Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Newsletter — August 2020

Page 7


Maintenance Staff Works to Keep Our Parish Family Safe in the Face of Covid-19 P

aul Mrozek has worked at Immaculate Conception for nearly 30 years. As he recalls, the current COVID-19 pandemic isn’t the first time he’s had to adjust how he approaches his day-today work. “We've had SARS and H1N1 as a concern in this area in the past,” he says. “There were a lot of area schools that closed for a while for both.” At the time, when our parish school was open, Paul and staff used a fogger with a hospital-grade disinfectant to clean. The fogger is being used for the COVID-19 precautions. A new, batteryoperated fogger was also purchased. Don Glasier

joins Paul on the Maintenance team, while Daniel Norman and Erik Mrozek also help out part time. When churches were closed from mid-March until the end of May, Paul and the rest of the maintenance team disinfected the office and other areas. Paul also had an opportunity to catch up on various other projects, including some needed tile work. Now that church and the Adoration Chapel have reopened, Paul and the Maintenance team have had a lot of work to do. They have spent time roping off every other pew. And with the 12-foot pews, they added a piece of tape in the middle continued on back cover

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