JUNE 2022
In This Issue: 2 Keeping Our Stewardship Commitments in the Summertime 3 Embrace the Holy Spirit 4 Keener Family Shares Inspiring Journey “Home to Rome” 6 Technology That Keeps Us Connected to Our Faith 7 Totus Tuus 2022
Our Parish Nursery: Taking Care of Our Most Important Gifts
n the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). This is precisely what the Cathedral nursery exists to do. Located in the former chapel and confessional space downstairs, the nursery is a space for our littlest Catholics to be cared for during Mass and events. Milinda Sinohui has been serving as nursery coordinator since it re-opened in January 2022. “This is far more than just watching kids play,” Our Parish Nursery staff she says. “We operate this like a Montessori-style preschool.” Milinda makes sure the nursery is well-stocked with religious toys. There are also toys for children to mimic things they see at home — like a kitchen set, for example. Milinda also plans programming for the kids. On Sundays, the staff and children spend time reading the Sunday readings and talking about them. Nursery staff are paid and receive training. Milinda wants to make sure the nursery is the best it can be. “In the past, I’ve viewed a nursery as a cry room,” she says. “The nursery here is not that. It’s an opportunity for children to learn at their level.” Children ages 1 to 5 are welcome during Mass. There is space for 14 children. Children ages 1 to 10 are welcome during parish activities and retreats. Milinda and her husband, James, have five children. With the youngest two having special needs, the couple is so happy to have a space for their children to go during Mass where they can receive what they need. “It’s hard to be a mother or father,” Milinda says. “There’s such pressure to have your children with you at Mass. continued on page 5 8TH STREET & BOULDER AVE • TULSA, OK 74119 • (918) 582-6247 • TULSACATHEDRAL.COM