Stewardship Renewal 2022 What Do You Seek?

2 “Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice” Ps.105:3

Conversion to Stewardship

Although man can forget God or reject Him, He never ceases to call every man to seek Him, so as to find life and happiness. But this search for God demands of man every effort of intellect, a sound will, “an upright heart,” as well as the witness of others who teach him to seek God” CCC para. 30. In the light of stewardship, we see life as God intended it to be lived. God created us for a reason — to be with Him forever in heaven. He created other things on earth to help us achieve this goal. Consequently, we should use earthly things to seek to grow closer to God or remove them if they are a hindrance. One could say that the “conversion to stewardship” comes when we truly believe that everything we have should be used for God’s purposes. This is the life of the steward. At the heart of this conversion to stewardship is a focus on the Pillar of Formation — one of the Four Pillars of a stewardship parish along with Hospitality, Prayer, and Service. The Pillar of Formation places special emphasis on individual parishioners trying to become more educated in and knowledgeable of our Catholic faith so that we can all better live out our faith in all areas of life. When we grow in knowledge of the faith, we are seeking after Christ Himself. And as we grow in our knowledge of Christ and His Church, we can’t help but grow in love and gratitude to Him as well. This leads naturally to good stewardship of all His gifts to us.
Each time we pray, we invite God into our lives at that moment, strengthening the foundation that we stand upon. During this year’s Stewardship Renewal, will you seek to strengthen your relationship with God?
• Utilize Catholic phone and tablet apps such as iBreviary, Magnificat, Divine Office or Hallow to pray and learn more about our Catholic faith.
Unlike our talents, which can be cultivated by practice, or our money, which can be recouped by more work, our time is limited and cannot be regained. This is one reason it is so important for us to use our time on earth wisely. How we spend our time reveals what it is we truly seek. Ask yourself — where does God fit in? What do you seek with the use of your time?
Strengthening Your Prayer Life
Stewardship of Prayer
• Go before Him in the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, giving Him thanks for the good things He has brought to your life and ask for help in the challenges.

• Pope Francis encourages all to spend time in prayerful study of the scriptures, asking God what He would have you learn about Him and His will for your life through His Word.
• Research the lives of the saints, read their works, and ask God for the grace to live as they did.
Seeking Christ with our Time
• Seek out answers to the questions you’ve had about our faith by talking to priests and knowledgeable parishioners.
Stewardship of Talent
• Search (the website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) or (the website for the Holy See) for the daily readings, documents regarding faith and morality, and wisdom from Pope Francis.
• Read one paragraph from the Catechism every day.
• Participate in faith formation opportunities available at our parish. Christ with our Minds

The work of stewardship and evangelization always begins at home — “home” in our own hearts, and then the “home” of our parish. Of course, a faithful steward seeks Christ by sharing his or her talents in service to others. But an important step toward growing closer to Christ is through a personal commitment to a life of seeking Him through formation in the faith.
5 Seeking
As Catholic adults, our continued formation is a talent we must cultivate for our entire lives. Whether it is regularly reading scripture, attending scripture study classes, participating in retreats, or engaging in meaningful discussions on the faith with our Catholic friends and fellow parishioners, there are many ways we can grow in our faith. There is no doubt we live in a world dominated by technology. This can pull us away from the spiritual life. Yet it can also be used to help us seek Christ. Thanks to the Internet and a multitude of “apps,” we have a seemingly endless supply of formational opportunities. Ultimately, by seeking Christ in our own personal formation, we in turn will have something more meaningful to give back to our loved ones, our parish family, and the wider community. Seek Christ by Deepening Your Faith
Stewardship of Treasure

6 Seeking
God has a plan for every aspect of your life, including your finances. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2404) tells us to be “stewards of providence,” and calls us to use our resources not just for our own good, but for the good of God’s work in the Church. Creating a personal budget is one way to apply God’s principles to our finances and become better managers of the resources He has entrusted to us. We must learn how to take the gifts God has given us — our skills, our abilities, and our income — and use them to seek after His work. Our parish invites each family to give 10% of its gross income to God 5% through the offertory and 5% to the diocese and other worthy causes — to give according to the scriptural tithe. In order to accomplish this goal, however, we also must learn how to manage the remaining 90%. By setting goals, creating a budget and sticking to the plan, and most importantly coming to a greater understanding of the role generosity plays in our financial and spiritual lives, we can all exercise good stewardship of our treasure. Will you work toward seeking Christ through a specific, percentage-based commitment to Him through the offertory? Christ with our Possessions
Just as time and talents are gifts from God, so too, are material things, or Treasure. And just as the use of our time and talent reflect what we are seeking, so too, does the use of our treasure.
Song leaders assist in leading the singing at the Masses. Michael Kelley, 216-374-8961
ADULT SERVERS Adult men of the parish serve at funerals. We welcome men whose mornings are free to serve funerals. Fr. Michael Troha, 440-942-4500
Communion at weekday and weekend liturgies, as well as take Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes, and in hospitals. Michael Kelley, 216-374-8961; Homebound MinistersElayne Kramer, 440-942-4500
ART & liturgicalDecoratingENVIRONMENTtheChurchforvariousseasonsandcelebrations. Maureen Hogan, 440-479-8255
The “angels” help in the weekly cleanup of the church on Monday mornings. They maintain all areas of the church to include vestibules, pews, sanctuary and sacristies. Marietta Simone, 440-479-7992
Michael Kelley, 216-374-8961
Michael Kelley, 216-374-8961
ALTAR SERVERS Altar servers begin to serve at Immaculate Conception during the fourth grade. Girls and boys are needed for serving Mass on Sundays as well as weddings, Eucharistic Devotions and other solemn occasions.

