Corpus Christi Catholic Church — 2022 Stewardship Renewal Handbook

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WELCOMING CHRIST 2022 Stewardship Renewal

C orpushristi C

c at h o l i c pa r i s h

HOSPITALITY Welcoming Christ


ospitality — being friendly and welcoming—is one of the foremost hallmarks of a stewardship parish. One of the simplest ways that we can show others the love of God is by helping them feel wanted, valuable and welcome. At Corpus Christi Catholic Parish, we want our members to feel like they belong to a friendly community, so that they can become engaged in the life of the Church. In keeping with this goal, our theme for this year’s Stewardship Renewal is “Welcoming Christ.” As Scripture tells us in the Gospel of Matthew, when we help or serve others who are less fortunate than us, we are loving Christ Himself. When we take an extra moment to smile at someone, or bring them dinner during a rough time, we are telling that person that they are “good,” and that we love and appreciate them as fellow children of God. This year, during our Stewardship Renewal, take a minute to reexamine yourself. Do you spend time in daily prayer? Can you make a concrete effort to help another person — be it a longtime friend or a new parishioner — feel wanted and appreciated? Will you give of your finances, one of your most valuable commodities, so that God can bless you and others?


“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” — Matthew 25:40



Spending Time With God In Prayer

e, as a community of faith, must remember that we cannot give what we do not have. In order for us to welcome others into the life of the Church, we first need to make sure that our spiritual lives are properly in order. To become a more prayerful person, take inventory of how you spend the 168 hours in the week. Are you taking time to talk to God in prayer, to speak with Him as you would a friend? Are you seeking His truth through reading the Scriptures? Will you make Him first on your priority list so that you are able to give to others from the graces He has given you?

COMMUNITY PRAYER The Mass is the highest prayer of the Church, and should also be the high point of our week. Consider making it your top priority to never miss a Sunday liturgy.

PERSONAL PRAYER Each person needs to spend time with God one-onone. A daily heart-to-heart conversation with Christ is the key to personal spiritual growth. Pope Francis encourages Catholics to spend 10 minutes each day in prayerful reflection. In addition, resources for prayer can be found at or on Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat or Divine Office.

FAMILY PRAYER “The family that prays together stays together.” Choose times each day to pray with your spouse and children: bedtime prayers, a Scripture verse at mealtimes, or a decade of the Rosary on the way to school or work. 3



Serving In Ministry

ollowing the example Christ set for us, we strive to offer ourselves in service to others. Every day, we have the choice to serve or to sit back; to get involved or be self-involved. This year, is God calling you to do more for others through service? As the pages of this book attest, there are dozens of opportunities throughout the year to serve others, educate our children, reach out to the needy, and much more. Your participation is welcome. Let’s work together to build a welcoming community as we serve God and one another.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Our children learn about God and prepare for the sacraments, thanks to the hard work of our Religious Education catechists. Will you use your gifts to help our young people grow in their relationship with Christ?

PARISH LIFE Our parish has a lot of ministries and means by which you can serve others, from ushering to cooking to community outreach. What means of service inspire you the most? Where is your conscience stirring, inviting you to get involved in our parish ministries to serve God and His people?




Generous Financial Support

hristian discipleship requires that we put Christ first in every aspect of our lives, including our finances. Are you grateful to God that you are employed? Do you recognize the blessings the Lord has bestowed on you financially? How will you commit to giving back to the Lord a portion of your income? As you discern the amount of your gift, remember that God calls us to give from our “first fruits,” not from our leftovers. Ask for the grace to put God first in your finances. At Corpus Christi, we give to God according to the scriptural “tithe”, which literally means 10% of one’s harvest or income. Each family is encouraged to break up the tithe as follows:

5% to God through the parish offertory 1% to the archdiocese 4% to charity If you’re unable to give the full biblical tithe right now, assess what percentage you can give, and then move up by 1% or 2% increments each year until you can reach the full 10%.

