April 2022
oncept Monthly
I m m a c u l a t e C o n c e p t i o n C a t h o l i c C h u rc h
Lorie Ceremuga and Patricia Flynn
Reflect on their Shared Faith Journey
Honoring Christ in Friendship
riendship plays an important church, Pat initially came to Immacrole in our lives. Some friendulate Conception to see Lorie serve ships are forged based on shared as a lector at Mass. They say that values, while others happen as a remoment was “a seed God planted” sult of mutual interests. Sometimes, for Pat to eventually be brought into we find ourselves connected on both the Church. levels. Parishioners Lorie Ceremuga Pat desired to learn more about and Patricia Flynn have been friends the faith, which Lorie began to for over 30 years. Lorie and Pat met offer her. Pat then attended a Bible while working at the same company, study with Lorie led by Deacon Paul having discovered many mutual inHlabse. Pat and Lorie attended the terests including faith, traveling, and Lorie Ceremuga and Patricia Flynn have been National Catholic Bible Conference friends for over 30 years. They enjoy serving our where Deacon Paul and his wife, watching football. parish in many ways, including as Extraordinary To Pat, their friendship means, Ministers, volunteering for Oktoberfest, and as Joanna, were attending. There, Pat “someone you can trust in, have asked Deacon Paul if she could auxiliary members for the Legion of Mary. fun with, confide in, travel with.” become a candidate for RCIA. She Lorie agrees, adding that the two of them are “sisters was confirmed in 2014. in Christ.” Pat and Lorie support each other spiritually in their Lorie has been a parishioner at Immaculate Confriendship in a variety of ways. When Pat needed surception for many years, while Pat entered into the gery last year, Lorie was the one to bring her Holy ComCatholic faith in 2014. A member of the Lutheran munion, for example. continued on page 5
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