FEB 2022
In This Issue: 2 How Can We Model the Faith for Our Children?
3 The Word of God: How Do We Hear It? And How Do We Respond to It?
4 Join Us For Our Parish Retreat A Unique Opportunity for Parishioners to Draw Closer to Christ
6 Valentine’s Day The Feast of a Christian Martyr
7 Lenten Small Groups: Engaging in the Faith and Growing Spiritually Together
Cathedral Servers Performing an Essential Role During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
erving at Masses at Holy Family Cathedral is different from any other parish in the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma. There is a high level of training required because this is, after all, the parish of Bishop David Konderla. “I am even more in awe of the Mass each time I serve,” says server Paul Louderback. “As a server, you are even closer in proximity to the sacrifice at the altar. There’s a profound sense of honor and wonder that comes with assisting the deacons and priests during the Mass.” Paul is one of our adult servers and came to participate in this ministry particularly because of his diaconate formation. He, along with men across the diocese, are currently in formation to become permanent deacons for the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma. Paul’s class is in their fifth year out of six and, God willing, they will be ordained to the permanent diaconate in June of 2023. Thus, Paul has served in this ministry for many years. “The first few times everyone, regardless of their age, is nervous,” Paul says. “There are many things to remember to do! However, once you have served a few times, you are better prepared to anticipate what to do and when to do it. Once servers are more comfortable with their responsibilities many of them get even more out of the Mass!” Children and adults can participate in this ministry. Each server needs to have at least received the Sacrament of First Communion, attend training, and be able to respectfully assist on the altar. Training sessions are typically scheduled following the annual stewardship renewal or when a group is interested. These training sessions are scheduled for either weekday evenings or Sundays between Masses. For special Masses, as well as our high Masses at 10 a.m. and noon on Sundays, we assign a lead server to help guide our servers with less experience or to answer any questions that may arise. Serving at Mass is also a great way to learn why things are the way they are in the liturgy. Why do the servers hold candles during certain parts of the Mass? Why do they ring bells during the consecration? Learning the reasoning behind continued on page 5 8TH STREET & BOULDER AVE • TULSA, OK 74119 • (918) 582-6247 • TULSACATHEDRAL.COM