Guide for Giving 5%:

Annual income

$10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $100,000 $150,000

5% Weekly Gift

$10 $19 $29 $48 $67 $96 $144



Chat-n-Stitch meets in members’ homes for conversation and stitching. Some ladies make the Baptismal gowns for the parish. This ministry meets at 1:00 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Contact: Roz Willey, 314-604-8797,

Coffee & Donuts

Coffee & Donuts Ministry serves Coffee and Donuts after both Sunday Masses every weekend, except for the 3rd Sunday each month. Contact: Pat & Donna Myers, 785-218-3324,

Empty Nesters

Whether you are an empty nester, an almost-empty nester, or a no-nester, the Empty Nesters ministry includes parishioners — married, single, divorced, widowed, and otherwise – middle-aged and beyond. This ministry allows one to embrace their current life's status and share their talents with the Corpus Christi community through spiritual, educational, and social endeavors. Contact: JoAnn & Ken Clouse, 785-393-4441,

Friday Morning Coffee Group

Attend Friday daily Mass and then meet following in Shaughnessy Hall for fellowship, a light snack, lively conversation, and spiritual encouragement! This ministry meets every Friday morning after the 8:15 a.m. Mass in Fr. Jim Shaughnessy Hall. Contact: Larry Rockers, 785-841-1811, 6

Greeter at Mass

Welcome all those who come to the doors of Corpus Christi Church. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,


Ministry of hospitality, ensuring people in the church feel welcomed, are comfortable, and feel a sense of belonging. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,

Welcoming Committee

The Welcoming Committee hosts a Welcome Weekend table after each of the Sunday Masses the first weekend of every month. Our group makes a personal phone call to every new parishioner who expresses interest in joining Corpus Christi. We offer to help them navigate the various ministries and clubs at Corpus and introduce them to Father and other church staff at Welcome Weekend. We also give them a gift bag if/when they stop by the Welcome table on Welcome Weekend. Contact: Debbie Smith, 785-813-3098,

PRAYER Acolytes

Open to young men and women 5th grade or older to assist the priest, deacon, and sacristans in serving at the Lord’s table during Mass. Adults can even acolyte! Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,


The cantor serves to lead the responsorial singing with the congregation. Cantors should have some musical knowledge and be comfortable singing in front of the community. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,


We are continually looking for talented choir members and singers! Corpus Christi praise and worship would not be what it is without our talented musicians who help us to pray. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,

Communion to Retirement Communities & Homebound

Communion to the Homebound is a ministry that brings spiritual healing to those who are unable to attend Mass through the power of the Eucharist. In bringing Communion to the sick and the homebound, the Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist represents Christ and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the entire church community. Prior to any visits the ministry leader will train you and get you all the items that you need fir a successful visit. You will visit weekly on an agreed upon time and day. Contact: Cristy Sullivan, 785-843-6286,

Eucharistic Adoration

This is an opportunity to spend some time alone in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament; offer your spirituality the opportunity for growth. Contact: Margie & Doug Hinrichsen, 785-979-1894,

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Assist in administering the Eucharist during Mass. Open to all members of the parish 9th grade and older. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,

Family Rosary

The Weekly Family Rosary meets to pray the Rosary every Monday at 3:45 p.m. in the Church. Contact: Henry Wertin, 785-760-7499,

Handbell Choir

A crucial element to our most meaningful Masses and prayer services, we’re always looking for talented Handbell Choir percussionists. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,


We are always looking for talented organists, pianists, guitarists, flutists, and all other instrumentalists to help us enhance our liturgies. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,


Proclaim the word of God at liturgies. Contact: John Rathbun, 785-766-8363,

Men’s Prayer Group

Encourages men to become better fathers and husbands by growing in knowledge and practicing their Catholic faith and seeking Christ through prayer, scripture, and the sacraments. Contact: Kevin Roush, 785-220-5436, and Jim Lock, 7 785-550-4180,

Prayer Chain

Ministers of prayer are needed to keep the intentions of our loved ones in daily prayer. Contact: Margie Hinrichsen, 785-979-1894,


Corpus Christi Book Club meets to share and discuss a wide variety of books which we usually borrow through a program at the Lawrence Library called Bookclub in a Bag. This ministry meets the 2nd Monday of each month. Contact: Judy Randolph, 785-550-1455,

