Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Newsletter — July 2022

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Meet Youth Ministry Assistant




or the parishioners of Imfor my relationship with Him. I maculate Conception Cathwas always coming to Cathoolic Church who have been lic Youth Ministry (CYM) at the around for a while, our new parish. I enjoyed helping with Youth Ministry Assistant isn’t a junior high and I discovered a new face. Aubrey Volpert grew passion for teaching the faith.” up in our parish and was greatly It was during an Alive In You influenced by his experiences conference and service camp in the youth ministry programs that Aubrey really felt the desire here. In fact, he was so impacted to spread God’s love through by them, that he greatly desired working with children and teens. an opportunity to work in youth There is a lot of pain and sufferministry as well. He prayed to ing in the world, but he realized God to provide him an opportuthat sharing the love of Christ nity to work in this ministry. was a very important way that “While I was searching for he was able to help others. my vocation and my calling, I “For the service part of the started to pray for a position to conference, we were helping in a open up where I could work in daycare in a really rough part of youth ministry," Aubrey says. the city in Mobile, Ala," he says. "One day, while I was at church, "It was very eye-opening to the Aubrey Volpert Christie Powell approached me experiences that a lot of these and said she was looking for an assistant." kids have. I wanted to be able to have an impact on Aubrey grew up going to Mass simply because these children. It is so important to have a firm founhis family was attending. But after being involved dation in God. Having that foundation can really help in several youth ministry programs, and then at- you through whatever you are going through." tending a couple of conferences and going on a In high school, Aubrey transferred to the Cathomission trip, he embraced his own faith and found lic school and began to discern the priesthood. He a deeper relationship with God. went to the seminary for a year and a half before he “When I discovered youth ministry within the discerned that God was calling him to a different parish, I really discovered my own faith," he says. "I vocation. He transferred to the University of Cenreally felt God’s love for me and I took responsibility tral Arkansas and received a degree in Communi-

"It was really cool for me to pray and discern where I wanted to end up in life in terms of a job and how to best serve God. It was such a profound message for me from God when I got a job here, coming home to Immaculate Conception." — Aubrey Volpert 4

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