Welcoming Fr. George Dan
“Wherever I Go, I Ser
Fr. George Daniel
ust after Thanksgiving, we were blessed by the arrival of Fr. George Daniel in our church community. Fr. Daniel comes to our Antigo Area Catholic Churches with the experience and wisdom of 31 years as a priest. As a community, we are looking forward to getting to know Fr. Daniel. As a young man, Fr. Daniel didn’t expect the priesthood to be in his future. In fact, he says he was rather lukewarm in his faith. “I would go to church but never thought of becoming a priest,” he says. However, his family had a very
Fr. Daniel was ordained in Pakistan on October 19, 1990.
strong faith and there were frequently priests and religious brothers and sisters coming to his home to visit his father. Over time, Fr. Daniel, along with his family, developed a strong relationship with these visitors. After his graduation, one of these visitors planted a seed in his mind and heart. “One day, a sister asked me, ‘Why don’t you go to seminary?’” Fr. Daniel says. “It got me thinking. I think God called me, and I went to seminary.” From there, his faith truly began to grow and blossom. The humble obedience that led to Fr. Daniel answering the call to the priesthood persists today. Wherever he goes, he brings a peaceful receptiveness to the will of God. “As a priest, I’m not looking forward to anything in particular,” Fr. Daniel says. “I only look to one thing — to move along with the people, to love God, and to love my brothers and sisters. I would like to walk with the people on the path of God. We are all walking behind Him on the path to the Truth.” Fr. Daniel has a special devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary, St. Anthony, and St. Padre Pio. These are the saints that have resonated with him in his spiritual life. continued on page 5
“I only look to one thing — to move along with the people, to love God and to love my brothers and sisters. I would like to walk with the people on the path of God. We are all walking behind Him on the path to the Truth.” — Fr. George Daniel 4