2 minute read
Meet Parishioner Joyce Ulmer: A Rewarding Life of Dedicated Stewardship
We never know just what moments in life might make a lasting impression on our spiritual growth and the way we view our faith. For parishioner Joyce Ulmer, participating in a "Passion Play" many years ago remains a powerful memory that continues to inspire her to pursue an intentional discipleship to this day.
“In my hometown of Glen Ullin, the pastor had a Passion Play every year,” Joyce recalls. “When I was in high school, I was a part of the play. I didn’t have a speaking part, but I carried the water when the Lord washed the apostles’ feet and I was in the crowd waving palms. That Passion is still in my mind, especially when we read it at Lent. It has really stuck with me.”
With her strong Catholic upbringing and positive early experiences in the Church, Joyce has always maintained a vibrant faith life. When she and her husband, Jim, moved to this area in 1983, they joined Ascension and became active here. Joyce has long been a member of the Ladies of Ascension, Catholic Daughters and our Environment Committee, and helps with funeral luncheons and Meals on Wheels. Together, she and Jim have helped with Ascension’s Spring Dinner for several years.
Jim joined the Catholic Church before he and Joyce married in 1964. The couple raised their three children in the Church and sent them to Catholic schools. Fifty-six years and 11 grandchildren later, Joyce is grateful for the gift of a shared faith in her life with Jim.
“It’s worth every minute of it,” she says. “Jim and I go to Mass all the time. We used to go weekdays as often as we could. We do everything together since we’ve retired. It’s just like we’re together at the hip — when you see one of us, you see the other!”
When she is not with Jim, Joyce can often be found serving alongside her fellow parishioners.
She finds joy in the fellowship that comes with parish involvement.
“I enjoy the mingling when you’re helping,” Joyce says. “When you’re doing funeral luncheons or decorating, you’re with friends. We’re all people of God, and we try to help each other whenever we can. We’re always there for each other, so I think that helps.”
For Joyce, the rewards of stewardship are many. Whether it is the comforting peace she finds in the empty sanctuary as she cleans the votive candles or the bright smile on the face of someone receiving a Meals on Wheels delivery, she always feels blessed by serving.
At the beginning and end of each day, Joyce expresses her profound gratitude for all God has given her. continued on back cover
“I thank God every day for what I have,” she says. “I don’t always say something in particular, but often I say, ‘Thank you for everything You have given me.’ I try to do it each night before I fall asleep. And there is one prayer I say every morning — ‘Good morning, dear God, I offer to You my thoughts, words, and actions and all that I do.’”
Here at Ascension, we are blessed to have so many parishioners who, like Joyce, seek to live an intentional and active discipleship each and every day!