our parish family. Because the Eucharist is at the center of our Faith, it is also at the center of our stewardship way of life. As we enter into this time of Renewal in the wake of such a challenging time, we can never be quite the same. We have all been affected in some form or fashion by the pandemic. So, let us put the hard-fought lessons we have learned to great use. Let us focus with new intensity on the Eucharist as our love and our life, offering our gratitude to the Giver of this priceless Gift with concrete commitments of Time, Talent, and Treasure.
“ When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus
loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host you understand how much Jesus loves you now,”
— St. Teresa of Calcutta
Time “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.” (John 6: 55-57) Just as our bodies need healthy physical nourishment to survive and thrive, so, too do our spiritual lives require nourishment. We are called to use the gift of time above all to nourish our souls. We must take an honest look at ourselves. Do we put our spiritual life first or do we focus more on the cares of the world or escape from those cares? Do we use our time to obtain the lasting “food” of good spiritual nourishment that Christ and the Church offer to us? When we commit time each day to seeking spiritual food, our loving and generous Father will transform our lives. How will you commit to using your time in the year ahead so that God can truly feed you?
Consider these ideas to help you get started: • Plan to attend one extra Mass each week or making a visit to Jesus in the Tabernacle on Fridays. • Prepare yourself for Sunday Mass by reflecting ahead of time as a family on the lectionary readings that will be proclaimed. Even five or ten minutes will change you! • Commit to saying grace before meals and have every family member mention one way they were “fed” by God that day. • Every night before bed, pray slowly and lovingly the prayer that Jesus himself taught us, the “Our Father.”
Talent “The Mass is never ended, let us now go…” Since I was a newly ordained priest, this is how I’ve always ended my Masses. A lot of people get struck by this instruction because of its truthfulness and essence in relation to the Eucharist. Of course, the celebration of the ritual of the Mass ends with the dismissal. But the end of the holy Mass is just the beginning of the mission as the people, commissioned, go out of the church to be sent out into the world, the battlefield of life – to their jobs, families, peers, in the school, community and civic affairs to carry out the mission of the Lord.” The Eucharist, being the highest form of prayer in the Catholic church, provides a spirituality to nourish and sustain us in this mission. That spirituality is the spirituality of work, a spirituality that is based not so much on getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life as it is on raising our awareness of the presence of God in the midst of that very hustle and bustle and allowing that awareness to change how we think, decide, act and live our lives. The Church has a great mission to offer anyone willing to accept it. It is none other than the mission of Jesus of Nazareth, to bring about the kingdom of God “on earth as it is in heaven,” by ‘Eucharistifying’ the world.
Pray about the following possibilities: • We have all now, to some degree, experienced what life is like for our homebound parish family members. Perhaps join a ministry dedicated to serving their needs. • We have gone without the beauty of attending Mass in person. Consider serving in a ministry that makes our Church or our liturgies more beautiful. • Parents and children have perhaps spent much more time together in these past months. Instead of taking one another for granted, commit to a daily extra act of service toward a family member as a concrete way to serve the Lord. • If you remain homebound, we value and need your talents! Consider ways you can serve right from home — helping with phone calls or emails for a ministry or offering skills like sewing or baking for parish events. 4
Treasure “From the very beginning Christians have brought, along with the bread and wine for the Eucharist, gifts to share with those in need. The custom of the collection, ever appropriate, is inspired by the example of Christ who became poor to make us rich” (CCC paragraph 1351). For the true steward, money has a spiritual component. When used according to God’s will, our income becomes a sort of prayer — which demonstrates our love and gratitude to God, and our real trust in His plan for our lives. Our spending habits are also a reflection of who and what we truly love. God asks us to love Him above all else. Do we?
Try challenging yourself in the following ways this year: • Take a look at your current spending habits, and assess what expenses are preventing you from offering your treasure more selflessly. • Ask yourself if your family budget reflects what you most love in this life so that your spending is a reflection of that love. • Commit to giving a percentage of your income to God through the parish offertory as an expression of your love for the God withholds nothing of Himself from us.
2022 Ministries
P I L L A R S O F S T E WA R D S H I P As a faith family collaboratively responding to the call for discipleship, we strive to be a community of Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service in the way we gather, celebrate, get transformed and serve. In sharing generously of our Talent, Time and Treasure, we grow in His love and wisdom — the stewardship way of life.