Liturgical Ministries
2022 Ministries
The choir enhances the Liturgical Services of our parish. Choir Masses are sung on a rotating schedule, and rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9 pm. Anyone high school age or older is welcome.
Pam Lann, 440-269-8057
a desire to serve the Lord are needed to serve as sacristans to prepare the church for weekly Mass, weddings, funerals, and other liturgical celebrations.
Spiritual Enrichment
Meg Radtke, 440-520-3363
AVILAS is a group of parishioners who meet to pray for an increase of vocations and for those who are priests and religious. AVILAS meets the third Tuesday of the month, beginning with Mass and ending one half hour after Mass.
Immaculate Conception’s liturgies. Their purpose is to make parishioners and visitors feel welcome with a smile and greeting. Children are welcome to join their parents to act as a family group of greeters.
Mike Zahler, 440-667-6083
Michael Kelley, 216-374-8961
Mary Ann Takacs, 440-946-5330
who come to
MASS GreetersGREETERSwelcomethose
are men and women who welcome parishioners and visitors at liturgies, assist in seating them, take up the collection and facilitate in the orderly reception of Holy Communion.

CHAPEL is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our Chapel has been open since 1986, and it takes many dedicated people each week to spend an hour with our Lord.
Scripture Readings at Mass and other liturgies. Beth Tigue Matos, 440-525-5578
Lee Jarocki, 440-728-6640
This Prayer Group prays for our country, religious freedom and government leaders. Time is spent in song, prayer and recitation of the Patriotic Rosary This prayer group meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 2:30-3:30 pm in Room 103.
The Legion of Mary is an apostolate of men and women seeking to grow in holiness through prayer, good works and evangelization. Active members meet weekly for prayer, study and engage in works that build the Church, such as visiting the sick. Auxillary members pray the Rosary daily. The Legion of Mary meets every Monday evening from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in Room 103.
Diane Harper, 440-413-3743
Elizabeth Alder, 440-521-1931
This group meets Wednesday evenings at 7 pm in the Immaculate Conception Chapel in the Rectory for prayer and the Rosary. Sue Cherry, 216-835-0992
Larry Schnieders, 440-951-5629
Striving to bring back into active participation in the Catholic faith, the Evangelization Committee reaches out to in-active Catholics to re-engage them with Christ and his Church. Through the Catholics Returning Home program and distribution of Catholic literature, they strive to welcome all baptized Catholics home to the Catholic Church.
Men of the parish gathering together where scripture is read and discussed, and time is spent in prayer, growing their relationships with God and each other. The Men’s Prayer Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the JPII Room.

VBS is a week-long summer event for pre-K and elementary school-aged children. A theme is presented through Bible stories, songs, skits, crafts, and other activities. Junior high, high school students, and adults are needed prior to and during VBS week for planning, registration, decorating, and for other activities.
Youth are formed in the Catholic Faith through instruction that encourages growth in knowledge and the spiritual life. Classes meet on Monday from 6-7:30 pm mid-September to the end of May. Catechists and classroom aides are needed.
This group of women meets monthly, joining together to strengthen their relationships with God through prayer, scripture reading, and discussion. The Women’s Prayer Group meets the fourth Tuesday of the month from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the SMR Room. Pam Consolo, 216-337-8278
Sr. Josephine 440-942-4500Rosoamampionona,
The Zion Youth Ministry is for students grades 6th through 8th. Through Zion, the youth of the parish will encounter Christ through praise and worship and forge fun friendships through activities and fellowship. Kwami Adoboe Herrera, 440-463-9315
Faith Formation Office
Sr. Josephine 440-942-4500Rosoamampionona,
RCIA is the means by which unbaptized persons enter the Church. Additionally, non-Catholic Christians enter into full communion with the Church, and Catholic adults prepare for the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation through this program. Volunteers needed: catechists, hospitality, assistance, sacramental sponsors. Deacon Paul Hlabse, 440-259-4067

This support group meets one Sunday per month at 12 pm to assist those grieving by being a source of love, care and support. Through prayer, reflection and conversation, we work towards the comfort of God.

