The SACRISTAN Ministry
he Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the beating heart of the Church’s prayer and life. At Mass, Heaven and Earth unite and our Lord Jesus is present in flesh and spirit. Such sacred moments demand much preparation. The Sacristan Ministry is devoted to the logistical preparations of Mass, which include arranging all the holy vessels for Mass, setting up the altar, and assisting the priest in other small ways so that the Mass is celebrated smoothly. “Being a sacristan is a great service for the Lord,” says Vicky Stickney. “This is a ministry which serves Jesus directly.” Vicky is a sacristan for St. John and has been preparing the altar and setting up for Mass for the last couple of years. She views the ministry as an extension of her stewardship spirituality. “It is a sacrifice of time,” she says. “I get to Church about 20 minutes early so that I can take my time and make sure everything is set in its proper place for Mass. This time is spent with Jesus. It is a time of service and prayer for me.” The Sacristan Ministry has several members who share the responsibilities of preparing for the many Masses that span the whole Antigo area. “We have an amazing team,” Vicky says. Cathy Strobel has been a sacristan for Sts. Mary and Hyacinth for a little over a year. “Fr. Joel asked me and I immediately said ‘yes’, Cathy says. “It puts me in the right frame of mind for Mass. The whole job of being a sacristan is very special to me and has been a true blessing.” Together the sacristans set a schedule that assigns each member
Sacristans Cathy Strobel and Vicky Stickney
to prepare Masses that they typically attend. If a scheduling conflict arises, the team members help cover each other’s assignments as needed. The service that the Sacristan Ministry provides positively affects the entire parish. By cleaning the vessels and cloths that are used in Mass, preparing the altar, and setting up the liturgical books such as the missal and the
lectionary, the sacristans free the priest to prepare for Mass in other ways. Often, a priest will use this time for personal prayer. Sometimes, priests will reflect upon the Mass readings and listen to the Holy Spirit to inspire their homilies or even use this time to administer other sacraments like the Sacrament of Penance. “Father does not have to worry