Families in Faith Catholic Parishes Newsletter — Mar/Apr 2022

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Skyler Nekoliczak Reflects on Her Journey “Home” through the RCIA Process


hen Skyler Nekoliczak “Before we got married, first met her husband, I saw how close his famTrent, she not only encounily was and how close his tered the love of her life, but parents’ relationship was,” she also came into touch with she says. “They explained the One, True, Catholic, and how grateful they were for Apostolic Church that was their faith and how it made calling her soul to come home. them better parents. Trent’s “My mom and dad were mother, Jackie, was my Methodists, and they went RCIA sponsor. She is so to church every now and awesome! His father, Tom, then,” she says. “I was bapcame to my classes every tized as a baby in a Methodweek, as well. Trent’s famist church. When my sister ily is such a big, awesome and I got older, we started Catholic family, and they going more regularly. Then, gave me a great example of when I started dating Trent, what it means to live a good I knew I wanted to share the Catholic life.” same faith with him, and he By opening her heart to was Catholic, so I decided to all of the graces of the RCIA Skyler and Trent Nekoliczak with their become Catholic, as well.” process and receiving the daughter, Blaikely, and Fr. Antony, 2017 Skyler began the Rite of love that our parish famChristian Initiation for Adults ily had to offer her, Skyler’s (RCIA) process in 2016 and received the Sacra“cup” was filled and she grew closer to Christ ments of First Communion and Confirmation and His Church in amazing ways. on Easter in 2017. Over time, she came to know “In addition to Tom and Jackie, Patty Harris Trent’s loving Catholic family, who helped her (who coordinates the RCIA classes), Fr. Antony on her faith journey in wonderful ways. and other devout Catholic couples came to the continued on back cover

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