Pastoral Council
The parish Pastoral Council is the primary consultative body in the parish that advises and assists the pastor on pastoral matters and in carrying out the Church’s mission in the parish in order to foster pastoral care and execute pastoral action. Chair: Fred Costanzo, 703-967-7059,
worship of the Church which functions to give honor and praise to God, and to obtain sanctification, through the Eucharistic Sacrifice and the administration of other sacraments, or sacramentals.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest at our liturgical celebrations. Youth who have received First Holy Communion may participate in this ministry as well as adults. Training is provided. Waimea: Allison Aganus, 808-315-3666, Puako: Flo Figuerres, 808-640-7823, 6
Choir & Music Ministry
Environment Ministry
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound (Pastoral Care of the Sick)
Choir & Music Ministry members uplift and enhance our liturgical celebrations. Singers and musicians of all skill levels and backgrounds are welcome. As St. Augustine said, “He who sings prays twice.” This ministry meets once a week to practice. Volunteers may attend any Mass they choose. Waimea and Puako: Lisa Wells 808-885-0945,
Environment Ministry prepares the worship space to align with liturgical seasons (Ordinary Time, Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter). Waimea: Darlene Walencewicz, 808-238-5566, Puako: Leader needed
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. Waimea: Cynthia Esaki, 808-885-7445,; Jose Salinas, 808-938-1021, Puako: Ginger McBride, 808-217-0156,; Pete Walencewicz, 714-366-9094,
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at our Masses and special occasion liturgical celebrations. Waimea: Toni McPeek, 808-987-8515 (Sundays); Jessica Pavao, 808-936-3255 (Saturdays) Puako: Roxanne Pung, 808-882-7669,; Pat Sanford, 562-244-9458,
Led by the pastor, Ministry to the Sick and Homebound are primarily trained Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to do pastoral care by visiting and bringing the Eucharist to those who are sick, homebound, in the hospital or in nursing care facilities, and hospice patients in our neighborhood. Waimea and Puako: Fr. Tony Pangan, 808-887-1220
Sacristans work in harmony with the pastor and undertake the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations — specifically, the things necessary in the celebration of the Mass. Waimea: Patty Higaki, 808-938-1793,; Rolina Kiyota, 808-640-5460, Puako: Pat Sanford, 562-244-9458; Joan Walske, 808-936-3877,
in activities that instill the week’s readings. Waimea and Puako: Jane Aganus, 808-887-1203,
Children’s Religious Education Ushers
Ushers assist parishioners before, during and after Masses. Duties include welcoming and escorting church members and guests to pews, collecting the offertory, and distributing bulletins. Waimea: Dean Fujitani, 808-365-2194, Puako: Pete Walencewicz, 714-366-9094,
Formation Committee develops long-range plans and implements the total Christian educational/ formational programs of the parish providing for a comprehensive approach for all ages and stages in life which includes sacramental preparation, adult and family ministry, youth ministry, school ministry and child ministry. SCHOOL OF RELIGION
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Temporarily on hold)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is provided every Sunday morning at the 8 a.m. Waimea Mass for children to hear the Word of God in relatable terms for their young lives. A catechist leads the children 8
Children’s Religious Education introduces and instills basic principles of our faith and encourages them to live like Jesus throughout their lives. This program formally prepares them for reception of the sacraments. Training is provided for catechists, adult aides and teenage helpers. Catechists are responsible for lesson preparation and presentation. Adult aides and teen helpers assist the catechists during Religious Education classes. Waimea and Puako: Jane Aganus, 808-887-1203 SPIRITUAL AND ADULT FAITH FORMATION
Bible Study Ministry
This ministry explores how the Old Testament and New Testament shed light on each other. We take a journey through the various books of the Bible and discover how these two testaments help us to understand God’s plan for our salvation. Study sessions are online via zoom every Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m. Waimea and Puako: Michael Cromwell, 808-443-3950,; Terry Cromwell,
Evangelization Ministry
This ministry explores the various ways of evangelizing in the 21st century with a series of workshops featuring study courses, lectures and videos that will inspire all of us to proclaim the Good News of salvation using a contemporary approach in the secular world culture we live in today. Study course will be once a week for 90 minutes. Dates TBD. Waimea and Puako: Michael Cromwell, 808-443-3950,; Terry Cromwell,
Marriage and Family Life
This Marriage and Family Life Ministry assists by conducting programs and activities which strengthen marriage and the family, and by providing education and advocacy on issues related to the sanctity of marriage and family life. Waimea and Puako: Tom and Sara Heath, 864-787-6797,
Pre-Baptismal Catechesis Group
The Pre-Baptismal Catechesis Team prepares the parents and godparents who want to have their child/children baptized in order to instill the significance and meaning of the rite, as well as the importance of witnessing to an active Christian life. The team also supports the parents and godparents to be primary religious educators of their children who should be raised in a setting where the family becomes a domestic Church, a place where faith is taught and lived both in word and in deed. Waimea and Puako: Darlene Walencewicz, 808-238-5566,
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a consecutive 24-week study of the Catholic faith, worship and morals. The impetus is to prepare those who have come forward and desire to become Catholic for the Sacraments of Initiation — Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Currently meeting via Zoom on Mondays from 6-7:30 p.m. Waimea and Puako: Michael Cromwell, 808-443-3950,; Terry Cromwell,
Youth Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry provides social activities, service opportunities and fellowship for young adults from ages 18 through 35. This ministry is intended to provide spiritual fellowship and support for singles, as well as those who are married. Waimea and Puako: Leader needed
Youth Ministry provides activities, service opportunities and faith formation activities for our parish youth from sixth through eighth grade and ninth through 12th grade. This ministry provides a safe, loving and accepting environment, while sponsoring a wide range of activities designed to promote the spiritual, social and service components integral to effective Catholic youth ministry. Waimea and Puako: Jane Aganus 808-887-1203; Liz Chock, 808-987-5630,
Stewardship Council
The Stewardship Council advises the pastor and other parish groups on how to promote the Stewardship Way of Life in all facets of the parish. This is done through the extension of hospitality, promotion of prayer, emphasizing Catholic formation, and increasing the activities of service to others. Members are appointed by the pastor. Waimea and Puako: Fr. Tony Pangan, 808-887-1220
justice committee is responsible for the social mission of the parish both within and outside parish boundaries by responding to the currents needs through local service projects.
