JAN 2022
In This Issue: 2 New Year’s Resolutions 3 Start 2022 with a Clean Spiritual Slate 4 The Thursday Evening Bible Study 6 Highlights of Our 2021 Stewardship Renewal 7 St. Gianna Beretta Molla: A Saint for Life
Office Volunteers: Faithfully Sharing Time and Talents to Make Our Cathedral a Welcoming Place
ur parish office is certainly a busy place, and there is always something to do — from mailing letters and answering the phone or door, to helping with recording sacramental records. The various odds and ends of operating Holy Family Cathedral are supported by a small, but devoted group of office volunteers. “It’s been more than 25 years since I started volunteering here at the parish,” says Rod Notzen, parish office volunteer. “I first started volunteering because they asked one Sunday for people who could type to help with counting money on Monday mornings. Before long, one of the other counters volunteered me to help even more in the parish office and I decided to do it.” Over the years, Rod has been blessed to get to know many of the people who visit the parish office. In addition, he has helped make connections between the faithful and priests they had known long before, and he has guided people to the Outreach program. continued on page 5
“It’s been a blessing for me to help in the parish office for Msgr. Gier, Fr. Jovita, and now Fr. Kastl,” Rod says. “They all bring a different dynamic to the parish office, but it makes it fun to come and help as I am needed.” 8TH STREET & BOULDER AVE • TULSA, OK 74119 • (918) 582-6247 • TULSACATHEDRAL.COM