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Parishioners Lorie Ceremuga and Patricia Flynn Reflect on their Shared Faith Journey

Friendship plays an important role in our lives. Some friendships are forged based on shared values, while others happen as a result of mutual interests. Sometimes, we find ourselves connected on both levels. Parishioners Lorie Ceremuga and Patricia Flynn have been friends for over 30 years. Lorie and Pat met while working at the same company, having discovered many mutual interests including faith, traveling, and watching football.

To Pat, their friendship means, “someone you can trust in, have fun with, confide in, travel with.” Lorie agrees, adding that the two of them are “sisters in Christ.”


Lorie has been a parishioner at Immaculate Conception for many years, while Pat entered into the Catholic faith in 2014. A member of the Lutheran church, Pat initially came to Immaculate Conception to see Lorie serve as a lector at Mass. They say that moment was “a seed God planted” for Pat to eventually be brought into the Church.

Pat desired to learn more about the faith, which Lorie began to offer her. Pat then attended a Bible study with Lorie led by Deacon Paul Hlabse. Pat and Lorie attended the National Catholic Bible Conference where Deacon Paul and his wife, Joanna, were attending. There, Pat asked Deacon Paul if she could become a candidate for RCIA. She was confirmed in 2014.

Pat and Lorie support each other spiritually in their friendship in a variety of ways. When Pat needed surgery last year, Lorie was the one to bring her Holy Communion, for example.

“We pray together, we attend Mass together as much as we can, and attend adoration together at times,” Pat says. “We have traveled on many Catholic pilgrimages visiting places such as the Holy Land, Fatima, Lourdes, the Vatican, Greece, and Ireland.”

“We are members of the Padre Pio prayer group of Cleveland,” Lorie adds. “We travel from the Northfield area each week to attend Mass at Immaculate Conception, and look forward to the day of moving closer to the church.”

Both Lorie and Pat are very involved in our parish community. Both are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Legion of Mary auxiliary members, and Oktoberfest volunteers. Lorie continues to serve as a lector.

“Lectoring is a joy,” Lorie says. “As I am honored to proclaim the Word of the Lord.”

For Pat, the highlight of volunteering in the parish is the joy of getting to serve many parishioners, while Lorie’s highlight is being in the presence of the Lord and getting to serve our church family.

“God is our Father that gave us the church, and as children of God we are called to honor and support the church,” Pat says. “Our parish is our church family and, like our biological families, our responsibility is to care for them with the gifts God has given us.”

Lorie Ceremuga and Patricia Flynn have been friends for over 30 years. They enjoy serving our parish in many ways, including as Extraordinary Ministers, volunteering for Oktoberfest, and as auxiliary members for the Legion of Mary.

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