February 2022
Saints \
A Stewardship Parish
Volume 19, Issue 2
Our Annual Lenten Mission
Inside 2 Stewardship:
Becoming Fishers of Men and Women
3 The Word of God:
How Do We Hear It? And How Do We Respond to It?
4 The Respect Life
Ministry Making a Difference and Upholding the Sanctity of Life
Valentine’s Day he Feast of a T Christian Martyr
7 Why Do Catholic Schools Exist?
Our Parish Newsletter: Spreading the news of Christ at work in our community.
Entering Into the History and Spirituality of the Mass
he sacred season of Lent is an ideal time to renew our spiritual lives, reflect on the passion of Jesus Christ, and to deepen our relationship with Him. While it is often thought of as a time to give up something in our life, it can also be a time to take on something new, such as growing in understanding of our Catholic faith. One way parishioners might consider doing this is through our parish’s annual Lenten Mission. Our former pastor, Fr. Tom Cloherty, will lead this year’s Lenten Mission from March 8 through March 10 at our parish. Fr. Tom Cloherty looks forward to “Lent provides us with a beautiful joining All Saints for this year’s annual opportunity liturgically,” Fr. Tom says. “It Lenten Mission. All are welcome to helps people to carry out that resolve to attend and learn about the spirituality and history of the Mass. deepen their relationship with the Lord.” The main theme of the mission is the history and spirituality of the Mass. The mission takes place over the course of three one-hour evenings, from Tuesday through Thursday. On the first two evenings, Fr. Tom will bring participants through the history and development of the liturgy and spirituality of the Mass. On the final evening, he will accompany Fr. Garrett, continued on back cover
“Lent provides us with a beautiful opportunity liturgically. It helps people to carry out that resolve to deepen their relationship with the Lord.” — Fr. Tom Cloherty