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Leading the Little Ones: An Inside Look at Our Faith Formation Program Volunteers

It’s been said that there’s no better way to learn than to teach. And while it can be easy to see teachers as the “experts,” in many cases, both the student and the educator journey together, each learning along the way. For those who serve our parish as Faith Formation catechists, this is their story — learning and growing closer to God, as they walk alongside the children of our parish.

Parishioner Noreen Peliska is a parent who responded to the call for catechists last year, working with seventh-graders in our Faith Formation program.


“It was a wonderful experience,” Noreen says. “It was a joy to share my faith in that way. I love children and to have the opportunity to bring the faith to them — in whatever way I can — that’s a joy for me.”

This year, catechists and assistant catechists are needed to serve in our weekly Faith Formation program, beginning with our new kindergarten program, through ninth grade. The classes meet weekly, on Wednesday evenings, during the school year.

“I think that anyone with a heart for the faith and a heart for children would be a great catechist,” says Jessica Mattson, former Director of Faith Formation. “It’s not necessarily someone who has professional experience teaching — although that’s wonderful. I find that a good catechist is someone who enjoys teaching — someone who loves their faith so much that they want to share it with the next generation.”

Those wishing to serve as catechists must go through Safe Environment training, as well as participate in a catechist workshop and retreat, designed to empower them and give them all the resources they need to be successful in the classroom. Jessica hopes that parents of children in our program will give special consideration to serving in this way.

“I think that’s an incredibly beautiful witness for their children to see, as well as an opportunity for them to grow in their faith and be able to share that at home,” Jessica says. “And it’s joyful and awe-inspiring to see those gears moving in a child’s brain.”

In addition to those who serve our Faith Formation program as catechists and assistant catechists, volunteers are needed to serve as hall monitors during classes, as well as Faith Formation event volunteers, to help with special events such as our grill-outs, feast day celebrations, family movie nights, and more.

Noreen encourages parishioners who may be feeling a tug at their hearts to consider serving the parish and sharing their faith in our Faith Formation program.

“Do not be afraid,” Noreen says. “Prayerfully consider it and if it keeps mulling over in your brain and doesn’t go away, it’s probably the Lord speaking to you. Go with it and don’t be afraid.”

“Pray about it and if you’re feeling that tug, I think God is speaking to you and you should act on that tug,” Jessica says. “I think a lot of people let the fear of ‘What if I can’t answer all the questions?’ or ‘What if I find the material difficult or boring?’ stop them. There’s a lot of ‘what ifs’ but you won’t know unless you try, and most people who’ve tried it really love it.”

If you would like more information, or to become involved in our parish as a volunteer with our Faith Formation program, please contact our Faith Formation Office at 701-258-5692.

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