Antigo Area Catholic Churches Newsletter — April 2022

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Getting to Know Parishioner Mary Brennecke Embracing Service as a Vital Component of Life with Christ


ur faith in Christ is something to be lived, not simply something to observe. Parishioner Mary Brennecke believes in the importance of serving our community as a vital component of life with Christ. “Without participating in the ministries and joining in the other parish activities, it is like going to a movie — not that you shouldn’t go to a movie — only you’re with a group of strangers,” Mary says. “Jesus wants us to join with others in prayer, but also in communion with each other.” Dedicated to several ministries in our parish community, Mary knows what it means to be actively involved in parish life. She joined as a parishioner of St. John the Evangelist Parish 38 years ago and quickly integrated into the parish. Mary joined the Petition Committee in 1984. At the time, the committee didn’t have the same kinds of resources we now have for choosing current petitions, so she remembers it being a bit of a challenge. “We were very dedicated to our task,” Mary says. The Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound is the

An EMHC to the Homebound meeting

Mary Brennecke (center) at a Mass intention meeting

ministry that Mary holds closest to her heart. Through this ministry, she has had the opportunity to take the Eucharist to those near death. “Not all were able to fully participate, but for them and their spouses and caregivers, it was a blessed moment,” Mary says. She recalls one instance in which she was also present for the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. “What a privilege to serve these people,” Mary says. “It was such an opportunity to visit with them and hear a little about their lives.” For many years, Mary served also as a Eucharistic continued on back cover

“Without participating in the ministries and joining in the other parish activities, it is like going to a movie — not that you shouldn’t go to a movie — only you’re with a group of strangers. Jesus wants us to join with others in prayer, but also in communion with each other.” — MARY BRENNECKE 7

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