Catholic Moms’ Group

Women who meet monthly to deepen their spiritual and social life while growing in faith together. This ministry meets monthly. Contact: Jennifer Conrad, 785-766-6189,

Religious Education Volunteers

Volunteer to help with our Parish Religious Education Programs, VBS, Confirmation, and RCIA. Mandatory VIRTUS training for all volunteers involved with minors. Contact: Shelly Bole, 785-843-6286,

Social Concerns & Justice Committee

The Social Concerns and Justice Committee exists to encourage and support parish members in living out the Gospel’s social teachings through participation in charitable works, 8

education, and advocacy. This ministry coordinates current and future parish service opportunities such as Family Promise, Gift from the Heart, L.I.N.K., collections for Just Food and the Ballard Center, etc. This ministry meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Contact: Amanda Petersen, 913-961-8355, and Nancy Jones, 913-908-7284,

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee is at the heart of what we do as a parish and strives to lead, educate, and empower our parishioners in the pillars of Stewardship (service, formation, prayer, and hospitality). It helps coordinate our parish efforts, sets up ministry fairs, hosts an annual Stewardship Dinner, and helps form and execute all elements of stewardship at Corpus Christi. This ministry meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Contact: Sarah Aligo, 913-575-4368,

Vocations Committee

Our Vocations Committee exists to foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life, to guide and encourage our parish community in prayer and also assist in giving information about vocations, support and encourage promising candidates, and work together with the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations. Contact: Patricia McCaffrey, 785-313-3973,

SERVICE Altar Society Ministry

Do you appreciate the sparkle of a clean house? Have you ever used a broom or dust rag around your house? Congratulations! You have all the experience necessary to join the Altar Society ministry! The mission of this new ministry is to give God’s house a humble touch of cleanliness and to help care for our beautiful worship space. Supplies will be provided. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,

Assist with Cemetery Care

Maintains grounds at Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Lawrence. Work outside and keep our Catholic cemetery beautiful. Contact: John Chavez, 785-842-5602

Bereavement Ministry

As part of our service to the bereaved, Corpus Christi provides, a lunch/meal following funerals. These meals are made possible by our Funeral Dinner Ministry, which is made up of many parishioners serving as Team Leaders, Team Callers, Workers, Food Donors, and Clean-up Crew. Contact: Cristy Sullivan, 785-843-6286,

Collection Counters

These ministers count the collection from the weekend masses. If you can offer time after the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, this is an invaluable ministry. Contact: Gregory Pavlyak,

Daughters of Isabella

Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organization of Catholic women founded on principles of its motto: unity, friendship, and charity. Contact: Sandy Hare, 518-573-3478,

Donum Fidei Auction

The annual fundraiser benefits the parish school and the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). “Donum Fidei” means gift of faith; this fundraiser impacts the faith education of every child in our parish. Contact: April DelCampo-Mendez, 785-331-3374,

Family Promise

Family Promise is a nonprofit committed to helping low-income families achieve lasting independence by housing them quarterly at our facility. Volunteers minister in a variety of ways: engaging in conversation, preparing a meal, or reading a story to a toddler. Contact: Lauri Pilakowski, 910-442-7978,

Funeral Dinner Ministry

Be a part of a ministry that touches someone in a time of great need: plan, prepare, help organize, serve food, or clean up following funeral luncheons. Contact: Cristy Sullivan, 785-843-6286,


Gift from the Heart

This ministry serves approximately eight different organizations in the Lawrence community and more than 500 individuals are helped each year. Volunteers are needed to shop, organize, and wrap gifts collected at the parish for those in need. Contact: Angela Loch, 785-424-3821,

Just Food

The Just Food ministry provides food weekly for the Lawrence community food pantry. Corpus Christi Church is one of their largest contributors. Please bring food to the church at least once a month. You may use the blue bags at the back of the church or feel free to just bring non-perishable foods and put them in the large bins in the Narthex of the church. Contact: Kathleen Johnson, 785-843-6286,

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and Patriotism and open to all men of the parish. Knights recognize that their mission, and their faith in God, compels them into action to help our parish and those in need. Contact: Dustin Browning, 785-393-2316,

LINK (The Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition of Kansas)

