All Saints Catholic Church Newsletter — May 2022

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May 2022

Saints \

A Stewardship Parish

Volume 19, Issue 5


Parishioners John and Barb Meyer Receive Bishop’s Award for Service to Church

2 The Church is More

Blessed to Contribute to God and Community

than a Building — It is Our Spiritual Home

3 The Month of Mary:

A Time for Celebration and Joy

4 Our All Saints

Moms Group Traveling the Journey of Motherhood Together


The Rosary: Our Lady’s Lasso

7 A Better Way:

Advocating Friendship, Acceptance and Belonging for Those Living with Mental Illness

Our Parish Newsletter: Spreading the news of Christ at work in our community.


or the first time in over three decades, John Meyer could not sing with the All Saints choir when in-person Masses temporarily ceased during the pandemic. He and his wife, Barb, acutely felt the loss of their in-person parish community, for they have always sought ways to give back according to the different phases of their lives. “It would simply be wasteful to not use our time, talent, and treasure to make others’ lives better if we can,” John says. “We have the time and the physical health. We have enough of our own. Contributing to the community seems natural and what the Lord wants of us.” All Saints parishioners John and This year, John and Barb were honored to be two of the Barb Meyer recipients of the Bishop’s Award for Service to the Church. The award recognizes laypeople whose stewardship is essential to ministries within the Diocese of Dallas. “I would say we were extremely surprised when we were notified that we had received the award,” Barb says. “We know that the people who receive this award are giving so much of their time and giving generously and happily. We never expected that some of the people we work with in different ministries would put our names forward.” In August of 1979, John and Barb moved to Richardson, Texas, and began to visit different Catholic churches in the area. They went to St. Paul and St. Mark, and then someone mentioned All Saints. When their boys finished religious education at St. Paul in 1980, they formally joined All Saints. “We felt the most welcome and the most comfortable at All Saints,” Barb says. “Everyone was just so nice and friendly, so we decided to join, and we’ve been there ever since.” In the beginning, John and Barb began giving back together through working with religious education at the parish. Then John joined the parish choir, and Barb became an Extraordinary continued on page 5

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