Holy Family Area Catholic Community — 2022 Stewardship Renewal Handbook

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Stewardship Starts at Home

Holy Family Area Catholic Community

“It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us... Bring love into your home, for this is where our love for each other must start.” — St. Teresa of Calcutta



Stewardship Starts at Home Whether “home” is a studio apartment for one, or a house bursting at the seams with family, a stewardship way of life begins at home. Each household that makes up the Holy Family Area is a small part of our larger, extended parish family. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that each of our homes, “can and should be called a domestic church” (2204). That is why it is so important to live as Christian stewards in every aspect of daily life, beginning right in our very own homes. In the Holy Family Area, we have adopted stewardship as a way of life for our parish family. As we enter into this time of Renewal, we are focusing in particular on daily life within each of our “domestic churches” and asking ourselves if we are truly living as Christian stewards every day of the week.



Spending Time with God in Prayer How we spend our time at home says a lot about who we are and what is important to us. When we make God the center of our homes by committing to daily time with Him in prayer as our highest priority, He will transform our lives. How will you commit to use your time in the year ahead so that God is truly the center of your home?

Consider these ideas to help you get started:  If you are married, pray together each day as a couple. Start with a daily prayer that Jesus Himself recommends, the Our Father!  Commit to saying grace before meals and have every family member add a prayer of thanks for some blessing received that day.  Spend five or 10 minutes reflecting on the daily Gospel reading.  Remember that your home is a gift from the Lord — make sure that what you allow in your home (TV, Internet use, music) honors Him.



Finding Your Role in Our Parishes We have been created in the image and likeness of an infinitely talented and endlessly creative God. That means young or old, healthy or infirm, we all have talents. And God gave us these talents with a specific purpose and mission in mind — a mission that evolves and changes over time, but a mission that is meant to be ours for a lifetime. The first “mission field” of course is our own homes. Let’s ask ourselves how we can best use our talents in the year ahead to serve each other well in our homes, in our parish family, and in our wider community.

Pray about the following possibilities:  Commit to serving at a parish event or in a ministry as a family this year. (You will be using your talents and bonding as a family at the same time!) 

Parents and children alike can commit to one extra act of service to a family member every day (doing a siblings’ chore, reading to a young one, coloring a picture for a grandparent).

 If you are homebound, consider ways you can serve right from home — helping with phone calls or emails for a ministry, or offering skills like sewing or baking for parish events. There are countless ways to serve God’s kingdom.



Making a Generous Contribution “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7). We all want peace in our homes. God desires this peace for us, too, more deeply than we can comprehend. We obtain it by trusting completely in His love and provision for us. What does money have to do with this? For the true steward, money has a spiritual component. When used according to God’s will, our income becomes a sort of prayer — an expression of our devotion to God, and our trust in His plan for our lives. Our spending habits are also a reflection of what we value most. God asks us to trust Him in all things, even our finances, so that He can fill our hearts and homes with His peace.

Try challenging yourself in the following ways this year:  Take a look at your current budget and spending habits, and assess what expenses are preventing you from giving more selflessly.  Ask yourself if your family budget reflects your true priorities so that your spending is a reflection of the values of your Catholic faith.  Commit to giving a percentage of your income to God through
the parish offertory and be faithful to this commitment as an expression of your trust in God.  Choose a charity that you and your family are passionate about and set a goal of giving a certain amount.



2022 Ministry Listings HOSPITALITY PARISH HOSPITALITY The parish hospitality ministry promotes a welcoming atmosphere in the parish. The group hosts parish events like breakfasts, dinners, and other gettogethers. Contact: St. Andrew: JoAnn Masters, 320-564-2366 St. James: Cindy Staab, 320-769-214 St. Joseph: Karen Kling, 320-295-9062

YOUTH HOSPITALITY Provide a meal for the youth of our Faith Formation program on Wednesday evenings, or help to provide meals, snacks, desserts and more for other events.