The purpose of LINK is to share homecooked, nutritious meals to any member of our community who wants one. This 10

ministry meets the 4th Sunday of each month at the First Christian Church, 221 W. 10th Street, Lawrence, KS from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Contact: Jesse Smith, 620-249-6242,

Liturgical Commission

This ministry helps plan the Liturgical year and all special liturgies throughout the Church year. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,

Meals for Priests

Provide meals for our priests at Corpus Christi during the busy week when they are ministering to our community. It is a great way for us to serve our priests since they are serving us “the bread of life” daily/weekly. Dinners are provided twice a week. We ask that when you sign up you choose only one day per month so that others will have a chance to make dinners. If you are interested in making a healthy meal for Father, please sign up. Details will be given to you when you are an active participant in this ministry. Contact: Humbe Harper,

Parish Grounds Maintenance

Take care of our campus. We are in constant need of those who have skills or expertise in this area. Contact: Ken Clouse, 785-821-0691, and Larry Libeer, 785-393-4735,

Parish Mailing Team

Help with periodic mailings of the parish. Volunteer hours are how we manage the monumental task of mailing to our 1390 families. Contact: John Dahlstrand, 785-843-6286,

Parish Office Help

Consider becoming a volunteer if you have good communication and people skills. Volunteers will be responsible for answering the parish phone and directing people to the person they are calling. They will also answer the door and greet the people coming into the Parish Offices. Office hours are M-Th 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Contact: Kathleen Johnson or Kim Crannawitter, 785-843-6286,

Parish School Volunteer

Help in the office, lunchroom, at various fundraisers, special events, or activities we hold throughout the year. VIRTUS training is mandatory for all volunteers. Contact: Brenda Gayler, 785-331-3374,

Parish Social Committee

As the Body of Christ in west Lawrence, we have a variety of social functions throughout the year. This committee helps plan and execute all these community events! Contact: Debbie Vignatelli Konzem, 785-331-9111,

Every year a discernment process will be held to choose new members to serve a three-year term as a pastoral council member. This ministry meets monthly except for June and July. Contact: John Dahlstrand, 785-260-1570,

Retired Guys Ministry

Group of retired gentlemen that help with minor maintenance issues for the church and school. If you are handy and would like to help, this is a ministry for you. Contact: Stan Ring, 785-550-1889,


This ministry helps in the preparation for, and clean-up after, Mass. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,

Saint Veronica’s Ministry

Assists with laundering and prepping of all altar linens. Contact: Shaun Whisler, 785-843-6286,

School Commission

Help form and advance the mission of our school via recruitment, retention and growth; stewardship; alumni engagement; facilities planning; and strategic planning. Contact: Kirsten Wondra, 785-331-3374,

Pastoral Council

Ministry that sees to the pastoral/ spiritual needs of the parish, and serves as an advisory group to the pastor.


CHALLENGE YOURSELF RETURNING YOUR COMMITMENT CARD All members of our parish are asked to complete a stewardship Commitment Card. If you’re already praying, involved in parish ministries and tithing, we still invite you to participate in our Stewardship Renewal through filling out a Commitment Card. Make the choice today to be faithful to your word and to what God is calling you to this year.

TA LE NT (continued)

= Currently Involved = Interested in Joining



(contin ued)

= Currently Involved = Interested in Joining

“Give to PRAY ER the Most High as he has given to SERV ICE  Handbell Choir  Liturg ical Commission you, generously, according to your means. For  Instrumentalis ts  Meals for Priests  Lector  Parish Grounds he is a God always repays and will give  who Men’s Prayer Group Maintenance  Prayer Chain  Parish Mailing Team backFORM toATIO you 35: 12-13  Parish N sevenfold” — Sirach Office Help

y. Help us o that we You.

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us hearts. r finances s to You.

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Clearly write the first name of family member on the line.

Clearly write the first name of family member on the line.



 Book Club  Catholic Moms’ Group  Religious Education TIME TALENT

Spending Time withVolunt God eers Using My Talents  Social Concerns in& Parish in Prayer JusticeMinistries

Spending time in prayer isComm vitally ittee Reflect on the talents God has given important for our relationship with you. No matter how big or small; God. We do it not for ourselves, butrdship Comm how are you sharing them? As an Stewa ittee because we love Him. Consider a few of expression of gratitude for God’s the following prayer suggestions as an blessings, consider sharing your gifts Vocat ions Comm ittee expression of that love. and talents in our ministries below.