Food Pantry
The Annunciation Community Food Pantry provides food assistance to those in our community and surrounding neighborhoods. Food box distributions are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 8:30-10 a.m. Packing of boxes is on Sundays at 9 a.m. for one hour. Volunteer shoppers are needed weekly. Waimea and Puako: Maile Lincoln, 808-895-3168,
Giving Tree
Our Angel Giving Tree collects and distributes gifts at Christmas to our two Kupuna Housing units in Waimea. Volunteers create gift tags for the trees, collect and wrap all items, distribute gifts and sing Christmas carols on a Saturday in December. Children, youth and adults are invited to join us. Waimea and Puako: Leader needed
Hunger Free Keiki (Currently Inactive)
Hunger Free Keiki Ministry Team packs weekend food totes for keiki in need by partnering with the Waimea, Waikoloa and Honoka’a school districts. Waimea and Puako: Allison Aganus, 808-315-3666,
Respect Life
Respect Life promotes prayer, education, support services, action and public witness for the sacredness of human life from womb to tomb. Special events are planned for Respect Life Month and the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We also pray the Rosary weekly. Waimea and Puako: Mary Erickson, 808-887-1220,; Celeste Tanodra, 808-936-7152,
communications and public relations committee is responsible for developing and maintaining good relationships between parishioners and the parish organizations, other parishes and the public.
New Parishioner Welcome Ministry
The New Parishioner Welcome Ministry greets new parishioners to foster a more vibrant and involved faith community. This ministry hosts the monthly hospitality Sundays, which embraces all parishioners in fellowship. Waimea: Liz Chock, 808-987-5630, Puako: Darlene Walencewicz, 808-238-5566,
Parish Picnic (Temporarily on hold)
Parish Picnic Volunteers help organize and facilitate two Parish Picnics per year to encourage fellowship amongst our parishioners and guests. Waimea and Puako: Maile Lincoln, 808-895-3168,
Finance Council
The Finance Council advises the pastor and is responsible for the administration of the financial affairs of the parish. Waimea and Puako: Mike Hoover, 808-896-2479,
COMMITTEES OF THE FINANCE COUNCIL Building and Maintenance Committee
The Building and Maintenance Committee is tasked to preserve the parish assets and plan upgrades and expansion by overseeing the entire church property, including the residential facilities in both communities of Waimea and Puako. They keep up with maintenance, various repairs, new projects, construction, and services that happen in and on the property. Waimea and Puako: Herb Antone, 808-896-1581,
Cemetery Maintenance Group
The Cemetery Maintenance Group cares for our parish cemetery at Church Row in Waimea. This group is responsible for disposing of dead flowers and trimming grass around headstones. Members bring their own yard tools and will be on a biweekly schedule. Heavy workdays happen twice a year. Waimea and Puako: Tom Kelly, 808-990-3612,
Collection Counters
They count and prepare the Sunday offerings of the faithful for deposit each week. Training is required. The time commitment is once a week for 90 minutes, for one month, three times a year. Waimea and Puako: Rhonda Peck, 808-989-4184,; Mae Souza, 808-885-6211,
Financial Administration
Financial Administration assists in drawing up a clear and accurate inventory of the parish temporal goods, establishes an annual parish budget for approval by the pastor, ensures prompt payment of all parish accounts and maintenance of appropriate accounting records, monitors the parish revenue flow and establishes long-range fiscal plans, etc. Waimea and Puako: Fr. Anthony Pangan, 808-887-1220,
Other Organizations Confraternity of the Holy Rosary
The Rosary Confraternity is a spiritual association, the members of which strive to pray 20 decades of the Rosary each week. They form a union of countless hundreds of thousands of the faithful throughout the world who, along with their own intentions, include the intentions and needs of all its members, while they in turn pray for them. Waimea and Puako: Dennis “Devo” Voss, 808-345-3409,
Knights of Columbus
The K of C is a global Catholic fraternal service organization composed of practicing Catholic men. Guided by the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism, members fulfill their mission and faith in God through works of charity, support of the Church, and by upholding the moral and social teaching of the Church, and many more. Waimea and Puako: Dennis “Devo” Voss, 808-345-3409,