GARDEN ParishionersCLUB“take ownership” of the parish flower gardens by utilizing their gardening and landscaping talents.
Colleen Royer, 440-463-5053.
Dennis Lann, 216-990-2121
Families are invited to gather in the parish gym on the second Saturday night of the month for prayer, fellowship and games, and to enjoy food and beverages. The evening begins with a group Rosary and a half hour presentation from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, followed by games for the kids and conversation for the adults.
Margaret Wissman, 440-479-4008
Anna Ranallo, 440-942-9285
The mission of the Greeting Card Ministry is to lift one another up, to provide encouragement and to celebrate, as they share God’s love through handmade greeting cards. They create hand-stamped greeting cards that are provided to the residents in the area nursing homes, homebound parishioners, and others upon request. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 6 – 8 pm in Room 103.
Parish Life Ministries
This ministry prepares luncheons for families after the funeral services of their loved ones. Members assist with setting up, serving the meals and baking for the dessert tables.
Lawrence Gradwell, 440-942-6196
Barb Schoen, 440-946-5939
Prayer shawls are lovingly made by volunteers and blessed by the priest for anyone who needs God’s love and prayers. Monthly meetings are every 2nd Monday at 3 pm in Room 104. Yarn is provided for members to knit or crochet the shawls at home.
The entire parish comes together the third weekend in July to sponsor the annual “Oktoberfest in July.” The core committee for Oktoberfest meets on the third Wednesday of the month from January until August each year at 7 pm in SJH Hall. New members are most welcome.
Our Parish Nursing Ministry has been newly created to help members in our community through nursing practices, according to the teachings of Jesus the Healer. Through this ministry, wellness checks will be available to our Parish community, which will include monthly blood pressure checks, hearing tests and temperature checks.
Greg Schmidt, 440-479-6234
The K of C is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization. Fellowship is promoted through educational, charitable, religious and social service. Meetings are held at IC on the first and third Tuesday of every month.
Brent Woerner, 440-655-6196
The entire parish comes together the third weekend in July to sponsor the annual “Oktoberfest in July.” The preparations involved are numerous, and we rely on the hands of many to successfully put on this event. Around 500 volunteers are needed for this event each year.
Mary’s Way Ministry is an international movement designed to support women and their families during the joys, trials and sorrows of the childbearing years and beyond. Mary’s Way Ministry’s mission is to cherish children, encourage families and build community. We offer peer support, mentoring and spiritual nourishment. The Mary’s Way Ministry meets on the first Monday of the month from 7 – 8 pm in the SMR Room.
Rose Hanslik, 440-951-8402; Ellie Dreher, 440-571-4117
Kathy Brazytis, 440-749-6109
Lauren Smith, 440-479-2574
Jeaninne Hozian, 440-667-7264; Marietta Hrach, 440-382-6980
Elayne Kramer, 440-942-4500
The Society is a spiritual organization that carries out its mission by helping anyone in need of food, clothing or shelter, from our parish or living in our parish territory. Meetings are held at 6 pm on the second Wednesday of each month in Room 104.
Members of this new ministry gather to make friends and maintain social contact. Meetings normally consist of activities such as cards, bingo, occasional speakers, entertainers and, hopefully, will include refreshments or lunch. The Senior Ministry meets on the first Wednesday of the month at noon in SJH Hall.
Sue Penicka, 440-375-1548
Volunteers from our parish go monthly to St. James Episcopal Church in Painesville and McKinley Center to prepare and serve a Sunday and weeknight meal to those in need.
Sue Penicka, 440-375-1548
The committee plans and presents various social events throughout the year, including Breakfast with Santa, Breakfast with the Easter Bunny, the Parish Picnic, Clambakes Anniversary events and much more..

The Stewardship Committee implements stewardship as a way of life in the parish. Members act as models of stewardship for other parishioners by engaging in a life that is committed to the Eucharist, prayer, service and ongoing formation.

This council is mandated by Church Law and is a consultative body that makes recommendations to the pastor. The members of the Finance Council are appointed by the pastor and include persons with skills in finance, administration, and law. There are six voting members whose three-year terms expire in a rotating manner.
Jeff O’Bryan, 440-488-5847
The council is a consultative body to the pastor to ensure that the mission and ministries of the parish are carried out. The six members serve rotating threeyear terms.
Elayne Kramer, 440-942-4500
Pam Lann, 440-269-8057
Sandy Smith, 330-801-6970
Members of the Society of Mother Teresa cook and deliver meals to the residents of Western Lake County who are unable to provide meals for themselves due to disability, ambulatory issues, or no family/ relative support. Members brighten their day by spending a few minutes visiting with them.
Prayer of the Good Steward

Jesus, I give my whole life to You. I thank You for creating me, dying for me, and rising for me. In gratitude, I offer myself to You, asking for the grace to keep You first in my heart. Please give me a spirit of service and love so I can pour out myself for others as You did for me. Help me to use everything You have given me for the good of my family, my parish, and all around me.
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The famous Christian author, C.S. Lewis, once wrote, “A person whose hands are full of parcels cannot receive a gift.” Stewardship is a life-long conversion of heart, mind and soul, so that we are able to receive God’s love and return that love to Him. The better we understand our Catholic faith and our personal role within God’s kingdom, the better equipped we will be to share God’s love and resources — our time, our talent, and our treasure — with others. This year, how will you take the next step in your journey of sharing God’s love through personal formation and conversion?

Time to Commit Call to Action