Contact: St. Andrew: Kristy Rasmusson, 320-226-1188 St. James: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205 St. Joseph: Alicia Roelike, 320-226-4599

PRAYER EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Eucharistic adoration is the act of worshiping God as Jesus is present in the Consecrated Host. Since the Last Supper, when Jesus broke the bread and distributed the wine, saying, “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood,” Catholics have believed that they are no longer

bread and wine, but the actual Living Presence of Jesus, the second person of the Blessed Trinity. Spending time before the Blessed Sacrament, in prayer and devotion, is exactly the same as spending time before the living God. Adoration of Jesus occurs whenever a person genuflects recognizing Jesus present in the tabernacle, bows before receiving Holy Communion, or when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration. This devotion begins with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The Consecrated Host is removed from the tabernacle and is placed on the altar for adoration. The purpose of adoration is to grow in union with Jesus, who is present in the Eucharist. The Consecrated Host is placed in the monstrance which is placed on the altar. Spend some time in prayer, meditation, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Volunteers are needed to make sure someone is present at all times. Join us even if you can only stop in for a few moments. All are welcome! Adoration times are: St. Joseph — every Thursday 4:15 p.m. to 10 p.m.; St. Andrew — every Tuesday from 3 to 4:45 p.m., second Sunday 2 to 4 p.m.; continued on page 8


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION (continued) St. James — every Wednesday 4-5 p.m. Please sign-up if you are interested in attending.

Contact: St. Andrew: Kathi Gill, 320-564-2448 St. James: Claire Weimann, 785-657-0088 St. Joseph: Pam Jacobson, 507-828-1365

PRAYER NETWORK The Prayer Network prays for the needs of the parish, all the sick in the parish, and for special needs that arise. Join us in praying for our fellow parishioners. To get involved or to add prayers to the network contact us. Contact: St. Andrew: Patrice Schulte, 507-430-8303 St. James: Leader Needed St. Joseph: Karen Kling, 320-269-7878

PRAYER INTERCESSOR An intercessor is someone who chooses to pray directly and specifically for each Confirmation Candidate throughout their 2 year Confirmation preparation, or for a specific Faith Formation

classroom for a year or more. Intercessors will be a ‘guiding example’ of a prayer life; that prayer can lead anyone closer to Jesus, and in doing so, Jesus will enter into the hearts of our youth. Resources will be provided to anyone wishing to serve in this ministry. Contact: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205

ROSARY Join us for our parish Rosary 20 minutes prior to weekend Masses. We encourage you to come pray with us, and help lead the Rosary. All are welcome! Contact us to become a Rosary leader. Contact: St. Andrew: JoAnn Masters, 320-564-2366 St. James: Joann Evjen, 320-361-0402 St. Joseph: Dave Voller, 320-491-6436

SEVEN SISTERS APOSTOLATE The Seven Sister Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed by a woman from our parishes each day of the week for the sole intention of Fr. Paul — a “holy wasting” (cf. Mt 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. We have two teams of seven, who each pray half of a Holy Hour. Contact: St. Andrew: Nancy St. Sauver, 320-981-0522 St. James: Pat Niemand, 320-269-7182 St. Joseph: Pat Niemand, 320-269-7182


LITURGICAL MINISTRIES ALTAR SERVERS Altar servers assist the priest at the altar during the Mass and at various other liturgies. Those who are in sixth grade and above are welcome to serve. Contact: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION (EMHC) Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Confirmed adult parishioners in good standing with the Catholic Church are invited to serve. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are scheduled in advance. Prospective ministers’ names are submitted in writing to the Bishop for approval. Training is provided. Contact: Nancy Lonneman, 320-269-5954

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND As a support to the pastor, ministers bring the Holy Eucharist to shut-ins at home, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Confirmed adults in good standing with the Catholic Church are invited to bring Holy Communion to those who are homebound. Prospective ministers’ names are submitted

in writing to the Bishop for approval. Training is provided. Contact: Nancy Lonneman, 320-269-5954

GIFT BEARERS Individuals or families bring up the offertory gifts to the altar during Mass.

