FEB 2022
Lenten Small Groups: Engaging in the Faith and Growing Spiritually Together
ach year, as Lent approaches, we consider how we can grow in faith and offer sacrifices during this solemn liturgical season. This year, Cathedral Families invites you to consider joining a small group. Lenten Small Groups are actively forming right now and will be the start of small-group ministries at Holy Family Cathedral. “We got the idea from the parish we were at in Ann Arbor, Mich.,” says Becca LePage, who leads Cathedral Families with her husband, Will. “They highly encouraged all to participate in small groups. Will was a part of one for seven years and I was for three.” Will and Becca hope to form groups to connect people in similar states of life. Whether with an all-men or all-women group or in a couples’ group, this is a wonderful opportunity to accompany others on a similar life path. Groups will be capped at a maximum of eight people, but most will be between five and seven members. This allows for closer connections to be made and to accommodate schedules. “Will’s small group in Ann Arbor started with young, soon-to-be-married men,” Becca says. “Sometimes it was organized and they would do studies
on books of the Bible, other books or encyclicals, or something following the liturgical calendar. Other times, they simply just focused on the upcoming Sunday’s readings and took the time to reflect and converse over them.” In turn, these groups may also offer a chance for parishioners to gather to share in fellowship, pray, actively participate in praise and worship, study, and pray for each other’s prayer intentions. Small-group members will have a
valuable opportunity to walk with each other through ordinary daily life, as well as big life events — births, job changes, sometimes even the death of a child or other loved one — and know others are praying for them no matter what stage of life they are experiencing. Anyone interested in participating should reach out to Will and Becca and they will send the interest survey so they can connect people with similar needs and expectations. There is no continued on back cover
“When we recognize that we are on this journey towards Christ and acknowledge it is not easy, we look to others that walk similar paths. We don’t do it alone. We all need encouragement and inspiration, as well as people willing to carry our crosses sometimes to share the burden.” — Becca LePage 7