Other Groups Bereavement Ministry
Bereavement Ministry provides support and guidance to individuals and families in planning and coordinating their loved one’s funeral liturgy. Waimea and Puako: Geri Bell, 808-885-7810,; Pat Lee, 808-885-4602,
Church Cleaners
Church Cleaners are an integral part of keeping our church pristine and sanitized. Cleaning supplies and tools are provided. Time commitment varies. We are always in need of more volunteers. Waimea: Mary Erickson, 808-887-1220,; Dian Burroughs, 808-238-0582, Puako: Carrie Voss, 808-345-2156,; Joan Walske,
Crisis Intervention Team
As an usher in God’s house, the members of the Crisis Intervention Team are the first responders and leaders of maintaining a safe environment during Mass or any other celebrations/ gatherings in the church in case of emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, bomb threats, active shooters and medical situations. Crisis Manager: Dennis “Devo” Voss, 808-345-3409, Waimea: Lilli Hitt, 808-769-4336,; Toni McPeek, 808-896-5155, Puako: Adrienne Peck, 808-512-3738,
Eucharistic Adorers
Eucharistic adorers pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, our bishop and families worldwide in the Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Join fellow parishioners in this century-old Eucharistic devotion of prayer and adoration every Friday from 7:308:30 a.m. Drop-ins are always welcome. Waimea: Celeste Tanodra, 808-936-7152,; Janice Brencick, 808-885-9393,
Hall Cleaners
Hall Cleaners keep our parish hall, bathrooms, and our old church building neat and tidy for parish functions, Religious Education, and workshops. This ministry performs services once a month. Cleaning supplies and tools are provided. Waimea: Leader needed
JOY (Just Older Youth)
Catholic Women and men meet regularly in Waikoloa Village for an afternoon of fun, fellowship and tea with a splash of Church readings, topped with the Rosary. Come meet other kupuna parishioners and share your Catholic faith. Waimea and Puako: Darlene Walencewicz, 808-238-5566,
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Prayer Blanket ministers are asked to sew, knit or crochet blankets while praying for the person who will receive the blanket. Instructions and materials are provided. Blankets will be prayed over at Mass and taken to the hospital. Donations of materials greatly appreciated. Waimea and Puako: Lisa Wells, 808-333-6304,
Prayer Warriors
Prayer Warriors offer support to parishioners, our community, and the world through the power of prayer. Warriors will be contacted when a request is made for someone who may be afraid, sick, facing a crisis or in need of prayers for any reason. Requests are passed along to the group members via email and/or text. To sign up, visit: beaprayerwarrior; To make a prayer request visit: annunciationprayerrequest Waimea and Puako: Pat Sanford, 562-244-9458,
Rosary Group (Temporarily on hold)
The Rosary Group invites parishioners to pray the Rosary regularly in a group setting. This is a powerful way to foster a relationship with our Mother Mary. Waimea: Cathy Elliazar, 808-896-4919,; Dian Burroughs, 808-238-0582, Puako: Darlene Walencewicz, 808-238-5566,
Saturday Work Group
This ministry maintains the church grounds. Work involves mowing, landscaping, hedge trimming, and minor maintenance projects are included, as well as extra cleaning of church buildings as needed. Waimea and Puako: Toni McPeek, 808-987-8515
Tech Ministry
As an offshoot of the restrictions during this time of the pandemic, the Tech Ministry is a new group organized in the parish. Members are tasked with computerbased responsibilities: to create PowerPoints, run the projector, make visual backgrounds and video loops, image slides for pre-service announcements, various videos, several songs, live-streaming and many other computer or other social mediarelated concerns. Waimea and Puako: Fred Costanzo, 808-498-4375,; Mark Rebellon, 808-747-6492,
Call to Action Every member of this parish family has been called by God to be here, in this time and in this place, for a reason — to be loved by Him and to love Him and others in return. He has given us Love itself in the Eucharist. Let us love Him in return with our Time, our Talents, and our Treasure, so that we can truly say the Eucharist is our Love and our Life!
Annunciation Catholic Church & Ascension Mission 65-1235 Kawaihae Rd. • Waimea, HI 96743 • 808-887-1220 16
Please Keep Until Winter 2023