Contact: St. Andrew: Kim Rupp, 320-564-4204 St. James: Monica Dessonville, 320-226-4134 St. Joseph: Connie Pauling, 320-841-0277

LECTORS Lectors proclaim the Word of God in the first and second readings of the Liturgy of the Word and read the General Intercessions. Any parishioner in ninth grade or older with good oral communication skills is invited to participate. Training is provided, and scheduling is done in advance. Contact: St. Andrew: Kim Rupp, 320-564-4204 St. James: Monica Dessonville, 320-226-4134 St. Joseph: Janet Bosch, 320-843-4432


USHERS Ushers help to welcome the gathering assembly. They assist with seating, collect the monetary offerings, and hand out bulletins following Mass. Ushers should arrive 30 minutes before Mass. MUSIC MINISTRY The Music Ministry provides music for parish liturgical celebrations. Those who love to sing are invited to be a cantor and/or join the parish choir. If you play an instrument that is appropriate for the Mass, especially pray about sharing that with your congregation – we need your talent. Those who have been blessed with the gift of a musical voice or an ability to play an instrument are encouraged to share that gift with the parish family by joining one of the choirs or volunteering to cantor during Mass. Contact: St. Andrew: Beth Pullan, 320-722-0131 St. James: Julie Schacherer, 507-829-9435 St. Joseph: Pamela Jacobson, 507-828-1365

SACRISTANS The Sacristan sets up for Mass by preparing the sacred vessels, linens, bread, wine, and sacred texts for Mass and coordinating with the Ushers, Greeters, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors and Altar Servers. Contact: St. Andrew: Joe Fagnano, 320-564-3929 St. James: Joann Evjen, 320-361-0402 St. Joseph: Melinda Hedman, 320-226-9255 10

Contact: St. Andrew: Kim Rupp, 320-564-4204 St. James: Monica Dessonville, 320-226-4134 St. Joseph: Connie Pauling, 320-841-0277

FORMATION ADULT FAITH FORMATION This group is for adults who wish to grow in their understanding of spirituality, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and current issues relating to our faith. There is always more to learn about our faith! Contact: St. Andrew: Nancy St. Sauver, 320-981-0522 (different programs are run during the year) St. James: Leader Needed St. Joseph: Pat Craigmile, 320-855-2428 (meet on Thursdays)

BAPTISMAL PREPARATION TEAM Baptism of children in the Catholic Church is about our commitment as parents to raise and teach our children about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and to help them understand and practice the teachings of the Catholic Church. Baptism removes all sin and makes a person a child of God and

members of the Church. A prebaptism meeting is required for parents who have not already participated in a prebaptism program. The Baptism Preparation Team helps provide hospitality to the parents at the pre-baptism meeting, as well as, joining in the discussions after each of the talks. Contact us if you would like to be a part of the Baptismal Preparation Team. Contact: Leader Needed

CHILDCARE VOLUNTEERS The Faith Formation office is in need of Childcare Volunteers to supervise infants, toddlers and/or children during certain Faith Formation events to allow parents to be able to focus on the material covered during that event. Adults would need to be Virtus Safe Environment trained and pass a personal interview and a background check. Teens could also serve as childcare volunteers. Contact: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205

FAITH FORMATION Faith Formation is the parish’s vehicle to fulfill the God-given privilege and responsibility of educating our children in the Catholic faith. It helps to build our Christian community by sharing our Catholic community’s faith journey. It is the celebration of the parish’s Catholic life together through common prayer, service to others, social activities as well as liturgical celebrations. Contact us if you would like

to volunteer as a catechist, an assistant catechist, or a substitute catechist. Contact: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205

MARRIAGE PREPARATION An engaged couple must make arrangements for their wedding at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. However, contacting Fr. Paul 12 months before your wedding date is not too early for the initial contact. Pre-marriage instructions are required for all Catholics whether they are marrying another Catholic or a person of a different faith. Preparation with a Catholic priest is required even when the marriage will take place in a non-Catholic church. Contact: Fr. Paul Timmerman, 507-828-4339


LIGHTHOUSE MEDIA The Holy Family Area offers Lighthouse Media CDs and books for sale. There is always more to learn about our faith! We would like to start this at St. Andrew and St. James. Come by St. Joseph’s to check out the selection of educational materials. The materials are enjoyable, inspiring, and they change from time to time. We are in need of a new coordinator at St. Joseph. Contact: Leader Needed

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Join the team of those who are walking the journey with prospective candidates through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) process. Team members potentially serve as sponsors, attend sessions to grow in their own faith, and assist both candidates and the RCIA Coordinator with sessions. RCIA is open to all those who wish to be part of the team (volunteers) but also to all interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Contact: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205

YOUTH GROUP Our parish youth group seeks to bring youth into a living relationship with God and each other. With a love for the Gospel and a belief in the vitality of our faith, the youth group participants help shape our parish and prepare themselves to fulfill God’s mission in their lives. Youth participants and volunteer youth leaders needed at all parishes. Contact: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205