 


Please check the circle next to your commitments to prayer:

= Currently Involved = Interested in Joining Write the first name of the family member

who wishes to join or is active in each Sunday and on Altar Society Minist  Attend Mass every rythe lines. You may write ministry on Holy Days multiple names for the same ministry.  Assist a weekwith Cemetery Care  Attend weekday Mass once

 Parish School Volunteer  Parish Social Committee  Pastoral Council TREASURE  Retired Guys Ministry Offertory Gift  Sacristans Everything we have is a gift from God, Saint Veron Minist including our ica’s treasure. Out ofry gratitude, let us give God the first fruits  School Comm the leftovers. of these gifts, not just ission He will multiply the effects from our dependence on Him. At Corpus Christi each household is asked to give a specific percentage of income based on the biblical tithe:

5% to Corpus Christi


or more  Bereavement Ministry  Chat-n-Stitch  Attend Adoration once a month or  Collection Counters more  Coffee & Donuts Volunteer a day in personal  Spend 15 minutes  Empty Nesters Daughters of Isabell prayer or more a  Friday Morning Coffee my loved ones Fidei   Pray together with Donum Auction Group one hour a  Greeter at Mass  Read the Bible for at least Volunt eer week or more  Usher at least Family weekly or Promise  Pray the Rosary   Welcoming Committee

 Pray for an increase in vocations  Pray for our priest(s) and deacons  Pray for our active duty military


Amount each month: ________________________ Day of draw:  5th of the month


Weekly gift


x52 =


Authorized Account Holder Signature(s): I (we) hereby authorize Corpus Christi Catholic Parish to initiate the transaction to my account.

Spouse: First & Last Name

PLEASE ATTACH A CANCELED CHECK for the new or changed bank account you wish to use.

Spouse: Phone


x12 =



annually$96 cparish $48 .org $38 $134



Please discontinue my monthly envelopes


Credit/Debit Card information must be reentered this year.



Monthly gift

 20th of the month

My gift over the next year will total: ____________

Please complete either a weekly or monthly offertory gift:

785-843 -6286 | continued on next $50,000 panel Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion


 Set up a new gift  Change my existing gift amount  Keep my existing gift amount the same

Date: __________________________________________


C orpushris C ti

 Family Rosary

Member Name(s)

Signature: _____________________________________

1% to the archdiocese, and 4% to charities

 Funeral PRAYER Ministry  Go to Reconciliation every other Dinner month or more  Gift from Weekly giving based on the Heart Acolytes a spiritual retreat proportion of income  Schedule time for  Cantors  Just to  Choir  Invite a friend or acquaintance Food Weekly Giving Chart Mass c at h o l i c pa r i s h  Knights of Columbus  Communion to Retirement % of Hshld Income: 10% 5% 4% 1% Communities &6001 Homebound  Pray for the sick of our parish Bob Billings Household Income Amount of Weekly Gift Pkwy | Lawren  LINK ce, KS$2366049  Eucharistic Adoration Pray for my country daily $30,000 $58 $29 $6  more


My OfferiGIFT ng ofFORM Time, Talent & Treasure ELECTRONIC

$10 $14











continued on back panels

c at h o l i c pa r i s h

Please keep until Fall 2023

Frequency:  Weekly (Monday of each week)  Monthly (Specify day of month ___________)  Semimonthly (Will charge on 1st & 15th)  Quarterly  One time on the following date: ____________




I wish $______________ to be charged on the date(s) specified above. My gift over the next year will total: ______________________________


After completion, please bring this card to Mass on August 27/28, mail using the envelope provided, or fill it out online at Thank you and God bless you!

Card #: _________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________ Security Code: _________ Name as it appears on card: ________________________ Billing Address: __________________________________ City_______________________State_____ZIP_________

 I set up my gift at 

Please discontinue my monthly envelopes

6001 Bob Billings Pkwy Lawrence, KS 66049 785-843-6286

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