Cathedral of Christ the King Newsletter — January 2022

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Catholic Schools Week: Joyfully Celebrating the Blessings and Values of Catholic Education


atholic Schools Week is set for Jan. 30 to Feb. 4 and will be a time full of celebrations at Christ the King School. Plans are underway for the week that will allow our whole parish to understand why Catholic education is so valuable, both academically and spiritually. The week will begin with the 11:15 a.m. Sunday Mass on Jan. 30. During Mass, one of the students will talk to the congregation about what attending Christ the King School means to him or her. “There will be a different dressup day each day,” says Christine Gibson, guidance counselor. “There will be special events throughout the week. It’s such a fun week!” The students will hold their traditional canned food drive

to celebrate the community, with the items collected going to God’s Pantry. They will also celebrate their families during the week. “We have the students write ‘thank you’ notes to their families for that activity,” Mrs. Gibson says. During the week, the students will celebrate our clergy and parish staff by inviting them to lunch — with cake! On Thursday, the school will celebrate Student Appreciation Day, and the teachers will be feted on Friday with Teacher Appreciation Day. “Celebrating Catholic Schools Week is important because it’s a reminder to the children that Catholic school is something special — and continued on page 5

Inside JANUARY 2022

2 Stewardship: New Year's Resolutions 3 Start 2022 with a Clean Spiritual Slate 4 The Ora Pro Nobis Ministry: The Blessings of Prayer that Unite Us All 6 The Feast of the Epiphany Celebrating the Revelation of God to Mankind 7 The Diocesan Divorce Ministry: Offering a Valuable Way to Heal and Move Forward

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