SERVICE CEMETERY COMMITTEE The Cemetery Committee assists in reserving burial plots, determines cemetery policies, helps monitor cemetery funds, and the upkeep of the local cemeteries. Contact: St. Andrew: Joe Fagnano, 320-564-3929 St. James: Lisa Malecek, 320-769-4693 St. Joseph: Joe Keller, 320-269-7247

COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its membership to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. The Council of Catholic Women lives out this mission in our local community. Contact: St. Andrew: JoAnn Masters, 320-564-2366


DECORATING COMMITTEE Volunteers are needed for both the planning as well as the handson work of decorating for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc. This group makes sure that our church environment is beautiful and inspiring. Volunteers with artistic talents are needed, as well as people who can generally assist with the preparation of the church for liturgical worship. Contact: St. Andrew: Kristy Rasmusson, 320-564-4006 St. James: Donna Hermanson, 320-444-8232 St. Joseph: Amy Reidinger, 320-269-6758

FUNERAL LUNCHEON VOLUNTEER As requested, volunteers prepare food for the funeral luncheon, serve the meal, and clean up the meal, following the funerals of parishioners. Contact: St. Andrew: Carol Beck, 320-564-4451 St. James: Joann Evjen, 320-361-0402 St. Joseph: Pat Niemand, 320-269-5954

HISPANIC MINISTRY The focus of this ministry is to meet the spiritual and physical needs of our growing Hispanic community, especially by promoting their involvement in the parish. There are Bible Studies, Apologetics, Praise and Worship nights, Adoration and other special events. Spanish-speaking volunteers are especially needed for this ministry which serves as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Contact: St. Joseph: Yonis Martinez, 320-226-0844

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus is a worldwide leadership organization for Catholic men who desire to grow in personal spirituality and serve the Church. They are founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. This organization provides men with a vehicle for building up the parish community and family life with an emphasis on family, youth, church, council, and community activities. Open to any practicing Catholic man over 18. Knights undertake a large variety of service and social activities.

Contact: St. Andrew: Ray Martin, 320-564-4529 (Council 6731) St. James: Travis Schacherer, 507-829-1098, (Council 6503) St. Joseph: Larry Schwenk, 320-905-6524 (Council 1551) 13

MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE Maintenance Committee helps to maintain our parish grounds. If you have experience painting, gardening, or doing minor repairs, we could use your help.

Contact: St. Andrew: Ken Rupp, 507-828-9200 St. James: Travis Schacherer, 507-829-1098 St. Joseph: Allen Jacobson, 320-321-2509

PARISH VOLUNTEER MINISTRY This ministry helps the Area Office with bulletin inserts, mailings, flyers and other events as needed throughout the liturgical year. Contact: Nancy Lonneman, 320-269-5954

SPECIAL EVENT VOLUNTEER Many hands are needed to help plan and carry out various parish events throughout the year, such as the Family Formation nights, Sacramental Preparation meetings, Totus Tuus, student fundraisers and other events. Special Event volunteers will be contacted before


an event with options as to how they could serve. Contact: Ann Voller, 320-226-5205

STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE The Stewardship Committee acts as the consultative body to the pastor regarding the ongoing stewardship efforts in the parish. It engages in reading and discussions on the meaning of stewardship in our lives. Members act as models of stewardship by engaging in a life that is committed to the Eucharist, prayer, service and ongoing formation. Stewardship reminds us that everything we have is a gift from God, and that we show our gratitude to Him by offering our time, talent, and treasure. The committee seeks to encourage parishioners to open their hearts, truly listen to the message of Jesus, and fully embrace stewardship as a way of life. Contact: Fr. Paul Timmerman, 507-828-4339

Prayer of the Good Steward Jesus, I give my whole life to You. I thank You for creating me, dying for me, and rising for me. In gratitude, I offer myself to You, asking for the grace to keep You first in my heart. Please give me a spirit of service and love so I can pour out myself for others as You did for me. Help me to use everything You have given me for the good of my family, my parish, and all around me. Amen 15

Holy Family Area Catholic Community 512 Black Oak Ave | Montevideo, MN 56265 320-269-5954 | holyfamilyarea.org Please Keep Until Winter 2022

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