Cathedral of Christ the King Newsletter — January 2022

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Connection The


The Ora Pro Nobis Ministry:


Blessings of Prayer that Unite Us All


ome of us have busy schedules that don’t allow much time for church ministry. For others, leaving home isn’t a possibility, so volunteering at church is tough. But every single one of us has time and space to pray. So, the Ora Pro Nobis Ministry is available and accessible to all. Ministry members offer themselves for any requests that hit their email inbox. And it doesn’t matter where the person lives or their religion — members pray for everyone. The Ora Pro Nobis Ministry is simple, says Administrative Manager Joe Buckman, who helps coordinate this ministry. People email with their prayer requests, and he emails them out to more than 80 ministry members. It is helpful when people write the prayer request as they want it shared with others. As we approach Lent, getting involved in this ministry is one way to increase prayer time. Praying for the intentions takes only a few moments. In

Children gather for the Children’s Rosary at the Cathedral.

fact, ora pro nobis is Latin for “pray for us.” “When I receive a request, I stop right away and pray a Hail Mary,” Joe says. Not only is this a perfect ministry for those who are busy or homebound, but it’s also a fantastic way to show hospitality.

We are showing that people at the Cathedral want to lift up others in prayer. “This ministry has benefits to you and the person needing the prayers,” Joe says. Because the person needing prayer might be in a dire situation, Joe tries to get the continued on page 5

“This is a way to develop our faith in the Body of Christ. It unites us as a church across physical boundaries. We are all united in our sufferings and humanness.” — Joe Buckman 4

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